Roxana Babayan's tour schedule in 1990. Roxana Babayan: biography, personal life. The creative path of Roxana Babayan

Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan have been married for almost 40 years. As the woman admitted, her husband had a presentiment of his imminent departure. Roxana Rubenovna before last days was next to her famous husband.

In the studio of the program “The Fate of a Man,” the singer told TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov about the difficulties family life With People's Artist RSFSR and how she said goodbye to him.

“Mikhail Mikhailovich was seriously ill for a long time. He suffered greatly in lately, but was the favorite of all doctors. With him any doctor had romantic story. Each doctor tried to get him back on his feet and hand him over to another. It’s just that everything came together in one knot: cardiovascular diseases, he was hypertensive... Every person has life stage, and then the Lord calls him. He is a spiritual man, we did everything right, as it should be in the Christian faith. He left calmly and freely, everyone loved him so much,” said Roxana Rubenovna.

The singer recalled that Mikhail Mikhailovich fell in love with her at first sight when he saw her on the plane - a group of artists was returning from a tour. Before the meeting, he only heard her voice on the radio. IN real life a fragile girl with an oriental appearance captivated him immediately. Despite the fact that Derzhavin was then married for the second time, to Nina Semyonovna Budennaya, and the couple had a daughter, Masha. Roxana Rubenovna was also not free - she was married to People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelyan. But despite the circumstances, Derzhavin and Babayan still decided to be together.

“My relationship with Konstantin was on the wane, the marriage existed more as a cover. The situation was absolutely harmonious. This is great patience, this is diplomacy, support. We got divorced within a month. Mikhail Mikhailovich’s wife was also ready for divorce. We didn't do anything bad to anyone. We didn’t injure anyone, we did it with God’s help,” the singer noted.

All their lives, Mikhail Mikhailovich and Roxana Rubenovna huddled in a small apartment on Arbat. The singer admitted that she never wanted to move to more spacious apartments, and for the people’s artist these walls were very expensive. “I understand what homeland is. Next to us was the Vakhtangov Theater, all the locals in Arbat knew my husband there. And there they simply formed family ties. Arbat, theater...” noted Babayan.

According to Derzhavin’s widow, his health was seriously undermined by heavy tours, flights, cold halls, and hours-long performances. Being sick, Mikhail Mikhailovich always went on stage. “And what are actors? Trains, hungry, icy scenes. Then you sit at the airport for days, and, given his chronic hypertension, he suffered. The performances, of course, were not cancelled,” Babayan said.

The singer shared that she had a warm and friendly relationship with Mikhail Mikhailovich’s only heir, Maria Budenna. “Mania is a part of my soul. Firstly, she has an amazing husband Peter, and secondly, grandchildren Petya and Pasha. They are my family, we have always had a very organic existence. Masha is not only beautiful, but also smart,” noted Roxana Rubenovna.

Babayan explained why she could not give Mikhail Mikhailov children. According to her, work and age played a role in this issue key role. “It happened this way, after all, we met as adults, not 18-year-olds. It was necessary to transform life, to solve many problems. Mikhail Mikhailovich worked and took care of his elderly mother. He was always the only man in the family. My father died early. He has two more beautiful sisters,” Bababyan said.

In the 80s, Derzhavin and Babayan converted to Christianity and got married. Roxana Rubenovna says that she was the initiator of the ceremony. “I offered him, and he immediately agreed. The baptism took place at our home, mom and all the relatives were there. He was a very human being. I didn’t persuade him, you can’t persuade him here,” the singer emphasized...

The artist remembered the words that she said to her beloved husband when they were once again going to the hospital, not suspecting that this couple of phrases would be their last.

“Teddy bear! Everything will be fine, come on, we have to go!” – shared People's Artist Russia.

At the end of the program, Roxana Rubenovna told the TV presenter what gives her the strength to live after the departure of Mikhail Mikhailovich. “If we talk about subtle things that we cannot comprehend... After all, for God the dead are still alive. Whoever leaves our world leaves only his suits here. I think he is young and handsome there. And everything is fine with him,” Babayan concluded.

“Alas, the miracle did not happen. Recently, Derzhavin was treated in a military hospital. I was seriously ill for a very long time. He had been in the hospital since the beginning of December. The doctors did everything possible and supported as best they could. But, unfortunately, the body could no longer cope with the ailments...”, Roxana Babayan told reporters.

Mikhail Mikhailovich devoted almost half a century to his native theater of satire. In addition, he played many roles in films that audiences loved. The favorite actor is remembered from such films as: “ Winter evening in Gagra”, “Three in a boat, not counting the dog”, “Old nags”. In 1989, Derzhavin received the title of People's Artist.

Mikhail was married three times. The actor lived with his third wife Roxana Babayan for more than 35 years. Mikhail and Roxana met in the early 80s in the city of Dzhezkazgan, where both were supposed to participate in a concert for military personnel. They liked each other at first sight.

After just three months of dating, Derzhavin introduced his chosen one to his loved ones, and he best friend Alexander Shirvindt then said: “We must take it.” And Mikhail took it... Although at that time he was married to Nina Budennaya, and Roxana was married to a saxophonist. Without hesitation, the lovers parted with their past lives and immediately submitted documents to one of the capital's registry offices.

The newlyweds' wedding took place in Sochi, where Derzhavin had to go on tour immediately after the painting. The celebration turned out to be very cheerful; the closest friends and colleagues of the artists gathered. Since then, over the course of 37 years of marriage, the couple have developed a tradition of celebrating the day they became husband and wife.

Derzhavin found his final peace next to his mother and younger sister.

    Soviet and Russian pop singer and actress.

    Biography of Roxana Babayan

    Roxana Rubenovna Babayan was born on May 30, 1953 in Tashkent. Roxana's father, Ruben Mukurdumov, worked as a civil engineer, and Seda Babayan's mother was singer and pianist. As a child, Babayan studied vocals and played the piano, but her father insisted that the girl receive a technical rather than a musical education.

    In 1970, Roxana entered the Tashkent Institute of Engineers railway transport at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering (PGE). In 1983 she graduated from the Faculty of Administrative Economics State Institute theatrical arts GITIS.

    The creative path of Roxana Babayan

    While studying at the Tashkent Institute, Babayan took part in amateur performances, took prizes at singing competitions. Then Roxana Babayan was noticed by the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelyan and later invited her to Yerevan, to join his team.

    In the capital of Armenia, Babayan passed a professional jazz school and in 1973 she became a soloist of the popular VIA “Blue Guitars”. Later, the singer moved to Moscow, where she was a soloist of the Mosconcert starting in 1978.

    An important milestone in the work of Roxana Babayan was the victory at international festival in Dresden in 1976. Babayan then performed the song “Rain” Igor Granov for poetry Onegina Gadzhikasimova and received the Grand Prix. According to the conditions of the festival, she had to partially perform the song in German.

    After the victory in German music competition festival, Roxana Babayan was invited to perform at the main song festival of the USSR - “Song of the Year-77”. Babayan performed a composition by Polad Bul Bul ogly to the poems of Ilya Reznik “And again I will be surprised by the sun.” Subsequently, according to the “Sound Track” hit parade of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, she entered the top six most popular singers of the USSR in 1977 and 1978.

    In 1979, at the Bratislava Lyre competition and at gala festivals in Cuba in 1982-1983, the singer won the Grand Prix. The late 1980s saw a new surge in Babayan’s popularity: from 1988 to 1996, she annually reached the finals of the Song of the Year festival with such hits as “Sorry,” “I’ll Say After Farewell,” “You Can’t Love Someone Else’s Husband,” “ Fellow traveler" and many others.

    In 1988, Roxana Babayan received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR and released one of her most popular records "Roxana".

    Babayan worked with many famous Soviet composers and poets - Vladimir Matetsky, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Lyubov Voropaeva,Viktor Dorokhin,Georgy Garanyan And Nikolai Levinovsky, and also fruitfully collaborated with the ensemble of soloists of the Melodiya company under the leadership Boris Frumkin. Melodiya released 7 vinyl records of the singer.

    Since the 1990s, Babayan began acting in films, acting in the theater and established herself as an excellent comedic actress, playing a number of character roles. On film set films "Womanizer" "My sailor", "Impotent" Roxana worked with Alexander Shirvindt, Irina Muravyova, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny and many other Russian artists.

    In 1998, Roxana Babayan tried herself as a TV presenter: for several years she hosted the program "Breakfast with Roxanne" on Channel One, and also worked in the program "Today" on NTV.

    In 2013, Roxanne returned to musical creativity, singing with a group Radio Chacha the song “Course to Oblivion” and starring in the video of the same name. A year later, she released the album “Formula of Happiness.”

    Personal life of Roxana Babayan

    Roxana got married for the first time in Armenia, when she served in the orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan. The musicians' marriage did not last long, but the former spouses remained good friends.

    Babayan met her second husband, People's Artist of the RSFSR Mikhail Derzhavin, in the early 80s at Domodedovo airport: the artists were flying to the city of Zhezkazgan in Kazakhstan, where they were supposed to take part in a concert for miners. At that time Derzhavin was married to daughters of Marshal Semyon Budyonny - actress Nina Budyonna, however, he quickly divorced when he realized that he had fallen in love with Roxanne. Babayan and Derzhavin got married in Moscow on September 6, 1980. The couple had no children.

    On January 10, 2018, Mikhail Derzhavin passed away. According to Roxana Babayan, doctors did everything possible to save her husband. “He died in hospital a few hours ago. He had been seriously ill for a very long time. He had been in the hospital since the beginning of December. The doctors did everything possible, supported as best they could. But, unfortunately, the body could no longer cope with the disease…” the artist’s widow told the KP publication.

    Babayan is an active participant in the protection of homeless animals, as well as the president of the Russian League for the Protection of Animals. In addition, the artist helps orphanages and orphans.

    Filmography of Roxana Babayan

    2009 Hanuma (film-play)
    1998 Diva Mary; Role: employee of Focus International
    1996 Impotent; role: Halima
    1994 The third is not superfluous
    1994 Groom from Miami; role: gypsy with children
    1992 New Odeon; role: buyer's wife
    1990 Womanizer; role: wife of Mikhail Dmitrievich
    1990 My sailor; role: musical instrument rental worker
    1978 Spring Melody (vocals)

    Roxana Babayan's childhood and youth

    Roxana Babayan was born in Tashkent on May 30, 1946. Her fate, perhaps, was predetermined by the fact that she loved to sing from a very young age and even then dreamed of a brilliant career as a singer. But the father did not allow his daughter to do her life’s work... She entered the Tashkent Institute of Transport Engineers, the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering. Fortunately, already in her first year, Roxana’s vocal abilities were noticed and she was invited to Konstantin Orbelyan’s pop orchestra. Roxana performed with the orchestra, and at the same time received technical education. She received a diploma from Tashkent IIT in 1970.

    Education: Unexpected decisions

    Roxana's first specialty is civil engineer. In the second (administrative and economic faculty of GITIS) - manager. Third (Department of Psychology, Moscow Pedagogical University) – psychologist. At that time, the already famous singer was accepted as a psychologist for a shortened course - only for pure specialization, because she received the general knowledge taught in universities as much as TWO times! Roxana has always been interested in psychology, in addition, her cousin has been studying personality psychology all his life, received the title of professor, and attracted Roxana to study the intricacies of the human soul.

    The beginning of the singer's stellar career

    The year 1973 was marked in the biography of Roxana Babayan with an invitation to Moscow to work as part of the Blue Guitars VIA. At this time, Roxana takes part in numerous competitions and festivals. And in 1976, at the “Hit Festival” competition, she performed a song written by the head of the VIA, Igor Granov. For the excellent performance of this iconic song, Roxana is awarded the first award in her life.

    Variety creativity of Roxana Babayan

    The victory and brilliant performance opened up new opportunities for Roxana Babayan. She becomes a participant in the all-Union festival “Song of the Year - 77”. In 1977 and 1978, Roxana Babayan was one of the six most popular female singers in the USSR.

    Formula of happiness Roxana Babayan

    1979 was remembered for participation in the Bratislava Lyra. Then, in 1982 -1983, she performed brilliantly at festivals pop song in fraternal Cuba. The result is that the “Grand Prix” of Cuban festivals goes to the USSR.

    The young singer became the muse of many poets and composers. She inspired V. Matetsky, A. Levin, L. Voropaeva, V. Dobrynin, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan, N. Levinovsky. That time was a time of constant touring, success and applause. Wherever Roxana appears, she is greeted with joy and warmth.

    After she began collaborating with the Melodiya company (80s), the singer released 7 vinyl records. Such hard work did not go unnoticed - in 1987, Roxana Babayan was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” In 1994-1997 The singer’s video clips for the compositions “Sorry”, “Because of Love”, “Ocean of Glass Tears” appear on the screens.

    Roxana Babayan in cinema

    The beginning of the 90s was remembered for Roxana Babayan’s first film roles. In addition to her main singing talents, she proved herself to be a brilliant comedic actress. Roxana Babayan starred in the following films:

    1990 “Womanizer” - the wife of Mikhail Dmitrievich;

    1990 “My Sailor” - musical instrument rental worker;

    1992 “New Odeon” - buyer’s wife;

    1994 “Groom from Miami” - a gypsy with children;

    1994 “The third is not superfluous” - psychic;

    1996 “Impotent” - Halima,

    2009 “Khanuma” - main role.

    Speaking about her role in the play “Khanuma”, Roxana Babayan compares it with a splash of champagne, the golden ratio of her creativity. Despite the apparent simplicity of the plot, Roxana conveys its essence - the kind attitude of a person towards his own kind. She believes that love and kindness will definitely win, and such forgotten justice will ultimately triumph. Thus, “Khanuma” became an example of absolute harmony. In addition to performances and feature films Roxana enjoys starring in various documentaries: (2011) “Mikhail Derzhavin. He’s still a “motor”” (2009) “A gentle ripper. Urmas Ott."

    Personal life of Roxana Babayan

    Roxana Babayan has been married to the main man in her life for many years - Mikhail Derzhavin. They are happily married and spend almost all their time together.

    What is the success of such family stability between two creative people?

    Roxana Babayan Her story

    Probably in Roxana’s confidence, which she expressed in many of her interviews: any relationship must be cultivated. She compares friendship and love to plants: some grow, while others break. And for a plant to live, it must be watered, flavored, cared for, and talked to. So in love, diplomacy is important, the ability to understand another, to treat some things with humor. There is so much wisdom in the words of the famous singer: “under no circumstances should you re-educate a person.” Just for harmony to reign in a family, two people who live nearby must correspond to each other.

    This is how the sprout of Roxana Babayan’s family happiness grew from small compromises and common concerns, which for many years did not wither, but rather became a strong, as she put it, plant. Yes, unfortunately, the couple has no fruits, that is, children, but Mikhail has a daughter from a previous marriage. Perhaps this is part of the reason that Roxana Babayan found herself in another noble pursuit - protecting animals.

    The future celebrity came into this world on May 30, 1946. Place of birth: Tashkent. Mother, pianist Seda Grigorievna, and father, engineer Ruben Mikhailovich, were infinitely happy about the appearance of their daughter. The singer's zodiac sign is Gemini. By eastern horoscope- dog.

    Singing has been Roxana’s favorite pastime since childhood, and a little later it turned into a dream about the stage. But the strict father did not share his daughter’s creative aspirations and forbade her to develop her vocal abilities. Ruben Mikhailovich intended to guide his daughter in his footsteps. It is in this regard that in 1970, having received a school certificate, Roxana took exams at the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers in the field of industrial and civil engineering.

    Despite successful studies at a technical university, the future artist does not stop dreaming of a career on stage and continues to sing. Thanks to this, at the beginning of her studies, Roxana’s extraordinary talent was noticed, and she made her debut as a singer in the pop orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan.

    In my youth

    The singer successfully combines frequent performances with studying subjects in her chosen specialty. But there is no longer any talk about work related to the technical direction.

    In 1973, the artist went to Moscow, where she was invited to participate in the Blue Guitars VIA. During this period, the singer's performance style leans towards jazz and Roxana achieves excellent results.

    The flourishing of a pop career

    In 1976, the singer took part in the “Hit Festival” competition in Dresden with the song of her mentor and head of the “Blue Guitars” Igor Granov. Thanks to her impressive performance, Roxana receives her first and, of course, well-deserved award here.

    From this moment on, the artist’s performance style leans towards pop music and Roxana’s pop career is rapidly gaining momentum, marking the beginning of a new stage in her singing life - the period of solo performances.

    In 1977, the artist participated in the all-Union festival “Song of the Year –77”, where she successfully performed the song “And again I will be surprised by the sun”, written by Polad Bul Bul Ogly. An unusually artistic manner of performance and a strong voice contribute to the singer’s advancement to the finals. After which popularity literally falls on her.

    Roxana continues to take part in many festivals all over the world. In 1982 - 1983 the singer performs songs at gala festivals in Cuba, thanks to which she wins the Grand Prix.

    Such success and popularity attract creative individuals to the talented artist.

    Poets and composers A. Levin, V. Dorokhin, G. Garanyan and many others certainly want to work with Roxana Rubenovna and do so successfully.

    During this period, the singer constantly tours. Her concerts attract huge audiences, applause and success everywhere.

    Of course, Roxana’s talent does not go unnoticed, and in 1987 she became the bearer of the title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.”

    Since the 80s, the celebrity has entered into a long and fruitful collaboration with the Melodiya recording company, which has released 11 records with her work over the course of its work with the singer.

    From 1988 to 1994, clips for the singer’s songs appeared on television screens. Interestingly, the first animated video clip created in Russia was filmed specifically for Roxana Babayan’s song “The East is a Delicate Matter” in 1991.

    Until 2000, the artist continued to give concerts and record discs. But gradually Roxana Rubenovna comes to the decision to leave touring, which she does without unnecessary farewell parties and concerts.


    In addition to her career on the domestic stage, since 1990 Roxana Rubenovna has begun filming in domestic cinema. The roles performed by the artist are mainly comedic in nature and she achieves them with extraordinary success.

    Films with the participation of the artist:

    — “Womanizer” (1990);
    — “My Sailor Girl” (1990);
    — “New Odeon” (1992);
    — “Groom from Miami” (1994);
    — “Impotent” (1996) and others.

    In 2007, Roxana successfully debuted on the theater stage in the play “Khanuma”, which becomes a kind of example of absolute harmony. The play talks about such simple things, like faith in the victory of goodness and justice, a warm attitude towards people around you and, of course, love.

    In addition, the actress and singer has participated in documentary films: “Mikhail Derzhavin. What a little motor" (2011) and "The Gentle Ripper. Urmas Ott" (2009).

    Personal life of Roxana Babayan

    For more than 20 years, Roxana Babayan has been living successfully and happily in a registered union with an actor. The couple spend a lot of time together and are absolutely happy. The couple has no children together.

    With Mikhail Derzhavin

    When asked how, for an unusually long time, spouses manage to maintain love, warmth for each other and protect family happiness, the singer claims that any relationship needs care, care and attention, seasoned with a healthy bit of humor.

    In addition, according to Roxana Rubenovna, under no circumstances should attempts be made to change a person; it is necessary to respect and conform to each other. Only in this case is it possible to live long and happily in a strong and friendly family.

    Roxana Babayan now

    After leaving the stage, the singer and actress took up self-development and successfully received another higher education in addition to the two existing ones.

    The celebrity's first specialty is civil engineer. Roxana Rubenovna received the second by entering the administrative and economic faculty of GITIS. Regarding the third, the singer chose the field of psychology, enrolled in a shortened course and successfully defended her PhD thesis aimed at studying the formation of personality at the time of adolescent development.

    In addition to possessing creative talents, Roxana Rubenovna takes an active part in helping animals living on the streets and is the head of the Russian League for the Protection of Our Little Brothers.

    For several years no one saw Roxana Babayan on stage as a singer. And now, having gone through a stage of a small creative crisis, she returns to the stage and already in 2014 records a new hit called “Course to Oblivion.”

    The track was written and performed in tandem with the lead singer of the group “NAIV” - Alexander Ivanov. It’s interesting that the artists knew each other long before the song was written and were even family friends, but none of them had previously thought about such cooperation.

    Following this track, others were written, no less emotional, including “Rolling Thunder” and “Nothing Lasts Forever Under the Moon.” Soon after the successful debut of the tandem, Roxana releases a full-length album called “Formula of Happiness,” which also includes songs from previous years. In 2017, Roxana Babayan released a video for the song “What a Woman Wants.”

    As for acting, in 2013 the artist took part in the experimental project “Man and Woman,” where she brilliantly played the role of the main character in one of Alexander Grigoryan’s films.

    Now the artist regularly appears on screens Russian television, in particular in the projects “Hello Andrey”, “Let them talk”. He also defends an active public position, taking part in animal protection activities.