Newspaper of the Chistoozerny district of the Novosibirsk region. Newspaper of the Chistoozernoe district of the Novosibirsk region Kulundinskaya new newspaper Chistousernoye new issue

“Kulundinskaya new”
No. 28, July 12, 2012
Ðåêëàìà 5
Stretch ceilings from 400 rub. m2. Tel. 8-913-775-28-62; 93-274.
* * *
Selling capacity, 26 cubic meters. m. Tel.
In the Zhemchuzhina Trade House (second-
* * *
Selling a house. Tel. 8-953-795-51-
Roy floor, children's department)
Tel. 8-913-758-88-45.
Selling « Nissan Sunny", 1990 67; 97-834; 8-913-484-77-45.
* * *
Seller required. Tel. 8-
g.v., hts. Tel. 8-913-451-72-28.
* * *
Selling a sauna stove. Tel. 8-
Gatel KamAZ; "GAZ-SAZ-4509", sa-
* * *
Selling or renting out a house on the street. 913-772-47-85.
* * *
moss truck, 1994, diesel engine,
Selling « UAZ-469", on the move, 15 Lenina, 117. Tel. 8-913-398-10-25;
* * *
Pure lake milk is a six. Tel. 8-913-004-13-48.
thousand rubles Tel. 8-913-209-20-42.
Seller with lambs. Tel. 8-
factory for permanent work
* * *
* * *
* * *
953-859-60-24; 93-100.
required: gas-electric welding
Selling VAZ-21061, 1996,
Selling GAZelle-2705, after
I will buy a house in the village. Tel. 8-965-
* * *
turner and gas-electric
color green, winter tire kit
accidents for analysis. Tel. 93-029.
Selling cow, 5th calf.
cook Remuneration – salary. zines, xts, 40 thousand rubles. Bargaining is appropriate.
* * *
* * *
Tel. 8-913-706-68-05.
Tel. 91-703.
Tel. 8-913-455-85-68.
Selling GAZ-310200, 1995,
I'll rent an apartment or a house. Tel. 8-
* * *
* * *
color white, xts. Tel. 8-913-931-62-
Siberian husky puppies for sale.
Selling VAZ-2131 Niva, 1999 14; 8-913-467-57-10; 91-362.
* * *
Tel. 93-349.
Urgently selling GAZ-66-15, bor-v., hts. Tel. 8-913-774-97-04.
* * *
Renting a home. Tel. 8-913-795-81-
* * *
tovoy, 1987, carburetor, hts.
* * *
Selling UAZ-4696, 1975. Tel. 60.
Persian kitten for sale
Bargaining is appropriate. Tel. 8-913-472-95-80.
Selling VAZ-2107, 2006, in- 8-953-882-43-75.
childbirth. Tel. 8-913-793-00-29.
* * *
spotlight, alarm. Tel. 8-917-
* * *
* * *
Urgently selling inexpensively 624-78-99; 93-307.
Selling VAZ-2110, 2003. Tel.
Selling a laptop, inexpensive. Tel.
I will sell piglets. Tel. 8-913-064-
VAZ-2107, 1989 Tel. 8-983-302-
* * *
8-913-751-99-99; 8-983-000-21-99.
Selling VAZ-2107, 2005. Tel.
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Selling GAZ-3110, 2002. color
Selling gas. stove, wardrobe,
Selling a house in the r. Chistoozernoe village
Selling « ZIL-43317", cargo
* * *
moray eel, hts. Tel. 8-913-380-08-74.
armchair, sideboard, washing machine. car, used, in or exchange for a house in the village. Zhuravka;
van, long wheelbase, 1994, engine
Selling VAZ-2110, 2002, hts.
* * *
good condition. Tel. 8-913-019-
I will sell the cow with its first calf.
I will sell YuMZ-6 with a coon and a plow. 81-00; 8-913-766-98-50.
Tel. 8-913-766-19-16.
Tel. 8-913-458-54-02.
* * *
* * *
To the attention of participants in common shared ownership
* * *
Sell ​​corner upholstered furniture and
Selling a three-room apartment.
on land plot with cadastral number 54:29:022201:42,
Selling Dnepr MT-1036, with a hallway. Tel. 91-008.
apartment in a house for two owners
located at: Novosibirsk region,
skoy, 1984, tow bar, documents,
* * *
(central heating, outbuilding
Chistoozerny district, territory of the Rodina collective farm.
hts, price 10 thousand rubles. Bargaining is incompetent
Selling Moskvich-2141 (motor buildings, bathhouse, garage, estate
walls, money immediately. Tel. 8-952-946-
Tel 06, mileage 43 thousand km, without caps. 16 acres). Price is negotiable. Ras-
The administration of the Elizavetinsky village council notifies the participants in the common share
repair, cheap); window unit, sale: sofa, armchairs, cabinets,
property howl about holding general meeting.
* * *
glazed, size 133x142, with
Date of the meeting: August 24, 2012;
bedside tables, double beds,
Venue of the meeting: Novosibirsk region, Chistoozerny district, village.
I will sell the IZH-Yupi-window motorcycle; gas cylinders, pain - wall, kitchen furniture set,
Elizavetinka, st. Central, 59 (building of the Elizavetinsky CDC);
ter-5", brass sleeve No. 16, No. 12. sew; floor scales, up to 1 t. Tel. refrigerators, gas stoves, electric
Registration start time: 09:30 Registration end time: 10:45
Tel. 8-913-205-02-57.
troplit, tables, wardrobe (all used,
Meeting start time: 11:00
* * *
* * *
cheap). Tel. 8-913-200-08-70; 91-
Sell ​​or rent
Selling a 5-mortar box for 506.
1. Approval of the list of persons whose land shares can be recognized as a sewage disposal machine. Zhiguli. Tel. 8-913-461-34-49.
* * *
Tel. 8-913-730-61-16.
* * *
I will sell a 5-chamber window with
* * *
Sell ​​horse mower; mosquito net (1380x1980), price
I will buy a GAZelle. Tel. 8-965-877 - trailer for cargo. mash. Tel. 93-054.
7400 rub.; ridge on the roof, 10 m. Tel.
in the newspaper “Bulletin of the Yelizavetinsky Village Council” No. 4 dated April 3, 2012 and 11-18.
* * *
posted on the official website of the Elizavetinsky Village Council administration in
* * *
Internet networks
I will buy a Jupiter-5 motorcycle. Tel.
Documents on the issue included in the agenda can be found at
address: Novosibirsk region, Chistoozerny district, village. Elizavetinka, st. Cent-
We express our sincere gratitude to the head of the Varvarovsk administration
Ralnaya, 52 (Elizavetinsky Village Council building) within 40 days from the date
Ferle Lyudmila Vasilievna, school director Lyudmila Alexandrenko
publication of this message.
Grigorievna, director of housing and communal services Leonenko Andrey Viktorovich, friends, colleagues
Voting on the agenda item will be carried out by raising the
Selling a house on the street. Gagarina, 36, for help in organizing the funeral of her beloved husband, father, grandfather Shits
ki. For registration and participation at the general meeting, owners of land shares in the sq. 1. Tel. 97-048.
must have with you:
Egor Vasilievich.
* * *
– passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identification document;
Wife, children, grandchildren.
Selling a house. Tel. 8-913-474-60-
– a document certifying ownership of the land share;
– power of attorney certified by a notary or a local government body;
* * *
The UV and NP Chistoozerny district expresses condolences to Kolosov
tion if acts on behalf of another participant in shared ownership.
Selling a house on the street. Vostochnaya, 43.
To Vladimir Nikolaevich in connection with his death
Registration of meeting participants will be carried out exclusively as indicated by
Tel. 8-913-757-21-69.
required documents.
* * *
For any questions regarding the organization and holding of this meeting, please contact:
Selling a house on the street. Sorokina, 111.
The Yablonevsky SDK team expresses condolences to Zenkova Ga-
to I. A. Radchenko, tel. 94-131.
Tel. 8-913-730-61-16.
Lina Petrovna, Valentina Petrovna Belozerova, Zinaida Maximova
Administration of Elizavetinsky Village Council
* * *
Petrovna regarding the death of her father
The administration of Barabo-Yudinsky s/s notifies of the
Selling a house on the street. Sadovaya, 89.
STUKANOV Petr Pavlovich
general meeting of participants in shared ownership of land
* * *
plot of agricultural land with cadastral
Selling the house, maybe for the mother's house.
number 54:29:041201:29, the meeting will take place on August 14, 2012 capital. Tel. 8-913-981-04-16.
STUKANOV Petr Pavlovich
year at 11.00 o’clock in the Barabo-Yudinsky CDC with the following story-
* * *
and express our condolences to Valentina Petrovna Belozerova, Maximo-
what day:
Selling wood house with all household items.
howl to Zinaida Petrovna, Galina Petrovna Zenkova.
1. Election of the chairman, secretary of the counting commission of the general meeting
buildings. Tel. 8-913-470-26-29.
Yolkina G. N., Korovina L. M., Marushkina N. A.,
2.On approval of the list of persons whose land shares can be recognized
* * *
Tkachenko E. V., Gershtein L. M.
unclaimed, and land shares that may be recognized as unclaimed
Selling a house on the street. Rabochaya, 116
(water in the house, there are outbuildings
The staff of OJSC "Chistoozerny fruit nursery" mourns the
3. On proposals regarding the land surveying project
buildings, garden). Price is negotiable.
death of a labor veteran
4. On approval of the land surveying project
Tel. 97-928.
STUKANOV Petr Pavlovich
5. On approval of the list of owners of land plots formed in
* * *
in accordance with the land surveying project
6.On approval of the size of shares in the right of common ownership of land
Selling a house, price negotiable.
plots formed in accordance with the land surveying project
Tel. 8-913-064-65-97.
The staff of the Chistoozernoye police department deeply mourns the loss of
7. On the terms of the lease agreement for a land plot located in shared ownership
* * *
to the death of a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Selling goods house on the street Industry
PIVOVAROV Ivan Dmitrievich
8. On the election of an authorized representative on behalf of the participants in shared ownership
Lennoy, 22. Tel. 8-913-009-05-24.
and expresses sincere condolences to family and friends.
At the general meeting, have with you: an identity document; document
* * *
ment certifying the right to a land share to representatives of owners
Selling a house (3 rooms + kitchen-
We deeply mourn the death
land shares also - a duly executed power of attorney.
nya, water, bathroom), there are household facilities. By-
PIVOVAROV Ivan Dmitrievich
construction sites, garden. Tel. 8-913-710-99-
A man of a kind soul, a caring family man, has passed away. We express
03; 8-913-754-72-77.
Condolences to family and friends.
On August 30, 2012 at 12.00 a meeting will be held in the building of the Novokrasnensky CDC
* * *
Neighbors: Tuchins, Mikhailins, Volosatovs,
participants in common shared ownership with cadastral number 54:29:032301:7.
Selling a comfortable house in
Shimko, Kudinovs.
Registration start time: 11:30, registration end time: 11:45, time from. Olkhovka. Tel. 8-913-746-82-74;
meeting starts: 12:00.
The administration and staff of PCH-75 express sincere condolences
Approval of the list of persons whose land shares may be recognized as non-
* * *
information to the head of the unit, Sergei Ivanovich Pivovarov, regarding the death
demanded, and land shares that may be recognized as unclaimed
Selling a three-room apartment
himself loved one- father
in a two-apartment house on the street. Step-
PIVOVAROV Ivan Dmitrievich
For registration and participation at the general meeting, owners of land shares naya, 1, apt. 2. Tel. 8-913-018-77-24.
must have with them: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document certifying
* * *
I express my most sincere condolences to Valentina Pivovarova
general ownership of the land share; power of attorney certified by
I will sell a three-room apartment
Petrovna on the occasion of the untimely death of her husband
tarially or by local government, if you are participating in a meeting, an apartment has been arranged in good
Ivan Dmitrievich
on behalf of another participant in shared ownership.
condition, on the street Pokryshkina. Tel.
Rudakova N. M.
The initiator of the meeting is the administration of the Novokrasnensky village council.
8-913-898-74-97. * * *
We deeply mourn and express our sincere condolences to Pivovarova
I will sell a three-room apartment
Valentina Petrovna and her family on the occasion of the sudden death of her husband
To the attention of participants in common shared ownership
furnished apartment in a house for two
PIVOVAROV Ivan Dmitrievich
for a land plot with cadastral number 54:29:032301:10,
owner on the street Rabochaya, 1 “a”, apt. 2.
located at: Novosibirsk region,
Chistoozerny district, territory of JSC Varvarovskoye.
There is a vegetable garden and buildings. Tel. 8-
The administration of the Varvarovsky Village Council notifies the participants of the common share 913-720-77-89.
The team of Rosgosstrakh LLC expresses condolences to Belyaeva
property on holding a general meeting.
* * *
Lydia Mikhailovna regarding death
Date of the meeting: August 24, 2012.
I will sell a two-room apartment
Venue of the meeting: Novosibirsk region, Chistoozerny district, village. furnished apartment with a loggia. Tel.
Varvarovka, st. Central, 33 (building of the Varvarovsky CDC).
6th grade students and the class teacher express their condolences
Registration start time: 09:30, registration end time: 10:45, time
* * *
Strack's message to Diana about death
meeting starts: 11:00.
I will sell a two-room apartment
arranged apartment. Tel. 8-913-474-
1. Approval of the list of persons whose land shares can be recognized 97-81; 8-913-746-40-02.
Polyanovskaya team high school expresses sincere condolences
unclaimed, and land shares that may be recognized as unclaimed
* * *
Novations to Viktor Robertovich Strack in connection with his death
I will sell a two-room apartment
A list of persons and a list of unclaimed land shares have been published
in the newspaper “Information Sheet” No. 4 dated April 2, 2012, and posted on the arranged apartment on the street. Mayakov-
official website of the administration of the Varvarovsky village council on the Internet. 60, apt. 1. Tel. 8-913-986-43-19,
We express our sincere condolences to Svetlana Viktorovna Luzina in
[email protected].
after 18.00 hours.
connection with the death of himself dear person
Documents on the issue included in the agenda can be found at
* * *
address: Novosibirsk region, Chistoozerny district, village. Varvarovka, st. Central
I will sell a three-room apartment.
naya, 33 (building of the Varvarovsky Village Council) within 40 days from the date of publication -
apartment. Tel. 8-983-124-72-49.
Chistoozerny district."
tions of this message.
* * *
Upon reviewing the specified documents, the participants in the common share ownership
Selling a two-room apartment
We express our sincere condolences to Filenko Maria Egorovna in connection with
authorities have the right to receive copies. Copies are made for a fee. Cost-
in the regional center of Kochki with land-
with irreparable loss - death
The cost is equal to the cost of making copies.
plot and outbuildings
For all questions regarding the organization and conduct of this meeting, please contact construction. Possible for mother's
The team of the MKU “Provision Center
to S.V. Chigir Tel. 92-534.
capital, documents are ready. Tel. 8-
Chistoozerny district."
Administration of the Varvarovsky village council.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one was found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify maximum quantity possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values is a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

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