Where is the package china post registered air mail. Tracking parcels from China by number. China Postal Services

“My Parcel” tracks not only postal services, but also leading courier services of the PRC. No matter who makes the delivery, with our help you can easily find out the location of the shipment.

Postal services China
  • China Post (China Post) is the postal operator of the PRC, delivering domestic and international items. The national company has 200 sorting centers located in all provinces of the country. Large terminals are located in Shanghai and Beijing. They are equipped with equipment that allows you to automate work processes, so sending international parcels through the sorting centers of these cities does not take much time.
  • EMS China Post (EMS China Post) is a division of the national postal operator of the PRC. The company provides express delivery services for shipments throughout China and abroad. On average, the delivery time for orders to Russia using this operator is 10-15 days, which is 3-4 times faster than China Post. However, the cost of express delivery services is higher.
China courier services
  • FeDex - international transport company, delivering goods from China. An important advantage of the courier service is that it takes care of all formalities related to customs clearance of the shipment. The downside is that FeDex specializes in transporting large consignments. This increases delivery time, since you have to wait until the complex shipment is generated.
  • TNT Express is a Chinese transport company that provides express delivery to Russia, CIS countries, and Europe. The best option for delivering large consignments, since in this case the service is relatively inexpensive (often cheaper than EMS shipments). But TNT Express also has a drawback - a low duty-free import threshold. In practice, this means that even for an inexpensive product you will have to pay customs duties.

We have not listed all courier and postal services in China. Their number is so large that it is impossible to do this within one section. Therefore, if you do not find a company delivering your order on this list, do not be upset. Enter the track number into the form on the “My Parcel” website - we will almost certainly help you find out where the shipment is located.

We will try to tell you in detail: about all types of delivery on Aliexpress, which delivery is better to choose, tracking of parcels (where to track), which delivery is faster, as well as the pros and cons of postal services. Below we present you the most popular postal services on Aliexpress:

China Post China Post Air Mail

(ChinaPost AirMail / CPAM) - for small parcels

Delivery time(how long does the package take): up to 60 days (on average 15-30 days)
Reliability: low
Weight limit: up to 2 kg
Pros: This is Airmail, parcels arrive faster than regular China Post, the cost of sending parcels is cheap, there are no prohibitions on goods, by the way, goods with free delivery from Aliexpress are most often sent by registered mail.
Cons: Although this is Airmail, it is still a slow delivery, although depending on your luck, sometimes they arrive in 10-11 days, and sometimes you have to wait about 50 days.
track number for China tracking Post AirMail: RA...CN (RA123456789CN) or RB...CN (RB123456789CN) - the first two letters are the type of departure, i.e. Air, then 9 digits are the number and the last 2 digits are the country of departure (ChiNa).
Description: regular Chinese international mail, probably 90% of parcels from China are sent by China POST. The word Air means that parcels are sent by air, and Mail means “Letter”, by the way, there is also China Post Air Parcel for parcels over 2 kg.
Official website:
Where can you track your parcel: China Post Air Mail parcel tracking

China Post China Post Air Parcel

(ChinaPost AirParcel / CPAP) - for large parcels.

Delivery time: up to 60 days (average 15-30 days)
Reliability: low
Weight limit: up to 20 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: No
Pros: low price, cheap shipping cost
Cons: although it is Air Mail, the delivery speed is not fast and the weight of the parcel is rounded up, which affects the cost (for example, if your product weighs 3.1 kg (3 kg and 100 grams), then payment will be for 4 kg.)
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: Track number for tracking China Post Air Parcel: CP...CN (CP123456789CN) - the first two letters are the type of shipment, i.e. Air, then 9 digits are the number and the last 2 digits are the country of departure (ChiNa).
Description: ordinary Chinese international mail, intended for parcels from China weighing more than 2 kg, sent by China POST. The word Air means that parcels are sent by air, and Parcel means “Parcel”; by the way, there is also China Post Air Mail for parcels up to 2 kg.
Official website: http://intmail.183.com.cn/icc-itemtraceen.jsp
Where can you track your parcel: China Post Air Parcel tracking

Hongkong Post Air Mail

(HPAM) - for small parcels

Delivery time:
Reliability: average
Weight limit: up to 2 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: picky about the contents of the parcel, they can sometimes refuse to deliver batteries and accumulators, cell phones and mobile phones (possibly due to the battery or accumulator), perfumes and perfumes, as well as lighters and goods that employees consider explosive.
Pros: cheap shipping costs and low prices, faster delivery times unlike the popular China Post
Cons: Although there are restrictions, if the seller specifies this type of delivery, then most likely everything will be delivered by this mail without problems.
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: Tracking number for HongKong Post Air Mail: Rx...HK (RA123456789HK) or Cx...HK (CP123456789HK) - the first two letters are the type of shipment (air, plane, sea, train), then the number itself and the last two letters this country (HongKong)
Description: if you have a choice between regular China Post and HongKong Post, then it is better to choose Hong Kong post, it arrives much faster, if in a nutshell it is an analogue of regular Chinese mail, but due to the fact that Hong Kong is a fairly developed region, delivery by such mail is really faster.
Official website:
Where can you track your parcel: Hongkong Post Air Mail parcel tracking

Hongkong Post Air Parcel

(HPAP) - for bulk parcels

Delivery time: up to 60 days (average 15-30 days)
Reliability: average
Weight limit: up to 10 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: There are small restrictions; sometimes they may refuse to deliver batteries (accumulators), mobile phones and cell phones, perfumes and perfumes, as well as lighters and goods that employees consider explosive.
Pros: low shipping costs and relatively fast delivery of orders
Cons: The main disadvantage is the restriction on the delivery of some goods, but this is not always the case, and if the seller offers delivery by this service, then you can order.
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: The HongKong Post Air Mail track number most often looks like this Rx...HK (RA123456789HK) or Cx...HK (CP123456789HK) - the first two letters are the type of departure (air, plane, sea, train), then the number itself and the last two letters this country (HongKong)
Description: international Chinese post Hong Kong, thanks to the developed infrastructure, goods are delivered faster than the similar ChinaPost
Official website: http://app3.hongkongpost.hk/CGI/mt/c_enquiry.jsp
Where can you track your parcel: Hongkong Post Air Parcel tracking

Singapore Post


Delivery time:
Reliability: high
Weight limit: up to 2 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: no restrictions, accepts any parcels that do not violate import rules
Pros: Most often, sending parcels using this service is free on Aliexpress, but not all sellers offer it, but it is one of the fastest and most stable postal companies, great for sending electronics and appliances.
Cons: The post office is quite busy, so sometimes there are delays in delivery.
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: A typical SingaporPost track number is RF...SG (RF123456789SG), RQ...SG (RQ123456789SG), RX...SG (RX123456789SG), RA...SG (RA123456789SG)
Description: Singapore international post, carries mainly Chinese parcels in large quantities, one of the fastest and most stable postal services on Aliexpress
Official website: http://www.singpost.com
Where can you track your parcel: China Singapore Post parcel tracking

Swiss Post Swiss Post

(Swiss Post)

Delivery time: up to 60 days (average 10-14 days)
Reliability: high
Weight limit: up to 2 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: No
Pros: Usually on Aliexpress this is in the category of “free shipping”, a fairly fast and reliable postal service, as they say, Swiss quality and service, parcels arrive much faster than ChinaPost, HongKongPost and SingaporePost. Excellent for sending electronics and equipment, delays are very rare.
Cons: on at the moment no and no one complained
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: Track number (track code) SwissPost usually RF...CH (RF123456789CH)
Description: Swiss state postal service. Created in 1675. Currently, they are one of the leading postal companies in Europe and are actively conquering the markets of Asia and China.
Official website: http://www.post.ch/en
Where can you track your parcel: Swiss Post parcel tracking

Sweden Post

(Swedish Post SwedenPost)

Delivery time: up to 60 days (average 15-30 days)
Reliability: average
Weight limit: up to 2 kg small packages, up to 20 kg large parcels and up to 30 kg EMS shipments
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: No
Pros: most often faster than regular Chinese mail ChinaPost
Cons: quite busy mail, the track number is sometimes poorly tracked
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: Sweden Post track number for parcels weighing up to 2 kg (small packages) Rx...SE (RA123456785SE), for parcels weighing from 2 to 20 kg (parcels): Cx...SE (CA123456785SE) and for EMS parcels up to 30 kg: Ex...SE (EA123456785SE). The first letter R/C/E is the identifier of the type of shipment, the second Latin letter from A to Z (allowing for the uniqueness of the number), then comes the 123456785 digital code (for the uniqueness of the number), and SE is the designation of the sender's country (SwedEn), although when it is sent from China also on SE tracks (apparently because in transit through Sweden).
Description: Sweden Post provides services not only to individuals or legal entities in Scandinavia, but also to large logistics companies. One of them is Direct Link, which is also part of the PostNord AB group. This company delivers postal items from the territory of China to its sorting center in Europe, where postal items are handed over to Sweden Post for delivery, or are delivered directly by the logistics company itself to the border of the recipient's country. When processing such items in China, Swedish Post tracking numbers are used.
Official website: http://posten.se/en/Pages/home.aspx
Where can you track your parcel: Sweden Post parcel tracking

YANWEN Logistics

Delivery time: up to 60 days (on average about 25-35 days)

Reliability: low
Weight limit: up to 2 kg small bags
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: No
Pros: not detected, although this is a fairly cheap service like with a track, but essentially without a track
Cons: a rather incomprehensible office, mainly used to send cheap goods, very poorly tracked, and then mainly only in China.
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: track number Yanwen Logistics SN... (SN14092001588), PK... (PK14081902532), UA...YP (UA105830254YP).
Description: It is a logistics company in China. YANWEN shipments Logistics are tracked only within the sending country, i.e. China. Once the package leaves the country (China), the track number will not be tracked. As a rule, YANWEN Logistics track numbers begin with the Latin letters SN, PK, UA, etc., followed by 10 or 9 digits and at the end two Latin letters YP.
Official website:
Where can you track your parcel: Yanwen Logistics parcel tracking

Finnish Post Itella

(Finnish Post Itella / Posti) - for small parcels

Delivery time(how long does the package take): up to 35 days (on average 15-25 days)
Reliability: average
Weight limit: up to 2 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: electronics that contain batteries or accumulators, for example mobile phones, laptops, tablets, mp3 players, etc., products such as tea, flour products, etc., as well as cosmetics such as mascara, lipstick, creams..
Pros: not expensive, relatively fast and high-quality delivery; on Aliexpress, goods sent by this mail are usually marked free delivery.
Cons: There are some restrictions, but if the seller offers delivery by this mail, then you can order.
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: ChinaPost AirMail tracking number: RA...FI (RA123456789FI)
Description: Itella is a Finnish postal service owned by Posti. Parcels often transit through Finland, but for some reason this is faster than directly from China to Russia. In general, a much faster company than similar Chinese postal services; if Aliexpress offers Chinapost, Singapore, Hong Kong or Swiss, then it is better to choose Itella.
Official website: http://www.posti.fi/private/postisservices/tools/itemtracking/index.html
Where can you track your parcel: Itella parcel tracking

Non-standard tracking numbers on Aliexpress

Sellers Shipping Method- a list of alternative services used when sending goods from China
WeDo Logistics- Track numbers of parcels sent via WeDo are as follows - WD016080250CN, tracked only in China via the website http://www.wedoexpress.com/index.php?mod=trackInquiry&act=index
17 Post Service– the track consists of 12 digits, the website is 17postservice.com
World-Shipping post– the track consists of 4 Latin letters and 9 numbers (WS123456789CN), website – ws-shipping.com
HongkongExpressPost– track – RT/FI/ RT123456789 FI, website – hongkongexpresspost.com
CNZExpress– track – S1234567, website – cnzexpress.com
Faspeed– track – RS/CN/RS123456789 CN, website – faspeed.com
China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus- tracks are sometimes similar to typical ChinaPost (RA180217850CN), but often not tracked, and sometimes can be tracked on the Yanwen Logistics website http://www.yw56.com.cn/english/DIY.asp

Courier delivery services

If goods from Aliexpress (from China) are needed urgently or the goods are quite expensive, then it is best to use courier delivery services, the main advantage is very fast delivery from a couple of days to two weeks, high reliability and the parcel is delivered directly to your home. More often courier delivery Aliexpress is paid and sometimes can even exceed the price of the product; it is most profitable to order products costing more than $100.


- (Express Mail Service), express mail, courier service delivery

Delivery time: 1-2 weeks
Reliability: high
Weight limit: up to 35 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: No
Pros: low delivery costs, reliable and fast delivery service, they deliver directly to your home by courier and if the phone number is indicated on the parcel, they call and notify that the parcel has arrived.
Cons: basically this is not free mail on Aliexpress
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: a typical EMS track number most often looks like this - Ex...CN (EA123456789CN, EE123456789CN, EV123456789CN)
Description: EMS Post (Express Mail Service) provides express delivery services for urgent documents and cargo from door to door in the shortest possible time.
Official website: http://www.yw56.com.cn/english/DIY.asp
Where can you track your parcel: EMS parcel tracking


- DHL Express Global Mail

Delivery time: 4-7 days
Reliability: high
Weight limit: up to 35 kg
Restrictions and prohibitions on some goods: everything that cannot be placed in the luggage compartment of the plane, since parcels are delivered by Air Mail.
Pros: one of the fastest postal companies on Aliexpress, very fast and reliable delivery in just a couple of days, delivered by courier directly to your home, they also call and ask the recipient for a convenient time for delivery of the parcel to your home.
Cons: quite expensive, more carefully inspected at customs, a lot of identical goods or goods worth more than customs limits - it is not recommended to order, as you will have to pay extra for customs clearance.
What does the track number look like (tracking number), example: track number for DHL tracking- 1234567891 ten-digit number consisting of digits
Description: DHL Global Mail employs specialists in the field of processing international mail, many offices around the world, one of the largest postal companies in the world, there are many Official website: http://dhl.com
Where can you track your parcel: DHL parcel tracking

Cargo delivery

These are private logistics companies that deliver and clear goods all over the world. Usually the cost of such delivery is about $10-14 per 1 kg of weight, and the minimum order starts from 5-10 kg. Finding Cargo companies and Cargo delivery services is not difficult, just type in Google “cargo delivery China”, then choose the office you like, make an agreement and they will indicate the coordinates of their warehouse in China and delivery methods or offer their services in finding suppliers in China.
Most entrepreneurs and businessmen most often use the services of Cargo, since these companies can easily find the goods they need at a low price (cheap), check the goods for functionality, clear customs, and even with average volumes, all this will cost less than using the services of regular mail.
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» uses many different delivery services from paid to free to deliver parcels. Store users select a delivery method when placing orders.

A huge part of the goods is transported by a Chinese company " China post", which we will talk about in today's review. In addition, we will consider how to track parcels from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

"China Post Registered Air Mail" - delivery service from China to "Aliexpress"

Delivery times for goods from Aliexpress to Russia

China Post delivery service on Aliexpress and on which sites do you need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

On the website " Aliexpress» Usually, approximate delivery times are indicated when placing an order. But these are only preliminary figures, which may not coincide with the real state of affairs.

If you order delivery of goods via " China post“, then the more expensive the package, the faster it will reach its destination. Usually delivery times by " China post» range from three weeks to one month.

But this only applies to registered shipments. As a rule, a regular parcel will travel from China to Russia from 1-2 months, depending on the region of residence and other factors. There have been cases when the goods arrived as much as 5 months later.

There were even funny moments. For example, a person made an order, did not wait for the parcel, opened a dispute on “ Aliexpress" and got my money back. But after that the parcel only reached him along with other orders.

To be fair, it should be noted that the parcel will travel through Russian territory through local transport routes. If you live in the distant outbacks of the country, and in your post offices Parcels take quite a long time to process, so you shouldn’t count on receiving your goods quickly.

You can also add that in holidays China's post offices can be overloaded with parcels, which also affects delivery speeds.

On which websites can you track a parcel from Aliexpress?

What is clear is that after placing and paying for the order on “ Aliexpress", the buyer will not be able to sit quietly and wait for the goods. He will simply need to periodically track the movement of his parcel, first across the territory of China, then in his own country.

Tracking helps you see where a package is currently located and how long it has been at that location.

Track your parcel delivered using " China post“To Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine you can do it in the same way as in all other cases. You just need to copy the track number in your “ Personal account » on the website of the online store and go to the corresponding resource for tracking postal items. Let's list some of these sites.

  • Company website " China post»

China Post delivery service on Aliexpress and on which sites do you need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

  • Website " Where is the package»

China Post delivery service on Aliexpress and on which sites do you need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

  • Website " Postal Ninja»

Delivery service "China Post" on "Aliexpress" and on which sites do you need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan? In your personal account "in the paragraph " My orders» Copy the track number that will be on the page of the order sent to you.

After that, go to the specified website, enter this track number in the field, as seen in the screenshot, and click on the “ Track your parcel" Below you will see a list of post offices where your parcel has been and where it is currently located:

China Post delivery service on Aliexpress and on which sites do you need to track delivery from China to the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan?

China Post is now a large and influential service. Chinese goods Nowadays they are very popular, the lion's share of things on EBAY comes from China. For this reason, many would like to learn more about the features of its work, as well as how to track parcels that come from China. In this article we will briefly tell you about it.

General information

China Post has a very ancient history, the first information about postal services dates back to the times of the first millennium BC, during the Zhou Dynasty, when an organized messenger service already existed. In the 12th century, a regular courier service was actively operating in China, which included ten thousand “postal posts.” At the beginning of the 20th century, China became part of the Universal Postal Union (CPU).

From that moment on, the new birth of the Chinese Post began. She has come a long way and has finally formed into 1949 year. Nowadays, China Post has a developed infrastructure and is a major state-owned enterprise. China Post is responsible for both domestic and international shipments.

China Post: reception and dispatch

Main postal centers PRC are cities such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. If you buy something from China in online stores, you should keep in mind that the most developed, modern and fastest post offices are located in Shanghai and Beijing. In contrast, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are different in that mail processing there is very slow. As a rule, in any online store information is available about where the shipment is made and where the warehouses are located.

China Post is regulated by international standards, according to which it is permissible to send by regular mail parcels weighing up to 20 kg, and if using EMS - up to 31 kg.

The process of registering a parcel is carried out remotely, which means that the seller may not even leave home in order to process the shipment and receive a special tracking number. This significantly speeds up the process, and the buyer only needs to pay for the order in order to immediately receive the required track number. Of course, this also applies to online submissions. In other cases, when the entire process takes place at post offices, it may take several days after payment for the order before the package is sent.

It is worth noting that large trading companies, as well as online stores, use the services of intermediaries - the so-called. logistics services who are involved in processing the shipment and delivering the parcel to the post office. When the package finally reaches its first destination - China Post, it will have to go through standard procedures - customs clearance, sorting and preparation for export. And finally, after all this, the package goes on its way to its recipient.

China Post: Parcel tracking

China Post allows all its customers to track letters or parcels that were sent with its help. China Post Official Website has two versions: English and Chinese. The service also has a special website that is designed specifically for tracking. Unfortunately, she is only on Chinese, however, everything is intuitive there. You just need to enter the track number in the required window, and below verification code. Then you can easily find out about the fate of the parcel.

In addition, it is worth mentioning a special branch of China Post - EMS China Post. This is an express delivery service and its track number is different. EMS has its own official website: the main one in Chinese and an additional one in English. Of course, it also has a separate page designed specifically for tracking postal items. Her address: http://www.ems.com.cn/mailtracking/e_you_jian_cha_xun.html

Tracking parcels from China and other countries

4.4 (87.91%) 1651 ratings.

Don't know where your package is? We offer you a list the best tools to track parcels from any stores, including Aliexpress standard shipping and Ebay.
Modern postal services provide tracking number postal item so that the recipient can track yourself where is the parcel located? Let's look at how this can be done using the example of tracking mail items by ID from China.

How to find out where your package is online:

Enter the track code, click “track” and find where your parcel is located.

Where is my package? Manual parcel tracking option

If you want check tracking numbers with maximum convenience, and find out where your parcel is currently located, then universal online trackers for searching postal items will help you:

Advanced package tracking option

In principle, there is little point in updating the status of parcels more than once a day. But if you want to track your parcel as accurately as possible, you can do the following:
1. If sent by Airmail (China post Registered Airmail) then first track the parcel before import:
ChinaPost (China Post) -
HongkongPost (Hong Kong Post) -
SingaporePost (Singapore Post) -
and after import you continue to track (until receipt) here:
Post office -
2.If sent via EMS (EMS China Post Express Mail Service), then we also divide the procedure into two stages.
Track to import (check whether shipped from China or not):

after import:

In addition, if the parcel is delivered by the EMS service, you can always call their operators and clarify current data about the parcel by calling 8-800-200-50-55 (24 hours a day, free calls from anywhere in Russia)

Statistics of shipment times

Information on delivery times for parcels can be viewed on the statistics server

Bonus! Parcel tracking software

Do you want to find out where your package is without going to websites? You can install a parcel tracking program on your computer that will automatically check the status of an unlimited number of track codes!

This option (it seems a little ineffective to me, but oh well) suggests installing a special program on your computer (connected to the Internet).
I won’t describe this option in detail, I’ll just provide links and screenshots:


Tracking postal items via mobile devices:

Track your parcel using mobile devices.
The official Russian Post application is available for devices and .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does NULL status mean (response from user nickname CTRL-F)
As China Post explains to its customers - the introduction of new statuses in tracking international shipments is intended to remove the accusation against China's post office of unreasonably increasing the delivery time for parcels to Russia, etc. NULL status – the parcel is not in China (it has already cleared customs and is interpreted as an airplane departure). The next entries after NULL are information about transit movement at airports along the route of the parcel (airport coding according to IATA). Example PEK - Beijing, PVG - Shanghai, FRA - Frankfurt. And the last entry is the destination country code. This information was sent to me by my regular supplier from China.
And with the help of this tool (), you can check the correctness of the track number, as well as calculate the verification code using the known track number of your parcel.