Where is the forgotten singer Vitas now? Vitas quietly left: the Russian stage has lost a bright performer Vitas what is he doing now

Biography and family scandalous famous singer Vitas

Formation of talent

Vitaly Vladasovich Grachev, born on February 19, 1979 in Latvia, the city of Daugavpils, performs under the pseudonym “Vitas”. His family has nothing to do with music; while the father saw his son as a football player, and the grandfather as a military man, the child dreamed of art and musical creativity.

Vitaly spent his childhood in Odessa, where the family moved shortly after his birth. There the boy learned to play the accordion, took up drawing, developed body flexibility, and was able to well parody male and female voices.

The talent of the future singer prompted him to go to Moscow as a teenager: at the age of 14, after finishing ninth grade, Vitas, together with producer Sergei Pudovkin, went to the Mother See. He began performing at concerts, but success did not come to him immediately - for several years the young man could not break into show business and win fame.

Vitaly Grachev's solo career began in 2000; his falsetto voice, artistic abilities, along with his unusual appearance shocked the public. It is a well-known fact that with his unique voice the young man can reach five and a half octaves, thereby surpassing Sergei Penkin, the owner of a “silver” voice of 4 octaves.

The public liked the first video clip for the debut composition “Opera No. 2” thanks to its unusual combination unique voice, a strange image and a solid video sequence. It was filmed in a Vietnamese temple, after which, according to rumors, the singer was attracted to Eastern philosophy; they say that during a trip to Tibet, a young man underwent the rite of initiation into a monk.

After the first video aired, Vitas had his first fans and spiteful critics who spread various rumors. Some believed that there was no talent, and the singer was singing to a soundtrack. Others believed that the falsetto and amazing voice were a consequence of the presence of gills on the body.

Vitaly is an accomplice in several criminal cases: he was twice deprived of his driver's license and accused of illegally selling weapons. But all these proceedings ended happily for the star.

Vitas experienced two peaks of fame: first in Russia, then in China, and in the latter case his success was stunning; a monument was even erected in Shanghai in honor of the singer. In this eastern country, he realized his talent as an actor and starred in several popular films from 2009 to 2012.

Since 2000, the star has released more than 20 albums, at least 14 of which have become widely known. The last one (“Just for you”) was recorded in 2016.

Who is Vitas' wife?

Vitaly is a monogamous man, and his personal life began quite early: at the age of 19, when fame began to come to him, the young man fell in love with 15-year-old Svetlana Granovskaya. He met her among his fans, immediately realizing that this was his destiny.

Having met his future wife in Odessa, the singer decided to take a step unusual for him: he stole a young girl, taking her to Moscow. The relationship between them began immediately, and age was not an obstacle to feelings.

Vitas hid his relationship for a long time. The first reason why he did this was due to Svetlana's young age. The unhealthy activity of other fans, their envy and threats turned out to be the second reason. And the third is the reluctance to advertise your personal life.

Due to constant attacks from ill-wishers, angry letters and insults, the man was forced at the beginning of 2017 to close access to information on his accounts on social networks.

Now the star does not hide her marriage. Not long ago, in Andrei Malakhov’s “Let Them Talk” program, a man introduced his wife to the public and talked about family life. Vitaly and Svetlana have two small children: daughter Alla and son Maxim. Despite the years that have passed, the relationship between the spouses remains warm and feelings remain strong.

Now Vitas is 38 years old - a man in full bloom, who is basking in popularity and is actively involved in creativity. In this article we talked about his life, revealed some secrets about who his wife and children are.

Performer Vitas became a hero another scandal. This time the case ended in arrest. The latest news about Vitas for today is that he served his sentence and was released. Many expressed the hope that the story of the shooting at Rublyovka served as a good lesson for Vitaly Grachev, and he will no longer break the law.

Footage from the court hearing caused a heated wave of discussion. It wasn’t even Grachev’s arrest that surprised him, but his appearance. The photo from the court shows how Vitas has gained a lot of weight and literally changed beyond recognition, so much so that he was not even recognized by his own fans.


Performer Vitaly Grachev, better known as Vitas, wrote his first hit “Opera No. 2” at the age of 14. The young man performed in many restaurants with this composition. One day, Moscow producer Sergei Pudovkin saw the performance and invited the talented guy to Moscow.

In the early 2000s, Vitas burst onto the Russian stage with Opera No. 2. The unique falsetto immediately captivated the audience. An atmospheric video was shot for the song, telling about young man with gills, which lives in the bathroom of an abandoned building. Occasionally a person appears on the street, covering himself with a scarf. After this, many even suspected that Vitas was actually an amphibious man.”

Many doubted the existence of such a unique falsetto. At the “Christmas Meetings”, the Prima Donna even asked to perform a piece of the song live at the rehearsal. The singer struck a dizzying note, and all doubts about the uniqueness of his voice disappeared.

The artist's voice range is 4 octaves. As soon as they did not speak out about the voice. One of the journalists even wrote that the singer was probably castrated as a child. The star's producer, Sergei Pudovkin, explains his protégé's unusual voice by the special structure of his throat.

In 2002-2003, the singer actively recorded albums and sang duets with many stars. Soon his star gradually began to decline, the artist began to disappear from television screens.

At this time, Vitaly Grachev entered the world market. His work was received ambiguously, but abroad it was received very warmly. He was especially loved in China, where he was dubbed the “space nightingale.” In this country, he became a real hero; fans literally did not give him passage in the streets.

In China, the singer has his own fan club, which includes more than a million people. Fans even erected a monument to their idol. In this country, Vitas also realized himself as an actor, starring in some blockbusters.

Arrest for shooting on Rublyovka

At the end of March 2019, Vitas’s persona appeared in gossip columns. But the reason for the discussion was not a new creative victory, but another scandalous story. The singer has appeared on the pages of crime chronicles more than once. For several years, he hit a cyclist and then got into an altercation with witnesses to the accident.

And again, another story did not happen without the involvement of police officers. Vitaly Grachev staged shooting from a starting pistol in an elite village near Moscow. As the artist himself admitted, he and the company began shooting at birds with blank cartridges. In total, at least 40 shots were fired. The peace of the residents of Rublyovka was disturbed. Neighbors quickly called the police to calm down the rowdy artist. According to eyewitnesses, Vitaly was quite drunk.

The singer was brought to administrative responsibility under the article “petty hooliganism.” When drawing up the protocol, the singer said that he refused to undergo a medical examination to detect alcohol in the blood.

It later turned out that Vitas was waving a pistol and shooting at birds in front of his young son. Fortunately, no one received any injuries. At first they only wanted to issue an administrative fine to the perpetrator, but the prosecutor's office decided to petition for a more severe sentence. As a result, a hearing was held in the Odintsovo court on the case of hooliganism by Vitaly Grachev. The singer was sentenced to seven days in prison.

Vitas' case was handled by star lawyer Sergei Zhorin. The artist himself fully admitted his guilt and was ready to bear any punishment. Fans studied latest news about their pet and wished him to get out of this unpleasant situation with dignity.

The plump Vitas was not recognized by fans

At the end of March, a trial was held and Vitas was found guilty of petty hooliganism. After the court hearing, the singer was taken in handcuffs to a special detention center in Istra. The artist himself said the following:

“I admit my guilt. I fully deserve such a punishment, I consider it fair. Maybe I'll write behind bars new album“,” Vitaly joked.

The “hooligan” arrived at the courthouse accompanied by security. But he didn't need a personal bodyguard. Vitas did not attract everyone's attention - simply no one recognized him, not even the judge. The story from the courthouse was published on the Internet. Fans did not recognize this plump man as a popular falsetto singer. According to Internet users, Vitas has changed beyond recognition. A photo of a plump Vitaly Grachev instantly spread throughout the media.

Sergei Pudovkin, the performer’s producer, previously reported that his protégé celebrated important event. In China, where Vitas is literally idolized, a statue was erected in his honor. The singer hastened to vigorously celebrate this fact that it came to shooting. Neighbors rushed to restore silence and called the police. It also turned out that his little son Maxim was next to the artist. Perhaps now the man will have to visit representatives of the guardianship authorities to listen to a lecture about careless attitude and hooligan behavior.

During the court hearing, a letter in defense of Vitas was announced, which was signed by many representatives of show business. They asked for leniency to be applied to the artist. The Investigative Committee noted that this sentence would be a very good sentence for Vitaly.

Singer Vitas was mega popular 15 years ago. The real name of the musician is Vitaly Grachev. His composition “Opera No. 2” and his unique falsetto have become a legend. He toured a lot, recorded albums, and performed at corporate events. Today it great fame in Russia is a thing of the past.

What is Vitas doing now?

Vitaly Grachev is 39 years old, now he works abroad, performs a lot in Europe and the USA, records albums on English. The most popular single is "That Song".

Photo: Instagram @vitalygrachyov

In Russia, the singer stopped actively touring since 2013 after a series of high-profile scandals. Vitas's last large-scale solo concert took place in Moscow a year ago. In the near future performances at native land are not planned.

Legendary images of Vitas

But tour 2018 will take place in Asian countries. Vitas is very popular in South Korea and Japan. In China, Grachev literally turned into a legend!

On tour in Europe

In addition to music, Grachev has been pursuing an acting career since 2009. He receives invitations to film mainly from Chinese directors. The most famous films with his participation: “Mulan” and “Creation of the Party.” The fees for filming do not amount to millions of dollars, but they are enough for a comfortable life.

Vitas in the film "Mulan"

Vitas is also popular on the Internet. Hundreds of interpretations of his track "The Seventh Element" have been recorded. The song is an absolute hit. Users copy the performance style and image of their favorite artist.

Vitas in China: the secret of popularity

Vitaly Grachev is one of the most sought-after musicians in China. He says that he has an inextricable connection with this state: “The PRC loves me, and I love it. An amazingly beautiful, psychologically comfortable country!”

Vitas is very popular in China

The singer's fan club in China numbers more than 1 million people. Fans erected a monument to Vitas in central park. He received the title of hero, the first foreign singer to receive such a high honor.

Monument to Vitas in China

Vitas's wife and children: a love story

The personal life of an idol is not as eventful as his creative life. Vitaly has been happily married to one woman for many years - Svetlana Gracheva. They met at a concert when Vitas turned 19 and the girl was 15. The young artist, already famous in Russia, saw the young beauty among the audience and immediately fell in love.

“I understood that she was underage, and for several years we would only be able to communicate as friends. But I was so in love that it didn’t stop me.”

Vitaly and Svetlana

According to his wife Svetlana, Vitas’s courtship was very pleasant to her: “I looked into his kind eyes and I understood that he would never offend me.” They got married in 2006. The young couple spent their honeymoon actively: hunting, fishing, diving.

Vitas with his wife and daughter

In 2008, their daughter Alla was born. 6 years later - son Maxim. Children go to high school, go in for sports. The singer does not say whether they have the same musical abilities as him: “The main thing is that they grow up healthy and inquisitive. Everything else is not so important."

Vitas at Andrey Malakhov's

In December 2016 famous artist Together with my family, I attended Andrei Malakhov’s “Let Them Talk” program. The issue turned out to be interesting. Friends, former neighbors, and fans of the celebrity gathered in the hall.

Vitas at Andrey Malakhov's

They noted that their idol had gained noticeable weight. Vitas didn’t say anything about being overweight, but he talked with pleasure about his family, childhood, and career. Such complex topics as the singer’s relationship with his father and rare visits to his homeland were touched upon.

The Vitas family on the TV show “Let Them Talk”

It is known that Vitaly does not maintain contact with his own father: “We have different views on the world. He tried to teach me about life, constantly putting pressure on me, proving something. I'm tired of this." According to the musician, the father never met his grandson Maxim and did not show any desire to see the child.

“my fans’ roses”🌹

Vitas is happy with his life. He and his family live in China most of the year. They have a luxurious villa there. Foreign tours and filming give him the opportunity to support his family, travel a lot and not deny anything to his beloved wife and children.

The peak of the performer’s popularity occurred from 2000 to 2013, when solo programs were created for performances in dozens of countries. During this period, the number of fans amounted to millions. A statue was erected for the singer in Shanghai, and at the invitation of the Chinese director, he performed the main song in the film.

Yes, in old times the Chinese fan club numbered millions of Vitas fans

During this time, Vitas managed to sing together with Nikolai Gnatyuk, musicians Demis Roussos and Lucio Dalla. After that the singer miraculously disappeared from the scene.

Where did you go?

In 2013, the singer’s name was associated loud scandal. According to rumors and press reports, Vitas ran over a cyclist. At the time of his arrest, he was found to have a dummy pistol, and was also accused of resisting the authorities, because the singer swore at him during the raid and even managed to hit a police officer. As a result, the singer was left without a driver's license and fined 100,000 rubles. After such an incident, little was heard about him. Except that last year he got caught in a drunken state again, shooting at birds at his dacha with his pneumatic gun.

Where is Vitas now and what is he doing?

Vitas gained a little weight and began to look older than his age

Now Vitas is 39 years old, and he has changed a little in appearance. The artist is raising his daughter Alla and son Maxim.

The popularity of Vitas is now great only abroad

Today, the singer tours quite successfully and is especially a sought-after artist in China. Over the years, Vitas has not changed his image at all, but a few kilograms have changed it a little. Judging by social networks, the singer lives well: performs abroad, plays sports, spends time with his family and attends various events. IN lately in the CIS countries, parodies are made of Vitas’ popular songs and his tracks are covered.

In 2016, at the festival of pan-Asian stars, Vitas was recognized as the most popular foreign artist in the Celestial Empire. On May 0, the release of Vitas’ new album Come just for you took place in China.

Perhaps soon we will hear new hits from a formerly famous artist. Eastern fans predict that a second wave of his popularity is expected in the CIS countries.

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