Key quotes from crime and punishment. Quotes from the book “Crime and Punishment”

If in straightforwardness only one hundredth of a note is false, then immediately dissonance occurs, followed by a scandal. If in flattery even everything down to the last note is false, then it is pleasant and is listened to not without pleasure; albeit with crude pleasure, but still with pleasure. And no matter how rude flattery is, at least half of it certainly seems to be true. And this is for all developments and strata of society. Even a Vestal Virgin can be seduced by flattery. And about ordinary people and there is nothing to say.

He wandered aimlessly. The sun was setting. Some kind of special melancholy began to tell itself in him. lately. There was nothing particularly caustic or burning in it; but she smelled of something constant, eternal; she had a presentiment of the hopeless years of this cold, deadening melancholy; she had a presentiment of some kind of eternity at the “yard of space.” In the evening hour this feeling usually began to torment him even more strongly.
- With these stupid, purely physical infirmities, depending on some sunset, you can refrain from doing something stupid. Not just to Sonya, but to Dunya! - he muttered hatefully.

If two smart person, who are not yet very familiar with each other, but so to speak mutually respect each other, come together, then for a whole half hour they cannot find a topic for conversation - they freeze in front of each other, sit and are mutually embarrassed. Everyone has a topic of conversation, ladies, for example... secular people, for example, people of the highest tone, always have a topic of conversation, c"est de rigueur*, but middle-class people, like us, are all embarrassed and taciturn.. . thinking, that is. Why is this happening, sir? There are no public interests, sir, or we are very honest and don’t want to deceive each other, I don’t know.
*c"est de rigueur (French) - that's the way it is.

If you convince a person logically that in essence he has nothing to cry about, then he will stop crying. This is clear. What about your belief that it won’t stop?
“It would be too easy to live then,” Raskolnikov answered.

What is "nobler"? I do not understand such expressions in the sense of defining human activity. “More noble”, “more generous” - all this is nonsense, absurdity, old prejudiced words, which I deny! Everything that is useful to humanity is noble! I understand only one word: useful!

Well, here you are crying and hugging me again - why are you hugging me? Because I couldn’t bear it myself and came to blame it on someone else: “You too suffer, it will be easier for me!” And can you love such a scoundrel?

Why aren't you doing anything now?
“I do...” Raskolnikov said reluctantly and sternly.
- What are you doing?
- Work...
- What kind of work?
“I think,” he answered seriously, after a pause.
Nastasya burst out laughing.

It's not about time, it's about you. Become the sun, everyone will see you.

“He worked hard, not sparing himself, and for this he was respected, but no one loved him. »

“However, underneath this simplicity there was hidden depth and dignity. »

“Please get out! »

“Terribly, endlessly unhappy. »

“Everyone has their own steps. »

“Russian people are generally broad people, broad as their land, and extremely prone to the fantastic, to the disorderly, but the trouble is to be broad without special genius. »

“He would give everything in the world to be left alone, but he himself felt that he would not be alone for a single minute. »

“Is this desire to live really so powerful and so difficult to overcome? »

“When you have the same people around you, it somehow comes naturally that they come into your life. And having entered your life, they want to change it. And if you don’t become what they want you to be, they get offended. Everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. That's just own life For some reason no one can fix it. »

“They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other”

“There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness, and nothing easier than flattery. If in straightforwardness only one hundredth of a note is false, then immediately dissonance occurs, followed by a scandal. If in flattery even everything down to the last note is false, then it is pleasant and is listened to not without pleasure; albeit with crude pleasure, but still with pleasure. And no matter how rude flattery may be, at least half of it certainly seems to be true. And this is for all developments and strata of society"

“However, in order to impartially judge some people, we must first abandon other preconceived views and the everyday habit of people and objects that usually surround us.”

“Suffering and pain are always necessary for a broad consciousness and a deep heart. Truly great people, it seems to me, should feel great sadness in the world."

“There are other meetings, even with people completely unfamiliar to us, in whom we begin to be interested at first sight, somehow suddenly, suddenly, before we say a word.”

“Hm... yes... everything is in the hands of a person, and yet he misses his nose solely out of cowardice... this is an axiom... I wonder what people are most afraid of? They are most afraid of a new step, a new word of their own.”

“...her face still retained remnants of its former beauty, and to them, moreover, she seemed much younger than her years, which almost always happens with women who have retained clarity of spirit, freshness of impressions and honest, pure, warmth of heart into old age. Let's say in parentheses that preserving all this is the only way not to lose your beauty even in old age. »

“Do you know to what degree of stupefaction a woman can sometimes fall in love?”

“In suffering there is an idea.”

“... at the beginning of acquaintance, you yourself know, you are always somehow more frivolous and stupid, you look wrong, you see the wrong thing.”

“He looked at his convict comrades and was surprised: how they all loved life, how they valued it! Namely, it seemed to him that in prison they loved and valued her even more and valued her more than in freedom. What terrible torments and tortures some of them, for example, tramps, did not endure! Can one ray of sunshine, a dense forest, somewhere in the unknown wilderness really mean so much to them, a cold spring, marked since the third year, and a meeting with which a tramp dreams of as a meeting with a mistress, sees it in a dream, green grass all around him, a singing bird in a bush? Peering further, he saw examples even more inexplicable.”

“In order to impartially judge some people, we must first abandon other preconceived views and ordinary habits towards the people and objects that usually surround us.”

“He has no time, everyone interferes with him, but he lies there and does nothing.”

“Not to happen? What will you do to prevent this from happening? Will you ban it? What right do you have? What can you promise in turn to have the right to have this?”

“Do you understand, do you understand, dear sir, what it means when there is nowhere else to go? For it is necessary that every person has at least somewhere to go..."

“Lately he even felt drawn to wander around all these places, when he felt sick, “to make it even sicker.”

“She could concede a lot, she could agree to a lot, even something that contradicted her convictions, but there was always such a line of honesty, rules and extreme beliefs that no circumstances could force her to cross.”

“He is a smart man, but to act smartly, intelligence alone is not enough.”

“In everything there is a line beyond which it is dangerous to cross; for once you have stepped over, it is impossible to go back.”

"How! I place your interest next to everything that has been precious to me in life up to now, that has hitherto been precious in life, that has hitherto made up my whole life, and suddenly you are offended because I give you little value! »

“The main thing was that, until the very last minute, he did not expect such a denouement. He swaggered until last line, not even imagining the possibility that two poor and defenseless women could get out of his power.”

“...The poverty was visible; Even the bed didn’t have curtains.”

“It’s nasty and difficult on the run, but first of all you need a life and a certain position, corresponding to the air, but is the air there yours?”

“But why do they love me so much if I’m not worth it! Oh, if I were alone and no one loved me, and I myself would never love anyone! All this wouldn’t exist!”

“- How to destroy evil on earth?

Destroy the world."

“Live to exist? But a thousand times before he was ready to give his existence for an idea, for hope, even for fantasy. ...he always wanted more. Perhaps, just by the strength of his desires, he considered himself... a person who has more permission than others.”

“Suffering and pain are always necessary for a broad consciousness and a deep heart. Truly great people, it seems to me, should feel great sadness in the world.”

“It all depends on the situation and environment the person is in. Everything comes from the environment, but man himself is nothing.”

“Kill her and take her money, so that with their help you can then devote yourself to serving all of humanity and the common cause: do you think that one tiny crime will not be atoned for by thousands of good deeds? In one life - thousands of lives saved from rot and decay. One death and a hundred lives in return - but it’s arithmetic!”

“And do you really think that I didn’t know, for example, that if I had already begun to ask and interrogate myself: do I have the right to have power? - then, therefore, I have no right to have power. Or what if I ask the question: is a person a louse? - then, therefore, a person is no longer a louse for me, but a louse for someone who doesn’t even think about it, and who goes straight without asking questions... If I suffered for so many days: would Napoleon go or not? so I clearly felt that I was not Napoleon ... "

“After all, it is necessary that every person can at least go somewhere. For there comes a time when you absolutely have to go somewhere!” “...It turned out to be mean, it’s true, but after all, you’re not a hopeless scoundrel. Not such a scoundrel at all! At least I didn’t fool myself for a long time, I reached the last pillars at once. Who do I consider you to be? I consider you to be one of those people who, even if you cut out their guts, will stand and look at their tormentors with a smile - if only he finds faith or God. Well, find it and you will live. Firstly, you need to change the air a long time ago. Well, suffering is also a good thing. Get hurt. Mikolka may be right that he wants to suffer. I know that people don’t believe it, but don’t philosophize; surrender to life directly, without reasoning; Don’t worry, he’ll take you straight to the shore and set you on your feet. Which shore? I only believe that you still have a lot of life to live.”

“...You can’t feel sorry for comfort, what about your heart? Well, maybe no one will see you for too long? It's not about time, it's about you. Become the sun, everyone will see you. The sun must first of all be the sun. »

“You're right, she doesn't love me; but never vouch for the affairs between husband and wife or lover and mistress, there is always one corner that always remains unknown to the whole world and which is known only to the two of them.”

“...(This woman never asked direct questions, but always first used smiles and rubbing her hands, and then, if she needed to know something definitely and truly, for example: when would Arkady Ivanovich want to schedule a wedding, then she began with the most curious and almost greedy questions about Paris and about the court life there, and perhaps later she reached in order the third line of Vasilievsky Island.)"

Please, or to add a quote to Crime and Punishment. It won't take long.

A hundred rabbits cannot make a horse; a hundred suspicions cannot make a proof.

He who dares a lot is the ruler over them.

But in any case, one cannot remain a cynic and a dirty slob: he has no right to offend the feelings of others, especially since those others themselves need him and call him to themselves.

They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of the other.

Those who dare a lot are right. Whoever can spit on the most is their legislator, and whoever can dare the most is rightest! This is how it has been done until now and this is how it will always be!

Lying can always be forgiven; lying is a nice thing, because it leads to the truth.

In general, people really, really love to be insulted.

I'm going to betray myself now. But I don’t know why I’m going to betray myself.

But children are the image of Christ: “These is the kingdom of God.” He ordered them to be honored and loved, they are the future of humanity.

When you have the same people around you, it somehow comes naturally that they come into your life. And having entered your life, they want to change it. And if you don’t become what they want you to be, they get offended. Everyone knows exactly how to live in the world. But for some reason no one can improve their own life.

If in straightforwardness only one hundredth of a note is false, then dissonance immediately occurs, followed by a scandal.

Horns are only a natural consequence of any legal marriage, so to speak, an amendment to it, a protest, so in this sense they are not even at all humiliating.

A person is not born for happiness, a person deserves happiness, and always through suffering.

Every person must first be examined for himself, and more closely, in order to judge him.

Principles!.. and you are all on principles, like on springs; does not dare to turn around of his own free will; but in my opinion, a good person is the principle, and I don’t want to know anything.

Do you know, Rodion Romanych, what it means for some of them to “suffer”? It’s not that it’s for anyone, it’s just that “you have to suffer.”

Torment and tears - this is also life.

On your part, all this is very naive, excuse me, I wanted to say impudently.

However, I’ve been wanting to buy the entire castle for two years now,” he added casually. - Happy people are those who have nothing to lock up?

How to destroy evil on earth? - Destroy the world.