Voice to apply for participation. Young talents are wanted: enrollment is open for the fifth season of the show “The Voice. Children! Young talents in the best project of Channel One

Performance by the artists of the show “The Voice. Children" on "First" is a grandiose performance that captivates at first sight. Participants and fans froze in anticipation of the new 2018 season. Are they eager to know when the casting of applicants will begin, how the blind auditions will take place and who will be chosen as mentors? In order not to torment the audience with anticipation, the founders have prepared a number of announcements and news.


Young talents in the best project of Channel One

The children's version of the "Voice" competition gives everyone talented child a unique chance not only to perform on the big stage, but also to gain invaluable experience, which is shared with the winners by star mentors. Participants go through a long and difficult journey, so it is important for them to know exactly when the casting begins, where the application form is posted and how to submit an application for participation. Information about the project itself and its essence will not be superfluous.

The program has been broadcast on Russian television since 2014. The first stage of the competition started on February 28. This reality show does not belong to the copyright category, so the organizers are not limited in their imagination. The basic rules of the project include:

  • selection of vocalists aged 7 to 14 years;
  • the presence of three mentors (pop stars or famous producers) in each episode;
  • The goal of each jury member is to form a group of 15 applicants.

Those interested submit an application to participate. To do this, fill out a special form and set the date when the casting begins.

Stages of television fights

The winners of the qualifying rounds go on to the big stage and undergo a series of tests:

  1. blind audition;
  2. fights between participants;
  3. “departure song”;
  4. performance in the final.

The main difference of the Russian competition “Voice.Children” is the audience voting. The innovation appeared in the second season. Thanks to him, the audience gained the right to help the three dropouts return to the stage. The domestic television project is of a charitable nature. The funds spent on SMS payments go to funds to help sick and needy children.

Interesting facts about the country's main children's show

The idea of ​​the famous franchise belongs to the Dutch. “The Voice Kids” has been broadcast in its homeland since 2010. Over the years of its existence, the idea has spread to 50 countries around the world. At First, the preparation of each new season begins with the formation of a concept and the selection of mentor candidates. The general director of the channel, Konstantin Ernst, and the music directorate take part in this process. The jury is given a number of tasks aimed at showing the talent of the students in the most favorable light.

The origins of the program were the famous producer, composer and singer Maxim Fadeev. It is not yet known for certain whether the most successful mentor will return to the program in 2018. However, in the announcements of the new season, the organizers repeatedly promised to place the “golden” trio in red chairs:

  • Dima Bilan
  • Pelagia
  • Maxim Fadeev

The competition gives the green light to realize your abilities and polish your voice completely free of charge. During the existence of the show in Russia, its presenters were:

  • Svetlana Zeynalova
  • Dmitry Nagiev
  • Valeria Lanskaya
  • Natalia Vodianova
  • Nastya Chevazhevskaya

To attend the filming as a spectator, you can submit an application on the project website. This step allows you not only to experience the performances with your own eyes and see the “vocal cuisine” from the inside, but also to receive a small fee. The program is filmed in portions. A pre-edited video and the most spectacular episodes appear on the screens.

In February 2018, broadcasts of the fifth season of the “Voice” franchise will begin. Children". The founders report that the questionnaire for those wishing to show off their talent is no longer available, since the acceptance of applications for participation has ended. For those who passed the casting, a difficult period begins, because the lucky ones will have to keep up the bar after the holiday concerts.

Very soon, TV viewers will once again be able to enjoy a grandiose show, full of sparkling performances and childish passions. Many consider the project too difficult for the teenage psyche, but what can compare with the happiness of showing yourself to the whole world, communicating with real stars and learning invaluable lessons?

“The Voice.Children” 2018: coming soon to screens!

Start of broadcasts February 2018
Where and when to watch? Channel One on Saturdays
What time does it start? After the program "Time"
Genre Reality show for aspiring vocalists
Season duration Three months (February, March, April)
Number of issues 41
Time of each show 100 minutes
Age limit for viewing From 12 years old

Young people came to one of the multifunctional centers of St. Petersburg to get their Far Eastern hectares. We decided to submit a group application - by cooperating, it is easier to develop the land. After all, the plans are nothing less than to found a new settlement in the Far East. The guys have already gathered about 30 like-minded people. In Primorye, at the other end of a huge country, they want to study agriculture and collecting pine nuts, which is why they chose the taiga region.

From February 1, 2017, any citizen of Russia can receive a Far Eastern hectare. People from different corners countries decided to settle in the Khabarovsk Territory, Yakutia, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and other regions. According to VTsIOM, about 6% of Russians are already determined to choose their own plots of land. Another 7% are thinking about it. In total, this is more than 10 million people.

“Land is one of the greatest assets of our Russian people. And if people spend years – and now, unfortunately, this is the case – they stand in queues for years, knock on doorsteps and receive various certificates necessary to obtain land, then this simply hinders economic growth. Therefore, we set the task in the Far East to ensure that land was provided as quickly as possible,” said Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev.

More than two and a half thousand applications for land since the beginning of the day have been received from the most different regions countries. Residents were the first to take advantage of this right since June 2016. Far East. More than 42 thousand requests were received, nine thousand in Primorye. Basically, land is taken for housing construction, creation of subsidiary farms and different types business - from eco-farms to tourist centers.

“Perhaps this will be connected with some kind of recreation infrastructure, family vacation residents and guests of the city of Vladivostok and the Primorsky Territory,” says Sergei Voronetsky, a resident of Vladivostok.

Vladivostok resident Roman always dreamed of his own house overlooking the sea. After building our own housing, we plan to build several houses for fishermen and hunters. During the summer season there are always a lot of vacationers here, and you can make money from this.

“There is some kind of possession, you are no longer on earth for nothing. It's yours. You can already give your all, build something thoroughly. Plus, this will be for my child,” explains Roman Savva.

You can apply for land yourself on the website “nadalniyvostok.rf”. To do this, you need to find the area you are interested in on the resource map and check if it is occupied. Where there are already owners, the plots are marked in red. Then draw the boundaries of your own hectare. And go to personal account. The application will be processed automatically.

It takes about two months to review the application and check the land for title. Officials admit that the procedure has not yet been fully streamlined. There are glitches. For example, there is a discrepancy between the boundaries of plots in different databases or after receiving an application it turns out that the selected land does not fall under the program. All these roughnesses are now being eliminated. The rapid development of new lands is also expected to be facilitated by preferential conditions for land users receiving mortgage loans - at 8% per annum. But the support measures will not be limited to this.

“This includes microloans, this includes leasing of agricultural machinery, this includes receiving quotas on preferential terms for cutting down wood for the subsequent construction of a wooden house, and so on,” says the minister. Russian Federation for the development of the Far East Alexander Galushka.

The state gives five years to develop the land, and if a citizen does not use it for its intended purpose, the plot will have to be returned. The federal program “Far Eastern Hectare” will operate until 2035. 180 million hectares have been identified for the allocation of plots, that is, even if every citizen of Russia takes one, the land will still remain.

There is nothing better than admiring your child who sings with talent. big stage. Our time provides a unique opportunity for young talents to become participants in a grandiose project. And getting some singing and acting lessons from a pop star is fantastic. This is all provided in the exciting program “Voice. Children".

About the transfer

Song television show"Voice. Children" is shown on Channel One Russian television from February 28, 2014. This project is not the author's, it is adopted from a similar Dutch format. The program involves children from 7 to 14 years old. The show repeats the version that was previously for adults. Each episode has mentors (three of them): these are leading pop stars or producers. The mentors' task is to recruit a group of 15 children.

First there are blind auditions, sometimes it is impossible to even determine the gender of the child by the voice. Then there are fights, an elimination song, and the final competition. Russian show slightly different from the international format: from the second season, an “Additional Stage” was added. TV viewers participate in it: they can help the three eliminated children return to the arena of the program. The show's hosts are famous artists, showmen:

  • Svetlana Zeynalova.
  • Dmitry Nagiev.
  • Valeria Lanskaya.
  • Natalia Vodianova.
  • Nastya Chevazhevskaya.

The mentors of young talents are famous stars: Alexander Borisovich Gradsky, Leonid Agutin, Pelageya and Dima Bilan.

Psychologists' opinion

Participation in such a competition greatly affects the child’s psyche. And physically it’s not easy - to withstand hours of filming, queues, travel and living in hotels. It is very difficult to get through the time when the casting begins. But the child feels even worse at the moment of the judges’ verdict. After all, dropping out of such a show is a huge psychological tragedy. Therefore, it was decided that during the fight with the star, not one child, but two, would participate. After all, dropping out together is not as scary as being alone. Even for a strong boy or girl this is stressful.

Want to participate?

Every child and his parents dream of a stellar career as a singer. Show “Voice. Children" is one of the ways to get on the big screen and shine on the musical horizon. But this is not easy to do; there are thousands of people willing. And only one child out of several hundred ends up on the air. This is a difficult, painful process. Season 6 starts in February 2018. But it’s too late to submit an application, the official website of Channel One informs about this. There are plenty of people willing: TV people will have enough to work with the already recruited number of children. After all Russian people I have always been talented and creative. Winning a competition does not guarantee future employment, career growth or good income. And failure can lead to mental trauma, because at this age the psyche is still very fragile. You can find your happiness in life without grueling rehearsals, solfeggio and experiments on the voice and diaphragm.


If the casting has already passed, then the show will definitely continue. Wait for February and cheer for young talents. They'll already be behind new year holidays, and the February cold will keep people in front of their TV screens, in a warm family circle. Many schoolchildren do not study on Saturday - they will be able to watch the show, because it is not early. There is no reason to cancel such a fascinating and heart-warming show. Some impressionable people don’t want to see children’s tears and change the channel during a strict jury trial. May the Song Festival be and prosper. This musical battle pays off well, has a high rating and a wide audience of viewers. And the broadcast time is the most convenient, because the weekend is ahead!

There is always the opportunity to review the best performances:

To the epigraph:

Representative of Russia at music competition Eurovision 2019 - Sergey Lazarev- will perform in the finals at number five. This information was posted on the official website of the competition after the completion of the second semi-final.

The first to take the stage on May 18, 2019 is Maltese singer Michela Pace. Next, representatives of Albania, the Czech Republic and Germany will perform their compositions. Fifth on stage, as we wrote above, will be Russian singer Sergey Lazarev.

A total of 26 performers will perform in the Eurovision final.

Sergey Lazarev will perform the song “Scream” about how his tears “scream”.

What time will Lazarev take the stage on May 18, 2019 (start time of the performance):

We previously stated that the 2019 Eurovision final will begin on Saturday evening, May 18 at 22:00 and will last just under four hours. In order not to miss the introduction of Russian representative Sergei Lazarev among the 26 participants, you need to know what number he will go on stage under and what time his performance will begin.

The performance of competition songs does not begin immediately, but after several introductory videos, musical inserts and introductions of the participants. You should expect Lazarev's speech to be approximately at 22:30 Moscow time. At least in 2018, the fifth participant entered the stage 33 minutes after the start of the final.

What number and what time will Lazarev perform in the Eurovision 2019 final:
* At number 5.
* At approximately 22:30 Moscow time.

When is Father's Day celebrated in Russia and what kind of holiday is it:

Father's Day in Russia is an annual holiday dedicated to fathers.

It still does not have an officially approved date of celebration, although it has long been a very popular and long-awaited event among Russians.

Due to the absence of a legally approved date, beloved dads in Russia should be congratulated on the most popular international date, which is set for 3rd Sunday of June.

That is, the date of Father's Day in Russia (unofficial):
* Third Sunday in June.

Here are the dates Father's Day will fall on in the coming years:
* June 16, 2019.
* June 21, 2020.
* June 20, 2021.

Let's note the regions of the Russian Federation in which the dates for celebrating Father's Day are officially established. This:
* First Sunday in April - in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Decree number 685 of February 15, 1999.
* April 18 - on the territory of the Kurchatovsky district of the Kursk region, Decision number 146 of 01/18/2007.
* Second Sunday in May - in the Magadan region, Resolution number 626 of April 26, 2001
* July 26 - in the Ulyanovsk region, Law number 65-ZO dated 06/03/2009
* November 1 - in the Volgograd region, Resolution No. 593 of May 23, 2006
* Third Saturday in November - in the Republic of Tyva, Law number 143 of 02.12.1999

We also read:

When will Father's Day be officially approved in Russia, on what date:

The need to give Fathers' Day official status has been ripe in our country for a long time. First, in 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about this, after which the issue was raised several times at the official level. “Lawmakers” began to periodically submit draft laws to the State Duma, in which they proposed to approve various dates for the celebration of Russian Father’s Day. However, unfortunately, the matter never progressed beyond discussions.

What complicates the choice is that on the most popular date for celebrating Father's Day in the world - the third Sunday of June, another holiday, professional and no less important, is scheduled in Russia. Obviously, it would be nice to choose a different number for Father's Day.

Now the choice is between 4 main dates:

* 3rd Sunday of June is the date on which Father's Day is celebrated by the world community, led by the United States of America, and on which the holiday is unofficially celebrated in Russia. The main difficulty here, as we wrote above, is the coincidence of the proposed date with Medic’s Day.

* February 23(on Defenders of the Fatherland Day). On February 23, all men are already congratulated, so why not (the initiators of the proposal think) not congratulate all fathers at the same time.

* Last Sunday of October- the number that is closest to your birthday father of many children Prince Dmitry Donskoy.

* Last Sunday of November, simultaneously with the officially approved one. Not a bad option, considering that now many groups combine celebrations of certain events, such as Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day, scheduling them on a certain “middle” date (somewhere between February 23 and March 8). The same can be done with Father's Day by combining it with Mother's Day, especially if they are approved for the same day. And in the future it will become a kind of united Parents' Day.

Whatever date is chosen for Fathers' Day, we all look forward to its announcement! We hope this will happen soon.

Which countries celebrate Father's Day on the 3rd Sunday of June:

On the 3rd Sunday of June, Father's Day is celebrated by the following countries: USA (celebrated since 1910, and officially approved in 1966), Ukraine (since 2019), Georgia, Belarus, China, Turkey, Venezuela, India, Japan , France, England, Holland, etc. (total more than 90 countries).

What other dates are there to celebrate Father's Day?

* January 6- Father's Day in Serbia.

* February 23- according to foreigners, it is on this date that fathers are congratulated on their holiday in Russia.

* March 19- is the second most popular date for celebrating Father's Day (after the 3rd Sunday in June). This date coinciding with the feast day of St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and adoptive father of Jesus Christ. Pope's Day is celebrated on this date in Catholic countries, for example in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Bolivia, Andorra, Honduras, Liechtenstein, Vatican City, etc.

* Second Sunday in May- in Romania.

* On the Feast of the Ascension- in Germany.

* First Sunday in June- in Lithuania and Switzerland.

* Second Sunday in June- in Austria, Belgium, Colombia.

* Last Sunday in June- to Haiti.

* Second Sunday of July- in Uruguay.

* Last Sunday of July- in the Dominican Republic.

* August 8- in Taiwan. In the local language, the number "8.8" and the word "papa" are pronounced the same, which is why this date was chosen.

* Second Sunday in August- in Brazil.

* First Sunday in September- in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Fiji.

* First Sunday in October- in Luxembourg.

* Second Sunday in November- in Finland, Estonia, Norway, Sweden and Iceland.

* December 5- in Thailand. December 5 is the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, also known as Rama IX the Great, whose reign lasted more than 70 years.