Dove in a dream: is it good or not? Why see pigeons in a dream. Why do you dream of white doves? Dream interpretation

Why do you dream of a dove, doves, a pair of cooing doves? In general, a dove in a dream is a favorable symbol; it means goodness, peace, and good news. Long-awaited or simply extremely welcome guests may come to you. For unmarried women, a dove in a dream often portends a happy marriage.

The good meaning of the dream has no connection with your real attitude towards pigeons. You may not like pigeons and may even be afraid of them. Still, a dove in a dream is unchanged good sign. Especially if the pigeon is healthy and happy.

A wounded or killed dove is a bad dream. If you dream that you are harming or killing a pigeon, your heart has become hardened and you are capable of irreparable actions that you will regret if you allow them to happen.

The interpretation of sleep is affected general meaning dreams and behavior of a pigeon. White doves are good news, but they can also be harbingers of death good man. Rock pigeons and wood pigeons bring prosperity and good news. Multi-colored exotic pigeon - the news may greatly surprise and delight you.

A carrier pigeon with a letter on its leg - official recognition awaits you.

  • If pigeons coo, this dream is clearly interpreted as a happy marriage or a successful and long-lasting love affair.
  • Pigeons circling and flying above your head - the solution to problems will come from the outside. If pigeons land on the ground at home, good news will have a direct bearing on you.
  • A dove flying into a house means imminent danger, the possibility of betrayal, slander. This is unpleasant and difficult to prevent, especially over long distances. Just keep your peace of mind and be calm. Then slander and slander will not be able to cause significant harm.
  • Feeding or watering a dove means doing a good deed that will not go unnoticed. Watching a pigeon drink is a quick solution to complex problems.
  • If a dove lands on your shoulder or hand, you need support and help. Contact your friends, they will try to help you out.
  • Finding a dovecote is not a good sign. You have a love rival, perhaps even several.
  • If a dove brought you an object, try to remember what exactly it was. A twig, a plant - you will receive news from distant friends. A dead mouse, a large beetle - your enemies will be defeated almost without your participation. Tape, a piece of paper - take care of the house. You may soon have to decorate it for a formal and important event. A child, a kitten, a chick - your friends will soon have a long-awaited baby.

Dove in a dream from a psychological point of view

In the human consciousness, the dove is firmly entrenched as a symbol of peace, friendship, and unity. From a psychological point of view, pigeons are your desires and aspirations of your soul. If pigeons do abnormal things in your dream, such as acting like birds of prey, you are experiencing a lot of stress.

Just seeing a dove in a dream means you are striving for peace with all your heart and observing the visible results of your efforts. Pigeons are patient, intelligent, busy and caring birds. To see a dove in a dream, you need to meet these qualities in real life. If you see a dove in a dream, you honestly deserve it and the good news is rightfully yours.

Interpretations of dream books

  • By women's dream book a dove is a sign of a happy family life, wedding, prosperity and peace in the soul. The purring and cooing of pigeons in their sleep enhances favorable forecasts.
  • Veles's dream book interprets a dove as a good groom or a faithful friend.
  • The Apostolic Dream Book believes that seeing a dove means having a well-founded hope, a strong and bright desire. In theory, such a dream should inspire you and give you strength.
  • Freud's dream book considers a dove, and especially a dove, as an allusion to platonic, disembodied relationships, deep and tender friendly feelings. The dream book of the great dream interpreter recommends considering the dove as a time of waiting. You should not show violent feelings ahead of time. Abrupt actions and unexpected confessions can frighten away emerging feelings, and even cause separation.
  • The Vedic dream book considers the dove as a good messenger. A flock of flying pigeons is the intervention of influential people who can change your destiny.
  • If a dove shits in your hand or on your head in a dream, oddly enough, this means money.
  • Miller's dream book is completely unanimous with other interpretations about an imminent wedding and good news. Miller warns against hunting pigeons - this is a sign of cruelty and intransigence. Such a dream should be considered as a warning.
  • Catching a dove and catching luck in love is a common meaning for all dream books. This refers specifically to a happy family life, as a couple.
  • Without exception, all dream books interpret the killing of a dove as a betrayal of a loved one. Try to avoid such a situation. Consider the dream as a warning and give up suspicion and drastic actions. In fact, you are not obliged to quarrel with your neighbors just because you saw a bird being killed in a dream. Be attentive to yourself and those around you.


In the interpretation of dreams, a dove is one of the most favorable and pleasant signs. If you dream of pigeons, you have peace in your soul and everything is fine in your family. Let's remember that the dove is also a sign of hope, and let's hope that prosperity will remain for a long time.

Self-confident, calm people dream of pigeons. Don't forget that happiness loves silence, mystery and quiet purring. Don't talk about your dream with gently cooing doves before your wedding if you don't want any trouble.

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Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream of catching a Dove?

At all times, pigeons are a symbol of peace and prosperity. A good sign is a dream in which you admire a flock of pigeons high in the sky. Such a dream promises news that will soon change life in better side.

  • Why do you dream of a dove flying into a house - a joyful event.
  • If you pick up a dove, good luck will be your companion for a long time.
  • Seeing a wounded, sick pigeon or a bird that was grabbed by a cat means disappointment will soon befall you; people you trust are weaving intrigues.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about Pigeons?

The image of a dove is a direct reflection of our state of mind. If you see beautiful, calm, peaceful pigeons, the dream speaks of living in harmony with yourself, and circumstances are unlikely to disturb your peace of mind.

If you dreamed of a dove hitting you with its beak, think about your attitude towards the people around you. Surely you regularly show selfishness and arrogance, which hurts. Feeding a pigeon in a dream means get ready for the fact that your financial situation will soon begin to improve, and rapidly.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream of a Dove?

  • Lonely people dreamed of a dove - soon they will have an interesting acquaintance that will develop into something more than friendship.
  • Why do you dream of a white dove knocking on the window - this acquaintance will be the beginning of a strong and reliable romantic union.
  • Seeing two soaring doves according to the dream book means you will have to face some disagreements with your other half. But do not take disagreements to heart, as they will quickly fade away, and you will regain harmony and peace.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a Dove?

  • The dove is a symbol of peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. If a girl sees a dove and hears its cooing, it means a happy marriage.
  • Seeing pigeons flying means a successful resolution of a problem or news from distant friends.
  • According to the dream book, a dead dove portends misfortune.
  • Dove hunting is a manifestation of the cruel side of nature. The dream also warns the dreamer against base actions.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Pigeons

The dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love with this bird, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what two doves sitting next to each other mean. Since ancient times, people have trained and used pigeons as postmen.

  • I dreamed of a dove with little chicks - soon the long-awaited peace and harmony will be established in the family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will stop making you sad.
  • Why do you dream of a dove that carries a twig in its beak - good news from an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • Watching a pigeon drinking water means changes for the better, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems that there is no one more unhappy in this world.
  • If you dream of a dove drowning in a river, there is a task ahead that you will take on thoughtlessly, and therefore you will fail.
  • Raising pigeons at home means you are not happy with the well-being of your family, and therefore you want to make your family happy, healthy and rich.
  • Ringing a dove to send a message is quick news that will surprise and at the same time greatly delight.
  • Looking at pigeons in a dovecote means incredible luck; you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win the lottery.
  • Hearing a dove cooing in a dream means that you will soon have an opportunity to have fun in the company of old, cheerful friends.
  • Why do you dream of a wounded dove - carelessness, as a result of which you will lose your closest friend. For lovers, the dream prophesies a break in the relationship.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a Dove, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream

  • If a dove lands on your shoulder, a loved one will become seriously ill.
  • If a dove sits on the table, the sleeping person himself will get sick.
  • Why dream of a dove sitting on a tree - a trip to nature.
  • If a dove flies onto the dome of a church, God reminds of himself and wants to help the soul. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you will receive a refusal in an old case. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday foreshadows a successfully experienced problematic period.

Freud's Dream Book

Analysis of a dream in which a Dove was dreamed

According to the dream book, a dreaming dove is interpreted as a warm and friendly relationship with a person of the opposite sex. Platonically, the relationship suits her, but you look at your partner as an object of desire and are not averse to having sex. If you don’t want to lose communication with her, be patient and wait.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does a dove mean in a dream?

  • White doves in a dream mean good luck, gray and black ones mean despair, frustration, melancholy.
  • Catching pigeons - for a date, wedding.
  • Feeding a pigeon with crumbs means being loved.
  • Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means communication with an influential person, promising new connections and acquaintances.
  • Many pigeons in a dream - to happiness and mutual understanding in the family.
  • Hearing the cooing of pigeons means receiving friendly advice that is worth listening to.
  • Eating pigeons means boredom and disappointment.
  • Releasing doves means separation.
  • Seeing a dovecote means profit; having one means the quick fulfillment of your plans.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Dove in a dream?

  • Seeing pigeons and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth.
  • In a dream, a dove promises a girl a quick and joyful marriage.
  • Hunting pigeons in a dream - the cruelty of nature will also manifest itself in business relationships. The dream warns against base pleasures.
  • Why do you dream about a dove? white flying low above the ground - do not be afraid of misunderstandings.
  • Hearing the voice of a lone dove portends misfortune, and seeing a dead dove predicts the same.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Doves from your dream

  • What does the dove dream about - success, harmony, rapprochement.
  • Seeing a dove with a dove for a girl means marriage, for a single person - for marriage.
  • According to the dream book, a dove flying high is an opportunity for development that will not lead to a serious result.
  • Seeing a dove with little chicks means that long-awaited peace and harmony will soon be established in the family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will stop making you sad.


A dove in a dream is considered a symbol of peace and sincere love. Many people associate it with care and support. loved one. But is everything really so rosy? Or maybe the dreams in which you admired cute birds bring troubles and disappointments? To find out about this, you need to carefully analyze your dream.

  • Miller. To a calm, serene life, the birth of children.
  • Small Velesov. Married life will be filled with happiness and love.
  • Aesop. Changes for the better: there will be no more quarrels between spouses, children will stop upsetting their parents.
  • American. Free yourself from a whole load of problems.
  • Ukrainian. Good luck, good news.
  • Spring. Beware of a cheating spouse.
  • Summer. To illness.
  • Autumn. Misfortunes will haunt you (especially if the bird you dreamed about was sick).
  • Hasse. Good news.
  • Oriental. Peace in the family and the joy of childbirth.
  • Gypsy. Represents the fidelity of spouses.
  • Italian. Some news will greatly surprise you.
  • New. Someone close to you will become very ill.
  • Esoteric. Your wish will come true.
  • Tarot. To a new love affair.
  • A dove in a dream is not always a positive sign

    Freud's dream book states that if you dreamed of a dove, it means that you will soon meet a pleasant person of the opposite sex. She will only experience platonic affection for you, but you will want to move to another level of relationship. But will this be any good? Time will show.

    Who dreamed about it: a woman or a man

    As practice has shown, the gender of the dreamer can radically change the meaning of the dream. For example, if you dreamed about birds:

  • girl, then this undoubtedly indicates an imminent marriage. The future spouse will turn out to be a very gentle person and will never offend his soulmate;
  • For a woman, a dream about a dove also promises a happy family future. However, besides this, this symbol speaks of the piety of the mistress of the dream;
  • For a pregnant woman, a dream promises a pleasant gift or an acquaintance with interesting person;
  • a child who sees such a dream will definitely win an argument with friends or in competitions;
  • For a man, the image promises a meeting with a friend or good news that will determine his future.
  • Doves predict harmony in relationships for family people

    The wild pigeon is a symbol that, despite many misunderstandings and obstacles, your relationship with your loved one will be long and strong.

    What does the size of the bird and their number indicate?

    Seeing a lonely dove in a dream or hearing its cooing means hard times. A misfortune will probably happen to one of your loved ones. Don’t be indifferent, show generosity and it will come back to you a hundredfold.

    A pair of doves cooing or kissing is an ideal sleep option. This image has been a symbol of love and devotion for many years. Interpreters also classify it as a positive sign. For example, the gypsy dream book promises peace and harmony in the family, and Grishina - unearthly love.

    A flock of pigeons is a rather contradictory sign. According to the gypsies, he prophesies the loss of happiness and love. If we take into account the interpretation universal dream book, then happiness and mutual understanding await you. Medea’s dream book adheres to the same point of view, which, moreover, emphasizes that if birds fluttered in the sky, then you will “grow wings”, making it seem to you that all the current troubles are not worth a damn, since you can cope It's easier than ever with them.

    A large dove promises the arrival of numerous relatives. Such an encounter does not happen often, so you will remember it for many years.

    The dove chick, in turn, predicts financial well-being for you. Perhaps you will find a well-paid job or receive a bonus.

    Lonesome dove prophesies hard times

    Married woman The appearance of a white dove chick in a dream can promise the birth of a child.

    Variety of colors: white, black, pink, gray, red, multi-colored dove

    Pigeons are birds that amaze with a variety of colors: from snow-white to coal-black. In reality it seems cute and funny, but in a dream the color of the plumage often determines the nature of the interpretation.

  • The white dove is an excellent symbol for a person of any age and gender. Luck, peace, love - this is what awaits the dreamer. A particularly pleasant dream was one in which a white-winged bird soared in a cloudless blue sky. This plot symbolizes hope, which should not leave you under any circumstances. Help from above, unity with yourself is foreshadowed by a dove flying right above your head.
  • A bird with black wings prophesies melancholy and despair. And Fedorovskaya’s dream book generally sees death in this image. However, you should not immediately get upset and prepare for the worst, because, for example, the Vedic dream book considers this plot just as the beginning black stripe in life, and this is still better than an untimely death.
  • A rock dove is also not a very good sign. As a rule, it promises the sleeper health problems or an unpleasant situation from which he will not see a way out.
  • A pink bird promises a romantic acquaintance or the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  • Red birds most often indicate a stormy showdown between lovers, but everything will end well and the couple will not separate.
  • A multi-colored dove represents a cheerful celebration to which close friends will invite you. Do not refuse the invitation, because you have been in need of rest for a long time.
  • The black dove symbolizes sadness and despair

    A pair of doves flying into the window are harbingers of imminent matchmakers.


    The pigeon is by nature a free bird that can do anything in the kingdom of Morpheus. And this should definitely be taken into account.

    Behavior of pigeons in their sleep

  • A dove flying into an apartment indicates good news received from an old friend. A surprise awaits you if you are happy about this event.
  • A dove knocking on the window with its beak portends news.
  • Cooing birds promise a new addition to the family and mutual understanding with loved ones.
  • If a dove eats from a person’s hand in a dream, it means that in the near future you will be able to radically change your life, and certainly for the better.
  • Birds that are hostile to each other indicate a misunderstanding between spouses. Be more reasonable and learn to find a compromise.
  • Bathing pigeons are a symbol of additional financial flows. Money will rain on those who have seen how white birds undergo the procedure.
  • If the bird drowned, it means that you will take rash steps that will lead to the death of the whole business.
  • If in a dream a bird pecked the dreamer, it means that your actions will not yield results - losses cannot be avoided.
  • A dove attacking a person indicates the presence of enemies who have already thought through their line of behavior and will soon strike. Be careful and believe in yourself!
  • If a flying bird hits a person, it means that in reality you will receive an interesting offer that you cannot refuse. If a collision happened to you, then this indicates participation in a dubious project, thanks to which you can get rich.
  • White and black doves seen at the same time symbolize the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the white one.

    The family dream book warns that pigeons seen on Tuesday night may prophesy an unsuccessful resolution to a case that has already for a long time occupies your thoughts.

    Dreamer behavior

  • Watching a dove in a dream is a good sign, indicating that the enemy who has been bothering you for a long time will finally understand that he was wrong.
  • Feeding birds is a sign that there is a person next to the sleeping person who will always come to his aid. If you did this with your family and friends, it means that in the future you will have a chance to establish relationships with them. Feeding birds bread means a happy future and wealth.
  • Petting a dove means receiving a gift from fate, being able to realize yourself in life.
  • Trading pigeons in a dream can lead to injury to the limbs, and buying birds can lead to a serious illness.
  • If you catch a bird in a dream, it means that your financial situation in reality will improve much. If the attempt is unsuccessful, then the relationship with your lover will deteriorate, and a quick separation is possible.
  • Catching a bird in order to ring it means receiving news. To understand how pleasant it will be, pay attention to the color of the feathered plumage: a white dove means good news, black or gray means bad news.
  • A dream in which you took a bird out of the nest will bring fun gatherings with friends.
  • Hunting pigeons characterizes the dreamer as a cruel and callous person, and it is these traits of your character that can lead to separation from your loved one.
  • If you tore off a pigeon's head in a dream, then this act indicates your negative attitude to others. Apparently, you are a very petty and vile person who can betray at any convenient moment.
  • Killing a dove symbolizes the loss of a loved one, perhaps his death.
  • The appearance of a pink dove in a dream indicates the fulfillment of a cherished desire

    A pigeon's nest in a dream promises major changes in real life.

    Where did you see the bird

    Pigeons walking along the sidewalk indicate the presence of hidden talents that even the sleeping person himself was not aware of. Sometimes this dream indicates the arrival of distant relatives.

    Pigeons occupying your apartment symbolize cheerful gatherings with friends. If among the birds there was a black bird, it means that some of your friends will turn out to be a hypocritical traitor.

    If a bird lands on your hand in a dream, it means that you are a very confident person who can cope with all problems on your own. However, you should not refuse the help of friends, especially if it was offered from pure heart.

    Holding a dove in your hands means that fate will give you a chance, the main thing is to be able to use it correctly. For girls, this vision promises a successful marriage.

    A bird sitting on your head is a warning that you are spending more than you can afford. Remember, this attitude towards life can negatively affect your financial situation. Getting out of the debt hole you put yourself in will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible.

    A dove sitting on the window symbolizes the news. The one who saw the bird on the roof of a high-rise building will also receive good news. If the bird was sitting on bare ground, then meaningless fuss awaits you. Listen to your intuition, maybe it will tell you how to act in the current situation.

    A dove locked in a cage means that you do not have the opportunity to show your talents. For family people this image is a signal that they need to change something in their life, because now marriage for them is a shackle that cannot be gotten rid of.

    Dove on the shoulder - to fulfillment of desires

    Flying birds prophesy hope for a bright future and a happy family life.

    What else can a bird say?

  • A wounded dove indicates the dreamer's carelessness, due to which he may lose his faithful friend forever.
  • A bird that looks depressed or sick is also a symbol of misfortune.
  • A bird with a broken wing is a sign that you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation from which you will not be able to get out on your own.
  • A dove with baby doves symbolizes the peace in the family that you have been striving for for so long.
  • Seeing someone shoot a pigeon means the death of a friend.
  • A dead bird on your path predicts all kinds of misfortune and loneliness.
  • Video: what does the appearance of a bird of peace in a dream - a dove - mean?

    Most often, a dream in which a dove or dove is seen has positive character. He fills our lives with family joys and love. But this is exactly what a person needs, what gives him hope for a bright, cloudless future.

    To correctly decipher a dream about a dove, you need to wake up and remember all the details of the dream. It is also important what emotions you experienced while in the kingdom of Morpheus.

    The meaning of a dream about pigeons according to different dream books

    Each dream book interprets night dreams about pigeons in its own way:

    1. American. Peace and liberation from the heavy burden of problems.
    2. English. Fortune will smile on you.
    3. Wangi. The dream symbolizes inner purity. Because of your kindness and responsiveness, people are drawn to you.
    4. Oriental. Peace and quiet in the house, the birth of children.
    5. Female. To get married soon.
    6. Winters. Communication with an influential person who will lend a helping hand or give good advice.
    7. Italian. Something will really surprise you.
    8. Maly Velesov. Good luck in business and good events.
    9. Miller. Peace in the family and joy from the birth of children.
    10. Russian. To meet an unpleasant person.
    11. Russian folk. The dream symbolizes love and trust in the family.
    12. Family. Your home is a full bowl.
    13. Modern. A joyful event will happen in life.
    14. Freud. You will begin to be friends with someone of the opposite sex. This person will show exclusively friendly feelings. You won’t mind moving to another level in the relationship.
    15. Tsvetkova. Your health condition will worsen.

    Did you know that seeing an abandoned dovecote in a dream is a sign that you are unable to solve the problems that have piled up on your own? You need to turn to friends for help.

    Seeing a dove's nest with a clutch of eggs in a dream means a showdown with your partner. You demand a lot from each other, often quarrel over trifles

    Interpretation of sleep depending on the gender of the dreamer

    1. A dream about a dove promises a girl a marriage proposal. Such information is given in the modern dream book. According to esotericist Tsvetkov, a happy marriage awaits you. By Ukrainian dream book, a dove in a dream symbolizes the groom.
    2. According to the Islamic dream book, a woman who sees a dove in her night dreams is a pious and pious person. Gustave Miller believes that night vision promises the dreamer a happy family life.
    3. A dove seen in the kingdom of Morpheus for a pregnant woman foretells a cheerful event. It could be a party with your best friends or a gift from your loved one. According to the gypsy dream book, the dream promises meeting an interesting person.
    4. For a man, a dream about a dove predicts the receipt of good news. According to the white magician Longo, the dream marks a meeting with a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
    5. For family people, a dream about pigeons predicts joy and pleasure. By modern dream book, you can earn a considerable amount.
    6. If a child dreams of a bird, then victory in an argument or competition awaits him.

    Interesting to know! Releasing birds from the dovecote is a sign that any obstacles will be surmountable.

    If you dreamed of a pair of pigeons making a nest, then it’s time to discuss plans for the future with your loved one

    Bird size and number: large, small (chick), one, two or a whole flock

    1. If in your night dreams the dove was large, then expect the arrival of long-awaited guests. You will have a great time and will remember this meeting for many years.
    2. If the bird in the dream was an adult, but small in size, then expect good news. By family dream book, relatives will come to visit you.
    3. Did you see a dove chick in a dream? So wait financial well-being. May offer new job or pay a premium. For gambling people, night vision promises a big win.
    4. One dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a good sign. Dreams will definitely come true in the near future.
    5. Seeing a pair of doves in a dream is a good sign. The person you have loved for a long time will reciprocate.
    6. If you dreamed of a dove in the company of chicks, then the long-awaited peace and quiet will come in the house. Your significant other and children will delight you with a good attitude.
    7. Seeing a flock of pigeons in a dream is a bad omen. According to the gypsy dream book, you will lose trust and love in your relationship. According to Gustave Miller, you will quarrel with an old friend and say unnecessary things to each other. After a while you will make peace, but an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul will remain.

    Interesting fact! For lovers, a dream in which doves coo and kiss promises happiness and harmony in a relationship.

    To see in night vision a pair of doves soaring in the sky - good sign. Your relationship with your loved one is going well

    Why do you dream of a white, black, pink, gray, red or multi-colored dove?

    1. The white bird is a symbol of innocence and purity. For a woman, a dream can predict pregnancy, and for a young lady - a wedding.
    2. The black dove, according to Maria Fedorovskaya, is a messenger of death. The 21st century dream book states that despair and depression await you.
    3. If the plumage of the bird from the dream was pink, then your cherished wish will come true. Another vision may indicate a romantic meeting.
    4. A gray dove in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign of health problems. According to Grishina's dream book, you will find yourself in difficult situation and you will be powerless to change anything. You will clearly feel hopelessness and lose faith in yourself.
    5. The red bird in night dreams is an extraordinary symbol. On the one hand, the dream foreshadows a whirlwind romance, in which declarations of love will alternate loud scandals and clarifying relationships based on jealousy; on the other hand, receiving good news from relatives.
    6. A dream involving a multi-colored dove marks a fun event to which you will be unexpectedly invited (or you will get there completely by accident). You will have a great time and will be able to make new influential acquaintances.

    Interesting fact! If in a dream you find yourself the owner of a dovecote, then your wishes will soon come true.

    According to the gypsy dream book, releasing a dove in night dreams means liberation from the burden of problems and the beginning of a new stage in life.

    Actions in a dream: what does it mean to see a pigeon from the side, to see a bird flying into the window, to catch it, feed it with bread, etc.

    If you see pigeons on the roof of your own house in a dream, you will receive good news.

    If in a dream a bird makes a nest on the balcony, then changes will come in life. The main thing is to accept them with joy. Interpretation of other dreams about a dove

    Other dreams: I dreamed of a wounded or killed bird with a broken wing

    Did you see a wounded bird in a dream? One of your relatives will need your help. According to Miller's dream book, a dark streak will come in life.

    If the bird's wing was broken, because of which it could not fly away, then you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation and will not be able to change anything. You'll have to come to terms with it and accept everything as it is. If the pigeon from the night's dreams had problems with its leg, it limped and had difficulty moving, then to achieve what it wanted, it would have to work hard.

    A sick bird seen in the kingdom of Morpheus promises serious trouble. This could be a quarrel with an influential person, an illness, or the machinations of enemies.

    A dream in which a cat was hunting for pigeons warns that intrigues are woven behind your back.

    A dream in which you saw a shot dove predicts the sudden death of a loved one.

    A dead dove in night vision predicts loneliness and separation from a loved one. According to Vanga's dream book, misfortune awaits you.

    Dreams about pigeons promise us different events. This could be a marriage proposal, the birth of a child, or the death of a loved one. It is important to believe in the best, and then your dreams will definitely come true.

    To decipher a dream in which you dreamed of pigeons, you need to take into account such aspects as: the color of the bird, its mood and behavior, as well as how you interacted with it. In order not to miss such important little things, we advise you to write down your dreams immediately after waking up. This will give you the opportunity to get the most full interpretation your dream.

    A correctly interpreted dream will allow you to understand what your subconscious wants to convey to you. By accepting this information and using it to your advantage, you will be able to benefit from your inner resources. You will need less effort to achieve your goals if you take into account what your dreams portend.

    Do not mislead yourself by trusting the interpretations that you once heard from your friends. You should remember that every dream is a special case, and use general provisions not desirable for him. For this reason we have collected for you huge amount interpretations of dreams with doves so that you can find exactly your dream

    Dove according to the dream book

    A dove seen in a dream symbolizes spiritual purity, reconciliation with oneself and the world around us. In order to find out in more detail what these birds dream of, you should contact an interpreter. The dream book recommends first recalling the dream in detail: mood, semantic content, plot and its ending.

    White and black feathers

    A dreamed white dove symbolizes purity, innocence and warm, sincere feelings.

    • For a woman, a white bird can be a messenger of good news about the imminent birth of a child.
    • A white dove in the hands of an unmarried girl means imminent marriage.
    • Grishina gives a description of why a bird dreams of black plumage.
    • Grishina's dream book claims that a black dove is a harbinger of problems and misfortunes.

    Flew out the window

    If in a dream you happened to see a dove fly into an open window, it means that soon people whom you respect and are glad to see will come to your house.

    A dream in which a dove flew into a window also has negative meaning. In cases where such a dream makes you feel fear and anxiety, it should be taken as a harbinger of receiving disturbing news related to family members.

    Why do you dream similar plot, Aesop also explains. If a dove flew into a house, Aesop’s dream book interprets this as impending changes in a person’s life. If the bird behaved calmly, it means that the changes will be moderate and will not bring much discomfort. If she was restless or even aggressive, the dream book warns that changes may disrupt the rhythm for some period and cause some trouble.

    If you dreamed that a dove flew into the apartment, flew a little and flew out without any problems, it means that the changes that will soon occur will not affect the dreamer and his family, and will not affect their well-being and family structure.

    A dream in which you joyfully watch a dove fly into the window is interpreted as receiving a small and pleasant gift or surprise.

    dead dove

    The modern dream book explains this plot as a sign that you should change your lifestyle or daily routine, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time restoring your health.

    • A dream in which you had to kill a dove suggests that you will cope with all the difficulties that arise.
    • If the killed bird was black, this means overcoming the disease. If someone else killed the feathered creature, this means that relatives and friends will help in difficult times.
    • Did you dream that a wounded pigeon was dying before your eyes? This heralds the onset of the disease. In order to avoid an impending illness, you should take care of yourself and slightly slow down the pace at which you work.
    • It is best to take a vacation for a few days and spend it with your loved ones and family.

    Aesop gives a description of what a sick dove on the verge of death dreams of. A sick dove that recovers in a dream means that all family troubles and quarrels will be left behind - complete idyll and mutual understanding will come in the family.

    Feeding the birds

    A dream in which you have to feed pigeons is interpreted as the beginning of a new life, the end of a black streak. Feeding by hand means that in the dreamer’s life there is a person who will be there in goodness and joy. The plot in which you feed ghouls together with your family and friends means that all disagreements and grievances between you and your family are left behind.

    A whole flock

    Aesop gives an explanation of what many doves dream about. Such a dream can signal a loss of love and happiness. Aesop's Dream Book recommends that in the near future you carefully monitor your words and thoughts, even if you are in an irritable and nervous state, otherwise you will lose your dearest and most beloved person.

    The interpretation of the dream can also be found in the dream book of Seasons. Many doves circling over the house or over family and friends promise prosperity and honor.

    Two little doves

    If you dreamed of two doves at once, this promises a quick wedding celebration.

    • A dream in which pigeons are sitting on the window means soon pleasant news from a loved one or an unexpected surprise.
    • If in a dream two doves anxiously beat on the window, it means that the news received will lead to confusion and a state of mild shock.
    • A modern interpreter explains why you dream about pigeons knocking on the window.

    This plot means receiving news from family and friends. Moreover, the news will be pleasant and joyful.

    Miller's explanation of the dream

    Hearing cooing in a dream means a new addition to the family. The dream book claims that the house will be filled with the joy of happy parents and the cries of a newborn baby.

    For an unmarried girl, a dream plot may foretell a joyful and successful family union.

    If you dreamed that a dove flew in and sat down not far from a person, this means that luck and success will accompany you.

    Miller's dream book gives an answer to the question - what does hunting for birds mean? To hunt means to have business acumen and a tendency to go above and beyond to achieve your goals. For a young lady, such a dream means a subconscious desire to marry a man with power and a lot of money.

    • If a pigeon pecks, it means the loss of a friend or good acquaintance. A dream in which a dove pecked you promises impending disappointment in a person who was very nice. To prevent this from happening, Miller’s dream book recommends keeping your opinion to yourself and not speaking harshly about people in the presence of a person you like.
    • Why do you dream of a Dove - Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage.
    • A dream in which pigeons are someone else’s prey or you hunt them yourself is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, the dream will warn you against low and base pleasures. — to see flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not need to be afraid of misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend.
    • Hearing the voice of a lone dove portends misfortune, as does seeing a dead dove.

    Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage. A dream in which pigeons are someone else’s prey or you hunt them yourself is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, the dream will warn you against low and vile pleasures. Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not need to be afraid of misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend. Hearing the voice of a lone dove portends misfortune, as does seeing a dead dove.

    Freud's opinion

    Freud also gives a description of why a dove dreams. The dream of a feathered creature says that there is a person nearby who is a friend, but you would like a closer relationship with him. However, this friend (or girlfriend) sees the dreamer only in the role of a friend and is not in the mood for a serious relationship. Freud's dream book warns that you should not push a person, hinting at changes in the nature of the relationship - this can ruin everything. Only time will tell what kind of relationship will be between you and your friend.

    A dream about a dove indicates that in real life you have developed a warm and friendly relationship with a person of the opposite sex. A platonic relationship with you suits her quite well, and she is content with it. You look at her solely as an object of your desire and would not mind having sex with her. If you don’t want to lose communication with her, be patient and wait. Time will tell which of you is right.

    Various dream explanations

    Why do you dream of holding a dove in your hands, Grishina explains. For lovers, what they see in a dream means complete trust and mutual understanding. During separation, such a dream states that your lover or beloved remains faithful to you in body and soul. In work, this may indicate that the position you dream of will soon be in your hands.

    • If you dream that a dove is sitting calmly in the house, this is interpreted as a harbinger of prosperity, peace and harmony in the family.
    • If the bird is in a cage, it means that the dreamer feels constrained and insecure next to his soul mate.
    • Also this dream may indicate that the person next to you is deeply unhappy.
    • The universal dream book advises to let this person go so as not to destroy him.

    Vanga will help you find out why you dream about catching pigeons. Vanga's dream book reports that for people who are engaged in business, catching and catching a pigeon means an increase in income. To a young man such a dream promises to win the heart of a girl you have liked for a long time. A woman is predicted to soon get married or have a serious relationship with the man she likes.

    If you dreamed of a dove sitting on your shoulder, this indicates that a person will appear in the dreamer’s life who will become for him not only a friend, but a teacher and comrade-in-arms, initiated into all the secrets.

    Did you dream that a dove sat on your head? This plot means peace and harmony in the soul. The Dream Book of the 21st Century predicts only good days ahead.

    Why do you dream about a dove?

    A dream in which pigeons are someone else’s prey or you hunt them yourself is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, the dream will warn you against low and vile pleasures.
    Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not need to be afraid of misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend.
    Hearing the voice of a lone dove portends misfortune, as does seeing a dead dove.

    Alternative interpretation:

    Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing - auspicious sign. Such a dream promises peace in the house and beautiful children. For a young woman, such a dream promises a quick and successful marriage. A dream in which you shoot pigeons for fun means that toughness sometimes appears from under the guise of virtue.

    Be merciful to people. In addition, the dream warns you against giving in to base passions. Seeing pigeons flying means that you will soon receive news from absent friends.

    Women's dream book

    • Why do you dream of a Dove - A Dove is a symbol of peace in the family and the joy of childbirth.
    • If a girl sees a dove in a dream and hears its cooing, a happy marriage awaits her.
    • Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means a successful resolution of your problem or news from distant friends.
    • A dead dove in a dream foretells misfortune.
    • Hunting doves in a dream is a manifestation of the cruel side of your nature.
    • Also, such a dream can warn the dreamer against low and vile actions.

    Maly Velesov

    Why do you dream about the Dove - Bereginya was around, wait for the groom, good, good luck, children (for parents), couple; many pigeons - for luck, good news // illness; pecks - loss; catch - you will get a lot of money, there will be guests; catch - wedding, meeting with a friend, trouble; will arrive - matchmakers; miss - separation; fly away - death; remove from the nest - invite guests; to kill - a quarrel with a friend.


    Dream Interpretation Dove – A dove is a symbol of peace, love and trust. People associate all the best with this bird: hopes for peace and harmony, good news and, of course, love, because it is no coincidence that lovers of all countries understand without words what two doves sitting next to each other mean.

    • Since ancient times, people have trained and used pigeons as postmen, and therefore even now, when we see a pigeon near our window, we ask it about the news that it brought.
    • Seeing a dove with little chicks in a dream is a sign that long-awaited peace and harmony will soon be established in your family. Your spouse will make you happy, and your children will no longer upset you.
    • Seeing a dove carrying something in a dream means that you will receive good news from an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time.

    Watching a dove drinking water in a dream is a sign that changes for the better will soon await you, personal problems will be easily solved, despite the fact that now it seems to you that there is no one more unhappy in this world than you.

    Other interpretations of it

    If you dreamed that a dove, trying to drink water, drowned in the river, then in real life you will have a task that you will undertake thoughtlessly, and therefore will fail in it.

    Raising pigeons at home is evidence that in real life you are not entirely satisfied with the well-being of your family, and therefore your desire is to make sure that your household members are happy, healthy and do not need anything.

    Ringing a dove in a dream in order to send some news with it is a prophecy of imminent news that will surprise and at the same time greatly delight you.

    Perhaps such a dream means that you yourself will tell someone unexpected news. Being in a dovecote in a dream means unspeakable luck.

    Perhaps you will receive an unexpected inheritance or win a large sum of money in the lottery. Hearing the cooing of pigeons in a dream is a sign that you will soon have the opportunity to have a good time in the company of old, cheerful friends. You will not only have a pleasant time, but you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.

    Seeing a wounded dove in a dream means your carelessness, as a result of which you will lose your closest friend. For lovers, such a dream prophesies a break in the relationship.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    Why do you dream of a Dove - This bird is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the dreamer, a symbol of good, joyful news. To see cooing doves - fidelity in love, devotion are waiting for you. Flying doves are good news, hope will inspire you.

    Italian dream book

    Dream Interpretation Dove - An image of emotional distribution, but without serious contribution.

    Dream book for the whole family

    If he sits on your shoulder, someone close to you will become seriously ill. If it’s on the table, the sleeper himself will get sick. If a bird is sitting on a tree, you need to go out into nature. If a dove flies onto the dome of a church, God reminds of himself and wants to help the soul of the one who had the dream.

    If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you will receive a refusal in the matter that you have been busy with for a long time. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday foretells that you will safely survive a problematic period and become a participant in some important historical events.

    Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

    Dream Interpretation Dove - Happy incident, event.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    • Dream Interpretation Dove - To see flying pigeons in a dream means that you will communicate with an influential person, promising you new connections and acquaintances, to see a lot of pigeons - to happiness and mutual understanding in the family, to see a pigeon at home - to family joys and pleasures.
    • White doves in a dream - to good luck, gray and black - to despair, frustration, melancholy. Hearing doves cooing means receiving friendly advice that is worth listening to; seeing doves kissing means happiness and joy for lovers.
    • Feeding pigeons means being loved, catching them means a date, a wedding, unsuccessfully catching pigeons means trouble, eating them means boredom and disappointment, releasing them means separation. Seeing a dovecote means profit; having one means the quick fulfillment of your plans.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Why do you dream of a Dove - Illness; white - God's providence, spiritual revelation, for good, spiritual love (symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace). Married couple - happiness in love; successful marriage, marriage.

    The meaning of a dream about a dove

    See a dove

    It symbolizes the spirit of life, the soul, the transition from one state to another, the spirit of light, purity, but in some traditions it is a symbol of voluptuousness, innocence, tenderness and peace. The dove is dedicated to the Great Mothers and Queens of Heaven. Then it means femininity and motherhood.

    Two doves often accompany the Mother Goddess - a dove with an olive branch - a symbol of peace and renewal of life. In addition, she is the emblem of Athena. Doves drinking from a cup signify the Spirit, drinking water life. Sacred doves are associated with funerary cults.

    The Chinese

    The dove symbolizes longevity, fidelity, orderliness, filial and daughterly respect, spring, voluptuousness and is also associated with Mother Earth.

    In Christianity

    Symbol of the Holy Spirit, purity, inspired thought, peace, Baptism, Good News, water of creation. Seven doves symbolize the seven gifts of the Spirit, a flock of doves - believers, a dove with an olive branch - peace, forgiveness and deliverance. Just as the dove from Noah's Ark brought an olive branch as a sign of peace between God and man and found no place anywhere except the ark, so the Christian finds salvation nowhere except the church. A dove with a palm branch means victory over death.

    The white dove is a symbol of a saved soul that has undergone purification, as the antithesis of the black raven of sin. The doves on the vine symbolize believers who have taken refuge in Christ. A pair of doves represents family happiness and love. The dove on Joseph's staff signifies the husband of a pure virgin. The dove is the emblem of the Knights of the Grail and Saints Benedict, Gregory and Scholastica.

    The Egyptians

    Symbolizes innocence. The Dove appears on the branches of the Tree of Life with its fruit and a vessel filled with the waters of life. In Greco-Roman culture, it symbolizes love and renewal of life and is an attribute of Zeus, who was fed by doves.

    In Hinduism

    For the god of the dead, Yama, owls and doves play the role of messengers. In Islam, the Three Holy Virgins are represented by three columns on which doves sit. In Japanese culture, a dove symbolizes longevity and reverence and is dedicated to the god of war, Hachiman, but a dove carrying a sword heralds the end of war.

    In Manichaean iconography

    The third character of the Trinity is sometimes depicted as a white dove. In Minoan culture, doves are associated with the Great Mother and, along with snakes, are her attributes, denoting air and earth. In Parsi culture, the dove represents the Supreme Being.

    In Sumerian-Semitic culture

    Symbolizes divine power, is dedicated to Astarte and is an attribute of Ishtar, as the Great Mother. On the seventh day after the flood, a dove was sent from the Babylonian Ark. Seeing pigeons in a dream and hearing them cooing means peace in the family and the joy of childbirth.

    For a girl, such a dream promises a quick and joyful marriage. A dream in which pigeons are someone else’s prey or you hunt them yourself is evidence that the cruelty of your nature will manifest itself in your business relationships and, at the same time, the dream will warn you against low and vile pleasures.

    Seeing flying pigeons in a dream means that you do not need to fear misunderstandings, as well as possible news from a distant friend. Hearing the voice of a lone dove portends misfortune, as does seeing a dead dove. A favorable dream if you see birds with beautiful plumage.

    If a woman sees this dream, she should expect a quick and happy marriage or new love. Seeing a wounded bird means deep sadness caused by the behavior of a reckless offspring.

    • Seeing birds flying is a sign of prosperity for the one who sees this dream. All undesirable circumstances will disappear in the flow of the coming good. Catching a bird is a good dream.
    • Hearing birds talking is a harbinger of your inability to solve a problem that requires great clarity of perception. Killing a bird with a gun is a dream foreshadowing a catastrophe, crop failure, or natural disaster.
    • Seeing birds in a dream according to Loff’s dream book If you have ever watched Alfred Hitchcock’s film “The Birds,” you will immediately understand that the symbolism associated with them is interpreted by people in different ways.

    Since time immemorial, birds have had a reputation as troublemakers and harbingers of trouble.

    Middle East

    At one time, among the peoples of the Middle East, it was even considered a bad sign if a bird pecked a person. Crows and vultures have been using notoriety, however, the ability to fly, inaccessible to humans, contributed to the creation of an aura of majesty around birds as a species and some subspecies, in particular. Here it is worth giving as an example catchphrase“soar like an eagle”, which has been a metaphor for hope and self-confidence for 25 centuries.

    The vigilance of birds, remember at least the famous expression “ hawk eye“- another example of their positive perception. Crows and owls in the mythology and literature of many cultures are certainly associated with wisdom, and the ability of some birds to reproduce human speech generally distinguishes them into a special category of representatives of the animal world. Some people in your dreams may look like birds.

    If you talk to them in a dream, this may indicate communication problems, and this is true even if the birds do not answer you. As with other animals, to interpret a dream it is important to consider what kind of bird it is and what it means to you.

    People whom you subconsciously endow with properties similar to certain birds, for example, wise, like an owl, predatory, like a hawk, or keen-sighted, like an eagle, may appear to you in dreams in the form of these same birds, and not necessarily in the form of a bird with a specific face or head of a person, but as a metaphorical image.

    If you dreamed of a very large bird, then this means that in the future the Earth is threatened by a very large meteorite, as a result of which several cities will be wiped off the face of the Earth. If in a dream a large bird approaches the dreamer, then the city in which this person lives will suffer from the meteorite.

    Why do you dream of a dove according to the dream book of “Yorkshire Gypsies”?

    The gypsies from Yorkshire did not limit themselves to the meager explanations of other dream interpreters that a dove is a sign of news. If the gypsy does not see land, then the news can be both potentially good and potentially bad. But if he saw land, he should expect good news. Probably this rule applies to all other people.

    Why do you dream of a dove according to the dream book “Nobleman” (further from the explanations of Mrs. Grishina)

    Yes, undoubtedly, nobles also dreamed of pigeons, and perhaps even more often than ordinary classes. And even in an age of advanced technology, it will be quite interesting how they interpreted this.

    Pigeons – this cannot be done without the participation of the fair half of humanity. Again, these are amorous affairs associated with frequent kisses, indispensable joy at the same time, and even fidelity.

    • White doves represent all the best that is in a person.
    • But it’s better not to change their color - all other colors are servants of darkness, woeful messengers. They are like angels - they have light and dark.
    • The presence of white doves in the house is a good sign.
    • But feeding them means separation.
    • Taking chicks out of the nest means profit.

    If the pigeons are large, this means guests, and the larger they are, the higher rank the guests will visit the house.

    Interpretation of birds

    Flying doves are hope. Unfortunately, Ms. Grishina did not indicate what exactly.

    Dove and dove - for love and wedding. Sleep is every girl's dream. But some sources claim that a dove should sit on their head - also for the wedding. If the dove is dark in color, it is unlucky, so young girls must definitely dream about white doves, decorously placed on their heads.

    • Catching a dove and not catching it means bad luck, but catching it means getting married.
    • Doves sit on hands and shoulders - symbolizes the high spirituality of a person.
    • Having a dovecote means the fulfillment of a cherished desire. Of course, everyone has their own.

    As you can see, each interpreter has his own explanations regarding the pigeon theme. What points of view still exist, and is it possible to somehow generalize them? You can try it.

    The vile bird is circling in the sky

    Seeing a small bird in a dream is a sign that peace and quiet will come on Earth; there will be no wars, hunger and poverty. All people will be happy. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies happiness. To see a bird without wings in a dream - a dream foreshadows a real threat to the population of Australia, because the emu bird, which has no wings, is depicted on the coat of arms of this country.

    If you dreamed that a bird was screaming in a wild voice, then in the future some country will be threatened by an invasion of barbarians. For the dreamer, such a dream predicts difficult work under the control of a cruel boss.

    • Black double headed eagle is a symbol of the power of Russia. Seeing a black double-headed eagle fighting with any animal is a threat of war and external conflicts. Seeing a headless bird in a dream means sad events in Russia.
    • If you dreamed of voiceless birds, then in the future there will be a very severe drought on Earth, as a result of which many countries on the planet will suffer. Seeing an iron bird in a dream is a sign that a unique aircraft will be invented very soon.
    • If an iron bird sits on the ground, then this is an omen of a major plane crash. Seeing birds of rare beauty in a dream is a sign that you live and are interested only in your past. If you see a rare bird in a dream, then you will have to focus all your energies on the present, and not look back at the past or look to the future.


    This is the only way you can avoid the disaster that is approaching you. To see an eagle soaring in the sky in a dream means striving for divinity and mercy.

    Dignity will not allow you to make the wrong choice in the future. Eagle in a cage - the desire for power and might. Seeing a rooster in a dream means quarrels and conflicts. A dream in which a rooster attacks you means that someone will try to involve you in a conflict, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

    If in a dream you watch cockfights, in reality you will witness an emergency. birds according to the Ayurvedic dream book A dream in which birds fly is unlucky. It means that circumstances will throw away

    You back in some action. However, for poor people this may be a harbinger of improved financial condition, especially if birds sing in a dream.

    When a dove dreams of good things

    Seeing cooing pigeons in a dream is a good sign, which foreshadows a new addition to the family and promises harmony and mutual understanding with loved ones. There will be peace and tranquility in the life of someone who saw children chasing pigeons in a dream.

    If in your dream a dove flew into your apartment, then joyful events and pleasant meetings await you. A surprise awaits the one who is very happy about the bird. The one who dreamed of a bird on the roof will receive good news. Getting to know positive person will be brought by a dove knocking on your window.

    The beginning of a new life is indicated by a dream where you fed birds from your hands. In addition, this means that there is a loving and reliable person next to you. If pigeons were kissing in your dream, then your love is mutual and sincere. But sometimes such a dream can indicate dissatisfaction.

    Unfavorable interpretation of sleep

    Disappointment in a person or the loss of a loved one is promised by a dream in which a dove pecked you. To prevent this from happening, try to spend more time with your loved ones and have heart-to-heart conversations with them.

    • If you are trying to catch a dove in a dream, but you are unsuccessful, serious problems await you. This may apply not only to personal life, but also to work. Problems in the family will be brought by a dream in which a cat was chasing birds. The reason for this may be the actions of envious people and imaginary friends.
    • Anyone who sold pigeons in a dream needs to be very careful and circumspect, as he will encounter dishonest people. If you bought them, then you cannot avoid illness.
    • Parting with the other half awaits the one who ate pigeon meat in a dream. If you dreamed about how you were preparing it, then grief and sadness will come to your home. Big trouble will overtake the one who heard the cry of a dove in a dream.
    • If you watched birds flying in a dream, you will probably find yourself in a difficult situation from which you will not be able to get out on your own.
    • A night vision in which you happened to see a dove shitting itself speaks of an absent-minded and inattentive character. In addition, it indicates that this is the reason for your failures.

    If someone threw a stone at a pigeon in a dream, then this promises big trouble for the dreamer. After this, it is not recommended to communicate with unfamiliar people. You should also beware of rivals and competitors who can cause harm at the most unexpected moment.

    What does the color of a dove mean?

    Why do you dream of dead or killed pigeons?

    • If in your dream someone shot a pigeon, then this dream warns that soon someone from your environment may get sick.
    • A dream in which a wounded pigeon died right before your eyes predicts a disease that will not be easy to overcome. This dream also advises you to get a good rest before you wear yourself out with hard work.
    • If a dove comes to life in your dream, then a white streak will come in your life, all quarrels and problems will remain in the distant past.
    • It turns out that pigeons in a dream dream of positive aspects: family joys, success in any activity. After all, the dove is truly a symbol of love and peace.

    Flew into the window

    A dove in the house is a person who plays an important role in a person’s life. Most likely, he is part of his environment, his “home”, and it is he who is able to change his whole life. It may turn out to be much closer than expected. And even become part of the person’s personality. You just need to look deeper into yourself. good people they will definitely find something.

    Why dream of a blue, black dove?

    The blue dove in dream books is not described in such gloomy tones, but is even personified with devoted love. You shouldn’t understand all the interpretations too clearly; after all, a dream is an extremely individual thing.

    The black dove is a surprisingly stable bad sign. In some interpretations, it is regarded as a completely good deed, done sincerely, but misunderstood. Yes, human relations It’s a complicated thing, sometimes even without any pigeons.

    Why do you dream of a dove in your hands?

    Catching a dove is good luck, it’s just a bird of happiness. Or maybe it is so, no one argues. But still, for success, sometimes you need to do something more than just catch a poor bird in a dream.

    Why do you dream of a dead dove in a dream?

    A dead dove, unlike white and living ones, promises only diseases of the internal organs of someone from the immediate environment. This just doesn't happen in dreams. It would be a good idea for a person to pay attention to his own health; after all, it is he who dreams of dead birds, and not those closest to him.

    If the bird died right before our eyes, and was not already dead, this indicates the development of the disease in the present tense, and he is able to change something. It makes sense to take a vacation, unwind, relax and improve your health, so that you no longer dream of dead pigeons, fresh or not so fresh.

    Why else do you dream about a dove?

    Where was he

    • A dove on the head - as already mentioned, for a girl this is for a wedding.
    • A dove on your shoulder means good news.
    • Pigeons in the sky - fortunately.
    • A girl dreams of a dove - only for marriage, without options.
    • Pigeons on the roof are good news again.
    • Letting go of the pigeons means missing out on an opportunity, parting with something valuable, perhaps a loved one.
    • Catching pigeons - if you start, you have to catch them or things will only get worse.
    • Killing a dove is a terrible sin even in a dream. Punishable in reality by the loss of loved ones. But don't be scared, it could just be separation. Although it’s also not very pleasant.
    • Roasting pigeon meat on a spit is an alarming sign, and if you eat it later, the interest in real life will completely disappear. The conclusion is simple - it is better not to touch these birds of God even in a dream.
    • If pigeons circle in the sky in a circle, then the rash act committed the day before will have no consequences. Yes, it certainly wouldn’t be possible here without pigeons. Holy birds.
    • Buying pigeons is a risk of getting an infectious disease (from materials from the Modern Dream Book)
    • Selling pigeons means there is a high risk of breaking one of the limbs.
    • Throwing stones at pigeons is definitely unforgivable; in life it can cause a lot of trouble, even if you just watch it indifferently from the sidelines.


    Finally, we can say that the above information is purely for informational purposes and does not claim to be the ultimate truth due to its obvious heterogeneity. But they believed in the prophetic nature of dreams at all times, and modern world no exception.

    To interpret your dreams, you need to better understand yourself, know your associations, and everyone has their own. And the dove, for example, according to Freud, differs significantly from all other birds of all stripes and colors. Maybe he's sexier. It would be logical. Therefore, the answers of each interpreter are sometimes opposite.