State programs to support medium and small businesses. The essence of government programs for the support and development of small businesses

Capital authorities Russian Federation are developing measures to stimulate business activity of the population. Supporting small businesses in Moscow is a systematic activity of government agencies, carried out at the legislative and executive levels.

Let's consider the options for budget assistance that capital businessmen can count on in 2018.

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Goals and forms of work

The authorities interact with business structures through specially created Funds. These enterprises accumulate the initiatives of market participants, create tools and new forms of cooperation between the state and entrepreneurs.

The policy priorities of the Moscow authorities are:

  1. promoting the involvement of young people in business activities;
  2. support for market entities working with foreign counterparties;
  3. providing conditions for improving the professional and educational level of entrepreneurs;
  4. providing funding to companies involved in infrastructure and civil society development.
For example, the Interregional Marketing Center “Moscow” organizes the promotion of goods produced in the capital in the regions. There is an enterprise whose tasks include creating a unified information environment for businessmen.

In addition to other forms of support, subsidies are provided for small businesses in Moscow. This form of cooperation is the attraction of budget funds for the development of small businesses.

These structures see their goals as:

  • combining the efforts of businessmen to increase the level of interaction with the state;
  • improving working conditions for entrepreneurs;
  • development of proposals for improving legislation;
  • providing support to start-up businessmen.
For information: a company can receive help not only from the authorities. The centers actively cooperate with private investors, accumulating their proposals.

Types of support

There are several foundations operating in the capital of the Russian Federation. They offer clients and partners a variety of useful services.

The table shows their features

Information: there is a center in every district of the city.

Assistance in obtaining a loan

This type of support is provided by the Bank Lending Assistance Fund. Its essence is that the borrower receives government guarantees. Terms of provision:

  • working with a partner bank;
  • impeccable credit history and business reputation;
  • registration in Moscow or the region.
Attention: The Fund guarantees up to 50% of the loan. The bank independently applies for a guarantee.

Rent at reduced prices

In order to reduce the costs of running a business, start-up entrepreneurs are provided with discounts on renting space in buildings owned by the state(to the municipality). The price is five to six times lower than the market price. However, to receive a preference, the following conditions must be met:

  • register as a person on the list of small businesses;
  • engage in educational or medical projects.
Attention: the subsidy is not issued to applicants who violate the deadlines for making tax and other mandatory payments.


The Center “MB of Moscow” allocates funds free of charge to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The conditions are:

  • less than two years have passed since the start of activity;
  • no more than 250 hired workers work in production;
  • annual revenue does not exceed 1 billion rubles;
  • the share of foreign owners does not exceed 25%.

To receive money, you must send an application to the structure, accompanying it with the necessary documentation. The subsidy is targeted. You will have to account for the use of funds.

Information: the amount of assistance does not exceed 500 thousand rubles.

The above organization issues targeted subsidies for participation in exhibitions. Their size reaches 300 thousand rubles. The selection criteria for participants are the same as listed above. But there are exceptions. This type of assistance cannot be received by a structure engaged in the following types of activities:

  • trade in excisable goods;
  • mediation;
  • agency work.

Watch a video about supporting small and medium-sized businesses

State programs for the development of small businesses are important for maintaining the normal functioning of the economy, as well as for increasing social level population. Financing of small business development projects is carried out at all levels of government of the Russian Federation. Government programs are of interest to young businessmen, as well as to the authorities themselves. Opportunity to provide effective support, creating conditions for the implementation of government programs is the main indicator of the country’s desire for prosperity and well-being.

The small business development program is based on the postulates of the federal level entrepreneurship development program. The range of government support measures includes the following types of programs:

  • regional;
  • interregional;
  • industry;
  • intersectoral;
  • municipal.

Each of the above types includes a specific plan for providing support, as well as entrepreneurship development. In the field of financing various sectors of small business, the authorities are faced with a specific, difficult task - to determine the most promising, profitable niches of the economy. A competent choice of these areas will allow you to rationally distribute funds and make profitable investments. Government investments made today, as well as development programs implemented, will help replenish the state treasury with new taxes in the future, as well as create a competitive environment in the market.

These processes, like nothing else, will have a beneficial effect on the overall development of the economy, increase the solvency of the population, and most importantly, provide citizens with additional jobs. Based on this information, we can conclude that government programs for the development and support of small businesses are a strategically important object of research and financing.

Entrepreneurship development programs in the Russian Federation can be divided into the following categories:

  • registration of subsidies;
  • receiving grants;
  • providing training free of charge or at a discount;
  • completing an internship under the guidance of highly qualified specialists, conducting practical classes;
  • registration of leasing programs on preferential terms;
  • receiving advice in the field of jurisprudence and accounting on a preferential or free basis;
  • the possibility of purchasing real estate owned by the local municipality;
  • assistance in the implementation of advertising projects, support for participation in fairs and exhibitions in the field of supporting small businesses.

The state uses both direct and indirect methods to support small businesses. Indirect methods include measures that are aimed at mitigating the conditions of taxation and control.
Commercial and commercial organizations can implement small business development programs non-commercial form. In this area, private firms act as partners of the state, providing their assistance and financing. For providing certain support, companies, of course, receive the necessary benefits.

In the field of supporting small businesses, a subsidy system is widely used; when applying it, it is necessary to adhere to strict implementation rules:

  • the use of subsidies must be targeted;
  • all expenses must be supported by official documents;
  • performers must create a detailed report on the work done, attaching checks, acts and other papers to it.

Today in our country the most actively financed government programs are “Development of Small and Medium Enterprises” and “Economic Development and Innovative Economy”.

Issues related to supporting small businesses are annually submitted to the general federal meeting of the highest authorities. Consideration current problems and strategic decisions are made before the immediate adoption of the federal budget. It is this source of funds that will play a leading role in the development of entrepreneurship in the new year. Government programs to be considered at the meeting must first be reviewed by competent experts in the field of national economics. The fate of small businesses as a whole will depend on the effectiveness and feasibility of projects.

Entrepreneurship support projects always have clear requirements and standards, which can be included in the following list of provisions:

  • measures to create and develop commercial infrastructure at the regional, federal and local levels;
  • competent identification of promising areas of commercial activity that will be of interest both to the state and to business;
  • carrying out activities that would be aimed at overall stimulation and motivation of those segments of the population that have a minimum level of social protection;
  • creating a system of benefits, installment plans and subsidies that would allow vulnerable segments of the population to get involved in the process of business and entrepreneurship, simplifying the creation of their own business through state support;
  • identification of high-quality financial sources, specific budget segments from which it will be possible to make annual contributions to programs to improve market infrastructure and increase the number of registered individual enterprises;
  • creating conditions and events that will be aimed at transferring unfinished commercial projects in various fields to young entrepreneurs;
  • providing conditions for the transfer of construction projects that are unprofitable or are on the verge of bankruptcy to beginning, young businessmen;
  • creating the opportunity to buy out premises and retail areas that previously an individual entrepreneur could only rent, the state offers the businessman the buyout of fixed assets on preferential terms.

Limitations in providing assistance to young businessmen

Pay attention! Not every citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of benefits and subsidies.

The following groups of citizens can be classified as vulnerable segments of the population:

  • military in reserve;
  • single mothers;
  • disabled people, people with disabilities;
  • dismissed specialists from promising industries;
  • former prisoners and deprived of liberty;
  • students, unemployed youth;
  • migrants, refugees;
  • unemployed citizens;
  • able-bodied pensioners.

Involving these segments of the population in the economic development process is the main goal of state executive bodies. Very often, the authorities practice the method of transferring old projects to new specialists of a narrow profile, this technique Most often used in the following areas:

  • technological work;
  • research in various areas;
  • scientific works in progress;
  • experimental and constructive activity.

Often such experiments end in great success, but often the efforts invested in the implementation of the program turn out to be wasted.

Pay attention! Activities to support and develop small businesses are developed and formed on the basis of legislative norms and standards.

All of them have fundamentally important character for the situation of the entire country, therefore they must be clearly correlated with a complex of various tasks and goals of the state. Entrepreneurship support projects should be balanced against the objectives of the following types of government policies:

  • consequences of emergency incidents;
  • assistance to unemployed citizens;
  • assistance to refugees and displaced persons;
  • improvement of ecology and environmental conditions;
  • regulation of population migration processes.

Creation of separate budgets and reserves

The following forms of associations can develop and also propose for consideration small business development projects:

  • institutions;
  • firms;
  • companies;
  • organizations;
  • enterprises.

Pay attention! This rule applies to any associations, regardless of what organizational, property, or structural form they have. The authorities select projects, as a result of which they receive a list of the most effective and promising programs. Selected programs will be funded first.

In the field of entrepreneurship, separate funds, independent of the state budget, can be created, the resources of which will be directed to the implementation of new commercial projects. Such measures are practiced, for example, by large enterprises that are actively engaged in scientific, as well as research activities. Very often cash, received from the state and individual independent companies, are used in combination to achieve a more effective result.

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In every region of our country there are programs that provide various subsidies, compensation, benefits and other types of assistance. What forms of government support for entrepreneurs exist and how to use them? We will talk about this in our article.

Today, the most popular small business assistance programs are:

  • subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed;
  • business development subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs;
  • guarantee under credit and leasing agreements;
  • compensation for part of the interest on loans;
  • reimbursement of part of the costs under the leasing agreement;
  • issuing loans at reduced rates;
  • reimbursement of expenses for participation in exhibitions and fairs;
  • tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs.

Let's consider all these types of government support in more detail.

Subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed

If you are unemployed and want to try your hand at business, a subsidy from the employment center in the amount of 58,800 rubles can help you at first. This view state aid provided to unemployed citizens free of charge. In order to receive a subsidy, you need to contact the employment service at your place of registration, register for unemployment, write and defend a business plan. Some employment centers will additionally require you to go through short training basics of entrepreneurship and psychological testing.

It is best if your future business has a social orientation and you create one or more jobs. For example, let's start manufacturing products folk art. Business ideas related to the production or sale of alcohol, opening a pawnshop, network marketing. After defending your business plan before the commission and if it is approved, you enter into an agreement with the employment center to receive a subsidy. Please note that you should register an individual entrepreneur or LLC only after concluding an agreement. It is necessary to follow this procedure, since the contract is concluded with you as an unemployed person, and not as an entrepreneur or legal entity.

The costs of registration are also reimbursed by the state. Reimbursement is transferred upon the fact, that is, you must pay for registration at your own expense, and then provide documents on payment to the employment center.

The subsidy amount may increase if you hire one or more unemployed people who are also registered with this employment center (+58,800 for each hired employee). This program is valid for individual entrepreneurs only.

Within three months of receiving the grant, you must certify that the funds have been spent in accordance with the approved business plan. If your business lasts less than a year- the money will have to be returned to the state.

Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs

You can get a more significant amount for business development - 300,000 rubles (500,000 rubles for Moscow entrepreneurs). In order for you to be provided with such a subsidy, at least a year must pass from the moment of registration of your individual entrepreneur or LLC. Money is issued after defending a business project, but on co-financing terms, that is, you invest 50-70% of your own funds, and the state compensates for the rest of your costs for business development. The subsidy can be spent on purchasing equipment, equipping workplaces, purchasing raw materials, and paying rent. Another condition for providing a subsidy is that your company does not have debts on taxes and insurance premiums. Non-repayable loans are most often issued to entrepreneurs who carry out socially important activities - engaged in consumer services, work in the field of education, healthcare, etc. You will need to account in detail for the public funds spent. You can find out all the details from local governments or business support funds in your region.

Guarantee for loan and leasing agreements

In almost every region there are guarantee funds that can become guarantors when an entrepreneur applies for a loan or enters into an agreement with a leasing company. Such a guarantee is an additional advantage when obtaining a loan. For the service, the fund will have to pay 1.5-2% of the guarantee amount, which, as a rule, is 30-70% of the loan amount.

How to use the guarantee fund:

  1. Find out the requirements for borrowers on the fund’s website or by phone.
  2. If you meet them, then check which banks are the fund’s partners. Select the bank where you would like to take out a loan.
  3. When contacting the bank, indicate that you would like the guarantee fund to act as your guarantor.
  4. If your loan application is approved by the bank, then together with the bank you need to prepare documents and an application to the guarantee fund.
  5. If the fund's decision is positive, a tripartite guarantee agreement is drawn up.
  6. You receive a loan and pay for the services of the guarantee fund.

The guarantee fund must be located in the same region in which your business is registered.

Compensation for part of interest on loans

If you took out a loan for business development from one of the Russian banks, you can compensate part of the interest on the loan at the expense of the state. The amount of the subsidy depends on the current refinancing rate and the size of the loan. This type of support is valid in almost all regions and applies to most types of activities.

Reimbursement of part of the costs under the leasing agreement

Another popular type of assistance from the state to small businesses is compensation for part of payments under leasing agreements. If you are leasing production equipment or transport, then you have the opportunity to return part of the funds. Maximum size differs depending on the region: for example, in Moscow it is up to 5 million rubles. You can find out all the details from the small business development department or entrepreneurship support funds in your region.

Issuing loans at reduced rates

In many regions of the Russian Federation, there are microfinance programs for small businesses that enable entrepreneurs to receive loans and short-term loans on preferential terms. As a rule, the loan amount ranges from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles for a period of 1-3 years. Interest rate varies from 8 to 10%. Certain regions provide loans at a lower rate - 5% to entrepreneurs who work in the manufacturing or agricultural sector, provide household services, that is, they are engaged in socially significant activities. In some cases, you can get a larger amount - up to 5 million for a longer period - up to 5 years.

To obtain a loan, contact the entrepreneurship support fund in your region. There you will be told what requirements the borrower must meet, what documents and possibly collateral are required to obtain a loan. Based on the documents provided and the collateral, the fund’s specialists will make a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a loan.

Reimbursement of expenses for participation in exhibitions and fairs

This type of state support for small businesses will allow you to reduce the costs of participating in exhibitions and fairs, that is, take advantage of the opportunity to present your product to a wide audience, find clients and partners, and exchange experiences. The state can pay two-thirds of your participation in such events - rental and delivery of equipment, registration fee. Travel, accommodation and food costs are not reimbursed. The subsidy is provided once during the current financial year. The subsidy amount is from 25,000 to 300,000 rubles, depending on the region.

Tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs

From January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, regions have the right to set a zero tax rate for first-time registered individual entrepreneurs for 2 years. This applies to imputation and patent entrepreneurs who work in the production, social, household or scientific spheres. For example, in 2016, “tax holidays” are in effect in Bryansk, Voronezh, Kostroma, Kursk, Lipetsk, Moscow, Omsk, Tula and many other regions.

Also, since 2016, reduced rates have been introduced in some regions as anti-crisis measures to support small businesses. tax rates for entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system - from 1% and UTII - from 7.5%.

Other forms of government support for small businesses

In all regions of our country, training and advanced training is provided for small businesses, which includes a variety of trainings, seminars, and conferences. For any questions that inevitably arise for both beginners and those who are already leading entrepreneurial activity more than one year, you will be advised by professional accountants, lawyers and other specialists. These services are provided free of charge.

How can I find out about support measures in my city?

You will find a detailed description of support measures in the SME Business Navigator - a free resource for entrepreneurs. Here you can find a database of all state and municipal organizations that provide support to small and medium-sized businesses in your region.

If after reading the article you still have any questions, ask them in the comments.

The state annually allocates huge sums to help entrepreneurs. To support small businesses in 2019, a number of state programs are being implemented, the purpose of which is to assist business entities. Many of them have been operating for several years, but still not all businessmen know how to use them.

Small business support system in the Russian Federation

The state provides entrepreneurs various types assistance:

  • Financial – small business support programs involve the allocation of subsidies, the amounts of which range from 60 thousand to 25 million rubles.
  • Property – entrepreneurs have the opportunity to use state property free of charge or on preferential terms (rent of premises, land plots).
  • Information - by creating federal and regional information systems, official websites to provide business entities with up-to-date information.
  • Consulting – support for small businesses in 2019 involves providing assistance in the form of professional advice.
  • Educational – development of specialist training programs, advanced training of employees.

Priority areas for state support in 2019

Many entrepreneurs applied for financial assistance under the 2019 small business support program. But the money is distributed unevenly among applicants. Russian government identifies priority areas of business that receive support first. First of all, this is the agricultural sector - the production and processing of meat, dairy products, and vegetables. Among other areas that receive government support primarily are:

  • Production of essential products (food and industrial).
  • Health system.
  • Ecological tourism.
  • Utilities, household and other services.
  • Social entrepreneurship.
  • Innovative technologies.

In some regions, the priorities are different, depending on what area of ​​production or services is considered vulnerable there. Owners of enterprises in these areas can be guaranteed assistance within the framework of regional programs support for small and medium-sized businesses 2019.

Conditions of small business support programs: who will the government help?

The current small business support programs for 2019 are aimed at companies and organizations with a certain number of employees and annual turnover. Small businesses include enterprises with a staff of no more than 100 people and a maximum turnover of up to 800 million rubles.

Additional requirements:

  • The duration of the company’s activity is no more than 2 years.
  • Mandatory registration of the subject with the tax office.
  • No debts on taxes and social contributions in Pension fund, MHIF, social insurance.

To receive financial assistance to open or develop your own business, you must provide detailed business plan. It is important to spend the funds received for their intended purpose. There are several areas of subsidies - for the purchase of equipment, raw materials, compensation for rental costs, etc. All types of expenses require strict reporting to the relevant organizations.

Small business support in 2019: where to go

The assistance provided for by state support measures for small businesses in Russia in 2019 is provided by different authorities. These include:

  • City administration – providing the necessary information.
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) - free consultation on issues of law, company development, marketing, etc. Providing assistance for the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in exhibitions at the federal and international level.
  • Entrepreneurship Support Fund – conducting professional examination of business projects drawn up by entrepreneurs. If approved, funding will be allocated for the development of the enterprise.
  • Business incubators – creation of effective infrastructure: provision of office space, business consultations, advertising projects, assistance in attracting investments.
  • Venture and guarantee funds - financial assistance to promising startups and young businessmen, allocation of grants.
  • The Employment Center provides support to unemployed citizens who are planning to open their own business.
  • Small Business Lending Fund in Moscow ( Small Business Support Fund) - The Moscow Small Business Lending Fund (Moscow Guarantee Fund) helps small and medium-sized companies attract financing when there is a lack of collateral. The Fund acts as a Guarantor for Moscow SMEs to partner banks and other creditors.

It is also worth noting here that in his message to the Federal Assembly on February 20, 2019, President Vladimir Putin instructed the government, together with the business community, to work on the issue of launching an online platform on which entrepreneurs can report pressure on them. The head of state emphasized that by the end of this year the resource should “operate at least in pilot mode.” It is expected that the platform will become another tool with which an entrepreneur will be able to defend his rights.

Types of state support for small businesses 2019

It is more important for any commercial enterprise to receive “real” money for the development of the enterprise than consultation. State support for small businesses in 2019 provides for the allocation of more than 11 billion rubles to entrepreneurs. There are several options for obtaining financing.

1. Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs

Funding from the Ministry of Economy and Development provides for the provision of a free subsidy for owners of companies operating on the market for less than 2 years. Maximum size - 500,000 rubles. Money is allocated on a competitive basis - its terms and conditions are announced in advance.

The funds received must be used for the specified purposes. Inappropriate spending is a reason for returning money to the state. Advantage in the distribution of subsidies is given to enterprises agriculture, organizations that are engaged in folk art and production of consumer goods.

Increased chances of receiving a subsidy are for entrepreneurs developing social or export-oriented projects, as well as for holders of social benefits:

  • people with disabilities;
  • mothers (fathers) raising children alone;
  • if the family income is below the subsistence level.

2. Subsidy from the Employment Center

The State Employment Service provides subsidies to unemployed Russians planning to start their own business. As part of gratuitous financing of small businesses, the state allocates 59,800 rubles for opening an individual entrepreneur in 2019. The amount is modest, but the conditions for receiving it are soft: there is no competitive selection, there are no strict requirements for drawing up a business plan. Important condition: you can apply for financial assistance only until you register as an individual entrepreneur.

3. Concessional lending

Measures to support small businesses in 2019 include financial support if you need credit. An entrepreneur has three options:

  • Apply for a loan from a bank and then receive a subsidy equal to the interest rate.
  • Apply for a short-term microloan in the amount of 10-100 thousand rubles. at 5-10% per annum. A prerequisite is financial support (equipment, physical assets, real estate).
  • Apply for a preferential loan by applying for a guarantee from the guarantee fund.

Loyal conditions are provided to owners of enterprises in the agricultural sector: the loan rate for them will be no more than 5%. The rest is covered by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Competitive programs

Significant state support for small businesses 2019 - competitive federal programs, within the framework of which a beginning businessman can count on receiving impressive sums - up to 25 million rubles. The programs are implemented by the Innovation Promotion Fund, a government organization that has representatives in different regions. You can submit an application on the organization’s website or at its regional office.

Program Amount of funding Priority directions Conditions of receipt Purpose of the program
Smart guy Up to 500,000 rub. Innovative technologies Age up to 30 years Development of research projects
Start Up to 2.5 million rubles. Production of new goods, services, technologies Availability of an investor ready to finance the second stage of the project in an amount equal to the state support Help for businessmen developing new technologies
Development Up to 20 million rubles. Actively developing companies that invest large sums in scientific research during production Experience in creating high-tech products and their implementation, plans for the development of new types of products Development of companies seeking to modernize and create additional jobs
Internationalization Up to 15 million rubles. Companies producing high-tech products Experience in supplying products abroad Increasing the number of enterprises mastering the production of innovative products for export
Commercialization Up to 15 million rubles. Development of import-substituting projects, promising commercialization Completion of the research and development stage Improving conditions for organizations that plan to increase production volumes of innovative products
Cooperation Up to 25 million rubles. Companies with experience in producing and selling their own high-tech products Availability of an agreement between the company and the industrial partner Development of partnerships between small, medium and large businesses

Restrictions on receiving assistance from the state

As part of the implementation of programs to support small and medium-sized businesses 2019, assistance is provided to entrepreneurs in various fields. With the exception of a few areas that will become an obstacle to receiving financial assistance from the state. They will not issue a subsidy for the production of alcohol (including weak alcohol, for example, beer) and tobacco products. When opening an insurance or banking organization, you will also have to rely only on your own strength.


Hello! In this article we will talk about ways of government financing of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia.

Today you will learn:

  1. How does the state help entrepreneurs?
  2. How much money can you get to support your business?
  3. How to properly introduce yourself to receive a grant.

The importance of small and medium enterprises

A large number of small private firms within the country bring enormous benefits to economic development.

Types of subsidies

The government has identified several programs to support small businesses:

  • – the amount of money allocated for newcomers;
  • Assistance in repaying business loans - compensation of part of the interest in the amount of the refinancing rate. For example, you took out a loan at 19% per annum. The rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is 9.75%. In total, the state will pay 9.75% for you, and you will have to repay the loan at: 19 – 9.75 = 9.25%;
  • Payment. The first installment is paid up to 30%, but not more than 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Compensation for all or partial costs of training the organization’s personnel. This includes all kinds of;
  • Assistance to people who decide to start farming;
  • Searching for partners to conclude transactions with foreign representatives. The state encourages the export of production in this way;
  • Development of business infrastructure. The state allocates equipment, materials, etc. to fill business development centers;
  • Remote accounting (outsourcing).

The list is quite wide, which means that every interested company owner will be able to choose for himself the most optimal way to receive funds from the budget. To do this, you need to decide in advance what exactly you don’t have enough money for.

How much will the state pay?

Issue amounts may vary in each region. This information needs to be clarified. Nevertheless, the state tries to increase the cost of financing small and medium-sized businesses every year.

The following amounts of payments can be received:

  • 58,800 rubles – for opening a small business (this amount is issued by the employment center as an annual unemployment benefit);
  • up to 500,000 rubles – a grant for the development of a new enterprise registered less than a year ago;
  • up to 1,000,000 rubles – for opening and development (as a loan amount at a preferential interest rate).
  • up to 2,500,000 rubles – for promotion of innovations (obtaining a patent, etc.);
  • up to 10,000,000 rubles – for;
  • up to 15,000,000 rubles (but not more than the amount spent by the owner on the development of the company) - to increase the enterprise (to receive such large sum must meet all criteria put forward by the state).

It is important to consider that in many cases, in order to receive a grant, the future entrepreneur must officially be on the employment exchange, confirming the absence of a job. Money will only be allocated if the support fund is unable to find you a suitable vacancy.

Also, in order to receive a grant, you must have at least 25% of the requested amount. The state must have guarantees that you want to open a business and not spend money on personal needs.

The money is transferred to the applicant’s account within six months, and in some cases even a year. As they are spent, the entrepreneur must report for what purposes the funds were spent. If the cost items do not coincide with those originally indicated, then you will have to answer in court. Unused amounts will need to be returned.

Don't forget about paying taxes. The grant received will have to be paid at a rate of 13%.

What is funded by grants?

The state tries to support those areas of life that benefit the entire country and contribute to the growth of economic interest of the population.

Among them are those for which grants are allocated in the first place:

  • Trade (however, this area is already oversaturated and it will be possible to receive a grant for its development in a small percentage of cases).

The areas in which entrepreneurs intend to make a living are also of particular importance.

The state is more loyal to the allocation of grants for development:

  • Medicine;
  • Construction;
  • Tourism;
  • Innovative business;
  • Education;
  • Catering;
  • Natural Sciences.

If you are interested in receiving a grant, it is better to organize your activities in the above areas. to receive a subsidy will help you avoid a negative decision on your application.

What exactly can the grant money be spent on?

Government agencies strictly control expenditure transactions on the account to which the amount was transferred as support for small and medium-sized businesses.

An entrepreneur must spend strictly in accordance with the business plan drawn up; other purposes are not allowed. Using money for other purposes is not allowed, otherwise such a businessman will be held accountable.

The following expense items may be reflected in the entrepreneur’s account:

  • Purchase necessary equipment(an important condition is that this purchase cannot be resold before three years of use);
  • , (up to 20% of the total grant amount is allocated for these purposes);
  • Purchasing a patent, license or special program;
  • Purchase of means of production - materials, raw materials (no more than 20% of the grant);
  • Equipment of workplaces.

After spending, you will need to report on them. Therefore, it is important to save all checks, receipts, invoices and other supporting documents. If you cannot provide them, then you will not be able to justify the expenses, and this is already fraught with difficulties associated with inappropriate spending and the return of the grant.

Who will be approved for financial support?

To receive a subsidy for a small business from the budget, it is not enough to just have ambitions and a great desire; you also need to meet a number of requirements.

The established enterprise must:

  • Be registered less than 1 year ago;
  • Stand firmly on your feet (not in danger or).

If a not yet registered entrepreneur plans to receive government support, then he must meet the following criteria:

  • Age from 18 to 30 years (upper limit is desirable);
  • Employment on the employment exchange;
  • Passing a psychology test with a high score;
  • Availability of a ready-made high-quality business plan;
  • Have an amount of at least 25% of the grant provided.

The state wants to see among entrepreneurs young people who have recently discovered business and have high goals. Without the above characteristics, it will be impossible to receive business support.

Another important, but not fundamental, condition is the lack of receipt of a grant in the past. The country wants to see new heroes, and therefore considers for funding purposes only newly minted businessmen who are just beginning to master the basics of entrepreneurship.

Opportunities for socially disadvantaged groups

Any member of society can receive support from the state for the development of their enterprise. The authorities also give socially vulnerable citizens the opportunity to prove themselves, who can count on an increased rate.

Such persons include:

  • Single parents raising minor children;
  • People from orphanages;
  • Former prisoners;
  • Former military;
  • Large families;
  • Families including a disabled person.

The easiest way for anyone to get 58,800 rubles is to go to the labor exchange and provide a business plan. If it is approved, then you can invest your own knowledge and experience in the development of entrepreneurship.

The state also encourages the opening of new companies in the field of folk crafts, children's educational institutions or leisure centers for children and adults as social projects.

Business plan for receiving a subsidy

An important rule for participating in a competition for financial assistance is drawing up a business plan. This is a document that carefully sorts out your entire business “piece by piece.” Various indicators, calculations and project effectiveness are displayed here.

Main components of the plan:

  • The essence of the business being created;
  • Required investments;
  • What is produced or what services are provided;
  • Organization of the process;
  • Risk calculation.

It is also important to indicate in the draft the characteristics in which the state is interested:

  • Number of jobs;
  • Expected profitability (in terms of tax deductions);
  • Own funds of the entrepreneur.

A special commission studies your business plan within 60 days. It must contain clear wording. It should clearly follow from it the purposes for which production is created and what benefits it brings to society.

You must interest the authorities to pay the grant to you. A business plan can help with this if it is drawn up competently and competently. If you have never dealt with the preparation of such documents before, it is better to undergo special training and draw up a business plan at a high level.

Where to go for help

To become a participant in the state program for issuing money, you do not need to go somewhere or visit the capital. It is enough to contact the authorities.

You can visit:

  • Employment Center;
  • Local administration;
  • Department of Entrepreneurship (a kind of support agency).

You can go to these representative offices at any stage of participation. Before or here they will tell you everything about the rules of the project, its participants, and the requirements for them. You will know the amounts you can count on.

As part of government programs, aspiring entrepreneurs are also trained in the basics of business. You will master the basics of economics, learn how to write a business plan and meet future leaders just like you.

Here you can find out everything about government support: its conditions, development by region and what chances you personally have to receive a grant. Communication with experienced businessmen provides an opportunity to gain some important theoretical knowledge.

All information is provided in the public domain: anyone can take training, attend seminars and get answers to their questions. The state is trying to make this process as convenient as possible for future entrepreneurs.

The importance of the Federal Portal

To familiarize yourself with subsidies for starting a business, a website called “Federal Portal of Small and Medium Enterprises” has been created. Any individual entrepreneur, legal entity or just an individual can come here.

The site includes information for each region. You can study statistics on the number of enterprises for different periods or view government support payments.

Also displayed here:

  • Number of enterprises that received grants;
  • Regulatory regulatory framework;
  • Regional news;
  • Measures of legal support provided and their availability by region;
  • A question-and-answer form in which you can find out something for yourself;
  • Calculator (if purchasing a patent).

How to apply for a subsidy

To apply for government support, you will need:

  • Take a three-day course for entrepreneurs (if necessary. Here they will talk about the features of drawing up a business plan. The course lasts several days, upon completion of which you will be issued a certificate confirming your readiness to receive a grant);
  • Draw up a competent plan for precisely the area of ​​life for which a business subsidy is issued;
  • Collect all documents and take them to the local administration or business support center. Write an application as a project participant;
  • Waiting for the commission's decision to approve your project (within 60 days from the date of adoption of the business plan);
  • Upon approval of your application, open a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (if you are not yet registered in this status);
  • Open a bank account (here the entrepreneurship department should appear as a party to the agreement, which will allocate funds to you. If they are used improperly, they will be written off in favor of the state);
  • Take the banking agreement, a certificate of absence of debts to credit organizations and a certificate of registration of an entrepreneur to tax services to the Department of Entrepreneurship;
  • Within six months, funds will be credited to your account, and you will be able to manage them to benefit your business.

There is nothing complicated about applying for and receiving a grant. The most difficult moment is drawing up a business plan. Upon completion, a special commission will be familiarized with the conditions of your project. After which its representatives will ask you several questions regarding the effectiveness of implementing the development into practice.

If you successfully pass this “interview”, then the money will definitely be transferred to your account.

Collecting documents

To apply for a grant, you will need to collect a package of papers. It may vary slightly in each region.

Mainly required:

  • The statement itself;
  • Business plan with all calculations, calculations and forecasts;
  • If you have already registered and are functioning as an entrepreneur, you may be asked for copies of agreements with partners;
  • Copies of premises rental agreements or certificates of ownership (if necessary);
  • Copies of existing licenses and permits for work, production, etc.;
  • Certificate from the bank stating that you have accounts;
  • For LLC - a copy;
  • Copy of extract from the register legal entities or individual entrepreneur;
  • A copy of the certificate of registration as an entrepreneur;
  • Help from tax office about the absence of debt and late payments;
  • A receipt from the participant stating that he was not previously an entrepreneur (they may ask for your work book, confirming that you worked only for hire).

Depending on the terms of the grant, this list may vary to a greater or lesser extent. In any case, the preparation of documents must be approached responsibly. Given for collection certain period. If you don’t meet it, then you won’t see money from the state.

Why can they refuse?

Receiving a subsidy from the state has a large list of requirements for a beginning entrepreneur. Failure to comply with at least one point may result in refusal to issue funds.

Let's consider these points:

  • Choosing an inappropriate business niche. There are areas that the state does not finance; it is better to choose those that receive r regional support for small businesses in the first place;
  • The amount declared is too large. You must understand that the state does not give away funds, but only gives them to those who are ready to invest themselves. Therefore, if the business plan indicates a lot of money required from the budget, a refusal will definitely follow;
  • Errors in your project. If the business plan contains any inaccuracies or phrases that cause ambiguity, then the commission has the right to refuse. It should contain only specific calculations and substantive information. Fast payback and the significance of your business for the region - that’s what government officials look at;
  • Resubmission of application. If you have previously received money from the state, then you are unlikely to succeed a second time. The government wants to sponsor newly-minted entrepreneurs;
  • If you already have a registered business, you may be denied due to tax debts, untimely payment to subordinates, when employee income is less than the subsistence level.

Who can't count

The state is not ready to sponsor every idea of ​​a newly arrived entrepreneur. Only socially significant projects that will benefit the country or a particular region are of interest. In addition, the business plan must be realistic and not be the fruit of pipe dreams.

There are areas that will never receive project support from the state. If you are a representative of one of these areas, then do not count on grants.

These include:

  • Tobacco production;
  • Alcohol spill;
  • Credit activities;
  • Insurance company;
  • Frauds on and;
  • Network business;
  • Pawnshops.

Opening and sponsoring enterprises in these industries will have to be done exclusively at your own expense or by obtaining loans. These areas are not of large-scale significance for the regions; moreover, they are oversaturated with supply and demand.

Also, if you don’t have a penny for your own ideas, then the state will not cooperate. In some cases, the conditions for participation in the competition require at least 25% of the amount to support business development.

If you personally or your company has debts on bank loans, especially overdue ones, you don’t even have to bother submitting documents - the state will still refuse.

Do you want to become an entrepreneur

The problem of most people who want to open their own business is the psychological fear of something new and the worry that they can lose everything in the process. initial stage. This is a common phenomenon that only goes away with time. If you think and worry all the time, nothing will happen.

To open own business you need to make every effort, not to spare time and yourself personally. Another problem of modern young people is that they think, right away, it would be better to get them for free. It's unlikely that anything will work out with this approach.

An entrepreneur must improve his skills in the area in which he has extensive knowledge. You need to concentrate not on money, but on business.

Mastering suitable literature, attending various seminars and courses is an important stage in preparing yourself as a future leader. One of the most effective approaches to starting your own business correctly is to communicate with experienced entrepreneurs.

You must count on your strength. It is important to understand that any stop in business can lead to loss of invested funds, and restoring again is an even more complex process.

In order for the government to allocate funds for your business free of charge, give maximum influence to your business plan. Decide on the niche that the enterprise will occupy. Further calculations and the issuance of the grant depend on this.

  • Ask for a small amount the first time and only for the most necessary things, this will attract the attention of the commission, which will be sure that you really are;
  • Create an original project, it must be unique. Its advantageous difference from others will allow it to be approved by the commission;
  • Specify the correct goals of the project. Their goals cannot be to get money or cars for themselves. You must formulate proposals that do not concern you personally and your earnings. They can be aimed at developing the region, helping the population, developing exports, etc., that is, on what is important for the country and its economic growth.