Grigory Kvasha - Find yourself by your birth sign. Encyclopedia of horoscopes. Virtual horoscope combining the eastern and zodiac horoscopes



One of the most pressing tasks for many people today is finding their purpose. meaning, your true Path. We rarely trust ourselves enough to be content with observing our behavior and drawing conclusions about our role in this life, relying only on our own intuition. Most often, we want to know what place is assigned to us in Time and Space, according to our innate and acquired qualities and properties. And for this we turn to for tips different systems, dividing all people into types according to certain principles. One of these systems, relatively new and very interesting, called Structural horoscope of Gregory Kvasha. Structural horoscope has no relation to traditional astrology, to the position of stars and planets in the sky. The typology is based on 12-year annual and calendar cycles that actually exist in nature. All the patterns on which the system is based were calculated during the analysis of the biographies of great people who lived in different times. Thus, the date of birth acts as a special passport in which personality characteristics are recorded, and at the same time, it is the key to finding your true purpose, building the correct and successful scenario for your life. Virtual image describes the optimal social role person in society.

  • Knowing your virtual image allows you to understand the smallest details: how nature created you.
  • Based on this, it is easy to assess whether your personal qualities coincide with the role you play in society at the moment.
  • And also a vision appears: what needs to be changed in your life in order to better meet your purpose, be more fully realized and become more and more successful, moving with the flow, and not “against the flow”.

Each person is born with a very specific Virtual image. And this indicator remains unchanged throughout life. The virtual image is determined through a combination of annual and calendar signs (see table). As we can see, there are only 7 Virtual images, distributed over 144 positions - Aristocrat, King, Jester, Knight, Professor, Leader and Vector. For each image, clear rules are calculated: how to behave in society so that society values ​​you and rewards you as you deserve. Happy are those people who correctly grasp these rules from childhood and intuitively follow them. But it often happens that the innate Virtual image is suppressed in the process of education, in the course of life. Without understanding their essence and their role, such people are rarely satisfied with their own achievements and life circumstances. But this can be changed, you just have to figure out how!


Aristocrat is the most common Virtual image! Most people in this position have expressive eyes and harmonious faces. They are characterized by a desire for beauty inside and out: they are characterized by moral and moral impeccability, they know how to dress fashionably and elegantly and skillfully furnish their home, observing the unity of style. These people are characterized by spiritual subtlety and sensitivity to harmony. It is important for them to be liked by those with whom they communicate. It gives strength and energizes. They have an amazing ability to evoke compassion for themselves and... at the same time, admiration! It is useful for an aristocrat to be in the center of attention, to often be in large companies and in society. But Aristocrats suffer greatly from the hostility shown towards them and may even get sick! For this reason, these people should be very vigilant in choosing their partners and friends. This sign perfectly senses the preferences of the audience and sensitively captures the mood of society. Therefore, Aristocrats usually turn out to be successful sociologists and political scientists. At the same time, if an Aristocrat occupies a leadership position, he must understand that it will be difficult for him to exercise authority over the team. For effective leadership, which involves, among other things, rigor or even harshness, he needs a deputy with similar qualities. After all, the key to the health and success of an Aristocrat is smooth, friendly relations with everyone around him.


Vector is a sign with the most complex and not always clear role. Its task is to bring a fresh stream to stagnant well-being, create chaos, excite, disturb peace, and sow doubts. These are very active and unbalanced people. Their nature is manifested literally in everything - in actions, in gestures, in the expression of their eyes, in words. At the same time, Vectors have strong nerves, created specifically to be at the epicenter of scandals, or to defend their non-trivial point of view. Representatives of this sign cannot withstand a prosperous course of life at all. So it is contraindicated for Vector (literally, it is unhealthy) to be like everyone else - correct, banal, insipid and constant. It is dangerous for him to doubt his own right to “otherness” - to be noisy, uncomfortable, aggressive, unrestrained. These people are specially created so that everyone else’s life does not stagnate, so that it does not become boring! Vectors have an inherent spirit of adventurism, and one should not restrain oneself from this. According to the rules of the Structural Horoscope, they are recommended to seduce, entice, scandalize, intrigue, turn on and awaken people. Vector can swear, and this only decorates him. He must shock the audience - and this also suits him. A vector can be extravagant in appearance, paradoxical in speech, harsh and rude in statements. Vector can make a career only in those places where there is struggle. For example, Vectors are often very harmonious in the role of TV presenters - bright, provocative, memorable. They have an unconventional mind and absolutely no authority. These are precisely the qualities that help raise all sorts of ratings. At the same time, when Vector reaches his intended goal, he temporarily calms down and begins to work calmly, but if necessary, he will desperately protect everyone he considers “his own.” And (oddly enough) Vectors are kind to their family and do everything for the benefit of their household and beloved friends.


These people are endowed with intelligence and prudence. They are solid and thorough. They prioritize consistency, clear rules and thoroughness. This sign is characterized by constancy of tastes and views. For literally every question he has own opinion. The professor is a moral person who knows how to teach this to others. It is important for representatives of this sign to have well-spoken speech - meaningful, verified and accurate. If the speech is delivered poorly, the Professor will feel endless discomfort, because... will understand everything, but will not be able to express his understanding, show his nature. Therefore, it is extremely useful to deliberately hone your public speaking skills. By the way, in the speeches of Professors there is often irony, sometimes quite evil. And expressing themselves in this way is extremely useful for them! To maintain their energy tone, it would be good for these people to muffle their emotions when communicating: not to show either kindness or anger. Professors make excellent bosses; they know how to make long-term plans and talk dryly about production achievements. They take excellent care of their subordinates. Often these people work as teachers in universities. And among school teachers There are few professors. These are too correct, respectable people, filled with lofty ideas. And in order to feel comfortable in such a role, you should be instructing, teaching and being correct.


Knights are in many ways like Don Quixote. Among their acquaintances they are often considered eccentrics. They dress strangely and do strange things. They grow a long mustache or trim their beard wonderfully. This is a very noble sign. Its representatives are ready to perform heroic deeds for the sake of someone and something. Yes, Knights often serve an idea rather than specific people. But often they perform the main feat in their lives for the sake of love. It makes them happy! The knight is the embodiment of kindness. They are able to bestow others with their attention and participation. Sometimes they even become annoying and obsessive in their desire to save or make someone happy. However, while easily giving away warmth, they are poorly able to accept love addressed to them. Communication is not easy for them. They strive for loneliness, and then they themselves suffer from being isolated. Socially, they seem to be separated from society, standing apart. And if their moral state turns into an uncomfortable one, and the supply of inner kindness is depleted, knights can become evil, extremely unpleasant. It is important for a knight to know about this property, because it is very harmful for him to be aggressive, dry and rational, arrogant, arrogant, noisy and fussy. It destroys them. Knights are also advised to restrain their obsession and negativism. In relation to professional activity Knights are the best teachers in the world. They also make excellent directors, leaders and mentors. And it is very useful to be in a leadership position - to get what you are entitled to, according to your social status. This helps achieve a balance between giving and receiving. Because by nature these people traditionally give much more. The structural horoscope recommends that people of this sign do not hesitate to make noble gestures and openly show their love for rituals. And also - to do weird things with a calm soul, because this is for the benefit of both the Knights and society.


Leaders have a lot of energy, more than one person needs to live. Therefore, representatives of this sign are able to easily rouse people to some cause, an action in defense of someone, new project. The enthusiasm of the Leaders “spins” the masses into a whirlwind of action, but the Leaders will not rouse people for some cause that is necessary, say, for the government. The Leaders act in two ways: one makes fiery speeches that ignite the crowd. Others outwardly behave very reservedly, but they also manage to infect thousands and millions of people with their idea. Both of these methods are working. The leader is always an energy donor. His need is to organize people. A powerful onslaught and pressure deprive this person of harmony. Such people often look twitchy and even funny. The Leader's humor is crude. However, the overflowing joy of being, combined with natural naivety, gives rise to enthusiasm. And this is what all people need at all times. From the point of view of the Structural horoscope, what is contraindicated for Leaders? They cannot be gray, insipid, modest and petty. The projects they undertake to manage must be large-scale. You also cannot withdraw from public interests, otherwise there will be no luck. It is important to give vent to your energy, to be proactive, to show your violent temperament. Moreover, you need to act immediately, without delay. People expect this from the Leaders. Leaders are very valuable as proactive employees. For a competent boss will be able to really separate worthwhile ideas from empty ones and direct the subordinate’s energy in the right direction. It becomes more difficult if the Leader finds himself in the role of a boss, since in this capacity he is not always able to perceive external criticism of his ideas and actions. As part of the acting profession, the Leaders make wonderful, fiery comedians.

The jester is allowed to criticize us all. Both great and simple, both old and young. People of this type were very often present in the retinues of high-ranking persons. And now among the elite of any state or city there are also a large number of Jesters. Society needs such people so that we do not become too arrogant, become covered in dust and overgrown with moss. Humanity needs renewal, a movement that occurs, among other things, through criticism, laughter and irony. Why are the Jester's remarks so effective? Yes, because representatives of this sign know human nature to the subtleties and know how to subtly sense the audience, grasp their interests and needs. And the first mandatory quality that a person born in the Virtual Image of a Jester must have is a sense of humor. And not simple, but inventive, characteristic of a sharp mind. The jester must be an active, enterprising intellectual. The Jester has a special property - he brings joy. But there is also a flip side - the darkness into which the Jester falls. Then he is menacing and scary. The jester is often not taken seriously, and in vain: after all, he literally sees right through other people. In society, the Jester is independent and respects privacy. He is enterprising and knows how to make good money. A jester cannot be neutral, inconspicuous. He naturally manages to shock people and stand out from the crowd. After all, these people are also incredibly active. Most brilliant comedians belong to this Virtual Image.


Kings are the smallest Virtual sign. And this is the most harmonious image of all, since all the elements are balanced in it. The energies of the annual and calendar signs are in complete agreement with each other. The king is handsome, smart, energetic, subordinate to one idea, and mocking. Such a person is aware of his perfection, and this gives him a sense of self-esteem, a sense of self-sufficiency and even superiority. At the same time, the King can be inconspicuous in the crowd, a modest person. They are rarely socially active. A king can rule, or he can be a mere mortal. The strength of the representatives of this sign is that his presence, his behavior, his jokes instill in people peace and harmony, agreement with themselves and the world. Authority is inherent in this sign by nature. People often ask him to take the throne, or receive a portfolio. But that was not the case. Kings have no career ambitions! But if the King is “promoted”, then he becomes an excellent leader, a leader. However, he can just as easily leave his post at any time. Usually Kings do only what they like, what they want. Not because these people are lazy, but they are self-sufficient. And this allows them not to look back at what society expects of them. In addition, they are very good at defining the scope of their responsibilities. The influence of the King spreads gradually, and only long life bears fruit. The king should not ask, fuss, make friends with just anyone, be an intriguer and a rebel. The people themselves give the King what is due to him. The experience of specialists involved in the Structural Horoscope suggests that when a person’s lifestyle corresponds to his virtual image, then he is more successful in his career, more successful in life in all respects. And even if before you got acquainted with Virtual Images you were in some way contrary to your nature, now you have a chance to find your way and achieve the desired changes!

Eastern Zodiac– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern Elemental Horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
Eastern signs:
signs of the zodiac:



Rich or poor, smart or stupid, beautiful or ugly, the King is obliged to demonstrate his greatness, to show his endless inner pride.

The question arises: what exactly is the King so proud of? If we were talking about real kings, then everything would be clear - anointing, chosenness, this and that. But what is the virtual King proud of? It turns out there is something. The greatest harmony is hidden in the King's horoscope, potentially the King could be any sign(“kings can do anything”). He could be handsome and loved by the people (like an Aristocrat), he could become an excellent speaker or scientist (like a Professor). The King has dignity and nobility from the Knight; a bewitching, hypnotic gift of influence on people from the Leader. But most of all, the King is similar to the Jester, for the thirst to joke and laugh at his subjects (all people), as well as the buffoon’s dislike for authority figures, is literally in the King’s blood. There is only one thing the King cannot do - become a Vector. That is why our life is always a confrontation between the King and the Vector.

However, the King’s universalism turns out to be, if not a tragedy, then a huge difficulty for him. The king must master all five images, master them perfectly and have time to combine them together, and so that no one image has an advantage.

And then that same pride will arise that does not need to be demonstrated. There is no need to demonstrate subtlety of manners (Aristocrat), no need to stick out your intelligence (Professor), no need to yell (Leader) or take poses (Knight), just smile slightly (Jester) and enter the hall. And then everyone will stand up (or lie down?) and bow their heads before the King. Because pride has turned into greatness.


The King’s difficulties in creating a full-fledged image force him to live by the slogan “all or nothing!” Since it is very difficult to achieve everything at once, the King needs a long time to prepare his image. As a result, you simply have to hide, turning into a hermit.

It’s not just about walking in the desert or living in a deep forest; you can also be a hermit in a crowd. Moreover, it is the King who is allowed to create a zero image, unremarkable in anything. It's not that easy, every person has signs. Essentially, we are talking about creating the image of an invisible man, facial expressions, gestures, appearance which are so harmonious and calm that the gaze of any person slides along the King and does not linger on a single detail.

The King's extraordinary modesty is associated with his hermitage. The greatest ruler in the history of mankind, the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian (Horse, Libra), the creator of the model of the sole power of the Roman emperor over the whole world, amazed his contemporaries with his incredible modesty and minimal needs.

Another explanation for royal modesty is the harmony of the image. The King initially has everything, all the elements are compensated, he, like an inert gas, has no valence, does not seek anything, and therefore does not suffer from an inferiority complex, does not crave self-affirmation. And not in any direction.

Modesty, tranquility, and the impossibility of a quick career make the King so passive that he, in fact, completely slows down and goes into the career reserve, staying there for a very long time or remaining forever. And great efforts are needed to activate the King, to call him to the kingdom. Any national history. Either Ilya Muromets was called to save Rus', or Alexander Nevsky was called by the whole world. Again, saving Rus'. The last case is a football failure, and then a miraculous revival created by Georgy Yartsev (Rat, Aries). At the same time, a striking detail is that at the time of the call to “save Russia,” Georgy Yartsev was not training anyone at all, being a classic hermit.

Hermitage, a real separation from the masses, gives birth in the King something that cannot be achieved by any technical means - extraordinary inner dignity, pride and generosity. The King is both simple and inaccessible at the same time, and only then is he truly a King.


The king must rule. Do not fight for power, but simply rule... Here a comparison with a position is more suitable Queen of England, – dominates, but does not rule. However, in exceptional cases, Kings and Queens can rule; they have everything they need for supreme power. And yet we are talking not so much about political power, but about spiritual power or something. The greatness of the King is such that he simply does not need shoulder straps, stripes and other attributes.

The very fact of the existence of the King, even in a forest or desert, is already beneficial for humanity, infecting people with calmness, confidence, giving wisdom and understanding of the meaning of existence.

The King's rule is based on an infinitely expanded authority. The authority of the King puts pressure on people, they begin to trust the King, which is why his authority increases, after which people’s trust increases even more. This is the mechanism of the resonant growth of royal power.

A huge plus in the power of the King is lack of careerism and ambition. The king still has to be persuaded to accept rule. Likewise, after leaving, the King does not hold on to power, therefore, does not suffer from persecution mania, and does not take any emergency measures to protect his power. Another thing is that his power is so unmistakable that there is little threat to it.

Despite the small number of Kings and their lack of career ambitions, a royal career still happens from time to time. Let's say, Vladimir Kramnik (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain becoming the chess king. And Nikolai Patrushev (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain to head the FSB. Rudolf Abel (Cat, Cancer) was recognized as the king of intelligence, and John Young (Horse, Libra) was recognized as the king of astronautics. They crowned the first film director, Sergei Eisenstein (Dog, Aquarius), and the king of animation, Yuri Norshtein (Snake, Virgo). Bill Gates (Goat, Scorpio) is recognized as the king of the computer world.

And yet one horoscope is not enough. If you delve into the biographies of these people, two circumstances will always emerge. First: there is always someone nearby who disinhibits the overly passive King. And second: there were almost always circumstances that slowed down a career, preventing it from being realized too early.


For the King there are almost no prohibitions; you can be in all images, except for the vector one. And therefore, exactly what is good for Vector is not good for the King. They are real antipodes.

So: The king should not be fussy, should not fuss, should not seek friendship with just anyone. No familiarity, no rudeness. The image of a seducer and adventurer is also contraindicated for the King.

And the King cannot count on a quick career, quick success, and cannot live a short life. Well, since all diseases are caused by nerves, you shouldn’t be nervous. And in general it is not recommended to get sick. Only a long-lived King, a universal King, can achieve any career success.


Taking into the service of the King, always you risk getting a half-asleep bum. Therefore, we immediately need to think through the mechanism for awakening it.

But the King is good where panoramic thinking is needed, a view of the matter from a great height, a universal approach. Usually we are talking about areas in which a variety of interests and a variety of elements are intertwined.

More the situation is more complicated with marriage. Calm, balanced and handsome man is a bait for too many. Alas, they will be disappointed; the King is too balanced and therefore does not need to look for the missing “half”. There may be salvation in the so-called royal marriages, when both spouses are Kings. Director Yuri Norshtein (Snake, Virgo) and actress Lyudmila Kasatkina (Ox, Taurus) have been together for many years.

King |

The encyclopedia “Find yourself by your birth sign” contains all the discoveries of Grigory Kvasha. This book will help you get to know your marriage purpose, learn about your personal business pyramid, and also calculate the forecast for yourself and your loved ones for 12 years in advance. Here you will receive the key to determining your virtual sign and complete instructions on creating a profitable image.

Grigory Kvasha
Find yourself by your birth sign. Encyclopedia of Horoscopes

From the author

Every time, opening a book, the reader hopes to find in it something in tune with his thoughts, his spiritual structure, but is it always possible to find lines in someone else’s text that are addressed directly to you? I think not. The structure of this book is such that here everyone will find words dedicated to him personally, and not just words, but all the information necessary to comprehend the possibilities given to you at birth. In this book, the author collected almost all sections of the structural horoscope together, forming TEN horoscopes in the GENERAL SECTION. The PERSONAL SECTION repeats the GENERAL SECTION, but for each sign separately. You can immediately turn to the PERSONAL SECTION, but if you need a more accurate and detailed understanding of the problem, you will need to return to the same topic in the GENERAL SECTION.

So how do you find yourself and achieve success in life? Let's turn to the PERSONAL SECTION. So:

First. You need to believe in your annual sign, understand its main idea. For this there is a so-called title chapter. It is with these chapters that all 12 parts of PERSONAL SECTIONS begin. Sometimes the stated topic shows some private plan sign (“The boar is a crafty predictor”), but more often this is really the most important, core idea for the sign (“The bull is the creator of the table of ranks”).

Second. The same annual sign, but already decomposed into components. The temperament of a sign, the source of its energy, is the first component. The second component is yours psychological type. The third is the relationship of the sign with fate. In fourth place is the type of spatial and social orientation. Having learned all the structural components of your sign, you can establish the maximum list of possibilities inherent in your birth sign.

Third. It turns out that men and female signs differ, and in the most important thing - in their strategic approach to life. This is very important, perhaps the most important thing in the book. Here you need to read more carefully, especially since, having separated, male and female signs remain in the spectrum of four types of thinking - logicians, realists, mystics, strong-willed people. Find out your element, and a lot of things in your life will become clear to you.

Fourth. World achievements sign. Find out which of the greats is closest to you in spirit.

Fifth. It's about marriage. Each of the 144 marriages (12 male signs to 12 female ones) receives its own personal text. It is clear that this text cannot be very detailed, and therefore for details you need to refer to the GENERAL SECTION, where the most in detail the basics of five types of marriage are outlined (patriarchal, equal, romantic, spiritual, vector), and the corresponding commandments are given.

Sixth. Marriage purpose. There are two main interests here. The first interest is for those who have not yet married or are again at a marriage crossroads. Why not find out the annual sign of your betrothed according to your horoscope? The second interest is for those who are married and everything is fine with them. Why not see which spouse is more destined for whom? This is by no means superfluous, because it reveals the true balance of power in the family. Some spouses tend to overestimate their worth, others underestimate. Do not forget that the entire theory of marriage destiny is given in the GENERAL SECTION, but in each PERSONAL SECTION only the destiny according to the horoscope is given.

Seventh. Having dealt with your personal life, you need to turn your attention to production problems. Whether you are the boss or not, relationships in the team must be built according to a certain scheme, and this scheme is outlined in sufficient detail for your sign. From now on, the 12 annual signs will be divided into 6 categories for you: Subordinate, Companion and Vector Servant will strengthen your position, but with the Vector Master, Clone and Advisor you will have to be more careful and limit all contacts. By the way, this information is published for the first time.

Eighth. Virtual horoscope and image sign. The importance of this factor in life is rapidly growing, because in the modern, increasingly virtual world, a person is met and escorted by his clothes, that is, by the image that he has created for himself. But it is impossible to create the correct, that is, beneficial for you, image without a virtual horoscope. The only way is through endless trial and error. But do you really have time for this?

Ninth. Successful and unsuccessful years, periods of forcing events and periods complete failure from activity, and most importantly - the timing of the arrival of that very wind of time, which in some years must be caught by raising sails, and in other years overcome, cutting elastic currents with your forehead. All this is also very important to know.

And one last thing. Absolutely all materials in the book are open and verified by me personally. The horoscopes presented have nothing to do with astrology, esotericism, the Chinese, or the Babylonians. For everything said, I take full personal responsibility. The only thing I would like to remind you is that I did not create a vector ring, marriage elements or virtual signs. I just discovered all this and am responsible for whether I presented my theory better or worse. The Creator is responsible for everything else.

General section




Virtual horoscope

Each of us has an annual sign, and it dictates to us its own conditions, its own rules of behavior. But there is also a zodiac sign, and it has requirements for its bearer. How do these two signs get along within one person? Are they friends or enemies, interact or can hardly tolerate each other, like neighbors in a communal apartment?

As a researcher, I spent ten years (1991–2001) solving this problem and now I know the exact answer. The signs interact very actively with each other, but at the same time they themselves do not change in any way, they remain the same as they were, but from their interaction a third sign is born. Isn't it true that something similar happens everywhere in nature? The feminine and masculine principles interpenetrate and give birth to a new being, a new essence.

How to determine your personal virtual sign?

First, let's clarify the annual and zodiac signs (see tables on page 6).

So: zodiac and oriental signs remain in a person on their own, but next to them a third sign appears, born from their interaction. Now there are three of them. All that remains is to distribute responsibilities between the three signs, as well as find names for the new horoscope and its signs and describe their qualities.

As for the distribution of responsibilities between the three signs of a person, not everything is simple. Each horoscope duplicates the functions of the other, partially encroaching on someone else’s territory. And yet, if you decide on the most important thing, then:

The zodiac horoscope is health, life plans, ambitions, intentions, as well as all the characteristics of a person in childhood (up to 12 years).

The Eastern (annual) horoscope is about types of thinking, types of creative orientation - everything related to human behavior after 12 years, especially behavior in love and marriage. And of course, the implementation of those very plans and their ambitions that the zodiac sign laid down in a person.

The third horoscope, born in the struggle between plans and implementation, shows the type of human harmony. The correspondence of plans and implementation gives rise to high harmony, but makes a person less active. Poor correspondence reduces harmony but increases energy. This is how the image of a person, the optimal image, is born. Because this is not about real essence of a person, but only about his image, the picture he creates, then the horoscope is called Virtual.

There are not 12 or 144 signs in the new horoscope, but seven (King, Vector, Jester, Knight, Aristocrat, Professor, Leader). All the names of the signs, as well as their descriptions, were determined experimentally, as a result of long research into the destinies of people who managed to find a profitable image and made a career out of it, as well as the most famous film images of domestic and world cinema.

I - The King The King lives by the motto “all or nothing.” The key to success for representatives of this sign is to immediately appear in all the splendor of their greatness. If you do not yet feel like an accomplished person who has achieved something important, it is better to postpone “going out into the world” and find a field of activity for yourself that will allow you to reduce communication to a minimum. What to do in the “preparatory” period? Master all the previous five roles, learn to be noble and ready for heroism, like an Aristocrat and a Knight, make wise speeches, like a Professor, captivate people with you, like a Leader, and subvert authorities, like a Jester. The fusion of these five roles-images is precisely what is called the royal greatness that people expect from you. Don't strive for leadership positions: a real King does not suffer from an inferiority complex and therefore does not crave self-affirmation. The King's trump card is self-sufficiency, calm and unchanging self-confidence. By the way, this is precisely why you should not imitate the emperors of the Renaissance in your clothes, so that bright trinkets do not overshadow your true essence. II - Leader This sign embodies the energy of pressure and pressure, and you must show this to others from the very beginning! It is not proper for a leader to walk around looking sleek and wearing a modest gray suit. Like the Professor, the Leader gravitates towards the position of a teacher of life, but relies not on intellect, but on the power of conviction. The main task of the Leader is to raise everyone from their homes and lead them to brighter frontiers. So those who, by the will of fate, find themselves in this cell of the virtual horoscope, under no circumstances should sit silently. And don’t be modest: you should aim for big projects and great achievements! A leader who tries to withdraw from public interests is doomed to failure. III - Knight Like the Aristocrat, he must be crystal clear, but the Knight does not require the admiration of those around him; it is enough to know that he is doing his duty. So don’t expect applause, even if you defended the orphaned and wretched in front of the crowd or single-handedly defended your family from the machinations of the evil authorities. The image of a Knight does not put forward strict requirements for appearance and clothing: you can adhere to classic style , give preference to Knighthood or amaze everyone with the extravagance of outfits. The main thing is to avoid the vamp style: after all, your trump card is kindness! From the Knight people expect love and care, wise advice. Just try not to go overboard and become petty. IV - Aristocrat His main purpose is to bring beauty to the world. Of course, he must follow fashion, but flexibility and elegance are no less important. As a rule, people of this type are very beautiful. If nature has not rewarded you with a standard appearance, your face can still become a trump card if you maintain an expression of goodwill and friendliness in any situation. What do others expect from an Aristocrat? Impeccable purity and morality. This means that you should take care of your reputation: it must be impeccable. Of course, an Aristocrat remains an Aristocrat at home, on his family’s couch, but still, in order to live a full life, he needs to be in the spotlight more often. This means that it is better to work in large teams, where there is always an opportunity to shine. At the same time, it is important to maintain good, even relations with everyone: remember, enmity literally sucks the strength out of an Aristocrat. V - Professor This sign embodies sanity and stability, and therefore the best line of behavior for the Professor is consistency, adherence to rules and laws. Extravagance in views, actions and clothing should be avoided. Feel free to express your opinion, but keep in mind: it must be substantiated. These details will form the optimal image for you of a person who has thought through everything, provided for it, in a word, a Professor, in whom those around him are ready to recognize a teacher, even if his age is not yet “professorial”. What ruins the image of the Professor? Once he gives in to panic, he will fall forever in the eyes of those around him. VI - The Jester The Jester's task is to make people laugh, including at themselves. Do not be afraid to look funny, to make fun of sacred things: The jester is the one who is allowed to subject everything to the purifying fire of parody. In general, it is clear that you need brightness in everything: in clothes, in makeup (of course, this applies to Columbine), in behavior and actions. Your trump card is extravagance and complete freedom from any conventions, so throw away false shame and forget about modesty. And one more thing: success in society will be ensured by a deep knowledge of human psychology, so try to study this fascinating science in your spare time. VII - Vector The main thing for you is to realize your exclusivity. Your purpose is to excite people, to prevent the world from turning into a swamp. Vector's distinctive features are adventurism and provocative sexuality. Take this into account when developing a line of behavior and choosing your wardrobe. You are strictly forbidden to look banal, remain silent, sit back, pretend to be like everyone else. And - away from doubts about your right to a non-standard move, to brave act And defiant behavior: Once Vector doubts himself, he loses all his magnetism. Yes, a bit of “demonism” will only benefit people of this sign, but remember that this is just an image, a mask behind which your true - very kind - face should be hidden. Why? Yes, because they will easily forgive you for harsh words, but they will not forgive you for ugly actions...

The Western horoscope, which includes a dozen zodiac signs, determines a person’s personality type and his life aspirations. The Eastern one, in which each year of the twelve-year cycle is patronized by one or another animal, helps to understand how a person realizes himself in the world. It would seem that everything is clear: analyze yourself according to these parameters - and you will find out what your strengths and weaknesses, what ways to win sympathy.

Yes, but not so: serious analysis in any of these systems can only be done by a specialist. How can this be? Especially for amateurs, I have developed a special - virtual - horoscope: a kind of coordinate system that arises at the intersection of the annual and zodiac horoscopes. This system includes only seven types of signs: King, Jester, Knight, Aristocrat, Leader, Professor, Vector. The new signs do not pretend to deeply penetrate a person; their sphere is the creation of an optimal image, which is so in demand in the era of cinema, television, PR technologies and other virtual reality. That is why the new horoscope features not animals, but people, and well-known, easily recognizable types: it will not be difficult for anyone to learn the peculiarities of their behavior.

So who are you, reader? This is easy to find out: in the vertical column, find your patron by eastern horoscope(by year of birth), and in the horizontal one - your zodiac sign. At the intersection in the table your virtual horoscope sign is indicated. And don’t let the “male” names confuse you. Representatives of the fair sex can make simple adjustments: King - Queen, Knight - Joan of Arc, Aristocrat - Aristocrat, Professor - Learned Lady, Jester - Columbine, Leader - Leader. And only Vector always remains Vector.

Well, now let's take a closer look at each of the seven image-signs.


Its main purpose is to bring beauty to the world. Of course, he must follow fashion, but flexibility and elegance are no less important. As a rule, people of this type are very beautiful. If nature has not rewarded you with a standard appearance, your face can still become a trump card if you maintain an expression of goodwill and friendliness in any situation.

What do others expect from an Aristocrat? Impeccable purity and morality. This means that you should take care of your reputation: it must be impeccable.

Of course, an Aristocrat remains an Aristocrat at home, on his family’s couch, but still, in order to live a full life, he needs to be in the spotlight more often. This means that it is better to work in large teams, where there is always an opportunity to shine. At the same time, it is important to maintain good, even relations with everyone: remember, enmity literally sucks the strength out of an Aristocrat.


This sign embodies sanity and stability, and therefore best line behavior for the Professor - consistency, adherence to rules and laws. Extravagance in views, actions and clothing should be avoided. Feel free to express your opinion, but keep in mind: it must be substantiated. These details will form the optimal image for you of a person who has thought through everything, provided for it, in a word, a Professor, in whom those around him are ready to recognize a teacher, even if his age is not yet “professorial”. What ruins the image of the Professor? Once he gives in to panic, he will fall forever in the eyes of those around him.


Like the Aristocrat, he must be crystal clear, but the Knight does not require the admiration of those around him; it is enough to know that he is doing his duty. So don’t expect applause, even if you defended the orphaned and wretched in front of the crowd or single-handedly defended your family from the machinations of the evil authorities.

The image of a Knight does not put forward strict requirements for appearance and clothing: you can stick to the classic style, give preference to Knighthood, or amaze everyone with the extravagance of your outfits. The main thing is to avoid the vamp style: after all, your trump card is kindness! From the Knight people expect love and care, wise advice. Just try not to go overboard and become petty.


This sign embodies the energy of pressure and pressure, and you must show this to others from the very beginning! It is not proper for a leader to walk around looking sleek and wearing a modest gray suit. Like the Professor, the Leader gravitates towards the position of a teacher of life, but relies not on intellect, but on the power of conviction. The main task of the Leader is to raise everyone from their homes and lead them to brighter frontiers. So for those who, by the will of fate, find themselves in this cell of the virtual horoscope, under no circumstances should they sit silently. And don’t be modest: you should aim for big projects and great achievements! A leader who tries to withdraw from public interests is doomed to failure.


The Jester's job is to make people laugh, including themselves. Do not be afraid to look funny, to make fun of sacred things: The jester is the one who is allowed to subject everything to the purifying fire of parody.

In general, it is clear that you need brightness in everything: in clothes, in makeup (of course, this applies to Columbine), in behavior and actions. Your trump card is extravagance and complete freedom from any conventions, so throw away false shame and forget about modesty. And one more thing: success in society will be ensured by a deep knowledge of human psychology, so try to study this fascinating science in your spare time.


The king lives by the motto “all or nothing.” The key to success for representatives of this sign is to immediately appear in all the splendor of their greatness. If you do not yet feel like an accomplished person who has achieved something important, it is better to postpone “going out into the world” and find a field of activity for yourself that will allow you to reduce communication to a minimum.

What to do during the “preparatory” period? Master all the previous five roles, learn to be noble and ready for heroism, like an Aristocrat and a Knight, make wise speeches, like a Professor, captivate people with you, like a Leader, and subvert authorities, like a Jester. The fusion of these five roles-images is precisely what is called the royal greatness that people expect from you.

Do not strive for leadership positions: a real King does not suffer from an inferiority complex and therefore does not crave self-affirmation. The King's trump card is self-sufficiency, calm and unchanging self-confidence. By the way, this is precisely why you should not imitate the emperors of the Renaissance in your clothes, so that bright trinkets do not overshadow your true essence.


The main thing for you is to realize your exclusivity. Your purpose is to excite people, to prevent the world from turning into a swamp.

Vector's distinctive features are adventurism and provocative sexuality. Take this into account when developing a line of behavior and choosing your wardrobe. You are strictly forbidden to look banal, remain silent, sit back, pretend to be like everyone else. And - away from doubts about his right to an unconventional move, to a bold act and defiant behavior: as soon as Vector doubts himself, he loses all his magnetism.

Yes, a bit of “demonicism” will only benefit people of this sign, but remember that this is just an image, a mask behind which your true – very kind – face should be hidden. Why? Yes, because they will easily forgive you for harsh words, but they will not forgive you for ugly actions...