Halogen lamp h4. Raccoon is a cunning beast

If the headlights of a car are appropriately compared to eyes, then the light of the headlights is comparable to the visual acuity of a car and, accordingly, its driver. It depends on the quality of the head light vehicle the range and detail of the review directly depends on evening time days.

Considering modern statistics, it can be said without exaggeration that improper head lighting is extremely dangerous. After all, severe accidents at night are a particularly sad chapter in history traffic. Thus, every fifth accident that occurred as a result of technical defects and resulted in damage to human health is explained by defects in the lighting system. Even more impressive are the statistics on fatal accidents. Here, 50% of accidents that cause death occur in the dark. At the same time, now every third car on the road does not have optimal lighting.

What makes up this optimal lighting?


Headlights have two components. The first is the design of the headlight itself (reflector and diffuser), the second is the lamp used. But if the headlights of modern, both imported and domestic cars are designed in accordance with all the basic laws of lighting technology and nothing depends on the choice of the car owner, then everyone can choose a lamp on their own. And, I must say, there are plenty of opportunities for choice.

The automotive lamp industry has been around for almost 100 years. Naturally, over such a considerable period, manufacturing companies have accumulated vast experience in the development and manufacture of this product. Despite the fact that the H4 lamp does not change in its essence - the two filaments have not gone away yet - today this device has a whole series various modifications with all sorts of features. Each of these models is aimed at a specific buyer and has different characteristics from the others. The composition of the gas filling the flask, electrode holders, lamp spiral, flask coating, etc. – each of these details has a great influence on the final result. However, it’s not just the lamps that are different different models, serious differences are also present among lamps from different manufacturers. After all, the innovative solutions used in the manufacture of lamps and high technology: the process of optimizing the pumping of air from the flasks, precise dosing of gases and installation of all parts with micron accuracy. However, these technologies may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.


In this test, we decided to find out how different lamps of the same type, but produced by different companies, can differ in their characteristics.

For the study, we selected an H4 type lamp with a power of 60/55 W, designed for an operating voltage of 12 V. At the same time, we tried to consider all the most common modifications of this type of lamp.


The quality of a lamp is determined by three parameters: axial luminous intensity (that is, luminous intensity measured in the direction of the axis of the light fixture), color temperature and geometry (the accuracy of the location of all lamp elements relative to each other).

In this test, to obtain a comparative assessment of the quality of lamps from different companies, measurements of axial luminous intensity and color temperature were carried out. An article in the next issue of the magazine “Consumer” will presumably be devoted to assessing the geometry of devices. Autodela".


To measure illumination, the lamp was placed in a circularly symmetrical reflector (headlight without an output optical lens). The desired parameter was measured at the center of the light spot created by the resulting optical device. The measurements were carried out for two lamp power connection modes: low beam and high beam.

Illumination was measured using a TKA-LUX lux meter. All measurements were carried out at a certain (fixed) distance from the lamp, large enough to consider the light beam to be formed. Based on the results obtained, calculations were made of the axial luminous intensity of the lighting device. The unit of measurement is kilocandel (kCd).

Under the same conditions, the color temperature of the radiation of the lamps under study was measured using a colorimeter “LMT - C2200.” The unit of measurement for color temperature is Kelvin (K).

You will find all the data obtained for each device in the tables accompanying the description of the test results.

As the test results of H4 type lamps produced by OSRAM, GENERAL ELECTRIC, PHILIPS, NARVA, HELLA, IPF, ZENON show, the lighting characteristics of these devices differ quite significantly.


All car lamp manufacturers produce standard types of headlight lamps.

H4 – double-filament lamp. Depending on which filament emits light, the lamp operates in either high or low beam mode.

All H4 lamps designed for installation in conventional car headlights have a power of 60/55 W. More powerful lamps cannot be used. Firstly, they blind drivers of other cars, and secondly, they overload the car’s wiring and contribute to overheating of the headlight and its accelerated aging. H4 lamps, with a power of, for example, 130/100 W, are designed for off-road driving and are installed in special headlights.

Thanks to modern technologies lamp production, all branded standard lamps have a long service life and are characterized by stable operation throughout the entire period of operation.

However, in the group of standard lamps today we can distinguish a separate category of devices. These are standard lamps with an extended service life. The appearance of such models on the market is not just another move large manufacturers, aimed only at increasing sales. The fact is that in order to reduce the number of accidents by 20%, many countries of the European Community have made it mandatory to turn on low beam headlights during the daytime. Therefore, the life of conventional lamps is exhausted faster and, in order not to force drivers to change lamps more often, the largest companies have begun producing special lamps for round-the-clock use that last much longer than conventional lamps.


Of all the lamps that took part in the test, the following models are classified as standard: OSRAM H4 Standard, OSRAM H4 LIGHT@DAY (lamp for round-the-clock use), GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Standard, PHILIPS H4 Long Life (lamp for round-the-clock use), NARVA H4 Standard.

In high beam mode, the best performance was demonstrated by this season's new product - the lamp for round-the-clock use OSRAM H4 LIGHT@DAY. In this indicator, it surpasses not only lamps in its “weight category”, but even some models with increased luminous flux. The GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Standard lamp also achieves good results in high beam mode.

When switching to low beam, OSRAM H4 LIGHT@DAY remains among the leaders, but this time it is inferior to the other two models. But GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Standard is ahead of all competitors. As a result, in this operating mode, which is relevant for urban conditions, the best performance was achieved by standard OSRAM and NARVA lamps. They passed the test with the same luminous flux values.

I would especially like to highlight the NARVA H4 Standard lamp here - being one of the leaders, it has the most affordable price compared to its competitors. The OSRAM H4 Standard model also deserves special attention, as it showed the most stable results. This device is a leader in low beam mode, and in high beam it showed, although not the best, but still a decent result.

When measuring light temperature, the OSRAM H4 LIGHT@DAY lamp again showed the highest result in both operating modes. This means that the light from this lamp will be slightly whiter than the rest of the test participants in the standard lamp category. And the most yellow light will be on the GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Standard and PHILIPS H4 Long Life models.


This family includes lamps that can produce 30%, 50% or even 60% more light than standard fixtures. This result is achieved thanks to the improved internal geometry of the lamp. However, it should be noted that the lamp will not fulfill the declared increase in luminous flux in all situations. How effectively such a device will work largely depends on the design of the headlight itself. Typically, an inscription like “+50%” means that the luminous flux can be increased by up to 50%. With some older headlight designs, efficiency may be slightly less.

In any case, the most important thing is that the amplified lamps have the same power as the standard samples (60/55 W). Therefore, they do not overheat the headlight itself. You just need to remember that devices of this type require precise adjustment of the headlights, as otherwise they can blind other road users.

The disadvantage of these lamps is their shorter service life compared to even standard models.

This line of car lamps will be especially relevant for motorists with impaired vision and for elderly drivers. According to studies, in order to see the road well at 60 years old, it takes 5 times more light than at 30 years old.


The following lamps were compared in this category: OSRAM H4 Silverstar (+50%); GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Megalight Plus (+60%); PHILIPS H4 Premium (+30%); PHILIPS H4 Visionplus (+50%); NARVA H4 Range Power; HELLA H4 Light Power (+50%); IPF Super Low Beam.

After switching to low beam, the IPF Super Low Beam has a very powerful luminous flux. However, such a victory cannot be called fair. The fact is that the low beam filament of this lamp has an increased power of 80 W (despite the fact that the power of the high beam filament is the standard 60 W). You should be careful with a lamp that has this feature. Firstly, incorrect adjustment will lead to dazzling of other road users, and secondly, increased power can cause overheating of the wiring and headlights.

Among devices with standard power in this part of the test, the distribution of lamps produced by PHILIPS was quite interesting: one of the models – PHILIPS H4 Premium (+30%) – turned out to be the strongest in high beam mode, and the other – PHILIPS H4 VisionPlus (+50%) – is in the lead after switching to low-speed (here, of course, competitors who obviously have greater power are not taken into account). In this case, preference should probably be given to PHILIPS H4 VisionPlus (+50%). Firstly, the low beam mode is used much more often than the high beam mode, and secondly, this lamp, being a leader in the low beam mode, also demonstrates a very good performance when switching to high beam. Its only drawback is the rather high price compared to many competitors. However, it appears that she is justified. high quality product.

In both operating modes it is very good result The GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Megalight Plus lamp (+60%) also has it. The stability of this lamp made a very good impression. It is important that its price is not too high compared to many competitors.

The most inexpensive lamp in this category is NARVA H4 Range Power. At the same time, the quality of its work in both modes deserves high praise. As a result, this device demonstrates a very good price/quality ratio.

Of all the lamps in this category, the GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Megalight Plus (+60%) has the highest color temperature in both modes. This suggests that its glow is whiter compared to all other lamp samples that have an enhanced luminous flux. NARVA H4 Range Power has the lowest color temperature in low beam.

In conclusion, we note that any lamp in this category has a noticeably greater luminous flux than standard lamps.


Such lamps were not given the name “all-weather” by chance. A special interference coating is applied to their bulb, which gives the light a yellowish tint. This light improves the contrast on the illuminated part of the road when driving in bad conditions. weather conditions. If ordinary light during rain or fog is intensely reflected from the smallest drops of moisture in the air and blinds the driver, then the yellow light of all-weather lamps is reflected much less and does not interfere with the driver. In addition, a car equipped with all-weather lamps is much more visible on the road in bad weather conditions, which also reduces the risk of an accident.


Of all the test lamps, the following models belong to the all-weather group: PHILIPS H4 Weather Vision; NARVA H4 Azzurro; GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 AllDay; IPF H4 Superbeam.

In high beam mode, the best results were demonstrated by the PHILIPS H4 Weather Vision and GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 AllDay lamps. At the same time, PHILIPS H4 Weather Vision also has considerable luminous flux when switching to low beam mode. Whereas GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 AllDay in this mode has the most modest indicator of all lamps in its category.

The Japanese IPF H4 Superbeam lamp has the highest luminous flux in its category in low beam. But when switching to high beam, for some reason this device shows more than modest results.

For all-weather lamps, color temperature is an important parameter. These lamps should emit yellow light, which means the color temperature should be relatively low. The yellowest of the entire test is GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 AllDay. But the IPF H4 Superbeam light is even whiter than standard lamps.


These lamps are designed for those drivers who prefer bright light white. The light from headlights with these lamps is similar to the light from headlights with xenon lamps. This light is as close as possible to daylight and is less tiring for the eyes. At the same time, it helps the driver concentrate, which is especially important during long night trips. In addition, the light of such lamps differs from the light of most traffic cars and thereby makes your car more visible.

The blue-white light of the lamps of this group is achieved not by applying a bluish coating to the bulb (as happens with the cheapest samples), but by using special technologies that differ for different manufacturers. The glow of such lamps is not inferior in brightness to standard models.

The only disadvantage of devices of this type is that their increased color temperature may not be very convenient when driving in bad weather. The point is that it's bright white light in this case, it is reflected from drops of rain or fog and blinds the driver of the car.

But thanks to the bright light emitted by the lamps for improved visual comfort, they are very clearly visible while driving. road signs. The fact is that the light of such lamps is reflected better from the surface of the signs than in other cases.


Of all the lamps presented in the test, the following lamps fall into this category: PHILIPS H4 Blue Vision; NARVA H4 Range Power Blue; OSRAM H4 Cool Blue; XENOBRITE H4 Superwhite; GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Superblue; IPF Gran Bluez Bulb; IPF White Max Neo Bulb.

The highest luminous flux in high beam mode was demonstrated by the OSRAM H4 Cool Blue lamp. And the XENOBRITE H4 Superwhite lamp showed record low illumination in the same mode. Here, however, it should be noted that this is also one of the cheapest lamps in this category. Probably, such a pricing policy of the manufacturer and such a low value of the luminous flux are interrelated.

The GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Superblue and NARVA H4 Range Power Blue lamps showed good results in this operating mode. They are followed by PHILIPS H4 Blue Vision.

Among lamps with standard power in low beam mode best value showed NARVA H4 Range Power Blue. It is followed with approximately the same result by OSRAM H4 Cool Blue and GENERAL ELECTRIC H4 Superblue. The fact that OSRAM showed the best value in high beam also characterizes this lamp very well.

The record low value of luminous flux in low beam again belongs to XENOBRITE H4 Superwhite, which, we recall, is the cheapest lamp in this category.

IPF Gran Bluez Bulb has the highest color temperature. No wonder the manufacturer claims that the color of the light emitted by it is completely similar to the color xenon headlights. Another IPF lamp also has a very high color temperature. The White Max Neo Bulb model from this company will also shine with white light. It is interesting that the manufacturing company announces that such a lamp is suitable for all-weather use, although usually white light, for example, in rainy weather, is inconvenient for the driver.

OSRAM H4 Cool Blue has a slightly lower, but still very high color temperature.


In addition to H4 headlight lamps with a standard power of 60/55 W, models with increased power are available on store shelves. Moreover, such lamps often have a low price. As a result, some car enthusiasts use such devices to get “more light” at minimal cost.

Even without touching on the issue of the quality of these products, it can be argued that such a practice will not lead to positive results. Firstly, all high power lamps are designed for off-road use, as they always blind other road users. This is primarily due to the different geometric dimensions of the lamp spirals. Due to the mismatch between the geometry of the lamp and the design of the headlight, the entire optical system does not work correctly. Secondly, the consequence of using such lamps is overheating of the car's electrical wiring and accelerated aging of the headlight.

And yet we wondered: do these lamps really give more light, and also whether it is possible to buy a cheap high-power lamp and, as a result, get increased brightness lighting.


Two samples of ZENON Power Gold and ZENON Plasma were selected for testing.

In high beam mode, both lamps showed a very low luminous flux value. The result of ZENON Plasma was especially depressing. Moreover, this lamp showed a record low value even when switching to low beam. Thus, in terms of this parameter the device does not withstand any criticism at all.

The luminous flux of the ZENON Power Gold lamp in low beam mode, on the contrary, turned out to be excessively high. Interestingly, this value was not very different from the luminous intensity in the high beam mode of the same lamp. This feature only indicates the low quality of the product. Because too of great importance luminous intensity when the low beam is turned on, such a lamp will be simply dangerous.

In the diagram and table we have deliberately placed these two lamps next to the standard Osram lamp. After such a comparison, it becomes clear that even a standard lamp loses very little, or even outperforms high-power lamps. At the same time, Osram H4 Standard is completely “legal”, that is, it will not dazzle other road users, harm the headlight elements and overload the car’s fuel system.

In conclusion, we note once again that all famous companies produce high-power lamps. Such lamps are often really capable of providing much more light. But such devices are designed only for use during “off-road” driving and cannot be used on a regular highway.

Some car enthusiasts are lucky - the halogen lamps installed on their cars work without problems for many years; in some cases, a person manages to buy a car, drive it to his heart's content and sell it, without ever having to replace the light source of his vehicle. Others are forced to do this procedure constantly. And this creates certain problems not only financial plan– the design of some cars is made in such a way that it takes a lot of effort to complete the replacement.

Naturally, a person has a question - which halogen lamps are the best for cars in order to guarantee their long life of active use?

What should you base your choice on?

So, before you decide which options are best for a car, you should understand how to select such elements:

  1. The first step is to determine the type of product, which is determined by a certain marking. For example, it could be H1, H3, H4 and so on. Naturally, in order for the lamp to optimally fit the car system, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations on this matter given by the manufacturer.
  2. The next stage is choosing a brand. There are manufacturing companies that are guaranteed to offer high-quality, reliable products. These include, first of all, the following brands: Bosch, Narva, Phillips, General Electric. You should not be fooled by bargain prices and purchase goods from an unknown manufacturer - sometimes this can lead to premature failure and additional waste of money.
  3. The third factor of choice is increased luminous flux. Some manufacturers, offering consumers, say, an H11 lamp, claim that it has a stronger luminous flux. By 25, 50, 100 percent. Most often they don't cheat. But there is one important nuance– lamps of increased brightness are characterized by a shorter service life. The stronger the light flow from such elements, the faster their resource is developed. Therefore, when choosing a product of this type, it is important to decide what exactly the car owner needs - a long service life or a stronger beam of light.

In addition, the product may have an additional phrase in its name indicating a specific characteristic. For example, "Long life". That is, the manufacturer seems to be saying that his product will actually last longer. Do not also forget that some light sources are equipped with an additional filter. Yes, this option looks visually more impressive, since the beam of light turns out to be blue, green, and so on, but additional equipment reduces the operating efficiency of the product.

Only after fully working through all these stages can you go to the store to make a successful purchase.

List of the best H4 and H7 halogen lamps according to expert tests

Most automakers allow various types of lamps to be installed on their products. Therefore, in our country, two options are in greatest demand - H4 and H7. The first option is universal and fits almost every car, the second is more affordable, although they have a reduced service life due to the high temperature created during their operation.

According to expert reviews, the best H7 halogen lamps for cars are:

  1. Philips Vision. Almost completely identical to those options that are installed as a standard element at the manufacturing plant. The cost is about eight hundred rubles. Emits a white beam of light that is characterized by increased brightness, approximately 30 percent of the standard.
  2. Mtf-Light Longlife Standard. One of the most affordable options - you can buy it for five hundred and a few kopecks rubles. The manufacturer slightly changed the classic filament technology, which increased the service life of this option. Has increased brightness (30 percent).
  3. Philips X-Treme Vision. It costs more - around 1000 rubles. But there are several undoubted advantages: a hundred percent increase in brightness. Increased visibility distance when illuminated - thirty-five meters more than the standard version.
  4. Philips Long Life. A great option for those who want to set it and forget it. At temperature conditions at 3100K, the lamp can work for about three years or 100,000 kilometers wound on the speedometer in the dark.
  5. Mtf-Light Argentum. Another option with increased performance characteristics. Operating temperature– 3100K. The beam range is 15 meters more than the standard, the brightness is 80 percent more.

When choosing a halogen car lamp marked H4, it is recommended to pay attention to the following options:

  1. Philips X-treme Vision. One of the most powerful options of this type available on the market. They can function for up to one and a half years, while providing increased brightness by 100 percent.
  2. Osram Original Line. More budget option, which can be purchased for less than 1000 rubles. Perfect for both low and high beams.
  3. Philips Vision. Compared to the first model, they are more durable, but have lower brightness: only thirty percent more than the standard.
  4. Osram Night Breaker. Not very durable, but quite effective in operation: the light beam is 110 percent brighter, the illumination range is increased by 35 meters.
  5. Narva H4 Contrast. This option is chosen by those people who are forced to drive their car in poor visibility conditions. The product allows you to improve the contrast of illuminated objects and the clarity of their outlines.

Naturally, this is only part of the options for halogen lamps for cars available today. However, they are recommended to be purchased by people who work in the automotive lighting industry, as well as experienced car enthusiasts who have already tried many different manufacturers.

The safety of movement at night directly depends on how serviceable and correctly configured the low and high beam lights in the car are. Each driver is obliged to monitor the condition of the head optics - they should not be cloudy or have cracks, adjustments must be made in accordance with existing standards and requirements, all light bulbs must be in working order.

A lamp with an H4 socket is both a low beam and a high beam lamp; the intensity of the beam varies, which makes it possible to illuminate the road directly in front of the car or far ahead.

Selecting lamps for headlights that use an H4 socket is an important task, the correct solution of which determines the quality of road illumination and, as a result, your safety. Car owners often argue among themselves which H4 low beam lamps are the best. To answer this question, let's talk in more detail about their varieties.

Comparison of road lighting with halogen and xenon lamps at night

There are three types of light bulbs with this base used in cars:

  • halogen;
  • bi-xenon;
  • LED

Halogen lighting sources

Halogen lamps are by far the most common type of light bulbs - according to most motorists, they provide the best balance between price and quality.

The design of such a light bulb looks simple - it is a flask made of refractory glass, filled with halogen gas, which contains an incandescent filament. Voltage is applied to this thread, causing the temperature to rise, which causes a glow.

These lamps are designed for those drivers who prefer bright white light

In lamps with an H4 socket, two filaments are located in one bulb, one of which provides the properties of low beam lamps, the second - high beam. Changing lighting is carried out by switching between threads. This combined design has one significant drawback - if one filament burns out, you have to change the entire light bulb.

Halogen lamps provide comfortable bright light and illuminate the road very effectively; their cost is low, which makes them affordable for wide range consumers. However, these advantages are balanced by two disadvantages:

  • The presence of incandescent coils leads to failure due to strong vibrations.
  • High temperature reduces the working life of the product and is poorly perceived by plastic optics.

Today, such lamps are inferior in quality to bi-xenon and LEDs, but their low cost makes them widely in demand.


Bi-xenon lamps differ in their design and operating principle from halogen lamps. They consist of a glass bulb filled with gas and two electrodes between which an electric arc is produced. H4 bulbs have a metal screen and a magnet that is responsible for switching.

Greater light output due to a higher (~2-3 times) ratio of the power of the luminous flux to the power of consumed energy, which provides an almost twofold increase in road illumination in the dark

In the low beam position, the beam is reflected from the screen and hits the top of the reflector. When you turn on the high beams, the magnet switches, light enters the hole in the screen and hits both the top and bottom of the reflector.

The advantage of bi-xenon is the absence of fear of vibrations - there is no filament in it. In addition, it does not produce as high a temperature as halogen, and its light is more comfortable for the eyes.

The disadvantages of such lamps include the very high cost, the need for very precise adjustment of the optics and operation from an ignition unit, which is also very expensive. Besides, self-replacement Such bulbs are not recommended - for this you need to contact a car service.


The most promising type of lamps is LEDs. They are not afraid of vibrations, do not produce high temperatures, can withstand any overload perfectly, and have a huge working life. However, the cost of such lamps is quite high, and their use is permitted only in special optics. This is explained by the fact that LEDs do not form a light beam - this requires special lenses.

However, despite the high cost and the need for special optics, LEDs show the most best results in comparative tests. Experts say that LEDs are the future - the increasing number of cars with this type of lighting gives reason to believe such forecasts.

Safety in a car depends on a huge number of factors, but the main one is the driver. From his reaction in difficult situation The outcome of the incident depends more than anything else. However, it is worth understanding that the driver needs to see the road well in order to react in time. And if during the day there are rarely problems with this, then at night all responsibility falls on the lighting system. Yes, there are new-fangled laser radars that can see 300 meters further than a person in the dark and, in case of danger, will stop the car themselves, but such advanced technologies are only available on a very small number of cars that are inaccessible to the majority of people.

In this article we will try to select the best lamps with a standard H4 base. Unlike H7 lamps, which we have already reviewed on our website, H4 is used in two-headlight lighting systems, and therefore each lamp has two spirals. The first is responsible for the low beam, the second for the high beam. Standard power is 55-60 W. Of course, there are more powerful models, but their use is justified only when used off-road (for example, off-road or on a racing track) and with major changes in the vehicle's electrical wiring. When used on a civilian car, such optics will blind oncoming drivers, and the wiring will probably overheat. As you understand, neither one nor the other adds security.

On at the moment There are three main types of H4 lamps: halogen, metal halide (xenon) and LED. The first ones are the most common, and therefore we will focus on them. Xenon is used a little less frequently due to its high cost and complex installation. Finally, LEDs. Due to insufficiently developed technology and the lack of preparation of factory headlights for such lamps, there are currently no certified models of this type in Russia, and therefore you will not see them in the rating. Let's get straight to the rankings of the best!

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Best Standard H4 Halogen Bulbs

In the first category we will look at the simplest halogen lamps. In these models, manufacturers did not strive for increased brightness, increased service life or higher color temperature, thanks to which they managed to keep the price at a fairly low level. In addition, standard indicators of power, brightness and service life make such lamps the most versatile for any conditions of use.

In terms of technology, halogen lamps are not far removed from the good old incandescent lamps. There is still the same filament in the bulb. But instead of vacuum, the cavity is filled with inert gases with Br or Cl. It is also worth noting that H4 lamps contain two filaments at once. One of them is responsible for the low beam, the second for the high beam. Moreover, the parameters of illumination and even the temperature of the glow can differ radically. So, let's look at the ranking of the best in this category.

3 Osram H4 Original Line Allseason

Better visibility in difficult weather conditions
Country: Germany
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.5

Despite the fact that this model was in third place, lamps from Osram cannot be called bad. Yes, the price is higher than competitors. Yes, the dry numbers of the parameters don’t really stand out as anything special. But the enormous popularity among users is not without reason. Firstly, thanks to the lemon tint of the light, the lamp provides excellent visibility in bad weather conditions (rain, snow, fog). Secondly, high resource. Judging by the reviews, the lamps “live” for at least a year and a half.

2 General Electric H4 (50440U)

Best price
Country: USA (manufactured in Hungary)
Average price: 170 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.6

The American company, although it has existed since the end of the 19th century, is not as popular in Russia as its competitors. Nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to the products of this company, if only because of the lowest cost. By spending no more than 200 rubles, you will receive a lamp of good quality. In addition to the low cost, buyers note a clear cut-off line and high brightness of the light beam. The only negative is that the lamp life is slightly lower than that of its competitors. In general, the General Electric H4 is a strong mid-ranger, but the lowest cost allows the American to take second place in the rating.

1 Philips H4 3200K Vision +30%

Highest brightness
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 220 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.7

Despite the fact that in the name you can see the inscription “+30%”, this lamp should be classified as standard, because the increase is not so significant as to classify it as a class with increased brightness. Such a small increase allowed us to keep the cost at a fairly low level, which cannot but be considered an advantage. Finally, according to independent tests, this model has the best sign and roadside illumination in its class. The illumination indicators from the main beam are also good - 102 lux, which is one of the best indicators in the class.

The best H4 halogen lamps with increased brightness

Unlike European countries, most of the roads in our native and vast region remain without artificial lighting. Because of this, people who often move between cities at night have to use lamps with increased brightness in order to provide a longer and wider beam of light. Demand creates supply. Manufacturers began to produce models with brightness increased by 50% or more.

Interestingly, this is achieved not by increasing the lamp power (it remained at the level of 55-60W), but by using more refractory metals in the filament and pumping a special gas mixture into the flask under high pressure.

It is worth noting that when installing such lamps, you should be responsible in adjusting the headlights so as not to blind oncoming cars. Also remember that increasing the brightness will reduce the life of the lamp, albeit slightly. Our rating will help you choose the best lamps in this category.

3 General Electric H4 Megalight Ultra +90

Better visibility in bad weather
Country: USA (manufactured in Hungary)
Average price: 630 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.4

The last place in the rating is occupied by not the brightest, but very versatile lamps. Buyers note an excellent level of roadside illumination when the low beams are on. Color temperature also plays an important role - 3300K. This provides excellent visibility even in conditions of snow, rain or wet asphalt, in which the currently fashionable white light is useless. It is also impossible not to note the lowest price in this category - almost 2 times (!) lower than that of competitors. The only drawback is the lack of special spraying around the low beam spiral, which should reduce the level of glare of oncoming cars.

2 Osram H4 Night Breaker Unlimited +110%

The most comfortable light temperature
Country: Germany
Average price: 1180 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.7

Night Breaker line from Osram for for many years its existence has earned many rave reviews from car enthusiasts. The 2017 models are in no way inferior to their predecessors. The brightness is one of the best on the market - +110%. Of course, it’s a long way from the leader of the rating, but this is enough for most drivers. I would also like to note the fairly high color temperature - 3800K - which provides higher comfort for the eyes. Finally, Night Breaker stands out with a fairly high resource.

The cost of these lamps is practically no different from the leader. So what prevented Osram products from taking a leading position? Brightness. Still, we choose the best halogen lamp with increased brightness, and therefore we will consider this indicator the most important.

1 Philips H4 3700K X-treme Vision +130%

Highest brightness
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 1170 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.7

Once again, the first place was taken by a lamp from Philips. In this case, the reason for the victory was the highest brightness. +130% is one of the highest values ​​of all lamps with increased brightness. Moreover, judging by user reviews, Philips managed to partially overcome the problem of short service life, because for some car enthusiasts the lamp worked for about 2 years, which is not possible for every standard model. It is also worth noting the clear cut-off line, which makes driving at night more comfortable for both the owner and oncoming motorists.

The best H4 halogen lamps with xenon effect

Models of this type are also called “improved visual comfort” lamps. Thanks to the same high color temperature as metal halide (xenon) lamps, representatives of this category provide the best comfort for the eyes, because the temperature of 4000-4500K is closest to daylight. In addition, such light is better reflected from road signs, which helps the driver notice them a little earlier than with standard headlights.

However, it is worth considering that in pursuit of fashion, you may encounter such an unpleasant and even dangerous effect as a light curtain. This is a situation where white light is reflected from droplets of rain or snow and returns to the driver's eyes, causing him to see only a thick white veil. It is because of this that when driving frequently in bad weather, it is recommended to choose lamps with a yellowish tint.

If it’s much more important to you appearance your car, you are welcome to our rating of the best lamps for improved visual comfort.

3 MTF-Light Vanadium H4

The whitest light
Country: Russia
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.3

Despite all the patriotism, we cannot seriously recommend this lamp for purchase. Yes, the color temperature is almost 5000K, which is closest to daylight, but the manufacturer achieves this result by simply painting the bulb blue. Moreover, the most big trouble not in the paint, but in the absence of a reinforced filament, which leads to a significant decrease in the level of illumination of the road surface, because the light emitted by the spiral is simply absorbed by the paint. In addition, many users note that the operating time is not the longest.

2 Koito H4 Whitebeam Premium 4500K

Longest service life
Country: Japan
Average price: 1530 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.5

In second place are very correct xenon lamps. Unlike cheap Chinese counterfeits, the model from the Koito company received not only a painted bulb, but also a brighter spiral, which together allows you to get a white-blue tint of light without losing any brightness. Indeed, buyers praise the very long (according to some statements, up to 3 kilometers, which we, of course, doubt) beam. It is also worth noting that the low beam is slightly more yellow than the high beam. This provides better visibility in precipitation. Finally, buyers note a fairly long lamp life. The only drawback of Whitebeam Premium that comes to mind is the price. Still, paying more than 1.5 thousand rubles for 2 lamps is quite a lot.

1 Osram H4 4200K Cool Blue Intense

Best value for money
Country: Germany
Average price: 720 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.7

An attentive and knowledgeable reader will probably notice that the leader of our rating on some points is even slightly behind the silver medalist. However, it is Osram that occupies a leading position, thanks to the lowest cost in the class while maintaining good quality and parameters. Yes, the color temperature is “only” 4200K, instead of 4500 for Koito, but this is easily compensated by excellent illumination levels at the near and far edges. And considering that for the price that competitors are asking for, you can buy as many as 2 sets of Cool Blue Intense, this model becomes even more attractive.

Best H4 Metal Halide Bulbs

Metal halide lamps (aka xenon) are considered one of the coolest at the moment. They are installed from the factory only on fairly expensive cars, and therefore tuning enthusiasts either install halogen lamps with an improved visual effect, or spend a little more money on real xenon to make their iron horse look even more beautiful. On the one hand, this is completely justified, because xenon has a fairly high color temperature - about 4300K ​​- the most familiar to the human eye. Thanks to this, the owner’s fatigue is reduced, and oncoming cars are a little less blinded.

But there are two main problems. The first is a complex installation. Yes, the lamps themselves are at the same level as good halogen lamps, but you will have to additionally buy an ignition unit for them, and sometimes even strengthen the standard wiring. The second problem is the lack of preparation (as a rule) of standard headlights for xenon lamps. Because of this, the light beam is directed incorrectly and therefore blinds all oncoming cars. However, if you are willing to pay more and spend time on adjustments, purchasing such lamps will only bring joy. You will find out which model to prefer in our rating.

2 Clearlight H4 4300K ​​Standart

Better reliability
Country: Russia
Average price: 1230 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.5

The silver medalist is not far behind the ranking leader. There is the same warm white light with a temperature of 4300K. The same power of 35W. In addition, users note fast ignition on severe frost and even soft light, with which road visibility is significantly increased. But this model also has weaknesses. Firstly, the price. It is approximately a third higher than that of the leader in the rating. Secondly, the quality is not the most stable. Yes, judging by the reviews, the lamp lives for more than one year, but there are situations when lamps from the same package differ slightly in color temperature. It seems like a small thing, but it’s unpleasant.

1 SVS H4 4300K

Best value for money
Country: Russia
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2017): 4.7

Surprisingly, the average price for the winner of the rating was set at the level of good halogen lamps. For such a low cost, the buyer receives a fairly well-assembled xenon lamp, which not only is not afraid of shaking and shock, but also produces a pleasant warm light. Among other things, the owners note an interesting system for changing the direction of the light beam. In the standard position, the lamp shines strictly straight, but if you turn it clockwise in the socket, the beam moves down slightly, which allows you to form a clear cut-off line.

The vast majority of modern cars are equipped with halogen lamps from the factory. Their characteristics may be different, but the operating principle is the same for them.

These lamps are well suited for safe movement, providing a powerful beam of light over a long distance. Of course, in terms of luminous intensity they cannot be compared with xenon competitors, but if installed, the owner may violate administrative legislation.

Therefore, halogen lamps are the most popular niche among car lighting products.

Poor lighting can lead to many related problems. At night, oncoming traffic may not notice a car with poor lighting. The driver of such a car does not see most of the road obstacles and runs the risk of getting into a traffic accident.

Over time, with significant mileage and long-term use, standard headlight lamps lose their properties or completely fail. Therefore, drivers are faced with the pressing question of which lamps to choose for replacement.

Based on economic considerations and compliance with legislation, most often their choice falls on halogen lamps. But what halogen lamps for h7 cars look like and how effective they are is indicated in this

It is h4 lamps that are easiest to maintain, and the h index and its size indicate the base; in this case, it is h4. This type is the most common on the market.

Most often, car owners pay attention to the following manufacturers:

This type of halogen lamps is simple both in its design and in the installation method. It is the same for most cars. But you can see what 12 volt LED bulbs for cars look like and where exactly they are used

On video halogen lamps for cars h4 of increased brightness:

Comparison of h4 5000k and 6000k

The index 5000 or 6000k is indicated in Kelvin and indicates the color temperature of the lamp. The more given value the higher the shade of blue in the light.

The maximum value of 6000k means clear blue in the light. As usual, manufacturers install lamps with a color temperature of 4300k in cars. This value is normally perceived by the eyes of oncoming drivers and allows you to cover a large area.

A higher value can have a detrimental effect on the retina of the driver’s eyes, although when illuminated, lamps of 5000 and even more so 6000k provide more saturated light and, accordingly, illuminate a larger area of ​​the road surface and the side of the road.

All well-known manufacturers (Osram, Philips, Koito) have lamps with an index of 5000k or 6000k in their arsenal. The cost of such lamps is on average 15-20% more expensive.

Carrying out work to replace “consumables”

In order to replace such a lamp you must:

  1. In the engine compartment with reverse side Remove the boot (protection) from the headlight unit. Typically this part is attached to plugs and latches;
  2. Then you should bend the antennae of the failed lamp and pull it out;
  3. After this, insert the new part in the same way and put the protective casing (boot) in its original place.
  4. It is also necessary to follow safety rules when choosing a quality lamp. Present on the market huge amount counterfeit products. To avoid purchasing counterfeit products, you need to study protection methods. The manufacturers' official website provides comprehensive information about this.

On video - halogen lamps for cars h4 white light:

Typically, lamp manufacturers try to protect their products with branded seals, designs or engravings. If the offered price is significantly lower and there are no protective equipment in front of the consumer, it is an obvious fake that will not work for even ten hours.