Characteristic artistic details of Olga Larina. Quotes from the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin. Attitudes towards the heroine of other characters

The characterization of Olga in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is important for the fullest disclosure of the image of Tatyana Larina. The author contrasts the sisters to show all the individual traits of his “sweet ideal” - Tatyana. Quote characteristic will help to reveal the image of Olga Larina most clearly.


Olga had blue eyes with a “clear” look that was compared to the sky, flaxen curls and a light figure. Her movements, smile, voice - everything was attractive.

The heroine is full of “innocent charm” and “tender simplicity.” When describing the heroine, she is compared to a lily of the valley, which is untouched by neither moths nor bees. The author strongly emphasizes that Olga was beautiful, she had “ruddy freshness,” the heroine was “sweet as the kiss of love.” All this attracted other people.


Such portrait characteristic shows that she was a society girl. From childhood she was taught how to properly be in society. Hence the frivolity of the heroine.

She was always carefree. Several times in the story the epithet “frisky” is mentioned, which further proves her frivolity. The author describes the character of the heroine without changes: she remained exactly the same “windy hope” that she was in childhood. Most likely, she will remain like this forever.

Olga was “always modest, always obedient, always cheerful as the morning,” that is, the way it was customary to be in society. The heroine's laughter was always heard in the house. The people around her loved Olga; she had many friends and admirers.

Although the heroine was bored at the balls, and “the endless cotillion tormented her like a heavy dream,” she never showed it. She was always cheerful, she always wore the “mask” of secular society. From the very cradle, Olga was a “flighty child”; even then she was trained as a “coquette” who knew how to “play cunning” and cheat.

Olga was loved by many, but she was indifferent to everyone. Almost immediately she forgot Lensky, who was in love with her, and who challenged Onegin to a duel for her sake. “My heart did not suffer for long,” “she did not cry for long.” “Unfaithful to her sadness,” she was quickly able to be “captivated” by another young man, who “lulled” her suffering with “loving flattery.” She marries him and soon leaves, leaving her parents' house.

Attitudes towards the heroine of other characters

Lensky is “captivated” by Olga’s beauty, he is truly in love with her and is ready to do anything for her. He is happy at the thought of marriage with his beloved, because this marriage was predicted for them since childhood. He tries to spend all his time next to her. Even at home he is “busy with his Olga,” he draws pictures for her, writes poetry, but “Olga did not read them” because she was “entertained in a completely different way.”

The author never said throughout the entire narrative that Olga also loved Lensky, and the line “He was loved... at least he thought so, and he was happy” demonstrates the heroine’s true attitude towards the young poet: she was indifferent to him. Even after her betrayal, Lensky could not stop loving her. When she “jumped off the porch” to him, he was ready to forgive her everything.

Evgeny Onegin also chooses Tatyana, who is surprised that Lensky is in love with Olga, because “Olga has no life in her features.” According to the main character, Lensky, as a poet, should have chosen Tatyana with her unusual character, worthy of poetic admiration. He compares Olga to the “stupid moon” that shines on the “stupid horizon.” Everything about it is so ordinary that it does not attract attention.

This article will help to reveal the image of Olga Larina with the help of her appearance, character and the attitude of other heroes of the novel “Eugene Onegin” towards her, and will also help to write an essay “Characteristics of Olga Larina”.

Work test

Olga Larina is a character in the novel in verse by A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”. Olga - younger sister heroine, Tatyana Larina. Like Tanya, Olga grew up in the countryside, under the caring wing of her parents.

Full of innocent charm

In the eyes of her parents, she

Bloomed like a secret lily of the valley...

Olya is lively, pretty, loves games, dancing, laughter and entertainment. She has many girlfriends. A young visiting poet, Vladimir Lensky, falls in love with Olga. Olga becomes his muse: “She gave the poet his first dream to Young Delights...”

Olga pleases the eyes of her mother and everyone around her. In appearance, this is an ideal girl, with whom it is impossible not to fall in love, with whom one cannot help but admire. However, Olya is superficial. There is no sensitivity and spiritual depth in her, unlike her older sister. Olga decorates the Larins' house, but is unable to do more. She does not shine with intelligence, does not strive for knowledge and does not try to develop in herself anything other than what she already possesses.

“Always modest, always obedient,

Always, like the morning, cheerful.

How a poet's life is simple-minded,

Like a kiss of love - sweet.

Eyes like the sky are blue,

Everything is in Olga...

But any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait: he is very cute,

I used to love him myself,

But he tired me immensely...”

Onegin did not like Olga; he did not find a spiritual component in her. With his characteristic manner of despising women, Onegin says to Lensky:

"I would choose another

If only I were a poet like you.

Olga has no life in her features...

Exactly like Vandyk's Madonna:

She's round and red-faced

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid horizon."

The love of Olga and Lensky is childish, romantic. They walk hand in hand in the garden, sit for a long time together. Lensky's feeling borders on adoration. He diligently decorates scrapbook pages for his bride, reads moral novels to her, carefully omitting too intimate details so as not to embarrass his girlfriend. Olga likes his love, she likes being a bride, she likes worship young man. In fact, she controls it and enjoys it. Olga flutters around, not thinking about anything, not trying to penetrate into the depths of the groom’s soul and evaluate his feelings:

"Aurora of the Northern Alley

And lighter than a swallow..."

Olya doesn’t see anything wrong with flirting with other men in the presence of her fiancé. More precisely, Olga simply does not pay attention to the groom when she does this. Her flirting with Onegin caused Lensky to be mortally jealous and upset, but Olya herself does not notice this, and the next day she does not remember her act:

“It wasn’t like that: as before,

To meet the poor singer

Olenka jumped from the porch,

Like windy hope

Frisky, carefree, cheerful..."

Clarity of sight, gentle simplicity, ruddy freshness, agility, female beauty promising healthy children – these are Olga’s virtues.

Olya had no premonitions about the death of her loved one, unlike her older sister. After the death of the groom in a duel, Olga becomes close to her sister for a while, hugging and crying with her at the grave. But the bride does not grieve for long over her groom, who dreamed of defending her honor in a duel. After some time, a military man appears in the sisters’ field of vision: “I came, I saw, I conquered.” Olenka marries him, “unfaithful to her sadness.”

“Another one caught her attention,

Another managed her suffering

To lull you to sleep with loving flattery,

Ulan knew how to captivate her,

Ulan loves her with all her soul...

And now with him in front of the altar

She's shyly down the aisle

Stands with his head bowed,

With fire in downcast eyes,

With a light smile on your lips.”

Olga Larina leaves her native place for new family, where she will now please her husband, as she pleased her parents, pour tea for guests, as she did at home, chirp frivolously, give birth to children, run the house and household. Alexander Pushkin says nothing about whether Olya will be happy. Olga Larina probably doesn’t even think about it. She doesn't have the habit of thinking.

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Roman I.A. Goncharova “Oblomov” reveals the problem social society those times. In this work, the main characters were unable to deal with their own feelings, depriving themselves of the right to happiness. We will talk about one of these heroines with an unfortunate fate.

The image and characterization of Olga Ilyinskaya with quotes in the novel “Oblomov” will help to fully reveal her complex character and better understand this woman.

Olga's appearance

It seems difficult to call the young creature a beauty. The girl's appearance is far from ideals and generally accepted standards.

“Olga in the strict sense was not a beauty... But if she were turned into a statue, she would be a statue of grace and harmony.”

Being short, she managed to walk like a queen, with her head held high. There was a sense of character in the girl, of becoming. She didn't pretend to be better. She didn’t flirt, she didn’t ingratiate herself. She was as natural as possible in expressing emotions and feelings. Everything about her was real, without a drop of falsehood or lies.

“In a rare girl you will find such simplicity and natural freedom of look, word, action... no lies, no tinsel, no intent!”


Olga was not raised by her parents, but by her aunt, who replaced her father and mother. The girl remembered her mother from a portrait hanging in the living room. She had no information about her father since he took her away from the estate at the age of five. Having become an orphan, the child was left to his own devices. The baby lacked support, care, and warm words. The aunt had no time for her. She was too immersed in social life, and she did not care about the suffering of her niece.


Despite her eternal busyness, the aunt was able to find time for the education of her growing niece. Olga was not one of those people who was forced to sit down for lessons with a whip. She always strived to gain new knowledge, constantly developing and moving forward in this direction. Books were an outlet, and music served as a source of inspiration. In addition to playing the piano, she sang beautifully. Her voice, despite its soft sound, was strong.

“From this pure, strong girlish voice, the heart beat, the nerves trembled, the eyes sparkled and swam with tears...”


Oddly enough, she loved privacy. Noisy companies, cheerful gatherings with friends are not about Olga. She did not strive to acquire new acquaintances, revealing her soul to strangers. Some thought she was too smart, others, on the contrary, stupid.

“Some considered her to be narrow-minded, since wise maxims did not come out of her tongue...”

Not very talkative, she preferred to live in her shell. In that imaginary little world where it was good and calm. The external calm was strikingly different from internal state souls. The girl always knew clearly what she wanted from life and tried to implement her plans.

“If she has any intention, then things will boil over...”

First love or meeting Oblomov

My first love came at the age of 20. The meeting was planned. Stolz brought Oblomov to Olga’s aunt’s house. Hearing Oblomov’s angelic voice, he realized that he was lost. The feeling turned out to be mutual. From that moment on, meetings became regular. The young people became interested in each other and began to think about living together.

How love changes a person

Love can change any person. Olga was no exception. It was as if wings had grown behind her back from the overwhelming feelings. Everything in her was seething and seething with the desire to turn the world upside down, changing it, making it better, cleaner. Olga's chosen one was from a different field. Understanding the emotions and ambitions of your beloved is too difficult a task. It was difficult for him to resist this volcano of passions, sweeping away everything in its path. He wanted to see in her a quiet, calm woman who completely devoted herself to home and family. Olga, on the contrary, wanted to shake up Ilya, change his inner world and usual way of life.

“She dreamed of how she would “order him to read the books” that Stolz left, then read newspapers every day and tell her the news, write letters to the village, complete a plan for organizing the estate, get ready to go abroad - in a word, he would not fall asleep with her; she will show him a goal, make him love again everything that he has stopped loving.”

First disappointment

Time passed, nothing changed. Everything remained in its place. Olga knew perfectly well what she was getting into by allowing the relationship to go too far. It was not in her rules to retreat. She continued to hope, sincerely believing that she could remake Oblomov, adapting a man ideal in all respects to her model, but sooner or later any patience comes to an end.


She's tired of fighting. The girl was gnawed by doubts whether she had made a mistake by deciding to connect her life with a weak-willed, weak person incapable of action. Sacrifice yourself all your life for love, why? She already spent too much time marking time, which was unusual for her. The time has come to move on, but apparently alone.

“I thought that I would revive you, that you could still live for me, but you died a very long time ago.”

This phrase became decisive before Olga put an end to her relationship that ended so early with the person she thought she loved.

Stolz: life vest or attempt number two

He was always for her, first of all, a close friend, a mentor. She shared everything that was going on in her soul. Stolz always found time to support, lend a shoulder, making it clear that he was always there, and she could rely on him in any situation. They had common interests. Similar life positions. They could well become one whole, which is what Andrei was counting on. Olga decided to lick her emotional wounds after breaking up with Oblomov in Paris. In the city of love, where there is a place for hope and faith in the best. It was here that her meeting with Stolz took place.

Marriage. Trying to be happy.

Andrey surrounded me with attention and care. She enjoyed the courtship.

“The continuous, intelligent and passionate worship of a man like Stolz”

Restored injured, offended pride. She was grateful to him. Gradually my heart began to thaw. The woman felt that she was ready for a new relationship, that she was ripe for a family.

“She experienced happiness and could not determine where the boundaries were, what it was.”

Having become a wife, for the first time she was able to understand what it means to be loved and to love.

A few years later

The couple lived in a happy marriage for several years. It seemed to Olga that it was in Stolz:

“Not blindly, but with consciousness, and in him her ideal of male perfection was embodied.”

But everyday life became boring. The woman got bored. The uniform rhythm of gray everyday life was stifling, giving no outlet for the accumulated energy. Olga missed the vigorous activity that she led with Ilya. She tried to cheat state of mind for fatigue, depression, but the situation did not improve, becoming more and more tense. Andrey intuitively sensed changes in mood without understanding the real reason spouse's depressed state. Did they make a mistake, and the attempt to become happy failed, but why?


Who is to blame for what happens to us at this or that stage of life. Mostly we ourselves. IN modern world Olga would not be bored and would not focus on problems. At that time women with masculine character there were only a few. They were not understood and not accepted in society. She alone could not have changed anything, and she herself was not ready to change, being selfish at heart. Family life turned out to be not for her. She had to accept the situation or let it go.

The work of Alexander Pushkin was highly appreciated by the literary diaspora. For example, a critic compared Onegin to an encyclopedia of Russian life. The novel, like the series, was published in separate chapters, and excerpts of the work were published in magazines and almanacs.

The writer managed to write memorable characters in Onegin. Olga Larina became the personification of the typical heroine of popular novels that people loved to read so much secular society. Whether this carefree girl had a prototype is anyone's guess, but it is known that Pushkin created a generalized image of a cheerful and carefree girl who is beautiful in appearance, but lacks individual character traits and inner content.

When the novel in verse migrated to cinema and television screens, the main characters were performed by famous stars of the cinematic firmament. Ekaterina Gubanova, Margarita Mamsirova and other actresses played Olga.


Olga Larina is a minor heroine of Eugene Onegin, but nevertheless plays a fundamental role in the novel. Alexander Sergeevich did not write out Olga’s biography scrupulously: the life and origins of this rosy-cheeked girl are sketched out fragmentarily in the novel. Pushkin does not indicate Larina’s specific age. Most likely, the fair-haired beauty was about sixteen years old at the time of the duel and.

Researcher Yuri Lotman, who dedicated his scientific work, assumed that Olga was at least fifteen years old. The fact is that she became the bride of Vladimir Lensky, and it was from this age that girls received the right to marry. In addition, when her sister wrote the letter to her lover, she turned 17, and in the novel Olga is younger than her sister.

Olga appears in the work as a provincial young lady, the daughter of the late foreman Dmitry Larin. At one time, the sisters’ mother was married not out of love, but out of convenience: she was taken to the village, where she initially cried, and then resigned herself, settled into the house and began to take care of the house. The family revered ancient rituals, refused meat and dairy products during Lent, and baked pancakes on Maslenitsa.

The Larins lived in a village not far from Moscow, on a huge estate. The house consisted of twenty rooms, and around it there were lands, stables and flower beds.

Next door to the girl lived Vladimir Lensky, an eighteen-year-old young man full of dreams, unlike his friend Evgeny Onegin, who was bored social life. This young man has been in love with Olga since childhood, which seems strange to Evgeniy, since his younger sister is the complete opposite of the smart and well-read Tatyana.

While Evgeny receives letters from Tatyana, Olga and Lensky spend their time cheerfully and idlely, Vladimir decorates the girl’s album with drawings and elegies. Soon the young man proposes marriage to his beloved, and she agrees.

According to the plot, Lensky invited Onegin to Tatiana’s name day. The appearance of the main character excites the hero of the occasion, and Evgeny, in order to annoy Vladimir, begins to be nice and dance with Olga. Ultimately, the humiliated and insulted Lensky challenges Onegin to a duel.

The next day, Olga cheerfully greets her fiancé. If only the girl knew that her boyfriend would die in a duel! But after Vladimir’s death, Olga was not depressed for long: the beauty fell in love with a visiting uhlan and soon, having become his wife, left with him, which shows her attitude to love.

Comparative characteristics with sister

Alexander Pushkin revealed in the novel two completely different sisters - Tatyana and Olga. Their character traits are a favorite topic of researchers who give young ladies comparative characteristics. The heroines grew up and were brought up in equal conditions.

It is noteworthy that, despite all the differences, Larina’s sisters are friendly and miss each other during times of separation. Provincial Olga appears to readers as a pretty girl with blond hair and blue eyes. As Pushkin would say:

"Full of innocent charm..."

She has a pleasant voice, a sweet smile, a round face and a narcissistic character. However, Alexander Sergeevich points out that she is simple at heart. That is, behind the beautiful shell are hidden mediocre interests: the beauty is used to going with the flow, believing in fate and accepting life as it is, being satisfied with this. Romantic encounters, anxieties, worries and love letters - all this is alien to a playful girl who spends her time cheerfully and cheerfully.

The older sister Tatyana is the complete opposite of Olga, and the author focuses on inner world, and not on appearance. Main character Romana is not attractive, she is a pale and thin girl who does not shine with beauty:

"No one could make her beautiful

In addition, Tatyana is timid, fearful and melancholic: instead of social events, the girl prefers loneliness and reading foreign novels.

Tatyana is impetuous and emotional, and her image is depicted by Pushkin in a meticulous and varied way. The girl's character is revealed depending on the events taking place. It is not surprising that she attracted the attention of writers, and over time the image became typical for writers. And the name Larina, which was previously considered old-fashioned, has become extremely popular.

Olga Larina is one of the main heroines of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”, sister of Tatyana, fiancée of Vladimir Lensky. There is nothing original about it. Onegin says about her: “She is round and red in face,” “Olga has no life in her features.” However, Lensky sees an ideal in her: “How the life of a poet is simple-minded, How sweet is the kiss of love...”. This characterization shows that he did not love the real Olga, but a romantic image he himself invented. Onegin is in no hurry to disappoint his naive and dreamy friend, but later his low assessment is only confirmed.

Against the background of Olga, it is easy to notice Tatiana’s extraordinary character. Olga is an ordinary village young lady who has no aspirations for a better, more interesting life. The main feature of the heroine is frivolity. There's no depth to it. Dancing all evening with Onegin, she did not try to somehow offend Lensky or make him jealous. Moreover, there could be no talk of treason. The author clearly showed that everything happened because of the frivolity of her character. She does not need the sacrifice that Lensky made with his duel. And she did not mourn the groom for long. Soon Olga fell in love with some uhlan, whom she followed into the regiment without hesitation.