History of the Chevrolet company. Where is Chevrolet Aveo assembled?

Where is Chevrolet assembled?

As comrade Bender bequeathed, "a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation." And now it is more than relevant, when the development of transport systems and cities has reached its high level. Car manufacturers are trying to adhere to global trends and supply more and more new and high-quality cars to the market. So in recent times talk about the Chevrolet car brand, which is not giving up its positions.

Our article will tell you about the geography of the places where various models of the Chevrolet brand are assembled: Cruz, Aveo and Niva.

The Chevrolet brand dates back to 1911 and has been collected all over the world for more than a hundred years. Around the same time, the first car appeared in Russia. In more than 100 years, General Motors has delivered on car market more than 30 car models of this brand only.

Perhaps the most famous of all are the Chevrolet Cruise, Laccetti, Laguna, Aveo, and for Russia also the Niva.

There is one large-scale manufacturer - General Motors. However, the car is collected in various locations. the globe: in Asia, Europe, America. If we talk about specific countries, these are Japan, South Korea, India, Vietnam, USA, Russia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, etc.

One of the global projects of General Motors is the launch of production of the Chevrolet Cruze model. At one time, this model made a revolution, replacing its predecessor - the Chevrolet Laccetti. On currently the car is assembled in Kazakhstan, South Korea and, which is remarkable, at our plant in Shushary, Leningrad region.

An equally important project for the assembly of Chevrolet cars for Russia is the launch of the Chevrolet Niva line. This car is significant not only from an economic point of view, but also important because it allowed reviving the production of the AvtoVAZ plant in Togliatti, where this compact modern SUV is now being assembled.

A strategic enterprise in Ukraine is the Chevrolet Aveo assembly plant. Where the well-known "Zaporozhets" was once produced, now this model is being assembled.

Everyone who wants to buy a car is sure to be interested in where it is assembled. And for many, the place of assembly plays a very important role that can influence the final decision. Regardless of the brand and brand of the car, the country of manufacture is significant for every person. For one, Chinese production is of the same importance as Russian. And for another, it is shameful or basically impossible to buy Chinese products.

Most manufacturers assemble the same car brand in different factories. In this case, an advantage appears and the risk of losing potential customers is minimized. The buyer has a wide choice and, depending on where the car is assembled, he can determine the priority purchase requirements.

American dream

The most expensive cars are often completed in the countries where their main office is based.

The American agglomerate of automobile production Chevrolet is trying to spread its "tentacles" all over the world. And Russia is no exception - Aveo is already firmly rooted in the domestic market and is familiar to every Russian firsthand. The budget car category is literally headed by this brand.

Many Aveo owners even take offense at the description of "budget". And this is justified, since the level of comfort and the presence of modern additions in the trim levels is incomparable with other cars in this category.

Hard work

At first glance at the car, it is difficult to determine where it is assembled, since the production process is almost automatic. The task of a person is only to control the actions of the equipment. The work of a person in assembling a Chevrolet can be called creative or design, since a plant employee only puts the final touch after the part is manufactured on special equipment.

The design of each model and its modifications in the lineup was worked out by a commission, which took into account not only technical requirements, but also the wishes of buyers regarding:

  • aerodynamics;
  • engine and transmission operation;
  • interior;
  • the shape of the torpedo and the location of the functional levers and buttons.

The design was developed by an Italian company with a worldwide reputation. And this country has always been famous for the elegance and sophistication of its work. Before the release of the first model, lengthy tests were carried out on the reliability and safety of the machine. This is evidenced by the test results with a score of five points on a five-point scale.

Model release location

The Chevrolet Aveo is an offshoot of General Motors GM Daewoo. The pilot version of the car was released in 2002. He "reached" Europe in 2005, and in Russia officially and fully deployed in 2008. Since then, the Chevrolet Aveo has been dissecting Russian roads in three "interpretations":

  • hatchback with three doors;
  • a hatchback with five doors;
  • sedan with four doors.

The assembly of third-generation vehicles has become a landmark for Russia. Since 2012, the Chevrolet Aveo has been assembled at domestic factories.

In Kaliningrad, a large-knot conveyor has been specially designed, which makes it possible to carry out complex work in the automotive industry. It is quite difficult to determine visually whose assembly a particular car is. Since all processes are automated and as versatile as possible.

Chevrolet Aveo is still produced at the Kaliningrad plant. However, the sales and popularity of the model led to the search for another production area in Russia. As a result, since 2013, the production process has been officially launched at the Gorky Automobile Plant, which includes all stages.

After the opening of this plant for the production of cars, you can determine whose assembly is in a particular model of the new generation. At the Gorky plant, newer equipment has been installed, which makes it possible to produce models with a motorcycle interior and a torpedo.

Some parts are manufactured in China, which helps to significantly reduce the final cost. This does not mean at all that the produced parts or entire segments of the car will be of poor quality. Since the release of the car on the market is preceded by a special inspection by the quality commission.

The car is also produced at the Zaporozhye plant in Ukraine. The model comes out under the name ZAZ Vida and all equipment is completely identical to the manufacturer's model range.

However, recently there has been a decline in sales due to the economic situation in the state, since the model is being implemented only in the domestic market.

Quality of work performed

It is very difficult to determine which assembly is better - domestic or foreign, until they have passed the tests within a certain time. Driving style is no less important, because each driver has his own special one, and this also affects the opinion about the car. In the bulk, reviews about the chassis of the Chevrolet Aveo from many converge and are completely positive. The chassis withstands "strength tests" by the state of domestic highways.

Most of the complaints are about the body of the Aveo car. Car owners are not satisfied with the quality of the paintwork, which allows corrosion even without scratches and dents. Also, a lot of dissatisfaction is caused by the thickness of the metal, which does not withstand even minimal collisions with curbs or fences, not to mention collisions.

Aveo is firmly rooted in the domestic market and is constantly strengthening its position. The equipment of the car certainly matters. But the reputation of the concern has proved more than once that it equips each of its production points with equipment the highest quality with full control over manufacture and assembly. Therefore, it is not worth doubting that the quality of the car will change from where the car is assembled. The main thing is to choose the right configuration and set of functional characteristics.

The representative of the budget class Chevrolet Aveo has been a permanent "inhabitant" of domestic roads for many years. But, the model is popular in other countries of the world. Therefore, the question arises:?

Chevrolet Aveo - the brainchild of the Korean subsidiary General Motors GM Daewoo with designs from Italians. The car was first presented to the public back in 2002. Since then, it has been produced in three body styles: a three- and five-door hatchback and a four-door sedan. It appeared on the US market in 2003 (Daewoo Kalos model T200), and became available to European buyers in 2005. In Canada, the model is known as the Sail, and in Australia and New Zealand, the Holden Barina. But, not all of these countries produce popular cars.

Chevrolet Aveo entered the Russian market in 2008, after an update. And with the advent of the third generation in 2012, Russia joined the list of countries where Aveo is assembled. Kaliningrad "Avtotor" launched the production of a car using the large-knot method. It is produced to this day in three trim levels LS, LT and LTZ. All are equipped with a 1.6 liter engine.

It should be noted that the company is already familiar with the American brand. After all, it was it that became one of those where Lacetti is collected for Russia. Today, in addition to the above models, the Chevrolet Orlando, Captiva and Malibu are rolling off the assembly line.

The beginning of 2013 was marked by the successful start of production of the Chevrolet Aveo at the Gorky Automobile Plant. The quality of the car is similar to that of the Kaliningrad assembly and complies with GM standards. First from the conveyor belt to Nizhny Novgorod only sedans went, and later a number of modifications were replenished with a hatchback. In total, about 30 thousand cars are produced annually.

Another plant where Chevrolet Aveo is made is the Ukrainian Zaporozhye Automobile Plant. In the local market, the model has been sold since 2012 under the name ZAZ Vida. It is being sold on the domestic market of the state. But, the production volumes are gradually decreasing.

Last year, the release of the updated Aveo started in China. The model, intended for the domestic market of the country, received modified lighting equipment, a front panel and bumpers. Previously, the country was on the list of those who collect Chevrolet Aveo for export. Perhaps the American auto brand will decide to make the restyled version of 2015 mass.

Chevrolet is one of best brands car industry. The company's sales per year are more than 3.5 million units of cars in more than a hundred countries of the world. In world statistics, Chevrolet ranks fourth in terms of sales and leading in growth rates. The company is distinguished by its advanced specifications machines. The history of Chevrolet has presented the world with creations that have best quality and cost.

Louis Chevrolet

Founded by Louis Chevrolet. An emigrant from Switzerland set up a company in 1911. Then it was the practice to call cars by their proper names. Louis was a master of driving and mechanic, but in his life did not have time to benefit from a company with his name.

The racer was a great success, so many manufacturers began to pay attention to him. William Durand was one such person. During his tenure, Buick Durant went into bankruptcy due to a bad investment. In order to regain his influence on the American market, he decided to found new company... For these purposes, he invited the racer Louis for cooperation, which in itself became a good PR. His name became the name of the brand - and then the history of the Chevrolet company was born.

Success logo

In 1914, the company acquired its symbol. According to company representatives, William Durand once stayed at a Paris hotel, where he saw an unusual pattern on the wallpaper. Having saved it, the businessman decided to make the drawing the brand logo.

First car

Soon enough, the company was able to Classic Six. It is a classic four-seater flagship with a 30 horsepower engine. For an ordinary buyer, the cost of $ 2,500 did not justify itself, so the model did not gain popularity.

Later, it was decided to change the strategy from representativeness to simplicity and accessibility. Thus, three models were created: the sporty L Light Six, the Royal Mail, and the open Baby.

Classic Six became the first car of the Chevrolet company

Worthy Representative

The first serious popularity came to the brand in 1916 with the release of the Chevrolet-490. The prominence of the model was similar to that of the leader of the time, Ford. She had the following characteristics:

  • 4-cylinder engine with a volume of 2.8 liters;
  • three-speed gearbox;
  • starter (which was rare);

As the history of the brand has shown, the flagship was such a success that it was produced inclusively until 1922. After that, it was replaced by a new product from the Superior company. She also had an active release until 1927.

Big step and fall

After the successful sale of the vehicle, Durant amassed enough money to purchase shares from the General Motors venture. He added it to his assets in order to produce his brand on a new scale.

Louis Chevrolet couldn't get along with Duran. Thus, in 1914, a big brawl erupted when the founders planned to position the company. During the stay of Chevrolet on vacation, his partner changed the direction of production towards budget and high-quality models. Louis reacted sharply to this, because he was guided by fast and unique cars. After this incident, Chevrolet gave all rights to the company to its colleague.

Louis tried himself for a long time in new endeavors. He and his brother created the Frontenac Motor Corporation, which developed new products for the automotive industry. She also closed due to a quarrel between the owners. This was followed by several more projects like the Chevrolair 333 or the Chevrolet Air Car Company, but they also ended up closed. The racer managed to create a 10-cylinder engine, but did not have time to benefit from it. He died in 1941 from a brain disease.

Difficult time

The history of the creation of the company was not cloudless. So, in the 1920s, the brand's shares fell significantly, so Durant decided to leave his post of head. He was replaced by William S. Knudsen. The man was a Ford employee, which raised suspicion. But he announced that he had no plans to give work. former employees from a competing company.

New movement

In 1923, a model was produced with air cooling for the engine. A year later, the company acquired a test site, and also organized the production of vans. The company made another leap in growth when its rival Ford stopped producing its famous Ford T. During this time, it managed to sell a million cars.

In 1926, a new investment of $ 10 million was announced to expand the company's capacity. This was impressively reflected in sales, significantly increasing them. In 1926 alone, 692 thousand cars were sold. At the same time, the brand continued to break its own records, thanks to which it was able to break into the first lines of sales ratings among the leaders of the American market.

Implementation of comfort

Because Chevrolet is a class-oriented company, the focus has been on the convenience of the average user. Already in 1924, a radio was introduced in the salon, and in 1929 the brand acquired a car with a six-cylinder engine. After that, an independent front suspension was introduced - this happened in 1934.

The history of the creation of the Chevrolet brand introduced the emergence of multi-seat vehicles. In 1935, the flagship with 8 seats came out. Also, the entire line of cars received. They thought about the external design of the body in 1937, then the Standard and the enlarged Master models were produced. The 1940s saw the start of production of the Royal Clipper cars, equipped with advanced headlamps and a clever bonnet. After that, all the elements made of wood were recycled - they were replaced with metal.

Profile change

During World War II, the Chevrolet brand began to produce everything the front needed: trailers, as well as trucks and shells. Such an instruction was given by the government to create the release of 75 mm casings and anti-aircraft guns. Along with this, the production of Pratt & Whitney motors continued. The Chevrolet manager was then appointed chairman of the Department of Defense.

Brand discontinued military equipment January 30 in 1942. Some models have been abandoned since then, but have been modernized to suit the needs of the average user. In 1949, new items were presented - the signature Deluxe and the special Special, but they were equipped with engines of the previous model.

Second wind

The unusual 1950 Bel Air was distinguished from other convertibles by its sturdy top and pontoon body. She quickly gained popularity and sold 6 million cars.

In the 50s, the economy started to grow again. Since that time, the main trends for the development of the automotive industry began to stand out - the buyer demanded a new design, as well as pleasure from the trip. Thomas Keating made the decision to build in Powerglide models - automatic transmission gear. It was available for the cheapest flagships.

1953 saw the introduction of the Corvette with an increased speed for Chevrolet. The design meant to get vehicle with low weight, which was achieved by using fiberglass in the body. In 1957, a reinforced 283 hp engine was introduced. with. It created the Rochester fuel injection design.

One of the best

1958 became famous with the release of Impala. This brand combines the value of Chevrolet and the size of Cadillac. A year later, the world saw the El Camino pickup. Then the company diligently changes the design of its products. Chevrolet products rocked the world in 1959. They had an unusual design, with footnotes in the form of wings. Also, the glass and seats are electrically powered. Thus, Suburban had the final look that is still known today.

Success Series

Chevrolet in 1958 stepped up the production of new cars, which were very different in body design. These include Impala, Biscayne and Bel Air. In 1960, Corvair was released - an attractive and convenient vehicle with independent wheel suspension. Another shift appearance came exactly one year later. Then the lineup received smooth lines, which were fully implemented in the Impala SS.

The company decided to attract the attention of small car enthusiasts. So, in 1962, the Chevy ll Nova was launched. A year later, it is complemented by the Corvette Stingray. In the near future, new models of the release will be replenished with the Malibu and Chevrolet Caprice models.

Fresh line

The company produced the Camaro, which quickly took the lead in the market. In 1967, it occupied 10% of all the brand's models sold. A year later, the car was upgraded to the Camaro SS, which became a small model with excellent speed.

The security system has also been updated. It included:

  • seat belts;
  • energy suppression mechanism;
  • softened instrument panel;
  • brake double cylinder.

At this time, the history of the creation of the Chevrolet brand also affected design. In 1968, the company removed all unnecessary details, since the installation of all innovations did not add demand, because there was no practical need for them. It was decided to return to the classic space-saving interior design.

Four-wheel drive hit and new competitors

1969 will be remembered for the release of the first of its kind all-wheel drive car. It was much larger and more spacious than its counterparts. The Chevrolet Blazer had good maneuverability and power while remaining roomy. Serious modernization found the car in 1973, when its dimensions were increased, and disc brakes were introduced into the front wheels.

In the late 70s, the massive sale of Japanese vehicles began. They flooded the market, so the company was unable to increase sales. GM Director John DeLorean decided to bet on the Vega and Monte Carlo series.

Pickup support

Chevrolet has released a new light pickup model. In the same year, there were 10 million Impalas sold. In 1973 the Monte Carlo model was produced. She won the Motor Trend Car of the Year award.

The 76th year was the time of the Chevette release for Chevrolet - it was the answer for imported cars. Following this, the classic Caprice was downsized, which significantly increased sales.

Conquering markets

At the beginning of the 80s, there was an acute political situation in the country. Prior to this, the market was actively filled with Japanese cars, which at that time received recognition from American users. Chevrolet responded with the Citation subcompact. Front-wheel drive was implemented in it. Already in 1981, a new Cavalier creation challenged all foreign cars and was able to emerge victorious.

Motor Trend magazine recognizes Camaro the best transport 1982 year. A year later, it was possible to observe the Blazer S-10 pickup, which became the best among competitors. At the same time, several other new products were released, which have two sizes - 4.3 and 4.7 meters. The differences were both in size and in the design itself. They were soon assigned to the Blazer and Chevrolet Tahoe.

New movement

In 1984, the world saw the new Corvette, and a year later, the Camaro IROC-Z. In 1986, the company introduced the Bosch ABS II anti-lock design, which was actively used in pickups and sedans. Later, the company expanded its sales on the market, and in 1995, Motor Trend magazine singled out the Blazer as the "SUV of the Year". Following this, the implementation of Monte Carlo and New Lumina continues. After that, the Tahoe car received a corresponding prize from the magazine.

To provide more power, the firm began installing Vortec motors. They also helped to save on fuel consumption. Chevrolet decided to turn to the classics, so in 1996 they launched the Malibu. It has been well received by critics and has received great acclaim from users. The car was perfect for family trips.

Fifth generation

In 1997, the production of a fundamentally new transport started. The year 2000 will be remembered for the return to the market of previously renowned models. In 2003, Geneva saw the Chevrolet SS Coupe - one of the best of its kind. He is the direct heir to the Camaro. In Detroit, a completely new SSR product was shown, clearly standing out from the rest of the models.

Lengthy negotiations in 2002 allowed Chevrolet to buy the assets of Daewoo Motors. This company was at the stage of bankruptcy, so it was decided to create a new enterprise - GM Daewoo Auto & Technology. The company mainly manufactures Chevrolet cars, although it also implements its developments.

Prospects for the future

In 2005, the production of Matiz cars starts, namely the Chevrolet Spark. Italdesign took over the design development. This decision attracted new clients. Over the course of time, the company's cooperation with DAT supplants their transport. In the expansion of the lineup, Captiva appears - a crossover with a proprietary platform. Later, the new Orlando minivan was released. In 2011, he, as well as Cruze, Aveo, the updated Chevrolet Captiva, occupied a significant part of the market.

Credit 4.5% / Installment / Trade-in / 95% of approvals / Gifts in the salon

Mas Motors

One of the world's most successful automotive brands, Chevrolet has interesting story, in which there are rapid rises and serious failures. The American corporation was originally founded by a wealthy American motor sports enthusiast, William Durant. Soon after the creation of this corporation at the beginning of the twentieth century, this investor organized the world's most successful automobile concern General Motors.

Before today GM has gained such serious momentum that the production of this company is present on every continent and in virtually every large and developed country. Nevertheless, cars of the Chevrolet brand are produced in a very extraordinary mode. The country of manufacture of Chevrolet is a question that is difficult to answer unequivocally.

Two sides of the coin in offers under one brand

If we are talking about the expensive and successful Chevrolet brand, it has two completely different incarnations. The North American side of this company is the creator of unique SUVs with great potential and great sports cars, supercars with huge value and premium sedans. But also the Chevrolet division is present in South Korea, where under this brand are mainly produced the former Daewoo models in the budget segment.

This gives General Motors Corporation certain advantages:

  • the ability to offer the market a wide variety of cars in various trim levels;
  • access to European markets with budget and quite reliable cars from Korea;
  • the conquest of the CIS market with cheap offers in the budget class;
  • approbation of technologies for other GM cars and rather cheap assembly of cars at a Korean plant.

Until 2012, in the markets of the CIS countries, the Chevrolet brand was associated exclusively with cheap and not very high-quality cars, which were bought exclusively for lack of money for more impressive vehicles. In turn, in North America cars under this brand are an expensive and elite offer that is worth buying.

This dissonance of the brand made the Chevrolet company one of the most mysterious in modern automotive world... This increases the interest in the proposals of the corporation. Let's take a closer look at two different faces of an American corporation.

Low-cost segment from the South Korean Chevrolet plant

In Europe and Russia, when asked about the country of manufacture of Chevrolet, motorists confidently answer - Korea. Indeed, most of the proposals on the market are produced precisely at the Korean Daewoo plant. The cheapest deals, such as Matiz and Nexia, are sold under the Daewoo brand in Russia, Ukraine and some other countries. Since 2014, they have also been joined by a more expensive car - the redesigned Chevrolet Lacetia - Daewoo Gentra.

This step by the corporation suggests that the Chevrolet brand is beginning to increase its status in European markets. Today, the following Chevrolet offers are present in Europe and Russia:

  • Korean budget Spark, Aveo and Cobalt;
  • the comfort class Cruze, the Orlando family minivan and the Captiva crossover also from Daewoo;
  • the Russian Chevrolet Niva, which is produced by AvtoVAZ;
  • the American Malibu sedan and Corvette sports car, as well as the company's best-selling Camaro;
  • the Trailblazer SUV and the Tahoe Big Jeep, which also hail from America.

That is why in the salon when buying a car under an American brand you need to be as careful as possible. Auto production is carried out in Russia, Korea and America. But the cars that are assembled in the United States are very different in technical and visual terms from the Korean ones. They use a different metal, different technologies, completely different materials for interior trim.

If you want to experience all the greatness of American technology, buy a large Trailblazer or Tahoe.These are perfectly acceptable competitors for premium Japanese crossovers and SUVs. The Chevrolet brand in the CIS countries and Europe only in 2015 will finally begin to change its nature and be transferred to the premium American class.

Chevrolet brand in the US and other North American countries

For Americans, the local brand seems to be very expensive and premium, because the bulk of the proposals are made in America. Chevrolet offers its compatriots a huge range of technology, which is revealed from a completely different side than for Europeans.

Chevrolet offers four main types of cars for Americans:

  • passenger cars with Korean brands already known to us, as well as American Malibu, Impala and the Volt hybrid hatchback;
  • sports cars SS, Corvette and Camaro;
  • SUVs and crossovers to which are added purely American models Trax, Equinox, Traverse and Suburban.
  • the most unusual and interesting Colorado and Silverado pickups, as well as a huge selection of commercial vehicles.

These are the different offers of this brand on different continents. One part of the planet's population knows Chevrolet as an affordable budget brand, while the other perceives the purchase of a car under this brand as a real achievement. Interestingly, the company's plans include raising the brand level around the world to a completely different level and returning Darwoo cars to the CIS markets. But these plans are long-term.

We invite you to enjoy the review of the truly American large sedan Chevrolet Malibu.


Summing up

Cars assembled in virtually every developed country in the world cannot fail to attract attention. Chevrolet has taken several extraordinary steps that have helped the company to conquer the markets. For example, in 2010 the Chevrolet brand became the best-selling brand in Russia and Britain, and in America these cars occupy one of the first lines of the hit parade of successful cars every year.

The peculiarities of the corporation's work suggest that in the near future it will be very difficult for competitors to bypass the company in any direction. I wonder how you personally feel about the entire Chevrolet brand and the philosophy of its global development?