Good and bad human qualities. Negative and positive character traits of a person. Several groups of character traits

When a new personality is born, it receives a unique character as a gift. Human nature can consist of traits inherited from parents, or it can manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.

Nature not only determines behavioral reactions, it specifically influences the manner of communication, attitude towards others and himself, to work. A person's character traits create a certain worldview in an individual.

A person’s behavioral reactions depend on character

These two definitions create confusion because they both play a role in shaping personality and behavior. In fact, character and temperament are heterogeneous:

  1. Character is formed from a list of certain acquired qualities of a person’s mental make-up.
  2. Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists distinguish four types of it: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.

Having the same temperament, individuals can have absolutely different character. But temperament has an important influence on the development of nature - smoothing or exacerbating it. Also, human nature directly affects temperament.

What is character

Psychologists, speaking about character, mean a certain combination of individual traits that are persistent in their expression. These traits have the maximum impact on the behavioral line of the individual in diverse relationships:

  • among people;
  • in the work team;
  • to one's own personality;
  • to the surrounding reality;
  • to physical and mental labor.

The word "character" Greek origin, it means “to mint.” This definition was introduced into everyday use by the natural scientist Ancient Greece, philosopher Theophrastus. Such a word really, very accurately defines the nature of an individual.

Theophrastus was the first to coin the term "character"

The character seems to be drawn as a unique drawing; it gives birth to a unique stamp, which is worn by the individual in a single copy.

To put it simply, character is a set, a combination of stable individual mental characteristics.

How to understand nature

To understand what kind of nature an individual has, you need to analyze all his actions. It is behavioral reactions that determine examples of character and characterize personality.

But such a judgment is often subjective. A person does not always react the way his intuition tells him. Actions are influenced by upbringing, life experience, and customs of the environment where the person lives.

But you can understand what kind of character a person has. Observing and analyzing for a long time actions of a certain person, it is possible to identify individual, especially stable traits. If a person behaves the same way in completely different situations, showing similar reactions, makes the same decision, this indicates the presence of a certain nature.

Knowing which character traits are manifested and predominant in an individual, one can predict how he will manifest himself in a given situation.

Character and its traits

A character trait is an important part of a personality; it is a stable quality that determines the interaction between a person and the surrounding reality. This is the defining method of resolving emerging situations, therefore psychologists consider a personality trait as a predictable personal behavior.

Variety of characters

A person acquires characteristics of character throughout his entire life; it is impossible to classify individual traits of nature as innate and characterological. To analyze and assess a personality, a psychologist does not simply determine the totality individual characteristics, but also highlights their distinctive features.

It is character traits that are defined as primary in the study and compilation of psychological characteristics of a person.

But, defining, evaluating a person, studying behavioral traits in socially, the psychologist also uses knowledge of the content orientation of nature. It is defined in:

  • strength-weakness;
  • breadth-narrowness;
  • static-dynamic;
  • integrity-contradiction;
  • integrity-fragmentation.

Such nuances make up the overall full description a certain person.

List of personality traits

Human nature is a complex combination of unique traits that forms a unique system. This order includes the most striking, stable personal qualities, revealed in gradations of human-society relationships:

Relationship system Inherent Traits of an Individual
Pros Cons
To self Pickiness Condescension
Self-criticism Narcissism
Meekness Boastfulness
Altruism Egocentrism
To the people around you Sociability Closedness
Complacency Callousness
Sincerity Deceit
Justice Injustice
Community Individualism
Sensitivity Callousness
Courtesy Shamelessness
Back to work Organization Laxity
Mandatory Cluelessness
Performance Sloppiness
Enterprise Inertia
Hard work Laziness
To items Economy Wastefulness
Thoroughness Negligence
Neatness Negligence

In addition to the character traits included by psychologists in the gradation of relationships (as a separate category), manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and sthenic spheres were highlighted:

  • moral: humanity, toughness, sincerity, good nature, patriotism, impartiality, responsiveness;
  • temperamental: passion, sensuality, romance, liveliness, receptivity; passion, frivolity;
  • intellectual (cognitive): analytical, flexible, inquisitive, resourceful, efficient, critical, thoughtful;
  • sthenic (volitional): categoricalness, persistence, obstinacy, stubbornness, determination, timidity, courage, independence.

Many leading psychologists are inclined to believe that some personality traits should be divided into two categories:

  1. Productive (motivational). Such traits push a person to perform certain actions and actions. These are goal-traits.
  2. Instrumental. Giving personality during any activity individuality and method (manner) of action. These are methods-traits.

Gradation of character traits according to Allport

Allport's theory

The famous American psychologist Gordon Allport, an expert and developer of gradations of an individual’s personal characteristics, divided personality traits into three classes:

Dominant. Such traits most clearly reveal the behavioral form: actions, activities of a certain person. These include: kindness, selfishness, greed, secrecy, gentleness, modesty, greed.

Ordinary. They manifest themselves equally in all numerous areas of human life. These are: humanity, honesty, generosity, arrogance, altruism, egocentrism, cordiality, openness.

Secondary. These nuances do not have a particular impact on behavioral reactions. These are not dominant behaviors. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, and diligence.

A strong relationship is formed between a person’s existing personality traits. This pattern forms the final character of the individual.

But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. The human warehouse was no exception. This nuance is traced in Allport's proposed gradation structure, where minor traits can be suppressed by dominant ones. But in order to predict an individual’s actions, it is necessary to focus on the entire set of personality traits.

What is typicality and individuality?

The manifestation of the nature of each person always reflects the individual and typical. This is a harmonious union personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying the individual.

What is a typical character. When a person has a certain set of traits that are the same (common) for a specific group of people, such a warehouse is called typical. It is like a mirror, reflecting the accepted and habitual conditions of existence of a particular group.

Also, typical features depend on the warehouse (a certain type of nature). They are also a condition for the emergence of a behavioral type of character into the category of which a person is “recorded.”

Having understood exactly what characteristics are inherent in a given personality, a person can create an average (typical) psychological portrait and assign a certain type of temperament. For example:

Positive Negative
Activity Incontinence
Energy Hot temper
Sociability Aggressiveness
Determination Irritability
Initiative Rudeness in communication
Impulsiveness Unstable behavior
Phlegmatic person
Perseverance Low activity
Performance Slowness
Calm Inactivity
Consistency Unsociability
Reliability Individualism
Integrity Laziness
Sociability Aversion to monotony
Activity Superficiality
Goodwill Lack of persistence
Adaptability Poor perseverance
Cheerfulness frivolity
Courage Recklessness in actions
Resourcefulness Inability to concentrate
Sensitivity Closedness
Impressionability Low activity
Performance Unsociability
Restraint Vulnerability
Cordiality Shyness
Accuracy Poor performance

Such typical character traits, corresponding to a certain temperament, are observed in each (to one degree or another) representative of the group.

Individual manifestation. Relationships between individuals always have an evaluative characteristic; they are manifested in a rich variety of behavioral reactions. The manifestation of an individual’s individual traits is greatly influenced by emerging circumstances, the formed worldview and a certain environment.

This characteristic is reflected in the vividness of the individual's various typical features. They vary in intensity and develop individually for each individual.

Some typical traits manifest themselves so powerfully in a person that they become not just individual, but unique.

In this case, typicality develops, by definition, into individuality. This personality classification helps to identify negative characteristics individuals who prevent them from expressing themselves and achieving a certain position in society.

Working on yourself, analyzing and correcting shortcomings in own character, each person creates the life to which he strives.

Hello, dear guests! Today we will look at the most important human qualities, which characterize him from both the good and the bad side. In general, in our time (which is now), young people think little about what properties a person can and should have in life. There are many of them, it’s impossible to list them all, but it wouldn’t hurt for everyone to know the main ones.
After reading the definitions of human qualities, some of you have already managed to characterize yourself and perhaps see these qualities in yourself.

Authority - this is the recognized significance of an organization, team, theory, etc., based on the trust and respect of the broad masses of workers. In other words, authority is positive quality in man, which is created from overall ratings society. This is a very important concept that will help you in any situation.
Nobility - the ability to sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of others, to act honestly, openly, courageously and not to humiliate myself for personal gain. We can say that nobility is when you do good unnoticed, not for the sake of awards and recognition. Remember how many people gave their lives in wars for their Motherland, for their people...
Loyalty - this is constancy (constancy, devotion) in relationships, feelings, views, habits, upbringing, etc. I think that everything is clear here and more detailed description this quality is not needed. Although, scandals and conflicts often arise due to lack of fidelity
Will - this is one of the functions of the human psyche, expressed in power over oneself, control of one’s actions, conscious regulation your behavior; perseverance, perseverance in activity, in overcoming obstacles encountered. That is, will is complete work on one’s actions, deeds and thoughts. I need to constantly understand what is good about what I did and what is bad about it.
Good manners - This is the ability to behave in society (in front of people). This quality is sorely lacking in today’s youth, who are constantly being rude and doing the wrong thing. By the way, good manners also mean politeness and courtesy.
Pride - this is a feeling of self-esteem, self-respect, satisfaction that is caused by consciousness achieved successes or superiority. This is an important trait that should be present in every person in moderation. It is difficult for a person who is too proud to achieve success in life.
Kindness - uh It’s mostly responsiveness, a friendly attitude towards people. This is very good quality, which is given to all people, but not everyone knows how to use it. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. Agree that kind person You can immediately see it in your communication, in your eyes, in your behavior...
Friendship - This is a mutual disposition, affection for each other, based on mutual trust, devotion, common interests, ideas, goals. Friendship is good, especially in difficult times when outside support is needed. A true friend is difficult to find, but it is possible, the main thing is not to lose him.
Ideological aspiration - a person’s commitment to a certain idea, based on which he performs his actions and to the service of which he devotes his life. It is very good when a person has his own ideas and thoughts. And if he also brings them to life, then that’s wonderful. Try to bring your own idea to life, albeit a small one...
Responsibility - it is an obligation placed on someone or undertaken by someone to account for any of their actions and to accept blame for their possible consequences. Not all people around us have this quality. Check for yourself which of your friends has responsibility, just look at the implementation of the things that your friend promises to do. If he says he will do it and does it, then you can rely on him in the future. Well, if he doesn’t, then naturally the attitude changes. But I’ll say right away that this is not a matter of minutes, responsibility is verified by any action...
Patriotism - this is love for one’s Fatherland, devotion to one’s people, readiness for any sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of one’s Motherland. This is a very important quality that, in my opinion, every person living in the country should have. This feeling is born in the heart. By the way, many lines were written by Turgenev, Lermontov, Chernyshevsky, Chekhov, Dostoevsky about love for the Motherland.
Dedication - it is the ability to sacrifice one's personal interests for the sake of the interests of others. Not all people have this property; not everyone is able to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others.
Conscience - this is a feeling and consciousness of moral responsibility for one’s behavior and actions towards oneself, towards the people around him, and society. Everyone has this thing, the main thing is to feel it and feel it in time.
Tolerance - This is the ability to be tolerant or condescending towards other people's habits, customs, and views. How do you understand this is ordinary patience, which must and should be cultivated in oneself. First, put up with one trick, and after that you won’t even care about the second one.
Hard work - love of work or diligence in work. First they start with a dream, and only then turn their dream into reality. The main thing is to find your own business and do it...
Conviction - This is firm confidence in something, firmness of conviction. You need to constantly develop this quality in yourself, practice it on someone...
Determination - it is the pursuit of a goal. They teach this from childhood, they wish it on their birthday... I wish you all to purchase this necessary thing. For example, if you want to get rid of bad habits, then don’t give up on this goal when it gets hard.
Generosity - This is the ability to share your funds, property, and the like with others. This is a very cool thing. It comes from the heart, it is pleasant to receive and pleasant to give to others.

Well, now let’s get acquainted with such human qualities that should be as few as possible in any of us. It makes us very sad when we learn this from our friends...

Envy is a feeling that comes into our minds when another person enjoys great success. Often we begin to compare ourselves (our capabilities) with another person (his capabilities), thereby beginning to envy. But no one thinks about one thing: what did it cost that person to achieve such results? - only he himself knows the answer to this question. And we have no right to judge him.
Meanness - dishonesty, baseness. I think many of you have come across this concept at some point. Agree, this is not very pleasant to do, much less to find out.
Betrayal - it is a violation of fidelity to someone or something. This is an act that is not valued at all; it is better not to have such a negative quality. More precisely, do not use it...
Selfishness - preference for personal interests over public ones, neglect of them, selfishness. This is one of their negative qualities. It is difficult to cure, but easy to acquire. A great example of selfishness is depicted in the film Terribly Beautiful.

You learned many words and concepts for the first time, I hope that now you will more often think about your actions and how they will affect others and your work.

Character is a set of personality traits. In other words, it is a combination of attitudes and habits. Character plays a determining role in a person’s destiny. Every action causes an adequate reaction: a person reacts to situations and objects in an individual way, just as reality responds to the reaction personally. Wisdom, which has absorbed the experience of thousands of generations, states: by sowing a habit, you will reap character, and by burying a set of habits in the garden of life, you can count on a corresponding destiny.

There are hundreds of character traits (and a trait is the very reaction to a certain area of ​​objective reality), each of them, like everything in this life, gravitates towards one of the poles - positive or negative. But if in many areas the existence of opposites is not only natural, but also good, then the presence of negative sides in character is very bad, although, unfortunately, it is the norm.

If the average person is asked to list negative traits, he is unlikely to name more than three or four dozen. However, just to mention them in list form, the article would have to be quadrupled in length. Despite the fact that without preparation it is difficult for us to remember even a tenth of negative character traits, we are familiar with most of them to varying degrees.

Four main groups

Character traits can be divided into four groups that determine a person’s attitude:

  • to yourself;
  • to others;
  • to work, business;
  • to the world and material things in particular;

Surely you do not need explanations regarding each class, but it would not be amiss to give examples for each group of negative traits.

Attitude towards oneself - vanity

The name is eloquent - vain glory. A person suffering (and any negative habit or attitude is a disease) from vanity is inherent in the desire for recognition by other people, praise by others, and (in severe form) idolization. Vanity is one of the manifestations of pride, which in most religions is considered a mortal sin.

A person who revels in himself, dependent on the opinions of others, loses himself in a cloud of human reactions to him. Like other traits, vanity leads to other negative habits. Of course, this trait often pushes one to achieve achievements, but such a push is like a high jump without safety net. Among the positive features one can see its analogy - the desire for worthy goals, dissolution of oneself in deeds, and not in the opinions of people.

Attitude towards others - aggressiveness

Aggression cannot but provoke a response, therefore a person who is not distinguished by a peaceful character rarely arouses the sympathy of society. But if it were only a matter of sympathy, this trait could still be somehow justified. However, history so clearly illustrates the destructiveness of aggressiveness that there can be no compromise with respect to it. Unlike many other negative traits, there is no intermediary between this and its physical extension.

Attitude to work - laziness

In reality, such a phenomenon does not exist. There is a concept. Laziness is a whole complex of signs indicating a lack of love for work and goals. Laziness speaks of an energy decline. Just as darkness is the absence of light, and cold is the absence of warmth, so laziness is just the “immobility” of certain positive traits or the depletion of the corresponding mental resources that help make life a bright picture.

Whatever the reasons behind laziness, indulging in it leads to a waste of time and life. There are many ways to replace this negative trait with similar positive ones.

Attitude towards material things – squandering

A trait that, even in attractive financial conditions, rarely allows one to preserve “what has been acquired through back-breaking labor.” Thus, squandering destroys the fruits of labor, sometimes hard, often leaving a person with empty pockets, or even with debts, dragging him into the social abyss.

Some object to attributing this trait to a negative one, appealing to the fact that there is only one life, and you need to live it to the maximum. Thrift, the opposite trait, is perceived by such people as the lot of “gray” individuals. Spenders, potential or actual, are unaware that reckless spending of money never leads to creation.

Negative character traits can be classified differently.

Other classification

Character traits can be divided into emotional, intellectual and strong-willed.

Emotional Traits

They determine a person’s attitude to objects, subjects and processes of reality. Narcissism, for example, is directed inward, ridicule is directed outward, towards the people around us. This class includes ardor, recklessness, vindictiveness... All of them affect the emotional sphere, preventing positive moods from taking their place. As a result, the person affected a large number negative emotions, cannot enjoy the life that he could if he allowed him to change the sign of his habits from minus to plus.

Intellectual traits

They can be defined as a complex of established properties and qualities of intelligence. This may include feeble-mindedness, narrow-mindedness, inattention... One of the tasks of man as a rational being is to conquer reality. It is impossible if the “tool” is not sharpened.

The inability to use a biological computer, the habit of not descending below the highest layers of reality, results in ruin for the bearer of negative intellectual traits and, often, harm to society. Since many decisions in society are made collectively, poor choices based on limitations lead to large and small unpleasant consequences.

Strong-willed traits

They are responsible for a person’s ability to control their activities and, as a result, life in many aspects. Constructive traits, subject to the predominance of positive ones in other areas, lead to creative changes. Negative ones destroy a person, even if in other groups, in general, everything is in order. Examples include cowardice, passivity, hypochondria...

The ability to direct energy and abilities in the right direction is a prerequisite for a successful, in any definition, life. On the contrary, volitional barriers force people to endlessly stumble or stagnate in one place.

How to change a minus to a plus

Thousands of works have been written on how to develop character. The most important thing in this is not the quantity, but the fact that change is possible in principle. The simplest solution is to analyze the shortcomings, choose a model of the desired behavior and scrupulous “accounting”.

In other words, you should carefully study (and this is an ongoing process) your weaknesses and choose a role model. A visual example is always better than an abstraction. Imitating the behavior of “models” (it is better to have several of them, since there are no ideals) should be accompanied by daily analysis and adjustment of efforts.

Now we will take you on a short excursion in particular negative traits character, and let’s try to figure out what it means to have certain traits. First, let's define what character is.

Character is usually called a stable set of mental properties of a person.

Let's try to list the main negative character traits.

Pride is the belief that you are the cause of all events, both positive and negative, in your life.

Self-confidence- a trait characteristic of people who exaggerate their capabilities.

Lust for power is the desire to rule, which makes a person unbearable in communication and in his personal life.

Vanity is an obsessive desire to boast about one's achievements and successes.

Selfishness is an excessive focus solely on one’s own interests; disregard for the interests of other people.

Jealousy is a component negative character traits, which poisons the life not only of oneself, but also of other people.

Envy is a belittlement of one's abilities and at the same time dissatisfaction with the success of another person. I wonder what energy process in this case, it is aimed at taking away, taking away, attracting something good from another person. That’s why it’s not advisable to brag, especially if you’re just starting to do something: as people say, you told it, someone was jealous and jinxed it. Communication with envious people is in itself destructive. It’s not for nothing that the expression “envy with black envy” exists.

Resentment is depression due to resentment towards someone from the environment. An offended person does not actively eliminate misunderstandings, does not resolve problematic situations, retreating into a passive form of response - resentment. Resentment also has a destructive effect on a person’s general condition.

Condemnation usually goes hand in hand with resentment, but it can also be a separate character trait. It manifests itself in the desire to extol oneself and criticize others, while absolutely not noticing one’s own shortcomings.

Anger, irritability, anger, hatred. They manifest themselves as a reaction to someone or something, accumulate and destroy the psyche of the person himself. If a person begins to indulge such traits, explaining this by the uncontrollability of his behavior, then he should know that sooner or later he may turn out to be a patient medical institution closed type (mental hospitals).

Weakness is a convenient manipulative position of a person who prefers that others take care of his problems.

Extravagance– a negative character quality akin to vanity. The desire to be scattered on all sides, to increase attention and self-respect. It’s even worse if the wastefulness does not concern one’s own resources (parental money, for example).

Thrift, stinginess and greed- the same character trait, only expressed differently. Greed is the most extreme form of expression of stinginess, “getting stuck” on the possession of material things or money.

Guilt is a trait characteristic of people who have low self-esteem, and, on the contrary, a hypertrophied sense of duty.

Self-criticism can stem from a previous character trait (guilt), or perhaps from self-confidence. A person begins to be overly critical of himself, constantly returning to his mistakes or inability to “take the heights” that he has determined for himself.

Cruelty is the underdevelopment of a person, the inability to adequately respond to current circumstances. Expressed in the desire to cause harm in order to relieve one’s own tension.

Vengefulness is an obsessive desire to “repay evil for evil.” Akin to pride and cruelty.

Gluttony is compensation for everyday joys by excessive consumption of food. Inability to live and enjoy life in its other manifestations.

The same applies to voluptuousness (lust). A person tries to increase his self-esteem and unwillingness to accept himself by increasing the number of sexual partners, which ultimately leads him to even greater disappointment in himself and in life as such.

The ancients called them “dragons” that live within us.

All that remains is to add - fight your “dragons”, do not give them a place to “register” in your soul, and - be happy!

All people are capable of reading various self-help books that have enough knowledge to help us become wiser in our relationships. However, we are all hampered by the bad, sometimes “poisonous” qualities of our chosen one. We are often afraid to talk to the person who is causing these toxic vibes, and we are even more afraid of having to leave friendships and relationships because of them.

Such “poisonous” qualities manifest themselves in the most various forms and we can see some of these in those people from whom we do not expect this at all. Cute to us and good man on the outside, it becomes an illusion, because on the inside he is completely different. We just have to wait for him to show his true colors.

Let's take a look five human qualities in relationships that represent general personality traits. It is worth considering that they can be hidden behind a person’s kind smile and successful appearance.

Sometimes you just need to think about the qualities of other people.
Photo: Owl Stories

The discussion on this topic began when we collaborated with Kristen Fuller, MD, to hear her talk about her own experiences in similar relationships. She writes: “I was able to avoid “toxic” relationships, but I saw bad qualities in those people who at first glance seemed to me to be excellent candidates for the role of chosen one. For example, a person had everything: a large family, a prestigious education, successful career and he seemed to me a very kind person. But I quickly realized that this was all appearance and that it was difficult to avoid emotional torture with people with “toxic” qualities, because outwardly they looked “perfect.” The difficulty was that their true sides could not be seen at first glance.

As they say, “looks can be deceiving”. I learned how important it is to recognize such people at the very beginning of a friendship or relationship with them. I also learned to remove those “terrible” people from my life and appreciate those who, on the contrary, bring positive emotions into it. Ultimately I became strong man and if such people came across my path, I knew what to do in this or that situation.”

Whether friendly or romantic relationship, most of us cannot see these bad qualities even when interacting with such people. Eat five terrible faces people who poison relationships with them; they are all quite common. These masks can be hidden in people, and it happens that a person has not one, but even many qualities that harm others. The words of Shakespeare come to mind - “Our whole life is a game, and the people in it are actors.”

List of bad qualities in people:

It is necessary to understand what is more important to him, find a reason or simply criticize.
Photo: Eric Audras


Have you ever been in a relationship where you were criticized and judged no matter what you did? Criticism is different from regular advice and it is important to understand this difference. For example, let's consider a situation in the life of a person when he was late for a meeting. Being late negatively affects our professional and personal relationships with people. Always being late is a bad characteristic of a person. However, each of us has made such mistakes and learned from our mistakes. So let's now move on to different versions of the same late situation.

Scenario #1: You're 15 minutes late for lunch and don't notify your significant other beforehand. She/he gets very angry and instead of asking what happened, she/he automatically starts blaming you. What you hear addressed to you - “You always come late and are always late, I waited for you for a whole 15 minutes, you can never seem to show up on time.”

This is the perfect example of criticism and, more often than not, this person criticizes your every move: “Are you going to wear this?”, “Why don’t you ever...”, “What’s wrong with you...” and the list goes on. As a result, you constantly feel guilty because “you can never do anything right,” no matter how hard you try.

...criticizes out of habit.
Photo: John Dowland

Scenario #2: You're 15 minutes late for lunch and don't notify your significant other beforehand. Your partner is angry, but instead of criticizing, he tells you - “I notice that you are late quite often. Maybe you have some reasons?. This is an example of your spouse trying to find out the reason why you are behaving incorrectly. Instead of blaming specific individual, he or she seeks the reason for the action.

Critic can bring a lot of harm to your relationship. Critics never call you offensive names, but they may constantly insult your beliefs, your appearance, or your thoughts. Often, this happens because they have low self-esteem and want to control everything. Instead of trying to improve some of your bad habits, these people actually stop you from growing as a person.

An example of such criticism can be seen when one parent says to a child, “You are a bad boy/girl,” instead of saying, “You did a bad thing.”


We all have passive-aggressive people around us. The passive aggressor is one of the most terrible characteristics. You will always feel bad with such a person.

Passive aggression is a bad human quality
Photo: SensorSpot

Let's consider the scenario of one of the situations:

You did something wrong and your other half was upset after that. However, you are not entirely sure that this is the problem with his condition. And then you start asking him why he is angry or sad, because you could eliminate this mistake in the future if it is your fault. However, despite all your attempts to get to the truth, your partner does not tell the real reason and denies everything with the phrases “ I'm fine", « I'm not upset, everything is fine«.

This can lead to you exhausting yourself wondering why he has this condition and what he is hiding under the real reasons for resentment or even anger. You can spend countless hours trying to read a person's mind, but nothing will come of it and you will only waste your nerves.

If a person cannot communicate in a way you understand, uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism, sends mixed messages, or does anything to avoid showing their true emotions, you are dealing with a passive-aggressive personality. Keep in mind that passive aggression is a passive expression of anger.


Such a person acts as if he or she is God's gift to this universe. He is the best at everything, knows absolutely everything and is not afraid to tell you anything. No matter how smart and experienced you are, you will never be on equal terms with this person - he will not allow you to. Like the passive-aggressive trait, narcissism is considered a personality disorder and is a very bad trait.

Narcissism is one of the bad qualities of people
Photo: Frank van Delft

Narcissistic people tend to put themselves on a pedestal and look down on you. You may feel like you are constantly competing with this person, no matter the circumstances. Narcissists are often unwilling to compromise, lack understanding and empathy, and crave to always be the center of attention. They may even ruin special occasions for you, such as your birthday or promotion at work, all in order to be the center of attention. And they don't care that it's your time to enjoy attention or fame.

The tale of Narcissus from ancient Greek and Roman mythology helps us better understand the characteristics of narcissists. If you remember the description of the work, it describes how Narcissus looked into the water and saw beautiful flower instead of yourself. He was surprised. Narcissistic people are often full of hatred. They are ready to destroy everything around them if they feel hurt or rejected by others.


Many people may have heard of a “stone wall.” This is the kind of person who refuses to engage in conversation or share his feelings when he has problems. Such people constantly dodge questions, making the interlocutor feel that he is not worthy of honest communication. Such a “stony” person may talk to you coldly and refuse to admit that something has happened to him, or he needs someone’s help.

Photo: SensorSpot

Frequent refusals of sincere communication create negative emotions on the path to future successful communication. Additionally, this type of behavior from people can make you feel resentful or guilty. If you are trying to communicate with such a person and feel that they do not want to be open with you, then you should think about whether you need such a relationship.


Antisocial personality disorder includes traits sociopath (is considered the result social conditions, such as childhood abuse, characterized by explosive and sometimes aggressive behavior, but presumably has the capacity for empathy and remorse) And psychopath, who supposedly feels no remorse or empathy, takes advantage of other people and often engages in fraud or crime with various motives including greed and revenge. The etiology of psychopathic behavior is believed to be genetic or congenital.

We all have tendencies for different personality traits. We all have temptation and may see some of ourselves in the behavior of an antisocial personality. We can also forgive and even welcome such people by imagining ourselves in their place. However, psychopaths are psychological chameleons who influence the necessary emotional part in order to manipulate every situation and other people for money, sex, power, ego satisfaction, etc. They are usually such professionals that their victims themselves do not know what is happening.

This psychological predatory behavior can only be prevented by a skilled person. It is not surprising that most people do not even suspect that such people exist in their environment until it is too late. A psychopath's "love" is mostly a lie and is for the control, flattery, and power that lie beneath his mask.


If you are in a relationship with someone who exhibits any of these personality traits, it would be wise for you to spend time thinking about how you feel with that person. This is exactly what Kristen did, gaining enormous insight into the essence of human relationships.