How to properly break in a new car. Blog › How to break in a new car (expert opinions)

Many manufacturers and dealership consultants claim that a modern car does not need to be broken in. This would be true if the car was used only on highways.

However, you will use the car at different speeds and on roads with different surfaces. And the parts need to get used to and prepare for work in different conditions. Therefore, running-in is necessary, no matter how expensive and reliable your car is. In this article you will find out how many kilometers the running-in of a new car should last, and we will also explain the conditions that should be observed during the running-in.

How many kilometers does a new car need to break in?

Each specialist has his own opinion on this matter. But everyone agrees on one thing - the most important in running-in are the first fifteen hundred kilometers. It is on them that the conditions of careful operation, which are important during break-in, must be strictly observed. For the rest of the mileage, the requirements are not so strict.

Total running-in duration: from three to five thousand kilometers. The more thoroughly and carefully the break-in is carried out, the greater the distance covered during it, the better and longer your car will work subsequently.

In turn, before each vehicle run-in, a minimum technical inspection should be carried out. Check the amount of oil, coolant, fuel. It is especially important to monitor the oil level, especially at the beginning of operation.

Check the oil level with a dipstick after the engine has cooled down. The oil on the dipstick should be between the upper and lower measuring marks. Add oil to a level just below the upper mark (but not higher). In addition, it is worth adding oil of the same brand and viscosity that has already been poured into the car.

You can learn more about checking the oil level from the article: what oil level should be in the engine on the dipstick. To view it, click on this link.

For the very first day of the break-in period, choose a flat and straight section of the road. You should drive along it for about 500 kilometers. The main rule of running in is to adhere to the speed regime for each gear (for the second - about forty, for the third - about sixty, for the fourth - ninety). You should not increase the load on the engine and make sudden jumps in revolutions and speed, otherwise you risk disrupting the correct settings of the parts. Recommended speed mode: no higher than 90 kilometers per hour, the speed should be within two to four thousand. After you have driven the first 500 kilometers, you can occasionally engage fifth gear to break in the transmission gears that correspond to it.

You should also not run the engine in a monotonous mode - this will subsequently lead to increased oil and fuel consumption in your car. You should also not abuse idling speed - long periods of idling are harmful to the engine. During the break-in period, you should also not add extra load to the car (such as a trailer or transportation heavy loads) - thus, you will harm the dynamics of your car.

Running in means “grinding in” not only the engine. Brake pads and transmission also require a careful and attentive approach. Gear changes should be smooth and easy. Also, you should not sharply squeeze or, on the contrary, release the clutch pedal (in fact, this is not very good for a run-in car).

If you are using automatic transmission gears, do not start moving until the oil in it warms up. In order to run-in correctly brake system- avoid sudden braking, try to brake smoothly and slow down. This is especially true in the first 500 kilometers - during this period, sharply pressing the brakes can cause serious damage to the pads.

At the end of the break-in period, be sure to perform the so-called “zero” maintenance". It involves changing the oil and all working fluids in the car (new, untested parts may shed chips and metal dust that gets into the oil), as well as a thorough check of the condition of the components and mechanisms of the car. In most cases, such maintenance They trust the mechanics at the service station.

We hope that our article gave you the answer to the question: how many kilometers should a new car be broken in, and also explained exactly how to carry it out to achieve maximum results. By applying these recommendations, you can significantly increase the life of your car.

A car engine is a complex unit in which hundreds of elements must work harmoniously in order for its performance to correspond to its declared characteristics. When buying a car, its future owner first of all looks at the engine, its power and reviews of the performance of similar engine models from other owners of identical power units.

Often on forums, in social networks and on websites on the Internet you can find conflicting reviews about a particular engine. Some drivers say that it can travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers without any complaints, others say that the engine can quickly fail. They are based on our own experience, and their results vary depending on:

  • Lots of parts used in the engine;
  • Quality check of the motor before installing it on the car;
  • Driving manners;
  • Initial running-in of the engine.

Many car buyers pay little attention to the last point, but in vain. Properly performed engine running-in can significantly extend the service life of its components.

What is engine break-in

In common parlance, break-in refers to the permissible operating conditions for the first few thousand kilometers, which the car manufacturer most often indicates in the technical manual. There is an opinion that modern cars do not need to break in the engine, but it is wrong. Even with the improvement of technologies for the production of car components, it will not be possible to assemble an engine perfectly every time.

Here we come to the definition of the concept of “break-in”. By it, drivers understand the process of grinding car parts into each other. Most often, running-in is considered in terms of the engine, but on a new car it is also necessary for the suspension, brakes and other components. During the operation of the car for the first few thousand kilometers, the parts in it break in, that is, they rub against each other. Microscopic irregularities as a result of friction are eliminated, thereby creating a tight fit between the machine parts, and the efficiency of its motor approaches the maximum possible values.

How to properly break in a new engine

One of the most complex issues A question that can be asked to an experienced motorist is to draw up precise instructions for running in a new engine. The fact is that there is simply no single method for running in an engine that came off the production line not so long ago. There are several key recommendations that are suitable for each engine during break-in:

Most car manufacturers indicate technical passport information about the permissible operating modes of the vehicle during the first few thousand kilometers. Adjust the tips above according to the machine manufacturer's recommendations.

Despite the desire to experience new car, do not allow it to jerk sharply during the break-in period. Naturally, many drivers want to check whether the car can really pick up speed from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour within the time limits stated by the manufacturer. This is unlikely to be possible with a new engine, and it will end up in a stressful situation, which may affect its durability.

Running in the car engine after repair

It’s not only new engines that need running-in. It is necessary to subject an engine in which a number of parts have been replaced with new ones if they interact mechanically with old elements. That is, replacing the washer reservoir, sensors and similar parts will not require running in the engine after repair, whereas when installing new mechanical elements: liners, pistons, rings and others, the engine should be run in.

How long to run the engine after repair

Depending on the complexity of the work performed during engine repair, the duration of engine running-in will vary. The duration of the run-in can be roughly divided as follows:

The process of running in an engine after repair is no different from running in a new engine, with the exception of its first start.

How to perform the first engine start after repair

The so-called post-repair engine start-up is a difficult process, especially if the repair was not a major one, but key parts were changed. To ensure that the first engine start goes as smoothly as possible, you must perform the following steps step by step:

Important: When starting the engine after repair, you should not try to increase the oil pressure with the gas pedal. Such a first start may be the last for the engine, and it will again require serious repairs.

  1. If there are no problems with oil pressure, wait until the car warms up a little, and at this time make sure that there are no leaks of various technical fluids from it;
  2. When the engine temperature approaches 80-90 degrees, turn it off and let it cool to 40-50 degrees, then start again according to the scheme described above. It is necessary to make at least 5-10 similar engine starts, after which you can go out on the road to run the engine in real conditions.

Proper running-in of a new or repaired engine can significantly extend its service life.

Running in a car is an operational process that allows you to prepare units and key components for intensive use, as well as identify initial stage possible malfunctions and defects.

Despite the fact that engines from leading automakers are tested on special stands, it makes sense to run the car in and let the mechanisms function under load. Running in a new car is directly aimed at breaking in the gearbox and power unit parts, but one should also not exclude the importance of adapting the suspension elements, chassis and braking mechanisms.

Break-in benefits

To check the functional condition of the machine, it is important to subject it to thorough testing. To do this, it is recommended to run-in all new cars, during which significant results can be achieved:

  • grind in the moving elements of many units;
  • smooth out roughness and defects of individual parts and assemblies;
  • clean the lubrication system and engine from dirt and various chips after factory assembly;
  • achieve grinding in of brake pads;
  • detect existing defects and manufacturing defects.

Basic rules for running in

Violating the rules for running a car can lead to unforeseen consequences, but you can get a guarantee that the car will last a long time. To ensure everything goes smoothly, you need to follow the following rules:

  • refuel the car with high-quality fuel;
  • check tire pressure;
  • do not allow the engine to idle for a long time;
  • monitor the level of engine oil, the presence of coolant and brake mixture;
  • make sure that there is no lubricant leakage;
  • the first thousand kilometers during the break-in period are performed at a speed of less than 90 km/h, and it is also not recommended to use 4-6 gears;
  • smoothly and promptly switch to the appropriate lower or higher gear (the car’s operating instructions provide a table with the permissible speed for each gear);
  • During the break-in period, engine speed for gasoline engines should not exceed 3,000 rpm, and for diesel engines this figure is from 1,200 rpm. up to 2,500 rpm;
  • avoid heavy loads on the car (long driving downhill or towing a trailer or other vehicles);
  • It is prohibited to practice an aggressive driving style involving emergency braking and sudden acceleration;
  • It is advisable to carry out the running-in outside the rhythm of city traffic, on highways with high-quality and smooth surfaces.

How many kilometers does the run-in last?

Every specialist knows about this, but everyone agrees on one thing - the first 1.5 thousand kilometers are the most important in break-in. It is on them that the car must be strictly observed. For the rest of the mileage, the rules are not so strict. However, for each brand of car, the mileage is individual - from 2,000 to 5,000 kilometers. This indicator is largely determined by the type of engine; if it is a diesel engine, the recommended mileage must be multiplied by two.

Stages of running a car (speed limit)

When running in a new car, the main attention should be paid to its engine, since this is the unit where there is really something to grind in. The process of running in the engine on a new car is better divided into several stages.

  1. The first stage should have a length of about 500 kilometers. It is recommended to move extremely evenly, thereby ensuring minimal load on the transmission and engine. This will not be difficult - just go out of town: the first 50 km must be covered at a speed of 40-50 km/h in third gear, then increase to a speed of 60-70 km/h and increase the gear to fourth gear and drive in this mode another 100-150 kilometers.

Every new 100 kilometers on the car’s speedometer, it is recommended to increase the car’s speed by 10 km/h, while continuing to move in fourth gear. By the end of the trip, the speed should be 90-100 km/h. During this period, uphill driving, as well as aggressive acceleration, should be avoided. In cases where this is not possible, it is necessary to gradually reduce the speed and engage a lower gear - it will be much easier for the car to cope with the load.

  1. At the second stage of running-in the car, it is also expected to cover another 500 kilometers, most of which it is advisable to cover exclusively in fifth gear with a maximum speed of 100-120 km/h, raising the maximum speed bar to 3,000 rpm. But you should still beware of long and steep climbs; you should use third or fourth gear to overcome them.
  2. The third stage and the next 500 km of driving is also undesirable to use fifth gear for driving uphill, but it is recommended to increase the speed during acceleration to 3,500 rpm. Accordingly, at this stage of running in the car, the maximum speed can be increased and will be 130-140 km/h, but engine braking should be abandoned at these three stages.
  3. At the fourth and final stage, the car will cover 2,000 kilometers and allow itself much more. Not very steep climbs can be easily overcome already in fifth gear, but it is worth making sure that the car’s speed at this time continues to remain at approximately 100-110 km/h. In fifth gear you can move at a speed of 80-90 km/h on flat areas. When changing gears and accelerating from traffic lights, the engine can be revved to a maximum of 4,000 rpm.

For some reason, many drivers mistakenly refer to the gentle mode of operation of the unit at idle speed and that's actually not true. The formation of a protective oil film, which reliably prevents rubbing engine parts from dry friction, is possible only under conditions of a normal level of oil pressure, which, in turn, seems possible only when the engine speed is 1,200 rpm and above.

Based on this, idling is permissible only when warming up the power unit, which should not last long and take no more than two to three minutes, since running the engine at idle the rest of the time can lead to insufficient lubrication, which can cause premature wear of the rubbing pairs and reducing oil pressure.

Important! Before running in, it is not recommended to change the engine oil that was filled at the manufacturer’s factory, however, after all the test tests are completed, it is recommended to change the used oil. motor oil from the engine.

How should a new car be properly broken in in winter? And is it necessary to do this at all? Probably, before moving on, it makes sense to immediately answer the second question: every car needs a break-in, regardless of its “steepness”. If we do not fully consider all the nuances that relate to technical specifications, then this important process is explained by the fact that the machine has a large number of rubbing units and parts that are connected to each other by working surfaces, during which the required gaps and distances appear.

How to properly break in a new car?

Running in a new car in winter is the first movement of the car under the conditions of its subsequent operation, therefore it must be carried out with special care. It is necessary to break in the car from 2000-2500 km and certainly in gentle conditions, and not to put the trigger on the floor. If the speed of the car is moderate, then both the new parts and assemblies are properly broken in with each other, and when the crankshaft speed is reduced to almost zero or, on the contrary, very high, then, of course, the parts do not grind in as needed, and, accordingly, subsequent breakdowns the vehicle owner is provided with a running gear. It must be said that during the process of breaking in a car in winter, it is also necessary to carefully monitor the amount of oil, since the mechanisms and parts of the car require a larger volume of lubrication than normal driving.

As professionals say, during the break-in process the car should not move at the same speed for a very long time. It is best to alternate speed modes, since it is in at the moment and the smoothness of movement is formed, as well as the efficiency of the engine. If this is not taken into account, there is no longer any need to talk about reliable operation of the car. Moreover, at the initial 2500 km, you should not test the speed of the car while driving in urban conditions, since at the first stage the car is simply not intended for these roads.

Many inexperienced car enthusiasts think that they allow parts to get used to it much faster when the car is accelerated strongly and the brake pedal is pressed sharply. But this option, on the contrary, has a very negative effect on the entire condition of the car’s chassis, since jerky acceleration and rapid braking only weaken and loosen this unit.

Among non-professional car owners, the question often does not arise: “Is it necessary to break in a new car in winter?” There is a strong opinion that only the car’s engine must undergo running-in, but in reality, any element that takes even a small part in its movement needs this running-in. This can be explained by the fact that a car is like a kind of organism in which all the parts are interconnected, therefore a careful attitude must be shown in relation to each unit and to each detail.

Running in a car in winter: where and how?

When purchasing a car, the happy owner can immediately forget about its initial use on busy city roads, since the car will be quite difficult to move and will not have significant maneuverability. Experienced car owners call this condition engine braking. It is for this reason that you need to run in a new car in places remote from city roads, where there are no traffic lights, and where there is no significant flow of vehicles moving in different directions.

It is best to do a break-in in the winter on holidays or weekends, since in this case the driver will not have to rush, this will allow him to become more familiar with the operation of the car. Yes and in holidays on distant sections, other cars travel much less than on weekdays.

How to break in a new engine?

As mentioned above, every component and part of the car must be run-in, but running in the engine of a new car is most important. It’s just that the engine is the heart of any car, that’s why it initial work must be especially careful. Only a properly run-in engine will not create any failures in the future. The “life” cycle of an improperly run-in engine is only 40% of general work a motor whose components were properly ground in.

However, today certain manufacturers of engine parts make them so well that they operate under ideal conditions when the car leaves the assembly line. But this quality is also required during running-in, since any part must first be tested for its ability to work, and only then for endurance.

At the end of all of the above, we can draw a certain conclusion: running in a new car in winter will be required for any car - domestic or foreign, and the more and more correctly this fairly simple process is carried out, the more best characteristics the car will achieve. Attentive and careful attitude to the four-wheeled “horse” at each stage of operation will give you the opportunity to truly enjoy every trip.

A new car cannot be used like a used car, since completely new chassis parts assembled into one whole require grinding in and running in. Experienced car owners know what to do with a new car, but drivers for whom the newly purchased car in the showroom is the first “swallow” feel a little confused, because they understand that the car that came off the assembly line needs to be run in somehow. Indeed, such a procedure not only takes place, but is vital for a vehicle.

How to break in a new car?

Running in is the first movement of the machine under the conditions of its further operation, so it must be performed with extreme caution. You need to start driving the car from 1500-2000 km and exclusively in a gentle mode, and not in the “pedal to the floor” mode.

When the running speed of the car is moderate, the new parts and assemblies get used to each other correctly, and if the crankshaft revolutions are reduced to nothing or, on the contrary, are too frequent, then the parts naturally grind in incorrectly, which means that the owner of the car is guaranteed to have problems with the chassis in the future. It is worth mentioning that during the days of running-in the car, you need to closely monitor the oil level, since parts and assemblies will consume more of it for lubrication than usual.

As experts note, during the running-in process the car should not for a long time move at the same speed. It is advisable to alternate speed modes, since during this period the engine’s efficiency and smoothness are formed. If this is not taken into account, then in the future there will be no need to talk about the reliability of the car. In addition, during the first 2000 km you cannot test the car for speed, driving in city conditions, since at the initial stage it is not intended for such roads.

Some novice drivers believe that they will allow the knots to get used to it much faster if the car accelerates and brakes sharply. But this method, on the contrary, will have a rather negative impact on the general condition of the car’s chassis, because acceleration, in the form of jerks, and urgent braking simply weaken and break the system.

Among inexperienced drivers, the question “does a new car need to be broken in?” is not even asked. There is an opinion that only the engine should be run-in, but in fact, any part of the car that takes even the slightest part in its movement requires such a break-in. And all because the car is like a kind of organism where everything is interconnected, therefore careful attitude must be manifested in relation to any part and to any unit.

Rules for running in a new car: where and how?

Having bought a car, the happy owner can immediately forget about its initial use on busy city streets, because the car will be quite difficult to drive and cannot boast of special maneuverability. Experienced warriors call this condition engine braking. That is why you should test a new car on highways remote from the city, where there are no traffic lights and where there is not a large flow of cars moving in different directions.

It is advisable to carry out the running-in on weekends, since then the driver will not have to rush, which will give him the opportunity to “get to know” the operation of the car better. And on weekends, other cars appear on remote roads much less often than on weekdays.

How to break in the engine of a new car?

As mentioned above, any component and part of the car must be run-in, but running-in the engine of a new car is especially important. The fact is that the engine is the heart of the car, so its initial operation should be especially careful. Only a properly run-in engine will not cause any failures in the near future. The “lifetime” life of an incorrectly run-in engine is only 30 percent of the life of an engine whose parts have been broken in correctly.

True, in lately Some manufacturers manufacture engine parts so perfectly that even after the car leaves the production line they can operate under optimal operating conditions. But even this quality does not exclude running-in, because a new part must first be tested for performance, and only then for endurance.

Engine idling, which is not desirable for a long time, deserves a separate discussion. This is also evidenced by any instruction manual for a new car, where it is written in black and white that operating the engine in neutral gear refers to difficult operating conditions of the car. You can find such an entry in the manual not only of Russian-assembled cars, but also in the instructions for foreign models.

How to break in a car after a major overhaul?

As practice has shown, not only a new engine, but also one that has undergone a major overhaul requires running-in. According to experts, such engines require more severe treatment, but during the first 3000-4000 km they cannot be overloaded too much. For the first break-in, it is advisable to fill in liquid imported oil, which after 2000-3000 km must be changed along with the oil filter. Although in general the procedure is the same, but in the case of a motor that has undergone a major overhaul, the break-in period for the parts almost doubles.

You can perform this procedure as follows:

  1. First you need to charge the battery to 100 percent so that the engine can handle the first start. You should also fill in high-quality engine oil to the upper limit of the dipstick. Here you should take into account what to fill oil filter oil is not allowed, as it may cause airlock. As for the engine, you should not start it immediately after filling, but wait at least 15 minutes for the oil to drain into the pan.
  2. For cars without a fuel pump, you need to manually pump the fuel.
  3. You should start the engine with the starter, while monitoring the oil level on the dashboard.
  4. If everything is normal with the pressure, then the engine can be warmed up to 93 C. Then the engine is turned off and cooled to 40 degrees. The next warm-up is performed at idle and at least 20 such procedures must be performed.
  5. Next comes the run-in phase high speed, where their number needs to be increased every minute. For example, for three minutes you need to keep at least 1000 revolutions, for 4 minutes 1500 revolutions, and so on.
  6. After this, you can drive onto the road, without exceeding the speed of 70 km/h. You need to be especially careful and careful with the engine during the first 500 kilometers, since overloading the engine in the first couple of hours is unacceptable. Afterwards you can increase the maximum speed to 90 km/h. After such a mileage, you need to change the filter and oil, and also tighten all threaded connections.

If the run-in is carried out incorrectly, you will soon notice oil in the air cleaner, experience problems starting the engine, notice increased fuel and lubricant consumption, and also notice a fairly low engine power.

How to break in a new car in winter?

Sometimes young drivers are afraid to buy a new car in winter, believing that running it in winter conditions is simply impossible. However, you should not be afraid of winter, because you can break in the car at any time of the year, but under different conditions.

Experienced car owners advise warming up the engine crankcase and gearbox with some kind of heating element, for example, a gas burner, before starting. To prevent any malfunctions in the oil supply system, it is advisable to visit the automotive service center several times during the break-in period. There, the oil and filter are quickly replaced, along with which small sawdust obtained during the running-in of parts is removed.

On top of that, you should never forget about the instructions for any car, where all recommended driving speeds in all gears are rolled off during running-in vehicle. If you strictly follow all the recommendations, you can not only properly break in the car, but also thereby extend its service life. However, it is worth remembering that even proper running-in of a new car can go down the drain if further operation of the car is carried out incorrectly.