An ideal reference from the place of work. An example of writing a job description. Why do you need a reference from your place of work to the court?

A character reference is an important document that contains personal information about an employee, describing his personal and professional qualities. A document is drawn up depending on the requirements and authorities where it will be submitted. Previously, based on the compiled information, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the competence and personal qualities of a person.

arise various situations, when people need to participate in legal proceedings. In these cases, you are required to provide a reference from your last place of work. Much determines the type of process - criminal or civil. Each has its own nuances in describing an employee, emphasizing certain qualities.

The civil trial will consider the fulfillment of job duties, promising career advancement, and job stability. When adopting, it is advisable for the plaintiff or defendant to provide a document that describes positive qualities and financial security.

The structure of the reference to the court is presented in the following sections:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • Full name, position, date of birth;
  • herd of work from the last place of work;
  • marital status and family composition;
  • education, courses, skills;
  • details and name of the company;
  • description of the type of activity in which the employee is engaged;
  • military service;
  • achievements, promotions, awards.

The reference is certified by the manager or head of the HR department. Important wording - solvency and level wages, level of professionalism, business potential, relationships with colleagues and responsibility.

Where required

Depending on the types and purposes of preparation, a document of external and internal type is distinguished. An external one is drawn up at the place of request - to a bank, military registration and enlistment office, government bodies and structures, the police, etc. When drawing up, they are guided by generally accepted rules for drawing up business documents. Describes personality, work achievements, resistance to stress, conflict, behavior in a team, attitude towards colleagues, and competence.

A general description should create an image of the individual and help form the right opinion.



Full name works in (company name) from 02/01/2018 to this day in the position of manager-consultant.

He has a good reputation in the team, relations with colleagues are friendly, open, and always responsive. Clients appreciate it for high culture communication and professional approach to work.

Deals with assigned tasks and problems creatively, quickly and efficiently. Has excellent communication. When given difficult goals, he always copes with them and provides useful advice.

Works to improve qualifications and professional level, engages in self-development and training. He always comes to the aid of others, for which he is appreciated in the team.

Independent in work, performs complex tasks different types assignments from management.

To be provided where required.

Date __________ Signature __________

Production per worker

This type of document characterizes the employee’s abilities and skills. Often provided for a new job so that the employer has the opportunity to learn about the applicant for the position.

Drawed up and signed by the head of the company. It is imperative to indicate reprimands, warnings, penalties that were the result of serious violations.

Requirements and structure of production characteristics:

  • serial number of the document and date of preparation;
  • chronology of employment and formation in the workplace;
  • the presence of incentives, violations, penalties;
  • signature of the manager and seal of the company.

The characteristic must objectively describe the person in terms of his qualifications and attitude to work.


Inventory accounting specialist Ivanchenko V.P. has been working for the company for two years. She has a number of positive professional qualities: responsible, conscientious about her responsibilities, observes and adheres to corporate instructions and legislative standards. Prepares reports on time and maintains documentation correctly.

Participates in the corporate life of the team, has a good reputation, and is valued by the team for its open attitude and hard work.

Sample for an employee - driver

Reasons for compilation

Issued in 2 cases:

  • at the personal request of the employee;
  • in response to external and internal requests.

External characteristics - compiled at the request of the driver himself or other users: bank, court, law firm. Internal is provided upon request of acts issued by the company’s management bodies. In case of transfer to another department or position.

Text structure

Compiled in any form without a standard form. An exception is requests to government agencies when a specific form is issued.

It is conventionally divided into 5 parts:

  1. Title.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Labor activity.
  4. The main part is personal qualities.
  5. Conclusion.


Samara, st. Stroiteley, 2A


Born in 1980, specialized secondary education.

In 2001 he graduated from Samara College with a degree in Auto Mechanic.

In 2010, he was hired by Garant LLC as a driver.

During these years there were no accidents or violations. Responsibly completes assigned tasks. Always takes care of technical integrity vehicle. Upon repeated requests, he acted as a mechanic.

Polite and tactful towards others. Colleagues respect and appreciate him. He did not violate labor discipline.

In 2017 he was awarded a diploma and monetary reward for honest work and conscientious attitude.

The characteristic was issued for presentation at the place of request.

Director _______

Signature _______ transcript

Chief accountant and accountant-cashier

The characteristics must indicate whether the employee complies with legislative regulations, how he keeps records of each site, how he calculates wages and taxes, whether he adheres to cash discipline, whether he conducts payment and settlement transactions of various types, compiles and submits reports, owns software, conducts audit.

In addition, it is important to indicate such qualities as: perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, patience, accuracy.

Lawyer or legal consultant

Large enterprises have a legal department that deals with drafting contracts, checking the compliance of documents with legislation, and court cases. A specialist must not only be competent in his activities, but also have good professional skills.

It is important to indicate in the document: what legal cases the employee was involved in, the level of preparedness in resolving legal and legal issues, responsibilities and verification of various contractual acts.

It is necessary to indicate personal qualities that are important for conflict-free work in a team.


Limited Liability Company "Garant"

Samara, st. Stroiteley, 2A


Given to in-house lawyer Vladislav Nikolaevich Makarenko, born in 1980. Education: higher legal.

In 2007, he was hired as a lawyer.

Responsibilities include:

  • drafting and analysis of contracts;
  • drawing up internal documents;
  • representing the interests of the organization;
  • participation in trials.

Does not violate labor discipline. He is respected among colleagues, responsive, and sociable.

The specification is given for presentation at the place of request.

Director ___________ (full name)

Teachers (teacher)

This type of document can be written by the school director or head teacher. It is compiled mainly during re-certification, for awards, participation in competitions, employment or at personal request.

In addition to the standard sections, the teacher’s profile indicates: how many graduations he has had, what methodological topic explores what program is used in the education system, the possession of new technologies in the educational process, working with students and parents.

To confirm the professional level, you can indicate the achievements of students at various Olympiads.



for Vladislav Nikolaevich Makarenko, physics teacher

highest qualification category

Samara secondary school No. 1

Makarenko V.N. has been working at this institution since 2010. During this period, he proved himself to be an initiative and responsible employee.

Makarenko V.N. perfectly uses new methodological and technological approaches in the learning process. Successfully uses them in practice, which significantly increases the level of achievement and interest of students.

He is characterized as a competent, qualified teacher who knows the features and problems of teaching in this subject. The personal orientation of education allows children to be motivated and learn well.

Pays special attention extracurricular activities to increase student activity. For this purpose, it organizes events, competitions, and developmental tournaments.

Classroom management focuses on class cohesion, taking into account individual characteristics every student. Creates various situations so that children can react and reason correctly in such cases in real life. Parents highly appreciate his work with students.

Actively participates in methodological conferences, training camps, seminars, and improves her qualifications while taking courses.

The characteristics are given for presentation in __________

Director ______ (full name)


For a doctor (medical worker)

When writing a reference letter for an employee of a medical institution, it becomes difficult to describe all the responsibilities and focus on a specific aspect. For such compilation, it is important to indicate moral, qualification, scientific, and business qualities.

This is a rather serious document, which should fully describe not only personal characteristics, but also the comprehensive responsibilities of this area.

An obligatory point is to highlight the response in force majeure situations that relate to the safety of the health and life of the patient.


Compiled at the request of the employee. Most cases are new employment, obtaining a loan. Like all standard types of documents, it must consist of mandatory sections.

In the main part, attention should be paid to the performance of job duties. It is important to indicate in which area or workshop he works, knowledge of cooking technology and technological maps, mastery of various work techniques.

The chef must not only prepare the dishes, but also lead and collaborate with the team to work smoothly.


Limited Liability Company "Garant"

Samara, st. Stroiteley, 2A


Hired as a cook on March 21, 2010.

Increases the level of professional knowledge by taking courses and master classes.

In the team he demonstrates leadership qualities, for which he is respected. Sociable, performs well in unforeseen situations, has excellent contact with clients.

Does not violate safety regulations.

The characteristics are given for presentation in _______

Director _______ (full name)


Kindergarten teacher

Employees of preschool educational institutions undergo recertification to improve their category and level of competence. In this case, the characteristics are drawn up by the parents with confirmation from the supervisor. preschool. If the certificate is provided upon transfer or new employment, then it is written on behalf of the director.

The characteristics indicate: the teacher’s ability to work with children of different ages, organizing groups, maintaining order, using pedagogical methods in work, new approaches, resolving conflict situations between children.

The teacher must observe the child’s sanitary and personal hygiene, skills in finding “ common language» with a problematic category of pupils.


Organization educational process occurs on the basis of pedagogical requirements and programs. The main focus of the work is the development of independence, the personality of the child, the disclosure of potential and creative abilities.

The teacher's interest in innovative approaches and developments is manifested in the high achievements of the students. The group constantly takes an active part in regional competitions.

Completed advanced training courses. Awarded a diploma from the Office of Preschool Educational Institutions.

Personal qualities that stand out include determination, presence own opinion, respect for colleagues, prudence.

To the police on a criminal case

Compiled for the following reasons:

  • to study a person who is involved in a court case as a suspect, accomplice or witness;
  • when applying for employment in law enforcement agencies;
  • in case of problems with the law of minors who work and the police are interested in them in order to study their identity.

There is no universal form, but a sample structure should contain:

  • date;
  • Full name, education, qualifications and work experience;
  • information about who draws up the document;
  • specifics of work activity;
  • description of the employee’s personality, indicating all the positive and negative aspects, the occurrence of conflicts in the team, attitude towards colleagues;
  • marital status.

It is important to write the description in the first person, preferably from the manager. This will initially form good opinion about a person.


The demand for such a document forms the basic rules and requirements for its preparation. It is necessary to consistently indicate the main components of the sections so as not to write everything chaotically.

A job description is a document that is used to provide in different places and situations. Knowing the features of its preparation will help in situations where you need to check how correctly it was drawn up for you. Also, such information will be useful if you need to draw up a reference yourself and then have it approved by the employer. In our article we will tell you about all the design features of this document.

○ What is a job description?

A job description is a description of the personal and professional qualities of an employee.

The peculiarity of this document is that there is no established form; it is filled out voluntarily by the employer. However, it often happens that they approach this task formally, resulting in a standard document that raises doubts about the validity of the specified facts.

But since this document is required in many cases, you need to know how it should be drawn up, so that in case of non-compliance with the standards, require a new characteristic.

○ Why is the characteristic required?

This document may be required in many cases, for example:

  • When applying for a loan from a bank.
  • When applying for a job.
  • When transferred to another department.
  • In case of problems with law enforcement agencies (for example, when returning rights after deprivation).
  • In a trial where positive characteristic may help justify or reduce the sentence, etc.

○ Types of characteristics.

There are different types of this document, differing in content. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Positive and negative.

Characteristics of an employee can be either positive or negative. In the first case they describe best qualities people – personal and professional. Most often compiled when:

  • Entering a new job or educational institution.
  • Promotion.
  • Transfer to another department.
  • Payment of remuneration.
  • Submission for an award.
  • Applying for a loan.

A negative characteristic is the opposite and indicates business qualities and personal traits that interfere with the effective implementation of work activities. A similar characteristic is drawn up in the following cases:

  • Disciplinary action.
  • Referral to law enforcement agencies or judicial authorities.
  • Presentation to banking structures.

This document may have a negative impact on the employee’s future career.

Assessing the quality of work.

This type of characteristic is important when an employee gets another job. It increases his chances of getting a vacancy, provided that the document indicates the positive qualities of the employee.

In this case, the employee’s personal qualities are not specified; the emphasis is on his professional achievements.

Internal and external.

The characteristics are also divided according to the place of provision. It may be needed within the organization (when transferred to another department, nominated for an award, issued a disciplinary sanction, etc.).

The employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their job duties (expresses gratitude, gives a bonus, awards a valuable gift, certificate of honor, represents the title of best in the profession).
(Article 191 Labor Code RF).

Also, the document can be presented outside the enterprise (at a bank, law enforcement agencies, court, etc.). A characteristic can either help or hinder an employee.

○ How to write a characteristic?

Despite the lack of a set form, there are certain requirements for the preparation of this document.

Rules for document preparation.

The specification must include the following information:

  • Document name.
  • Full name of the employee.
  • Position without reduction.
  • Age of the employee (optional).
  • Start of work in this position.
  • Achievements in professional activity(gratitude, awards, if any).
  • Information about advanced training and taking additional courses.
  • Data on penalties applied (if any).
  • Information about the employee’s professional skills and abilities.
  • Description of personal qualities.
  • Date of compilation.
  • Signature of the head and seal of the organization.

Basic requirements.

The characteristics are drawn up in printed form on standard paper A4 format. Standards used business ethics and Russian language. It is important that the information provided is reliable.

Despite the absence of punishment for providing an incorrect description, the employer may encounter certain problems when sending such a document to law enforcement agencies, banking institutions or courts.

Sample characteristics from the place of work.

This document can be submitted to various authorities. Compiled directly by the employer or HR department employee. It is allowed to be executed by the employee himself, provided that the document is subsequently approved by his superiors.

An example of such a characteristic can be found here.

When writing characteristics, I usually use the comments of Elena Borisova (Personnel Mix 2001). They were written for personnel certification, these comments are used in particular by Moscow Business School trainers in the MBA Start program, but when writing characteristics they are very convenient:

About the volume of work.

Positive feedback. The employee performs a large amount of work, always meets deadlines, and at the same time manages to attend all meetings, prepare required reports in a timely manner and get acquainted with the reports received by him. The volume of work he performs demonstrates his high professionalism and dedication to the company.

Negative review. The employee is actively involved in various projects and devotes a lot of time and effort to them. Unfortunately, efforts do not always lead to the real measurable results that the manager expects from him. A number of important tasks (examples) were not given sufficient attention. A lack of organization and an inability to set goals and prioritize seem to hinder completion of tasks. Apparently, in order to increase operational efficiency, an employee is recommended to try to understand and understand how the work process is organized in the company.

About the ability to analyze and make decisions.

Positive feedback. The employee is distinguished by the ability to analyze facts, collect the necessary information and, based on this, make informed decisions. The employee demonstrates ability by examining different options, make the right decision. He learns quickly and knows how to look “at the root” of a question and separate the important from the unimportant. Even if the manager does not always agree with his decisions, he always treats them with respect. Colleagues rely on the employee's ability to analyze situations and make decisions and often turn to him for advice.

Negative review. Some of the employee's decisions and recommendations are not sufficiently supported by analysis and evidence. The manager repeatedly returned his proposals for revision because they were not substantiated, although the employee had the opportunity to collect the necessary information. In the future, the employee is recommended to become better acquainted with the work of the company and, before expressing his point of view, to work through all the options and present documents and proposals in a format acceptable to management and colleagues.

About the ability to plan and organize.

Positive feedback. The employee knows how to plan his work and set goals. Sets priorities correctly. Rarely leaves things to the last minute. Attentive not only to the task as a whole, but also to the details of the work. As soon as a decision is made in the organization (even if the decision is made in another department), the employee evaluates the possible consequences, clarifies the details and modifies his work plans in accordance with the new requirements. Often his questions and comments turn out to be useful not only for him, but for the entire organization.

Negative review. The employee still has a lot of work to do on planning and organization skills. Since he rarely plans his work for the future, he often fails to complete the work in a timely manner or does not complete the work with the proper quality. Forgets to promptly warn colleagues about what information he expects from them. As a result, due to his poor planning, colleagues and subordinates are forced to stay late after the end of the working day. Due to the inability to plan and concentrate on the most important tasks, an employee cannot complete several projects at the same time.

About the ability to control emotions.

Positive feedback. The employee works well not only in normal situations, but also in stressful situations, and always maintains optimism, self-control and a positive attitude towards work and colleagues. No one has ever seen him “lose his temper.” When things go wrong, he maintains his composure and reassures those around him with his behavior. His maturity and ability to control emotions is one of the reasons why colleagues are eager to work with him on projects.

Negative review. When something bothers an employee, instead of discussing the situation with colleagues and management, he withdraws into himself and isolates himself from others. At the same time, his manner of communication at work changes. This creates a nervous atmosphere in the team. If his problems are of a work-related nature, his manager should probably discuss with him the importance open information and develop constructive methods for discussing controversial issues.


He has been working as a chief accountant since 2001.

Education ____________-graduated from ___________________

In 2005, he began working as a chief accountant in __________________.

In 2007, he qualified as a Professional Accountant - financial manager, financial consultant (expert).

In the same year, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Director - Financial Manager __________________ with the functions of the chief accountant of the enterprise.

Participates in all _________________ professional development activities.

During his work at _______________, the company was repeatedly audited by tax and other authorities. Based on the results of the inspections, no sanctions were imposed on the company for violations accounting and reporting.

Based on the results of her work, she was repeatedly awarded. And in 2008, by decision of the meeting of founders, she was included in the founders of _____________

In connection with the transition to New plan accounts and the introduction of tax accounting at the enterprise, he developed an accounting program that combined accounting, tax and management accounting at the enterprise.

He proved himself to be an excellent organizer and professional specialist.

For an employee of the company "___________" LLC
Romanov Nikolai Alexandrovich

Romanov Nikolay Alexandrovich, born in 1970, has higher education majoring in communication equipment aircraft", which is confirmed by the state diploma issued by MSTU. Bauman. After graduating from university, he served a year in the army with the rank of lieutenant in the signal forces.
Widower (since 2005), raising a twelve-year-old son. Before joining LLC "________", he changed three places of work - Research Institute of Precision Instruments (1990-1996), OJSC Rostelecom (1996-2001), Central Design Bureau of Heavy Engineering (2001-2005). During his work in these organizations, he mastered additional specialties - “junior researcher”, “specialist in the calculation of radio relay routes”, “expert in the calculation of electromagnetic compatibility”. Characteristics from previous places of work are positive. Resigned from his last job at will in connection with moving to a new place of residence.
He started working at ____________ LLC on October 1, 2005 after a five-month break in his work experience. Completed retraining as a communications equipment sales consultant corporate clients. Successfully passed the qualification exam “BP2000: Siemens BMI”. In 2007, he was retrained as a quality management system auditor. Certified by Det Norske Veritas as an ISO 9000 auditor.
An extrovert, sociable in a team, open to communication, polite, principled. An excellent organizer - the captain of the district's orienteering team. Professional training meets the requirements. Based on the results of the certification, he was appointed to the position of head of the quality department. We train quickly. In communication, although he is open, he always fiercely defends his opinion, even if it turns out to be wrong, he admits it with great difficulty. Motivated to solve complex problems and receive recognition. Able to make independent decisions and take responsibility for them. Bad habits does not have.
She loves her son, spends vacations and all her free time with him. He seems to be a promising specialist, included in the personnel reserve with a possible further appointment to the position of Deputy Director for Development.
The character reference was issued for submission to the Basmanny Court of Moscow.

General Director ____________ G.L. Nedviga

Deputy General Director for Human Resources ____________ I.R. Chupilko


For the super-chief manager for steaming products to the population of Slavic Toilets LLC, Bestolkovkin Balbes Nedoumych.

Bestolkovkin Balbes Nedoumych has been working at the Slavic Toilets company since April 1, 1900. Married, has twenty-eight children. His responsibilities include steaming products to the population, as well as servicing the plumbing equipment of the company and partners. Has a higher education in plumbing. During his work, he proved himself to be a competent specialist, capable of solving the tasks assigned to him, showing a responsible and creative approach to solving various problems, and choosing the most optimal and high-quality solution. The relationship with the company’s staff is good, he has no disciplinary sanctions, and has not violated labor discipline. For heroism demonstrated, he was rewarded with a cash bonus and gratitude.

Director of LLC "Slavic Toilets"
Semi-evil P.B.

Various government agencies and non-governmental organizations often require references from the place of work. For example, upon admission to new job or at work, in court in civil, labor, criminal cases, as part of or consideration of a protocol on an administrative offense.

Strictly speaking, compiling a job description is the task of the HR department. But most often, such a document is drawn up by the employee himself, and is signed by the immediate supervisor and the main employer (chief manager). We will tell you how to draw up such a document yourself, what to include in its content, and also post an example of a description from your place of work so that you can use it as a sample.

Example of a job description

Limited Liability Company "Newest Electronic Technologies"

TIN 364616841365 OGRN 3546516546 legal. address: 394054, Voronezh, st. Koltsovskaya, 49


This characteristic was issued to Valery Stepanovich Abakumov, born March 30, 1972, who has been working at the Limited Liability Company “Newest Electronic Technologies” from January 15, 2012 to the present as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.

Abakumov Valery Stepanovich, born March 30, 1972, works at employment contract at LLC "Newest Electronic Technologies" from 01/15/2012 as an assistant electrician, from 12/12/2015 as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, 3rd qualification.

Has a higher education in the profession of "auto mechanic", series PN No. 687461, issued on June 25, 1996 (Vologda State Technical University), secondary vocational education, Diploma of the Voronezh College of Welding and Industrial Technologies, series AC No. 65874351, issued on June 20, 2011.

Marital status: married, 2 children.

During his time working at New Electronic Technologies LLC, Valery Stepanovich Abakumov proved himself to be a professional, competent and responsible employee. The duties of Abakumov V.S. includes participation in the repair, inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, repair of transformers, switches, rheostats, magnetic starters, reconstruction of electrical equipment, processing of insulating materials.

Strives to improve his qualifications (he increased his rank during his work). He has no disciplinary sanctions and has been repeatedly rewarded for his work with cash bonuses. During the period of work, there were no emergency situations with work objects. Hardworking and highly efficient.

Non-conflicting. He has friendly relations with colleagues and shows delicacy and patience. Consistent and correct. He is distinguished by punctuality, high demands on himself and a desire for professional growth. He has proven himself to be a proactive, responsible and reliable specialist, capable of completing assigned tasks on time. Able to make independent decisions in difficult situations and bear responsibility for the results of their activities.

This specification has been issued for presentation at the place of request.

General Director of LLC "Newest Electronic Technologies"

Viktorov V.V.

When to use a job reference

IN Soviet era such a document was very widespread. It was required for every new employment, during transfers, etc. But even now the reference from the place of work has not lost its meaning. Such a document can be used in cases, in labor disputes, etc. as a document.

There are so-called internal and external characteristics from the place of work. Internal is used for transfer, promotion, assignment of a new rank. External characteristics from the place of work are used exclusively for presentation to all other (except the one where the employee works) organizations and authorities. In the first case, we recommend paying more attention to the description of work activity: advanced training, education, incentives, disciplinary action. When a description is drawn up for other organizations, work activity may be described in a brief form.

The job description has its own structure. Such a document is given legal force by: the signature of the head of the organization, who has the right to act on behalf of the organization (sometimes the reference is also signed by the immediate superior), seal, and date of issue. It is advisable to prepare the document on the organization’s letterhead indicating the OGRN, INN, legal address, and telephone numbers.

Contents of characteristics from the place of work

For your convenience, we have systematized the information that may be indicated in the job description. Use them as a template to compile a document:

  1. Company letterhead, format – A 4
  2. In the center is the name of the document - CHARACTERISTIC
  3. In whose name it was issued, date of birth, position, period of work in the organization
  4. Information about the employee's education
  5. Marital status information
  6. Employee’s work history – date of hire, career growth, job responsibilities, work results
  7. Assessment of professional qualities: disciplinary sanctions, incentives, work experience, self-education, study of the regulatory framework, self-improvement
  8. Assessment of business and personal qualities: punctuality, responsibility, communication skills, relationships in a team, with subordinates, ability to plan work, assessment of work ability, behavior in stressful and conflict situations, relationships with the boss, etc.
  9. The purpose of compiling a reference from the place of work: for presentation to a government agency or others.

The reference from the place of work does not have a statute of limitations, but it is more logical and expedient to present a document that is current as of the date of preparation.

Our sample description from the place of work is not the only possible one, but, as practice has shown, when using it, the result is the most optimal.

Organizations often receive requests to provide characteristics for an employee. Such a document may be required by a variety of authorities. Sometimes the employee himself turns to management with a similar request. In any case, the company is obliged to respond to this request.

Who should write a reference for an employee?

As a rule, characteristics are written by representatives of the personnel department or personnel service of the enterprise where the employee worked or continues to work. The manager only certifies the reference with a signature and seal. In large organizations general manager This, of course, is not the job of the HR department. In very small companies, where there is no “personnel officer” on staff, the manager writes the reference himself.

Where to start writing a profile?

To correctly write a reference for an employee, you need to consider where this document will be provided. Accordingly, reflect those data, facts and qualities of the employee that are necessary for the requested organization.

  • For internal characteristics required to transfer an employee to another department or branch, a characteristic is needed that clearly reflects professional qualities employee.
  • For guardianship authorities and other organizations related to the care of children, the elderly and sick people, it is necessary to note the personal qualities of a person - cordiality, responsibility, love for children, what kind of person is in the family.
  • For military registration and enlistment offices - professions that a person has or what job duties he performed. Especially if they are related to technology. Personal qualities such as responsibility and diligence must be indicated.
  • Credit organizations want to know how responsibly a person fulfills his obligations. You can note the length of continuous work at this enterprise - this characterizes a stable income.
  • If an employee applies for a higher position in a third-party organization, it is necessary to indicate his professional qualities and ambitions.

In a correctly compiled specification, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • In accordance with the Personal Data Law, this document can be drawn up and provided only with the written consent of the employee.
  • Distortions and deliberate lies in characterizations are unacceptable, as is offensive and emotional information. Otherwise, the employee has the right through the court to prove the unreliability of the information provided and demand compensation for moral damage.
  • Data not related to work activity, such as religious and political beliefs, are not indicated in the description.

What should be the “filling” of the characteristic?

Personal details

Indicate date of birth, work experience according to records in work book. All must be indicated educational institutions which the employee completed. If you have an honors diploma or academic degrees, this must be indicated, even if they are not related to this position.

Description of the position held and responsibilities performed does not cause difficulties. The level is described here vocational training– ranks, categories. Knowledge of regulations and legislative acts used in the profession.

Personal and business qualities

It is more difficult to assess the qualities of an employee - both business and personal. Business skills are the ability to interact not only with employees, but also with clients, with the administration within the framework of a common cause. Plan your activities, analyze them, control them production process- all this falls into this category.

An employee's personal qualities can be assessed by his interaction with colleagues. Here, friendliness, ability to establish contacts, and responsibility are assessed.

Another important property is performance. It is characterized by how a person copes with standards, set plans and tasks.


If a person has incentives, they should always be indicated. It is imperative to note why the employee was awarded and when. For example, “Awarded with a valuable gift for achieving sales volumes at the end of 2015.”

Learning and Striving for Growth

Knowledge and experience are characterized as deep, sufficient, insufficient, average . It depends on whether the employee has a desire for growth or not. If a person did not strive to master new technologies in the profession, and worked only from call to call, his experience cannot be called deep. Accordingly, if an employee masters related professions and tries to introduce innovation into everyday duties, his knowledge and experience increase, and the person himself grows and develops.

Characteristics to the court

Often, HR department employees have to deal with requests to provide references from their place of work for certain legal proceedings. An employee of an enterprise, perhaps no longer working there for some time, is suspected of committing some illegal actions.

To make a fair decision and ease the penalty, it is necessary to provide the court with objective assessment person's personality. It doesn't matter what a person is charged with. An HR department employee must characterize the employee’s work and personal qualities objectively and impartially. What is written in such a description and how to write it correctly?

  • The header of the document is filled out as usual.
  • The employee's time in the organization is listed. If you worked for six months or less, the dates are set - day, month, year. If several years - only years, from which to which.
  • Positions – exact title, description of work performed.
  • If there were incentives and awards, be sure to indicate.
  • If there were disciplinary sanctions, how to reflect them and is it necessary? Here you need to be very careful in your wording. If an employee systematically violated discipline - was late, skipped work, etc., but this was not recorded anywhere in an act and subsequently punished in the form of a reprimand, then there was actually no violation. Therefore, instead of writing “there were violations of discipline,” it is better to note “he was not particularly hardworking,” “he was systematically late,” etc.
  • In the same tone, you can write about relationships in a team. You can, of course, write that the employee was a troublemaker, a brawler, etc. But here, too, it’s worth being objective and not just making your judgment.

In general, it is better to characterize a person positively for the court, especially when his guilt has not yet been proven. Although, each leader here decides for himself how to characterize a person.

Production characteristics per employee

Production characteristics are needed in two cases.

  1. For the bodies of VTEK (medical and labor expert commission) or MSE (medical and social examination). These characteristics are needed to determine the disability group and further conclusions from these organizations to determine a person’s work activity. If the enterprise has a health center, then the help of its employees would be very helpful. But, this is not necessary. As a rule, characteristics for VTEK and MSE are drawn up on the forms of these organizations, in which it is necessary to indicate working conditions, causes of illness, transfers to other positions, etc.
  2. Production characteristics for getting a job, for entering a university, for guardianship authorities, etc. The person’s career path and professional skills should be reflected in detail. The employee’s length of service in this organization is indicated, whether there have been any advanced training, training, gratitude, or incentives. Personal qualities, necessary for this position, relationships with colleagues, initiative, participation in the life of the team - all this can also be reflected in the document.

Approximate characteristics for an employee (sample)

Head of Sales Department. Work experience since 2001.

Education: higher economics, Smolensk Economic Institute (1998) - diploma with honors. Specialty: economist.

2005 – Institute of Business and Politics, specialty – marketing.

He has been working in the organization since 2001. She started as an economist, then moved to the sales department as a marketing specialist, where she worked from 2005 to 2009. After graduating from the institute in 2005, she was transferred to the position of head of the sales department, where she worked until August 20, 2016. During my work, I studied the entire cycle of the enterprise, independently studied the work of the sales department, and went from an ordinary employee to the head of a large department.

In 2009, Ivanova S.I. headed the management of the new project. Under her leadership, 15 employees not only coped with the task, but also exceeded the sales plan by 3 times.

For this project, S.I. Ivanova was awarded a trip to Bali.

The department headed by S.I. Ivanova is one of the most united in the enterprise, which characterizes Ivanova as a skillful leader.

Svetlana Ivanovna constantly improves her education, during her work she received a second higher education in her field of work, constantly attends advanced training courses, and uses all the innovations of business processes in her work. Undergoes personal growth training.

Colleagues and subordinates speak of Ivanova as a friendly, responsive person, very self-possessed and tactful.

Ivanova S.I. married, has two teenage children.

Head of Personnel Service Uchaikina M.R.

This characteristic issued for provision at the place of request.

Adhering to this presentation scheme, you can create any description, to suit any requests.

Video experience of writing characteristics

A useful video on this topic will help you correct spelling characteristics or, as it is still called now, a “letter of recommendation”

To compile an objective description of an employee, it is not enough just to list his job responsibilities and length of work at the enterprise. It is necessary to evaluate the personal and professional qualities of a person without bias and clearly express them in the document. A correctly compiled profile can help a person both in his career and in life.