Name Rashid nationality. Planetary number and meaning of the name Rashid. Name Rashid in English

The owner of the name Rashit can certainly be proud of his beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is so important to know what a particular name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it.

The male name Rashit is one of the dialect variants of the ancient Arabic name Rashid. Common to all peoples professing Islam is the variety of names used to name children. The repertoire of names among the Turkic-speaking peoples inhabiting the former Russian Empire, much wider than, for example, among Russians, Ukrainians, and Germans. The bulk of Turkic names are borrowed from Arabic and Persian languages ​​along with the religion of Islam. The long presence of these names in the Turkic languages ​​has led to the fact that the former foreignness of many of them is forgotten, and they are perceived as their own, national. At the same time, the dialect features of different Turkic languages often lead to differences in the pronunciation and spelling of names borrowed in the old days, so the name Rashid in the Bashkir, Tatar and some other languages ​​took the form Rashit.

The Arabic word "rashid" means "correct, reasonable." There are also such interpretations of this word - “judgment, intelligence”, “correct point of view”, “superiority of mind”, “true, correct path”. The name Ar-Rashid is one of the epithets of Allah, and the meaning of this epithet is interpreted as “Guiding to the right path; the one who gives happiness to whomever he wants, directing him to the true path; the one who alienates the one he wants, according to the order he has established.” Since ancient times, such names have been the most popular among devout Muslims, which is explained by the instructions of the prophet Abu al-Qasim Muhammad (570-632), peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, contained in the main holy book Muslims in the Koran: “On the Day of Judgment you will be called by your names; choose the best names.” There is no doubt that those names that were associated with religion, faith and reminiscent of Allah were considered very worthy.

The most famous bearer of this name in ancient times was the Arab caliph, ruler of the Abbasid Caliphate in 786-809, Harun ar-Rashid (763-809). The title Ar-Rashid in this case is usually interpreted as "The Just", and was originally received from his father, Caliph Muhammad ibn Mansur al-Mahdi, when Harun was appointed heir to the throne. The particular popularity of Caliph Harun al-Rashid (in early Russian transcriptions this name is rendered as Harun al-Rashid) is explained by the fact that he became one of the heroes of the monument of medieval Arabic and Persian literature, the collection of stories and fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”.

The name Rasheet/Rashid is as popular today as it was in the past. Representatives of all nations professing Islam willingly name their children this name. As in ancient times, among the bearers of this name there are many creative people, scientists, government and public figures. Without a doubt, modern owners of the noble sonorous name Rashit can rightfully be proud of their naming as a valuable monument of the history, culture and language of the peoples of Asia.

Sources: Kryukov M.V. Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Kublitskaya I.V. First and last names. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V. The name – through centuries and countries. Leontiev N.N. What's in my name? Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary. Gafurov A. Name and history. Dictionary.

Rashid's name day

Rashida's name day is not celebrated, since there are no saints with that name in the calendar.

Meaning of the name Rashid

Rashid means "intelligent" (this is the translation of the name Rashid from Arabic).

Origin of the name Rashid

It makes sense to start analyzing the mystery of the name Rashid with its origin. The history of the name Rashid has Arabic roots. It comes from a name literally translated from Arabic into Russian as “reasonable.”

What does the name Rashid mean according to B. Khigir

Rashid is a father by nature, he will try with all his might to achieve his goal, and will never deviate from his plans. Takes marriage seriously, carefully checks his feelings, is afraid of disappointing future wife. If he decides to marry, he becomes a good family man, a loving father, and an attentive husband. Rarely makes mistakes in choosing a life partner.

“Winter” Rashid is capable of exact sciences and can devote himself to scientific activities. An excellent strategist, he knows how to foresee the outcome of any matter. He firmly believes in the ideal and patiently waits for success. He easily conquers those around him with his erudition and eloquence.

“Autumn” – not afraid of risks, knows how to overcome obstacles. His calculations are always accurate. Rashid will not take on a business that is obviously doomed to failure. However, for the idea that he is hatching for a long time, he is ready to fight to the death.

“Spring” Rashid is indifferent to public opinion and devoid of prejudices. He likes to be the center of attention no matter what people say about him. He knows how to use popularity for his own purposes.

“Summer” Rashid is unobtrusive and respectful of others. Doesn't strive for leadership positions, power does not interest him. “July” - has artistic abilities and a rich imagination.

Characteristics of the name Rashid Derivatives of the name Rashid

Variants of the name Rashid: are missing.

Diminutives for the name Rashid: Rashidik, Rashidushka, Rashik, Rasha.

Name Rashid in different languages

  • Name Rashid on English: Rasheed (Rashid).
  • Name Rashid on French: Rachid (Rashid).

Famous Rashids:

  • Rashid Mamatkulovich Rakhimov is a Soviet, Tajik and Russian football player and coach. He played in the positions of defender and midfielder. Master of sports.
  • Rashid Gumarovich Nurgaliev – Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Federation, Army General since December 27, 2005.
  • Rashid Musaevich Nugmanov is a Kazakh director, architect, and public figure.
  • Rashid Gibyatovich Nezhmetdinov - international master of chess, master of sports in checkers, honored coach of the USSR, five-time champion of the RSFSR, three times champion of the USSR in the country's team championships.
  • Rashid Majid oglu Behbudov - Azerbaijani pop and opera singer(lyric tenor) and actor, People's Artist USSR.
  • Rashid Alievich Sunyaev is an outstanding Soviet and Russian astrophysicist, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Rashid Abdul Wallace is an American former professional basketball player and former player of the National Basketball Association.
  • Rachid Bouchareb is a French film director, screenwriter and producer of Algerian origin.
  • Rachid Taha is an Algerian composer and performer.
  • Rashid bey Efendiyev is an outstanding Azerbaijani teacher, writer and ethnographer.

Meaning of the name Rashid
The meaning of the name Rashid The name Rashid translated from Arabic means “walking the right path”, “reasonable”. Sometimes there is a different spelling and pronunciation - Rashit, Rashat, Rashad. Sometimes


Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Rashid

Origin and meaning

The male name Rashid is of Arabic origin. The meaning of the name translated into Russian is “reasonable”, “walking the right path”. You can also find such interpretations as “ingenuity”, “judgment”, “superiority of mind”, “correct point of view”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries, Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Mars
  • Talisman stone: jasper
  • Color: red
  • Plant: mustard
  • Animal: horse
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character Traits

Rashid's character is formed under the influence of his innate independence. This is a person worthy of respect. Decent, reserved, purposeful, kind - just a small list of his virtues.

From an early age he is obedient and peaceful. He never causes unnecessary trouble to his parents or teachers, but on the contrary, takes care of his loved ones and relatives. This capable child successful in all subjects. Success in studies is achieved mainly due to perseverance and the desire for knowledge.

Rashid is a smart, diligent and inquisitive boy, ready to always listen to the wise advice of adults, while also having his own opinion on what is happening around him. Tries not to enter into conflicts and quarrels, does not show aggression. Having become a witness or participant in disagreements, he never runs to complain, does not call adults for help, and does not cry for a long time. This guy is ready to solve all problems himself and makes every effort to reconcile quarreling children. He is always ready to stand up for the younger or weaker, so he enjoys great respect from the neighborhood boys, friends and adults. He himself also values ​​justice and decency in people.

Adult Rashid demonstrates persistence in achieving his goals. He rarely gives up his plans and goes to the end in his plans, but without fanaticism. In case of obvious defeat, he is ready to resign himself, following the laws of reason. The owner of this name is quite insightful, capable of calculating the actions of his competitors in advance. Thanks to this quality, he often achieves success in business and relationships.

Meaning of the name Rashid

The name Rashid translated from Arabic means “walking the right path”, “reasonable”. Sometimes there is a different spelling and pronunciation - Rashit, Rashat, Rashad. Sometimes the meaning of this name is interpreted as follows: “judgment, intelligence”, “correct point of view”, “superiority of mind”, “true, correct path”. Related names were the names Raushat, Rushat, Rushad, Rishat, Rashidun, Rashidetdin.

Little Rashid grows up as a calm child, does not like conflicts and tries to reconcile those who quarrel. If someone offends him, he does not cry or complain, he solves all his problems on his own. Listens to parents in everything and is amenable to education.

At school, Rashid studies well and is diligent. Of all the subjects, he loves mathematics the most. Boys born in January usually show excellent abilities for foreign languages. Rashid usually has good abilities in drawing and playing chess. He is always disciplined, diligent and does everything on his own.

Such men usually read a lot and like to discuss what they read with others. It is quite difficult to convince him of anything; he trusts only obvious facts. He has great respect for decency and fairness in people.

Rashid approaches the choice of his future profession very seriously and, since school, has paid more attention to those subjects that, in his opinion, will be useful to him. His work colleagues value him for his erudition, eloquence, responsibility, restraint and ability to control himself in any situation.

Winter representatives are more inclined to the exact sciences and can devote their lives to scientific activities. They believe in ideals and are patient in waiting for success. He can foresee and calculate the outcome of any business. Colleagues can only envy his talents and knowledge.

Autumn Rashid can take risks. He rarely makes mistakes in business and does not take on work if he is not sure of success. He is ready to stubbornly defend his own ideas, which he spends a lot of time on.

Summer Rashid usually does not strive for positions of leadership and power. He has a very developed imagination and artistic talent.

Family is very important to Rashid and he thinks long and hard before getting married. He does not avoid marriage, he simply does not want to be disappointed in him, so he listens to his feelings for a long time. He will good father and an attentive husband. He usually makes no mistakes in choosing a wife.

In communication, Rashid is very calm. Spring representatives do not pay any attention to public opinion and are devoid of prejudices. He loves to be talked about, but what is not very important. He will always benefit from his popularity. Summer Rashid respects other people's opinions and does not impose his own. He does not strive for self-affirmation. Those around him are attracted by his reliability.

Meaning of the name Rashid
Meaning of the name Rashid


Rashida - meaning and origin of the name

History of the origin of the name Rashid

The female name Rashida is a name of Arabic origin. The meaning of the name Rashida is “wise”, “mature”, “walking on the right path” or “walking the right path”. Sometimes this name is translated into Russian as “leader”.

The name Rashida is female uniform male name Rashid. By naming the girl Rashida, her parents believed that this name would give her strength of spirit, a desire for justice, and goodwill.

The name Rashida is used in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and Kazakhstan. This name can also be found in America, Russia, Portugal and other countries. In English, the name Rashida is written as Rashida.

Meaning and characteristics of the name Rashida

Rashida is a decent, independent, purposeful and kind woman. She is a rather closed and reserved person. Rashida almost always has a good education, she is an interesting conversationalist and versatile. It's interesting with her. Friends value Rashida for her sharp mind and integrity; she will always provide support when necessary. Rashida may have stubbornness in her character. She can take risks.

Name meaning: Rashid

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the male name Rashid, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Rashid

Synonyms of the name - Rashit, Rashat, Ravshan, Rashidi, Rishat, Rishad

Origin: Arabic, “prudent”

Name day - does not celebrate

This name has Arabic roots and is translated as “walking the right path”, “prudent”. Sometimes it is pronounced: Rashit, Rashat, and then it is interpreted as follows: “reasonable”, “smart”. Among Russians, Muslims often call their sons by this name, but this only happens in certain regions of the country.

Love named Rashid

Any girl can dream of such a chosen one. But he won’t communicate with everyone. The man will talk, but if he sees that his companion does not meet the requirements, he will correctly leave her and move away.

Rashid takes it quite seriously the right choice, because this girl will be the only one for him for the rest of his life. He's not going to cheat on her or get a divorce. He expects the same from her. Therefore, such a check of feelings is akin to scientific experience. If the chosen one passes the test, then a happy life awaits her.

Sexuality of the name Rashid

This young man is not impulsive. One could say about him that he has a low temperament. But that's not true. The guy is just trying to keep his feelings in check. Only the girl he loves will help him discover a sensual and sexual partner in him.

Marriage and family named Rashid

A man strives not to disappoint his wife. He loving husband and a caring father. There are practically no divorces among bearers of this name. The family lives in complete harmony. Rashid helps his wife with everything and takes care of the children. He tries to take on all household problems, protecting his loved ones from unpleasant and tedious matters.

Business and career

Many are surprised at the guy’s ability to predict the course of events, but he is far from a prophet, just a good strategist. Before doing anything, Rashid calculates everything and already knows how the matter will end. Can become an excellent researcher, physician or military man. And in this he will be helped by such qualities as self-discipline, diligence and self-control.

The man loves to study, he likes to do science, he confirms his thoughts with laboratory research. If something doesn’t work out, I won’t rush, I’ll follow wise saying- “patience and work will grind everything down.” Rashid will wait for success as long as necessary. Sometimes a discovery takes a lifetime, but the scientist does not regret the lost time. He walked towards his victory and achieved results. After all, many did not succeed during their lifetime, and only after their death their colleagues, continuing their research, made a discovery.

The guy is not afraid to take risks; he has an amazing ability to see obstacles in advance. Therefore, in combination with correct calculations, failures bypass this person.

Meaning of the name Rashid in character

Rashid is a self-possessed, but persistent and purposeful young man. He extremely rarely renounces his intentions and fights life circumstances until complete victory. He will not change his positions, but he will not resist the obvious facts. Respects the thorough and fair people, he wants to be like that. He is afraid of becoming the cause of disappointment for his loved ones, and puts all his strength and skills into this.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the male name Rashid, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Rashid

Synonyms of the name - Rashit, Rashat, Ravshan, Rashidi, Rishat, Rishad

Origin: Arabic, “prudent”

Name day - does not celebrate

Zodiac - Scorpio

Planet - Mars

Color - Yellow

Animal - Wasp

Plant - Basil

Stone - Jasper

This name has Arabic roots and is translated as “walking the right path”, “prudent”. Sometimes it is pronounced: Rashit, Rashat, and then it is interpreted as follows: “reasonable”, “smart”. Among Russians, Muslims often call their sons by this name, but this only happens in certain regions of the country.

Love named Rashid

Any girl can dream of such a chosen one. But he won’t communicate with everyone. The man will talk, but if he sees that his companion does not meet the requirements, he will correctly leave her and move away.

Rashid is quite serious about making the right choice, because this girl will be the only one for him for life. He's not going to cheat on her or get a divorce. He expects the same from her. Therefore, such a test of feelings is akin to a scientific experiment. If the chosen one passes the test, then a happy life awaits her.

Sexuality of the name Rashid

This young man is not impulsive. One could say about him that he has a low temperament. But that's not true. The guy is just trying to keep his feelings in check. Only the girl he loves will help him discover a sensual and sexual partner in him.

Marriage and family named Rashid

A man strives not to disappoint his wife. He is a loving husband and caring father. There are practically no divorces among bearers of this name. The family lives in complete harmony. Rashid helps his wife with everything and takes care of the children. He tries to take on all household problems, protecting his loved ones from unpleasant and tedious matters.

Business and career

Many are surprised at the guy’s ability to predict the course of events, but he is far from a prophet, just a good strategist. Before doing anything, Rashid calculates everything and already knows how the matter will end. Can become an excellent researcher, physician or military man. And in this he will be helped by such qualities as self-discipline, diligence and self-control.

The man loves to study, he likes to do science, he confirms his thoughts with laboratory research. If something doesn’t work out, I won’t rush, I follow the wise saying - “patience and work will grind everything down.” Rashid will wait for success as long as necessary. Sometimes a discovery takes a lifetime, but the scientist does not regret the lost time. He walked towards his victory and achieved results. After all, many did not succeed during their lifetime, and only after their death their colleagues, continuing their research, made a discovery.

The guy is not afraid to take risks; he has an amazing ability to see obstacles in advance. Therefore, in combination with correct calculations, failures bypass this person.

Meaning of the name Rashid in character

Rashid is a self-possessed, but persistent and purposeful young man. He extremely rarely renounces his intentions and struggles with life’s circumstances until complete victory. He will not change his positions, but he will not resist the obvious facts. He respects solid and fair people and wants to be like that himself. He is afraid of becoming the cause of disappointment for his loved ones, and puts all his strength and skills into this.

Rashid is quite restrained in his emotional manifestations and knows how to suppress aggression and joy. He reads a lot, likes to tell his friends about what he has learned new from books or magazines, share his personal opinions and listen to the comments of others. But it’s very difficult to convince Rashid if he only comes to such a decision himself.

Teen Rashid

For adults, this is a calm and non-problematic child. Doesn't fight, doesn't conflict with peers, isn't rude to teachers. But if he is offended, he will sort it out on his own and will not attract outsiders. Rashid is far from a coward and will defend his honor. The guy doesn’t like to fight, he is a born peacemaker, looking for compromises, different ways out difficult situations. And finds them.

His academic performance is not bad, he is diligent, and easily masters foreign languages ​​and exact sciences. He goes in for sports, likes to draw, plays chess. Becomes independent very early, respects discipline and diligence. While still at school, he decides what he will devote his life to and begins to pay more attention to the necessary subjects.

The boy has many friends and acquaintances. In communication he is a pleasant interlocutor. Even if he does not agree with someone else's point of view, diplomacy will not allow him to interrupt the interlocutor. Rashid easily wins over those around him with his knowledge and eloquence. Despite his caution, he is not afraid of risk. His calculations are always accurate; the guy will not take on a task that is obviously doomed to failure. But for the idea that he had been nurturing for a long time, he would fight to the end, only after making the necessary adjustments. It will take time, but the young man will wait. He listens to public opinion, although he treats it coolly; it cannot be said that it worries him much.

Successful people and stars:

Rashid Nugmanov - director

Rasheed Wallace - athlete

Rashid Behbudov - singer

Rashid Gaisanov - politician

Ideal compatibility: Angelina, Veronica, Elina.

Rashidi, Rishat, Rishad.

Name Rashid in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 拉希德 (Lā xī dé). Japanese: ラシッド (Rashiddo). Arabic: راشد. Hindi: राशिद (Rāśida). Ukrainian: Rashid. Greek: Ρασίντ (Rasínt). English: Rashid (Rashid).

Origin of the name Rashid

The name Rashid translated from Arabic means “walking the right path”, “reasonable”. Sometimes there is a different spelling and pronunciation - Rashit, Rashat (Rashad). Sometimes the meaning of this name is interpreted as follows: “judgment, intelligence”, “correct point of view”, “superiority of mind”, “true, correct path”. Related names were the names Raushat, Rushat, Rushad, Rishat, Rashidun, Rashidetdin.

Character of the name Rashid

Little Rashid grows up as a calm child, does not like conflicts and tries to reconcile those who quarrel. If someone offends him, he does not cry or complain, he solves all his problems on his own. Listens to parents in everything and is amenable to education.

At school, Rashid studies well and is diligent. Of all the subjects, he loves mathematics the most. Boys born in January usually show excellent abilities for foreign languages. Rashid usually has good abilities in drawing and playing chess. He is always disciplined, diligent and does everything on his own.

Such men usually read a lot and like to discuss what they read with others. It is quite difficult to convince him of anything; he trusts only obvious facts. He has great respect for decency and fairness in people.

The secret of the name Rashid

This man always tries to achieve his goal. He does not deviate from the intended path and will calmly move forward.

Winter Rashid can devote himself to the exact sciences and become a scientist. He knows how to predict the outcome of a case and also find the best solution to unravel the case. He believes in ideals and also prefers to wait rather than act.

Autumn Rashid is able to overcome any obstacle. He is not afraid of risky situations and loves difficult things. Such a man is able to fight for his idea to the end.

Spring Rashid does not pay attention to public opinion. He loves to be the center of attention and uses such popularity for his own purposes. He has no prejudices.

Summer Rashid respects others and is unobtrusive. He does not like to lead, prefers minor roles.

Such a man takes starting a family very seriously. He is constantly afraid that his wife will be disappointed in him. He chooses his wife very carefully, and also gives all his love to the children and her.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Name color: yellow
Radiation: 94%
Planets: Mars
Talisman stone: emerald
Plant: basil
Totem animal: wasp
Basic character traits: will, intuition, activity

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 88%
Psyche: goes with all his might towards the intended goal
Health: you need to take care of yourself

Numerology of the name Rashid

Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and good name more expensive than immediate benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, beans, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

Name Rashid as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
Sh Sha (From Hebrew square letter; Shin - primordial fire)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
D Welcome

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Rashid

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
Ш - attentiveness to life, the ability to assess the situation at the slightest hint, whisper, rustle. Modesty and the ability to manage your affairs quietly. Developed sense of humor.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.

General description of the name Rashid

- “reasonable”, “walking the right path”.

Since childhood, he has been prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When playing with other children, he is calm and not aggressive. Tries to resolve conflicts between peers. He doesn’t cry if someone offends him; he deals with his own problems. Obedient, easy to train. Assiduous, good at studying. He is better at mathematics than other subjects. “January” Rashid has good learning abilities foreign languages. Rashid also loves sports. He draws well and plays chess well. Executive and disciplined, obligatory, he becomes independent early. He is serious in his judgments, carefully approaches the choice of profession, forms his interests from school, and pays attention to those subjects that will be most useful to him in the future.

Rashid is a fighter by nature, he will try with all his might to achieve his goal, and will never deviate from his plans.

He takes marriage seriously, carefully checks his feelings, and is afraid of disappointing his future spouse. If he decides to marry, he becomes a good family man, a loving father, and an attentive husband. Rarely makes mistakes in choosing a life partner.

Character of the name Rashid according to the seasons

“Winter” Rashid is capable of exact sciences and can devote himself to scientific activities. An excellent strategist, he knows how to foresee the outcome of any matter. He firmly believes in the ideal and patiently waits for success. He easily conquers those around him with his erudition and eloquence.

“Autumn” - not afraid of risks, knows how to overcome obstacles. His calculations are always accurate. Rashid will not take on a task that is obviously doomed to failure. However, for an idea that he has been nurturing for a long time, he is ready to fight to the death.

“Spring” Rashid is indifferent to public opinion and devoid of prejudices. He likes to be the center of attention, no matter what people say about him. He knows how to use popularity for his own purposes.

“Summer” Rashid is unobtrusive and respects those around him. He does not strive for leadership positions; he is not interested in power. “July” - has artistic abilities and a rich imagination. A strongly developed sense of responsibility and justice, which manifests itself in the family and in the team.

Pros and cons of the name Rashid

What are the pros and cons of the name Rashid? In addition to a very good character, and even the oriental mystery of this name, to match it positive qualities not so easy. And the whole point is in its sound, which some parents may find somewhat rude and even aggressive. Also this eastern name goes very poorly with Russian surnames and patronymics. And in addition to this, it does not have beautiful abbreviations and diminutives.


Rashid's health is quite good, however, owners of this name often complain of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Rashid performs very well. He is an attentive and very caring husband, as well as an ardently loving father who can even pay too much attention to his children. The owner of this name chooses a woman who is soft but active as his wife. He prefers to maintain a leadership position in relationships, but always listens to his wife’s opinion.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Rashid is quite interesting wide circle activities. He can be a successful entrepreneur, scientist (especially in the field of physics and mathematics), translator, public figure, engineer, architect, doctor, economist.

Famous people named Rashid

Rashid Sunyaev ((born 1943) outstanding Soviet and Russian astrophysicist, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992))
Rashid Nugmanov ((born 1954) Kazakh Soviet director, architect, public figure)
Rashid Nurekeyev (artist - painter)
Rashid bey Efendiyev ((1863 - 1942) outstanding Azerbaijani teacher, writer and ethnologist
Rashid Nurgaliev (Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Army General (since December 27, 2005))
Rashid Ponomarev ((1919 - 1998) one of the patriarchs of chess art, a classic of chess composition)
Rashid ad-Din Fazlullah ibn Abu-l-Khair Ali Hamadani (Rashid ad-Dowle; Rashid al-Tabib - “doctor Rashid”) ((c.1247 - 1318) Persian statesman, doctor and encyclopedist; minister of the Hulaguid state (1298-1317). public service during the reign of Abak Khan (1265-1282). Under Ghazan (1295-1304), he assumed leading roles, effectively taking over the post of vizier, and carried out the most important economic reforms. Under the khan, Oljeytu (1304-1316) was actually the first person in governing the state. At the beginning of the reign of Abu Said (1316-1335), due to the intrigues of political opponents, he lost power, and then was executed on false charges. Compiled a historical work in Persian, “Collection of Chronicles,” which is the most important historical source, especially in history Mongol Empire and Iran Hulaguids. The correspondence of Rashid ad-Din is also of great source value.)
Abdul-Rashid Dostum ((born 1954) Afghan military and political figure, general)
Rashid Arain ((b.1935) Pakistani conceptual artist, sculptor, painter and curator, works in England; known primarily as the founder and editor of the magazine "Third Text")
Rashid Akhriev (the first pilot from the peoples North Caucasus, the first pilot of Tajikistan; Ingush by nationality, captain tsarist army, who went over to the side of the Soviet regime; flew in Central Asia in 1924-1925, died in 1941)
Rashid Meredov (Turkmen politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkmenistan (2007), currently considered one of the most influential politicians in Turkmenistan)
Rashid Hasanov (Russian football player)
Rashid Rakhimov (Soviet, Tajik and Russian football player, coach, Master of Sports (1988))
Rashid Musin ((1927 - 1982) Soviet party and statesman, first secretary of the Tatar regional committee of the CPSU, known for his active struggle against “Tatar nationalism”)
Rashid Khunagov ((born 1953) Russian scientist, scientist, rector of the Adygea state university(ASU) (1996))
Rachid Bouchareb ((born 1953) French film director, screenwriter and producer of Algerian origin)
Rashid Nezhmetdinov ((1912 - 1974) international master of chess, master of sports in checkers, honored coach of the USSR (1962), five-time champion of the RSFSR, three times champion of the USSR in the country's team championships)
Rashid Asanov (former Russian football player, defender (formerly midfielder))
Rachid Azzouzi (former Moroccan footballer)
Rashidi Yekini (former Nigerian footballer, forward)
Rasheed Wallace (American former professional basketball player, former National Basketball Association player)
Rashidi Kawawa ((1926 - 2009) first Prime Minister of Tanzania (1972 - 1977))
Rashid Karabek ogly Mamedbekov (Azerbaijani and Soviet freestyle wrestler, who competed for the USSR in the weight category from 52 to 57 kg; silver medalist olympic games 1952, the first among Azerbaijani athletes to win an Olympic award)
Rashid Aushev ((1966 - 1997) Russian military officer, civil servant, awarded state awards; named after
Rashid Aushev named the main stadium of the Republic of Ingushetia)
Rashid ibn Maktoum ((d.1894) fourth emir of Dubai from the al-Maktoum dynasty (in 1886 - 1894))
Rashid Kadyrkaev (Soviet figure skater who competed in pairs skating. He achieved his greatest success in pairs with Elena Kvitchenko, with whom they were bronze medalists at the USSR Championship and participants in the European and World Championships in 1989. In juniors, paired with Marina Nikityuk, he twice became a medalist at the World Championships among juniors (silver in 1980 and bronze in 1981). Master of Sports of the USSR of international class.)
Rashid Gafurov (Uzbek footballer)
Rashid Ibraev ((born 1948) Kazakh statesman, diplomat)
Rachid Taha (Algerian composer and performer)
Rashid Tusupbekov (political figure of Kazakhstan)
Rashid Behbudov ((1915 - 1989) singer, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, State Prize laureate, Knight of the Order of Lenin)
Rashit Ibraev ((born 1959) Russian oceanologist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2003), Chief Researcher at the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008). Laureate of the International Science Foundation Grant (1993), State Scientific Scholarship 2000-2003, Fund for the Promotion of Domestic Science 2003-2004. Certificate of honor RAS and the RAS workers' trade union. Head of a number of national scientific projects to develop mathematical models and study intra- and interannual variability of circulation and water levels in the inland seas of Russia. Participant in national projects on modeling ocean currents. Participant in a number of international scientific projects to study thermohydrodynamic processes in the Caspian and Black Seas. Director international project on interdisciplinary analysis of the Caspian Sea ecosystem.)

Rashid's name day

Rashid does not celebrate his name day, since his name does not appear in the calendar.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Rashid is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign, that is, from April 20 to May 20. A simple and intellectually developed Taurus is in many ways similar to the owner of this name, whom he will make peace-loving, moderately pragmatic, reliable, independent, seeking harmony in everything.