Innovations in agriculture, trends and development forecasts. New technologies in agriculture may turn out to be a dead end

Thus, for many Russian enterprises, the use of innovations is becoming an important strategic direction of development. The same applies to agriculture and the entire agro-industrial complex. The Rostov region is an agricultural region of the country and one of the leaders in gross agricultural production, therefore the issue of strategic use of investments in the entire technological cycle is very relevant for enterprises in the region.

In the modern economy, the role of innovation has increased significantly. Without the use of innovation, it is almost impossible to create competitive products. Innovation represents effective remedy competition, as they lead to the creation of new needs, to a reduction in production costs, to an influx of investment, to an increase in the image of the manufacturer of new products, to the opening and capture of new markets, internal and external.

Thus, for many Russian enterprises, the use of innovations is becoming an important strategic direction of development. The same applies to agriculture and the entire agro-industrial complex. The Rostov region is an agricultural region of the country and one of the leaders in gross agricultural production, therefore the issue of strategic use of innovations in the entire technological cycle is very relevant for enterprises in the region.

Thus, enterprises are encouraged to introduce various innovative approaches to planting seeds, cultivating and watering the soil, and harvesting.

Such an innovative approach is varietal mosaic - one of effective ways grain production with maximum profit, it allows you to sow a set of zoned varieties that complement each other, regardless of which breeding center created them. It is recommended to grow at least five to seven main production varieties, plus propagate new and promising ones. The main thing is to follow the rule: one variety should not occupy more than fifteen percent of the total wheat crop area on the farm. The right mixture of varieties, a combination of species and the correct change of crops are superior in effect to all the best pesticides.

The company’s agronomists, who have extensive experience working with various crops and varieties, must determine which barley varieties need to be planted.

To test this innovative technology, it is proposed to allocate an experimental field to compare the yield of traditional and new methods of sowing crops.

There are no costs required to implement this innovation. The only necessary activity is the preparation by agronomists of the required set of barley varieties, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the area.

As a result of the use of varietal mosaic, it is expected that the yield will increase by 20-25%.

Another measure could be comprehensive mechanization and automation of production. When it comes to innovation, people primarily talk about equipment and machines, since the quality of work of many enterprises depends on this, and it is outdated equipment that hinders the development and improvement of production. You can also pay attention to the introduction of innovations in other areas, such as, for example, irrigation, fertilizer, planting and cultivation technology.

Currently, many foreign and domestic agricultural enterprises use modern agricultural machinery equipped with navigation systems that use GPS satellite signals for their operation and make it possible to increase the efficiency of using equipment, especially wide-cut ones. This approach to farming is called “precision farming.”

The use of this equipment will allow you to reach a fundamentally new level of productivity.

One of the main reasons for using GPS navigation in agriculture- this is a simple optimization: the more accurately you sow, cultivate the land, and harvest, the higher the indicators and, accordingly, the income will be. Thanks to the ability to accurately set the trajectory, it is easier for the machine operator to work in the fields, because he will not miss any areas. A person is not a robot and cannot control equipment with centimeter precision, but with the use of GPS navigation on tractors this is quite possible. And when installing a navigator together with a hydraulic autopilot on a tractor, it is theoretically possible to do without the work of a tractor driver at all, since the machine will be able to work itself. But in practice, someone must sit in the cab of the car to control all processes.

In recent years, navigation technologies in agriculture have made a giant leap; direction indicators, thrusters, autopilot systems, agricultural navigators and complex navigation systems are on the market. These devices can be equipped with tractors, combines, sprayers, and seeding systems. And they can accordingly be used for various operations such as sowing, cultivating, spraying and fertilizing.

Installation of such navigation systems gives huge amount advantages for agricultural producers, with their help the opportunity opens up:

carry out parallel driving along straight and curved lines;

reduce the width of the headland and the idling length of the unit;

eliminate flaws, reduce the loss of time and fuel and lubricants for eliminating machine operator errors;

increase labor productivity;

reduce costs for seeds and fertilizers;

perform work at night and in poor visibility conditions;

carry out more accurate field spraying from an airplane;

reduce the cost of processing a hectare;

reduce the cost of finished products.


1. Information portal Agro-sputnik [Electronic resource]/ Will investments save agriculture? – Access mode: free. - Cap. from the screen. - (date of access 02/18/2016)

2. Ushachev I. G. Internal economic relations in agricultural enterprises of the agro-industrial complex: economics and management. 2004. No. 5. P. 3-12.

3. Geocourse [Electronic resource]/ Parallel driving systems. – Access mode:, free. - Cap. from the screen.- (date of access: 02/18/2016)








Description of the innovative Project

Target program

Features of the new management system

New rural school

Project Implementation

Help: suppliers, designers, builders, consultants


Organization of production and stages of Project implementation

Financial planning

So what reasons are holding back the development of agriculture? Innovation processes in agriculture, as in any economic project, are associated with the organization of processes in real time, with the participation real people. The only difference is that today in rural areas there is almost a complete lack of qualified personnel and the implementation itself depends on the specifics of agriculture, which is determined by the seasonality of production and changing, often unforeseen conditions. These conditions arise as a result of a mismatch between the production time required to obtain products and the working period, which is shorter in duration and represents the time of direct human impact on the subject of labor (plowing, cultivating crops, harvesting). The gap between them is due to the natural development process of plants and animals. Seasonality of production can be mitigated or weakened, but it cannot be eliminated due to the cyclical nature of plant and animal organisms, and therefore there is no direct functional relationship between volumes production costs and product yield (commonly used in other industries for subsequent control). In addition, work in agriculture is much more difficult than in other industries, as it is associated with various risks, with a large proportion of manual labor and the performance of many different types of work, technological processes and operations. Limited deadlines for completing work make it necessary to carry out work processes under unfavorable weather conditions, and the seasonal nature of production causes uneven use of labor (excessive workload in some periods and underload in others), and the proportion of labor of elderly people, women and adolescents is high, which is not observed in other sectors of the national economy. In agriculture, the wage level is 2.5-3 times lower than in all other industries, therefore wages ceased to be the main factor of well-being and even a source of simple reproduction of the labor force. This role is played primarily by private farming.

Agriculture is also characterized by such features as spatial dispersion of production, volume and perishable nature of products. This causes large transport costs, increases the cost of production, makes it difficult to sell it, requires mainly mobile equipment, a significant amount of time, and causes losses in crop and livestock products. In addition, part of the products produced is annually used by agriculture itself for livestock feed, seeds, and restoration of livestock numbers, which reduces the level of marketability and causes the need for additional funds to create reserve funds for development and storage.

Agriculture is also heavily dependent on the market for industrial inputs and their prices. With uneven rates of increase in prices for agricultural products and industrial means of production, energy and services, their multiple disparity arises. This leads to a decrease in the material and technical equipment of farms, prolongation of work schedules, product losses, and weakening of resistance to the adverse effects of the external environment.

The lack of government support for domestic producers has resulted in a large influx of imported products, which can only be stopped by creating conditions for the development of the agro-industrial complex. A major role here can be played by the introduction of innovative technologies that will help significantly reduce the cost of agricultural products, facilitate labor and create new ecological food products, help restore livestock numbers, develop industrial production and social infrastructure, which will ultimately give the rural population new jobs and increase the price of agricultural labor will increase the demand for labor, especially among young people. All of the above will improve your own well-being and revive the village.



All over the world, including Russia, there is a lot of talk about getting out of the environmental and economic crisis, including on the ecology of food, but nowhere has a specific project been proposed for an experimental, that is, pilot territory for testing technologies for sustainable development of the environment and production, since there were no enthusiastic organizers, and few people knew where to start. The organizers inevitably faced questions: what organizational, legal, financial-economic, socio-demographic, pedagogical, spiritual-moral and other mechanisms should be launched so that, within an acceptable time frame, the economy of the pilot territory becomes environment-improving, that is, so that an irreversible improvement in the working environment begins, habitats and lives of people – sustainable development. And another question arose: in a certain sense key: will people living in the planned territory, possessing the inertia of Soviet-era thinking, agree to participate in the experiment.

To answer this question, as well as for the accelerated, economical and safe accumulation of relevant experience from the implementation of an innovative Project, including testing a new model for the development of a rural settlement, a base territory was required. Gaining experience in the base territories is much cheaper than in the territories of the whole region, since smaller productive forces are involved in a small territory, and the relatively low inertia allows you to quickly adjust actions and programs, and engage more in training and implementation than research.


The village of Minushka, Irbeysky district, located in most beautiful place in the foothills of the Sayan Mountains, in the bend of two fish rivers Kungus and Yagash, which creates a unique microclimate. The village of Minushka is 140 years old. It was home to 130 families, with a total number of more than 900 people. These were Cossacks and settlers from the central regions of Russia who brought the culture and way of life of their regions to this virgin natural area. They built beautiful houses, which they lovingly decorated with carvings. They themselves burned brick, lime, and various pottery. They grew flax, buckwheat, hemp, and cereal crops. Beekeeping, animal husbandry, and horse breeding were developed. The forests still abound in ferns, mushrooms, berries and other wild plants. Now there are only 12 families left in the village. The village of Minushka is located at a distance of 58 km from the railway station. Irbeyskaya, where the regional center is located.

There was a state farm in the village, then it was transferred to the subsidiary farming of a defense enterprise, and now it has been liquidated, resulting in a population of 26 people ( middle age 50 years old) was left completely unemployed. People live exclusively on their farm. The farm keeps horses, cattle, pigs and other livestock. The village has pastures for 1,000 heads, 1,700 hectares of arable land, which have not been sown for five years. After the liquidation of the subsidiary farm, residents bought ownership of agricultural equipment, which is now almost all sold and consumed. The remaining equipment is in a worn-out condition. There was still quite a lot of different faulty equipment and mechanisms that could have been restored, including a forge, workshops, warehouses, but all this was taken away or scrapped.

The village has a water well and a 400 kVA substation. Social facilities include a club and a paramedic and midwife station. There are no schools, communications, bus service, or retail outlets. The children study at a boarding school, which is located in a rural administrative center 12 km away, but now the boarding school is closed and the children live in apartments.

For four years, explanatory work was carried out with village residents about the goals and objectives of the innovative Project. Gradually, people began to understand the task, but only a few people actively responded, the rest doubted or did not believe, so they were in a wait-and-see state to see what would come of it. It should be noted that during this time the village began to drink less and warmer relations developed between the residents. Therefore, it is better to develop the village of Minushka on the basis of personal farmsteads, which can become production units of the Managing Agro-Industrial Company, as well as a pioneer base for further development.

By agreement with the district administration, the base territory becomes an area of ​​72 hectares that disappeared 20 years ago in the village of Galunka, which is located 7 km from the village of Minushka. The district administration leased overgrown farmland covering an area of ​​800 hectares for agricultural production for 49 years. The land is not divided into plots and is administered only by the district administration, which contributes to the fulfillment of the goals and objectives of the innovative Project.

The pilot site, to which we gave the code name “Life-Giving Source,” contributed in the best possible way to the birth of a full-fledged economic program, which, as it develops, should become completely self-financing, as training, informing, forecasting, managing, consulting, progressive environmental, resource-saving, and environment-improving technologies involved in the innovative Project made it possible to produce competitive material assets and receive income from their sale. Innovative activities in such a territory make it possible to control the implementation of the Project with less risk of errors, loss of funds and time, and a decrease in the quality of life and education.

Production of mushrooms and flowers.

2. Planned processing of agricultural products

It is planned to introduce the latest technologies for processing the following products :

Grains for: flour, confectionery and pasta, cereals, soups, porridges, animal feed.

Industrial crops for: vegetable oils, including for the production of biofuel, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products, production of various herbal teas, etc.

Potatoes, vegetables and melons for: starch, canning, drying, freezing, juice production.

Gardening and beekeeping for: honey, propolis, wax, preservation, drying of horticultural products.

Cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming, horse breeding, fur farming and rabbit breeding for: meat, sausages, milk, sour cream, yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, butter, etc., tanning hides, sewing winter workwear, etc.

3. Procurement activities
for collection and processing of wild plants

Purchase of wild plants from the population with further processing (deep freezing, canning, production of preserves, jams, various juices).

4. Planned activities of marketing services
and management in Krasnoyarsk

· Search and introduction into agricultural circulation of new technologies for growing and processing forgotten agricultural crops, previously traditional for agricultural areas.

· Search for new technologies for storing and processing grain, berries, vegetables, fruits, wild plants, obtaining feed for farm animals and introducing them on the basis of existing enterprises or organizing new productions.

· Search for new technologies for the processing and storage of livestock products and their implementation on the basis of existing enterprises or the organization of new production facilities.

· Search and implementation of promising areas in agricultural energy, such as hydro and wind power, other innovative power plants and heating systems.

· Search and implementation of the latest technologies and means of agricultural mechanization.

· Organization of timber processing production to meet the needs of the agro-industrial management company.

· Development of a marketing service for effective activities in the market for the sale of manufactured products, taking into account the requirements of the consumer and the internal capabilities of agricultural enterprises, the management agro-industrial company and efficient use of natural resources.

· Development of management to ensure effective management and improvement of agricultural production management in accordance with the prospects for the socio-economic development of rural areas.

· Accumulation of funds and resources to expand the processing of agricultural products, disposal and processing of industrial waste.

As a result of weak control, or, more simply, the lack of control on the part of the state in regulating the grain market, the destruction of old and undeveloped new economic relations between farms, producers and consumers of grain in the agro-industrial complex, the tendency towards self-sufficiency in grain has increased to the detriment of the agricultural producers themselves. Many intermediaries have appeared on the grain market, enriching themselves at the expense of the peasants, since the processing of agricultural products by the producers themselves is not developed and there is no organized grain market that would regulate the quality of grain.

In the current conditions, the agro-industrial management company, as investment company, carries out not only independent audit control over financial activities agricultural enterprises receiving investments, but also carries out legal support agricultural producers before the state, which is obliged to take economic measures as soon as possible: price regulation, effective financial, credit, tax, foreign trade policy, for which it is necessary to return to the Law “On Grain” and other laws in the field of agro-industrial production. It is necessary to amend and supplement other unrealized legislative acts taking into account the realities that have developed in the agricultural economy, to finalize and adopt targeted programs that are extremely important for the sustainable development of agriculture and the grain market both in the region and in the country as a whole.

8. Remuneration in departments

In the traditional sense, wages are not provided. The opportunity is provided for each employee to have the right to sell not labor, but the result of his labor, as a product, which will change the employee’s attitude towards work. This provides that each employee, under a contract, provides some service to production. For this purpose, the charter of the Agro-Industrial Management Company identifies 185 types of economic activities in order to reflect as fully as possible the possible needs for certain services.

What causes this?

Even 100 years ago, the researcher and practitioner Engeldardt noted that not every peasant can be an owner. “Some people think,” he wrote, “that it is enough to be born a peasant, to be accustomed to peasant work from an early age, in order to be a good owner, a good worker. This is completely false. There are very few good owners, because extremely much is required from a good owner.”

Today the wave of intoxication with property ends. It showed that the agro-industrial sector has brought yesterday into the market economy, that is, work the old fashioned way. Hundreds of thousands of farmers went bankrupt, hundreds of the largest collective and state farms turned out to be insolvent, as a result, millions of collective farmers were left without a livelihood, and young people left the village en masse, not seeing any prospects for themselves. The remaining workers (45-50 years old) are waiting for a new “master who will come and judge”, without showing any initiative themselves, as they are accustomed to dependency, therefore it is the younger generation, who did not know the principles of Soviet administrative and command leadership, that needs to be trained and educated in the new market and economic conditions of farming. Today, studying economics means not only learning economic categories, but also to combine the acquired knowledge with the practice of agro-industrial production.

The proposed form of payment for a service introduces a person into market relations, and with such an attitude towards work, the worker begins to understand that he works for himself, for his own benefits, that he is the master of his own livelihood and has the right to dispose of his income himself, that is, a worker becomes an individual entrepreneur within the organization.

9. Remuneration in management
Managing agro-industrial company

Management work is a specific type of human activity. It is associated with forecasting, planning, decision making, control, coordination and regulation of production. The main task of managerial work is to coordinate the joint efforts of the team, its departments and individual employees in order to achieve planned results.

Managerial work does not directly create material values, but takes an active part in their creation. In addition, managerial work is a special type of mental work associated with the implementation of executive and administrative functions and the transformation of information. It is characterized by high complexity, intensity, a wide range of tasks, and often requires a creative approach. Therefore, managerial work, like worker labor, is productive. At the same time, the goals and content of management activities have their own characteristics. Thus, the activities of a manager and a worker differ in the subject, means and result of labor. The subject of managerial work, first of all, is the work of the team and its members. In addition, the subject of a manager’s work is information, on the basis of which he develops, makes and implements management decisions. The results of the work of managers and specialists are expressed in the results of the activities of the objects and workers subordinate to them.

In this regard, the result of the work of the management team will be assessed by labor collectives, that is, labor collectives will make deductions from the funds earned for the maintenance of the Department. Deductions will tie Management to whoever is working. All control and accounting has been transferred down to the producers themselves; as a result, the Department is only concerned with regulating relationships between structures, as well as creating normal conditions for production. All economic issues are considered by the General Director of the Agricultural Management Company, who acts as a legal guarantor and carries out external relations. The functions of the head of a production structure are reduced to organizing production within the structure and ensuring the educational process.

At the organizational and first stage, when the Management is created as a project group, which is engaged in organizing the structure of the Agro-Industrial Management Company and developing project programs, payment for specialists is made from allocated or raised funds. It cannot be otherwise, since a temporary creative team is being created that solves specific target problems, for example, personnel selection, explanatory work among rural producers about the introduction of new technologies, working with government agencies on financing an innovative Project, developing marketing for effective activities in the market or other according to the program.

10. New economy for young professionals,
graduated from higher and secondary educational institutions

It is best to start a new business by attracting young specialists, so as not to introduce into it yesterday's, outdated day, which led us to such disastrous results.

It’s one thing when a young specialist goes to work in a dying village where he doesn’t see his future, and it’s a completely different thing when a young specialist has the opportunity to change the entire production process using new technologies and revive the village. Here is his perspective, here is his opportunity to apply his knowledge and all his skills. When a young specialist sees his own prospects, then he will try to attract other young people to this opening prospect, since creative and productive activities open up for many.

Creative and productive activities for young people

1. Organization of schools for modern entrepreneurs on the basis of honesty and trust, mutual respect as equal partners, so that Russian spiritual traditions of sacrifice and selflessness in good deeds are revived.

2. Organization of a mobile structure of agricultural production and management, where not the labor process is assessed, but its result on the basis of dying villages and low-profit industries.

3. Organizing the collection of wild plants around the region, processing and packaging them.

4. Organization of youth production facilities for processing agricultural and livestock products.

5. Organization of youth production for the harvesting and complete processing of timber and the production of products from the resulting forest products.

6. Organization of a youth commercial center for the sale of its own products, products and goods from other regions and countries and a storage base for them.

7. Participation in branches of the Agro-Industrial Management Company as full partners.

8. Organization of youth creative teams for the scientific development of alternative communication systems, heat supply, water supply, electricity supply, and construction technologies for practical application in the cities and villages of the region.

9. Organization of youth project groups for the design of rural industries and settlements.

10. The revival in youth rural settlements of the traditional Russian way of communal-cathedral life, as an example of spiritual unity, in which assistance to the region will be manifested through the solution of various levels of social problems: individual, problems of the family and clan as a whole, the unification of territories on the basis of public territorial self-government (PTS).

11. Involving the TOS population in the development of small business, small entrepreneurship and production based on joint labor, as a means of life and spiritual rapprochement of people of different nationalities and religions, awakening in them the desire for creative activity.

12. Organization of the institution of local self-government and interaction of TPS with government bodies.

13. Formation of alternative forms of production, habitats and networks of their interaction as conditions for a new way of life.

14. Forming a core of the most socially adapted young specialists to involve them in management processes and improve production efficiency, revive the production potential of created youth enterprises and gather under them the social infrastructure of the adjacent territory.

15. Establishing connections with other production and territorial structures to organize joint productions.

16. Formation of a unified policy for the system of accounting, planning, control at the created youth enterprises.

17. Socialization and continuous training of persons who do not have a specialty or retraining directly on the job in specialties and crafts necessary for a high-quality technological process, organizational and management technologies, social orientation and interaction.

18. Organization of legal and socio-psychological consultation centers to defend civil rights and harmonize relations between the population and the authorities.

19. Creation of an independent youth coordination council with the right to consider any youth initiatives aimed at reviving Siberia, providing social and charitable assistance to those in need, developing the educational sphere, from which to take the best organizational forms of work, with the right to reject illiterate or selfishly directed initiatives that could cause harm both the region and the state as a whole.

11. Testing a new model of integrated socio-economic development of agricultural production through the implementation of a starting program for creating a sustainable environment for people to live and live in the ecological and economic base territory

We will look at the basic model of rural settlement development, which was not born suddenly, but over the course of ten years, many options were considered, the centuries-old way of life of the rural community was studied, the experience of modern self-governing settlements was developed, and our own was developed. The combination of various experiences made it possible to see how the rural area should develop. In the rural settlement development model, we tried to combine the traditional rural way of life and the modern urban lifestyle as harmoniously as possible. This model does not break the natural state of the rural worker and does not lead to a generation gap, but rather contributes to the revival of the continuity of rural labor and moral traditions, but taking into account the new agricultural economy.

The entire base area is divided into three zones by the project.

First zone:Rehabilitation of agricultural production. Prevention and rehabilitation of the environment and life. Introduction of the latest research and technologies of science and technology into agricultural production.

Purpose of rehabilitation agricultural production is to rehabilitate the rural worker. To show a person the inner satisfaction and joy that he receives from joint agricultural work, despite the difficulty of the work . Show how in a soul exhausted by contradictions and vanity everyday life, an island of peace and calm integrity appears, while a person receives new strength and creative inspiration. Agricultural work and farming are truly creative tasks. There is more truth and real success in such creativity than that of the most prominent politician, actor or artist. Every labor is recognized by its fruits, and the fruits of the farmer are simple and obvious.

First zone will have a multifunctional purpose: it will be a base platform for introducing the latest research and technologies of science and technology into agricultural production; processing of agricultural products, fruits and vegetables, fish, meat and milk. It will serve as a training and production faculty for the Center for Continuing Education; will be a subsidiary farm for social and healthcare facilities; will be the basis for labor and social rehabilitation of the poor and difficult to educate .

The first zone includes the following objects:

Agricultural production: crop production, growing vegetables and oilseed crops, a garden on an area of ​​10 hectares with a beekeeper for 500 families; breeding fish in an artificial reservoir; artificial cultivation of mushrooms (champignons, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms). Warehouses for storing seeds, a utility yard for parking and storing agricultural machinery and equipment, a fuel and lubricants warehouse for 50 tons.

Livestock complex, including: a cattle farm for 400 heads with mini-shops for processing meat and milk, a rabbitry, a sheepfold, a stable; workshop for primary tanning of hides; a workshop for processing manure, plant waste and waste from the processing of meat and milk into vermicompost (worm-based technology). Warehouses for hay, haylage and other livestock feed.

Auxiliary production: forge, cooperage and packaging workshops, garage with service for repair and maintenance of machines, tractor equipment and various equipment; workshop for sewing and making equipment for horse-drawn vehicles; sewing workshop for sewing workwear, including winter clothing.

Repair and construction complex, including a carpentry workshop with a sawmill and a warehouse for storing round timber, a workshop for the production of bricks, paving and ceramic tiles, tiles, wall, building and foundation blocks, a mortar-concrete unit, a lime burning workshop.

Processing of agricultural products: mini-workshop for the production of pasta, cereals and soups, pumpkin juices and other assortments; a workshop for salting and canning vegetable and horticultural products, wild plants; workshop for the production of essential oils and medicinal herbs; workshop for processing agricultural products: flour, feed, vegetable oils, etc. Warehouses for storing garden and vegetable products, warehouses for finished products.

The construction area is 42 hectares.

The second zone is residential

In the second zone, the latest construction technologies and the latest technologies for manufacturing and products will be introduced. It includes the following objects:

Housing – 1st quarter residential buildings – 25 buildings, 2 square meters. residential buildings - 17 buildings, residential building for young professionals with a built-in dining room - 1 building. A total of 47 residential properties.

Educational objects – Center for continuous education for 200 people, a comprehensive secondary school with career guidance.

Social facilities – Convent of Mercy for children left without parental care and lonely elderly people for 100 people, day boarding house for children preschool age for 25 people.

Healthcare facilities – paramedic and midwife station, year-round rehabilitation center for natural medicine and rehabilitation.

Postal and trade facilities – a post office with a bank branch, a shopping center, a grocery store with a mini-bakery.

Administrative, cultural and community facilities – a building of territorial-public self-government (TPS), a club-cafe, a sports complex, an atelier, consumer service workshops, an autodrome, a car service center, garages with open parking, a gas station, a guest courtyard, a park area with children's attractions, a temple complex.

The estimated population is 500 people. All objects are fully equipped. The construction area is 30 hectares.

The main direction was identified from the residential area, which will be the core of the entire program, and the rest will accompany it - this is a new rural school.


We for a long time met with heads of enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership and talked with them a lot about the revival of Siberia and how this can be done. All the leaders agreed that if we do not want to become aborigines in our country, since emigrants are breeding and multiplying in Russia, and there are fewer and fewer of us Russians, then we must develop the village. And everyone understood perfectly well that only the countryside would enable Russians to survive, could produce healthy offspring, and raise them properly. An example of this is the Old Believers, who survived as a community abroad and not only survived, but also preserved the original Russian culture, which we, unfortunately, were not able to preserve under the Soviet regime. But at the same time, the question was raised that school should become completely different, that it should first of all teach life rules, and not give knowledge that is almost never used in real life. Thus the idea of ​​a new rural school was born.

By a new school we mean the creation of a fundamentally different school body, a new organization of all educational tasks for the sake of restoring a full-fledged human personality, the main goal of which is: the formation of a holistic worldview in a child, which would give him the opportunity to really feel the unity of the world, and the interconnectedness of all external and internal processes life.

Today the social environment is sick, so the school should not play along, but resist. First of all, in our time, the school must take on the functions that in the recent past were performed by the family and society. Yesterday, parents read books to their child, taught him to be polite, introduced him to work, to charity, etc. Society placed a demand on intelligence, decency, chastity, and so on. Since today the participation of parents in the matter spiritual development and the labor education of the child has sharply decreased, and the social environment teaches the most negative lessons, then in these conditions new school must take on these functions, while using everything in education three items, namely:

1 . First item unites humanitarian subjects such as history, Russian language, literature, natural history, geography, biology, etc., which permeate each other and are inseparable from each other. This subject gives children a holistic knowledge of human history, starting from the creation of Adam and Eve. We begin to consider the history of mankind from the life of the first people in paradise, the first deviation from the commandment of God, their expulsion from paradise. We are considering the history of the birth of the first people on earth, which began to emerge after the expulsion of the first people from paradise. We consider their life, the origin of religion, culture, the first crime on earth, the consequence of which was the division of the first humanity into two peoples, one of which gradually lost the image and likeness of God, becoming the very “primitive man” about whom historians write so much, those who don't know God. We are considering the settlement of the first people on earth as a result of which new cities, new peoples were formed, still speaking the same language, but already having a certain cultural identity due to different climatic influences. We look at how the people gradually became corrupted, apostatizing from God; as a result, God divided the first people into different languages and thus gave birth to civilizations with different cultural levels. And now we begin to consider the development of these civilizations, while for consideration we take a millennium, and not a single century, since different peoples, living in the millennium under review, had their birth and growth, flowering and dying. Moreover, each nation had its own achievements of science and technology, its own culture, religion, way of life, traditions of government, which contributed to the common treasury human history, reached its flowering and left the historical stage. This approach allows us to see the laws of development that are common to all humanity.

We consider how each cultural-historical type did not continue the development of the previous or existing type next to it, but developed its own civilizations peculiar only to it, but at the same time we look at the positive and negative impact, both previous and modern civilizations one on top of the other.

Studying the development of human history, getting acquainted with culture, language, science, religion, the way of life of people and the norms of their behavior in the millennium under review, the student will see a motley, colorful picture of options for the development of mankind, each of which had its own advantages and disadvantages, but none of them was not ideal and at the same time he will see the unity of all civilizations, for they were all formed from the same root, from the same ancestors. Such a multidimensional vision of history will allow us to develop creative and free thinking, in which the student learns to consider the known as the unknown, discover the depth of what is already known, learns to see that knowledge of a historical event is limitless and has a special meaning for us. today's life real meaning.

As an analysis of world agricultural markets and the agro-industrial complex of a number of countries shows, innovations in agriculture occupy a significant part of the agro-industrial budget. The growth of such expenses is especially noticeable in 18 developed countries. However, in our country, paradoxically, funding is decreasing, and not gradually, but in noticeable jumps. In terms of the last decade, funding for programs aimed at developing new technologies and innovative projects in the agro-industrial complex decreased by half per 1 hectare.

Therefore, it turns out that, having some of the largest agricultural land in terms of area and quality on the planet, we are not increasing production through the introduction of modern technologies, but on the contrary, we are ruining it, and squeezing out of the agro-industrial complex everything that was laid down back in the USSR. However, with this approach, all the accumulated potential in the agro-industrial complex, which was provided by innovations in agriculture in the USSR, will quickly decline, which will lead to a noticeable increase in the price of agricultural products and a decrease in production volumes.

In addition, innovation in agriculture encounters another obstacle in its path. This is not the perception by agricultural workers of all levels of new and And this is not at all surprising, because over the past two decades, the outflow of human resources from the agricultural sector to the industrial sector has not only begun to increase, but has also acquired catastrophic indicators. As a result, the majority of people who remained to work in agriculture were those who worked there back in the USSR; this, and also the age component, causes them to completely or partially not perceive such trends in the development of the industry. And if we add the simply deplorable state of education in villages, then even young agricultural workers will not be able to adequately and professionally accept all the innovations in agriculture. By the way, this is confirmed by a number of experiments on the construction of agricultural farms using modern technologies with maximum automation of production processes. As experience has shown, it is very difficult to select volunteers for the implementation of projects such as the “Village of the Future” and similar ones. Since if a person has enough knowledge and a good education, he simply does not want to return to the village, and most of those who want to have a significant lack of knowledge (and not because of stupidity, but because of the disgusting education in the village), which does not allow them to immediately take advantage of such project, which requires additional training. And despite the fact that audits in agriculture show the profitability of such projects, they often turn into forgotten or dead-end experiments.

Therefore, when saying “innovation in agriculture”, one cannot mean only the agro-industrial complex and scientific and technological institutes that are engaged in developments in this area. In order for everything to come true, it is also necessary to have high-quality and modern financing, strengthen the education system in rural areas, improve its level, and create attractive social conditions to attract the younger generation to the agricultural sector. And only after completing such a set of measures can we talk about introducing some projects in agriculture.

The main directions in this area are biotechnology and technical progress (modernization). Biotechnologies in agriculture are aimed at increasing the volume of production in crop and livestock production, by increasing soil fertility, increasing crop yields, improving the quality of crops, preventing processes of degradation and destruction of natural ecological systems and environment.

Technical progress or modernization of equipment and machinery is aimed at reducing energy consumption during the cultivation and processing of agricultural products. Modernization of production processes, both in the livestock sector and crop production, through automation and robotization of most processes, which in turn will lead to a reduction in the human resources involved in production.

You can describe innovations in agriculture for a very long time, their types and types, but all of them are impossible without the minimum conditions that we described above. Therefore, this issue relates not only to private capital, but mainly to the state itself, with its significant support for such processes, agriculture in our country can become one of the main sources of budget revenues.

Agriculture at the present stage is experiencing a new boom. The development of new technologies makes it possible to increase productivity, reduce production costs, and improve product quality. In modern agriculture, several areas of technology development and the use of innovation can be distinguished:

  • Tillage technologies
  • Technologies for the production of agricultural machinery and equipment
  • Technologies for raising and keeping livestock
  • Soil drainage and irrigation technologies
  • Technologies for collecting and preserving products
  • Technologies for transportation and sales of products

In addition to these areas, there is a wide range of innovative areas applicable in agriculture.

Issues of producing environmentally friendly products are coming to the fore today. In this regard, technologies that improve the purity of products are in great demand today. The use of modern technology also helps to improve product quality.

And of course, undoubtedly, one of the priority areas was and is everything related to increasing product productivity. Innovations that make it possible to collect several harvests of agricultural products per year successfully complement waste-free production technologies and technologies for competent harvesting and preservation of crops.

In the livestock sector, feed procurement technologies, technologies for keeping and breeding poultry, livestock and previously exotic animals are being developed.

The capabilities of modern agriculture today are no less impressive than the capabilities of the space and computer industries, and the provision of food to the country's population depends on innovations in this area. Effective methods of countering natural disasters and preserving crops and livestock are also priority areas.

In our catalog of scientific and technical portal you can get acquainted with the latest technologies in the field of agriculture. You will gain insight into new ideas, designs, developments, as well as existing and existing models that can improve the technological process and increase the efficiency of food production and other agricultural products. We are confident that you will find ideas worth implementing here.

The invention relates to devices that provide primary processing of clay raw materials and its supply to a production line for the production of ceramic products. A device for loosening and dosed feeding of clay raw materials contains a hopper for raw materials, a feeder located underneath it, in the housing of which at least one pair of counter-rotating shafts with loosening elements is installed, and a belt conveyor located under the feeder unloading window, equipped with weighing means. The shaft sections located above the feeder unloading window are made in the form of three- or four-entry augers, the blades of each of which move in the inter-blade spaces of the adjacent auger. The technical result is an increase in dosing accuracy by eliminating the spontaneous loss of material onto the conveyor belt after stopping the shaft rotation drive. 4 salary f-ly, 6 ill.

The invention relates to agriculture and can be used for separating bulk seed mixtures. The device contains a rotating drum made of dielectric, electrodes of alternating polarity, a feeder, and receivers of separation products. The drum is installed horizontally and placed inside an outer hollow stator in the shape of a horseshoe in cross section, which is fixedly fixed and divided into several separation zones along the movement of the material, each of which has a system of electrodes of alternating polarity with a variable pitch. The upper and lower ends of the stator in cross section are offset by an angle of 10° from its vertical axis. Receivers for separation products of coarse and fine fractions are placed in pairs parallel to each other inside a rotating drum in each separation zone. The longitudinal proximal ends of each pair are interconnected and located under the upper end of the stator. Receivers for the coarse fraction are equipped with grain outlets outside the drum, and for the fine fraction - into the next separation zone. The fine fraction receiver, located in the last separation zone, is equipped with grain output outside the drum. The quality of separation improves while reducing energy costs and increasing productivity. 2 tables, 2 ill.

The invention relates to equipment for producing edible vegetable oil in the oil processing industry. An oil press, including a grinding chamber, a screw shaft, an oil-squeezing chamber with a grain cylinder, a mechanism for regulating pressure in the press, a screw, a press feeder, a screw feeder shaft, is characterized in that the oil press consists of two working chambers, the first chamber is a chamber for grinding and heat treating the original oilseed raw materials, and the second is the oil extraction chamber, the raw material grinding and heat treatment chamber consists of three zones, the first zone is the raw material loading zone, the second is the seed moisture treatment zone, the third is the grinding zone, two rotating screws are installed in the raw material grinding and heat treatment chamber towards each other, the heat treatment zone is equipped with a pipe for supplying water, the oil extraction chamber, consisting of a zone for loading and grinding raw materials, which is under vacuum pressure, as well as a zone for pressing oil raw materials, the oil extraction chamber is equipped with a lid in the zone for loading and grinding raw materials, the zone pressing is represented by a grain housing, consisting of trapezoidal-shaped grain plates with two chamfers on the inner surface, the pitch of the screw turns installed in the chamber for grinding and heat treatment of the original oilseed raw material gradually decreases along the entire length. The invention allows us to develop an oil press design that allows us to reduce energy consumption, reduce overall dimensions, as well as carry out operations of grinding and frying the original oilseeds, and increase the oil yield in the heat treatment chamber of the oil press. 3 ill.

A new product on the modern market that will amaze and surprise any gardener! This device is effective when exposed both above and below the ground. With this device you will get rid of annoying pests forever. "Grad A-500" was developed on the basis of modern technologies. It makes sounds that can scare away rodent pests such as shrews, moles, mice, rats and others.

To help farmers optimize their hybrid seed planting efforts, improve seed germination and increase agricultural profitability, Kinze Manufacturing, Inc has created the concept of the world's first electric multi-hybrid seeder.

Mice, rats and other rodents of the mammalian family cause enormous damage to agriculture. Probably every summer resident has thought more than once about an effective method that can permanently expel pests from the site, because they destroy the entire crop in just a few days, and no chemical poison has any effect on them...

Qualitative improvement of production is carried out in the form of innovations, which form the basis of the investment process. Innovation is new way satisfying needs, giving an increase in beneficial effect and, as a rule, based on the achievements of science and technology.

Innovation (innovation) represents the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced to the market, a new or improved technological process, a new approach to social services. Innovation activity- a system of measures to bring scientific technical ideas, inventions, developments to a result suitable for practical use. In full, innovative activities include all types of scientific research (fundamental and applied), design, technological, experimental developments, as well as measures to master innovations in production.

As a result of innovative activity, new products, technologies and forms of organization and production management appear. This is an important aspect of scientific and technological progress, one of the necessary conditions for effective functioning of agriculture commodity producers in a market economy.

Innovation activity is associated with bringing scientific and technical ideas and developments to implementation in specific products and technologies that are in demand in the market. Depending on technological parameters, innovations are divided into product and process. Getting a fundamentally new product is a product innovation. Process innovation is the development of new or significantly improved production methods, technologies, forms of organization and production management. According to the degree of novelty, innovations are divided into new for the industry and new for a given enterprise (group of enterprises). Depending on the depth of the changes introduced, radical (basic) innovations are distinguished, which implement major inventions and become the basis for the formation of new generations and directions of technology development; improving, usually implementing small and medium-sized inventions and prevailing in the phases of dissemination and stable development of the scientific and technological cycle; modification (private), aimed at partially improving outdated generations of equipment and technology.

By role in vos production process innovations can be consumer or investment. By scale, innovations are divided into complex (synthetic) and simple. The driving force for innovation is market competition. Due to the use of outdated equipment and technologies agricultural enterprises suffer losses, so they are forced to reduce production costs through innovation. Enterprises that are the first to master effective innovations can reduce production costs and, consequently, strengthen their position in competition with enterprises offering similar products.

Innovative activity is a powerful lever with which to overcome the decline in production, ensure its structural restructuring, and saturate the market with a variety of competitive products. The transition to an innovative economic model means not only stabilization, but also a constant increase in the technical and technological level of domestic production. The main directions of innovative activity in agriculture are: energy- and resource-saving technologies for production, storage and agricultural processing products; innovations that help fill the domestic market with cheap and high-quality food products; innovations that make it possible to increase productivity, efficiency, maintainability of machinery and equipment, extend their service life, and increase productivity; training highly qualified personnel for the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the construction of an innovative economic model; measures to improve the environmental situation. The most important role in innovation activity belongs to the state. The state provides funding and choice of priorities in innovation sphere, strategic planning, determining the list of goods and services that may become the subject of government orders, creating mechanisms for self-organization in the innovation sphere, encouraging large capital for participation in innovative projects, examination and analysis of innovative projects. Necessary conditions for innovation activity are monitoring, a developed innovation infrastructure that facilitates the prompt delivery to producers of information about the results of scientific and technical activities, specific scientific recommendations on various aspects of agro-industrial production. Great value Information and advisory services play a role in this. Their importance is increasing sharply due to the reduction in the number of highly qualified specialists working directly in the agro-industrial complex.

The most important component innovation activity - research and development work. The result of innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex should be an increase in crop yields and animal productivity, labor productivity, a reduction in cost and material consumption per unit of production, an increase in profits, as well as a reduction in economic damage from pollution environment. The economic efficiency of innovation activity is characterized by the ratio of the economic effect from the introduction of innovation to the costs that determined it. The effect can be represented by gross and net production, profit. The costs of innovation activities are understood as the totality of material and monetary resources spent to achieve the effect. When economically assessing innovative projects, indicators of comparative efficiency of capital investments are used. In conditions market economy innovation activities should be aimed at creating competitive products, increasing the volume of their production and increasing the profitability of agriculture.

25. Intensification of agriculture: concept and economic essence of intensification

The development of agriculture is carried out in accordance with the objective economic laws of expanded reproduction. An increase in production volumes in agriculture can be achieved both by expanding land area and increasing the number of livestock, and through the efficient use of means of production. In the first case, we are talking about an extensive path of industry development. The increase in production in this form of production is achieved through a quantitative increase in the means of labor involved in the production process. The extensive path of agricultural development is characterized by the expansion of areas land resources on the same technical basis without significant changes in equipment and production technology. The extensive path does not have a broad prospect, since the amount of land is limited and cannot be significantly increased. The extensive development path does not ensure increased productivity of land. Consequently, with this path, the growth of agricultural production cannot be unlimited.

In turn, the intensive development path contributes to the continuous growth of agricultural crop yields and livestock productivity. This path allows for more efficient use of available resources, agricultural land, livestock and poultry. Achieving these goals can be achieved through the application of scientific and technological progress, effective use of land, material and labor resources. With an intensive development path, there is a concentration of capital on the same unit of land area to increase production volumes per hectare of land.

New crop production technologies

This path of agricultural development provides unlimited opportunities to increase agricultural and livestock production. The intensive path of agricultural development does not exclude extensive production in certain periods or in certain regions of the country. The development of new lands in the vast territory of our country with its diversity in natural and economic regions is becoming an economic inevitability. It was dictated by the need to develop productive forces, more rational use land resources, the interests of locating production and increasing agricultural production.

The term "intensity" means tension, increased activity. In relation to agriculture, an increase in intensity presupposes the active functioning of the main means in agriculture, namely land resources.

IN economic sense Agricultural intensification should be understood as the increasing use of more advanced means of production, and sometimes skilled labor, on the same land area in order to increase production and improve the efficiency of the industry as a whole. Intensification is an economic process in which there is an increase in costs per unit of area or head of livestock and an increase in the production of crop and livestock products is achieved, an improvement in their quality and a reduction in material and monetary costs for production and sales. The intensification of agriculture is based on continuous technical progress, the growth of high-performance machines, mineral fertilizers, land reclamation, the development of new high-yielding varieties of agricultural crops and highly productive breeds of animals. It represents an objective and natural process of agricultural development on an expanded basis. This is not a simple mechanical increase in the mass of provisions, but a further qualitative development of the productive forces of agriculture.

The main goal of agricultural intensification is to increase production and improve its quality to better meet the growing needs of the population. It plays an important role in bringing together material and cultural conditions life of the rural and urban population, contributes to the transformation of agricultural labor into a type of industrial labor, bringing agriculture closer to the level of industry in terms of technical equipment and organization of production.

The acceleration of scientific and technological progress in agriculture leads to a change in the ratio of living and materialized labor to the production of a unit of output. At the same time, the share of materialized labor increases, the share of living labor decreases, and the total labor costs per 1 centner of output decreases. This reveals the economic essence of intensification as the most important direction for the development of agriculture in modern conditions.

Intensification as a process of development of agricultural production is possible and justified not only when the growth of production is carried out in higher proportions and sizes compared to the increase in additional investments, but also in the case when production grows in a much smaller amount than the increase in additional costs. A decrease in output with additional capital investments occurs only in cases where the level of technical equipment in agriculture remains unchanged.



Innovative technologies in crop production. Nanotechnology.

Modern nanotechnologies are of great interest in relation to grain as a strategic raw material and one of the key factors in the country's food security.
Pests of grain stocks cause enormous damage to crop production, reducing crop yields by an average of 30-35% with a significant deterioration in the quality of the resulting products.
For example, in Novosibirsk region, which produces 3 million tons of grain per year, due to violations of the grain processing and storage technology, losses from pathogenic microorganisms are at least 15%, which is comparable to the volume of wheat grain (300 thousand tons) necessary to provide bread for the population of this region.

In the microbiological research laboratory of the SibUPK, together with the Siberian branch of the State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Diseases, work was carried out to assess the effectiveness of the influence of various concentrations of silver and bismuth nanopreparations on phytopathogenic microflora and seed qualities of wheat grain. Using the example of the strain Vas. mesentericus (potato stick), as a representative of the microflora of grain and flour, it was found that the silver nanobiocomposite reduces the amount of the causative agent of “potato disease” in bread by up to 44%, which has a positive effect on the quality of flour and baked bread.

One of the significant reserves for increasing the yield and quality of grain is phytosanitary optimization of the technology of cultivating grain crops, based on the disinfection of seed material from pathogens (about 75% fungal and more than 88% bacterial), which are transmitted in large quantities with planting material.
The Siberian branch of the State Scientific Institution VNIIZ, together with the State Scientific Institution SibNIIRS of the Russian Agricultural Academy and the Institute of Chemical Technology and Technology of the SB RAS, conducted comprehensive exploratory studies of the effect of bismuth and silver nanopreparations on the phytosanitary condition and sowing properties of spring wheat seeds in laboratory and field conditions. According to the results of experiments, the use of bismuth and silver nanopreparations had a positive effect on the sowing performance of spring wheat seeds of the Novosibirskaya 29 and Sibirskaya 12 varieties. Their germination and germination energy increased by 1.2-2.5 times, compared with the control and the use of imported disinfectants. The infection of seeds by phytopathogenic fungi when treated with bismuth nanopreparations decreased by 2.3-2.8 times, which was higher than when seeds were treated with a silver nanopreparation.
Optimal concentrations and consumption rates of a bismuth nano-preparation have been developed for pre-sowing treatment of spring wheat seeds.

Innovations in the agro-industrial complex

The drug is a colloidal solution of bismuth subcitrate in the form of nano-sized particles, which has a stimulating effect along with fungicidal and anti-stress properties and is safe for the environment.
Recommendations for the use of bismuth nanopreparations in agriculture for growing grain crops and storing grain have been approved. Bismuth-based nanopreparations are more economical than imported grain treaters with similar functions. Bismuth is also more than 20 times cheaper than silver.
The estimated annual economic effect from the use of bismuth nanopreparation, instead of imported disinfectants, for pre-sowing treatment of wheat seed grain in the amount of 250 thousand tons (for the Novosibirsk region) is determined at 50 million rubles. In this case, the expected increase in wheat grain yield can be at least 15-20%.

The research results were published several times (more than 10 times). A patent has been received for them and an application for another patent has been filed. Works on nanotechnology were exhibited twice at the International Nanotechnology Forum in Moscow.
Based on data from a comprehensive study of the effect of silver and bismuth nanopreparations on the phytosanitary condition of wheat seeds and on the productive performance of farm animals and poultry, the following conclusions can be drawn:
* modern direction disinfection and storage of grain can be the use of nanopreparations based on bismuth and silver, which have a multifunctional effect, in particular, the ability to suppress pathogens, stimulate growth and increase plant resistance to stress factors;

* in the production of mixed feed, nanopreparations based on bismuth and silver are promising to be used within the established standards as therapeutic and prophylactic additives to prevent gastrointestinal diseases in farm animals and poultry, which will completely eliminate antibiotics;

* it is important to note the economic importance of the use of nanotechnology in the agro-industrial complex, ensuring an increase in agricultural production by 15-20% while significantly reducing material costs and preserving the environment. In this case, priority is given to the use of bismuth-based nanopreparations, as they are the most economically promising.

2. Basic tillage.

Tillage is understood as the mechanical impact on the soil by the working parts of tillage machines and implements in order to create optimal soil conditions for grown plants, destroy weeds, and protect the soil from erosion. Tillage is the main agrotechnical means of regulating soil regimes, the intensity of biological processes and, most importantly, maintaining good phytosanitary condition of the soil and crops. By properly cultivating the soil, we increase the effective fertility and productivity of crops.
The main tasks of the tillage system in modern agriculture are the following:
creating a powerful cultivated arable layer, maintaining high effective fertility in it, favorable water-air, thermal and nutritional regimes for plants by changing its structure and structural state, periodically turning and mixing the soil layers;
complete destruction of growing weeds, pathogens and crop pests, reduction of potential infestations, improvement of the general phytosanitary situation in crop rotation fields;
increasing the erosion resistance of the soil and protecting it from erosion;
incorporation and uniform distribution of plant residues and fertilizers in the soil;
giving the best structure and structural condition to the seed layer of soil in order to place seeds at a specified depth, creating conditions for the highly productive use of tillage and harvesting machines.
Methods and techniques of soil cultivation.
To create optimal living conditions, plants are used various ways and soil cultivation techniques.
The method of tillage is the mechanical impact of the working bodies of tillage implements and machines on the density and location of genetic horizons of the cultivated soil layer of different quality in terms of fertility. There are moldboard, non-mouldboard, rotary and combined methods of tillage.
The moldboard method involves processing with moldboard implements with full or partial wrapping of the treated layer in order to change the location of layers or genetic soil horizons of different quality in the vertical direction in combination with loosening, mixing, cutting and incorporation of plant residues and fertilizers into the soil.
The non-moldboard method involves processing with non-moldboard tillage tools and machines without changing the location of layers and genetic horizons of different quality in terms of fertility for the purpose of loosening or compacting, cutting weeds and preserving plant residues on the soil surface.
The rotary method involves processing soil-cultivating tools and machines with rotating working bodies to eliminate the differentiation of the cultivated layer in terms of its density and fertility by actively crumbling and mixing soil, plant residues and fertilizers to form a homogeneous layer.
Combined methods include processing with combined and conventional tillage tools and machines that provide different combination by horizons and layers, as well as by the timing of implementation of moldboard, non-moldboard and rotary methods of soil cultivation.
Tillage methods are used to increase the effective fertility and productivity of agricultural crops. At the same time, climatic conditions, soil type and degree of cultivation, and the requirements of cultivated crops are taken into account.
Tillage technique is a single mechanical impact on the soil by the working bodies of tillage machines and implements in one way or another to perform one or more technological operations to a certain depth.
Based on the depth of cultivation, methods of basic, surface and special tillage are distinguished.
Basic tillage refers to the deepest tillage of the soil, which significantly changes its composition for a specific crop rotation. The main processing includes plowing and deep loosening.
Surface tillage is the cultivation of the soil with various implements to a depth not exceeding 12... 14 cm. This includes peeling, cultivating, harrowing, rolling, flattening, and low-growing.
Special soil treatment is used in the presence of specific conditions for a specific purpose. Special processing techniques include multilayer (tiered) treatments using tiered plows, plantation plowing, slitting, and mole.
Basic tillage techniques
Plowing is carried out with plows with moldboards of different designs, which determines the dissimilarity in the composition of the technological operations performed and the quality of their implementation. Plows with screw moldboards cover the soil layer well, but crumble it poorly; on the contrary, plows with a cylindrical moldboard surface crumble the soil layer well, but do not turn it well.
If, during operation of the plow, the soil layer is completely turned around (by 180°), then they speak of plowing with rotation of the layer. When the soil layer is not completely tipped over and it is placed obliquely (at 135°) on its edge, we speak of plowing with the uplift of the layer.
However, better wrapping and crumbling of the soil layer, especially soil released from under perennial grasses, is achieved by plowing with a plow with a cultural moldboard and a skimmer installed in front of it. The skimmer removes 2/3 of the working width of the main body from the top layer of soil 8...10 cm thick, containing stubble, plant residues, harmful insects and phytopathogenic microorganisms, seeds and organs of vegetative regeneration of weeds, and dumps it to the bottom of the furrow. In order to properly cover and seal the top layer of soil, the main body must work deeper than the skimmer at least 10... 12 cm. It lifts the bottom layer, which is well structured and relatively free from harmful organisms, onto the dump, wraps it, crumbles it and completely sprinkles it with the previously discarded top layer layer. Such plowing with a plow with a cultural moldboard and a skimmer to a depth of at least 20...22 cm is called cultural, or classical, plowing. It is widely used as autumn (fall) plowing in various regions of Russia in fields where there is no real danger of erosion processes.
When plowing with moldboard plows, the soil layer falls off to the right. Therefore, if the plowing of each paddock into which the field to be plowed is divided begins from the edges of the paddock, then a split furrow is formed in the middle, and this method is called waddling plowing. If plowing begins from the middle of the paddock, then a dump ridge is formed in the middle, and this method is called dump plowing.
For plowing, various moldboard plows are used (PLN-5-35, PTK-9-35, PVN-3-35, etc.). When using reversible plows, the field is not divided into paddocks; neither break-up furrows nor fall ridges are formed on it. This type of plowing is called smooth plowing.
In areas subject to wind erosion, in order to preserve stubble and other plant residues on the surface, which protect the soil from being blown away and accumulate a large amount of moisture in the form of snow, so necessary in arid steppe regions, only loosening of the soil is carried out without wrapping it, which is called non-moldboard plowing . Such plowing to a depth of 27...30 cm or more, developed in the early 50s of the 20th century. Academician T. S. Maltsev, are widely used in Western and Eastern Siberia and the European part of Russia using previously moldless plows, and later flat cutters and subsoilers of various designs (KPE-3.8, KPP-2.2, KPG-2-150, CPG-250, VCO-4, paraplow type, etc.).
In fields with uneven surfaces and a large number weakly decomposed plant residues (annual plowing in one direction, the formation of hummocks, clumps of weeds) milling provides good results as the main treatment. When milling tools (FNB-0.9, FN-1.25, KFG-3.6, etc.) operate, the soil intensively crumbles to a depth of 10...20 cm and is thoroughly mixed, creating a homogeneous arable layer or just a seed layer at once , where crop seeds are sown.

3. Technology for cultivating winter wheat inCentral Black Earth region

Full provision of plants with life factors and their protection from harmful influences is ensured by intensive technology based on the use of optimal doses of fertilizers, the use of fractional nitrogen fertilizing, integrated crop protection, etc.

In modern crisis conditions, intensive technology for many farms is possible only on a small part of winter wheat crops in order to ensure the production of the required amount of strong and valuable grain. In most cases, the technology for cultivating winter wheat on farms should be low-cost, energy- and resource-saving, environmentally friendly with a minimum amount of fertilizers and chemical crop protection agents.

Predecessors and place in crop rotation
The predecessors of winter grains in the Central Chernobyl Region are very diverse. Their ordered classification is given in Table 18.

Winter wheat is very demanding of its predecessors; the availability of moisture and nutrients in the soil at the time of sowing, the emergence and development of seedlings, the phytosanitary condition of crops, the yield and quality of grain depend on them. Winter crops in crop rotations are placed in clean, occupied, green manure fallows and non-fallow predecessors.

Pure steam is a repair field; it is good for adding lime, manure or compost, for killing weeds, etc. In areas with insufficient and unstable moisture, it is the most reliable predecessor. Fallow can provide better soil moisture, good seedlings and high yields even in dry conditions. In conditions of shortage of fertilizers and crop protection products, the role of clean vapor increases sharply. Their area can be up to 10% of arable land, especially in the steppe zone.

Busy and green manure (clover) fallows are important, clearing the soil 1.5-2 months or more before sowing winter crops. The best fallow crops: clover, sainfoin or sweet clover for 1 cutting, winter rye, triticale, rapeseed and their mixtures with winter vetch for green fodder, vetch-oat or pea-oat mixtures, lupine or corn for green fodder, etc.

Non-steam predecessors are less reliable, especially in dry steppe areas. However, in moisture-provided conditions, it is possible to obtain fairly high yields from early-harvested leguminous crops (peas, china, lentils, etc.), early potatoes, buckwheat, silage corn, etc. Worse than other predecessors are occupied cereal stubble fallows.