Integrated and comprehensive classes in the dhow. What is a comprehensive and integrated lesson?

Integrated lesson– this is an activity that is aimed at revealing the holistic essence of a certain topic through different types of activities that are combined in the broad information field of the activity through mutual penetration and enrichment.

The structure of integrated classes requires special clarity, thoughtful and logical interconnection of material from different disciplines at all stages of studying the topic. This is achieved subject to the compact, concentrated use of program material, the use of modern methods of organizing children in the classroom, and interactive work.

At the stage of preparation for conducting an integrated lesson, to maintain systematic knowledge, educators use the method of intellectual maps or maps of mental actions.

Smart card− a structural and logical diagram of the content-procedural aspects of studying a certain topic, which reflects in a radial form the connections of the key concept, which is located in the center, with other concepts of this topic (problem) (together they form an inextricable unity).

These maps (schemes for studying a concept or topic) help to reveal the essence of the concept being studied in class and its relationship with other objects (phenomena, processes, objects). The developed map is the basis for further modeling and conducting a lesson or series of lessons (if the topic is very large in scope).

For example, for the integrated lesson “Sea”, the main concept, which is located in the center, will be “sea”. From this concept there will be words that reveal the essence of the central concept - this environment, sea inhabitants, entertainment, sea transport, properties of sea water (see Diagram 1).

This diagram can also be supplemented with specific examples: names of animals, plants, vehicles, diving equipment, sports, and the like.

Scheme 1. Theme “Sea”.

Such maps for the topic can be compiled from prepared material during the lesson with the children. Of course, in this option It's best to use all sorts of images.

Several integrated lessons with indicative content:

"Diversity of leaves."

Cognitive activity - analysis of the shape, size and number of representatives of the plant world (Red Book), grouping of plants (flowers, trees, bushes, herbs), physical activity - outdoor game “Day and night plants”, speech game− writing a warning story “Caution! Plants are predators! (or medicinal plants, etc.), artistic activity− application “November” (selection of geometric shapes in accordance with the shape of the leaves).

"Symmetry in Nature."

Lexical work with the word “same”, experience with mirrors, completing tasks on mosaics (creating snowflakes), searching for symmetry in drawings (depicting representatives of the animal and plant world), making snowflakes, leaves (mirror symmetry) by cutting and imprinting paint on paper, folding patterns from the material “Fold the pattern”, performing symmetry tasks in pairs, subgroups “You are my reflection”.

"Christmas tree".

Guessing and composing riddles about the Christmas tree (determining the characteristic properties - the presence of needles, smell, thorny branches, evergreen), analyzing the shape, size and color, the variety of coniferous trees (“Relatives of the Christmas tree”), creating a New Year tree from geometric shapes, from puzzle material ( “Tangram”, “Pythagoras”), reasoning on the topic “Why are Christmas trees sad after the holidays”? (environmental education).


It is advisable to carry out this activity outdoors, watching a real snail.

Analysis of shape (spiral, circle), size (small), observation of movement speed (slow), didactic game “Who is the slowest?” (comparing the speed of movement of different animals), the outdoor game “Snail” (children draw snails on the asphalt with chalk (a path twisted into a spiral), distribute it into squares and jump in turns), visual activity - coloring with chalk or cutting out a spiral from colored paper.

To conduct integrated classes as topics you can choose:

1.Single concepts- names of certain animals, plants, natural phenomena, household items, holidays

2.Generalized concepts, which includes a certain system of objects:

· forest: a collection of animals, plants, recreation;

· sea: a collection of animals, plants, transport, entertainment;

· store: goods, sellers, buyers, price, money;

· construction: workers, machines, equipment;

class of living nature: animal, flora, characteristic properties, conditions of existence, protection, benefit and harm;

· bakery: workers, equipment, products;

· park: design, entertainment, plants;

·museum: exhibits, excursion, employees, rules of conduct, etc.

When considering one concept in a lesson, its comprehensive disclosure is carried out, integration is realized. If the main concept is generalized, as a result of an integrated lesson, children develop a holistic picture on a specific topic.

Complex classes

Comprehensive is an activity aimed at diversifying the essence of a certain topic through different types of activities that consistently change each other.

Complex and integrated classes are necessarily thematic, they have a selected topic or key concept is the basis for combining tasks from different types of activities.

Consequently, integrated and complex classes provide for the presence of different types of children’s activities, combining knowledge from different fields. But these types of classes differ significantly from one another, although both are based on interdisciplinary (interdisciplinary) connections.

A complex lesson involves the occasional inclusion of questions and tasks from different disciplines and different types of activities. This promotes in-depth perception and understanding of a specific concept. For example, when studying the topic “Spring. Seasonal changes in nature”, the teacher activates children’s knowledge through conversation, accompanying the conversation with children’s drawings and works of artists.

If the main goal of the lesson is to create a holistic image of “spring,” it will integrate content from different disciplines and include tasks with different types of activities. The peculiarity of such an integrated lesson is that blocks of knowledge from different disciplines are combined in order to create a holistic system of knowledge on a specific topic.

It is also believed that the main goal of integrated classes is to create conditions for children to comprehensively consider a specific object, concept, phenomenon, develop systematic thinking, awaken the imagination, and have a positive emotional attitude towards learning.

“In an integrated activity, unification occurs with the penetration of elements of one activity into another, that is, the limits of such unification are blurred. In such an activity it is almost impossible, or at least very difficult, to separate one type of activity from another. In a complex lesson, one activity replaces another, and this transition is noticeable: we’ve drawn, now we’ll play, and then listen to a fairy tale. A complex lesson resembles a multi-layered cake, in which each of the layers remains separate” (N. Gavrish).

Integrated lesson “Looking for a surprise” Wed. Group
1. Give children joy and pleasure from educational games.
2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play, showing persistence, determination, and mutual assistance.
3. Consolidate previously acquired knowledge.
Educational objectives:
-Clarify your understanding of the score (within 5).
-Practise counting sounds by ear.
-Reinforce ideas about the sequence of parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
-Practise the ability to name and distinguish familiar names geometric shapes: sphere, cylinder, cone, cube and geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle).
Developmental tasks: continue to develop logical thinking, attention, speech, spatial orientation;
Educational objectives: to cultivate independence, the ability to work in a team.
Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Physical Education”
Circle of joy – “smile” (emotional mood).
A balloon flies into the group, and an envelope is tied to a string.
- Guys, look, what is this? (the envelope is not signed). It's a strange envelope, there's nothing written on it.
- Let's open the envelope and see what's there? (the teacher opens the envelope; in the envelope there is a cut picture and a letter).
– There are cut-out pictures in the envelope, let’s collect them, and then maybe we’ll find out who it’s from. (Children collect pictures; the picture shows a wizard).
“Everything is clear, it means the Wizard sent us the letter.” Now we can read it with you. (The teacher reads the letter).
“Hello, dear guys! There is very little left until the warm, hot summer that you are all looking forward to. Right?! and today, I have prepared a surprise for you, you can find it if you pass all the tests. The tasks will be difficult but interesting; Having completed them, you will find out where the treasure lies. Are you ready to travel? Then good luck. I'll give you a hint:
The balls are in a basket,
And the basket is by the window.”
(Children find a basket of balls, each ball has a number on it, and the numbers corresponding to the numbers on the balls are located in advance throughout the group, each number is assigned a task that must be completed.) Throughout the entire journey, the children take out the balls and complete tasks. Let's count how many tasks we need to complete??
Children count in Russian and Tatar. And vice versa.
Task 1
Put the numbers in order.
Task 2 (Parts of the day).
Oh, there are riddles here, guys.
Educator: Do you know the parts of the day?
Children: Yes.
Educator: I will ask you riddles, and you guess what time of day this happens.
1. Dew falls on the grass,
Well, it's time for us to get up,
Get ready to charge,
To start the day better. (morning)
2. We are already yawning sweetly,
Shadows scurry here and there,
Brush your teeth to keep them tidy
And we get ready for bed. (evening)
3. Nothing was visible,

It's like someone's blanket

He wrapped us up completely.

What time of day is this? (night)

4. At noon the sun is at its zenith,

His rays are like threads

The earth is generously warmed,

Everyone is invited to dinner. (day)

Repeat the parts of the day in order. (Morning, afternoon, evening, night)

Task 3

Orientation in space.

Place on the easel:

Ball - in the middle

On the right is a banana

On the left is a lemon

Above is a cat

Below is a bear

Cat, - upper left corner (Who?) - Dog

Dog, - lower right corner (Who?) - This

Hare, - upper right corner (Bu by whom?) - Kuyan

Bear, - lower left corner (Bu by whom?) - Ayu

Physical education minute

We will stomp first,
And then we'll clap
And then we'll turn around
And we will all smile together.

Task 4

Magic bag.

Take geometric figures out of the bag one at a time, name and give examples of what they look like, and where they can be found, where such figures have been seen.

Task 5

You completed the previous tasks, but can you cope with the last one???

Guys, look, there is something here, and again there is a letter.

Guys, this is a gift for my grandson. He is studying to become a wizard. But I didn’t have time to decorate it, please help me.

Guys, the wizard asks you to decorate a hat for his grandson! Shall we help?!

Children can draw and color the hat if they wish.

Development of Prototype in the Uncategorized section and published on March 24th, 2016
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GCD for children of the younger group “Journey through the Land of Games and Toys”

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Kolokolchik" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region."

Description of material: I bring to your attention preschool teachers educational activity for children younger age. This lesson can also be used by parents for children who do not attend preschool institutions(such activities play a big role not only for development, but also for adaptation and socialization of children before kindergarten). The lesson includes several stages with various tasks, physical exercises, and games. If you wish, you can create several from this lesson, adding health-saving elements.

Recommendation for parents: Preschool age is the most intensive period for the development of basic mental processes in a child. Therefore, at this age it is very important to provide the necessary conditions conducive to the development of children. There is an opinion that in the early preschool age A targeted approach to children's development is not necessary. The vast majority of young children spend this period in the family, where the main focus is most often on caring for the baby. However, it is during this period that children develop cognitive activity, develop basic mental processes, creative possibilities, skills of relationships with other people are laid. Their formation requires a professional approach on the part of an adult, certain forms of communication and joint activities with a child. Don't miss this time!

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”
The purpose of the developmental lesson: development of various areas of activity of children of primary preschool age (more specifically, the goal is described at each stage of the lesson).
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment.
Target: organizing children, creating emotional mood for the lesson, developing communication skills.
Material: apple tree of knowledge - a silhouette of a tree, cut out of plywood or thick cardboard and covered with flannel, apples (according to the number of children) - small balls, covered with fabric with Velcro.
Children sit in a circle, say hello, say their name and attach an apple to the apple tree (an adult can name the child).
2. Development of mathematical concepts. "Cubes and Pyramids"
Target: developing the ability to distinguish between equality and inequality of groups of objects, expressing the results in speech; name numerals in order, pointing to objects; assign the last numeral to the entire recalculated group; develop color perception: lay out rows of objects of different colors according to a pattern.
Material: demonstration - cubes and cylinders (balls) of different colors (5 pcs.); handout - pictures with images of corresponding toys (5 of each type); cards with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The teacher says that today they will travel around the Land of Games and Toys. First they will count the toys. He takes out a basket of toys and puts it on the table. Then, one by one, he takes out toys of the same type and puts them in a row, accompanying the recount with explanations using ordinal numbers: “What do I have there? Here's the first cube. It's red. And here is the second cube. It's yellow. (Etc.) How many cubes did I get? (counts with the children). Five cubes."
Then the teacher gives the children cards with cubes of five colors and asks them to arrange them in the same order.
After the cards are laid out, the teacher returns to the basket: “But I have more toys in the basket. What's there? Cylinders."
Next, the teacher, in a similar way, takes cylinders (balls) from the basket and places them behind cubes of the same color. After which the children receive cards with images of cylinders and place them in a row.
- What color cube and cylinder come first? (Reds) And on the second? (Yellow, etc.) Now let's count. How many cubes and how many cylinders do we have? Children count and then place cards with numbers near the rows of toys.

In conclusion, the teacher takes out various building material and proposes to build a fabulous structure.

Physical education minute. Dynamic exercise “Counting bunnies.”
The teacher reads the rhyme, children, together with adults, perform movements according to the text.
One, two, three, four, five (Children walk in a circle.)
Let's count bunnies. (Raise hands to head, depicting bunny ears)
Gray bunny - One, two, three (Clap their hands three times.)
White bunny - One, two, three (Clap their hands three times.)
How many bunnies, look (Spread their arms wide to the sides.)
3. Preparing for literacy training “Toys for dolls”
Target: consolidating knowledge about the sound [u] and the letter “u”, developing skills in intonating the sound “u” in words, recognizing by ear words that contain this sound.
Material: demonstration - 3 dolls; handout - cards with the letters “u”, toys and cards with images of objects whose names contain the sound [u].
The teacher puts three dolls on the table. The dolls greet the children and say that they have no toys, they have nothing to play with. The teacher offers to give the dolls toys. One doll is given U beat, second - rattle U shku, third - d U dku. When handing out toys, the teacher himself uses his voice, intones the sound “u” and encourages children to intonate the sound and draw it out.

After this, the teacher shows the children cards with images of objects whose names have the sound [u] and asks them to pronounce their names, holding out the sound “u” and distribute the cards to the dolls.
Practical task at the request of the children: Children draw the letter “U” with a stick on a “plasticine cake” and lay it out with peas according to the drawing. “Plasticine cakes” can be prepared using nylon lids.

Physical education minute. Ball games “Roll the ball into the goal”
The teacher lays out fairly wide gates of cubes on one side of the room, and lays out tape on the other. Children must roll the ball from the tape into the goal.
4. Experimental activities. Playing with water.
“Get the treasure from the bottom of the sea”
Target: development of cognitive interests, research activities, attention, coordination of movements.
Material: a container of water, pebbles and shells, napkins, towels.

At the bottom of the container, to which water is poured, there are shells, pebbles, small objects at a depth of 15-20 cm. Children are looking for “treasure”. To do this, each child in turn will try to get it, choosing the item they like, a pebble, a shell.
Physical education minute. Outdoor game "Mom's Helpers".
The teacher hands out handkerchiefs to the children, and the children imitate the washing movements:
We are smart guys - we wash everything ourselves,
We take three handkerchiefs and help mom.
And now we all stretched out, together we bent our backs
One, 2, 3, 4, 5 - now we’ll rinse...
The exercise is repeated several times if desired.
5. Speech development and paper construction
"Boat and Sail"
Target: familiarization with a work of art, learning to understand the meaning of the content, answer the teacher’s questions, fold a boat from a paper square.
Material: demo - story picture; handout - a square cut out of two-color paper (5 x 5 cm).
The teacher shows the children a picture of children launching boats on the river.

Reading the story by L.H. Tolstoy's "Boat":
- Spring has come, water has flowed. The children took planks, made a boat, and launched the boat on the water. The boat floated, and the children ran after it, screaming, did not see anything ahead of them and fell into a puddle.
What did the children make the boat from?
Where did they let the boat go?
What did the children do?
What happened to them?
The teacher reads the story again. He suggests making a boat from a magic square. Hands out one square of colored paper to the children. Children name its color, run their finger along the contour, determining its shape.
The next part of the exercise requires the active assistance of an adult.
Square decided to go on a journey by sea. To do this, it first turns into a sail (the teacher folds the square in half diagonally and glues the corners), then it turns into a boat (the teacher folds the square in half diagonally and bends the right angle down and also glues the parts together). - To go on a trip, you need to check the sail: run your finger along the outline, count the angles and sides. To go on a trip, you need to check the boat (played out in the same way). After this, the sail and boat are glued together.

Physical education minute. Self-massage
Children sit (or lie) on pillows and perform self-massage with relaxing music using massage balls, rollers, etc.
6. Crafts
Painting with “Sea Waves” paints
Target : learning the ability to draw wavy lines with paints, developing observation skills.
Material: demonstration - a picture depicting sea or river waves; handout - a sailing boat made by children from the previous exercise.

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In integrated classes different types activities are combined into one whole and complement each other. Such activities teach children the opportunity to consider one phenomenon with different points vision. To solve one specific problem, children can apply knowledge from various fields. With the help of such activities, children develop the ability to independent research. Integrated classes arouse children's interest and help relieve stress and fatigue by switching attention to a variety of activities, aimed at learning new material, but with the possibility of planning classes on a common topic for several subjects and different teachers.

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Modern society requires active citizens capable of creative thinking, making innovative decisions, as well as positive creation. Unfortunately, today the educational process in kindergarten still largely preserves the previously established traditional approach to the presentation and assimilation of knowledge by children. But the template, monotonous repetition of similar actions does not arouse interest in learning.

Traditional pedagogical methods are not able to give a child the joy of discovery and gradually lead to the fact that he loses the ability to be creative. But how to develop a child so that in the future he is determined to create something new? How to educate him creative personality? This requires certain conditions: organizational, personnel, as well as logistical. You need appropriate equipment, benefits, and also the interest of the family and those people who work with children.

Modeling and drawing, artistic activities and games will help develop creative abilities. In this regard, teachers and parents should pay special attention to comprehensive classes with children. After all, this training is carried out through the use various types art. This allows children to develop their creative abilities to the maximum.

The role of art

The third part of the lesson uses manual activities and artistic creativity preschoolers. Children are encouraged to create as they wish and at their own discretion. Preschoolers can draw bouquets of autumn flowers or make crafts from various natural materials, create applications, etc. This part of the complex lesson allows you to develop artistic and manual skills in children.

With proper organization of such training, the time frame does not have strict limits. Children will not feel tired or bored. In addition, the teacher can always arrange a fun physical education session for his students.

Math classes

To the beginning of my school life the child must know many numbers and quantities, and also be able to navigate time and space. Pedagogical practice suggests that first-graders sometimes have difficulty moving from actions to specific images, objects, numbers and other abstract concepts. Such difficulties can be avoided by developing the child’s mental thinking through comprehensive classes in kindergarten. It is at preschool age that children should get acquainted with a variety of mathematical connections, relationships between quantities, measures, etc.

If we consider complex ones, their structure is as follows:

Repetition of material already covered (from 2 to 4 minutes);
- acquaintance with new topic(from 15 to 18 minutes);
- generalization of what has been learned (from 4 to 7 minutes).

For example, in the first part of a complex lesson, children compare the width and length of objects. At the same time, preschoolers are offered the game “What has changed?” In the second part of the lesson, the teacher demonstrates techniques by which the width and length of objects are measured. Then the children do everything on their own. This type of activity is for them practical task. In the fourth part of the complex lesson, exercises are performed on grouping and comparing various geometric shapes.