Intellectual games for boys on February 23. Games and competitions for discos and parties. True future colonel

Competition program for Defender of the Fatherland Day in grades 3-4 “The crews of two ships - there are no more friendly ones in the world!”

Goals and objectives:

Instilling interest in the historical past of Russia, love for the Motherland and respect for its defenders;

Through gaming technology training and education of junior schoolchildren, formation of a cohesive class team.

On class hour You can invite some male parents or older brothers (relatives) of guys who recently served in the Russian army. The teacher needs to prepare in advance the necessary props for competitions and contests.

Description of the class hour

Teacher: February 23 is traditionally celebrated as Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, men are honored, although many women also serve in the ranks of the Russian army. By tradition, on this day the future defenders of the Fatherland are congratulated. Time will pass and our boys will replace the current soldiers. Someone may serve at sea. To check whether our boys can be entrusted with the protection of sea borders, we will hold the “Two Ships” competition. But before we start the game, we need to form ship crews. I ask all the guys to split into 2 crews, choose a ship and come up with a name for it. And the girls will play the roles of jury members and fans at the same time.

So let's begin! Whistle everyone up! This means lining up on deck. And our first competition “Build quickly”. Crews need to line up: by shoe size (from smallest to largest); hair color (from light to dark); growth.

The team that completes all tasks faster wins.

Then the teams need to distribute tasks. Each participant has an inverted sign under their feet. The boys turn them over and choose who each will be on the ship. (Captain, boatswain, pilot, doctor, radio operator, cook, cabin boy, mechanic, navigator)

Mechanics competition

Teacher: Your task: use a spoon to transfer water from one glass to another. Who will do it faster and spill less water? (The guys are doing the task)

Pilot and navigator competition

Teacher: There are many reefs in the sea. Your task: guide your ships between the reefs with your eyes closed. (First, the participants walk the route without a blindfold) The navigators help their pilots by showing them the way. (You will need 2 scarves, skittles)

Jung competition

Teacher: Now imagine that a storm is coming (The presenter throws toys around the stage, gym or classroom) The boys will have to collect all the “garbage” on the site. Whoever collects the most garbage wins. The difficulty is that the ship rocks from side to side.

Radio operator competition

Teacher: Dear participants! A sea wave washed an important message to our shore. It needs to be decrypted. Radio operators, get to work. Who will collect the cut phrase faster and read it? (The notes contain the proverbs and sayings “The city takes courage” and “To live is to serve the Motherland!”)

Cook competition

Teacher: And now our cooks are entering the fight. Who can tell me what the cook on the ship is called? (Answers from participants) Let's test the skills of our cooks. You, dear participants, have to peel the potatoes. The one with the longest skin will win. Now you have to peel the onion, cut it, but most importantly, don’t cry. Who is faster and more accurate? (You will need 2 onions, 2 knives, 2 boards, 2 potatoes)

Doctors competition

Teacher: Look what I did strong wind with our bandages. Come on, doctors, put them in order. Task: twist the bandage. Who is faster and more accurate? The next task is to bandage the “patient’s” hand.

Captains competition

Teacher: As a rule, the captain is the most main man on the ship. The life of the crew sometimes depends on his knowledge, skills and correct decisions.

1st task: name literary works about captains, sea voyages. Who can name more words related to maritime themes without repeating themselves?

2nd task: name proverbs and sayings with marine or river terminology (“Where there is no pike, the crucian carp is the master”, “Take the ruff off the hook slowly”, “In a deep river, fish in the shallows, in a shallow one - in a pool”, “Which river to swim in, drink that water”, “I wish the ruff knew when a pike changes its teeth”, etc.).

3rd task: What works are these lines taken from? Who is their author?

You are a wave, my wave!

You are boisterous and free;

You splash wherever you want,

You sharpen sea stones

You drown the shores of the earth,

You raise ships -

Don't destroy our soul:

Throw us out onto dry land...

(“The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, A. S. Pushkin)

There was such a noise here,

That the king of the sea woke up:

Copper cannons were fired;

Forged trumpets were blown;

The white sail has risen...

The flag frolicked on the mast...

And there’s a cheerful row of rowers

A song burst out in the air... (“The Little Humpbacked Horse”, P. P. Ershov)

Boatswain competition

Teacher: The timely completion of a task or command depends on the boatswain, how quickly he can organize the team and how much the crew understands the boatswain. The task of the boatswains is to explain the command to their crew without words, only with gestures and facial expressions. (“Stop cleaning the side of the ship!”, “There’s a shark in the sea!”, “Remove the mooring lines!”, “Lower the boats overboard!”)

And now our boatswains need to, together with the team, depict the following situations with facial expressions and gestures:

- sailors pull out a net with a huge catch;

- Sailors lower a lifebuoy to a drowning man.

(A team completes the task, and the other guesses. Then vice versa)

Dance competition

Teacher: Well, it's time to look at your team. The crews must dance "Bullseye".

Strongman competition

Teacher: All crews will take part in the next sea test. Task: tug of war.

Fan competition

Teacher: And now we will hold a competition for our viewers. We need to remember as many songs as possible about the sea, the captain, and sailors. For each song there is a flag.

Participants are divided into teams. In 5 minutes, the team must prepare a list of items that must be taken with them on a military campaign. However, the items listed should not exceed the size of the backpack itself. Then the teams announce their lists and the team whose list is larger wins.

Escaping from captivity

Participants are divided into pairs and each participant in the pair has their hands tied behind them. At the command “start”, the participants of each pair must rescue each other from captivity and untie each other’s hands. Whoever manages to do it faster than the rest, those guys win.


Many flags are hidden in advance in the room. Participants in the competition look for them and for each flag they find, they receive from the presenter one letter from the word “TRANSFORMER”. Whoever makes a word out of letters the fastest wins. Care must be taken to ensure that the number of sets of letters is equal to the number of participants.

Radio operators

It is necessary to prepare in advance a sound recording consisting alternately of different sounds- water noise, barking dogs, birds singing, creaking doors, sounds of machines, and so on. Participants in the competition are played a sound and a point is awarded to the person who guesses its source first. The winner is the radio operator who dialed more points.


Participants unite in groups of three and form a star - they stand behind each other as close as possible, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread wide apart. Each group has their left hands tied together, their right hands together, their left feet together and their right feet together. In this position, the “stars” stand on the starting line and, at the leader’s signal, move to the finish line. The star who reaches the finish line first wins.

Relay race for the strong

The boys are divided into two teams (if there are too many participants, then there may be more teams). Each of the participants needs to get to the goal and back, passing the baton to the next participant, but each will do it in his own way: the first participants on one leg, the second - backwards, the third - “in squats”, the fourth - on all fours, the fifth - Do 3 push-ups at the start and then run. The team that completes the relay faster than the rest will win.

Blind Sniper

A “blind sniper” is selected from among the participants. He stands in the center, and the rest form a circle around him. At the “Start” command, the participants pass the bell to each other, and the “blind sniper” must grab exactly the one who has it. at the moment located. The participant caught with the bell becomes the next “blind sniper”.

Military experts

To each participant, the presenter in turn names one of the categories of weapons or vehicles, and the participant must answer that this is, for example, an AK-47 - an assault rifle, a TU-144 - an airplane, a T-64 - a tank, and so on. For the correct answer, the participant receives a point and the one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Sea battle

Participants are divided into teams. One of the teams receives markers blue, the other is red. A poster with many small boats depicted on it is hung in front of them. Participants take turns throwing an open marker from a distance of several steps, trying to hit the ship with it. The team that knocks out more ships wins.

February 23 at school. Scenario

Presenter. Hello friends! This holiday is only yours, our dear guys! Today we have prepared for you many different interesting competitions. A real man is courageous and quick-witted, he is gallant and can get away with any situation. We have prepared real tests for you. So let's spend time together and have fun.

So, in our first competition we will test your strength. But since the time of gladiatorial and fist fights is long gone, we will test your strength in new ways.

Competition "Pereduy"

For the competition you need: one egg, blindfolds, a flat horizontal surface.

The competition participants are divided into pairs. The boundaries of each player are drawn on the selected surface. The participants' task: within 30 seconds they must blow the egg to the opponent's side. The task is complicated by the fact that the guys do this with their eyes closed. The competition is held until one winner is identified.

Presenter. You have more than enough strength. Now let's check how gallant you are men. After all, a true romantic not only knows a lot about beautiful flowers, but also knows what they mean. Let's see how savvy you are in the floral theme.

Competition "Scarlet Flower"

For the competition you need: 14 cardboard cards for each participant. The names of the colors are written on seven cards, and the designations of these colors are written on the others.

Participants’ task: within 1 minute they must correctly match the flower and its meaning. For example: lily of the valley - unexpected joy; water lily - invincibility; rose - love; lily - innocence; forget-me-not - longing; clove - courage; violet - modesty. The winner is the participant who made the largest number of correct pairs.

Presenter. Now you definitely know the language of flowers and you will never go wrong if you want to express your feelings without words. In the next competition we will test not only your strength, but also your manual dexterity.

Competition "Don't burst, balloon"

For the competition you need: balloons. Each participant in the competition receives a balloon.

The participants' task: they must inflate the balloon as much as possible, but at the same time it must not burst. After this, the guys must tie a ball, but without threads, and only when everything is done can they compare the balls and identify the winner.

Presenter. It's not so easy to tie a ball without thread, but you passed the test perfectly. Our next competition is for the most courageous guys.

Competition “Sour, bitter, sweet”

For the competition you need: lemon, onion and chocolate.

The participants' task: they must eat these foods in reverse order. At the same time, maintain a calm and even satisfied appearance as much as possible. The winner will be the one who can withstand this test.

Presenter. Yes, this competition was for the most persistent guys. A real man will be able to figure out any problem, he will always come out unscathed. Let's see if you can do it.

Competition “I will get out of any situation”

For the competition you need: cards on which ridiculous situations will be written. The task of the participants is to offer the most interesting way out of these situations. Participants should answer without hesitation. The winner will be the participant whose answer is the most striking.

➢ You are in a madhouse, but absolutely healthy. Prove it.

➢ You want to buy something in a store that you have long dreamed of. There is only one copy of it in the store. Another person is looking at her. You quickly grab it and run to the cash register, and there it turns out that you didn’t take the money with you. What are your actions?

➢ You have an appointment, you are already late and you know that the girl is waiting for you. And besides, it was still raining outside. What's the solution?

➢ You are going to an exam and decide to refresh yourself. We accidentally stained our white shirt with ketchup. What will you do?

➢ You meet a friend on the street, start asking him about everything, and suddenly you realize that you just made a mistake. What are your actions?

➢ You bought a gift for a friend. But on his birthday you drop it and break it. What will you do?

➢ You go to a special event and only in the middle of the celebration you notice that the T-shirt is worn inside out. What to do?

➢ You go to a cafe on the street. You take the tray, but on the way out you stumble, and your tray with all its contents falls on your neighbor. How to get out of this situation?

➢ You bought a rose for a girl, but while they were carrying it, all the petals fell off. You only notice it when you give a flower. How to explain?

Presenter. It looks like you will be able to cope with any problems. But what kind of a Man is this without a beautiful lady? Everyone has their own princess in their heart. Let's test your artistic talents.

Competition "Dear Lady"

For the competition you will need: white paper, markers, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must draw the lady of their heart. They do all this blindfolded. At the same time, competition participants must use different markers each time they draw different parts of the body. The more colors you use, the more interesting the drawings will be.

Presenter. Now we know your ideal. We hope that you will definitely find it. A real man is always a gourmet, although he does not always understand what he is being treated to. Let's test your taste capabilities. Can you guess what we are going to treat you with?

Competition "Taster"

For the competition you need: honey, jam, jelly and jam, a blindfold.

The participants' task: they must try the preservatives blindfolded and then name what they are. Only two of the four can be given alternately. The participant must say what products these sweets are made of. The winner is the participant who accurately determines what he is trying.

Presenter. Now try cooking. Of course, no one will force you to make jam, but a real man If something happens, he can always cook his own dinner.

Competition "The food is served"

For the competition you need: potatoes and knives.

The participants' task: they must peel the potato and cut it. The vegetable should have a high content of eyes. This is not a timed task. The winner is the one who fulfills the conditions of the competition as accurately as possible.

Presenter. You will not get lost in any trouble! Now we will test your accuracy. The task will not be easy, but I hope that you will cope with it perfectly.

Competition "Sharp Hit"

For the competition you need: a box and five chocolates.

The participants’ task: they must throw candy into the box at a distance of three steps. The competition is complicated by the fact that the player must stand only on his left foot and throw with his left hand. The winner is the one who threw maximum quantity sweets

Presenter. Remember that a real man is a gallant gentleman. Usually they ask you to compose an ode to your beautiful lady, and we offer - an ode to your favorite nails, hammers and the most common everyday problems.

Competition "Rhyme"

For the competition you need: cards on which rhyming words are written (current - hammer, putty - rope; hole - resin; nail - cane), according to the number of players.

Participants' task: within 5 minutes they must compose a poem. Then the authors read their works.

Presenter. Your poems were received with a bang. Men have a rational approach to everything that happens, and we will test your intuition.

Competition "Guess what's inside"

For the competition you need: a box, a bell, keys, 2-3 teaspoons, a rattle, a table tennis ball.

Participants of the competition, 5 people, receive a closed box containing one of these items. The participant can only shake it. This can only be done twice.

The participants’ task: by the sound they hear, they need to determine what kind of object is inside.

Presenter. Every man should be an actor. Now we will test your abilities in this difficult matter.

Competition “What a wonderful wonder?”

For the competition you need: cards on which the names of birds, animals and insects are written (butterfly, woodpecker, magpie, spider, sparrow, penguin, ostrich, elephant, camel).

Participants of the competition take turns on stage and receive cards.

The participants’ task: they must depict the animal, bird or insect that is named on the card. You cannot speak, you can only use facial expressions and gestures.

Presenter. A real man must be an athlete. For the next competition we chose one of our favorite sports - football.

Competition "Score in the goal"

All competition participants go on stage. They choose one person to be the “goalkeeper.” He and the contestant stand with their backs to each other and move away a few steps. The goalkeeper places his feet shoulder-width apart - this will be the goal.

Participants’ task: on the command “Hit!” the competitor hits the ball. If he hits, he ends up at the end of the line, but if he doesn’t, he’s out of the game. Each player is given one shot attempt.

Presenter. Our next competition is not only for the fastest and most attentive, but also for the luckiest.

Competition “Where are you, little key?”

For the competition you need: a lock and a large bunch of keys.

Two people are invited to participate. Each of them receives details.

Participants’ task: on the command “Start!” the guys are trying to open the lock. Whoever completes it first will be the winner.

Presenter. A real man has an excellent memory. Let's check if yours is that good.

Competition "Try to repeat"

Ten girls and one boy are invited for the competition.

The first girl says her name and makes some movement, such as clapping her hands. The second girl calls her neighbor’s name and repeats her movement, and then introduces herself and does something, and so on for all the girls until the end. They only repeat after their neighbors.

The participant’s task: he has to name all the girls by name and repeat all the movements after them.

Presenter. You are probably already tired, and we will test your strength one more time, because a real man must be strong.

Competition "Smash the Bottle"

For the competition you need: empty plastic bottles.

Participants in the competition receive bottles.

Participants’ task: on the command “March!” they begin to crush them. This can only be done with your hands. The winner of the competition is the one who completes the task the fastest.

Presenter. We know that real men will go through fire, water, and copper pipes. And we know for sure that you are exactly like that. So, you have proven to us that you can really always protect us weak girls. Of course, we had no doubt about it! We are proud that such children study with us. We have another surprise in store.

Each boy receives a diploma of a Real Man.

Presenter. Now let's go together to the festive table.


1. Development of skills to work in a team, uniting a great team.

2. Strengthening a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, humanizing relationships.

3. Instilling in schoolchildren universal and moral values, the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Set of roles: presenters, jury, 3 teams.

Material used: three sheets of A4 format, three scarves, three felt-tip pens - for the captains' competition, three packs of paper clips - for the "Chain" competition, cards with questions - for the "Quiz" competition, three balls and three skittles - for the relay race "If you went out with a friend way...", three rolls of toilet paper - for the "Mummy" competition, evaluation sheet for the jury.

Preparatory stage:

Each team is given the task of preparing a name and motto; fans (girls) prepare posters on the theme: “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” for a poster competition.

Evaluation criteria:

Team presentation - max 10 points.

Competition 1 - warm-up “Verbal battle” - 1st place - 5 points;

II place - 4 points; III place - 3 points.

Competition 2 - “Captains Competition” - for each task - 5 points.

Competition 3 - “Chain” - I place - 5 points, II place - 4 points,

III place - 3 points.

Competition 4 - “Quiz” for each correct answer - 1 point.

Competition 5 - relay race “If you went on a journey with a friend...” - 1st place - 5 points, 2nd place - 4 points, 3rd place - 3 points.

Competition 6 - “Mummy” - max 10 points.

Fan competition - poster competition - max 10 points.

Progress of the event

1st presenter. Today is not just a February day, today is a special day. We have gathered to congratulate our boys on Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

On February 23, 1918, the Red Army was formed. And this day began to be celebrated as the Birthday of the Red Army.

After the formation of the USSR, this holiday was renamed the Day Soviet Army. Later it was called the Day of the Armed Forces and the Navy. And now February 23 is Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

But this day has always been a holiday for men. And today we glorify the defenders of the Fatherland.

We wish you all to become strong, brave, brave, protect the weak, and become worthy representatives of our Motherland.

And now you can show your courage, courage, resourcefulness and cohesion.

1st student.

We encourage you together -

Great success awaits him

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will enter the battle one for all.

2nd student.

Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without a mistake,

Who will be more friendly -

He will win in battle.

1st presenter. Dear teams, now you need to choose a captain and adequately represent your team.

In the meantime, our teams are preparing, we present to you the jury.

2nd presenter. Often the defenders of the Fatherland have to deal with weapons. How many types of weapons do you know? Let's check it out.

Our the first competition is called “Verbal Combat”. You must remember as many names of weapons as possible and, without repeating yourself, name them in turn. The team that remembers the most names wins.

1st presenter. Our second competition - “Captains Competition”. After all, the success of the entire team often depends on the captains, how they show themselves.

If the captain proves himself strong, brave and resourceful, then his team will be united and successful. We ask the captains to come out, and let the teams support them.

a) Every captain, first of all, must be strong. So let's see which of you can do more push-ups from the floor. (The captains do push-ups in turns, and the teams and fans count.)

b) Also, the captain must be resilient. Which of you will hold the girl in your arms longer?

c) In order to find a way out of a difficult situation and not let his comrades down, the captain must be resourceful.

We found out that you know many types of weapons, but can you draw a tank with your eyes closed?

The captains are blindfolded and brought to a board on which an A4 sheet is attached. They give you a felt-tip pen.

2nd presenter. The success of our soldiers in battle is determined by the fact that they support each other and do not abandon their comrades in trouble.

Our next competition, called “Chain,” will test team cohesion, the ability to help each other and act in concert.

You are offered the same number of paper clips. The team that assembles one chain from them faster will win this competition.

On the count of three, the teams begin the task.

1st presenter. Defenders of the Fatherland are distinguished not only by strength, courage and endurance. A true defender of the Fatherland must be smart and well-read.

Next competition - "Quiz".

Captains receive cards with questions and the whole team answers them.

The answer is written on the card. The captains read out the answers out loud. If the answer is not written down on the card, the verbal answer will not be protected. You are given three minutes for this task.

Time has passed!


1. What formidable weapon is named after the girl? (Katyusha.)

2. In what year was the Red Army formed? (In 1918)

3. What weapon is named after its inventor? (Kalashnikov assault rifle.)

4. What are the shoulder badges called in the Russian army? (Epaulettes.)

5. What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Jung.)

6. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

7. What device can be used to determine the cardinal directions? (Using a compass.)

1st presenter. While fighting bravely on the battlefield, a soldier may be wounded. And who will help him if not his comrade?

Our final competition - "Mummies".

Imagine that your captain is wounded in the arm. You need to bandage it, do it quickly and efficiently.

Each team is given one roll of toilet paper. After the students bandage the captain's hand, they approach the jury, which evaluates the quality of the task completed.

1st presenter. While the teams are completing the task, let's hold a "Fan Contest" - a poster competition.

The jury evaluates this competition.

2nd presenter. So, now let’s give time to the distinguished jury to sum up the results of the tournament. And at this time we will hold a “military song competition.” Let's divide into two teams by class along with the fans. Your task is to remember as many songs related to military themes as possible and sing them.

1st presenter. And now we give the floor to the jury.

The jury announces the winners of the tournament and awards them with certificates.

1st student.

Thank you all for your attention,

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition.

Guaranteed success.

2nd student.

Now the moment of farewell has come,

Our speech will be brief:

We say goodbye to everyone,

See you happy next time!”

February 23 is a holiday for all men. Diversify the party dedicated to the Day Mobile and table competitions will help Defenders of the Fatherland. In them, representatives of the stronger half of humanity get the opportunity to show off their intelligence and intelligence, strength and dexterity, artistry, and romance. Games for February 23 at school or kindergarten They identify the most dexterous, strong, resilient, erudite boy.

    The presenter invites all interested men and explains the concept of the game. He tells them that this is a competition for the most dexterous. He suggests imagining that they need to catch all the little things scattered by the woman from the river. Tennis balls, candy, boxes, and various small objects are scattered on the floor. To create a real picture of fishing, the presenter asks the men to roll up their pants as high as possible. He gives them each a bag to collect, and the running begins. When they complete the task, the presenter announces that it was a competition for the slenderest legs. The winner is determined female half hall

    Game "Fisherman of Fisherman"

    The game involves two men. To carry it out you will need 2 fishing rods with hooks and a box with comedy things: children's tights, family panties, a wide hat, a skirt, etc.

    Fishermen take fishing rods in their hands. A box with things is placed at a certain distance from them. When the whistle blows, the fishermen begin throwing their fishing rods into the box. The participant who pulls out the item gives it to his opponent. He must put it on. After this, the game continues.

    The task of each participant is to dress his opponent beautifully. “Fishing” lasts 5 minutes. The winner is the fisherman who managed to dress his opponent better. The winner is determined by the audience.

    2 teams of 4 boys each participate in the competition. To carry it out you need a lot of free space. Props you will need are 2 stools, 8 sheets, 8 straws, 2 liter jars, sweet water. Stools are placed in a row at a certain distance from each other. Sheets are placed below. Jars filled with sweet water are placed on stools. Place 4 tubes near each jar.

    Teams line up in 2 lines at the same distance from the stools. At the command “start”, the first participants must, with their arms spread out to the sides and imitating the roar of an airplane, run to “their” stool, make a figure eight and stand next to them. After this, the next player on the team may be eliminated. When all participants fly to the stool in this way, the “planes” will need to refuel. Boys must put the straws in their mouths and drink all the water from the jar together. After this, participants take a sheet each. They attach two edges of the sheet to their belt, and take the second two in their hands. Players must take turns jumping off the stool and returning back to where they started at the beginning of the competition. The team whose members return to the start the fastest wins.

    Men participate in the competition. Participants go to the center of the room or hall and take turns complimenting the women. At this time, ladies make sure that words are not repeated. The man who says the most compliments to women wins the competition.

    Examples of words: desirable, attentive, charming, attractive, beautiful, beautiful, successful, charming.

    Participants are divided into teams. The facilitator prepares one word for each team (the number of letters must correspond to the number of participants) and tablets with letters (letters can be written on sheets of paper). Each player receives one letter. The team's task is to form a word from the letters received and line up with the signs in the appropriate order. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Men are divided into 2 teams. They are given a pound weight. They take turns lifting it above their heads with one hand. Each lift gives the participant 1 point. The player can approach the projectile 1 time. After the performance of all team members, the points of its players are added up. The team that scores the most points wins.

    Game "Funny Congratulations"

    Women participate in the competition. The presenter gives each participant a congratulation from men on February 23, in which adjectives are missing, and cards with adjectives. The player's task is to choose adjectives and fill in the gaps with them to his taste (each adjective can be used 1 time). The contestant with the funniest congratulations wins.

    On this _____ and _____ day, we congratulate our _____ and _____ men on February 23. We wish you _____ health, _____ love and _____ life! May every day bring _____ impressions and _____ experience. May all _____ dreams come true.
    Your _____ women.

    Adjectives: sour, drunk, lazy, expensive, harmful, affectionate, honest, cheerful, invigorating, expensive, happy, precious, correct, funny, rich, good.

    Ready text option:
    This funny And invigorating day we congratulate our harmful And lazy men from February 23. We wish you funny health, expensive love and honest life! May every day bring correct impressions and sour experience. Let everything be fulfilled drunk dreams.
    Yours affectionate women.

    You can come up with other texts for the congratulations and a list of adjectives.

    4 people participate in the competition. Each participant can choose his own opponent.

    The first 2 competitors sit opposite each other at one table, the second 2 - at another. 4 small cream cakes are brought into the room. Each contestant is given 1 cake on a plate.

    The task of each participant is to eat the sweetness as quickly as possible without using their hands. There are 2 rounds in the competition. In the first round, 2 winners are determined, who will then compete with each other, eating the second portion of cakes.

    The participant who eats the sweet faster in the second round becomes the winner.

    Word Search Game

    Schoolchildren are divided into 2 teams. The presenter announces to each of them one word with the same number of letters, and the letters should not be repeated. The participants’ task is to find cards with letters from the announced words, hidden in advance by the leader, within 5 minutes. If a player finds a letter from his word, the team is awarded 1 point. If the opponent's letter is found, the team receives 2 points. After the time has elapsed, points are calculated. The team that scores the most points wins.