Interview with Batrutdinov. Timur Batrutdinov suffers from loneliness. “I don’t want to be a strong and independent man”

Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov - resident Comedy Club (TNT). Started my creative path with KVN. Now he is trying his hand at films. Writes a book. She dreams of becoming a director and making her own film!
- The first season of the series “Club” on MTV recently aired, in which you were directly involved. How are your impressions?

It didn't turn out the way I expected. I thought it would be more truthful. After all, I know club life firsthand, and TV series have certain standards. But, in principle, this is my first serious experience of working in cinema. I don’t know how serious it is, but nonetheless. I tried, it’s unlikely that I will act in the sequel... But in general it is necessary to act.

Your first film shoot was “Masha + Sasha”?

No, the first ones happened in St. Petersburg, when I was studying at the University of Economics and Finance. At that moment I had to earn money. Extras in various films at every turn. My first role was in a film made by Canadians. I took the Winter Palace in a huge pile of sailors. But the next day he was already a White Guard, defending Zimny. I still haven't seen this film.

Did the magic of cinema attract you at that moment?

This subconsciously attracted me for a long time, although I refused it for a long time. Entered the economics university.

So you decided to connect your life with art a long time ago?

Yes, something inside me decided, but I myself struggled with it. I thought that the profession of an economist was more promising, you need to earn money, you need to build a house, plant a tree. But, as experience shows, you can do what you love without success.

What did you dream about as a child?

In his school essay I wrote that it doesn’t matter who I become, the main thing is that my last name is in Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. It’s a pity now that there is no such dictionary anymore, but at least there will be a spelling dictionary - my last name is difficult to spell, and they constantly make mistakes in it.

Are there any plans now to go to study, to become a director, for example?

Yes, I already entered the Moscow “kulek”, but, unfortunately, due to the dense tour schedule, my training did not work out. But I don’t lose hope of getting a professional directing education. In the meantime, I only have small directorial experiments.


Let it be a little secret. I will only say that this is indirectly related to the series “Club”, during the filming of which I discovered a creative like-mindedness with the performer leading role Pyotr Fedorov. He's a great guy, we're on the same page.

Are you trying to do something together with him?

Yes, we are trying.

Do you write scripts?

And I write scripts.
- I think you will have another book.

Partially already exists. An autobiographical tragicomedy about the year I spent in the armed forces, it’s called “The Year in Boots.”

Will she come out?

May be. I have it somewhere in printed form, somewhere on a floppy disk, somewhere on a napkin. We need to put everything together, and besides, there is a feeling that some things need to be refreshed. I haven’t yet figured out what it is, a tragedy or a comedy.

What is the genre of your scripts, comedies or more drama?

Well, these are more likely not scripts, but actor’s texts. And so, comedies prevail.

Which old-school actors would you like to work with?

Most of them are no longer alive. Evgeny Leonov, for example. He was and remains for me one of the most charismatic and positive faces of cinema. This has never happened anywhere before kind person. I even have his autograph. When he came to us in small town Baltiysk with my creative evening, I sent my sister for an autograph - I was too shy to come up myself.

What films do you like?

The so-called “cinema is not for everyone.” Terry Gilliam, David Lynch and others like them.

Before St. Petersburg, did you live in Moscow?

No, it was a whole journey. I was born in the Moscow region. Then our family moved to the Kaliningrad region, to Baltiysk, from there I went to St. Petersburg, from St. Petersburg to the army. From the army back to St. Petersburg. And already from St. Petersburg to Moscow. And this is in brief.

Does your experience as an actor in KVN, in Comedy, give you the opportunity not to study acting? Can you adapt to the image yourself?

I think yes. With the professional guys from the “Club”, they are young actors, but they can be called professionals, I feel free. There is no fear in your eyes, you don’t think about how to express emotions - you just take the image. Before filming, I went to clubs, looked at the types, it was interesting.

Have you read any books on acting?

When I studied at the University of Economics, we had a student acting club, amateur performances, probably like everywhere else in St. Petersburg. I took acting classes and watched plays. He himself even put together a troupe, which we loudly called the Theater of Absurd Logic “Ivy,” although this theater consisted of only five people. We staged plays for which we wrote the scripts ourselves. Then these were probably the first steps towards what I am doing now. There was a lot of improvisation. Often when we started a performance, we ourselves did not know how it would end. It was fun.

How do professional actors treat you? Don't they envy or take offense? They studied, worked hard for four years, and someone came, played and gained wild popularity...

Don't know. Professional actors people I know personally are not upset at all; on the contrary, they are happy and supportive.

What are you offended by?

I can be a quick-tempered and touchy person at times. I don't like it when I'm like this. Resentment is a completely unnecessary feeling.

So you're quick to catch fire and quick to fall back?

Yes. In this, Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov and I understand each other well. We are both emotionally expressive people. They used to yap, but in lately we wisely accept each other's shortcomings.

Quite normal friendly relations. How did you and Garik find each other?

KVN brought us together. It feels like we've known each other for a hundred years. I know what he will say, he knows what I will say. Just some kind of idyll.

Are you generally an unpredictable person?

Perhaps yes. I change, analyze some of my actions, and understand that a year ago I probably would have acted differently. I don’t have time to catch up with my consciousness about a lot of things that are happening to me now. Everything started spinning and spinning. Before I came to Moscow, I had a choice. I moved from St. Petersburg on one salary, they seemed to offer good money, but suddenly the “Ungolden Youth” appeared, and at that time I dreamed of the major league. And I gave up on work and ended up in KVN, where I met Garik. Then there was a choice between KVN and Comedy. Consciously, I understood that I couldn’t jump higher in KVN and the choice fell on Comedy. Although I’m ranting now, but then everything happened at lightning speed.

Are you tired of touring?

I'm getting tired. Touring undermines creativity a little. I'm so tired that I don't want anything anymore.

Has anything changed in you with the advent of popularity?

Of course yes! I became pretentious, arrogant, disgusted and arrogant (laughs). I think that due to experience I have become a little better from a professional point of view, but from a human point of view I have remained the same.

How do you react when fans approach you?

I'm very pleased. Although they fit differently. Sometimes it’s nice, but sometimes you encounter consumer attitude. This is not very good. It’s more pleasant for me when they come up and say: “Timur” than “Hey, Comedy Club.”

Which negative aspects profession of Comedy resident?

Probably just fatigue. Personal life also suffers catastrophically. I am already 28 years old. And I once dreamed of having my first child at this age. And not only do I have a child, I don’t even have a wife.

When you and Garik come up with a skit, is it all based on humor or do you want to convey something to the person?

More likely the first. Our task is to make people laugh. We don’t think about what we are saying, we don’t teach anyone anything. We're just doing fun, stupid things.

What are you addicted to?

In many ways, I depend on the success of my family. From how things are going with my sister and my mother. They are now the main women in my life. They are probably what is holding me back now. Otherwise I would have been more swindler, I would have done more crazy things.

Do you still get nervous when you go on stage?

Not anymore.

What about on the set?

When I start playing a scene, the excitement disappears. But I think this is the case for many.

Remember your first day of filming, no longer in the crowd.

I just served in the army, returned to St. Petersburg in last time try yourself in the acting field. I needed money, and an actor I knew dragged me to Lenfilm. I told them that I have an acting education. We came up with a legend that I graduated from the Yaroslavl Theater School. They asked me what the teacher's name was. Well, we just didn’t rehearse this. I mentioned the name of my statistics teacher. What did you use to defend yourself? Yours thesis... He said “Vasily Terkin” at random. I was cast in a cameo role in the TV series “Knife in the Clouds.” I played a parking lot security guard there.

Weren't you in the actor databases?

Well, if only the Yaroslavl School...

Aren't you ashamed now?

No, I'm not ashamed.

Would you like to take part in some other series, a sitcom?

It seems to me that a sitcom is somehow not Russian.

What would you like to play? Is there any role that sits in your head?

I want to play a two-faced person. Who is kind to everyone, but in fact... or vice versa - a person who reveals himself gradually. It would also be interesting to play a negative character, although it seems to me that with my face you can only play positive roles.

Would you like to work in the theater?

This is interesting, I have always been attracted to experiments.

They say that the lives of people associated with humor are not funny at all.

Well, now I’m kind of serious too. In general...

So you deny it?

No, I often meet comedians who are very boring in real life.

And if we omit the tediousness... Here, remember Charlie Chaplin - his life on the screen and real life...

And this is the fate of comedians. Laughter through tears.

Do you believe in miracles?
- I believe. It happens to me all the time. I’m not waiting for him - I just know that nothing is impossible...

So you set specific goals and go towards them?

Yes, but along the way something else appears. I recently bought a car, but before I had never even dreamed of it.

When will you ride it?

Do you need to ride it? (laughs)

Do you like noisy companies?

There's quite a bit of noise coming from me myself.

Does it ever happen that you want to run home and hide from everyone?

Of course it happens. I turn off the phone, lock myself at home and look at the view from the window, and from my window I can already see the Moscow River.

Aren't you afraid that when your other half appears, you won't be able to just be alone?

No, I’m not afraid of it, rather it’s hard for me to believe that my soulmate will appear on the horizon. But I hope that sooner or later this will happen.

How do you imagine your soulmate?

The main thing is to be a harmonious person, both externally and internally. And when you have something to keep quiet with him about, I think this is exactly what it is.

Have you ever done anything extravagant for a girl?

I was dating a girl, but at that moment I was also very busy. But she didn’t like this state of affairs, and she was about to tell me that it was time for us to separate. I learned this from her friend and decided to have a farewell party. I come to her, she is moody, angry, and I put my finger on her lips and say: “Relax, I know what you want to tell me. Let's spend this evening the way I want." He closed her eyes, put on headphones with pleasant cosmic music and led her away. Everything was already thought out in advance. I knew what, where and how. I was preparing, choosing landscapes. With my eyes closed, I put her in the car and we drove off. I took off her headphones, untied her eyes, and we found ourselves on the shore of a pond, next to the church. Amazing place, not so far from St. Petersburg. We watched the sunset. She says: “It would be nice to drink champagne.” And the friends hid a bottle of champagne in the pond in advance. I pull it out of the water and say: “Oh, Champagne!” Which surprised her. Then, I again blindfolded her and took her to another place. I persuaded my friends in advance, and there was already a fire burning, something was being cooked on it, unexpectedly there were some flowers, and many other interesting things. In the end, we visited many more places. In the morning, watching the dawn on the roof, she had already changed her mind about talking to me, but, unfortunately, I had already come to terms with what she had to tell me. This is such a tragedy.

What are you capable of for love?

Anything but murder!

Aren’t you afraid that she might ask a question: either your profession or your relationship?

I don't think this will happen.

After all, you’re not at home all the time, you’re constantly on tour?

Well, this is a temporary phenomenon. Now these are the costs of what is happening. This is just one of my earnings.

Do you think everything in life can be forgiven?

I don't think I can forgive betrayal. I will not have a question: to forgive or not to forgive. I just won't trust this man anymore. Although, I always look for the reason in myself first. I always analyze everything. I can justify any person. After analyzing, even if I do not approve of his action, I will try to understand his motives. People are different and it’s not for me to judge what is good and what is evil.

Do you have any complexes?

Much less than it was.

Did the scene help you get rid of it?

I initially came on stage to fight my complexes. I was an incredibly shy person. I think it still remains that way, but not the same extremes. I was always late everywhere because I was embarrassed to ask what time it was. I don’t know, this is more of a drawback than a complex. But I'm working on myself.

Are you moody?

Yes, I want it to be my way.

Are you a good friend?

Yes. I am sincere and open.

Do you think there can be many friends in life?

I think not. It could be one or two people. I have a friend from school, we still communicate with him and share all our secrets, all our own experiences. I trust him.

Favorite time of year...

Summer. I love warmth. I like spring from the second half of April. By the way, I began to perceive the seasons differently after the army. My demobilization happened at the beginning of the summer, since then, the closer the summer, the more... better mood. I don't like winter, although I was born in winter.

What about snow, snowballs?

It's fun, but for me winter is justified only by the New Year.

What are your plans for the future?

Conquer the world.

And this is said so modestly: just think, conquer the world...Win an Oscar? Starring in Spielberg?

Well, I'm not Tom Cruise. No, I'm modest. Nika and Bondarchuk are enough.

What directors would you like to work with? After all, there are a lot of young talented guys.

I would work with Danelia - not young, but very talented. The director of "The Club" has a lot to do with budget constraints, but he is a truly talented director.

Who would you call your acting teacher? When you watch a movie, for example.

Previously, when I watched movies, I didn’t perceive the game from the point of view of some kind of acting work. Now I perceive it, now I watch movies differently. I prefer to learn by doing. I watch how they work, I learn to convey some kind of image... mood on the screen.

Do you often watch Russian films?

Yes, somehow there is no time, we have a lot now American films. But I am very glad that the budget of our cinema can allow such films as “ Day Watch" I'm glad that people realized that cinema is profitable business, besides being “the most important of the arts.”

First movie you would like to make?

I think it will be some kind of philosophical movie. I'm interested in the story of a single person. I love watching people. There is a set of masks. It is unknown what happened to this man before he sat down at this table, drinks tea and smokes these particular cigarettes. Or maybe he just lit these cigarettes for the first time. And he lit a cigarette because he was told that if you don’t light a cigarette, a meteorite will fall to the ground. I think it will be something philosophical and mystical.

Aren’t you afraid that mystical things also happen to people who film mysticism?

No, I'm not afraid. Mysticism happens to me regularly. I believe in the magic of numbers, I believe in the materialization of thoughts, I even believe in wizards.

What about Santa Claus?

Of course I believe it!

Your wishes...

I wish our cinema to become a leader. I think there are all the prerequisites for this.

What would you like to wish people?

To take a simpler approach to everything, life is already a difficult thing without our complication. And one more thing... Believe in Santa Claus, he will be pleased.

interviewed by Arina Grevtsova

- The bet on the show “Money or Shame” is a million rubles. Is this amount enough for you to disgrace yourself?

In general, it is better not to disgrace yourself for any money, but if you are offered a good sum for it, then in our time of crisis you can be patient a little. A million is not lying around on the road.

- What is the most immoral, shameful act you have committed in your life?

I have tried to be moral all my life. I did all the most immoral things in my life on the stage of the Comedy Club and, of course, as part of the “HB” show.

-Are you a gambling person? Do you like to take risks?

Oh yes! I am a gambling and risky guy. Within reasonable limits.

- What place does money occupy in your life?

I once had my own ideas about money, and I wanted to have a lot of it. But after the first corporate event, I realized that money is as much a relative concept as time. Now money is far from the first place in my life. In the first place is not even health, but life in harmony with oneself.

Timur Batrutdinov on the show “Money or Shame”. Photo: TNT4 press service

- Is it easy for you to lie?

Lies are definitely not mine. You can always tell when I'm trying to lie. Therefore, it is better to tell the truth - no one will believe it anyway. Everything is like on the show “Money or Shame”. So on the set with Uncle Vitya, I was completely honest.

- Did you have fun on the show or rather tense up, looking for the right answers, trying to find words?

Initially I came, of course, tense. Then I realized that I needed to relax, let everything go. In the end, I didn't hear anything new about myself.

- On the set, Uncle Vitya tried to hurt you, but in life do you react to insults?

At first I reacted, until I learned that there is such a thing as “Internet trolling.” Basically, you need to relax and, first of all, troll yourself. So that no one can do this again. At one time in school I thought of myself that way. I was the youngest in the class, and at first everyone laughed at me. But I realized that I needed to be proactive, and I was the first to laugh at myself, having exhausted all the topics for jokes about my height. Everyone laughed, and then I turned my attention to those who were trying to joke with me.

Timur and presenter Uncle Vitya. Photo: TNT4 press service

- And now you use this technique, can you laugh at yourself, say, among friends?

I can do it and I try to do it. If you can't laugh at yourself, you'll be constantly offended. And resentment eats you up from the inside, laughter is a panacea for everything.

- And if you are undeservedly insulted in real life, what will you do?

I am for justice, and I will gladly punch the offender in the face.

- What if it’s her?

And if it's her, I'll call her young man and I will gladly punch him in the face.

- Are there any topics that can seriously bother you?

There are no such topics. This can be understood from “KhB” and especially from “KhB-2”. You could say that laughing at myself is my livelihood.

Photo: TNT4 press service

Wherever I am, I will definitely turn on TNT4 and watch this show. Maybe even in fun company Garik Kharlamov. Moreover, I am interested in the program not only with my participation. It will be interesting to watch other episodes - who else will be disgraced by Uncle Vitya and how.

Timur was a little late for the interview, but he showed up at the Comedy Club office, where the meeting was scheduled, with a large Tula gingerbread in his hands. “I brought it from a recent tour in Tula,” he explained. The conversation over tea and gingerbread turned out to be warm and a little nostalgic. Timur talked about how his life is shaping up after the “Bachelor” project, how the Comedy residents have changed over 10 years, and about the fear of becoming unfunny.

Now Timur, together with other residents, is completely immersed in preparations for the upcoming “Week of High Humor” in Sochi. “Every time our goal is to surprise the viewer. This applies not only to outdoor projects such as this festival. Each program is a certain test for us; on stage we need to show something for which we will not be ashamed. Many topics have already been discussed and we do not want to repeat ourselves. Our main goal is to do better. A lot of people will come to concerts in Sochi and this is a big responsibility. I won’t throw out spoilers and say what exactly we have prepared, but I hope that once again we will be able to show something new.”

- Timur, for sure, in order to surprise, you need to get out of your comfort zone yourself, from time to time give yourself a shake-up. Where do you look for inspiration?

Lately I've been involved in projects that are far from my comfort zone. (Smiles.) For last year I realized that in order to enjoy work, all my free time needs to be devoted to rebooting. What recharges me best is spending time with my nieces. With children you understand that many of your problems are far-fetched. For example, I see my niece having trouble drawing a circle and crying because of it. Most adult problems are the same, only more adult, circle. Communication with children helps to have a philosophical attitude towards everything and shed the excess. And, of course, nothing reboots like travel! It is advisable to have the ocean and surf nearby...

- You were recently in Sri Lanka...

Yes, and she made a strong impression on me! I am often in a state of stress, and I managed to relieve it there. I think I’ll go somewhere else just between Sochi and the next festival, which will be held in Kazan.

Photo: courtesy of TNT channel

- Each Comedy Club festival “Week of High Humor” is a holiday that is awaited! What are you waiting for? Will you have any new duets or unusual numbers?

- We set ourselves a task - do good large-scale show. And everything at the festival will be very enchanting. We prepare very carefully for each act, we carry it through and literally bring it into the world, like a child. Therefore, the entire festival program will be exclusive. As for unusual performances with my participation, any of my appearances on stage with Garik Kharlamov This is an unusual number and a new duet. Because we are always different. I can say for sure that the audience will see and hear Eduard Surovoy with his new album. I've already listened to it and it's very funny. So Eduard’s fans can safely buy tickets and go to the “Week of High Humor” with the Comedy Club in Sochi.

He gave an interview to the star editor of Lady Mail.Ru Nino Takaishvili, in which he explained why he still remains a bachelor, what are the disadvantages of popularity and how he meets girls.

Timur, in the press you are often called “an inveterate bachelor.” How do you feel about similar definition to your address? Doesn't it bother you?

It doesn’t hurt, there’s nothing offensive about it - it’s just the real state of things today. For now, I'm married to my job!

- What's new at work?

At the end of April, we launched the first part of the show “KhB” on the TNT channel together with Garik Kharlamov, recently launched the second, and now I’m working on a new project. But this is a secret for now.

Timur, what do you think, is there a best age to get married? Some, for example, believe that it is stupid to get married before the age of 30...

Is getting married before 30 stupid? I really like this idea because I’m already over 30. I once planned that I would get married at 27, like my dad once did. But, as they say, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. Now I want to believe that after 35 years - the most best time for this step. Because I'm already 35. (Smiles.) By this time, the necessary life experience has been acquired, and at this age a man can already understand that he definitely wants to belong to only one person.

- Do you think it depends on age?

Including. When you’re young, hormones rage and interfere with your thinking, but over time you understand true values. For me this is just a theory for now. In fact, I'm afraid that I'm already too used to the bachelor lifestyle. But I travel a lot - I can afford it.

- Do you have any favorite places or countries?

Our planet is my favorite place! I like both America, Europe, and corners that civilization has not really touched. In January I was in Sri Lanka, poor but happy people live there...

- Could you give up everything and go live somewhere in Thailand?

- There is an opinion that humorists and comedians are the saddest people in real life. Is that so?

I often hear about this, but I ended up in humor because I was initially a cheerful person. Perhaps, over time, seasoned comedians begin to develop some kind of hostility, a purely professional attitude towards humor, but I hope that this will not come to me. When you start to think about what you are doing, about how other people will react to it, then collapse is close. But when everything is easy, when you enjoy your work, then everything works out.

- Did you want to become an artist since childhood or did you have any other plans?

I wanted to be recognized, I wanted to be famous...

- And how come there was no disappointment?

I learned all sides of the coin. Of course, I'm not Michael Jackson, and certainly not (smiles), after all, compared to Philip Bedrosovich, my life is simpler. But sometimes elements of social phobia “surface.” For example, I go to the store at night. It’s not that they don’t give me a pass, no. I'm just shy of attention.

Often in real life I have to stay in my stage persona, which is sometimes very difficult. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood? You’re walking through the supermarket, all in your thoughts, choosing bread and squash caviar, and suddenly someone comes up to you with a sincere desire to take a photo... And you realize that you don’t want that now.

But there is also a big plus in that I attract the attention of the public. For example, a contract with Old Spice. I present a new predatory collection of fragrances in Russia. It's nice that I was chosen, especially since I personally like Old Spice. An opportunity arose to star in a viral video with Issaiah Mustafa (International Ambassador of Old Spice). A new and interesting experience for me.

- But it’s easy for you to meet any girl...

And this is where it often works reverse effect. That is, girls form an opinion, a certain stereotype, that since I am a public person, that means I am spoiled and not serious.

But I still like being famous. I remember as a child I wrote in an essay that I wanted my last name to be in the encyclopedic dictionary. And now my name is on Wikipedia! And in crossword puzzles sometimes you come across... (Laughs.) By the way, a good name for crossword puzzles - you can always make a mistake with some letter.

- Timur, what should a girl be like to please you?

The more I live, the more I realize that I don’t know the answer to this question. Because there are external factors - you see beautiful girl, and she turns out to be ugly on the inside. And vice versa...

- Where do you usually meet girls?

I sometimes meet people on the Internet! Because I don’t go to clubs...

- You write yourself: “Hello, how are you?”?

Communication starts in different ways. Otherwise, I can meet someone on the set, at a party, at a wedding or on vacation - but, as a rule, everyone comes there either with their own “samovars” or with the wrong goals. By the way, this is the answer to the question why I am still not married.

-Has it ever happened that you met a girl on the Internet and went on a blind date?

Yes, this has happened too. But the Internet is a different story - I have my own way of communicating on social networks. I follow Internet life, observing such phenomena as trolls and “hamsters”. Sometimes I even start communicating with them myself! Often this helps to come up with some new humorous twists...

- So the Internet inspires you?

That's right! I try to make the most of it. I try to get in touch with real life, and the Internet today is that very real life.

- Aren’t you afraid of this replacement of the real world with the virtual world?

This is not about me - I don’t live on the Internet. For some time I completely left social networks. And now my stay there is more connected with the work and promotion of the show “HB”, especially since the program is premiering on TNT. I also protect my personal life from social networks - I don’t post any personal photos... I have Instagram - I like to photograph landscapes, clouds... My blog may seem boring to some.

- How do you see your career developing? Would you like to play a dramatic role, for example?

Of course, you need to grow into a dramatic role. Both for me and for the viewer. For me - in terms of conveying the depth of mood and emotions. And the viewer needs to be prepared to perceive me not only in a comedic role. To be honest, I don’t have a dramatic role in my immediate plans yet.

- Timur, how did it happen that you, dreaming of becoming an artist since childhood, entered the Faculty of Economics?

It was the 90s, the Union collapsed, cinema was gone, everything was gone, a whole layer... What we, the children of the Soviet Union, believed in, was gone. At that time, economist and lawyer were the most promising professions.

- After college, did you work in your specialty?

Yes, I worked as an economist for a while. This had its own certain charm, even the creative side - I amused the team! (Laughs.) Today I do not regret at all that I received an economic education, served in the army... One way or another, all the turns of my life led me to the result that I have now. And I'm quite pleased with it!

Timur Batrutdinov is one of the brightest residents Comedy Club, gave comments on some questions of interest to fans, on the topic of his personal life and preferences; during the interview, his mood managed to change several times: from carefree to serious and thoughtful. Timur makes a very impressive strong personality, and the story of his career tells it for him. Before becoming the well-known Timur “Kashtan” Batrutdinov, he managed to visit many cities, some countries, was fond of literature at school, entered the St. Petersburg University of Economics and played for the KVN team - “Ungolden Youth”, together with Garik Kharlamov.

Timur, is your success in life the result of luck or hard work?

I rather get lucky than just have my plans come true. Everything in my life is an accident. I came to Moscow to work as an economist by profession. I was going to get involved with KVN, creativity, I thought: “The years are taking their toll, there is no stability, but you have to think about the tree, about the house, about the son...” And you know what came of it.

When did you realize that you were lucky?

Once, as a child, I fell into a sewer hatch: we were walking home late at night, I fell behind my father, trotted behind and fell down there. When they pulled me out, I saw that there was a pin in the hatch right in the center, and it was a miracle that I didn’t run into it. Probably at that moment I realized that I have a guardian angel who works tirelessly.

Do you have a degree in economics, have you worked in your specialty?

Yes. Assistant accountant, merchandiser, sales representative... I worked a lot. When I lived in St. Petersburg, alone, without relatives, like other students, I unloaded bricks and worked as a watchman. Of course, I wanted more money, and if it weren’t for the default, I probably would have become some kind of tycoon.

Do you have a commercial streak?

I think there is. Even now I am confident in my abilities and I know: if I don’t work on television and cinema, I won’t end up on the street. I have good survivability. No matter what difficult conditions I find myself in, I adapt quickly.

Where else were there difficult conditions, besides St. Petersburg?

I was in the army and lived there quite well. And when I arrived in Moscow, I also didn’t have anyone I knew – I even registered on a dating site in order to communicate with someone.

So, did you meet?

Well, yes, I met. However, at a certain point, a year ago, my photo was removed from the site. I had been in their database for a long time, but since there was no activity, it was not easy to find me. And then someone found me. And off we go. .But all communication boiled down to the banal “Is it you? Come on! What, you can’t find someone for yourself?”

You had a job in St. Petersburg, friends. How did you decide to come to Moscow, where there was no one and nothing?

For me, the main example in life is my mother: at a serious age she decided to move from the Kaliningrad region to Moscow because she wanted prospects for her children. I realized that it is never too late to change your life. And in general, if you want to change your destiny, change your place of residence.

Do you rule out the possibility that someday you will change your place of residence again?

I don’t rule it out, life is unpredictable. I have no feeling of homeland. Born in the Moscow region, lived in Kazakhstan, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. In general, my address is not a house or a street, my address is Soviet Union.

Do you feel the same way about your profession? You have so many different interests.

I feel the strength to do anything, and over time the excess falls away. Now I'm most interested in cinema. I starred in the TV series “Club” - I really enjoyed the filming process. I have this character trait: it’s interesting to live in different images. I'm completely different. One for parents, another for friends, and a third for girls. But I am an open person, not a hypocrite.

With parents, probably the most real.

Well, I don’t know... I don’t confess many things to my mother. True, only because it protects the nervous system. I love my mother and sister very much. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that my little sister is already 25 years old and she’s already even older than me, in a sense, she has a family.

Timur, are you not yet ready for a family?

Ripe. And for a long time. But there is some kind of paradox here. I got so used to being alone, I became so demanding that in the end for a long time I don't have a regular girlfriend. It’s been a long time since my heart beat faster... (thinks)

Maybe it's your frivolous attitude towards girls?

No, I just haven’t met such a person yet. I would like not to date a girl, but to be with her throughout life.

What should she be like to please you?

Well, in addition to the standard requirement - to be divinely beautiful and unrealistically smart - she must be natural. (Smiles)
This is the most important thing. So that we not only have something to talk about, but also something to remain silent about. To make it comfortable to be around.

Many women pay attention to you. What if you're just tired of it?

Here! Unfortunately, they pay attention exclusively to my media personality. In general, many people are starting to demand something. Somehow I don’t want to be demanded, I want to demand it myself.

In general, as a result of such legibility, the image of a hero-lover was assigned to you.

To be honest, I love women very much, sometimes I really feel like a womanizer. Because I don't have a regular girlfriend, I fall[censored] in love with everyone I meet.

Timur, agree, a Comedy Club resident is some kind of undefined profession. Comedian? Artist? Who do you feel like?

Do you have real friends at the Comedy Club?

This is our main secret. We are all real friends there. I somehow got sick and realized that I was needed because I was surrounded by people who cared about me. No matter where it takes us next, Comedy Club is a milestone, a stage, like a school or an institute.