Spanish for beginners with transcription phrase book. Useful Spanish Phrases: Travel Phrasebook

Phrasebooks, phrases in Spanish

Brief Russian-Spanish phrasebook

First few words

No. no. but

Please. Por favor. por favor

Thank you. Gracias. gra sias

Thanks a lot. Muchas gracias. mu hour gra sias

I beg your pardon. Perdoneme. peer do neme

You speak English? Habla usted ingles? a blah u stead in eye

Where is...? Don't esta...? don de es ta

Where are...? Donde estan...? dong de es tan


Help! Socorro! co rro

Call the police. Llama a la policia. lla ma a la poly si a

Fire! Fuego! fu ego

Find a doctor. Busque undoctor. bus ke un doc thor

I'm lost. Me he perdido. mee pear di do

Stop the thief! Alladron! al lad ron

Greetings and politeness formulas

Hello, good morning). Buenos dias. Buenos dias

Good afternoon (evening). Buenas tardes. boo us tar des

Good night. Buenas nights. boo us but ches

Bye. adios. a dyos

See you later. Hasta luego. a sta lu e go

This is Mr. Perez. Este es el Senor Peres. es te es el se nyor pe res

This is Mrs. Perez. Esta es la Senora Peres. es ta es la se nyor a pe res

This is Senorita Perez. Esta es la Senorita Peres. es ta es la seño ri ta pe res

How are you? Como esta usted? ko mo es ta us ted

Very well. And you? Muy bien. Y usted? muy bien. and us ted

Search for mutual understanding

Do you speak Russian? Habla usted ruso? a blah u stad ru co

You speak English? Habla usted ingles? a blah u stead in the eye

I understand. Comprendo. com pren do

I do not understand. No comprendo. but com pren up

You understand? Comprende usted? com pran de us ted

Does anyone here speak English? Hay alguien aqui que hable ingles? ai al gyen ah ki ke ah blae inglaz

Could you speak more slowly? Puede usted hablar mas despacio? poo de us tad ablar mas des pa sio

Could you repeat this? Podria usted repetir eso? under ri a us tad rape tir e so

Standard requests

Could you give me...? Puede darme...? poo de dar me

Could you give us...? Puede darnos...? poo de gift nose

Could you show me...? Puede usted enseñarme...? pu e de us tad ense nyar me

Could you tell me...? Puede usted decirme...? poo de us tad de tsir me

Could you help me? Puede usted ayudarme? poo de us tad ayu dar me

We would like... Quisieramos.. kisi e ramos

Give me please... Por favor, deme... por fa vor de me

Show me... Enseñeme... en se neme

Passport control and customs

Passport control. Control de pasaportes. con trol de pasa por tes

Here's my passport. Aqui esta mi pasaporte. a ki es ta mi pasa por te

I am here for recreation. Estoy aqui de vacaciones. Es toy a ki de waka sio nes

I'm here on business. Estoy aqui de negocios. Es toy a ki de ne go sias

Sorry I do not understand. Lo siento, no comprendo. lo cien to no com pren do

Customs Aduana Hell and on

I have nothing to declare. No tengo nada que declaration. no ten go na da ke dekla rar

This is for my personal use. Es de mi uso personal. es de mi u so staff

This is a gift. Es un regalo. es un rae ha lo

money exchange

Where is the nearest exchange office? Donde esta la oficina de cambio mas cercana? don de est ta la office si na de cam bio mas ser ka na

Can you change these travelers checks? Puede cambiarme estos cheques de viajero? pu e de cambi yar me es tos che kes de vya he ro

I want to exchange dollars for pesetas. Quiero cambiar dolares en pesetas. ki er ro cambi yar do la res en pae se tas


Could you reserve a room? Podria reservarme una habitacion? under ri a razer var mae u na abita syon

single room una habitacion sencilla

double room una habitacion doble

not very expensive no muy cara but muy cara

Where can I get a taxi? Donde puedo coger un taxi? dong de pu e do ko hyer un so si

What's the rate to...? Cuanto es la tarifa a...? kwan to es la ta ri fa a

Take me to this address. Lleveme a cenar. lie veme a se nar

Take me to the airport. Lleveme al aeropuerto. le veme al aeropu er to

Take me to the train station. Lleveme a la estacion de ferrocarril. lier vame à la estas yong de farrocar ril

Take me to the hotel... Lleveme al hotel... leveme al o tel

to the left a la izquierda

to the right a la derecha

Stop here please. Pare aqui, por favor. pa rae ah ki por favor

Could you please wait for me? Puede esperarme, por favour. poo de espe rar me por fav thief

Could you give me this? Puede darme esto? poo de dar me es to

Could you show me this? Puede usted enseñarme esto? pu e de us tad ense nyar me es to

I would like... Quisiera.. kisi er ra

Give it to me please. Demelo, por favor. de melo por favor

Show it to me. Ensenemelo. en se a lot

How much does it cost? Cuanto cuesta esto? kwan to ques ta es to

What is the price? Cuanto es? kwan to es

Please write it. Por favor, escribalo. por fa vor es cri balo

Too expensive. Muy caro. mui ka ro

Sale Rebajas re ba khas

Can I measure this? Puedo probarmelo? poo do pro bar melo

0 cero

4 cuatro quat ro

5 cinco shin ko

7 siete sie te

9 nueve

10 diez

11 once he se

12 doce do se

13 trece

14 catorce

15 quince kinse

16 dieciseis

17 diecisiete

18 dieciocho

19 diecinueve

20 veinte

21 veintiuno

22 veintidos

30 treinta tray nta

31 treinta y uno

32 treinta y dos

40 cuarenta ka ren ta

50 cinquenta shin quen ta

60 sesenta se sen ta

70 setenta se ten ta

80 ochenta

100 cien (before nouns and adjectives) / ciento cien / cien to

101 ciento uno sien to u no

200 doscientos dos sien tos

300 trescientos tres cien tos

400 cuatrocientos quattro cien tos

500 quinientos kini en tos

600 seiscientos seis cien tos

700 setecientos sete cien tos

800 ochocientos ocho cien tos

1000 miles

2000 dos mil

10000 diez mil

100000 cien mil cien miles

1000000 un million un miles he

You have booked a ticket. Your luggage is already packed. You can't wait to start your journey in a country where everyone speaks Spanish.

There is another simple thing you can do that will come in handy on your trip: learn a few Spanish phrases! Travel will definitely be much more fun and rewarding if you can communicate with native speakers.

In this article, we have selected the most popular Spanish phrases that will help you “survive” your trip.


Hispanic culture is based on a cult of courtesy, you should also always be courteous and say "hello" and "how are you?" And don't worry about making mistakes, others will do their best to understand you and make sure you understand them. Just try your best and they will be happy to see your efforts.

  • Good morning - Buenos dias(Buenos dias)
  • Good afternoon - Buenas tardes(buenas tardes)
  • Good evening - Buena nights(buenas noches)
  • Hola (hola) is "hello". You can say hello to people you already know.
  • ¿Como está?(komo esta) - a way to ask “how are you?” in case you don't know the person, ¿Como estas?(como estas) - if you know him.
  • If they ask you “how are you?”, answer “ok, thank you” - bien, gracias(bien, gracias) because you are also a polite person.
  • Never forget keywords: please - por favor(por favor) - and thank you - gracias(gracias).
  • When you introduce yourself to someone, you say “Mucho gusto”(much thickly), and you will hear the same in response. It means "nice to meet you".
  • If you suddenly run into an insurmountable language barrier, switch to universal English, just make sure with your interlocutor: ¿Habla ingles?(Abla Ingles)? - You speak English?

Useful Basic Vocabulary

In everyday communication, even the simplest words and phrases to remember will come in handy. You can always use "I want", "I like", "Do you have...?", and if you don't know how to complete a phrase (for example, you can't remember the right noun), just point to the subject.

  • I want, I don't want Yo quiero, yo no quiero(yo kyero, yo no kyero)
  • I would like (more politely) - Me gustaria(me Gustaria)
  • Where is? - ¿Donde está?(dongde esta)?
  • What is the price? - ¿Cuánto cuesta?(cuanto cuesta)?
  • What time is it? - ¿Que hora es?(ke ora es)?
  • You have? - ¿Tiene?(tiene)?
  • I have, I don't have Yo tengo, yo no tengo(yo tengo, yo no tengo)
  • I understand, I don't understand Yo entiendo, yo no entiendo(yo entiendo, yo no entiendo)
  • You understand - ¿Entiende?(entiende)?

Simple verb forms: where is it, i want it, i need it

You can express many thoughts and requests using simple verb forms. The important thing is that you can say a lot of things using "I want", "I need", "I can", "I could" or "where is" and then just add a noun. It may not be so easy for you, but you will definitely be understood.

  • I want a ticket, a hotel, a taxi - Yo quiero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi(yo kyero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi)

How can I get there?

If you're a little confused or not sure how to get somewhere, you need a few simple phrases to help you find your way. "Where is?" in Spanish it sounds like “¿dónde está?” (dongde esta?), let's see this question in action based on a few examples:

  • Where is the railway station? - ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril?(donde esta la estación de ferrocarril) or “autobuses” (autobuses).
  • Where is the restaraunt? - ¿Dónde está un restaurante?(donde esta un restaurante)?
    - Train? - ¿Untren?(un tren)?
    - The outside …? - ¿La calle...?(la sai)?
    - Bank? - ¿Un banco?(un banco)?
  • I am looking for the restroom. - ¿Dónde está el baño?– (donde esta el banyo)?
  • I want a hotel, I want a hotel with a bathroom Yo quiero un hotel, yo quiero un hotel con baño(Ye kyero un hotel, yeo kyero un hotel kon banyo)
  • I need - Yo necesito(yo nesesito). Very useful phrase, just add the noun:
    Yo necesito un hotel, un cuarto, un cuarto con baño– (yo neseshito un hotel, un quarto son banyo)
  • Where is the exchange office located? where is the bank located? - ¿Dónde está una casa de cambio?(donde esta una casa de cambio);
    ¿Dónde está el banco?(donde esta el banco)?
  • Money - Dinero (dinero).

Driving directions

Once you ask a question about how to get somewhere, you will hear the answer in Spanish. Remember how Spanish sounds like a few simple directions someone might give you, such as telling you to turn right or left or go straight ahead. Heed these keywords:

  • Right side - a la derecha(a la derecha)
  • Left-hand side - a la izquierda(a la izkjerda)
  • Straight ahead - derecho(derecho)
  • On the corner - en la esquina(en la aeskina)
  • One, two, three, four blocks a una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras- (a una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras)

In a restaurant: what do you want to eat or drink?

These are probably the phrases you will need the most when you are in a restaurant. Order something with the help of someone you already know "quiero"(kyero) or "quisiera"(kissera) - “I want” or “I would like.” And don't forget to say “por favor” and "gracias"!

  • Table - Una mesa(una mesa)
  • Table for two, three, four Una mesa para dos tres, cuatro(una mesa para dos, tres, cuatro)
  • Menu - Un menu(ung menu)
  • Soup - Sopa(sopa)
  • Salad - Ensalada(ensalada)
  • Hamburger (also a must!) Hamburguesa(amburgesa)
  • With ketchup, mustard, tomato, lettuce - Con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga- (con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga)
  • Snack - Una entrada(una entrada)
  • Dessert - Un postre(un postre)
  • Drink - Una bebida(una babyda)
  • Water - Agua(agua)
  • Red wine, white wine Vino tinto(bino tinto), wine blanco(bino blanco)
  • Beer - Cerveza(serveza)
  • Coffee - un café(un cafe)
  • Call the waiter or waitress - ¡Señor! or ¡Señorita!(senor or senorita)
  • Check - La cuenta(la cuenta)

Miscellaneous information

  • Credit cards. Many places in small towns still don't accept credit cards, so make sure you have enough cash with you. You can ask if credit card is accepted, - una tarjeta de credito(una tarheta de credito). If you have questions, you can always use nouns as a question. For example, you can take out a credit card and ask ¿Tarjeta de credito? They will understand.
  • Universal word: no funciona(but functional) - no, it doesn't work. You can use this in many other circumstances. Just point to the shower or whatever and say: “¡No funciona!”
  • Practice saying everything out loud, so, firstly, you will remember some phrases without having to "peek" them, and secondly, you will learn to pronounce them quickly and, at the same time, smoothly. Simple listening talking person will also help you understand people.
  • Take a small pocket dictionary with you. Of course, you do not want to look for the right verb conjugation in the middle of a conversation, but you will always find the right noun quickly. Download such a dictionary before the trip, it will definitely help out more than once.

1 - uno (uno)
2 - dos (dos)
3 - tres (tres)
4 - cuatro (quatro)
5 - cinco (sinco)
6 - seis (seis)
7 - siete (siete)
8 - ocho (ocho)
9 - nueve (nueve)
10 - diez (diez)

P.S. More useful phrases you will learn in the online course.

Just like in any other country in the world, the interest of tourists in the national language is perceived by the local population as a sign of respect.

I offer a set of useful phrases for tourists in Spain.



hola- ola- Hello hi.

adios- adios- bye, bye. Instead of "adios" they also say "hasta luego" - ásta luego- "see you later".

por favor - pore favor- please in the sense of "be kind."

gracias- grácias- Thanks.

si- si- Yes; no- but- No. In case of refusal of something proposed, it is customary to say “but, gracias”, in case of agreement to something proposed - “si, por favor”

perdon- fart- I'm sorry. It is used as a request to forgive, as a request to repeat what was said and as a way to attract attention (a polite form of “hey, you!”

vale- bale– ok, no hablo español is fine – but áblo espanol- I do not speak Spanish.


estoy mirando- Estonian Mirando Literally, "I'm watching." Example: "estóy mirándo grácias" ("I'm still looking at what's available (I haven't chosen yet), thanks")

queria eso - keria eso- I would like that. A universal phrase for any stores, combined with the use of index finger eliminating the need to remember the names of objects. In some phrasebooks, instead of “keria” (“would like”), it is suggested to say “kyero” (“I want”), this is less polite, so they usually do not say this.

y- and- and. Exactly the same as in Russian. Example: "keria eso i eso" ("I would like this and that")

cuanto vale? - quanto bále?- what is the price? The second universal phrase for shops. By combining it with "queria eso", you will actually become fluent in Spanish in terms of shopping. Options: "Keria eso, kuánto bále, por favour?" "Quanto bále eso, por favour?"

probarme- probarme- try on yourself, a single-root word with the Russian "test". Example: “keria probárme eso, por favór” (“please, I would like to try this on”)

probadores - probadores- fitting booths. Example: "probadores, por favour?" equivalent to "please, where is the fitting room here?"

mirar- miar- look, look. Example: “keria mirár eso” (“I would like to look at that little thing over there”)

tarjeta- tarheta- card. Example: "con tarheta?" (“Can I pay by card?”)

en effective - en efficient- in cash. The cashier at the store usually asks how you will pay: in cash or by card. He does this in the following way: "con tarheta o en effective?"


la carta - la carta- menu, list of dishes. The word “menu” as such is often understood as a request to bring not a list of dishes, but a set lunch, so it’s better not to use it as a menu request

tiene menu? - chiene menu? Do you have set meals? Sometimes at first glance it is not clear whether this cafeteria offers set meals (menu del dia), and you have to ask. Taking a set lunch, of course, is always cheaper than ordering the same dishes separately.

sinhielo- blue yelo- without ice. A very important phrase when ordering soft drinks. The fact is that by default they are in most cases served with ice, while ice occupies from a third to a half of the useful volume of a glass. In any case, your drink will be served cold. Example: “ýna fanta sin yélo, por favour!” – “fantu without ice, please!”

del timepo - del tempo– room temperature. Example: "ýna coca-cola del tempo, por favour!" (“not a cold Coke, please!”)

bien-hecho- bien echo- well-done (about meat). If you order meat in a restaurant as a “piece” and don’t like it when it’s bloody (in a number of dishes it is usually not fried to a “crust”), when ordering, say this magic phrase, and the tenderloin will be guaranteed to be well fried. Some phrasebooks suggest using "muy echo" (" muy echo"), which literally means "very fried". It’s better not to say that, otherwise there is a risk that, according to the request, they will bring you practically a “sole”. If, on the contrary, you like meat with blood, when ordering, say "poco hecho" (" poco echo«)

cana- cana- a glass of beer. It is a glass or a glass (gram 250), and it is beer. Examples: "ýna kánya, por favour!" (“a glass of beer, please!”) “dos canas, por favor!” (“a couple of beers, please!”)

jarra- harra- mug of beer. Example: “ýna kharra grande, por favour!” ("big mug, please!").

cerveza- service- beer. For example: “ýna harra de servésa, por favour!” (“Mug of beer, please!”)

wine - wine– wine, by default – red. Stress on the first syllable. Example: "ýna kópa (dos kópas) de wine, por favour!" (“a glass (two glasses) of wine, please!”)

tinto- tinto– red

rosado- rosado– pink

blanco- blanco- white. Example: "ýna copa de vino blanco, por favour!" (“a glass of white wine, please!”)

agua - água - water.

cafe- cafe- coffee.

cafe solo cafe solo- black coffee

cafe cortado - cafe cortado– coffee with a little milk

cafe con leche cafe con léche– black coffee half-and-half with milk

capuchino - cappuccino - cappuccino

te- te- tea

servicios- servisiostoilet. Example: "los servicios, por favour?" (“Where is the toilet, please?”). The toilet is also denoted by the words lavabo and aseo, but "servisios" is easier to remember

cuenta- quanta- check. Example: "la cuenta, por favor!" ("The check, please!").


Tiene plancha? - tiene plancha- Do you have an iron?

habitacion - habitacion- room, hotel room.

quería una habitación - keria una habitacion- I would like to rent a room

double- doble- room for two. Example: "queria ýna habitacón double, por favour" ("please, I would like to rent a room for two")

individual - individual- number for one


0 – cero- sero; one - uno– ýno; 2- dos- dos; 3- tres- tres;

4 – cuatro- cuattro; 5 - cinco- sinco; 6- seis– seis;

7 – siete- siete; eight - ocho- ocho; 9 - new- Nueve; ten - diez- des.


pasa por- past time- goes through, goes to. Example: "pasa por plasa Catalunya?" (“Does [this bus, etc.] go to Plaça Catalunya?”)

pare aqui - pare aki- stop here. The phrase is more for a taxi.

estacion - station- station. Estación de autobuses estacion de autobuses- bus; estación de trenes estacion de trenes– railway

litro- liter- liter. Example: “beinte litros, por favour!” ("twenty liters, please")

lleno- yeno- full. Example: "yéno, por favour!" ("Fill it up, please!")

In order to ask the question “how to get there”, it’s enough just to name the right place with an interrogative intonation and the same “por favor”. For example: “estacion de trenes, por favour?” (“please, how do I get to the train station?”). Or “Plaza Catalunya, por favour?” (“please, how do you get to Plaça Catalunya?”)

By deed they learn the most used words and phrases for communication. This is done so that a person can answer the most common questions on a trip, get to know others. This way of learning the language is used by teachers and teachers of foreign courses. Most authors try to include these words in the first lesson of their textbooks.

Most popular words and expressions

When learning a language, there is a necessary minimum of words and expressions. When starting to master it, you should first of all learn how to say “hello” in Spanish, “bye”, “my name is ...”, “I am ... years old”, “I live ...” and the like. With the help of this set of words, you can say hello to a person, get to know him, tell about yourself. This is where almost all textbooks and language courses begin.

The list of popular words and expressions is compiled on the basis of various books, magazines, even films. Linguists analyze texts, look at how often words are used and, based on their observations, make up the top 100, top 1000 most used expressions with which to start learning the language.

For Spanish in particular, greetings and farewells are considered the most commonly used. Therefore, many courses first teach a person how to say "hello" in Spanish, taking into account the fact that this word has several synonyms, the use of which depends on a lot of factors.

Hello in Spanish

There are several ways to say hello on Let's look at some of them.

The most important thing to remember is that “hello” in Spanish will be “¡Hola!”. This is how they greet well-known people, friends. This is the most common way to say hello.

Before lunch, the Spaniards greet with the phrase: "¡Buenos días!" - which translates as: "Good afternoon!". If you are meeting a person after dinner, you should say to him: "¡Buenas tardes!". AT evening time It is customary to greet people with the phrase: "¡Buenas noches!" - that is, wish them a good evening.

If you are greeting a good friend, you can say in Spanish: "Hello friend!" - with the phrase: "¡Hola, amigo!".

With the help of these phrases, you can communicate in person and correspondence with friends from Spanish-speaking countries. The main thing is to use them correctly.

How do you ask someone how they are doing?

Having learned how to say "hello" in Spanish, let's move on to another list of necessary words and expressions. No less common are questions about how a person is doing. In many ways, tradition and courtesy, so you need to know some of the most common questions and answers on this topic.

There are two ways to ask how a person is doing. The first is to ask the person a question: "¿Cómo estás?". The second is to ask: "¿Qué tal?". Both translate: "How are you?" These questions are equally common in Spanish. A more respectful form would be: "¿Cómo está Usted?" - and translated: "How are you?"

Less commonly used: "¿Qué tal la vida?" - which translates: "How's life?" One can also ask what is new about a person by asking the question: "¿Qué hay de nuevo?"

This set is enough to seem like a friendly and well-mannered person to any Spaniard.

We answer questions

So, we learned how to say “hello” in Spanish, we learned how to ask questions about the affairs of the interlocutor. Now let's talk about how to answer a person's question about your affairs.

If you are doing well, you can express it with the phrase "muy bien" which translates to "very good" or "excellent". To tell a person that everything is fine, you can use the phrases "todo está bien" and "bien, gracias". The first translates as "everything is in order", the second - "thank you, good."

Neutral responses that indicate the good state of your affairs sound like "no está mal, gracias", that is, "not bad", "bien" - "good", and "como siempre", that is, "as usual".

If your business is bad, you can answer "no muy bien", that is, "not very", and "mal" - "badly".

goodbye in spanish

And finally, when saying goodbye to a person, you definitely need to say goodbye to him. There are also several expressions for this. Let's analyze some of them.

So, you can say "goodbye" with the word "adiós", and if you say goodbye to good friends, you can safely use "saludos", which replaces "bye".

If you plan to see the person soon, you can use the phrase "hasta pronto" - "see you soon", or "hasta luego", that is, "see you soon". If the meeting is in the evening, use "nos vemos esta tarde", if you plan to meet tomorrow, use the phrase "hasta mañana". In the evening, it is customary to say goodbye with the phrase “buenas noches”, that is, to wish “good night”.

As you can see, the set of standard phrases is not so great. By studying, you not only master the rules for constructing phrases, using the forms of certain words, but also replenish your vocabulary, learn to communicate correctly and politely with strangers.

Having learned the Spanish translation of “hello”, “how are you”, “bye” and other equally common words, you can start a conversation with a person, show your knowledge of the basics of the language and that you respect your interlocutor.

No matter how common English is around the world, practice shows that in a large number of cases it is necessary to know at least the basics of Spanish when a person goes on a business trip or as a tourist in today to learn the basics of any foreign language You can do it on your own or by taking targeted courses. For example, a Spanish course for tourists involves learning the basics of this Romance language, and also includes basic phrases that are most often useful to tourists.

The Importance of Knowing Basic Spanish

When a person travels in another country, he receives great amount new emotions and impressions, learns about new places, about the way of life of foreigners, in a word, about new culture. Such knowledge will not be complete and vivid if he knows absolutely nothing about the language spoken by the inhabitants of this country. In addition, situations will often arise when a tourist needs to know some information, for example, how to get to a particular hotel, but he will have problems, since the inhabitants of all Spanish-speaking countries, in comparison with the population of developed European countries, have an extremely low level of knowledge English.

Therefore, if a person wants to get maximum satisfaction from a trip to warm countries that are not limited only to Spain, because almost all of South America and the southern part of North America speak the language of Miguel Cervantes, then he needs to study his basics on his own or sign up for short-term Spanish courses for tourists.

Russian-Spanish phrasebooks

To feel confident in a Spanish-speaking atmosphere, you need to carry a reference book or phrase book with you. These manuals contain basic phrases for the most common occasions. It is better to choose a Russian-Spanish phrasebook for tourists with pronunciation, in which the transcription in Cyrillic will help you pronounce the Spanish phrase as correctly as possible.

  • "Russian-Spanish Phrasebook" of the St. Petersburg publishing house "KARO", which consists of 144 pages. It contains information about Spain, collected many important phrases in Spanish with transcription in Russian. All phrases are divided into sections on various everyday topics, so finding the necessary expression for a tourist will not be difficult.
  • "Spanish Phrasebook and Dictionary" of the Moscow publishing house "Living Language" is a book of 224 pages, which contains not only phrases, but also about 8,000 foreign words. This Spanish tourist phrasebook will fit in your pocket. The vocabulary collected in it allows you to communicate on many everyday topics to a person who does not speak Spanish well.
  • "Russian-Spanish Phrasebook" publishing house "Victoria Plus", Moscow. This small book is the most popular among our tourists because it is cheap and easy to navigate.

Also, before traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it is recommended to learn the 10-20 most necessary phrases that will help the traveler quickly explain what kind of help he wants to ask a resident of a foreign country.

greeting in spanish

One of the main phrases in Spanish for tourists are greetings, because it is with them that any communication begins. The following phrases will help start the conversation kindly:

  • Hola - hello, hello. A simple word of greeting that you can say to your peer or acquaintance. It is read "Ola", only unlike Russian, the sound "l" should be pronounced a little softer. A capital letter here and below indicates a stressed syllable.
  • Buenos días - good morning. This phrase is formal, but it can also be used to start an informal conversation. It reads "buenos dias". So you can welcome until 12 o'clock.
  • Buenas tardes - good afternoon. This expression can be used, for example, when a tourist meets the owners of the hotel in the afternoon. Pronounced "buenas tardes".
  • Buenas noches - good evening. Thus it is customary to greet after 18.00. Pronounced "buenas nights".

Basic necessary words and expressions

Spanish for tourists also implies knowledge of such words and phrases as "thank you", "please", "yes", "no", "how are you", etc. The table below lists these and some other frequently used expressions in everyday colloquial speech.

spanish word Pronunciation Translating to Russian language
si si Yes
no but No
gracias gracias Thanks
muchas gracias muchas gracias thank you very much
se lo agradezco se lo agradEsko thank you
por favor por favor please
perdoneme perdoneme forgive me
disculpeme diskUlpeme excuse me
¿como estas? komo estas how are you? How are you doing
estoy muy bien estoy muy bien I'm fine
¿que tal? ke tal how are you
perfectamente perfecttamEnte Great
soy turista ruso soy turista russo I am a Russian tourist

goodbye in spanish

No living language is complete without saying goodbye, and Spanish is no exception. Colloquial Spanish for tourists usually includes the following expressions that can be used when a person says goodbye to someone:

  • Adios - goodbye. This is the most popular word, which is easy to remember and can be used in absolutely any environment and with any interlocutor when you say goodbye for a while. It is pronounced like "adOs".
  • Hasta pronto or hasta luego - see you soon. These two expressions are often used when friends or acquaintances say goodbye for a while. They are read "Asta pronto" and "Asta luEgo", respectively. It should be noted that people in Spanish-speaking countries, especially in Spain itself, often use diminutive suffixes for such farewell words. For example, you can often hear hasta lueguito - "Asta lueguito", which literally translates into Russian as "to a quick one".
  • Hasta mañana - see you tomorrow. For example, a tourist leaves a hotel in order to spend the night on the seashore in a tent, and return again the next day. In this case, he can say "Asta manyana" to the owners of the hotel. Note that before going to bed it is preferable to say not hasta mañana, but buenas noches - "buEnas noches", which translates as "good night". This wish is identical to the greeting "good evening".
  • Hasta el año siguiente - until next year. If, while traveling around the country, a tourist made new acquaintances and plans to see new friends again next year, then he can say to them "Asta el Año sigiente."
  • Nos veremos - see you. If, when saying goodbye to two friends or acquaintances, it is not known when the next meeting will take place, then you can say "nose beremos."
  • Hasta siempre - goodbye. If the tourist does not plan to stop by this hotel anymore, then at parting, you can say "Asta sempre". However, it is still not recommended to use this phrase in such situations, since it has a negative connotation, as if the tourist did not like something in the service. The phrase hasta la vista is also very rarely used.

Difficulties in understanding

The Spanish language has a clear pronunciation, almost all sounds in its phonetics are close to the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. However, difficulties in understanding Spanish speech often arise, and they are associated with the speed of pronunciation of words, which is one of the fastest in the world. Therefore, do not be afraid to ask again what is not clear the first time. The following phrases are useful for this purpose:

spanish phrase Pronunciation Meaning in Russian
no entiendo but entendo I don't understand
me he perdido me e perdido I'm lost
si, entiendo si, entendo Yes, I understand
¿Le puedo preguntar? le puedo preguntar may I ask you
¿Podría hablar más despacio, por favor? podria ablAr mas despacio, por favor could you speak more slowly please
repita por favor rapita por favor repeat please
¿Puede usted escribírmelo? puede ustEd escribIrmelo could you write it to me

Words and phrases for orientation in the city

Any Spanish phrasebook for tourists must necessarily include words and phrases that serve as assistants for a person who does not speak this language for orientation in the area, in particular, in an urban setting. The following words and expressions are often necessary:

spanish phrase Pronunciation Meaning in Russian
la estacion de trenes la estasion de trenes railway station
la estacion de autobuses la estas on de outs uses bus station
la parada la parada stop
el parque el parquet a park
la calle la caye the outside
la plaza la plaza square
la casa la casa house
el supermercado el supermarkAdo supermarket
¿Dónde se puede comprar billetes? donde se puede comprar biyetes where can i buy tickets
¿Donde está? donde est where is
¿Como puedo pasar a este parque? como puedo passar a este parque how do i get to this park

Emergencies and emergencies

Emergencies can happen to anyone, at any time, so it's a good idea to learn a few phrases related to this topic before traveling to a Spanish-speaking country. The simplest are the following:

Other useful words

The following words in Spanish for tourists will be very useful. They can be used in various situations where you need to ask or explain something. At the same time, these words can be pronounced independently, that is, without the use of explanatory verbs, since a person who knows Spanish will still be able to understand what is being said.

bueno bueno good
little few bad
bastante BastAnte enough, enough
frio frio cold
caliente kaliEnte hot
pequeno pekanyo small
grande grande big
¿que? ke what
¿por que? PorkE why
alli AI there
aqui AKI here
accensor assenseOr elevator
retreat retrete toilet
cerrado serrado closed
abierto abyerto open
prohibido fumar ProibIdo FumAr no smoking
entrada entrada input
salida Salida exit

The inhabitants of Spanish-speaking countries are very kind, cheerful and emotional people, so you should not be afraid to ask them again what is not clear, they will always explain to the tourist in an accessible way.