Ivan Chuikov biography personal life. MakSim was spotted on a date with a famous TV presenter. Ok, the cosmo tour is over. What are the plans now?

We and all the cosmo-girls met you at the show in honor of the 20th anniversary of Cosmopolitan...
Yes, and the very first was a holiday in Novosibirsk. I missed the plane and flew through Barnaul, from where I took a taxi and went straight to the stage. The first thing I saw was hundreds of beautiful girls, many of whom were wearing red dresses, according to the dress code. Then I talked with Cosmopolitan editor-in-chief Polina Sokhranova and realized that cosmo girls are perfect! They are energetic, purposeful, but at the same time they do not forget about home and their beloved man.

Which show do you remember most?
Yekaterinburg! The weather was terrible, it was pouring rain, but people did not leave. There were more and more guests, the girls did not stop and continued our flash mob dance!

Ok, the cosmo tour is over. What are your plans now?

Now I have a project “Hit” on the Russia 1 channel, which I host together with Alexander Anatolyevich, my idol!

What is this project?
It is designed for non-professional songwriters. Janitors, security guards, accountants send their works - in general, people who seem to have nothing to do with creativity. After all, many people write songs, but some people put their poems in a box, and we give songwriters a chance to express themselves, we show their works to artists. First, two stars choose tracks, and then compete to see whose hit is stronger. The winners of the duels advance to the super final. Alexander Revva, Dmitry Koldun, Lolita, Denis Klyaver, Irakli are already waiting for us there, and this Saturday the last participant will be determined. We'll find out who wins this season on November 1st. live. The whole country will vote for the hit - from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad!

So what, good songs?
I like it. Really like it! I constantly listen to many songs in the car. In my opinion, everyone knows the winner of the first season - Sergei Lazarev's hit "Into the Heart".

Admit it, do you write poetry yourself?
Yes, I am writing. But I’m just one of those people who puts everything on the table. True, one of my songs - “Thoughts about you” - is performed by talented singer Kristina Kaprielova. The track can even be downloaded. Of course, he is not famous, but I am pleased. Although I do not exclude that in the third season of “Hit” I will risk trying myself as an author. Of course, if I decide to show my poems, it will definitely not be for the sake of earning money!

You called Alexander Anatolyevich your idol. Was it scary to start working with him?
Literally three months after I found out that we would host the show together, we worked at the same event. Alexander Anatolyevich and Irena Ponaroshku were on the main stage, and I hosted the network broadcast. Then I thought how cool he is! Once again I was convinced that he is my idol. And when I was approved as a co-host on Hit, I was at a loss. It was great to learn from him at that event, and here we are together as equals! When the first joint screen tests began, I was terribly embarrassed. But we quickly found common language and became not just colleagues, but also friends. Alexander Anatolyevich admitted that he also learned something from me. Something like recharging and energy that helps him stay in good shape.

How did you even start your career as a TV presenter?
A year and a half ago, for the first time in my life, I went live on the Ru channel. TV, before that I hosted events. I was approved for the role of host in the morning show. My colleague, Nelly Ermolaeva from the reality show “House 2,” also had no experience working in camera. At first it was difficult, we didn’t know each other, I didn’t know how to work with my “ear.” I didn’t really understand how to say this - in unison with a person I don’t see!

And there were failures after which you were sure that you would be fired?
It was every broadcast! I answered out loud to the editor, who spoke into my earpiece. “That’s it, I’ll be fired tomorrow!” - such thoughts were constantly spinning in my head. And then I got tired of being nervous. I thought: well, they’ll fire me, so what. I will always find something to do. Of course, I like what I do, but I am always ready to learn even a new profession!

In the end, how did you overcome your anxiety?
I took advanced training courses at Lina Arifulina's school, and it helped. But it was not Lina who gave me very cool advice, but a psychologist who worked with us at Hit. She said the following: close your eyes and remember the situation where you were as comfortable as possible, where you felt confident, relaxed, while pressing on some point on your body. Repeat this training several times, and later, at a moment of stress, press this point. It works! The excitement goes away, the eyes stop moving, the gaze relaxes. Alexander Anatolyevich himself tested this technique on me.

Ivan Chuikov

In its modern incarnation, the story of TV presenter and showman Ivan Chuikov may well seem like a fairy tale - about how a village boy from an ordinary family, without influential friends and connections, went to the capital to study to become a producer. At the same time, he managed to become not only part of the social scene, but also a media person. Once upon a time he offered artists in glossy magazines, and now journalists are hunting for him himself in the hope of frank interview. After all, Ivan is charismatic, charming, handsome - and, as they say, free again. Details are in the interview with the magazine.

- Ivan, tell us about your family. What inspired you to take up this activity?

There were no family reasons. I was born in the village of Yakimovo near Moscow, my parents worked on a farm. I can't say that they are not at all creative people, but, probably, the time was such that they could not realize their creative ideas and projects. You had to choose a profession that will feed you and your family. I know that my mother was an activist, was involved in various circles, participated in school competitions, KVN. Actually, they are both urban, from Elektrostal, my mother already worked in Moscow, at the Central Department Store. It was dad's idea - to go to the village, live in nature, on fresh air- “just you and me, romance.” (Smiles.) Dad was a sportsman. I watched it youth photos- they could easily be sent to some advertising agency. He was involved in martial arts, and he had such abs that one could envy. The girls I know, who also saw my father’s photos in his youth, say that they understand my mother. They would also go to the village for such a guy.

- So everything was as it should be: the cow, the farm?

Yes, a vegetable garden, farming, morning milking at six o'clock. Now I understand that this was a very cool childhood. And when I was little and I had to get up much earlier than my peers in order to have time to do something around the house - feed someone, milk someone, chop someone up, and then walk two kilometers to school, I felt some discomfort. In high school, I wanted to go somewhere with my friends to hang out, but I had to return home. Most of the guys dressed fashionably, they already had grinders, which were very popular back then. My parents tried to ensure that we lived in abundance, but I am from the village, and it was felt. In addition, “kind” people were not shy about reminding us of this. Perhaps that’s why I developed complexes. But, on the other hand, they motivated me to prove to everyone what I am really worth. (Smiles.) I really liked watching all sorts of shows like “Star Factory”, “ People's Artist" For me, Maxim Fadeev was an absolute authority. And I decided that I would become a producer like him. And then Svetka Sinyavskaya from the fifth “A” will regret that she did not want to be friends with me. (Laughs.) So at the age of sixteen I told my parents that I was going to Moscow to study to become a producer.

- And you probably had no idea what kind of profession this was?

Of course, all my ideas were from TV: this is some guy who manages the artists, conducts castings, there are beautiful girls around him, and he is the most important one at the show. This is not milking cows. (Laughs.) But I started all this for a reason. In high school, I took part in all sorts of competitions and shows - I had to perform on stage a lot. For some reason I was sure that I would succeed. In Moscow, I submitted documents to the Institute of Culture and Arts (it was there that I found the faculty where they trained to become a producer). There were only three budget places. But I did it by some miracle.

- How did your ideas about show business correspond to reality?

All my ideas about show business were gleaned from TV series and reality shows, and I also read various youth magazines like Molotok. Everyone said that you can’t just get there, a career is made through bed. So, I proved by my example that this is not so. At the production center of Maxim Fadeev, I learned the show business kitchen from the inside: how communication with artists is built, concerts and parties are organized.

- Wait, how can a graduate even get into the Fadeev Production Center? Is it simple?

Oh, that's a different story. Now, I probably wouldn’t have the nerve to do that. I understood: I needed practice in a good professional production center. Where to go? Of course, to Maxim Fadeev. I adored his projects, Lena Temnikova generally seemed to me the ideal of a woman! I found a phone number on their website. I called and introduced myself as the deputy head of the department of cultural and leisure activities at the Institute of Culture and Arts. He said: “We have a wonderful student, very capable, talented, who simply dreams of doing an internship with you.” They replied: “Thank you, we don’t need anyone.” But I insisted: “He really wants to work for you, and he doesn’t even have to pay money.” “Okay, let him come.” Well, here I come. (Laughs.) As a result, for three months I filled out visa forms, served coffee, and went to the warehouse to get props. But I didn’t come for money, but for experience. I remember I was so excited that I brought these chairs from Mytishchi for the filming of the Serebro group’s video. And Lena Temnikova herself came up to me and said: “Thank you, Vanya!” Wow! And I thought she didn’t even know my name. (Laughs.) Gradually I began to be attracted to managerial work. I remember going to concerts with Pierre Narcisse, Natasha Glyuk’oZa, Yulia Savicheva. And then it happened that the PR director of Gluk’oZa quit and they offered me for this position. It was very cool! And even to such a famous artist as Natasha. Yes, I already had some experience, connections with magazines, but still it was a huge step up. career ladder. Natasha and I discussed our path... By the way, remember, we did great material with a cover for “Atmosphere” - Natasha Dala exclusive interview, .

- See what a turn of fate! And now we are interviewing you...

Yes, it was during that period that I became convinced that I didn’t want to be behind the scenes, I wanted to produce myself. We worked with Natasha for about a year, and I quit.

- Was she upset?

Well, how can I tell you? (Laughs.) I was a young guy of twenty-one years old, Natasha is an artist with a name. Besides, she was expecting a child. I was still inexperienced in communicating with women, especially when they are pregnant. Many points are still unclear to me. We had disagreements and conflict situations. But I am very grateful to Gluck’oZe for his patience. We parted well enough. Later, when I started working for music channel, we met with Natasha and even hosted some events together. We recalled that period of our cooperation with a smile. In general, the Production Center of Maxim Fadeev gave me a good training.

- At what moment did you feel that success had come to you?

I'm still afraid to admit it to myself. It still seems to me that I haven’t done something, and I’m very critical of myself. But at the same time, I allow myself to enjoy some of my achievements. For example, when I was hired to work at RU.TV, I was in indescribable delight and euphoria for a week. I broadcast live on the music channel! A lot of guys, my fans, wrote to me then. For about a year I was pleased with myself, but then I realized that now I need to set new goals for myself. At that moment my complexes went away, I realized that I no longer needed to prove anything to anyone. I had a childhood dream: I wanted to buy a convertible. I understood that this was very impractical - in Moscow short summer, I'm unlikely to use this machine often. But nevertheless I bought it. I arrived in my native village and dashingly drove up to the Melnitsa store, where our whole company usually gathered. They said, “Oh, that’s cool, man, we saw you on TV.” That's it. I checked the boxes. (Laughs.) And then what? We need to develop professionally. I’m far from perfect, I still need to work on my speech, learn to communicate better in front of the camera, and present information. I signed up for different courses and really put a strain on myself.

And the next step was the show on the Rossiya TV channel, which you hosted with your other idol, Alexander Anatolyevich?

Yes, and at first it was incredibly stressful for me: the federal channel, we host our show, we are co-hosts, that is, I am on an equal footing with Anatolych. Of course, I was worried: I would suddenly look unprofessional and not reach his level. And I must pay tribute to Alexander, because he gave me a lot, revealed some secrets, helped and encouraged me a lot. In general, I think that everything that happens in our lives happens exactly when we are ready for it.

- Now you have become the host of the “Weekend Show” on STS. This new format for you?

Yes, I have never worked in this format, I am not a comedian and, it seems to me, I don’t know how to joke. Frankly, I was shocked by the TV channel’s offer, because I thought that I wouldn’t suit them. Compared to me, all the other participants are simply titans of humor. But, on the other hand, it was also a challenge - to do something that I don’t yet know how to do. Humor was never expected from me. And here, in addition to the fact that I am the host and do the introductions to the numbers, I also need to record my stand-up. At first, when we performed the show at rehearsals in front of an audience, it seemed to me that I wasn’t doing anything funny at all. The first two jokes - the reaction of the audience was zero. “Well, that’s it,” I think, “they’ll fire me, I’ll go abroad, I’ll become a Buddhist.” (Laughs.) And then I somehow relaxed, and the third joke, which was really funny for me, caused a response from the audience. So that's the point! There is no need to pretend to be someone, try to be like some famous comedians. You need to try to find yourself. By the way, editors are now noting that I have become more fun in making jokes in real life. Probably the excitement just went away.

- What are your emotions after the broadcast, do you have a feeling of energy consumption? In my opinion, you are like a self-charging battery.

Yes, they are making fun of me: perhaps your mother dropped you in cocaine when you were a child? (Laughs.) Guys, I’m from the village, we didn’t have money for drugs. I like filming this show because there is contact with the audience, from which you recharge. But at RU.TV I worked on camera and didn’t get such a return. Before this, I actually thought that I would leave television and start my own blog, for example. And then I was pleasantly surprised: the entire film crew were motivated people, ready to work for days. We've even met several times just to hang out together. And it’s very nice - it’s like I have a new family.

- What can you say about your own day off? How do you spend your free time?

I have a lot of filming, events, I host concerts and corporate events. When I have a free day, I’m very surprised: do I really not have to do anything? (Laughs.) If I plan a weekend in advance, I usually try to go somewhere for three days, to the nearest countries abroad or in the Moscow region. And if it's a spontaneous day off, I have several win-win options. I read a book out loud - combining business with pleasure: practicing my speaking technique. I meet with friends - this also gives a positive charge of energy. Well, or I sleep - this is just a life hack for any person who works a lot. In the morning you are so happy and cheerful!

- You are very active on Instagram. Have you succumbed to the general fashion or are you interested in it yourself?

- What is this dark side?

I realized that I have aggressiveness and anger. Previously, it seemed to me that I should not show them towards others. I didn’t like myself at such moments. Now I better understand why this aggression occurs, I have learned to manage my emotions. And I can afford to tell a person the truth. Don't yell at him, don't swear, but just get your point across.

- Do you agree that best way getting to know yourself is a close relationship with someone, love?

I can't say that it is the best, but it is very effective. Living together- this is a very serious test. And after going through it, you can not only learn a lot about yourself, but also about your feelings. There is one very cool test where you and your partner sit down and write your definitions of fundamental values: what love, religion, family, children mean to you.

- Did you really do that?

Yes. And it seems that everything seems obvious. And then you read your partner’s answers and realize that you have different views on fundamental things. Some things match, some don't.

- By the way, you never talked about your personal life. Was there a serious, long-term relationship?

Yes, a relationship that lasted three years recently ended. Before that, I also dated a girl for quite a long time. I’m not talking about this because, firstly, my friends are media and famous people. Secondly, I don't see the point in this. For what? To boast that I have such a girlfriend, an artist? It seems to me that it is more correct if you interest people in your creativity, and not in who, where and how you sleep. My parents know her, my friends know her. But why post photos of our joint breakfasts on Instagram?

Sometimes photos of pretty girls appear on Ivan’s Instagram

- How about appearing together at the “Most Stylish Couple” award ceremony? Fans love this kind of stuff.

I asked myself similar questions. In my opinion, this will be possible if we get married. Then I will introduce my chosen one to the world: now I am no longer a bachelor, we are together. And if we are nominated somewhere, it’s for God’s sake. Perhaps this will be a good motivation for someone. In general, I am against promiscuity. I went through this as a student, but now I don’t want to waste my time on spontaneous meetings.

- How is it possible - you were together for three years and no one knew about it?

Someone knew, we weren’t hiding, but we weren’t advertising our relationship either. Some publications offered to do an exclusive interview, but neither of us felt the need for it. I can talk about myself: my tastes, food preferences, tell what kind of music I like, I can even talk about what kind of girls I like. (Laughs.)

- That is, you have not yet managed to overcome this threshold “love lasts three years.”

For now, yes. Three years is a long time when you reveal yourself to the maximum and get to know another person. And it’s better to honestly say that there is no further path for you than to deceive yourself and her, convincing her that you accept her as she is. The explosion will still happen, and it will be much more painful if at that time you already have a family and children. I don’t like to watch people get divorced, children find themselves caught between two fires, and parents happily discuss the details of their breakup in the press. At the same time, I can’t say that we parted badly, no, we remain close people, I am connected with her and will always support her. I know that I will find the same support from her. This is a very dear person to me. Yes, we were unable to further develop our relationship into a family, but I’m glad that we were able to honestly admit this to each other.

- It seems to me that we have become more infantile. Our parents were already starting families at the age of twenty.

The world is changing, and the foundations are changing. It seems to me that now people should clearly understand why they should start a family. Motivation: because everyone does it - it doesn’t work. I don’t yet understand why I need children. Because it's time and you have to grab the first girl you come across? This is stupid. Because I'm afraid of growing old alone? Sounds kind of selfish. Probably, if there is a person nearby in whom I am confident, this will happen. But so far it’s not even close.

- Probably, family is a transition through one’s own egoism.

Yes, for me love is when you give and sacrifice yourself. While I'm practicing on my family. I have an older brother and sister, they have families and children. I communicate with my nieces, and I am also the godfather of my friend’s son. I am also responsible to my parents... I have passed the stage when I was a chick, fluttering out of the nest to build my own adult life. Now I have moved into the category of a young man who realizes that he must help his family and take care of them. I hope that in the near future I will be able to apply my experience in own family. But I don’t want to guess anything.

- Do you think it’s better when the chosen one is from your sphere?

I have often asked myself this question. Especially now that I'm free again. (Smiles.) It’s probably easier for you to understand each other if you’re both human creative profession. The artist will understand how much you spend during broadcasts and filming. I had difficulties with this for a long time. My girlfriend was really offended: “Why are you tired? Stand with a microphone? And this is difficult physically, mentally, devastation occurs. Well, you can explain to a creative person that sometimes you need to be alone. Or go away filming for a week. And that there, you may have to communicate with other girls, even flirt. It's a matter of trust. This is how husbands of actresses cope with seeing their on-screen wife making love to another man! Recently I was filming a film where, according to the plot, I constantly cheat on my girlfriend. And I have sex scenes there... The first time I did this. This is very strange. (Laughs.) And I imagined that if my girlfriend could see this, she would probably be unpleasant.

-Are you jealous?

Yes, very much. But I'm working on it. Jealousy arises from insecurity. When you trust a person, she leaves. I can say what last year I have made great strides in this direction.

Welcome to the official website of the agent of professional presenter Ivan Chuikov. This charming young man is one of the most promising and talented presenters. Higher education Ivan received Moscow state university culture and art, where after several years of study he became a certified show director. Currently, he skillfully combines work as a VJ on the RU.TV channel with organizing and holding concerts, holidays, weddings, and presentations. Ivan Chuikov is a very artistic and creative young man. His professionalism and extensive experience guarantee a superb event. None of the holidays he hosts are repeated; he will find an individual approach for each occasion. By ordering a presenter of such a professional level for your event, you will be satisfied. Ivan has been developing parties of various levels for more than 5 years: from warm family celebrations to national projects. Ivan Chuikov will turn any presentation into a massive and significant event that everyone will know about. Any city holiday will take on even greater proportions if Ivan Chuikov becomes its host. More detailed information Read about Ivan Chuikov on the official website.

Account: chyikov

Occupation: Russian TV presenter

Ivan Chuikov Instagram user with a large number publications, because he knows how important it is for a public person to be present on popular social networks in our time.

Ivan Chuikov’s Instagram immediately amazes with incredibly bright and high-quality photographs. The presenter publishes many photographs showing various aspects of his life. In his feed, subscribers see photos with colleagues in the television workshop and pictures from events at which Chuikov was the presenter. Here he is publishing a photo with the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine, and here he is standing in front of an audience of thousands at the bottom of the city of Moscow.

Ivan also shares moments from his travels around different cities Europe: over the past few months he has visited Paris, Rome, Fr. Crete. In addition, as part of his work, Chuikov has to travel a lot around Russia, and the presenter admires the cities of his homeland no less than those abroad. Ivan Chuikov does not leave photos from Instagram without his impressions and comments and adds many different tags.

Biography of Ivan Chuikov

Ivan Chuikov is a famous Russian presenter who became famous thanks to his work on one of the popular music channels. Career young man is gradually gaining momentum.

  • In 2006, the young man began studying at the faculty of producing and staging show programs at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. In 2011, Chuikov received a diploma with honors in his specialty.
  • In 2013, Ivan began his career as a TV presenter on the music channel RU.TV. Until 2015, paired with Nelly Ermolaeva, he led evening show"Greetings to two."
  • Chuikov was also the host of the second season of the show “Hit” for non-professional songwriters, which was broadcast on the Russia 1 channel.
  • Now Ivan is the host of the “Desk of Orders” program, a program based on requests from viewers live.
  • The professional biography of Ivan Chuikov also contains the positions of manager in the Maxim Fadeev PC and PR director of the popular Russian singer Gluk'oZy.
  • On at the moment, Ivan devotes most of his time to working as an event host and party organizer. Among Ivan’s achievements is the organization of both closed private parties and large projects, for example Cosmo days in the three largest cities of Russia.

Ivan Chuikov, whose biography is constantly filled with new interesting details, shows himself in his personal and professional life as an experienced and creative person with an amazing sense of humor.

We are glad to welcome you to the page of the young man, successful artist. Ivan Chuikov is a sought-after, famous and talented person, a conversational professional and simply a charming man, whose sophisticated image attracts the attention of many viewers! He has many fans and admirers all over Russia. And all because this guy knows how to present himself beautifully to the public, will give a lot of smiles and leaves a pleasant impression of the gala event at which he works. Ivan Chuikov is the face of the morning show “Two with Greetings” and the hero of the “Desk of Orders” project on the RU.TV channel. It was he who played main role in the sensational video of the Infinity group for the song “You are my angel”. The artist also showed off his acting skills in the television series "Real Boys". Ivan Chuikov’s performances at every event create a warm, friendly atmosphere, helping guests relax and enjoy a good evening. The events in which he takes part are easy, relaxed, but very creative!

The fact is that Ivan Chuikov is a certified producer of show programs. He graduated with honors from the capital's University of Culture and Arts, was the director of the Department of Family and Youth Policy, the manager of the production center of Max Fadeev and the personal PR director of the singer Glukoza. Ivan Chuikov’s participation in dozens of events of various subjects and scales allowed him not only to gain experience, but also to implement the ideas of customers, creating incredibly successful and bright projects! On his account there are many events, both closed elite parties and the largest national concerts. A subtle sense of humor, creative thinking, author's style, acting charisma and excellent diction helped him enter the top of the most prestigious presenters in the capital and beyond. Ivan Chuikov’s participation in corporate events, presentations, conferences and fashion events has always had a positive impact on these ratings. Both the leaders and guests of the evening were delighted with the skill of the energetic and elegant presenter! If you would like to organize performances by Ivan Chuikov as a compere for your upcoming project, please contact our experts. We will help you competently organize your future celebration and involve your favorite host for this. You can order Ivan Chuikov with us in one click.

Russian presenters who can be ordered from ProConcert for a holiday are charming, interesting people, whose performances are a joy to watch. A wedding, birthday or anniversary will go like clockwork if you invite such a great host as Ivan Chuikov through us. We know Ivan Chuikov as a creative person who will “get” the audience gathered for the holiday into full swing, offering adequate entertainment for different age groups. The star will direct the event in the right fun and friendly direction, fill the pauses and find a common language with the guests in the hall. The price (fee) of Ivan Chuikov is completely justified.