Making a parent newspaper in kindergarten by parents. Information and educational newspaper for parents in kindergarten

The electronic newspaper is a means of pedagogical information for parents.

The purpose of publishing the newspaper is to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, to stimulate parents’ interest in the work of preschool educational institutions.

Each issue is devoted to a specific problem of raising a child in a family and preschool institution. Articles are written not only by educators, but also by specialists kindergarten. The topic of the issue is determined by the problems that concern parents and children.

Newspaper announcement

“News” (information about events, the life of the kindergarten, group);

"Editor's Column" ( introductory remarks editor, appeal to parents);

24, 25, 26 - “Training and education” (articles devoted to current issues of training and education)

“Games for little whys” (educational games, tasks in different sections)

The advantages of an electronic newspaper are obvious - the newspaper is technologically advanced and informative, you can read it at any convenient time and get a lot of information.



SP GBOU Secondary School No.! "OC" - Kindergarten No. 3 "Little Red Riding Hood"

Municipal district Bolsheglushitsky Samara region

Group "Kapitoshka"

Newspaper for children and caring parents

Dear moms and dads, grandparents,

and also girls and boys!

Today you are reading the first issue of the quarterly newspaper “Pochemuchka”, which will now be published just for you.

Our newspaper will have pages for children, where they will find interesting tasks and fun coloring pages, pages for moms and dads, which will contain advice from experts on raising children, developing their speech, thinking, memory, promoting health, and much more interesting and useful for them. caring adults. Our newspaper will also have sections that are interesting for both children and adults: “Reading Together”, “Answers to Children’s Questions”, “Children Say”….

The newspaper will tell about the life of our kindergarten, our group “Kapitoshka”, about the tasks that our teaching staff sets for itself, and their solution. The events held in our kindergarten will not go unnoticed: holidays, entertainment, excursions, open classes and much more. We plan to publish the statements of our students in the “Children Speak” section.

We count on your support. It is from you, dear parents, that we hope to receive feedback about our newspaper, which will help it become even more interesting and useful.

Read in the issue:

Opening remarks by the newspaper editors

Raising assistants (advice from a psychologist)

Children's page: answers to children's questions, games for little whys

Our news

Website of our group "Kapitoshka"

We invite you to visit it

pages! We hope that you

you will find a lot of interesting things there and

useful for yourself. The site will be

updated regularly,

be replenished with stories about our

news, interesting tips

for parents, photos

our children. I'd like to see

you are among our regulars

guests. Website address:

Dear mothers and grandmothers!

Let it be bright

Let the sorrows go away

Dreams will come true

And bring joy

Blue winds,

And they give smiles

People and flowers!

This holiday originated as a day of struggle for women's rights. In the 19th century, the bulk of women were simple peasant women who did home work and raised children. In cities, women could work in match factories, chocolate and confectionery factories, and shoe factories. Their work was low paid and they worked 16 hours a day. The women were very tired of such work and began to organize rallies in the streets demanding improved working conditions. On March 8, 1897, workers from clothing and shoe factories gathered in New York. They demanded a 10-hour working day, bright and dry premises, and equal wages to men.

In 1910, at the International Conference in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate March 8th, which sounded like a call for women to join the fight for equality.

In Russia, the celebration of International Women's Day has become a tradition since March 2, 1913. Since 1918, International March 8th Day has become a public holiday.

Today, International Women's Day has lost its political overtones. Now March 8th is the holiday of Spring, Love, and Beauty.

Psychologist's page

Are you familiar with the situation when a child finds a thousand excuses not to help you around the house?

Most likely, he will have many reasons that prevent him from doing household chores: his stomach hurts, the television is very interesting program, you urgently need to draw a hare, or you suddenly feel tired.

However, there are some children who do not need to repeat a request for help a hundred times; they wash the dishes, water the flowers and put away their clothes without coercion. Why is this happening? How to raise a real helper?

Most likely, a child should be accustomed to housekeeping as early as possible: from the age of two or three. A child who was not taught to help adults at such an early age is unlikely to appreciate your work. After all, scattered toys are in order for him! Of course, any child can be forced to clean. But both the child and you are unlikely to like it.

Try not to miss the right moment. At the age of about three years, the child’s character is formed, he tries to try everything, strives to study everything, repeats after mom and dad any of their actions.

Do not think that at this age the child is too small. Of course, he is unlikely to be able to wash the floor or cook dinner, but allow him to put away the toys, clean the egg, or wipe the dust. Even if he gets dirty himself and gets everything around him dirty, don’t scold him. He tried! The main thing is that he will begin to appreciate your work.

First you need to determine the child's responsibilities. Invite him to water the flowers in the room every day. Buy a beautiful watering can for this and show how the flowers are happy to be watered, how beautifully they grow and bloom.

Then you can slowly add more things to do for your baby. Just don't turn cleaning into a punishment. Everyday life is not about dirty dishes and scattered clothes. This is a reality that we live with all our lives. Help around the house should become an integral part of every day for a child. But, so that your baby doesn’t get tired of it quickly, turn cleaning into an adventure, make housework a fun activity. Books that foster a sense of cleanliness and organization may come to the rescue.

Yes, it is often easier and faster to do something yourself than to ask a child for help. But your efforts will definitely be paid for as your baby grows up.

Constantly praise a child who has expressed a desire to help you. You don’t have to give him toys or buy him something tasty for this. Sometimes just parental affection and a kind word are enough.

If something didn’t work out for your child, redo it after him, but only when he doesn’t see it. The child should not know that his efforts were useless. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the baby himself dreams of helping you!

Answers to children's questions


IN different countries people greet each other in different ways. When a European meets you, he will shake your hand, and an American will also pat you on the shoulder. The Japanese will bow deeply, and, for example, Akamba in Kenya will spit on the person he meets as a sign of deep respect. In the Zambezi people clap their hands and curtsy. When greeting another, a Jew will say: “Peace be with you!”, a Chinese will ask: “Have you eaten?”, a Persian will wish: “Be cheerful!”, and a Zulu will say: “I see you!”


In the 10th century, with the adoption of Christianity in Ancient Rus' the chronology used by the Romans, the Julian calendar, the Roman names of months and the seven-day week came, but the names of the days of the week - weeks - remained their own. The week began with a week (on this day there is “no work”); Monday - the first day after the week; Tuesday - second; Wednesday - average; Thursday - fourth; Friday - the fifth; Saturday got its name from the Hebrew word “sabbath” (Sabbath) - a day of rest.

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Informational, educational and entertaining newspaper for parents and children

MDOAU "Kindergarten No. 78 of compensatory type" Orsk


Knowledge Day, at school and in kindergarten

Our calendar

Advice from specialists of MDOAU No. 78

Rising kindergarten stars

Learning by playing


Compiled by:

Educator - Safonova Anna Mikhailovna

Dear friends! We made no mistake in congratulating you on the beginning of the New Year. The first of September in history is not only the Day of Knowledge; on this day, before Peter’s reforms, the New Year was celebrated in Rus'.

In the history of Rus', which adopted Christianity, and with it the new chronology system, there were many incidents. For example, 1699 lasted only four months. In September, the Orthodox greeted him by singing the troparion for the New Year, and at the end of the year PeterIissued a decree on the celebration of the New Year from January 1 and the introduction of chronology in the Western style - from the Nativity of Christ. However, on September 1st, as significant date, has never been erased from people's memory. Many years later, this day became the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of a “new life” for many children, their parents and teachers.

Like New Year's holiday, this day is decorated with flowers, smiles, the joy of meetings, a feeling of anticipation of happiness, dreams and plans.

Of course, adults - teachers and parents - understand that in order to achieve their plans, they need to work hard and hard, that along the way there will be not only satisfaction with their efforts, but also certain difficulties.

But for children we must do everything to ensure that the nextThey remembered the new school year as happy and interesting.

Our newspaper will help you with this. As always, all our releases will be dedicated to children whom we sincerely love and want to see healthy and happy.

Dear colleagues, parents and children!

Happy Knowledge Day and the beginning of the school year.

Our future children

It’s difficult with them, so be it!

Our children are our strength,

Extraterrestrial lights,

If only there was a future

As bright as they are!

On September 1, the children of the senior groups of our kindergarten visited school No. 1 to congratulate the first-graders, all students and teachers on DAY OF KNOWLEDGE and happy new school year! At the festival, primary school children read poetry, senior school students dressed up in fairy-tale heroes and sang songs.

Our children, as future first-graders, were congratulated by the school administration. In conclusion, the first bell of the NEW SCHOOL YEAR rang!!!


Is your baby going to kindergarten for the first time? This is a serious challenge for the whole family! A new period begins for the baby, when for the first time he will be away from his mother regularly and for a long time, cope with separation, establish contact with unfamiliar children and the teacher, and get used to the regime. It is important for a child to have a “rear” to which he will be glad to return, which will support him and create a feeling of security for him, even if neither mom nor dad are around.


Unfortunately, sometimes parents make serious mistakes that make it difficult for their child to adapt. What you should not do under any circumstances: You should not punish or get angry with a child because he cries when parting or at home when the need to go to kindergarten is mentioned! Just remind us again that you will definitely come. You can't be intimidated by kindergarten. A place that is feared will never be loved or safe. You cannot speak badly about the teachers and the kindergarten in front of your child. This may lead the child to think that the garden is a bad place and is surrounded by bad people. You cannot deceive your child by saying that you will come very soon if the baby, for example, has to stay in kindergarten for half a day or even a full day. Let him know better that his mother will not come soon than to wait for her all day and may lose trust in the person closest to him.

These tips will be useful not only to parents of children who have come to kindergarten for the first time, but also to those whose child has been absent from kindergarten for a long time or has moved from another kindergarten.


Dear parents!

1. If you brought your child after the start of any special moment, please undress him and wait with him in the locker room until the next break.

2. Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning before 08.15 and in the evening after 17.00. At other times, the teacher is obliged to work with a group of children and cannot be distracted.

3. Teachers of the group, regardless of age, must be addressed as You, both by name and patronymic.

4. Controversial and conflict situations must be resolved in the absence of children.

5. We ask you to make sure that the child does not have sharp, cutting or piercing objects in his pocket, and must have a handkerchief.

6. We ask you not to give your child chewing gum or sweets to kindergarten.

7. In a group, children are not allowed to hit or offend each other; take personal belongings without permission, including toys of other children brought from home; spoil and break the results of the work of other children. Children are not allowed to “fight back.” Just like attacking each other.

Our calendar

International Day of Older Persons

It has been celebrated by decision of the UN General Assembly since 1990. First, the Day of Older Persons began to be celebrated in Europe, then in America, and in the late 80s throughout the world. On this day, many television and radio programs broadcast special programs for older people. All over the world, various festivals are organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and role in society.

international animal day

Celebrated on the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare since 1931, on the name day of Francis of Assisi, the protector and patron of animals, this day is intended to draw public attention to protection problems environment and animals.

day of restoration of the State Flag of Russia

On this day in 1991, the Congress of People's Deputies Russian Federation adopted an amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, changing the article describing national flag. The tricolor, which was first introduced under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, has been restored. White on the flag symbolizes purity, blue – fidelity, red – courage.

This is interesting

Santa Claus's birthday

On November 18, Russia officially celebrates the birthday of Father Frost. It is not known for certain what the age of the winter wizard is, but it is certain that he is more than 200 years old. The children themselves came up with the date of the birth of Father Frost, since it is on November 18 that real winter comes into its own on his estate - in Veliky Ustyug - and frosts strike.

ABOUT They prepare especially carefully for this holiday in the homeland of the birthday boy. On this day, a special mailbox is opened in which congratulations can be sent to Santa Claus. Both local children and visiting tourists enjoy this.

His many relatives come to congratulate the fabulous birthday boy - Santa Claus from Finland, Chiskhan - Yakut Father Frost, Karelian Pakkaine, winter storyteller Mikulash from the Czech Republic, Snow Maiden from Kostroma, as well as official delegations from Vologda, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and many other cities. And Santa Claus’s assistants prepare him a gift every year new suit, decorated with embroidery.

What should parents do to protect their children and other family members from influenza and ARVI:

    Practice good hand hygiene. Wash your hands with soap and water as often as possible, especially after coughing or sneezing. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are also effective.

    Cover your mouth and nose with a paper tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don't have a tissue, cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or shoulder, not your hands.

    Stay home if you or your child is sick for at least 24 hours after the fever has subsided or symptoms have gone away (and you are not taking fever-reducing medications). To prevent the spread of the virus, a sick child should stay home.

All family members should get a flu shot. If the flu epidemic becomes more serious, parents should take the following measures:

    Extend the time sick children stay at home by 7 days - even if the patient's condition improves earlier. Those who are sick for longer than 7 days should stay home for 24 hours after symptoms have completely resolved.

    Parents should monitor their own and their children's health by regularly measuring their temperature and paying attention to other flu symptoms.

    Consider how you can provide care for your child at home if he gets sick or school is canceled.

    Children at increased risk of complications from influenza include children under 5 years of age and children with chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes.

    During treatment, set aside a separate room for sick family members.

    Gather games, books, and other things you need to keep your family entertained in case school is canceled or your child gets sick and has to stay home.

Be healthy!

What to do if the child does not listen? To answer this question, you need to determine the reasons for his disobedience. Why is he acting this way? Why does it make us parents feel very unpleasant feelings? And do we always feel the same way if children don’t listen to us?

Try to remember one of the recent situations of disobedience or just a very memorable situation of this kind. Describe to yourself your emotions and actions at that time one by one. Now try to determine the main, predominant feeling that you experienced then (anger, resentment, despair, irritation, something else). There is a hypothesis according to which the reason for a child’s disobedience can be determined by the feeling that we experience.First reason: If you feel irritated, then the disobedience is most likely caused by a struggle for attention. If a child does not receive the right amount of attention that he so needs for normal development and well-being, then he finds his own way to get it - disobedience. Parents look up from their work every now and then and make comments. It cannot be said that this is so pleasant for the child, but attention is still received. It's better than nothing at all.Second reason: Are you feeling angry? Then, most likely, the cause of disobedience is the struggle for self-affirmation against excessive parental care. It is especially difficult for children when their parents communicate with them mainly in the form of comments, concerns, and instructions. The child begins to rebel. He responds with stubbornness and contrary actions. The meaning of this behavior is to defend the right to decide one’s own affairs, to show that he is an individual. It doesn’t matter that his decision is sometimes not very successful, even wrong. But it’s yours, and that’s the main thing!Third reason: If the parent's feeling is resentment, then the reason for disobedience is the desire for revenge. Children often get offended byparents. For example: parents are more attentive to the youngest; parents separated; a stepfather appeared in the house; parents often quarrel, etc. There are many isolated reasons: a harsh remark, unfair punishment. Deep down, the child experiences protests, disobedience, and poor performance at school, but on the surface. The meaning of bad behavior: “You did me bad, let it be bad for you too!”Fourth reason: The parent falls into the grip of a feeling of hopelessness, and sometimes even despair - in this case, the reason for disobedience is the loss of faith in their own success. Having accumulated bitter experience of failures and criticism directed at himself, the child loses self-confidence and develops low self-esteem. He may come to the conclusion: “there is no point in trying, nothing will work out anyway.” At the same time, by his external behavior he shows that he “doesn’t care,” “even if I’m bad, I’ll be bad.”

How to help a disobedient child (and yourself)?

The most general answer to the question is not to react in the usual, stereotypical way, as a vicious circle is formed. The more the adult is dissatisfied, the more the child is convinced that his efforts have achieved the goal - and resumes them with new energy.Options for constructive behavior of an adult in different situations of disobedience : - If there is a struggle for attention, you need to give the child this positive attention. Come up with some joint activities - games, walks.
- If the source of conflict is the struggle for self-affirmation, then, on the contrary, you should reduce your involvement in the child’s affairs. It is very important for him to accumulate experience of his own decisions and even failures. What will most help you get rid of unnecessary pressure and dictate is understanding that a child’s stubbornness and self-will is just a form of plea that irritates you: “Let me live by my own mind.” - When you feel offended, you need to ask yourself: what made the child inflict it on you? What kind of pain does he have? How have you offended or are you constantly offending him? Having understood the reason, we must, of course, try to correct it. - The most difficult situation is for a desperate parent and a child who has lost faith in their abilities. We need to stop demanding what is "due"

behavior, minimize your expectations and complaints. Surely

a child can do something, he has the ability to do something. Find the level of challenge available to him and start moving forward. Help, together look for a way out of the deadlock. At the same time, you cannot criticize the child! Look for any reason to praise him, celebrate any, even the smallest, success. Try to insure him and save him from major failures. You need to talk to teachers and make them your allies. You will see: the very first successes will inspire the child.

So, the main efforts should be directed towards switching your negative emotions (irritation, anger, resentment, despair) into constructive actions. As in any other matter, you should not expect an immediate improvement in behavior from your child. In addition, it is important to know that the first time you try to change something, the childmay increase his bad behavior! Perhaps he won't immediately will believe in the sincerity of your intentions, and will test you.

Important for child development, especially in preschool and early childhood school age, has a fairy tale.

The fairy tale absorbs and stores folk wisdom, features national character, universal human values ​​and ideals.

A fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces.

Dear adults, read and tell fairy tales to children! Through magic and fairy tales, a child learns about the world and tries on behavior patterns.

A fairy tale is mysterious world, thanks to which children open their hearts, learn to empathize, develop their spiritual emotionality and begin to believe in their own strengths, acquiring a motive for success.

Fairy tales teach us good things

and diligent work,

they tell you how to live,

to make everyone around you friends.

“Through a fairy tale, fantasy, play, through unique children's creativity - the right path to a child’s heart. A fairy tale, a fantasy, is the key with which you can open these origins, and they will fill you with life-giving springs.”

V. Sukhomlinsky.

With the help of a fairy tale, you can teach your child:

Will is a complex and multifaceted personality quality.

Self-confidence is the ability to withstand failures.

Courage - self-control, fearlessness, the ability to behave with dignity in critical situations.

Hard work is the reluctance to sit idle, the desire for useful work.

Persistence - patience and endurance in achieving a goal.

Commitment is the ability to keep one's word.

Optimism - belief in success, passion, elation.

Determination is the ability to define a goal and persistently strive to achieve it.

Kindness and honesty.

With the help of a fairy tale, you can develop in your child:

Listening skills;

ability to know;

ability to compare, contrast;

ability to think in words;

Coherent speech;

Interest in learning;





facial expressions and gestures;

aesthetic feelings;

Sense of humor.

Defectologist MDOAU No. 78 Safonova Anna Mikhailovna

Young bakers group No. 1

Autumn Festival

City competition “Do it yourself book”

All children received certificates and diplomas

Future builders of gr. No. 4

Concert for the Day of the Elderly

Let's learn together by playing...

Finger gymnastics for preschool children plays a huge role.Positive aspects of gymnastics - This is stimulation of the motor and speech areas of the brain, promoting faster speech formation. Finger gymnastics is suitable for children of any age.

Developing fine motor skills We successfully prepare our hand for writing. After all, only three fingers hold a pen (thumb, index and middle), and in the exercises all fingers of each hand develop, increasing the effect of developing fine motor skills and qualitatively accelerating the effect on speech. There is an alternation of movements: compression, relaxation, stretching, the presence of tone in the hand and fingers can be seen. Both hands are alternately involved in the work, regardless of the child’s dominant hand. At the beginning of the game, the illustration is examined with the children, the content is discussed, and the necessary gestures, various combinations of fingers, and movements are practiced. This creates the necessary emotional mood and allows you to prepare preschoolers to perform exercises correctly.

At the beginning, children warm up their palms with light strokes until they feel pleasantly warm, and then begin to perform the exercises. Exercises are performed daily in at a slow pace, 3-5 times, alternately with each hand, and then with both hands together. Children recite short poems with their hands with frequent changes of figures. Align the fingers of one hand alternately (1 – 2, 1 – 3, 1 – 4, 1 – 5), then with the other hand, and then with both hands in parallel.

It is worth paying attention to the quality of the figure, the coordination of movements of individual fingers and the entire hand, and the ability to maintain the desired position when performing a task. The more a hand can do, the smarter its owner.

Teacher of group No. 6 “Daisies” Zubkova N.Yu. advises parents and their children on non-traditional finger games with clothespins: using a clothespin (check on your fingers that it is not too tight), we alternately “bite” the nail phalanges from the index finger.


Kitten bites hard

He thinks it's not a finger

And the mouse. (change of hands)

But I'm playing with you, baby.

And you will bite

I'll tell you "Shoo!"


Autumn, autumn,(three palms touching each other)

Come!(clench fists one at a time)

Autumn, autumn,(three palms touching each other)

Look!(palms on cheeks)

Yellow leaves are spinning(smooth movement of palms)

They lie quietly on the ground.(put your palms on your knees)

The sun no longer warms us,(shake head)

The wind is blowing stronger and stronger(we simultaneously bend our hands in different sides)

The birds flew to the south,(make a “bird” from two crossed hands)

The rain is knocking on our window.(drum your fingers first one at a time, then one at a timeother palm)

We put on hats and jackets(imitate)

And we put on our shoes.(stomp our feet)

Teacher Zueva A.R. offers such finger games:

Complete the sentence about Autumn
Summer has been replaced by... (golden autumn).
The sun peeks out less and less often... (from behind the clouds).
The trees put on... (multi-colored outfit).
... (red, yellow) leaves burn in the sun, and then... (fall, swirl, cover) the earth with a golden carpet.
The rain... (drizzles) and makes us hide... (at home).
Birds gather in flocks... (and fly away to warmer climes).
The animals have no time to frolic, they make... (supplies for the winter).
Soon the white-winged winter will come into its own.

Choose an action
Leaves in the fall (what do they do?) - turn yellow, fall off, etc.
Rain in the fall - drizzling, falling, etc.
The harvest is harvested in the fall.
Birds fly away in the fall.
Trees in autumn shed leaves.
Leaves in autumn (what?) - yellow, red, crimson, gold.
How can you say this in one word? (Multi-colored.)
Rain in autumn (what kind?) - cold, drizzling.
The weather in autumn (what?) - cloudy, rainy, gloomy, frosty (late autumn).
Trees in autumn (which ones?) - early - with multi-colored leaves, late - bare.
Animals in the fall - preparing for winter, changing their coats.
fox, squirrel, ermine, hare (does not change color); squirrel, vole, hare, badger (does not store).

Preparing your hand for writing.

Teacher-speech therapist of MDAU No. 78 Pivkina Natalya Gennadievna

BeTEACHER This is happiness, purpose, destiny! All the secrets of the world are in your power, and the will to live is so strong! Thank you for the inspiration, for the light of spiritual beauty! We wish you joy, patience and endless kindness!

Your baby has gone to kindergarten, and a new one has appeared in his life. important person- teacher.

Our country celebrates a national holiday on September 27"Day of the teacher and all preschool workers."

People who bring holidays to children every day have finally earned their own holiday! The date was not chosen by chance. The first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1863.

Preschool age- a particularly important and responsible period in a child’s life; at this age, personality is formed and the foundations of health are laid. Prosperous childhood and further fate Each child depends on the wisdom of the teacher, his patience, attention to inner world child. It’s wonderful that a day has arisen when teachers and support staff of kindergartens will be surrounded by the special love of children, the respect of parents and everyone’s attention.

Happy holiday to all preschool workers who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day!

(tips from Mary Poppins)

“Don’t take candy to kindergarten, because it hurts other children. See your mother off calmly and behave with dignity. Don't fight or swear, don't speak rudely. Listen to the teacher, sleep and eat without orders. Don't spit on the plate, but chew it properly. Don't push your girlfriend if she's holding a mug. Help those who are weaker, be smarter and kinder.

I was a housekeeper

And she took things seriously.

And now the housekeeper:

Everyone is leading me by the nose!

(Freken Bock)

Mother's day, and we wish that mother is understood

Everyone: dad and kids - both girls and boys. To be listened to, appreciated, and found a moment

Tell mommy: “Thank you!”

Maybe without words, just with a look. We wish, dear: Stay like this:

Kind, beautiful,

My favorite!

Relevance. In their work, educators are increasingly using new, interactive forms of cooperation with parents, allowing them to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge of their own child. When planning and developing a system of interaction with the families of pupils, the teacher takes into account both the interests of the child and the needs of the parents. Each parent should enjoy interacting with teachers and joint activities with your child. An interactive form of cooperation with families in our kindergarten is the publication of a newspaper. This is both a method of pedagogical information, a form of interaction between teachers and families, and a means of developing the creative abilities of all participants in the pedagogical process. The advantage of the newspaper in the practice of preschool educational institutions is that it is focused on specific parents, taking into account their level of education, needs, and interests. And, most importantly, the newspaper writes about children and their achievements. Newspapers, as a form of interaction with the family, are also good because there is no “coercion”, which psychologists often talk about with alarm, emphasizing that it repels parents and sometimes interferes with the perception of even interesting and significant information. You can look through the newspaper and put it aside, or you can read it and apply it in the practice of raising your own child.

Explanatory note.Since 2009, our kindergarten has published a general newspaper for children, parents and teachers, “The Little Mermaid,” of which I often acted as an editor as a social teacher (click on the newspaper and look) . In my work as a teacher of correctional group No. 5, this form of work with parents seemed necessary to me. It was decided to create its own press organ: the “Kapelka” group newspaper. The name was chosen according to the analogy with the name of the group. The newspaper turned out to be just as colorful, eye-catching, and most importantly, information-rich. I took the same principle as a basis - parents must learn to hear their children! Modern parents are very busy people; they do not always come to parent-teacher meetings and consultations, often limiting themselves to only short conversations with teachers during the morning reception of pupils and in the evening, when they pick up the baby from kindergarten. And this form of work turned out to be convenient in that parents can familiarize themselves with the newspaper while, for one reason or another, they are waiting for their child in the reception group. What are we talking about? About the characteristics of the physical and mental development of children, about the life of a child in a group; We give recommendations on the upbringing and education of children; We help parents take a more careful look at the relationship with their children, see their children’s mood, their desires and experiences.

Year founded - 2014. Frequency: 1 time per month, 9 issues per year, format A 4, volume 2-4 pages, color.

Target: Informing parents about the affairs, problems and leisure of adults and children, assisting parents in finding life guidelines, in raising children, nurturing patriotism and a sense of love for their group, kindergarten, city, and homeland.

Content: Any teacher working with children in a group can become the editor of a newspaper issue if desired. We also interest parents; they not only publish articles in the newspaper, but also act as the designer and editor of the issue. The issue editor plans the issue, collects materials, and proofreads; the designer decides technical issues, i.e., deals with design and replication. The main condition for attracting parents and employees to the publishing center is their personal interest and desire to work in this direction.

The newspaper "Droplets" is an opportunity to get to know us, look behind the doors of our group and observe all the events from the inside, including now through the most necessary thing these days - the Internet.

The heroes of the newspaper are our children and teachers, the stories of our newspaper are about achievements, various events - in general, everything about our group can be read on the pages of the Droplets newspaper. Also on the pages of our newspaper are consultations, recommendations and information on issues that concern us (employees and parents).

From the history of the creation of an informational and educational newspaper for parents

Explanatory note
Among the tasks solved by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the integration of training and education into a holistic educational process on the basis of spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of the individual, family, and Society.
One of the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions is the requirement to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.
In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the Organization is obliged to:
- Inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of preschool education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only the family, but also all interested parties involved in educational activities;
- ensure openness of preschool education;
- create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities;
- support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health;
-ensure the involvement of families in direct educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family;
- create conditions for adults to search for and use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss with parents (legal representatives) of children issues related to the implementation of the Program.
Everyone knows that family and kindergarten constitute the main microenvironment for a child. Social experience gained by a preschooler in kindergarten and family, a child who is different in the family is an object of adoration, compliance and forgiveness, in kindergarten - an equal member social group. In this dissimilarity lies main meaning cooperation and interaction.
In our educational organization (Preschool Educational Institution "Topolek" Municipal Educational Institution "Paspaulskaya Secondary School") we, teachers, use different forms of work with parents in our work:
projects, presentations of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;
frontal and individual surveys of parents, studying the problems of families of pupils; information booklets;
organization of Open Days;
joint leisure activities;

Target: creating conditions for pedagogical comprehensive education of parents, ensuring the unity of public and family education.
The main tasks are the following:
1. Increasing the activity and responsibility of families of kindergarten students and involving them in cooperation in matters of child development.
2. Providing information and educational support for parents’ choice of directions in development and education through the development of a competent pedagogical position in relation to their own child.
3. Promoting the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s abilities in various types educational activities, ensuring continuity of preparation for the next educational stage ( schooling).
4. Increasing the level of competence of parents (interaction with them when selecting the content of materials for the newspaper).


1. The principle of humanization.“First love, then teach” - the rule of implementation educational work with children.
2. The principle of democratization. The interests of parents are taken into account when selecting the content of newspaper materials.
3. The principle of cooperation. Includes close interaction with the families of pupils with the aim of a unified approach to the education and development of the child’s personality.
Authors of materials: teachers and parents. Materials include photographs, illustrations, information about the life of a preschool educational institution, tips and recommendations for raising children in a family, organizing leisure time, healthy image life, practical tasks and exercises for children, works fiction for reading to children, children's reasoning and statements, etc.
The newspaper is distributed within the group by printing in several copies, as well as on the preschool website (in the section age group). Each parent has the right to publish their own material and the right to receive each issue of the newspaper in electronic form.
Currently, young families are busy with work and career growth. And, unfortunately, all these reasons crowd out communication with the child.
Our task– convince parents that their children need attention. Our newspaper is an additional source of information for parents. Everyone has a couple of free minutes to read “The Noise Maker” while their child is getting dressed.
The author of the material is obliged:
- provide truthful, reliable information with reference to sources;
- in controversial cases, present arguments reasonably.
The idea of ​​creating a newspaper came over time, back in 2013: at first there were leaflets that provided information about the group: the number of children, their ages, relationships in the team, what children do in their free time. We tried to see something special in each child and found warm words. The leaflets were aimed at solving a very important goal: creating a good microclimate in the group and trusting relationships with parents. I really wanted to confirm in the minds of adults that their children are in good hands, they are loved, accepted for who they are. In the following leaflets, we talked about the successes of children in educational activities, reported on the work of clubs and celebrated the children who distinguished themselves. This made parents feel proud of their child. And the announced competitions and projects made it possible not only to involve parents in creative activity, but also raise their authority in the eyes of children.
We collected all previously released leaflets into a file folder and added new material and it turned out to be an information newspaper. All that was left was to come up with a name. It came naturally. In the beginning there was “Firefly” (after the name of the group), time passed, children and parents changed, the group changed. The name too. You won't find it in the dictionary. Parents and children, gathering near the newspaper, heatedly discussed the news, rejoiced at the successes and smiled genuinely. This is how the name “Noisemaker” appeared.
When we work on the next issue, we use it in our work modern technologies using the educational information space. Having received a different status, the newspaper became more interesting. It is bright and accompanied by color photographs. It reflects general garden activities and events that occur within the group. Of course, educators are editors-in-chief, photographers and correspondents. But parents also actively (on our initiative) began to publish their own wall newspapers. Everyone was given an algorithm for their production.
For example, recommendations for parents on designing a family newspaper:

The newspaper may include the following sections:

Fairy tale own composition on any topic.
- “Who goes where, and we’re off to the holiday” (come up with and draw a costume for the upcoming holiday, offer ideas for the holiday, etc.).
- A selection of riddles on a specific topic.
- Come up with your own section.
Sections in the newspaper can be changed and added!
Family newspapers reflect a creative and individual approach, they are made with love, and prove interest and positive attitude parents to work in a kindergarten, to “ensure their children experience a full childhood.”
New columns have appeared in the newspaper:“Smile!”, “They work for you”, “Health page”, “Our successes”, “Home toy library”, “Additional about additional”. This event newspaper has acquired an informational and educational character. We continue to write about children, about their dreams, about various curiosities. This is always relevant. After all, children should be more important than anything else.

Today, new requirements are placed on preschool education. Including the nature and quality of relations between the preschool educational institution and the family. The Law “On Education” states that “parents are the first teachers of their children,” and “a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.” Fruitful work in raising a child is possible only in an atmosphere of cooperation, interaction and trust.

There are many forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families. These are parent meetings, group and individual consultations, parent clubs, trainings, KVNs, round tables, workshops, joint leisure and holidays, etc. One of the interesting and effective forms of interaction, in our opinion, is the publication of a newspaper for parents. This is a way of psychological and pedagogical education of the family, information about the life of the kindergarten, and also a means of developing the creative abilities of teachers. The newspaper, as a form of interaction with the family, is also good because the element of “coercion” disappears here, which psychologists talk about with alarm, emphasizing that it is this that pushes parents away and interferes with the perception of interesting and significant information. You can look through the newspaper, you don’t have to take it, or you can read it and apply it in the practice of raising your own child. Information about what kind of intensive work is carried out with preschoolers in kindergarten changes the attitude of parents towards teachers and, in general, towards the work of preschool educational institutions. Often parents do not see the amount of work that is being done with their children. Many, especially in early age groups, are only interested in what and how their child ate, whether he slept well, and the teacher does not always have the opportunity to advise and answer parents’ questions, because children cannot be left unattended. Parents often don’t have time to read the information stands that are in each group, but you can take the newspaper with you and read it at home in a calm environment.

Our preschool educational institution has been publishing the kindergarten newspaper “Carousel” for four years now. A distinctive feature of our newspaper is that it talks about our students, their achievements and successes, their life in kindergarten and the life of the entire kindergarten. All material is accompanied by color photographs. The articles are written in accessible language, short and interesting.

Publishing a newspaper is quite a labor-intensive job that requires a lot of time and certain preparation. All participants in the pedagogical process are involved in this process: kindergarten administration, teachers, specialists (educational psychologist, speech therapist, physical education instructor, musical director), healthcare workers and parents.

Work on the newspaper begins with identifying topics based on events taking place in the preschool educational institution and the requests of parents. The next stage is the selection of information. Teachers collect poems and statements from children, select children’s works for the permanent column “Our Vernissage,” and compile a description of the most significant events, in their opinion. Experts cover current issues in at the moment. Parents are invited to write a note about their family education experience. Then the editorial board assembles, consisting of the editor-in-chief (head of the preschool educational institution), proofreader (deputy head of educational and educational institutions), art editor (educator-psychologist) and editors (the composition is determined by the main topic of the issue). The editorial board determines the basic concept of the issue, selects the most interesting articles and photographic materials. And finally, the design and layout of the newspaper is carried out. Parents replicate the finished number.

Our creative team does not stand still. Over the three years the newspaper has been published, its format has changed. We are looking for something new to make it more interesting and relevant for parents. The name and motto remain unchanged.

On initial stage The newspaper “Carousel” was of an informational nature; it described the events taking place in the preschool educational institution. But parents want to know not only what happened, but also plans for the future. Thus, the “Announcement” section appeared in our newspaper, where we invite parents to planned events, holidays, and offer to take part in various promotions. All this contributes to the involvement of parents in the educational process.

Since our newspaper does not change its volume (8 pages), but we want to talk about everything, a section “Calendar of Events” has appeared, which presents photos and a brief description of past events.

Over the years, each teacher has accumulated a large collection of thoughts and statements from children on various topics. Many of them, we think, will be of interest to readers of our newspaper. Since modern parents communicate little with their children and sometimes cannot even imagine what thoughts are in the minds of their beloved kids. In the upcoming issues the section “Children about the main thing” will be published.

The newspaper becomes relevant and interesting for readers. Parents are looking forward to the new issue. A file of newspapers for three years is a kind of report on the life and work of the kindergarten, and over time it will become the history of the development of the institution.

Our experience shows that the newspaper as a form of interaction is an effective means of involving parents in participating in the educational process. As a result of this activity, parents develop an interest in how their child lives and a desire to take part in the life of the kindergarten. The result of our work was the active participation of parents in organizing and conducting thematic classes, holidays, leisure, health days, excursions, project activities. They gladly respond to requests from teachers to take part in landscaping the kindergarten territory, exhibitions, and competitions.

Attached is a sample of the newspaper “Carousel” from MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 of the combined type “Cheburashka”.