Amendment to the charter of a charitable foundation sample. Charter of a charitable foundation - drafting and registration

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines it as a unitary non-profit organization that:

  • has no membership;
  • established by citizens or legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions;
  • pursues charitable, cultural, educational or other social, publicly beneficial goals.

The main constituent document is the charter, which must contain the following information:

  • about the name;
  • about its location;
  • about the subject and goals of the activity;
  • on the foundation’s bodies, including the highest collegial body and the board of trustees that supervises its activities;
  • on the procedure for appointing officials and their release from duties;
  • about the fate of property in the event of liquidation.

You can download a sample charter of a charitable foundation with one founder for free at the end of the article.

The charitable organization has a number of features established by Federal Law dated August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ. In particular, the main goals of its activities are a fairly narrow range of socially useful events, which are listed in Art. 2 135-FZ. Among them:

  • social support and protection of citizens, including improvement financial situation low-income, social rehabilitation;
  • providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, social, national, religious conflicts;
  • victims of repression, refugees and internally displaced persons.

The property transferred upon establishment is its property, the founders do not have property rights in relation to the organization they created, are not responsible for its obligations, just as the organization itself is not responsible for the obligations of its founders.

Title requirements

The name of the charitable organization can be anything. There is only one requirement - the presence of the word “fund”. The name can indicate the main charitable purpose. For example, “Gift of Life” Charitable Foundation for Children with Hematological Oncology and Other Serious Diseases. You can indicate in the title the surname of the person who is the face of the fund. For example, “Valery Gergiev”. You can give a name that covers a fairly wide range of possible programs: “Center for Social Programs Foundation.” Or, conversely, clearly define the purpose of the activity in the title: “Flight 9268”.

When using the name of a citizen, symbols protected by law in the name Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property, as well as the full name of other legal entity as part of your own name during state registration, it is necessary to provide, along with the constituent documents, documents confirming the right to such use.

Who controls

For management the following are created:

  • the highest collegial body, the powers of which are defined in paragraph 1 of Art. 123.19 Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • a sole executive body, and a collegial executive body (board) can also be created;
  • Board of Trustees in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 123.19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is created without fail and exercises supervision over the activities of the organization itself and its other bodies and acts on a voluntary basis.

How to register

Registration is carried out in the manner established by Chapter. III Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs» taking into account the features specified in Art. 13.1 of the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

Documents for registration are submitted to the Federal Tax Service of Russia no later than three months from the date of the decision on creation, while, together with the application for registration, other documents specified in clause 5 of Art. 13.1 of the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, in particular the charter, the decision on the creation and approval of the charter, indicating the composition of the elected (appointed) bodies in two copies; information about the founders in two copies and other documents.

Sample charter of a charitable foundation 2019

It is necessary to understand that the more attentively the founders pay attention to the development of the charter, the more fully it describes the planned activity, the easier it will be to work later and the easier it will be to pass the stage of state registration.

Do you need a memorandum of association?

It is important to note that a sample constituent agreement for a charitable foundation is not provided. Such a document is not drawn up, since the founders do not have property rights and obligations, and the procedure for allocating property is determined by the founders at the constituent meeting and is recorded in the minutes and charter.

Creation of a charitable organization in 2018

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 50, art. 123.17 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code), a fund is an organizational and legal form of a legal entity that is a unitary non-profit organization. The goals of its activities are exclusively socially useful (charity, cultural development, etc.) The purpose of the charitable foundation is exclusively charity.

The foundation is established by issuing an appropriate decision and adopting a charter. These documents are required for state registration.

It is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in cooperation with the federal tax service on the basis of:

  • Law “On State Registration of Legal Entities...” dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ;
  • Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” dated January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ;
  • Administrative regulations approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2011 No. 455.

You will learn more about the deadlines, procedure and documents required for registration from the article.

We will look further at how to draw up the charter of a charitable foundation in 2018, but it should be noted that in 2017-2018 no significant changes were introduced to the requirements for its content. But innovations are being actively introduced into the procedure for submitting documents for registration and receiving the results of the service, namely: the electronic method of submitting/issuing documents is being added and expanded. More about the process electronic document management can be found in the above-mentioned Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Justice.

Sample charter of a charitable organization

According to the law (clause 2 of Article 123.17 of the Civil Code), the charter of a charitable foundation must have the following structure:

  • name (must contain the word “fund”) and address;
  • subject and goals of the work;
  • information about the organizational structure (the highest collegial body, the board of trustees, the sequence of appointment and dismissal of officials);
  • procedure for distribution of property during liquidation.

IMPORTANT! If any information in the charter does not correspond to reality or the requirements of regulations, state registration may be denied. For example, if the name does not contain the word “fund” or the address is indicated incorrectly (subparagraph “g”, “r”, paragraph 1, article 23 of Law No. 7).

In practice, statutes and their samples presented on the Internet are much larger and more informative than provided by law. We recommend sticking to the following partition layout:

  1. General provisions (name, address and other general conditions functioning).
  2. Goals (goals, types of activities performed, etc.).
  3. Founders (information about the founders, their rights and obligations).
  4. Management (order and controls, as well as the functions of the latter). This section can be divided into several, dedicated to each of the controls.
  5. Property (sources of formation, distribution, etc.).
  6. Termination of activities (procedure for reorganization, liquidation).
  7. Changes to the charter (conditions and ways of making changes).

Features of the charter of a foundation with one founder

Funds are created and operate thanks to contributions from their founders, who can be both individuals and legal entities. At the same time, only one founder is allowed in a given organization, regardless of whether he is an organization or a citizen. It should be noted that even in this case it is imperative:

  • draw up a charter;
  • create a supreme collegial body, a board of trustees.

It is permissible to include in the charter of a charitable foundation with one founder a condition that the collegial body also includes this founder.

Instead of a protocol on the creation of an organization, its founder alone makes and formalizes in writing the corresponding decision, which approves the charter. Then such a decision is submitted to the Ministry of Justice for registration of the legal entity with state registration.

A charitable foundation is a legal entity created through contributions from its founders. Its accounting in tax service occurs through the Ministry of Justice of Russia, which receives documents from the applicant, makes a decision on them, cooperates with the tax office and issues the result of the service. Over the past few years, this department has introduced an electronic document management procedure for submitting documents and obtaining results. The requirements for how the charter of a charitable foundation should be drawn up are established by law, but we recommend that you not limit yourself to them. It is worthwhile to provide as many rules as possible for further work in order to determine the main ways of management “onshore”.

1. General provisions

1.1. The non-profit organization Charitable Foundation "__________________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") is created in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated January 12, 1996 N 7-FZ "On Non-Profit Organizations", Federal Law dated 11.08 .1995 N 135-FZ "On charitable activities and volunteering (volunteering)".

1.2. Full official name of the Foundation: Non-profit organization "Charitable Foundation"______________________________".

The abbreviated name of the Foundation in Russian is the Charitable Foundation "____________________".

Full name in ____________________ language: ____________________ "____________________";

Abbreviated name in ____________________ language: ___________________ "____________________".

1.3. The founders of the Fund are: ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

(name of the legal entity, OGRN and date of the registration certificate, by whom it was registered,
location, TIN, OKPO)


(for an individual: passport: series, number, who issued it, date of issue, address)

1.4. The Foundation is a non-membership non-profit organization established by citizens and legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions, pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational and other socially beneficial goals. The property transferred to the Foundation by its Founders is the property of the Foundation. The Founders are not liable for the obligations of the Fund they created, and the Fund is not liable for the obligations of its Founders.

1.5. The Fund is a legal entity that does not have as its purpose the extraction of profit for its distribution among the Founders and employees of the Fund as their income. If income is received as a result of the Fund’s activities, it must be used to implement the statutory goals.

1.6. The Foundation uses the property for the purposes specified in its Charter. The Foundation has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities necessary to achieve the socially beneficial goals for which the Foundation was created, and in accordance with these goals. To carry out entrepreneurial activities, the Foundation has the right to create business companies or participate in them.

1.7. The Foundation is required to publish annual reports on the use of its assets.

The Foundation provides open access, including access to funds mass media, to their annual reports.

1.8. The Foundation acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of state registration. The Foundation has an independent balance sheet or estimate, a round seal with its name, stamps and forms with its name, as well as a duly registered emblem.

The Fund has the right, in accordance with the established procedure, to open bank accounts in the territory of the Russian Federation and outside its territory.

1.9. The Foundation independently determines the directions of its activities, the strategy of economic, technical and social development.

1.10. The Foundation has the right to acquire property, as well as personal non-property rights and bear responsibilities, to be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts.

1.11. The Foundation, as an owner, exercises ownership, use and disposal of its property in accordance with the Charter.

1.12. The Foundation can create its representative offices in the Russian Federation and abroad. Representative offices act on behalf of the Foundation in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Foundation Council.

1.13. The Foundation is liable for its obligations with property that can be foreclosed on by law.

1.14. The Fund is not liable for the obligations of the state and the Founders of the Fund. The state and its bodies are not liable for the obligations of the Fund.

1.15. Location of the Foundation: _____________________________________. The executive body of the Fund, the Chairman of the General Meeting, is located at this address.

1.16. The fund is created without a limitation on the period of activity / The fund is created for a period of __________.

2. Goals and objectives of the fund

2.1. The main goal of the Fund is to provide material and other assistance to minors left without parental care, as well as pensioners, refugees, forced migrants and other categories of socially vulnerable persons, regardless of their nationality, citizenship, religion.

2.2. The main activities of the Foundation are:

- charitable activities;

- providing assistance to pensioners with medicines and food;

- rendering financial assistance minors, refugees, the homeless and the poor;

- carrying out trade, intermediary and other commercial operations in order to use the income received for charitable purposes and solve other problems in accordance with the Charter;

- providing jobs for refugees, internally displaced persons and other categories of socially vulnerable able-bodied persons;

- payment of cash support to persons with incomes below the subsistence level and other people in need;

- creation of business companies in the Russian Federation, as well as participation in the activities of business companies.

The Foundation has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities only to achieve the goals for which it was created and in accordance with these goals.

The Fund has the right to engage in activities to attract resources and conduct non-sales operations.

Funds can unite into associations and unions created on a contractual basis to expand their capabilities in implementing their statutory goals.

3. Founders and participants of the fund

3.1. Citizens and organizations can take part in the activities of the Foundation both by making voluntary donations, providing property for free use, and by providing organizational and other assistance to the Foundation in carrying out its statutory activities.


Protocol No. 1

Constituent Assembly

from "__"_________ 20__


Charitable Foundation

social protection of citizens


1.1. (hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation”) is a non-membership charitable organization.

The fund does not have as its goal the extraction of profit for its distribution among the founders and employees of the fund as their income.

1.2. The Foundation operates in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”, and the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

1.3. The Fund is a legal entity in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation: it owns separate property, accounted for on an independent balance sheet, is liable for its obligations with its property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights in its own name, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court

1.4. The Fund is created without limiting the period of activity and is considered created as a legal entity from the moment of its state registration in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.5. The Foundation has a seal with its own full name in Russian, has the right to have stamps and forms with its own name in Russian and other languages, as well as a duly registered emblem.

1.6. Full name of the Foundation: Charitable Foundation social protection citizens.

1.7. Location of the permanent executive body of the Fund:



2.1. The goals of the fund are: the formation of property on the basis of voluntary contributions and other receipts not prohibited by law and the use of this property for:

  • social protection of citizens, including improving the financial situation of low-income people, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics or other circumstances, are not able to independently realize their rights and legitimate interests;
  • promoting the strengthening of peace, friendship and harmony between peoples, the prevention of social, national, religious conflicts;
  • promoting the strengthening of the prestige and role of the family in society;
  • promoting the protection of motherhood, childhood and paternity;
  • promoting activities in the field of education, science, culture, art, enlightenment, spiritual development personalities;
  • promoting activities in the field of prevention and protection of public health, as well as propaganda healthy image life, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;
  • social rehabilitation of orphans, children without parental care, street children, children in difficult life situation;
  • providing free legal assistance and legal education to the population;
  • promoting volunteerism;
  • participation in activities to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency;
  • promoting the prevention of socially dangerous forms of behavior of citizens.

2.2. The subject of the Foundation's activities is the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the goals of the Foundation provided for by this charter.

To achieve these goals, the Foundation carries out the following activities:

  • attracting Russian and foreign investors and philanthropists to finance the Foundation’s projects and programs aimed at social support and protection of citizens;
  • participation in the implementation international projects and programs, including charitable ones, based on common interests, aimed at social support and protection of citizens;
  • developing a system of cooperation and attracting foreign specialists to Russia and sending Russian specialists to other countries for the purpose of international exchange of experience in the field of social support and protection of citizens;
  • assistance in establishing effective interregional and international cooperation aimed at social support and protection of citizens;
  • expanding opportunities for communication, assisting in the formation of public opinion on current problems social support and protection of citizens;
  • assistance in providing consulting services and information services to individuals and legal entities in the field of current legislation, in the field of social support and protection of citizens;
  • organization of cultural and educational activities;
  • carrying out publishing activities, within its framework: production and distribution in Russia and abroad of brochures, magazines, booklets, calendars, newsletters and other printed products on subjects that correspond to the goals of the Foundation and not prohibited by the Legislation of the Russian Federation, including information materials, on our own or by agreement with organizations for which this type of activity is the main one.



3.1. The highest governing body of the Foundation is the Presidium of the Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Presidium). The initial composition of the Presidium is formed by the Founders of the Foundation. Subsequently, the composition of the Presidium is formed by decision of the Presidium itself. The term of office of the Presidium is five years.

3.2. The Director of the Foundation is an ex-officio member of the Presidium and presides over its meetings. In the absence of the Foundation Director at the meeting of the Presidium, the remaining members of the Presidium, by a simple majority of votes, elect from among their members the chairman of this meeting.

3.3. A member of the Presidium may be excluded from its composition by decision of the remaining members of the Presidium on the basis of a personal application of the expelled member or in the event of his absence from meetings of the Presidium for 1 (One) year.

By decision of the Presidium, adopted by a simple majority of votes, new members may be admitted to its composition.

3.4. The procedure for the activities of the Presidium of the Foundation is determined by this Charter and internal documents of the Foundation.

3.5. Meetings of the Presidium are held at least once a year. An extraordinary meeting is held at the request of the Director of the Fund, or the Board of Trustees of the Fund, or the auditor of the Fund.

3.6. Decisions of the Presidium are made by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting, except for cases specifically established by this charter.

3.7. The Presidium of the Foundation is authorized to make decisions if more than half of its members are present at the meeting.

3.8. The main function of the Presidium is to ensure that the Fund adheres to the goals for which it was created.

3.9. The exclusive competence of the Presidium includes:

  • amendment of the Foundation's Charter;
  • determination of priority areas of the Fund’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property;
  • appointment of the Director of the Fund, members of the Board of Trustees and the Audit Commission of the Fund and early termination of their powers;
  • approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet of the Fund;
  • approval of the annual plan of the Fund, the budget of the Fund and amendments to them;
  • formation of the Presidium (admission/exclusion of new members to the Presidium);
  • creation of branches and opening representative offices of the Fund;
  • making decisions on the creation of business companies and non-profit organizations and on participation in such organizations;
  • reorganization of the Fund;
  • approval of charitable programs;
  • approval of the Regulations on the Presidium of the Foundation, on the Director of the Foundation, on the Audit Commission of the Foundation and the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

3.10. Issues within the exclusive competence of the Presidium cannot be transferred for decision to other management bodies of the Foundation. Decisions on issues of the exclusive competence of the Presidium are made by a qualified majority of 2/3 votes of the members of the Presidium, subject to a quorum.

3.11. Members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees have the right to attend meetings of the Foundation's Presidium.

3.12. All decisions of the Presidium of the Foundation are documented in a protocol, which is signed by the person chairing the meeting and the secretary. The person presiding at the meeting ensures the maintenance and execution of minutes of the Presidium.

3.13. The Director of the Foundation organizes preparations for the meeting of the Presidium, notifies its members about the date and place of its holding, issues proposed for inclusion on the agenda, ensures that its members are familiar with the documents and materials submitted for consideration by the Presidium.

3.14. Members of the supreme management body perform their duties voluntarily and free of charge.


4.1. The Director of the Foundation carries out the current management of the activities of the Foundation and is accountable to the Presidium of the Foundation. The term of office of the Director of the Fund is 5 (five) years. A person may be elected to the position of director an unlimited number of times.

4.2. When deciding to create the Fund, the Directors of the Fund are elected by the Founders. After state registration of the Foundation, the Director of the Foundation is elected to the position and dismissed from it by the Presidium of the Foundation.

4.3. Decisions of the Director of the Fund on issues within the competence of this Charter are formalized in the form of orders of the Director of the Fund.

4.4. Director of the Foundation:

  1. is accountable to the Presidium of the Foundation, is responsible for conducting the financial, economic and other activities of the Foundation and is authorized to resolve all issues of the Foundation’s activities that are not within the exclusive competence of the Presidium;
  2. acts on behalf of the Foundation without a power of attorney, represents it in all government bodies, local governments, institutions and organizations;
  3. makes decisions and issues orders on operational issues of the Fund’s activities;
  4. manages, within the limits established by this Charter, decisions of the Presidium the funds of the Fund, enters into contracts, carries out other legal actions on behalf of the Fund, acquires property and manages it, opens and closes bank accounts;
  5. asserts organizational structure Fund, staffing and fund wages Foundation employees;
  6. hires and fires employees of the Foundation, approves them job responsibilities in accordance with staffing table;
  7. exercises control over the activities of branches and representative offices of the Fund;
  8. organizes the maintenance accounting and reporting of the Fund;
  9. approves the internal documents of the Foundation, with the exception of internal documents, the approval of which is referred by this Charter to the competence of the Presidium of the Foundation.
  10. makes decisions and issues orders on other issues within the competence of the Director by this Charter, internal documents of the Fund, approved by the Presidium of the Fund.

4.5. The Director of the Fund is obliged:

  • in accordance with this Charter, conscientiously and wisely exercise their powers in the interests of the Foundation, ensuring that the Foundation achieves its goals;
  • if there is a conflict of interests of him as an interested party with the interests of the Foundation, within a reasonable time, notify the Presidium of the Foundation about the conflict of interests.

4.6. The procedure for the activities of the Director of the Fund is determined by this Charter and internal documents of the Fund.


5.1. The Audit Commission is the control and audit body of the Fund. The Audit Commission of the Foundation is elected by the Presidium of the Foundation from persons who are not members of the Presidium and the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. The term of office of the Audit Commission (Auditor) of the Fund is 3 (three) years.

5.2. The Audit Commission exercises control over the financial and economic activities of the Fund.

5.3. The Fund's Audit Commission must review the Fund's annual financial statements and submit an annual report to the Fund's Presidium.

5.4. The Fund's Audit Commission has the right to:

  • have access to all documentation related to the activities of the Foundation;
  • require persons included in the governing bodies of the Fund, the Director and employees of the Fund to provide the necessary explanations orally or in writing;
  • if necessary, demand the convening of the Presidium of the Fund's participants and make proposals to its agenda.

5.5. The procedure for the activities of the Fund's Audit Commission is determined by this Charter and internal documents of the Fund.

6.1. The Fund's Board of Trustees is a body that supervises the activities of the Fund, the adoption of decisions by other bodies of the Fund and ensuring their execution, the use of the Fund's funds, and the Fund's compliance with legislation.

6.2. The first composition of the Board of Trustees is formed by the founders of the Foundation within a month from the moment of state registration of the Foundation. Subsequently, Members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees are elected by the Foundation's Presidium from among well-known, authoritative and respected citizens who contribute to the activities of the Foundation, upon the proposal of one of the members of the Presidium. The term of office of the Board of Trustees is 5 years.

6.3. The Foundation's Board of Trustees acts in accordance with the Regulations on the Board of Trustees, approved by the Presidium of the Foundation and the charter.

6.4. To carry out its supervisory functions, the Board of Trustees has the right to:

  • have access to all documentation related to the activities of the Fund and require an audit of the financial and economic activities of the Fund;
  • monitor the implementation of their powers by the governing and control and audit bodies of the Fund;
  • check decisions made by the governing and control and audit bodies of the Fund for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • monitor the correct execution of decisions made by the governing and control and audit bodies of the Fund;
  • exercise supervision over the Fund’s compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • exercise supervision over the use of property and other funds of the Fund;
  • if necessary, demand the convening of the Presidium of the Foundation and make proposals to its agenda.

6.5. The Board of Trustees carries out its activities on a voluntary basis.

6.6. The Director of the Foundation, as well as persons included in other management bodies of the Foundation, cannot be members of the Board of Trustees.

6.7. The procedure for the activities of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is determined by this Charter and internal documents of the Foundation.


7.1. The Foundation has the right to own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational, sports, recreational and other purposes, in ownership or under other proprietary rights, cash, shares, shares, securities, information resources, results of intellectual activity and other property necessary to materially support the activities of the Fund, in accordance with this Charter.

7.2. The Foundation has the right to use its property for the purposes determined by this Charter.

7.3. The Foundation, as an owner, exercises ownership, use and disposal of its property in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter. Participants of the Fund do not have real or obligatory rights in relation to the property transferred to the Fund in the form of deposits.

7.4. The Foundation may own institutions, publishing houses, and mass media created and acquired at the expense of the Foundation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

7.5. The sources of formation of the Fund’s property may be:

  • contributions from the founders of a charitable organization;
  • charitable donations, including those of a targeted nature (charitable grants), provided by citizens and legal entities in cash or in kind;
  • income from non-operating transactions, including income from securities;
  • receipts from activities to attract resources (conducting campaigns to attract philanthropists and volunteers, including organizing entertainment, cultural, sports and other public events, conducting campaigns to collect charitable donations, holding lotteries and auctions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, selling property and donations, received from benefactors, in accordance with their wishes);
  • income from legally permitted entrepreneurial activity;
  • income from the activities of business entities established by the Fund;
  • volunteer labor;
  • other sources not prohibited by law.

7.6. The Foundation has the right to make any transactions in relation to property owned by it or under other proprietary rights in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and the wishes of benefactors.

7.7. The Fund does not have the right to use more than 20 percent of the financial resources spent by the Fund for remuneration of the administrative and managerial personnel of the Fund. fiscal year. This restriction does not apply to the remuneration of persons participating in the implementation of charitable programs.

Unless otherwise specified by the benefactor or charitable program, at least 80 percent of a charitable cash donation must be used for charitable purposes within a year from the date the Fund receives the donation. Charitable donations in kind are directed to charitable purposes within one year from the date of their receipt, unless otherwise established by the benefactor or the charitable program.


8.1. The Foundation is obliged to keep the following documents:

  • Charter of the Foundation;
  • decision of the Founder of the Fund on its creation;
  • a document confirming the state registration of the Foundation;
  • documents confirming the Fund’s rights to property on its balance sheet;
  • internal documents of the Foundation;
  • minutes of meetings of the Foundation's Board of Trustees:
  • reports of the Audit Commission, conclusions of state financial control bodies based on the results of audits of the Fund’s activities;
  • orders of the Director of the Foundation;
  • accounting documents in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • other documents provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The Fund, in cases, on the terms, in the composition and within the time limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is obliged, at the request of authorized government bodies, to provide them with information and documents about its activities for review. Information and documents about the activities of the Fund are provided to other persons in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, this Charter and internal documents of the Fund.

8.3. Information on the use of the Fund's property is made available to the public in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. The Fund ensures the recording and preservation of documents regarding the type of work, length of service and payment of employees hired under labor contracts or civil contracts. In the event of reorganization or liquidation of the Fund, the specified documents are promptly transferred to state storage in the prescribed manner.


9.1. The Fund may be reorganized by merger, accession, division, separation and transformation in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. The Fund can be liquidated only by a court decision on the grounds and in the manner provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.3. The property and funds remaining after the liquidation of the Foundation are used for the purposes specified in this Charter.


10.1. The Charter of the Foundation may be amended by decision of the Presidium of the Foundation in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

10.2. Changes to the Foundation's charter are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

General meeting of the Founders
Protocol N _________
from "__"____________ ____ g.

(General meeting, Chairman General meeting,
Board of Trustees, Audit Commission

G. _________________


1.1. The non-profit organization Charitable Foundation "____________" (hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") is created in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal laws“On non-profit organizations”, “On charitable activities and charitable organizations”, “On public associations”.
1.2. Full name of the Foundation: non-profit organization "Charitable Foundation "_____________".
1.3. The founders of the Foundation are: _____________________________________
(name of legal entity, number and date of registration certificate,
registered by whom, location, TIN, OKPO)

(for an individual: passport: series, number, who issued it,
date of issue, address)

1.4. The Foundation is a non-membership non-profit organization established by citizens and legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions, pursuing social, charitable, cultural, educational and other socially beneficial goals. The property transferred to the Foundation by its Founders is the property of the Foundation. The Founders are not liable for the obligations of the Fund they created, and the Fund is not liable for the obligations of its Founders.
1.5. The Fund is a legal entity that does not have as its purpose the extraction of profit for its distribution among the Founders and employees of the Fund as their income. If income is received as a result of the Fund’s activities, it must be used to implement the statutory goals.
1.6. The Foundation uses the property for the purposes specified in its Charter. The Foundation has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities necessary to achieve the socially beneficial goals for which the Foundation was created, and in accordance with these goals. To carry out entrepreneurial activities, the Foundation has the right to create business companies or participate in them.
1.7. The Foundation is required to publish annual reports on the use of its assets.
1.8. The Foundation acquires the rights of a legal entity from the moment of its state registration. The Fund has its own balance sheet, a round seal with its name, a corner stamp, settlement, currency and other accounts, and operates on the principles of complete economic independence, strict compliance with current legislation and obligations to the Founders.
1.9. The Foundation independently determines the directions of its activities, the strategy of economic, technical and social development.
1.10. The Foundation has the right to acquire property, as well as personal non-property rights and bear responsibilities, to be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts.
1.11. The Foundation, as an owner, exercises ownership, use and disposal of its property in accordance with the Charter.
1.12. The Foundation can create its own representative offices in the Russian Federation and abroad. Representative offices act on behalf of the Foundation in accordance with the Regulations approved by the General Meeting of the Foundation.
1.13. The Foundation is liable for its obligations with property that can be foreclosed on by law.
1.14. The Fund is not liable for the obligations of the state and the Founders of the Fund. The state and its bodies are not liable for the obligations of the Fund.
1.15. Location of the Foundation: _______________. The executive body of the Fund, the Chairman of the General Meeting, is located at this address.


2.1. The main goal of the Fund is to provide material and other assistance to minors left without parental care, as well as pensioners, refugees, forced migrants and other categories of socially vulnerable persons, regardless of their nationality, citizenship, religion.
2.2. The main activities of the Foundation are:
- charitable activities;
- providing assistance to pensioners with medicines and food;
- providing financial assistance to minors, refugees, the homeless and the poor;
- carrying out trade, intermediary and other commercial operations in order to use the income received for charitable purposes and solve other problems in accordance with the Charter;
- providing jobs for refugees, internally displaced persons and other categories of socially vulnerable able-bodied persons;
- payment of cash support to persons with incomes below the subsistence level and other people in need;
- creation of business companies in the Russian Federation, as well as participation in the activities of business companies.
The Foundation carries out other types of activities that correspond to the goals and objectives of the Foundation and are not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


3.1. Citizens and legal entities can take part in the activities of the Foundation both by making voluntary donations, providing property for free use, and by providing organizational and other assistance to the Foundation in carrying out its statutory activities.
3.2. Persons providing assistance to the Fund (including persons who founded the Fund) have the right:
- participate in all types of its activities;
- receive financial, consulting, expert, intermediary, scientific, technical and other assistance consistent with the goals and objectives of the Foundation, on the terms established by the General Meeting of the Foundation, as well as agreements;
- establish and develop bilateral and multilateral relations through the Fund;
- enjoy protection of your interests by the Fund within the framework of its rights, legal and economic capabilities;
- terminate your participation in the work of the Foundation at any time.
The Foundation keeps records of persons contributing to its activities in a separate register.
3.3. Persons providing assistance to the Fund are obliged to:
- when implementing programs and activities of the Foundation, act strictly in accordance with the requirements of its Charter;
- not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Foundation;
- refrain from actions that may harm the activities of the Fund.


4.1. The highest governing body of the Fund is the General Meeting of Participants of the Fund. The main function of the General Meeting is to ensure compliance by the Fund with the purposes for which it was created.
The general meeting meets at least once every six months. A meeting of the General Meeting is valid if more than half of the Fund’s participants are present.
4.2. An extraordinary meeting of the General Meeting may be convened by decision:
- Board of Trustees;
- Audit Commission (Auditor);
- 1/3 of the Fund's participants.
4.3. The General Meeting has the authority to make decisions on any issues of the Fund’s activities.
The exclusive competence of the General Meeting includes:
- approval of the Charter, introduction of additions and changes to the Charter of the Foundation with their subsequent state registration in the manner prescribed by law;
- election of the Audit Commission (Inspector) and early termination of its (his) powers;
- approval of charitable programs;
- approval of the annual plan, budget of the Fund and its annual report;
- formation of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees;
- making decisions on the creation of commercial and non-profit organizations, participation in such organizations, opening branches and representative offices;
- resolving issues regarding the reorganization of the Fund;
- control and organization of the Fund’s work, control over the implementation of decisions made at meetings of the General Meeting;
- consideration and approval of the Fund’s cost estimate;
- admission and exclusion of Fund participants;
- election of the Chairman of the General Meeting of the Fund;
- determination of the term of office of the Chairman of the General Meeting of the Fund;
- statement financial plan non-profit organization and making changes to it;
- creation of branches and opening representative offices of the Fund.
Decisions on all issues are made by the General Meeting by a simple majority of votes of the Fund participants present at its meeting. Decisions on issues of reorganization of the Fund, on making additions and changes to the Charter of the Fund are made by a qualified majority of votes of at least 2/3 of the total number of those present.
4.4. The Chairman of the General Meeting of the Fund is elected by the General Meeting and is the sole executive body of the Fund. The Chairman of the Fund may be re-elected upon expiration of his term of office for a new term, or the issue of early termination of his powers may be raised at the General Meeting upon the proposal of at least 1/3 of its members.
4.5. The term of office of the Chairman of the General Meeting is determined by the General Meeting.
4.6. Chairman of the General Meeting:
- carries out practical day-to-day management of the Fund’s activities in the period between meetings of the General Meeting;
- is accountable to the General Meeting of the Fund, has the authority to resolve all issues of the Fund’s activities that are not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of the Fund;
- convenes the General Meeting of the Fund’s participants;
- prepares issues for discussion at the General Meeting of the Foundation;
- acts on behalf of the Foundation without a power of attorney, represents it in all institutions, organizations and enterprises both in the Russian Federation and abroad;
- represents the Foundation in government bodies, in front of everyone government agencies and public organizations;
- manages the funds of the Fund within the approved budget; resolves strategic issues of economic and financial activities Fonda;
- concludes contracts and performs other legal actions on behalf of the Fund, acquires property and manages it, opens and closes bank accounts, signs agreements, obligations on behalf of the Fund;
- resolves issues of economic and financial activities of the Fund;
- is responsible for the annual publication of the Foundation’s reports in the press;
- organizes work on the implementation of entrepreneurial activities by the Fund;
- bears, within its competence, personal responsibility for the use of funds and property of the Foundation in accordance with its statutory goals and objectives;
- exercises control over the activities of branches and representative offices of the Fund;
- organizes accounting and reporting;
- prepares proposals for the Foundation’s charitable programs.


5.1. The Board of Trustees is a body of the Foundation, created on a voluntary basis, overseeing the activities of the Foundation, decisions made and ensuring their implementation, the use of the Foundation’s funds and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.2. The Board of Trustees is formed by the General Meeting of the Foundation in the number of ____ people for a period of ________ and acts in accordance with its Regulations approved by the General Meeting.
5.3. Officials of the Foundation cannot be members of the Board of Trustees.


6.1. Control over the financial and economic activities of the Fund is exercised by the Audit Commission (Auditor), elected by the General Meeting of the Fund for a period of ____ year and acting in accordance with the Regulations on it, approved by the General Meeting.
6.2. The Audit Commission (Auditor) carries out annual inspections of the financial and economic activities of the Fund.
6.3. The Audit Commission (Auditor) has the right to demand that officials of the Fund provide all necessary documents and personal explanations.
6.4. The Audit Commission (Auditor) presents the results of audits to the General Meeting of the Fund at least once a year.


7.1. The Fund has the right to open branches and representative offices on the territory of the Russian Federation in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting.
7.2. The opening of branches and representative offices by the Foundation on the territory of foreign states is carried out in accordance with the legislation of these states, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.
7.3. Branches and representative offices are not legal entities, are endowed with the property of the Fund and operate on the basis of the Regulations approved by the General Meeting. The property of the branch and representative office is accounted for on a separate balance sheet and on the balance sheet of the Fund.
7.4. The heads of branches and representative offices are appointed by the General Meeting of the Fund and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the Chairman of the General Meeting of the Fund.


8.1. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Fund may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property for cultural, educational and recreational purposes, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary for material support of the statutory activities of the Foundation.
8.2. The Fund's property is formed on the basis of:
- regular and one-time receipts from the founders (participants, members);
- voluntary property contributions and donations received from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other events held in accordance with the Charter of the Foundation;
- dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;
- income received from the property of a non-profit organization;
- civil transactions;
- foreign economic activities of the Fund;
- other income not prohibited by law.
8.3. The Foundation can create business partnerships, societies and other business organizations with the status of a legal entity, as well as acquire property intended for conducting business activities.
8.4. Income from the Fund’s entrepreneurial activities cannot be redistributed between the Fund’s participants and must...