Why do you dream about a white wig? Color and condition of the wig. What does a wig mean in a dream?

Symbol of gossip, deception.

Wearing a wig: you do not allow the thought that a moment will come when others will figure out your game, which is not as professional as you think.

Stop being fake and try to act as natural as possible.

Seeing someone else in a wig: your ill-wishers are spreading gossip about you.

This is also your fault, because you give them many good reasons for this activity.

Trying on or buying a wig: you are afraid of being deceived in your expectations.

But what can you do, what needs to happen will happen.

Burning a wig: you do not pay attention to what others say about you.

In fact, it would be worth it, because from their conversations you can learn a lot of important and useful things for yourself.

Combing or decorating your wig: when communicating with people, you forget about simple rule: Before you speak, you should think.

Many of the words that come out of your mouth deeply affect those around you.

Of course, you can claim that you act like everyone else, but if you want to be treated with respect, act accordingly.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Wig

Wearing a wig in a dream means unfavorable changes in the near future. Losing a wig means being subjected to ridicule and contempt from ill-wishers. Seeing another person in a wig is a sign of betrayal that is approaching you from all sides.

Interpretation of dreams from

What does the dream about the wig mean? If in a dream you happened to see yourself trying on a wig on your hair, dream books say that this is a good sign.

In order to find the correct explanation for a dream about a wig, try to remember what this item looked like, who it was on, and for what purposes it was used. Also an important detail is information about the color of the wig on the head.

Hidden beauty

Why do you dream about a wig in your dreams? The interpreter of Winter's dreams believes that seeing yourself in a wig in a dream means a change in appearance or image in reality. Feel free to change your image as your soul desires, even if the result will be strikingly different from its current state. If you dare to take such a step as making changes to your appearance, you will easily be able to improve your life and direct it along a better path.

In the Autumn Dream Book you can find out what it means to see a wig in a dream that you just tried on. Positive changes will soon occur in your professional field. It is likely that you will need to show yourself as a wise leader, find a way out of a difficult situation, or help colleagues resolve a conflict. In any case, you will try yourself in the role of a boss who sometimes has to make unpopular and difficult decisions.

If you look in the dream book, trying on a wig - in reality it means that you have to sort out your feelings towards famous person. The female interpreter believes that if you dreamed that you had to put on a wig to disguise yourself, you feel resentment for an old act loved one, but you don’t show it to him. Don’t keep negative feelings to yourself and talk to your lover - after the conversation you will feel unprecedented relief, and all annoying feelings will disappear.

Did you happen to wear a wig in a dream because it was accepted in society? According to dream books, your inner world is trying to tell you something important: “You care too much about what other people think of you.” There is no need to waste time trying to rise in the eyes of others - just be yourself, and then you will no longer care about the opinions of strangers.

Why do you dream of a wig, according to the Gypsy dream book? In reality, you are experiencing some difficulties in determining priorities. In other words, you can’t decide which business is more important to you now and which one should be tackled first. Try to maintain composure and, if possible, seek advice from an experienced mentor. He will be able to direct your thoughts, which will help you solve similar problems on your own in the future.

True feelings

Why do men dream of wigs? Having a lot of wigs in a dream and putting them on, according to Vanga’s dream book, means that you often tend to be disingenuous and not reveal the true meaning of your motives. This speaks of the duality of your nature, and also that sometimes your games bring grief to the people around you. You should be more attentive to the interests of loved ones and take them into account in your plans - this will strengthen your family connections and will make you stronger.

Why do you dream of a wig, according to Freud’s dream book? Such a vision means that in reality you would like to try something new in intimate relationships with your loved one, add some “zest” to them. The problem is that subconsciously you are afraid of the reaction of your “other half” to your proposal, you will not be able to accept refusal, so you prefer to leave everything as it is. You shouldn’t leave such important things to chance - take courage and start a sensitive conversation. You will be surprised how easily you can speak up, and your partner will listen to your thoughts with interest.

If you look in the dream book, a woman in a wig that you saw in a dream means that in real life you will have to show your not the best better side to another person. You will find yourself in a situation where your interest and the interest of a stranger will be at stake. The result of such a decision will bother you for a long time, but over time you will understand that sometimes it is necessary to make unpopular decisions in order to have the opportunity to develop further.

Why do you dream of a man in a wig, according to the Wanderer’s dream book? Such a vision predicts that you will meet an old acquaintance in a very unexpected place. Perhaps at that moment you will be depressed and will not want to communicate with anyone. But when you see this person, you will immediately forget about all your problems, since this person will be able to make you smile simply by telling you his news.

Hair characteristics

If the wig in the dream had short hair, in reality you will be able to establish relationships with old business partners. Be sure to take advantage of this opportunity, because this is a real chance to significantly improve your financial well-being.

Have you seen a wig with long ones? In reality you have to long journey far from home. According to modern dream books, the path will be full of adventures and new acquaintances. Listen to yourself and try to learn from the mistakes of others - this will help you build the career of your dreams.

If you look in the dream book, a wig with curly hair reflects your attitude towards life. You are a cheerful and carefree person who easily manages to overcome any difficulties and bypass obstacles. Sometimes you are so distracted from problems that you do not notice minor deception, and ill-wishers sometimes take advantage of your good nature. Dream interpreters advise:

  • Be vigilant, sometimes take off your “rose-colored glasses” to assess the surrounding reality.
  • Don’t let yourself be deceived by small things - for example, always count your change in a store or at the market.
  • If you catch your enemy cheating, be fair, get ready to fight back and stand up for your interests.

Seeing hair on a red wig means you will have to participate in an adventure that will end successfully. If you were wearing a wig with white curls, you will come to reconciliation with an old enemy or agree to a compromise in solving a difficult task. But if the hair on the wig was black in a dream, you will discover hidden talents in yourself that will make it easy to get a promotion. Author: Zoya Krupskaya

Dream book wig

There are people who in real life have never thought about trying on a wig. But this does not mean that they cannot have such a dream. Why do you dream about a wig?

What does a wig mean in a dream?

Did you dream that you were trying on or wearing a wig on your head? Listen to the advice that dream interpreters give you. Remember what it looked like, what you did with it.

Wear artificial hair

According to the autumn dream book, putting a wig on your head means radical change your image in reality. At the same time, these transformations will clearly benefit you.

Wearing artificial hair in a dream

There are interpreters who do not view so positively a dream where the dreamer will try on artificial hair on his head. For example, women's dream book sees the imminent appearance of troubles and difficulties in relationships with people with whom you often communicate.

On life path There may be real challenges that will have to be overcome.

According to the gypsy dream book, a wig that you put on your head promises confusion in work matters. Listen to the advice, don’t cut it rashly, you should think it over thoroughly.

Try on a wig

Why do you dream about a wig that was taken for fitting? In such a dream, the main role is played by his appearance.

Long hair wig

Long hair is a symbol of a long journey.

The modern dream book considers a wig with long hair to be a long and difficult road. At the same time, you will learn a lot of new things and also get acquainted with interesting people. You have the power to learn a lot from your journey.

Dreamed of short false hair

Similar dreams were studied by psychologist Sigmund Freud. He believed that the shorter and more extravagant your new hairstyle was, the more sexually liberated you were. Similar dreams often dreamed of by those people who are not afraid of experiments and like to take risks.

Try on a variety of hairpieces

If during sleep you diligently try on something long hair, then they are short, you just can’t decide, then they will try to deceive you. Although the dream book immediately clarifies: if there were a lot of wigs, then you may well play the role of a deceiver.

The wanderer's dream book warns that you will have to pay a hundredfold for deception. Think about whether it is worth doing what you have in mind.

What the wig looked like

Hair color is an important component for interpretation. Before answering the question of why you dream of a wig, study several interpretations. So, the wig in the dream was:

  • black - beware of health troubles, they can arise at the most inopportune moment;
  • white - you are entering a successful period in your life, all your plans will come true;
  • red - gossip, slander, and the interpretation itself depends on who was wearing the wig: you - it is you who will spread false rumors, another person - slander will be in your direction.

Miller's Dream Interpreter

Wearing artificial hair in a dream means changes in life, alas, not for the better.

Lose it - you will be ridiculed by people around you.

Seeing others wearing fake hair

Watching how others try on false hair means you are in a society of deceitful, hypocritical people.

A few other predictions

According to the dream book, trying on or wearing a wig made of straw means mental anxiety. You will be faced with a dilemma and you will experience mental anguish when making a decision. Interpreters advise to put aside fear, in which case you can do the right thing.

For a man to wear a woman's wig in a dream is a sign of shame. There is also another prediction - you will be betrayed by the person closest to you.

Trying on a wig and not liking it means that you will have trouble getting sexual satisfaction, according to Sigmund Freud’s dream book.

Wearing it means the situation will be out of your control. No matter what actions you take, you will not be able to influence it.

According to the dream book, a wig that you happened to buy indicates that you are afraid of being deceived in your expectations.

The hair extensions look old and are covered in dust. According to the esoteric interpreter, you will enter into an intimate relationship with an experienced person. He will be much older than you in age, but he will teach you the wisdom of love.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about a wig?

Wig - Putting it on your head means getting confused in business; Losing a wig means the death of a benefactor or patron. Wig - Wearing a wig in a dream means unfavorable changes in the near future. Losing a wig means being subjected to ridicule and contempt from ill-wishers. Seeing another person in a wig is a sign of betrayal that is approaching you from all sides.

Wig - You tried on a wig, which means that in reality you are playing it safe and prefer to make love, using all possible measures of protection from anything. Perhaps that is why carnal pleasures have ceased to please and give you positive emotions. Try to deviate from your own imposed rules at least once and have real sex.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about a wig

If you find it unpleasant to put a wig on your head, the dream warns that you will be shocked by the claims and demands of an elderly man who is seeking to be your lover. Wig - On the other - deception in a relationship; on yourself - rash actions. Wig - get the result by deception. You dreamed of a Wig - Unfavorable changes. Imagine taking off your wig to reveal gorgeous hair underneath.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a wig in a dream?

Wig - To dream that you are wearing a wig means that the changes you will make in the near future will be unfavorable for you. Losing a wig means that you will be ridiculed and despised by your enemies. Seeing other people wearing wigs is a sign of betrayal that envelops you from all sides. Wig - Dreaming in a dream - sadness; wear it - you will achieve fame.

Wig - To see someone in a dream means you will be deceived in someone. Trying on different ones is going to deceive someone. Your attitude towards people is not what you portray. Seeing yourself in a wig, your pretense, will harm you. Wig - false ideas. People in wigs are a betrayal. You dreamed of a Wig - a wig made from natural hair - an offer that at first glance seems tempting, but then turns out to be full of tricks and deception.

Breaking a wig means getting confused in business or in your stories and inventions. Trying on a wig means, consciously or not, looking for a remedy for intuitively felt damage. Wig - false, ostentatious advantages; deception, hiding the ugly truth.

Big modern dream book/ Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Wig

Wig - In a dream you see a wig on someone - the person you for a long time considered your friend - he is not; soon circumstances will develop in such a way that this person will be forced to discover his essence. It’s as if you are putting on a wig yourself - in the near future you will make an attempt to somehow change your appearance, perhaps grow a mustache or beard, give preference to a different hairstyle, etc. – but this attempt will not be successful. You lost your wig in a dream - in reality you will give a reason for ridicule of yourself; Your enemies will be especially zealous in ridicule - they will simply triumph.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with a Wig, taking into account your date of birth?

In the spring, what does a wig mean in a dream - a change in image.

If in the summer you dreamed of wearing a wig of an unusual color in a dream, it means hiding some facts - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

In the fall, what does a wig mean in a dream - to see - sadness - to wear - you will achieve fame.

In winter, why do you dream of a wig - to deception.

Symbol of gossip, deception.

Wearing a wig: you do not allow the thought that a moment will come when others will figure out your game, which is not as professional as you think.

Stop being fake and try to act as natural as possible.

Seeing someone else in a wig: your ill-wishers are spreading gossip about you.

This is also your fault, because you give them many good reasons for this activity.

Trying on or buying a wig: you are afraid of being deceived in your expectations.

But what can you do, what needs to happen will happen.

Burning a wig: you do not pay attention to what others say about you.

In fact, it would be worth it, because from their conversations you can learn a lot of important and useful things for yourself.

Combing or decorating your wig: when communicating with people, you forget about a simple rule: before you speak, you should think.

Many of the words that come out of your mouth deeply affect those around you.

Of course, you can claim that you act like everyone else, but if you want to be treated with respect, act accordingly.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Wig

Wearing a wig in a dream means unfavorable changes in the near future. Losing a wig means being subjected to ridicule and contempt from ill-wishers. Seeing another person in a wig is a sign of betrayal that is approaching you from all sides.

Interpretation of dreams from