Why do you dream about a souvenir doll? Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about a Doll. What is the doll made of: rag, plastic, porcelain, dough...

Why do you dream about a Barbie doll? Soon you will be parting forever with a loved one with whom you have been friends for a long time and were inseparable. The cause of separation can be both external factors, such as departure, and internal ones, such as an urgent conflict.

Try to accept the fact that your friend is leaving your living space. No matter how sad it is, we must move on with our lives. Very soon you will meet a new comrade on whom you can rely even in the most hopeless situation.

If you dream of a Voodoo doll

A dream where a Voodoo doll appears symbolizes the manipulation of you by dishonest people. Someone knows you too well and secretly uses confidential information for their own selfish purposes. Most likely, they are planning to make good money from you.

Be vigilant, look around more often, remember casually spoken words, observe the reactions of others to various events - then the scheme of fraud will be revealed, and the culprits will be identified and punished.

Choosing a doll for a child in a dream

If in a dream you carefully selected a doll for your baby in a store, what you saw is a favorable symbol, promising a tempting offer. One of your work colleagues will point out an opportunity to improve your financial situation, which you are likely to take advantage of.

Don't miss the chance to strengthen your financial status. Take a risk, because the game is worth the candle: the future promises extraordinary success, you will be able to consider excellent prospects.

If in a dream you gave a doll

The interpretation of the dream in which you gave a doll indicates a desire to please loved one. Soon there will be a real chance to make someone happier. In the near future you will experience happiness that you will want to tell your friend about.

The meaning of a dream about a girl doll

Seeing in a dream a doll that looks like a real girl, means that you will be successful in your endeavors. The business you have started has a high chance of success, even if the expected results now seem insignificant to you.

Continue to systematically implement what you have planned, move in small steps towards the desired goal, without giving of great importance difficulties. Don’t slow down halfway, running away from problems, learn to overcome obstacles with dignity.

A real girl with doll-like features, according to the dream book, promises a truly wonderful event. In reality you will be able to come into contact with something amazing, delightful, touching, beautiful, you will believe in a fairy tale for several hours.

Don't lose faith in miracles, even if you are many years old. When you feel sad, you will remember an extraordinary episode that happened to you, and you will realize that everything is not as bad as it seems - good mood and optimism will return again.

I dreamed about a living doll

Why do you dream of a living doll that can move and talk independently? This is a call to turn to the subconscious, to understand your true desires. You are tormented by obsessive thoughts that prevent you from believing in yourself, you are slowly plunging into the abyss of depression and apathy.

Listen to yourself - your body and mind are dreaming of relaxation. When you calm your nerves, analyze what happened last night. last period- the way out of this unenviable situation lies on the surface.

Dream about a baby doll

A dream about a baby doll indicates your excessive suspiciousness. You are overly responsible, you are used to performing assigned tasks flawlessly, so the slightest violation of plans makes you worry and fuss.

Take a deep breath and calm down. You are an excellent worker, your work will not go unnoticed. Don't worry about trifles and take on too many obligations.

The doll came to life in a dream

If you happen to see in a dream how a doll comes to life right before your eyes, you will be disappointed in the person you have always trusted. The coming days will bring suffering and, due to betrayal, you will convict your friend of deception and hypocrisy or fraud.

Sometimes such a dream indicates cunning and deceit on the part of a woman with an annoying character. The envious woman will try to fudge the facts in order to end up with a picture that creates a halo over her head and denigrates you.

Don’t even leave it to your enemies little chance for success, cut off insidious plans in the bud. Be attentive and careful, look for real reasons unpleasant situations, then the intrigues will be revealed, and the culprit will be punished according to her deserts.

If you dream about being given a doll

The doll that was given to you in a dream promises positive news and material well-being. Business news will be joyful - you will be able to get a project that promises big profits, everything planned will be easy to achieve.

Be confident in yourself: luck favors you today - what you planned will come true, your goals will be achieved, and an unexpected monetary reward will be a pleasant bonus. Just remember to do your best.

Interpretation of a dream about a child turning into a doll

Dreaming of a child turning into a doll indicates a change in your inner perception. Soon a significant event will occur that will force you to reconsider your values ​​and ideals and set your priorities differently.

I dreamed about a porcelain doll

A porcelain doll, according to the Orakul dream book, is a positive messenger. There is a beautiful strip ahead. If you are not too childish, you will finally know what stability is adult life, you will become confident in the future, true friends will be nearby, harmony and idyll will reign in the family.

The time has come for a calm, measured life, but you should not tempt fate by taking risks and dreaming of more, otherwise you may lose the favor of fortune.

Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream is a symbol of growing up. You will have to experience slight disappointment, which will contribute to the collapse of childhood illusions and will force you to take a step towards maturity.

Remember: the obstacles presented by fate allow you to improve and move forward. It is very important to experience the hardships of harsh reality today in order to avoid troubles tomorrow. Take what happened as an invaluable experience.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about a Doll according to the dream book:

Seeing a Doll in a dream - “Place, slip a doll” - deception in money; “inflated, inflatable doll” - falsehood, deception; “like a wind-up doll” - mechanical, imitative behavior; “painted doll” (about a stupid girl).

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti Why do you dream about a Doll:

Doll – A toy or symbolic person, a stereotype and identification for children (especially girls). For many adults, it can be a symbol of nostalgia for childhood, a great desire to return to the world of childhood, full of care, love, during that period of life when they play with dolls. The image of a doll can also indicate the puppet behavior of a person, when the super-ego seems to control all behavior human, making a robot out of the subject. Seeing a doll indicates the presence of a negative regressive reaction to aggression from the outside, which is often a child’s emotional reaction to a situation of frustration

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about a Doll according to the dream book:

Doll - Seeing in a dream is very beautiful doll and not being able to buy it, since it is very expensive, - in reality you will not have problems with creditworthiness.

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a Doll according to the dream book:

Doll - Buying a beautiful doll for your daughter in a dream means a rich gift from a loved one.

Children's dream book What does the Doll mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about seeing a Doll in a dream - It seems to you that your willpower is not enough to resist the influence of others. You need to concentrate, gain strength and try to push out of your life those people who are trying to put pressure on you.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about a Doll:

Doll - Children's room is a sign of innocent fun and momentary pleasure, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about a Doll:

Doll - They say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about a Doll according to the dream book:

Doll - Dressing a doll means deceiving a friend; washing a doll means waste, loss of money.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Doll - Artificial relationships, frivolous matters; beautiful - temporary success in a minor enterprise; deceptive love; frivolous girl.

Dream book of the witch Medea Doll according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Doll in a dream - This image can represent longing for children or childhood. Sometimes an indication of an unpleasant person. You can become a victim of a scam in love or you yourself can deceive someone’s expectations.

Modern dream book If you dream about a Doll:

Solves the dream book: Doll - Wasted work

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing a doll in a dream

Why do you dream about a Doll - Wasted work

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Doll in a dream

Doll - Waste money; playing with kula is a happy household.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Doll:

Doll - Seeing booty, real estate. Becoming a doll risks losing real estate.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Doll in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream about a Doll - Waste work, waste of money - playing with it - a happy household

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Doll (rubber) - Deception, protracted business, attitude.

Dream Interpretation Doll (living, talking) - A certain mechanical, behavioral (or sensory) part of the sleeping person himself, which is trying to integrate in consciousness and show its significance. Means habits, patterns of behavior; obsessive and cynical woman. However, more often, a doll means deception, substitution.

Why do you dream of a voodoo doll with needles stuck into it - Someone is manipulating you, using your connections to their advantage

A doll in a dream is a multi-valued symbol. According to one interpretation, this image personifies a woman for whom in reality you dislike.

The dream may also be associated with the period of childhood. Then the dreamed doll expresses your nostalgia for those carefree and bright years, and also indicates the unique abilities inherent in everyone at birth, but for some reason have not yet been demonstrated by you.

The appearance of a humanoid toy in a dream sometimes foreshadows financial expenses on the occasion of some, often family, celebration or urgent trip.

What doll did you dream about? What happened to the doll in the dream? What did you do with the doll?

What doll did you dream about?

Dreaming of a living doll

If in the dream the doll was alive, it moved and talked, the dream book strongly recommends paying attention to what is escaping from the depths of your psyche. Analyze your obsessive thoughts, slips of the tongue, bodily symptoms, coincidences in life, supposedly random events.

The time has come to understand the content of spiritual impulses, as well as find a suitable form and place for them in your destiny.

Another interpretation of the image indicates the likelihood of deception and manipulation of facts. A living doll from a dream can symbolize real woman with an annoying character.

Seeing a Barbie doll in a dream

The dream in which you saw a Barbie doll is an omen of parting with a dear person with whom you had a warm friendship.

Separation can be triggered by both external factors, such as forced departure, and internal shortcomings that are difficult to accept, such as unreasonable expectations.

Baby doll in a dream

You dream of a baby doll at a time when you are overly suspicious and fussy. You are used to worrying about the slightest thing, but now there is no reason to worry.

A toy toddler in a dream also predicts that you will suddenly feel an inner impulse towards creative pursuits or discover hidden talents.

Dreamed of a Voodoo doll

If you dreamed that you were looking at a Voodoo doll with pins sticking out, then in reality they are having a disguised effect on you. The interpretation of the dream warns: someone is well acquainted with your habits and secretly uses this information.

It is unlikely that the manipulator is interested in your failure or misfortune. Rather, they want to make money from you. Nevertheless, be vigilant and observant - and you will uncover the fraud scheme.

Why do you dream about a girl doll?

A dream in which you saw a very pretty girl doll promises success in some endeavor. Despite the fact that the result is still insignificant, your business has a good chance of development and prosperity.

If you dreamed of a girl with beautiful, doll-like features, then real world you will come into contact with something wonderful, touching, delightful.

I dreamed about a scary doll

If you get scared when you see a scary doll in a dream, this is a warning sign. It is in your best interest to act with caution and discretion. In the coming month, there is a high risk of inadvertently ending up in a dangerous or dead-end situation.

Porcelain doll according to the dream book

A porcelain doll seen in a dream carries a positive omen. All aspects of your life are balanced, even personal relationships have finally gained stability.

If in a dream you broke a porcelain doll, the dream speaks of your growing up. You are ready to ruthlessly say goodbye to childhood expectations that prevented you from moving forward. The dream book notes that you will do this in a timely manner and thus avoid the curious situation prepared for you by your rivals.

What happened to the doll in the dream?

In a dream, a child turned into a doll

If you dreamed about a child turning into a doll, the plot carries a very disturbing message. Something will force you to reconsider your ideals and values; you will discover that the goals you have been working towards for a long time and persistently are uninteresting and not worthy of the time and effort spent.

You will probably feel bitterly disappointed. Felomena's dream book reminds us of a simple truth: life goes on, which means a lot can be corrected.

Gave a doll in a dream

If you dreamed that you were given a doll, such a plot promises to receive favorable news. When you are given several dolls in a dream, be confident: luck is now on your side. In your aspirations you will achieve your goal and get what you want. An unexpected cash reward will be a pleasant bonus.

The doll came to life according to the dream book

A dream where you see that a doll has come to life reflects your feeling of uselessness, resentment or misunderstanding. Such painful experiences can arise as a result of disappointment. You will expose the fraud of people you trusted, or convict your friends of hypocrisy and lies.

What did you do with the doll?

Buy a doll

Giving a doll in a dream

When you give someone a doll, such a dream means that you will soon have the opportunity to make a certain person happy. You will be surprised how much joy you will experience from this act.

Why do you dream about a doll?

Dolls are the favorite toys of a huge number of people, but what information this image can carry in a dream, what the subconscious warns us about, needs to be figured out. To get more full picture take into account the emotional load of the dream.

Why do you dream about a doll?

The doll is a symbol of untapped potential or the desire to get rid of problems and return to a carefree childhood. One of the dream books interprets such a dream as the presence of deception in life, but at the same time the opportunity to see a miracle. A dream in which you play with a doll is a symbol of a happy and successful family union. If you dress up a toy, then your subconscious is hinting to you that it’s time to understand that your own happiness lies only in your hands.

The dream book interprets the question of why the Babri doll is dreamed of as a warning about breaking up with a close friend due to long journey or due to excessive demands. A doll that comes to life in a dream is a symbol of the presence of falsehood and unreasonable waste of money in life. The dream book recommends thinking about your life, perhaps you are wearing a mask and behaving insincerely?

Why do you dream about a Voodoo doll?

A magic doll symbolizes the presence in your life of a person who successfully manipulates others. The dream book recommends taking a closer look at people, perhaps someone is using you to achieve their goals.

Why do you dream about a lot of dolls?

A large number of toys warns that there will be things in life that do not deserve your attention.

Why do you dream about being given a doll?

In this case, the dream promises the successful implementation of your plans and the receipt of significant profits. Another dream foreshadows good news.

Why do you dream about a Doll, dream book, what does it mean to see a Doll in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about a Doll in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Doll - the desire to return to the carefree days of childhood; some aspect inside that needs to be brought to life, as the dream book - predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about a Doll in a dream?

Seeing a Doll in a dream means - A Doll is useless, wasted work.

Puppet - purposeful work will be hampered by laziness and the desire to have fun, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

A scarecrow means a dangerous adventure; many dream books interpret such a dream this way.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a doll mean in a dream:

According to the dream book Doll, seeing what it means - Mannequin - Seeing mannequins means you will be unfairly judged. Male mannequin - for a secret date. Female mannequin - jealousy and envy. Mannequin child - peace and prosperity in the family

Stuffed animal - To see a stuffed animal in a dream - you will become a victim of a slander. Seeing a stuffed animal being made is a sign of a secret date. Stuffed bird means jealousy and envy

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about a Doll in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Doll - An unfavorable sign, it is possible that after such a dream you will find out about the illness of someone close to you, encounter deception or get into an unpleasant story

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Doll, what does a dream mean:

Seeing a Puppet in a dream - If you dreamed of a puppet, then laziness and craving for stupid entertainment will occupy all your thoughts, distracting you from serious matters.

Summer dream book

Why see a Doll in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream: Doll - Buying a beautiful doll for your daughter in a dream means a rich gift from a loved one.

Mannequin - Seeing a mannequin in a store means buying new clothes.

Matryoshka - Matryoshka dreams about a trip abroad.

Scarecrow - To hypocrisy.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Doll in a dream?

Why do you dream about a Doll - Seeing a very beautiful doll in a dream and not being able to buy it, since it is very expensive - in reality you will not have problems with creditworthiness, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Mannequin - Seeing a mannequin in a dream means indifference on the part of your husband.

Matryoshka - To dream about how you take out the nesting dolls one after another - to a large family.

Spring dream book

Why see a Doll in a dream?

According to the dream book Doll, what does it mean in a dream - Doll - dressing a doll means deceiving a friend; washing a doll means waste, loss of money.

Mannequin - to cowardice and inattention to you.

Matryoshka - an empty-headed friend will give you advice on how to live.

Scarecrow - you will be made a laughing stock.

Everyday dream book

Dream Interpretation Doll interprets this way:

What does it mean to see a Doll in a dream? Seeing a doll in a dream is an unfavorable sign, which indicates that you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, that you are lonely, not understood, that you need attention but you are not getting it.

Angelic dream book

Seeing a Doll in a dream:

Seeing a doll in a dream is an unfavorable sign, which indicates that you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, that you are lonely, not understood, that you need attention but you are not getting it.

If you dreamed of a doll with which you are playing alone, it means that real life you cannot trust people close to you and hide too much within yourself.

Try starting small. Tell your loved ones about how you spent your day - perhaps you will see interest and your “cocoon”, behind which you are always hiding, will burst.

If you had a dream in which you are playing with dolls with your friends, this means that you will soon be offered some kind of dangerous fun. If a woman dreams of dressing up a doll, it means that in real life she is unhappy that no one notices her merits.

If a woman is married, then it is quite possible that her husband does not pay enough attention to her, and things may lead to divorce. If a man dreams of a doll, this may indicate that he lacks thrills, including sex. Combing a doll's hair in a dream means that you will soon learn someone else's secret.

barbie doll

Dream Interpretation Barbie Doll dreamed of why you dream about a Barbie doll? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Barbie doll in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you incorrectly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dream that in a dream you find yourself surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your surroundings, which are trying to use you to their advantage. These people don't care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to speak evil about you behind your back and will have no qualms about taking any opportunity to set you up.

Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans can come true. See interpretation: game, toy.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

"plant, slip a doll" deception in money.

"inflated, inflatable doll" falsehood, deception.

“like a wind-up doll” mechanical, imitative behavior.

"painted doll" (about a stupid girl).

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Playing with a children's doll means having fun with trifles, doing worthless work, or remembering childhood.

Dreams about a doll can also mean a strange relationship with someone, an incomprehensible dependence.

Receiving a doll as a gift means taking on the responsibility of raising a child or re-educating a teenager.

Buying a doll as a gift means being deceived in your expectations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

If you dreamed that you were playing with a doll, very soon you will be nursing a child. To make this happen, draw a green triangle on the doll’s back and give the doll to the young mother.

If you dreamed that the doll was just lying there, in the near future you will have to say goodbye to someone from dear people. To make the separation short, put photographs (or things they gave you) of all the people dear to you in a dark place and place a burning candle next to it.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Doll - they say that when you dream about dolls, it will be some kind of miracle. A doll in a dream means prosperity; beware of temptations.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Symbolizes a person and expresses adults’ nostalgia for childhood. The image of a doll usually becomes a stereotype of self-identification for children, especially girls. A doll is a puppet programmed by the social mechanistic “Super-Ego”, which completely determines the behavior of the subject. Moreover, this image signifies the almost complete dominance of the disfiguring mechanism of the deviation monitor, which turns a person into a robot. An absolutely negative image. Often indicates the presence of perverted, criminal aggressiveness.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Dressing a doll means deceiving a friend; washing a doll means waste, loss of money.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

Seeing a doll in a dream foretells large financial expenses when organizing a family celebration.

Playing with a doll is a sign of well-being in the family, excellent relationships with children and complete understanding with the mother-in-law.

If you see yourself in puppet theater- this means that laziness and sybaritic moods that have taken possession of you in lately, will distract you from serious matters, drawing you into a life full of idle entertainment.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

A doll is a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation - Doll

A doll is a waste of labor, a waste of money - playing with it is a happy household.

Why do you dream about a doll?


Nargiz Agalakova

You see a doll in a dream; you thought you knew yourself well, but no; life will put you in a situation in which you will show unexpected qualities.

You see a talking doll in a dream; you learn something about your child that you didn’t know before.

You dream of a girl playing with a doll; one of your loved ones will get sick; In this regard, additional worries await you.


They tell you one thing, but behind your back something completely different is done, be careful...

Eva Utkina

Seeing a doll in a dream means that others judge you incorrectly. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you should not trust everyone. Holding a doll in your hands in a dream is a sign of unfulfilled hopes. If you dreamed that in a dream you were surrounded by dolls, then take a closer look at your surroundings, which are trying to use you to their advantage. These people don't care about your problems and experiences. They are ready to speak evil about you behind your back and will have no qualms about taking any opportunity to set you up.
Breaking a porcelain doll in a dream means that you will part with unfulfilled dreams without regret and will not fall into the trap that your ill-wishers are preparing for you.
Playing with dolls in a dream means that your plans can come true.



someone will try to slander you



I saw a lot of trippy dolls, took the box in my hands and the prepared needles lay nearby


After the guest, I sort through the bed and find a straw doll, I take it in my hand, it starts to burn my hand, I want to burn it, I can’t find a match. I walk around the house in the dark.


From other world, literally cutting through the darkness, a huge voodoo cuckoo rushes in. She looks at me and wags her finger. Her voice resembles a whisper, which gradually develops into a wild scream.

Maria Holtz:

I only remember that it was a rag doll, lilac in color, with yellow hair, bangs and pigtails. Height is 40 centimeters. She tells me that she is a witch. I answer that I am not afraid of her. Then a lot of smoke appears in front of her and me, but she is in the smoke and I am not. It was the circus people who told me to run, and they would blow smoke so that she wouldn’t find me. There were 7 of them. From a 5 year old boy to a 50 year old bald man. Everyone is dressed in dark blue. I ran away and woke up. What does it mean?

Julia Dream Interpretation:

The fact that the dream contained the image of a doll most likely indicates that you will be prone to manipulating weak-willed people.


I remember...how I came home and looked under the sofa and saw a doll and there were a lot of needles on it and next to it...I took it and wanted to burn it, but for some reason I didn’t burn it and I woke up


I dreamed of a guy, I don’t remember his face, he was considered my fiancé, and they give his mother a doll; it’s a rag doll and her head is flat and she comes up to my boyfriend and says this is your child. then I say I need to stab this doll with a knife, but for some reason she didn’t do it


In the room I’m talking with my recently deceased mother (not even 40 days old, she died unexpectedly, the doctors missed the disease). She says, as calmly as in real life, that the doll is to blame for her death. I look, and a voodoo doll is sitting behind her and laughing. I asked the doll something, she answered. But I don’t remember what. Woke up in a cold sweat.


I’m sitting by the window, and a small voodoo doll flies through the window, very similar to a pincushion, covered in needles. I begin to pull these needles and pins out of it and realize that this is my voodoo doll, because... I feel with my whole body and spine that I am pulling them out of myself. I pulled everything out, but in my dream I was very scared, I couldn’t come to my senses for a long time when I woke up.


I dreamed that I walked into a room and looked in the mirror and there was a voodoo doll with a knife in my back, I turned around and mountains were erected between us


the fact is that a person very dear to me recently died... in a dream I saw how he was online on the network and changed screensavers and added different entries to his wall... most of all I remember the photo that he put on the screensaver... there was a doll that looked like a doll voodoo, but there were no eyes, no mouth, nothing at all, and she was without needles... please write to me what this means...


The New Year tree was decorated with a scary doll in a black dress and chicken paws. It was given to me by my husband's mother. I didn’t like it and I tore it up, there were cigarette butts and drool inside... I put it all on a newspaper and burned it with prayer


I dreamed today that I was sitting in a cafe with a guy, he walked away, a waitress came up to me and said, what a fucking guy, I want to be with him. He comes and starts hugging and kissing me. And this waitress goes berserk, attacks me, and keeps trying to pull my hair out. She snatches it, I take it from her, and in return I snatch it from her. And we fight hard. Then I am transported with this guy to some house. There are many children there who know me and him too. The mistress of the house has a room that she hides from everyone and forbids anyone to enter there. In short, she says that my hair is terrible and that it needs to be combed. And my hair is terrible. Wet, tangled, seemingly lifeless. She combs it with a comb with metal teeth and literally pulls out her hair. I take the comb from her and continue. Here I grab something with a comb, pull out the doll with my hands, and this doll has a needle in its back


My ex-husband, gives me a small voodoo doll, I understand that it was done to me, it has needles in the eyes and chest, he gives me notes with it, my husband’s handwriting, where it seems like the phone number of the one who did it this is what I think What should I do with her and I wake up.. We are on bad terms with him, for more than 3 years there have been separate trials.


the voodoo priestess ripped open the lamb and all the blood poured out onto her. Then she began to say something incomprehensible, and then began to look for me. She marked the roofs of houses with bloody symbols and then her shadow from her hand approached me, I was scared and covered my eyes with cookies. But I felt it. that she was close to me. I woke up and couldn’t sleep from fear. There was a lot of blood. Everything was dull, but the blood was clearly visible.


I dreamed that my husband died for no reason and when I started looking and finding out for some reason I found a voodoo doll hidden in our room


I’m trying to tear apart a smiling voodoo doll, hitting it on the head with some object, trying to gut it, and hiding it so that my family and friends don’t see, so as not to scare them. But no matter where I turn, I see an intact, laughing voodoo doll, with different grimaces. In general, I rarely dream.



I worked as a waitress in a cafe and another waitress told me that one woman was looking at me intently. I turned around and saw that she was really looking at me piercingly. Then my heart immediately began to hurt. I began to fall to the floor. It was as if my heart was being cut with knives. I somehow got up and looked at this woman again. And I saw that she was poking a voodoo doll with a large needle. It’s as if it’s written on her face: “YOU DIE ALREADY.” I felt scared. I ran out of the cafe and went to look for a car to go home. I tried to explain where to go, but I couldn’t say anything. I lost my voice. When I woke up in reality, my heart ached and I was afraid. I had a feeling that someone was standing while I was sleeping. In this dream, I seemed to know this aunt who she was. But in reality it seems to me that I saw her somewhere. Can you please explain what this dream means?


I stood near my friend’s gate; I pass by it every day when I go to school. Behind me, almost in the middle, stood my friend Vika (lately we don’t have time to make up before we’re already quarreling) sitting next to Vika on a bicycle, Dasha only recently moved to our class, but I’m already afraid of her, she’s strange. So, I stood with my back to them, but for some reason Vika begged Dasha to remove the doll! When I heard about the doll, I turned around and screamed when I saw it! I think I threw something at her and knocked her down, but she fell, and then jumped up and pounced on my face! Then I woke up and never fell asleep again, I was scared.


The dream was like an ordinary day, there were relatives in the dream, and then it was as if I was standing at the screen and looking at the voodoo dolls, what they were doing, it was as if they were teaching me and showing me what I could do in the future


The dream began with the fact that some granny called some kind of ritual a “rite,” my loved ones stood nearby, and they seemed to refuse this ritual, and I agreed, I stood, I don’t remember what it’s called, (in the sense that they immerse a child in a church ), I looked there, there was sacred water and a doll made of straw, I immediately thought in a dream that it was a voodoo doll, it was night, that’s why there were candles and burning pillars everywhere, at the end of the “ritual” the granny said that “you are the chosen one “And she soaked her fingers in this “font” and made a cross on my forehead, between my eyebrows. Later I woke up and was surprised at how realistic the dream was, I literally felt everything, there was even a feeling of water between my eyebrows, although this couldn’t happen later, since it was winter and cool. Help me with the meaning of this dream.


For festive table My parents had guests over, when they started to leave, I began to clear the table. On the edge of the table I found a Voodoo doll with needles stuck in it, and a note on top of it on a pink piece of paper. I don’t remember the text, but the word “love” appeared there. I immediately realized that this was addressed to my mother, I began to look for the “correct” way to neutralize this doll on the Internet, at that moment my mother came and wanted to throw it off and that’s it, but I dissuaded her, saying that it was very dangerous. She started asking her about who could do this. I don’t remember what happened next, I woke up without solving the problem.


I found a doll very similar to a witch with red hair, I wanted to keep it for myself, but then I gave it to a girl


First, I dreamed about my mother (she abandoned me 17 years ago) - she came to talk about the apartment. When leaving, she poked me with a needle in a vein in my leg and ran away. Then on the street I saw a synthetic doll - I was completely sure that it was a voodoo doll


I had a dream where I saw hundreds of people uttering the same words (like a spell) drowning! It was as if they were under hypnosis!
Then they wanted to put all the blame for this event on me!
And when they brought me to the crime scene, I said that I didn’t know what happened here... although I saw and knew!
Then, along the way, as always happens in dreams (it’s unclear where), I met a Sorcerer! he was showing me some kind of ritual!
I ran a rope across some board with the sun in the form of a spiral along the spiral itself! Exactly repeating its contour! and cast a spell (which made his voodoo doll come to life) then he left! and I tried to do the same as him! but it didn’t work out for me... then I realized that I needed to come up with an alibi and met my mother, who was also accused of that very murder, but she had already figured out how to get out of it. I asked her what should I do? to which she answered me: I told you so! don't live in sin! marry your boyfriend! (By the way, they tell me this very often in life)
then she left and I found myself in the barn, where my friends according to the script were trying to help unravel the case! they began to suspect me, but soon evidence appeared that proved my innocence
Then I suddenly found myself next to my boyfriend, with whom we seemed to be going to some beach! he lost 3 pairs of slippers along the way! and then crossing the road I took one of mine! just took it off me! which really angered me! I was offended and took off the second one! and he walked calmly with his friends ahead! then I wanted to go back for the slipper that was lying right on the road! and the guy and the guys didn’t even wait for me! gone ahead! when I returned to get the slipper there was an accident! I took the slippers and asked the guys: do you need help? they answered no, thank you and then gave me a ride home in a broken down car... the most interesting thing is that the guy didn’t even call me, didn’t ask where I was... even though we weren’t clear where
And I also dreamed that I was feeding a baby with milk from a bottle, which, as it turned out, later turned sour


I was in a house completely unknown to me, I had the keys to this house. There was a huge closet in this house, and I decided to put the keys in it, opened it, and there was huge amount voodoo dolls


I dreamed about a Voodoo doll, as if I found and took out all the needles in it and gave everything to another person. And she said Amen.


Hello, we had a dream as if we were with our whole family in the world of voodoo dolls, there are a lot of them, but if we get burned they will kill us, it’s like a horror movie, there was no water, no food, we ate the remains of past people and there were fewer and fewer of them, very scary


I dreamed that a voodoo doll was following me and my boyfriend, and when we saw it, our transport broke down


Hello Tatyana, I have a dream: I see a doll and I know that it is like me. It’s all covered in needles and at that moment I felt bad and I see how they are dripping into the stomach area of ​​this doll, twisting the insides. I woke up from terrible pain and felt sick, after 5 minutes everything stopped.


I dreamed of a straw doll that they put in my bag and when I came home I took the bag apart in the room and saw it (I didn’t touch it with my hands) in the next room my roommate was talking on the phone at that time I fell to the floor and began to crawl along the floor from her, she followed me, I tried call for help, but out of breath I couldn’t say a word. I woke up from shortness of breath. As I understand it, I had a dream in the morning


Hello. I had such a strange dream.
Night. I'm walking down the street where my grandmother lives. There is a lamppost next to her house and brightly illuminates a small plot of land. I come up and see something like pins with a loop head. In my mind I think they would be good for beading. I squat down and start collecting them. Suddenly my gaze falls on something stretched out, wrapped in either gauze or a bandage. This small thin bundle was covered in blood. I look around and see a Voodoo doll. She is also covered in blood. Another strange thing about the dream is that I saw Julia Wang in it. They say there was another test in the program and she was just talking about this doll. She said that she was spelled to death and if anyone touched her (the doll), he would face the same death as the one who was spelled against. In tears and fear, I crawl to her, saying: “Julia.” She didn’t hear me right away, but then she helped. Strange dream, right? :D


Good day!
My name is Andrey. The dream is very strange. I'll start straight from the point.
I dreamed about the edge of a forest, it was night outside, at the edge of the forest I was passing railway and a small wooden stage, but it was not an intensely carved out stage, rather just a wooden floor, but in the dream it was like a stage. I was lying on the bed with my girlfriend, with whom I am now together. We made love, after the logical conclusion of sex came, I lay down next to her, and at that moment she asked about my best friend, why he came, and where he went. Then we sat on the bed, and I said that I’ll call him now. After which the call took place, I told him that you can come, I see how other people began to come with him, they are all our mutual friends. In real life, I have very well-developed intuition, and when something bad is about to happen, I always feel it. So, while everyone was getting ready, I went to the toilet, and while I was walking into the forest, I was visited by that same feeling. Coming back, I said out loud that this forest was very bad. Very scary. Next, I see a table next to the bed, at which everyone began to gather. And then I see a girl with red hair, curly, cheerful. With a kind face. I see how everyone greets her, and how strange they do it, they hand everything to her right hand, and she pulls her left one and places it on top of her hand, and at that moment closes her eyes and sees something about the person. Then I come up and say a phrase. “oh, the forest witch has come” - I extend my hand to her to say hello, she puts hers on top of mine, and then I begin to see images, I see a voodoo doll, and she jumps away from me and says, “the one who survived the voodoo attack yesterday will come ." - here I throw the rag and scream, “I knew it.” I come closer to her and say.. “you have the ability to see, show me the truth.” she takes my hand, and then images begin to run, I can’t remember many of them, but here, one picture stops. I'm sitting on the shelf, on top, like on a closet. Next to me is a white owl - a Arctic owl, and below stands my demon, made of leaves, as if some kind of swamp demon, in his hands he has a hoop, inside of which the threads of the table are connected to the center, they move clockwise, the demon himself also not static, his skin was constantly moving like slurry, in front of him there were compartments in the floor in which fire was boiling. The vision itself in the dream was that this was supposedly something that happened to me in the past, and that I forgot that they did something to me there. At this moment I start screaming, and the owl begins to cover me with his wing and press me against the wall, and I wake up... From the fact that I am screaming in reality.
Afterwards I fell asleep, and I dreamed of a school in which I would learn acrobatics, both possible and impossible, beyond the understanding of this world, also after that, there was water, the water was crystal clear, marine fauna. then I move to the house, the gym, where I have to fight with the same participants in the training. In this case, he must choose one of the images in which to fight. At the time of the fights, I was scared, then the healthiest guy answered me aside and said that I had to do this, we returned and I fought as if I had an incredible amount of strength. Before I realized it, there were a lot of clocks on the wall, and All these clocks began to go back and forth, and when it was 12.15 minutes, I took and threw this big guy into the wall, and broke it. And the clock exploded, or rather the clock were left on their own, only the glass in them exploded. I was given a witch totem... Very powerful and strong. But then they took it away and left other trophies, and for some reason I agreed to this... Then I woke up again.


It was an adventure, me and my friends fought with a doll that was killing everyone, people were hiding everywhere, I don’t know, maybe it’s just a dream


Hello! I dreamed of a Voodoo doll, it had my hair (she was an unusual Voodoo doll, it was a doll molded from plasticine or standard material with my hair, I knew and was sure that it was a Voodoo doll and my hair). I was at a meeting of classmates, where I came without a companion. The rest of my classmates were in pairs. We were talking to one of my classmates, and she said that she makes Voodoo dolls. She also said that other women I know also make such dolls, not always for good purposes. Then I went home, but didn’t get there. I woke up. What do you think this dream could mean?


Good morning. I dreamed that my husband came home from work drunk and started beating me very much (although we live well, this has never even happened to us). I ran away from him into the kitchen, and when I came in, there were two fresh voodoo dolls lying on the gas stove. And I stood and thought about whose they were and who they were for. After that I woke up. But this dream somehow made me feel uneasy .Thank you


I was riding a motorcycle with my child and when I stopped I saw a woman I didn’t know. performed a ritual on a voodoo doll and did harm to my girlfriend. with whom I live.

Larisa Kitchenko (Vasilenko):

I dreamed of my mother-in-law, with whom we do not communicate due to her fault (she has been against me since her marriage). I dreamed that she was dressed in a light dress and had a white openwork scarf on her head. She came to visit us and gives her son (my husband) a new shirt and a voodoo doll. I threw her on the bed and tried to beat her. And...I wake up in fear and anxiety.


I saw a clairvoyant, as if she had come out of someone’s apartment and was saying something, I don’t see it, but I feel like it’s leading me somewhere here. Then I saw a cat running towards the basement, she quickly followed her, went out into the street and there were a lot of people standing there and everyone was waiting for something with fear. Then they opened the basement and she went downstairs and found a voodoo doll, it was kind of dark with needles in its head and heart, and then she said that this is what’s bothering you and she started looking for another kind of doll.


I dreamed of a black voodoo doll, pierced all over with needles. I had a dream from January 6 to 7 (Christmas Eve). I would be very grateful to you to find out the interpretation of this dream


two colleagues tell me that I need to go to voodoo. This is the only thing that will help me. The three of us go down the earthy hill and I see a wooden structure. I don’t really want to go and I’m scared. I go inside the building. It is wooden and old. Older women appear and put on clothes like blankets. I see the outlines of the eye sockets and open mouth of the woman standing opposite me. The other one also puts some kind of robe on me, ALL TONES ARE GRAY. I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE MUST BE SOME kind of RITUAL. HERE I WOKE UP


Under the Christmas tree in someone else’s apartment, and I went to this apartment the next day. It was familiar to me and there was a doll. Why Voodoo, I would have recognized it from a thousand others, recognized its shape and how it was made. It was dark cherry in color and the main thing was its size, about the size of a liter jar. It stood under the tree and as soon as I saw it, someone carefully took it and put it away, but not me. The hands were men’s, the distance was a meter from my face. I spent the night in this apartment and left, and there was this tree, just like in a dream.


Hello! I had a dream that ex-girlfriend does a ritual with a doll, some ribbons. I cut everything off and run up. We have a conflict with her in a dream, a fight, what is this all about.


In my dream I dreamed of a black doll and everything in needles, why am I dreaming about this?


I broke up with the guys, or rather he betrayed me, today I had a dream that I walked into a room and there were two voodoo dolls, me and him, hanging on ropes, I pulled them, broke the ropes and took my doll with me and threw it out on the street


I was walking in the park at night and then I saw my classmate Jamila, she was wearing a white shirt with blue patterns and what looked like a skirt. I asked: “What’s the reason?” She answered angrily: “You forgot about my birthday” and took out of the bag a voodoo doll made of brown material; it had two syringes with needles on it, and she stuck one of them into it in front of me. I woke up and my first thought was: “ It’s because of her that I was sick so much!”


Hello. I had a strange and scary dream.
Previously, I dreamed about the beginning of this dream, but this time I also dreamed about the continuation.
1 dream: I made something like a soft doll and dripped my blood on it, it was supposed to become alive and help. Putting it in a transparent container, I left it in the kitchen and left.
And now I saw the same passage, and the continuation:
I came with my family to the house where I spent my entire childhood, and after moving I came there every summer, but I haven’t been there for 2 years (in the dream I left the doll there). So, when we entered the apartment, I opened the container, but there was another doll in it. Cute small gray hare. He looked very pleasant, but what immediately bothered me was the thin red stripe around his eyes. Taking the dolls in both hands, I became very scared. The first doll's face was creepy. I looked at them and didn’t understand what to do, because they were supposed to come to life, but in my hands I was holding ordinary motionless dolls. I asked them a question... and I got an answer... an answer that made me shiver. There was so much depression and oppression in one answer that I became scared. Afterwards, sitting at the table with my mother and grandfather, in the dim light, I continued to hold these dolls in my hands and look at them. The feeling of anxiety did not leave me. I looked up at my mom sitting across from me and said, “Mom, I need to cut them, burn them, tear them... whatever. I just have to get rid of them." Tears came to my eyes, I had a feeling that these dolls would kill me. Mom looked at me with slight fear and told me to do what I thought was necessary.

I woke up early in the morning in terrible fear and with a strong heartbeat. This had never happened before, even when I saw my own death.
Tell me, what could this dream mean?




In the dream, an old gypsy woman literally flew over the fence of the house, came up to me and gave me a Voodoo doll.


In a dream, I ran away from the castle, knights were chasing me. 2 women helped me escape through the well. I went out across the sea. It was a full moon. An old man met me


I came to visit a friend (over the internet for a month) and decided to go to school with him (it’s not clear why) there are lessons there and he has them too. I go with him. Then parallel bars appear (not the ones for training, but wood and there is quite a lot of it) of which they are built into a rectangular shape, approximately 3x4. There is a doll under them. When I pulled out the doll, it looked like me...

If you have a question about why a doll is dreaming, open the dream book and you will immediately find the interpretation of this dream.

Having seen this toy in a dream, it is very important to remember all the details, even those that you consider insignificant.

Only then will you be able to know what to expect in the near future.

What was she like?

If you dreamed of a doll with blond hair, it means that a kind, reliable person will soon appear in your life. And if your hair is dark, then you will cope with a difficult task alone.

A blue-eyed doll means that your friend is very fair and fair man. And dark-colored eyes are a sign that there are envious people in your immediate circle.

  • Dreaming of a doll in a dress means peace.
  • She is wearing trousers to do a man's job.
  • A dream in which a doll talks means a conversation with a stranger.
  • Porcelain doll - to stability in relationships.
  • Barbie in bright clothes is a sign of fun get-togethers with a friend.

As the dream book writes, you dream of a doll on a shelf for a holiday in your home. And to see her on the bed means to make peace with your lover.

If the toy fell on the floor, then you have a cunning rival. And the doll sitting high on the closet speaks of your determination and achievement of your goals.

Daughters and mothers

If you dream that you are playing with a little doll, it means that in life you are underestimating yourself a little. A dream where a small doll, on the contrary, indicates that you are a confident person, not burdened with complexes.

Dressing Barbie in a dream means waiting for the approaching visit of guests. And to undress her is to try to take a break from everyday worries.

  • Bathing a doll in the bath means a trip to the seaside.
  • Sewing her clothes means searching for a new style.
  • Brushing your doll's hair means a pleasant evening in the company of your best friends.
  • Putting her to bed is a sign of rest after a fruitful day.
  • Braiding her hair means revelations from a sister or friend.

An unexpected gift from a loved one is what you dream of about a doll that you accidentally broke. And fixing it and continuing to play means successfully completing the job you started.

Losing a pupa means significant cash flows. And to find it means spending a lot of money on a good, necessary thing.

Other dreams

As the dream book writes, a doll made of plastic dreams of wealth, a doll made of rubber symbolizes an attempt to assert oneself, and a doll made of matter symbolizes stability in family relationships.

You dream about bald Barbies when you have a lot on your mind, but you can’t concentrate. And toys without heads indicate that soon you will be madly in love with your partner.

A dream where a doll walks promises a pleasant walk in a romantic place. And if, when you put down the toy, her eyes close, then your friend is ready to follow you to the ends of the earth.

Dolls on a store window dream of a valuable acquisition. And Barbie in the hands of a child means that you will be able to do something that you weren’t very good at before.

Having found out why the doll is dreaming, it will be easier for you to take the right steps in life. life path. Author: Vera Drobnaya

For many people, a doll is the personification of spontaneity, childhood and pleasant memories from the past. But most people, seeing a doll in a dream, begin to worry. After all, they simply don’t know what such a vision means, whether they are preparing for bad events or for good ones.

Many dream books interpret such a dream as a reflection of a person’s subconscious desires and aspirations. Psychoanalysts interpret such a dream as a desire to return to a carefree childhood, which was filled with fun and joy.

Quite often, a dream about a doll expresses a person’s desire to escape from accumulated problems, to feel like a child again without obligations.

But this interpretation only generalizing. To accurately interpret what you saw, it is worth remembering the events and appearance toys. After all, it is these moments that help give exact interpretation visions and indicate to a person what to prepare for: bad or good.

Interpretation based on the situation

The actions performed with the toy are important in the interpretation of the dream.

Interpretation of the vision based on situations and actions occurring in the dream:

Interpretation based on the type of doll

For an accurate interpretation of the dream, it is worth remembering what the doll looked like:

  • I dreamed about Barbie. The vision has several interpretations:

    The favorite doll of all girls in their dreams is not very good value. Such a vision prophesies the loss of a loved one. This is not about death, but about loss. The person will stop communicating with the dreamer or move to live in another country.

    The children's doll - Barbie personifies the female ideal of beauty. Many generations of girls have tried to be like this toy with ideal body proportions and porcelain skin.

    If you saw such a doll in a dream, it means that a person strives to become ideal. But his plan does not work out.

    Such a dream indicates to a person that he is moving in the wrong direction. Trying to be an example and an ideal, he forgets about inner world, exhausts himself mentally, does not develop.

    The third interpretation says that the toy predicts the emergence of a new hobby or radical change interests.

  • Voodoo doll many people are concerned about. And this is not in vain. These toys are used in magic.

    Therefore, if you saw such a doll in a dream, you should prepare for the fact that they will try to influence you. This dream symbolizes the presence of an experienced and skillful manipulator next to the guardian of sleep.

    The dreamer should be careful, not succumb to provocations and not listen to other people's advice. This is the only way he can protect himself from manipulation.

  • Beautiful and cute doll– the baby evokes admiration and tenderness. Baby dolls dream of troubles, fuss and worries.

    A baby doll in a dream represents the behavior of a person who in real life takes care of a child. Fear and unreasonable worries - this is what the guardian of sleep should prepare for.

    If a girl or woman had a vision, then she will soon become a mother.

    If a pregnant woman saw a dream, then there is no need to worry. The dream reflects a woman’s inner fear of the birth of a baby, her inability to properly raise and cope with the baby.

  • Porcelain. Breaking such a doll means parting with dreams.
  • Inflatable. There is a lot of deception and falsehood in the dreamer's life.
  • Mechanical. The dreamer often imitates other people.
  • Talking doll to accomplish the intended action.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Many dream books interpret a dream with a donated doll as a reflection of a person’s powerlessness and moral and physical fatigue. This is a sign that the dreamer needs rest. Otherwise, he will not be able to withstand difficult life situations and it will break.

Other interpretations of the vision:

  1. This is a sign that you should not trust the people around you.
  2. Be surrounded by toys. A person is surrounded by ill-wishers.
  3. Buy a toy for yourself. This is a symbol of narcissism.
  4. See an abundance of pupae. A person feels unprotected in society.
  5. If a girl dreams that she gave birth to a doll, then she will soon become the mother of a newborn girl.
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