Why do you dream about the New Year: the dream book will tell you about the future. Dreams during the Christmas holidays and New Year: interpretation of prophetic dreams

Big dream book Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream New Year

New Year - Celebrating the New Year in a dream means improved well-being in the future. For young people, such a dream foretells a happy marriage. If the upcoming New Year does not make you happy, there may be complications in relationships with loved ones. New Year - At other times - satisfaction with the progress of things; the fulfillment of hope, the quality of the fulfillment depends on how it is celebrated, what kind of feelings.

New Year - In a dream, celebrating the New Year in a noisy company of friends is a harbinger of changes for the better, the fulfillment of a long-standing dream and the realization of plans; meeting him alone means that your affairs are stagnant, and your inertia does not allow you to break out of the vicious circle. New Year - You seem to be celebrating the New Year in a dream - the future will delight you more than once; you will be satisfied with the growth of your wealth. Some of the lovers dream of a New Year's celebration - for a quick and happy marriage.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about New Year in a dream?

New Year - Celebrating the New Year in a dream means prosperity in the future. For young people, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage. If you are tired and thinking about meeting the New Year, and it does not make you happy, there may be complications in relationships with loved ones. New Year (holiday) - You know that the actions of the dream take place in the New Year, a new cycle begins in your life. Everything can change. Celebrate changes for the better, don't resist.

The New Year - for a new cycle - symbolizes the solarium or the beginning of a new business. There is always a chance for the best after such a dream. Sun. New Year - hope for improvement in life. Celebrating the New Year means being ready for change; to think tiredly about celebrating the New Year without feeling joy - to refuse changes; lost hopes. You dreamed of the New Year in a dream - the dream foretells prosperity in the near future. Imagine that you are celebrating the New Year in the company of all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.

Erickson's Dream Book

If you see the New Year, what is it for? (interpretation by psychologist E. Erikson)

  1. Why dreaming of New Year means recognizing a new beginning. This may also accessible form mean measuring time or when something will happen.
  2. WITH psychological point point of view, when there is a need for renewal or growth in understanding, we need to make some effort. And this need is often symbolized in dreams by the New Year.
  3. From a spiritual point of view, in any culture, the New Year with its festivities signifies enlightenment or new knowledge that will become available. We are no longer in darkness.

The dream book often interprets a dream about the New Year as a good omen. Of course, in winter the explanation for night dreams is quite understandable - anticipation of a holiday. But this symbol, seen in a dream at another time, promises successful deeds, the beginning of a new round of life, and positive changes. However, there are stories that are not so positive. You can correctly interpret what such a vision means in a dream by remembering its details and the sensations caused by it.

What does the vision promise?

Celebrating the New Year in a dream is a very favorable omen. According to the dream book, it portends well-being, prosperity, and for young people – marital happiness. If you celebrated cheerfully and noisily with a group of friends, favorable changes await, dreams come true, plans come true. When the dreamer celebrated the holiday alone, it means that now he is stagnant, and his passivity prevents him from changing his life.

Why dream of watching from the sidelines as other people celebrated? You should change your attitude towards your loved ones. The dream book warns: perhaps you unfairly underestimate someone or trust too much in someone who is unworthy and can betray.

To dream of celebrating the New Year not in winter: the dreamer is happy because things are going well. A dreamed symbol means: his hopes and dreams will come true, and the quality of fulfillment can be recognized by other details - how he celebrated, what emotions he experienced.

When the New Year is not happy, you think sadly about it - relationships with loved ones will become more complicated. Also, according to the dream book, this may portend a discord with a loved one. Celebrating a holiday in a dream tired, tired - things leave much to be desired.

How to celebrate the New Year

Did you dream that you were at a New Year's party? This means that the coming year will not be the last in your life. When you were given gifts, the whole year will bring surprises. If the husband gave it, agreement with him for all twelve months; just a loved one - the relationship will be upset; relatives - it is advisable that you give them something.

Why do you dream about preparing for the New Year, decorating the Christmas tree, covering it? festive table? The dream book interprets: very soon some very joyful events will happen. In a dream, a couple of minutes before the chimes, light a Christmas tree garland and a star - a fun time will replace past sorrows. Celebrating the occasion at a New Year's ball - an interesting proposal will soon arrive. It is better to accept it, because if you refuse, you will lose a lot.

Dreaming of a rich, beautifully set table and many gifts promise prosperity and wealth. When the table was modest, you need to handle your finances more economically in order to prevent difficulties. The dream book advises: reduce useless spending, do not borrow money.

Other dream details

Why dream of feeling hungry or seeing leftovers on the holiday table? Expects disappointment in someone close or disappointed hopes. Receiving some nasty thing (mice, cockroaches, garbage) as a gift in a dream is a harbinger of a serious illness. Getting burned by something hot (a frying pan, a firecracker) means the dreamer is preventing himself from achieving success.

The New Year is not just a holiday for us, it is a time for summing up the results, assessing the year we have lived, and formulating plans and desires for the next year.

According to the dream book, the New Year, its celebration, seen in the arms of Morpheus, - good sign. Such a dream often promises prosperity, changes for the better, and good news. Let's try to decipher the details of your dream.

Let's dive into the psychology of sleep

In the fall, when almost all of us are quite sad, when the cold comes and there are not enough weekends to relax, we really want to organize a real holiday. Against the backdrop of such a mood, did you dream of the New Year? Well, this is your subconscious sending you a signal. The meaning of sleep is, in general, transparent.

You miss joy, pleasant surprises, the cozy atmosphere of home, the smells of pine needles and tangerines, gifts and fun. Take a break from everyday work and arrange a rehearsal for the main holiday of the year.

You don’t have to wait for January to do this. Autumn is the time to remember the traditions of our ancestors, who celebrated the beginning of the year with the completion of field work and the end of the harvest season.

Gather your friends, think up what the name of your holiday will be, prepare small nice gifts for the guests, set the table. We think your subconscious and friends will be very pleased.

Let's turn to the esotericism of dreams

Why do we dream about the New Year from the perspective of mystical, clairvoyant people? Let's figure it out.

Celebrating the New Year in a dream is symbolic of summing up and realizing. And from an esoteric point of view, this dream, seen in the fall, indicates that a number of things have happened in your life important events, which have become a kind of frontier, border.

Pay attention to what your mood was in the dream, who you met or were preparing to celebrate New Year's Eve.

1. It was easy and joyful for you, you felt harmony and anticipation of a miracle when you decorated christmas tree toys with family and friends? Did the tinsel in your hands shine as much as the eyes of your loved ones? Great!

You have achieved a lot in realizing your plans. You now have a strong rear - your family, which will support you in any situation. You are so strong that the march forward towards the realization of your dreams will not encounter any obstacles. And this is the result of the work you have done.

2. Have you experienced anxiety in your sleep? There were a lot of people around you, bustle, New Year's decorations, a Christmas tree, glass toys, shiny tinsel, and then everything disappeared? Such a dream indicates that you live a vain and careless life.

You have a goal, but to achieve it you take a lot of unnecessary actions and unwittingly attract extra people. In vain! This dream is a direct sign that you need to adjust your path to your goal.

Realize what exactly is stopping you, are you creating windmills yourself? By removing empty chores and useless people from your life, you will quickly come to your ideal.

3. Were you sad in your dream? Were you not pleased with the dressed up forest beauty? Glass New Year's toys didn’t evoke children’s awe, and the tinsel seemed faded? Were you alone?

This dream indicates that you are currently experiencing a crisis in your life. Perhaps you didn't get help from the people you expected it from. Perhaps, due to conflicts, you now have tense relationships with colleagues and family.

This is not a reason to be sad, but a reason to think. The dream shows that you urgently need to reassess, strengthen your position, “repair” relationships in the family and at work, and then subsequent changes will be beneficial.

Let's look into ancient dream books

Why do we dream about the New Year from the point of view of the interpretations that our grandmothers used and often wrote them down by hand in notebooks? So, celebrating the New Year in a dream foreshadowed:

1. For a young girl - for a happy marriage.

2. For a woman - for a gift or a love affair.

3. To a young man- to monetary profit.

4. For a man - to wealth.

Objects seen in such a dream mean:

  • The Christmas tree is a wonderful dream, a surprise.
  • Toys dream of little pleasures.
  • Tinsel or other decorations, such as rain, mean future pleasant conversations.
  • Decorations made from real objects (sweets, candles, watches, gingerbread cookies) - amazing news awaits you at home;
  • Decorations that are not at all suitable for the Christmas tree (irons, knives, etc.) mean that perhaps they are trying to deceive you.

Actions taken in a dream about the New Year:

  • Cutting down a Christmas tree in the forest is hard work for the sake of a dream.
  • Putting up a Christmas tree at home means guests may appear.
  • Decorating a Christmas tree means doing useful things that will bring you profit.
  • Decorating the house for the New Year, hanging garlands and tinsel means new things, purchasing furniture and necessary things for the home.

Well, we figured it out: according to any dream book, New Year is great! This is a favorable and significant symbol!

And in reality ours New Year's story and the pleasant worries associated with it are just around the corner! Author: Maria Serova

Celebrating the New Year in a dream means prosperity in the future. For young people, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.

If you are tiredly thinking about the New Year's Eve and it does not make you happy, there may be complications in your relationships with loved ones.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing New Year in a dream

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does the New Year dream mean?

New Year (holiday) - You know that the actions of the dream take place in the New Year - a new cycle begins in your life. Everything can change. Celebrate - changes for the better, don't resist.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananite's Dream Book

Seeing New Year in a dream

Meeting him in a dream is a harbinger of new, profitable business or new happiness.

A dream about the New Year is always favorable and predicts new impressions, hopes, new happiness, new successes. Such a dream often foreshadows the fulfillment of a wish. If after such a dream you wake up in a gloomy mood, then domestic squabbles and troubles await you. See interpretation: Christmas tree.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What do New Year dreams mean?

If lovers dream of the New Year, it means that they will have a happy marriage. However, a dream in which you are not happy about the onset of this holiday foreshadows a quarrel with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream about New Year

A dream in which you are preparing for the New Year by decorating a Christmas tree and preparing a festive table is a harbinger of very joyful events for you in the very near future. Lighting a star and garlands on the Christmas tree a few minutes before the New Year means joyful days will replace sorrows.

Popping champagne and pouring it into glasses while the New Year's chimes ring is a harbinger of a happy marriage. Walking down the street on New Year's Eve with good frost and falling snow - in reality, expect a scandal caused by a drunk relative. Seeing yourself at a New Year's ball - you will soon receive an interesting offer, but if you refuse it, you will lose a lot. Celebrate the New Year in a restaurant - beware of being robbed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does New Year mean in a dream?

Celebrating the New Year in a dream means improving your well-being in the future. For young people, such a dream foretells a happy marriage. If the upcoming New Year does not make you happy, there may be complications in relationships with loved ones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

The meaning of New Year dreams

Celebrating the New Year or seeing the attributes of a holiday - a dream foretells prosperity in the near future.

Imagine that you are celebrating the New Year in the company of all your family and friends. You are happy, carefree and joyful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does New Year mean in a dream?

It's a great time to celebrate the New Year. This is a harbinger of prosperity in the near future, and for young people - a happy marriage.

If you dream that you are celebrating the New Year without much desire, you may experience complications in your relationships with loved ones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Meaning of sleep New Year

A sign that you are on the verge of some important changes.

There is a pleasant atmosphere in such a dream, but if in a dream you see alcohol on the New Year’s table: this is a warning. It is possible that you do not adequately assess the situation, and your hopes for success may turn out to be an empty illusion.

Dancing in a dream at a New Year's ball: a sign that success can turn your head.

New Year's masquerade: means that your ideas about others are unlikely to correspond to reality. After such a dream, be more careful in assessing people and their actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Interpretation of sleep New Year

Celebrating the New Year in a noisy company of friends is a harbinger of changes for the better, the fulfillment of a long-standing dream and the realization of your plans.

Celebrating the New Year alone means your affairs are stagnant, and your inertia does not allow you to break out of the vicious circle.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does a dream predict for the New Year?

Celebrating the New Year means lasting prosperity and a happy marriage.

In general, welcoming the New Year is a symbol of the state of your affairs, the fulfillment of desires, the realization of dreams: the meaning of the dream depends on how beautiful and fun your holiday is.

Everything plays an important role here: the setting, clothes, table, Christmas tree, mood and atmosphere of the celebration.

The more beautiful the meeting, the better the future.

Interpretation of dreams from

New Year's holidays, both in life and in night dreams, mean changes, moving to a higher level, revising previous settings . Dreams about the New Year often signify a subconscious desire to change yourself and everything around you. Sometimes bright night visions can visit us in winter, and this is explained by the usual desire to take a break from the hustle and bustle, to be with loved ones, but it happens that the New Year is dreamed of out of season - this is also interesting sign. What to expect from New Year's dreams? Dream books will help you figure this out.

I dreamed about New Year, what does this mean?

Often the New Year is dreamed of as a bright spot in the dreamer's life. Some psychologists explain such pleasant dreams a subconscious desire for change in one area of ​​life. We can list some general predictions noted in different dream books :

  • good sleep - in the near future, fate will please the sleeping person with material and moral enrichment;
  • young married for a couple, a good New Year’s dream promises family happiness;
  • celebrate a holiday in a dream in good company - to a successful coincidence of circumstances;
  • celebrate the new year away from loved ones - a hint of the necessary changes in oneself and a revision of views regarding the environment;
  • don't feel joy - to tension in family relationships;
  • to be alone on holiday - to stagnation in business caused by the dreamer’s apathy;
  • get hurt or burned during the celebration - the dreamer puts a spoke in his own wheels;
  • new year among strangers - unexpected but pleasant changes.

In search of the correct interpretation that is right for you, you should remember what exactly you dreamed about, at what time of year, who was nearby in the dream during the New Year’s bustle, how did you feel in the dream? These details will help to predict in more detail possible changes in the near future.

Celebrating New Year in a dream - interpretation from dream books

The sensations of the dreamer himself are of decisive importance in interpretation. What feelings the dreamer remembers - there will be predictions in this vein.

In Miller's dream book a dreamed holiday is marked by pleasant changes in the near future, including financially. Feeling apathy during a celebration in a dream means tension in relationships with family.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z promises happiness to a young couple, one of whom dreamed that he pours champagne on New Year's Eve. Decorate the Christmas tree- towards the end of an unsuccessful period in reality. Celebrate the holiday at a ball or party- to an unexpected offer that you should not refuse. Here's to celebrating the New Year alone on a cold street- to a quarrel with loved ones. Celebrate in a bar or restaurant- to possible theft.

Gypsy dream book portends an imminent opportunity to realize the working or creative plans into life.

Meanings of dreamed actions

Why do you dream about the New Year and gifts? Receiving pleasant gifts in a dream means that pleasant changes will happen in reality in the near future, especially for married couples. But strange or unpleasant gifts promise possible illness.

Why do you dream of the New Year as a quiet holiday in a narrow family circle? Interpreters predict a major purchase, useful for all family members.

If you dreamed of New Year's Eve not at home, what to expect? Celebrating a holiday in nature means the dreamer may open up new opportunities that affect creative or career growth; the main thing is to be careful with unreliable people.

Celebrating the New Year abroad is a harbinger that it will be difficult, but possible, to realize your plans.

If the dreamer dreamed that he celebrates the new year at work , then you can expect an increase. But you should be more careful, because a masquerade or a lot of alcohol is bad sign, promising omissions or adventures. Dream books explain that receiving gifts from colleagues is a sign of the dreamer’s excessive selfishness.

If the dreamer saw on the New Year's table too much drinking , interpreters advise reconsidering your priorities; perhaps they are preventing you from moving in the right direction.

Why do you dream about preparing for the New Year? The dream book from A to Z explains the dreamed preparation for the holiday with joyful events that will soon make themselves felt in real life.

If preparing dreamed about it poor table for the new year, the dream book recommends that the dreamer stop making unnecessary purchases or borrowing money, otherwise this may lead to unpleasant consequences.

Why do you dream about the New Year out of season? The authors of dream books often agree that a good dream about a holiday, which did not occur on New Year’s Eve, is a harbinger of pleasant changes. To dream in summer, spring or autumn means that there is a big family event or a change of residence ahead. Completely unexpected things can happen.