Why do you dream about a gun and should you be afraid of injuries in real life? Pointed pistol

A pistol seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune, a gas pistol is a sign of tears.

A revolver is in the hands of your lover, with which he wants to kill you or shoot himself - this means a conflict between you in real life, which can lead to separation forever.

Seeing a Colt in a dream means that you will take part in a business that is obviously doomed to failure.

Mauser - to prosperity and well-being.

Browning - success after long adversity.

Parabellum (Luger) - to the loss of money and respect of others.

Walter is a love adventure.

Nagan – adultery.

If you see an old flintlock pistol, it means great misfortune or an absurd death.

A dueling pistol is a funny misunderstanding.

If you are shooting with someone or see duelists aiming pistols at each other, such a dream foreshadows the threat of an attack or robbery.

A personalized pistol with a dedicatory inscription on a metal plate attached to it is a harbinger that in reality you will enter into a conflict that can be avoided.

Killing a person with a pistol in a dream means family squabbles.

Loading a pistol means receiving upsetting news; disassembling or assembling means you will be in serious danger; cleaning and lubricating means disappointment from children.

Playing Russian roulette in a dream means you will experience the pleasure of communicating with cheerful and risky people.

If you pull the trigger of a gun and it misfires, you have to change your initial opinion about a person known only by hearsay.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Pistol

Carrying a pistol in a holster means you have a secret trump card with which you will defeat all enemies.

Threaten someone with a gun - your arguments will convince anyone.

Imagine walking down the street with a pistol in a holster on your belt. Everyone makes way for you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation gun in hands

A weapon in a dream is a sign of increased attention, logic, and the ability to accurately notice details. There is another interpretation: a compact weapon, including a pistol, is dreamed of when a person suffers from disorder and too free behavior of others. This is a kind of subconscious craving to exclude the irritant from your society.

Holding a gun in your hands in a dream is enough good sign. He says that in a difficult situation the dreamer will have an undeniable trump card, and it is he who will control the course of affairs.

In addition, such dreams indicate that the dreamer knows how to set goals correctly and can skillfully achieve them.

It is clear that in real life the use of weapons does not lead to anything good, but if you dream about them, it means that a person has enough self-control and will of character to solve any problems in reality.

Weapons in different dream books

If you dreamed of a gun in your hands

Since dreams about weapons are quite rare, few people can remember from memory why they are dreamed about. And if the vision was quite alarming, then the person is looking for any available dream book. Not all of them agree on interpretation. Sometimes the explanations are just the opposite. It is important to focus on your own feelings and sensations during sleep and immediately after waking up.

Troubles - Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book does not share such an optimistic symbolic interpretation if you dreamed of a gun. Since in his home country Since weapons are more than accessible to everyone, the attitude towards them is sharply negative.

  • Seeing a gun in your hands predicts misfortune.
  • Hold your personal weapon - the dreamer will be overwhelmed by the most terrible vices humanity. If he fails to cope with them, then a significant part of his life will be built exclusively on base instincts.
  • Hearing gunshots is a ridiculous rumor.
  • Shoot yourself - at at the moment Envy is a very powerful motivational feeling. The dreamer is quite ambitious, so he will be able to “catch up and overtake” the object he envied.
  • Overhearing a conversation about someone's gun - you can find out in advance about the insidious plans of your enemies. Their efforts to slander the dreamer will lead nowhere.

Tendency to violence - Freud's dream book

If you fired from your weapon

A fairly logical explanation is given by Freud’s dream book, but again with an emphasis on the sexual sphere. He says that if you dreamed of a gun, this indicates that the dreamer does not at all strive to find out about the feelings of his partner, and does not take into account the desire for sexual intimacy at all.

  • If you dream of a gun, it means that the dreamer’s selfishness has exceeded common sense, and he often forces his partner to have sexual contact. It's not always rude physical strength, moral pressure, threats and manipulation are also considered elements of violence. Such relationships cannot lead to anything good.
  • To shoot from your own weapon - the situation will require decisiveness and strong-willed decision. Otherwise, relationships with your partner will become impossible. If the dreamer cannot easily make decisions of this kind, his partner will be disappointed and the relationship will fizzle out. At the same time, hasty conclusions and loud words will not be perceived as a step towards action.
  • Threatening others to shoot themselves is a tendency to in unusual ways sexual satisfaction. If pain and humiliation bring more pleasure to the dreamer than trouble, this does not mean that the partner is ready to try this on himself.

Noble dream book

Gun inlaid with stones

Since in the class of nobles weapons were used to resolve disputes (duels), the attitude towards them was ambiguous. Every man had to be able to use it. Accuracy and endurance were highly valued. But using a gun in vain was considered self-indulgence and promiscuity. On the other hand, family and award weapons were very much valued, and if it appeared in a dream, then it was considered a sign of victories, success and honors.

  • Seeing weapons means violence and rampant tyranny did not bring anyone any good.
  • Holding it in your hands ready to shoot means an irresistible force will cause serious harm to the dreamer.
  • Aiming or shooting is a warning that the dreamer needs to be extremely careful.
  • For military personnel, receiving an award pistol means a high position, many people under your command, glory.
  • You dream of a weapon inlaid with expensive stones - power, high social status.

How did the dreamer feel?

As we see, there is no unambiguous interpretation of what weapons mean in dreams. But besides the explanations of dream books, it is also important to focus on your own feelings and sensations. What does the understanding that there is something in your hands that can force those around you to meekly carry out all the conceivable and inconceivable orders of the dreamer?

  • Aiming but not shooting means it’s difficult for you to quickly react to changing situations. Making decisions without long thinking is not for you.
  • To feel power and omnipotence due to the fact that there is a weapon in your hands - basic instincts can take over. The world does not consist of money and sexual intercourse; it is important to remember that high feelings can bring many pleasant moments.
  • Taking pride in marksmanship was a strong moral core that helped in difficult situations. If a controversial moment comes, you need to act as always - according to your conscience.
  • Feeling depressed or guilty because you had to take the shot - you just need to accept the situation as it is. There are times when there is no right solution.

A pistol seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune, a gas pistol is a sign of tears.

A revolver in the hands of your lover, with which he wants to kill you or shoot himself, means a conflict between you in real life, which can lead to separation forever.

Seeing a Colt in a dream means that you will take part in a business that is obviously doomed to failure.

Mauser - to prosperity and well-being.

Browning - success after long adversity.

Parabellum (Luger) - to the loss of money and respect of others.

Walter is a love adventure.

Nagan – adultery.

If you see an old flintlock pistol, it means great misfortune or an absurd death.

A dueling pistol is a funny misunderstanding.

If you are shooting with someone or see duelists aiming pistols at each other, such a dream foreshadows the threat of an attack or robbery.

A personalized pistol with a dedicatory inscription on a metal plate attached to it is a harbinger that in reality you will enter into a conflict that can be avoided.

Killing a person with a pistol in a dream means family squabbles.

Loading a pistol means receiving upsetting news; disassembling or assembling means you will be in serious danger; cleaning and lubricating means disappointment from children.

Playing Russian roulette in a dream means you will experience the pleasure of communicating with cheerful and risky people.

If you pull the trigger of a gun and it misfires, you have to change your initial opinion about a person known only by hearsay.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing a Pistol in a dream

A gun in a dream is an unlucky sign.

If we are talking about your own pistol, it means that in life your base and vain nature will prevail over you.

If in a dream you heard a conversation about some kind of pistol, it means. You will be able to upset someone's plans directed against you.

If you dream that you are shooting from your pistol, it means that you will envy some simple-minded soul and will achieve a lot to avenge a perceived evil.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do dreams mean Pistol

Hearing the sound of a pistol shot in a dream means that some kind of disaster awaits you.

If you see in a dream that you yourself are shooting from a pistol, this foreshadows a quick marriage to a person of a hot-tempered nature, but very hardworking and sweet.

The dream predicts that you will be satisfied with your family life.

Perhaps your firstborn will achieve a lot in life with his work and natural disposition.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Meaning of dreams Pistol

Gun - Seeing a gun in a dream means that in real life you often persuade your partner to have sexual intercourse by force. You can’t, of course, say that you are acting against the rules, it’s just that at the moment when you want love, you force a person to obey your desire, even if he is completely not in the mood for sex at the moment.

Shooting from a pistol - a dream means that very soon you will have to take decisive action to maintain an alliance with dear person. And even if decisive action is completely out of character for you, you will have to do everything possible to close person I'm not disappointed in you.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What does a Pistol mean in a dream?

If in a dream you are the owner of a pistol, in reality the base and vain side of your nature may manifest itself in full force.

To shoot a pistol means to envy some simple-minded person.

If in a dream you hear a conversation about some kind of pistol, it means that you will be able to thwart someone’s plans directed against you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Meaning of dream Pistol

Carrying a pistol in a holster means you have a secret trump card with which you will defeat all enemies.

Threaten someone with a gun - your arguments will convince anyone.

Imagine walking down the street with a pistol in a holster on your belt. Everyone makes way for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of the dream Pistol

Seeing a pistol in a dream is an unlucky sign.

If you dreamed of your own pistol, get ready for your base and vain nature to prevail over you in life.

If it was about someone else’s pistol, you will be able to thwart someone’s plans directed against you.

A dream in which you shot your gun means that you will envy someone and take revenge for a perceived wrong.

This dream may also mean that very soon you will have to take decisive action to maintain your alliance with your loved one. And even if you are not very decisive by nature, you will have to do everything possible so as not to disappoint your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does a Pistol predict in a dream?

Unlike a gun, a pistol in a dream: symbolizes recklessness and dangerous temper.

Seeing a person armed with a pistol in your dream is a warning. After such a dream, you should control your emotions and not give others any reasons for conflict. Otherwise, the consequences of the conflict can be extremely severe.

Having a gun yourself: means you are ready to give in negative emotions and go reckless. It is unlikely that such a character will help you achieve happiness and success.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams are full of secrets, they are sometimes incomprehensible and so strange that in the morning we sometimes cannot come to our senses for a long time and understand where such visions come from, what they mean, what to expect?

It happens that in dreams we do and see things that have no place in our real everyday life, that we do not need, do not want, or are not at all compatible with our destinies and lives. One of these items is a pistol.

The subject is simple and familiar to everyone, everyone, even a child, knows it appearance. This thing flashes on screens more often than many other, more ordinary objects used in everyday life.

However, a gun is a terrible thing, it carries death, is associated with the most negative associations, and it is unlikely that many people have one in their home. Few people ever held it in their hands - perhaps as a toy, or in a shooting range.

How can you understand why you dream of a gun, what kind of sign it is? It may seem that this is a negative symbol, and after such a dream one should expect trouble, but this is not so. As the dream book says, a gun can indicate the dreamer’s strong and strong-willed qualities, foreshadow a high position in society, and many other quite desirable things.

It all depends on the details of the “weapon” dream, which may look like this:

  • You just saw him in a dream.
  • We saw a shot at a man from the side.
  • You see different weapons, or many pistols.
  • A beautiful, antique pistol or revolver in a dream.
  • Weapons in a showcase in dreams.
  • Shootout, people shooting at each other.
  • Hearing a shot in a dream.
  • Hold a gun in your hands.
  • Drop it from your hands.
  • Load, clean or assemble a weapon.
  • Shoot accurately at the target.
  • Aiming at a person in a dream.
  • Steal, take someone else's gun in a dream.
  • Shoot a person.
  • Being the one who gets shot.
  • Playing with a gun in a dream.

Such “pistol” dreams are strange, sometimes unkind and not very pleasant. But be careful when interpreting - it’s not difficult to find out what a gun means in a dream if you take into account all the details and try not to miss anything.

Just look - and don't touch!

In your dreams, you could simply look at a weapon, even see a shot or a shootout, but not touch the gun yourself, not hold it in your hands.

What such dreams mean depends on what the weapon was and what actually happened in the dream.

1. As the dream book indicates, a gun in dreams often indicates that arbitrariness and disorder are happening around you, and this makes you very angry. Especially since there is no way you can change it.

Try to be calmer, focus on your work, and do not pay too much attention to the bustle around you.

2. When you saw in your dreams how someone shoots at a person, this may promise that in reality you will see some kind of injustice or strong conflict. Perhaps you will witness proceedings, revenge - try not to interfere if this does not concern you.

3. B walking around in a dream with a lot of pistols and other weapons is a good sign; it promises you honors, a good reception, high status and an excellent, enviable position in society. You will achieve many successes and be recognized!

4. Such a dream, in which the pistol was beautiful, old, antique, foreshadows luxury, a high and desirable position for you, a beautiful life.

5. When in a dream a pistol lies in a display case or on the counter of a gun store, this may indicate the dreamer's dreams of glory, his hidden greed. This is not so bad, but it is worth doing something, working to achieve recognition and respect from others, not to mention fame.

6. If in your dreams you saw people shooting at each other, this only indicates your fears. You are afraid of competition, any struggle, rivalry - caution is valuable, but excessive fear can prevent you from achieving your goals.

Weapon in hand

It's a completely different matter when you have to hold a gun in your dreams, shoot someone, or even be the one being shot at!

However, do not rush to be afraid of such “combat” dreams; they can be a good omen or valuable advice.

1. Hearing a loud shot in a dream is a hint of rumors, evil rumors or lies, which should be carefully avoided. Be careful not to participate in the spread of gossip, and behave yourself in such a way as not to cause false rumors.

2. Holding a gun in your own hands in a dream is a good, promising sign. You will have a valuable trump card up your sleeve, in other words, you will have to keep the situation in your hands.

Certain knowledge, skills or talents will allow you to achieve a lot in your field. Believe in your strengths, you have something that others don’t have, even strong competitors at first glance!

3. Holding a gun in your hands and dropping it is a serious warning. You risk missing an important and great chance that can change your life for the better.

When making decisions, think twice, or even more - maybe it’s worth taking a risk and taking on something that you doubt? In any case, don’t miss your chance, what if there won’t be a second one?

4. If in your dreams you were loading a gun, cleaning it or assembling it, this is advice - focus on one, important and specific goal, do not spread yourself thin on many things at once, set priorities. Then you can achieve unprecedented success.

5. If in a dream you accurately and accurately shot at a target, know that your focus and concentration will definitely lead to the most desired goal. And you will achieve more than you can plan for.

6. Aiming at a certain person in a dream, but not shooting, is a hint that you are spreading rumors or participating in the creation of gossip. This can have a very negative impact not only on your reputation, but also ruin your relationships and destiny in general, so avoid such situations.

7. If in a dream you stole or took someone else’s weapon, you will, intentionally or not, upset someone’s plans. Try to be more attentive to others.

8. Shooting at a person in a dream does not foreshadow anything specific, but it indicates, quite straightforwardly, that you have a hidden claim, resentment, and desire for revenge against someone.

This not only torments you, but also prevents you from living harmoniously, and the person too - so think about how to resolve this and let go of the situation. Maybe we should say everything, or try to forgive and forget forever?

9. If you were shot at in a dream, this is scary, but it means that the dreamer in reality hurt someone or seriously offended someone. Think about who you did bad to and didn’t even think about the consequences?

10. If you played with a pistol in a dream, this foreshadows your passions - but rather dangerous ones, close to vice and risk. Be as sensible as you can.

A gun is a serious symbol, and such dreams should be taken seriously. But don’t be too suspicious, and take advice wisely - after all, everyone has their own unique destiny, and only you yourself, and not the dream book, make the final decisions.


Miller's Dream Book

Gun in a dream- an unlucky sign.

If we are talking about your own pistol- this means that in life your base and vain nature will prevail over you.

If in a dream you heard a conversation about some kind of pistol- this means you will be able to upset someone’s plans directed against you.

If you dream that you are shooting your gun- it means that you will envy some simple-minded soul and will achieve a lot to take revenge for the supposed evil.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a gun in a dream- this means that in real life you often persuade your partner to have sexual intercourse by force. You can’t, of course, say that you are acting against the rules, it’s just that at the moment when you want love, you force a person to obey your desire, even if he is completely not in the mood for sex at the moment.

Shoot a gun- a dream means that very soon you will have to take decisive action to maintain an alliance with a loved one. And even if decisive action is completely out of character for you, you will have to do everything possible so that your loved one does not become disappointed in you.

Gun- is a symbol of the male penis (penis).

If a man has many pistols in good condition- he is sexually active with a large number sexual partners, but if he takes several pistols with him at the same time, then this indicates his inferiority complex and lack of confidence in his sexual abilities.

If a man shoots someone with a gun- he wants to have sexual contact with him.

If a woman shoots someone with a gun- she wants to make lesbian love.

If a woman is shot with a gun- she is looking forward to a quick sexual encounter.

If a man is shot with a gun- he may be subject to homosexual advances.

If you're loading a gun- you are preparing for upcoming or possible sexual contact.

Whether you admire, care for, or oil your gun- you prefer to engage in self-satisfaction.

If you are choosing a pistol- you have many potential sexual partners, but you strive to choose the most worthy of them.

If your gun is in poor condition or defective- this indicates possible diseases of the genital organs or impotence.

Misfire when firing a pistol- speaks of unsuccessful sexual contact or impotence.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Unlike a gun, a gun in a dream- symbolizes recklessness and dangerous temper.

Seeing a man armed with a pistol in your dream- is a warning. After such a dream, you should control your emotions and not give others any reasons for conflict. Otherwise, the consequences of the conflict can be extremely severe.

Have a gun yourself in a dream- means that you are ready to succumb to negative emotions and commit recklessness. It is unlikely that such a character will help you achieve happiness and success.

Jewish dream book

Gun see- fright, fire- quarrel in the family, they're shooting at you- to insult.

Dream book for a bitch

Gun- this sign should alert you and call you to attentiveness and prudence.

Seeing your gun in a dream- try to develop beautiful and sublime feelings in yourself.

Shoot a pistol in a dream- you are very suspicious and distrustful, there is no need to rush to conclusions and actions until you are convinced that this person really wanted to cause you trouble.

New family dream book

A pistol seen in a dream- an unlucky sign.

If you dreamed of your own gun- get ready that in life your base and vain nature will prevail over you.

If we were talking about someone else's pistol- you will be able to upset someone’s plans directed against you.

A dream in which you shot your gun- means that you will envy someone and take revenge for a perceived evil.

Modern combined dream book

Gun in dreams- usually a symbol of failure.

If you dream that you have a gun- in the future your character will deteriorate, baseness and deceit will appear in it.

Hear the story about the gun- this means you will learn about insidious plans directed against your interests.

Shoot a pistol in a dream- this means you will do a lot to take revenge for the perceived evil.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Gun- an unexpected, sneaky, treacherous blow from your friend (girlfriend).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To the robbery.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing the barrel of a gun or other weapon in a dream- to fear.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Gun see- hostility and anger; shoot it- good result.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A pistol seen in a dream- a sign of misfortune, gas gun- to tears.

A revolver in the hands of your lover, with which he wants to kill you or shoot himself- this means a conflict between you in real life, which can lead to separation forever.

Seeing a Colt in a dream- means that you will take part in a business that is obviously doomed to failure, Mauser- to prosperity and well-being, browning- good luck after long adversity, parabellum (luger)– to the loss of money and respect of others, Walter- love adventure, revolver- adultery.

If you see an antique flintlock pistol- this will lead to great misfortune or an absurd death. Dueling pistol- to a funny misunderstanding.

If you are fighting with someone or see duelists aiming pistols at each other- such a dream foreshadows the threat of attack or robbery.

Personalized pistol with a dedicatory inscription on a metal plate attached to it- a harbinger that in reality you will enter into a conflict that can be avoided.

Kill a man in a dream with a pistol- to family squabbles.

Load the gun- to receive upsetting news, disassemble or assemble- you will be exposed to serious danger, clean and lubricate- upset from children.

Play Russian roulette in a dream- you will experience the pleasure of communicating with cheerful and risky people. If you pull the trigger of a gun and it misfires- you have to change your initial opinion about a person known only by hearsay.

Women's dream book

If in a dream you are the owner of a gun- in reality, the base and vain side of your nature can manifest itself in full force

Shoot a gun- means to envy some simple-minded person.

If in a dream you hear a conversation about some kind of pistol- this means you will be able to upset someone’s plans directed against you.

General dream book

I dreamed about a gun- expect failure in business.

If you dreamed that you were carrying a gun with you- soon your character may deteriorate.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends was carrying a gun- know, this is an ill-wisher.

In a dream, someone talked about the merits of this or that pistol- soon you will learn about insidious plans directed against you.

You dreamed that you were shooting a gun- you will have to take revenge on someone who was planning evil against you.

If you dreamed that you saw someone shoot a gun- know that enemies can stab you in the back at any moment.

Load the gun- to great troubles associated with your reputation in society.

You watched someone load a gun- in the near future, unpleasant rumors about your family will appear in society, and you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to dispel them.

If you dreamed that you were buying or selling a gun- know that you yourself are the architect of your own happiness.

If you dreamed that you were giving a gun- you will soon be involved in a fight.

If you dreamed that you found a gun- you will find yourself witnessing an unpleasant scene without participating in it yourself.

English dream book

The sound of a pistol shot heard in a dream- means that some kind of disaster awaits you.

If you dream that you yourself are shooting from a pistol- this portends an imminent marriage to a person of a hot-tempered nature, but very hardworking and sweet. The dream predicts that you will be satisfied with your family life. Perhaps your firstborn will achieve a lot in life with his work and natural disposition.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gun- confidence, strength, ability to achieve something; for women- male sexual symbol, potential capabilities of a man.

Shoot- achieve the goal.

Dream book of a gypsy

Gun- you have a quick temper. Be careful, otherwise you may say something hurtful and you will regret it later.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about a gun- have an enemy; enmity; craving for a bad deed.

Collection of dream books

Gun- meeting with a friend.

Gun- big trouble in the family; if this is your pistol, then you will become the cause of this trouble due to the fact that base instincts will take over your common sense; this meaning is enhanced if you fire a pistol; if they shoot at you- to insult.

Seeing a gun pointed at you in a dream- to a threat.

I dreamed about a Pistol, what is it for, what does a Pistol mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of dream Pistol:

You dreamed of a Pistol, what is it for - to shoot from it - to convey important information. If they shot at you, they are trying to bring something to your attention.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I had a dream about a Pistol.

Pistol - self-defense; fear. Being shot with a pistol is criticism from the outside.

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream about a Pistol?

What does it mean to see in a dream You dreamed of a Pistol, why is it - to be scared, to be intimidated. Shooting from a pistol means offending someone; if they shoot at you, they will offend you. Hearing a shot means finding out someone else's plans directed against you. Buying or purchasing a gun means scaring someone else.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does a Pistol mean in a dream:

What does a Pistol mean in a dream - You have a secret trump card with which you will defeat all your enemies. Imagine walking down the street with a pistol in a holster on your belt. Everyone makes way for you.

British dream book I dreamed about a Pistol:

Pistol - Using a pistol indoors does not require much effort: hit any part of the body and you will cause serious damage, if not death. The pistol is a male sexual symbol due to its size and action. If you are a woman and are not usually aggressive, carrying or using a gun in a dream may indicate a desire to be more aggressive, more masculine. Guns can also embody a sexual threat: just as bullets threaten life, sperm brings life-altering consequences (pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases). Why do you have a dream: Did you defend yourself? If so, then from what? Is there someone or something that threatens you in real life so much that your subconscious mind suggests violent and drastic actions to resolve the situation? Or do you feel like you're staring down circumstances at work or at home? Perhaps you are faced with redundancy and no other work is available, or you have discovered an illness that has a serious impact on your life. life circumstances. Did you see a way out of the situation in a dream?

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does a Pistol mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about a pistol? Why is it - you see a pistol in a dream - a misfortune will happen to you. You dream of a gun, and you know that it belongs to you - you will act not in accordance with reason, but in accordance with feeling; It is possible that this will be some kind of base feeling. You hear talk about a gun - you actually find out that someone is plotting against you. It’s as if you are talking to someone about a gun - you will be able to disrupt the plans of the attacker. It’s as if you are shooting from a pistol - in real life you will take a risk, but the risk will be justified: you will give what the attacker deserves.

Woman with a pistol

Dream Interpretation Woman with a gun dreamed of why in a dream a woman with a pistol? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Woman with a gun in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

A pistol seen in a dream is a sign of misfortune, a gas pistol is a sign of tears. A revolver in the hands of your lover, with which he wants to kill you or shoot himself, means a conflict between you in real life, which can lead to separation forever.

Seeing a Colt in a dream means that you will take part in a business that is obviously doomed to failure, a Mauser - to prosperity and well-being, a Browning - good luck after much adversity, a Parabellum (Luger) - to the loss of money and the respect of others, a Walter - a love adventure, a revolver - a marital infidelity.

If you see an old flintlock pistol, it means great misfortune or an absurd death. A dueling pistol is a funny misunderstanding.

If you are shooting with someone or see duelists aiming pistols at each other, such a dream foreshadows the threat of an attack or robbery.

A personalized pistol with a dedicatory inscription on a metal plate attached to it is a harbinger that in reality you will enter into a conflict that can be avoided.

Killing a person with a pistol in a dream means family squabbles. Loading a pistol means receiving upsetting news; disassembling or assembling means you will be in serious danger; cleaning and lubricating means disappointment from children.

Playing Russian roulette in a dream means you will experience the pleasure of communicating with cheerful and risky people. If you pull the trigger of a gun and it misfires, you have to change your initial opinion about a person known only by hearsay.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

A gun in a dream is an unlucky sign.

If we are talking about your own pistol, it means that in life your base and vain nature will prevail over you.

If in a dream you heard a conversation about some kind of pistol, it means. You will be able to upset someone's plans directed against you.

If you dream that you are shooting from your pistol, it means that you will envy some simple-minded soul and will achieve a lot to avenge a perceived evil.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

Seeing a pistol in a dream is an unlucky sign.

If you dreamed of your own pistol, get ready for your base and vain nature to prevail over you in life.

If it was about someone else’s pistol, you will be able to thwart someone’s plans directed against you.

A dream in which you shot your gun means that you will envy someone and take revenge for a perceived wrong.

This dream may also mean that very soon you will have to take decisive action to maintain your alliance with your loved one. And even if you are not very decisive by nature, you will have to do everything possible so as not to disappoint your loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

Gun - Seeing a gun in a dream means that in real life you often persuade your partner to have sexual intercourse by force. You can’t, of course, say that you are acting against the rules, it’s just that at the moment when you want love, you force a person to obey your desire, even if he is completely not in the mood for sex at the moment.

Shooting from a pistol - a dream means that very soon you will have to take decisive action to maintain an alliance with a dear person. And even if decisive action is completely out of character for you, you will have to do everything possible so that your loved one does not become disappointed in you.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

If in a dream you are the owner of a pistol, in reality the base and vain side of your nature may manifest itself in full force. To shoot a pistol means to envy some simple-minded person. If in a dream you hear a conversation about some kind of pistol, it means that you will be able to thwart someone’s plans directed against you.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

Carrying a pistol in a holster means you have a secret trump card with which you will defeat all enemies. Threaten someone with a gun - your arguments will convince anyone.

Imagine walking down the street with a pistol in a holster on your belt. Everyone makes way for you.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

Unlike a gun, a pistol in a dream: symbolizes recklessness and dangerous temper.

Seeing a person armed with a pistol in your dream is a warning. After such a dream, you should control your emotions and not give others any reasons for conflict. Otherwise, the consequences of the conflict can be extremely severe.

Having a gun yourself: means that you are ready to succumb to negative emotions and be reckless. It is unlikely that such a character will help you achieve happiness and success.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

Hearing the sound of a pistol shot in a dream means that some kind of disaster awaits you. If you see in a dream that you yourself are shooting from a pistol, this foreshadows a quick marriage to a person of a hot-tempered nature, but very hardworking and sweet. The dream predicts that you will be satisfied with your family life. Perhaps your firstborn will achieve a lot in life with his work and natural disposition.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

Pistol - as you dream about a pistol - you have an enemy; enmity; Namov to a bad deed.

Dream Interpretation - Pistol

A pistol - to see - fright, to shoot - a quarrel in the family, they shoot at you - to offense.

Woman with a pistol

Dream Interpretation - Woman

For a man to see himself lying between two women is an improvement in health and affairs.

Lying next to a pregnant woman brings pleasant hopes.

For a woman to see herself among other women is a big hassle.

In general, young, beautiful, with long hair woman - to health, new opportunities, joy, pleasures.

Old, ugly, crooked or with disheveled hair - to gossip, quarrels, squabbles, melancholy.

A naked woman is a symbol of illness, grief, lies.

Meeting a young stranger is a nuisance for a woman.

For a man it is a temptation.

Kissing a stranger means money.

To be enchanted and look back at some woman means deception from friends.

If any woman stops you, beware of bad luck, this is a warning.

A woman under a veil means death.

There are many women, arguing with them is intrigue and a violation of your plans.

The American tradition even interprets the dependence of the interpretation of dreams on the color of hair, eyes, and the shape of the woman’s nose in a dream: blonde - to pleasant things to do and hobbies.

A brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose is a sign that you have retreated before the vicissitudes of fate.

Brown-haired or red-haired with a straight nose - to difficulties and troubles.

Brown-eyed with a Roman nose - a warning about the dangers of speculation and stock trading.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Praying - good times; pregnant woman - joy; women in a man's suit - experiencing moments of passion; meeting of women - chagrin; kiss a woman - earn a lot of money; black-haired - gossip; with long good hair - health; talk to a stranger - make an acquaintance; a woman with a child - family happiness; old woman - squabbles; red-haired - fragile love; looking at a woman means your friends are deceiving you; laughing - great joy; under a black or white veil - death; young - you will allow even more reckless things; in general, to see a pleasant woman is to have happiness; kiss - joy to take - reasonable home life; meet a woman in a dream - have a good day

Dream Interpretation - Women

If you dreamed of a woman in a temple, the dream foreshadows you soon with consolation and peace of mind. If she is in the house or rooms, then this dream is an omen of new plans, important changes in fate. If you dream of a flirtatious, laughing woman, this dream means short-lived joy or deceit, gossip, envy. If in a dream you saw an angry, gloomy or suffering woman, then the dream predicts that you must be diligent, diligent and dexterous. Then good luck awaits you. If in a dream you buy jewelry for a woman, success awaits you, good luck in business, and an increase in wealth. Beautiful woman dreams of love, young - foretells kindness, blonde - promises wealth, and brunette - promises platonic love or good friendship. If you dream of many beautiful women dancing, this dream predicts lies and fraud that you will encounter in life. If you see women's hands in a dream, the dream foreshadows vain chores and futile worry. If you dream of laughing, pretty women, you will experience short joy and then a long fall.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

A woman is a disease, a ghost. A pregnant woman sees a tit in a dream - you will have a girl, a nightingale - a boy. If a pregnant woman walks on water, especially if there is a flood, then the birth will be successful. Before giving birth, you will also dream that it is dawn in the house, or that a swarm of bees has flown in and lands on your head. If the owner or hostess catches a spider, perch, crucian carp, pigeon, or drake in a dream, then they will have a boy, and if they catch a frog, roach, pike, dove, duck, generally a bird, a mouse, there will be a girl. Before giving birth, you may dream that a duck is walking with its ducklings. Before giving birth, a woman dreams that she is lying in a coffin or has a child in her arms. An old woman is a disease. Kissing a woman is a disease, gossip; to see a child in your arms - crisis, troubles; to see disheveled is weakness, angry is a storm, to be between women is betrayal, secrets.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

this is temptation and temptation; if she came up or turned her back, then this is an incentive to do a bad deed and evil. A black woman with an ugly head is cholera, a plague, but a pious and pleasant woman is charm and joy. An old woman is earthly life. For a woman, a dream about a young unknown woman symbolizes an enemy. If you dream of an Arab woman or any dark-skinned woman, then this is a joyful event.

Seeing a woman turn into an old woman means an improvement in life.

Seeing many women in a dream indicates the delights and temptations of worldly life. And whoever sees that they have approached him, his fate will be favorable. They are also a temptation and a test. Sometimes they point to love, also to what they always treat well and to what they take and protect for the sake of Allah. Their participation in Jihad indicates that they will go to Hajj.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Lots of women - intrigue at work. Old - you have become a victim of an energy vampire. Naked - your relationship with your superiors will become the subject of gossip. Bare-haired - nervous tension last days may cause illness. Pregnant - you trusted false news. Kissing an unfamiliar woman - intrigue will cause losses. Women fighting - a quarrel with the authorities.

Runs away - wrong decision made will entail irreparable consequences. Being at a party with women you know is a betrayal by a person you considered a friend. Hear female voice- they are trying to force you to leave your position, which for many is a tasty morsel. Arguing with a woman means that in reality someone will outwit you or confuse you. Brunette - the fight for justice will end in failure. Blonde - you were pulled into dangerous games, where you will become a bargaining chip. Redhead - natural disasters will interfere with you.

Imagine that every woman is approached by a man, and some are approached by several. Women seem to dissolve in a swarm of men. Focus your attention on men. At the same time, women go somewhere. Only the men remain.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

The image of a woman in a dream: - symbolizes the sphere of your feelings and emotions, and the woman’s mood for a man to communicate with friendly, calm women: a sign that his feelings are in harmony and in the near future his affairs promise to go well in a variety of areas.

Any troubles associated with women for a man: is a warning that his emotions and feelings are in disarray, threatening him with a lot of trouble and nervous breakdowns.

For a woman to see unfamiliar women, if they are friendly and sympathetic: it may portend the successful implementation of certain plans.

Indifferent or cold women in women's dreams: a warning about possible intrigue or gossip.

Arguing with a woman for both men and women: foreshadows misunderstandings and frustration of plans.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Is a harbinger of gossip.

Women fighting are a sign of mental disharmony.

A bald woman - to contempt, disregard for your opinion.

An unmade-up and unkempt woman is a sign of flattery.

Taking an unkempt woman in your arms means a quarrel.

Kissing a woman means an upcoming win or profit.

Kissing an elderly woman in a dream means a quarrel between spouses.

Giving up your seat in a transport to a woman in a dream means you will succumb to someone’s trick.

Seeing yourself ugly in a dream is a harbinger for a woman of a family quarrel due to her fault.

Lying between two women in a dream means good luck in business and improved health for a man; lying with a pregnant woman means pleasant and promising hopes for a man.

If a man finds himself in a female society in a dream - gossip is spreading around you, trying to discredit you.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Seeing an unfamiliar woman unclearly is a minor nuisance.

Seeing a beautiful woman means joy, happiness, wealth.

Pregnant - get ready for something new, a change.

A dirty woman means failure, poverty.

Ugly woman - quarrels.

Young girls - wealth, feast, peace of mind.

Seeing an old woman means danger to life, thoughts of death, illness.

An evil woman is a deception.

Enemies will pursue you.

Many women - for a change.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Woman - young, beautiful - joy, pleasure - old, ugly - gossip, sadness - praying - good times - pregnant - joy - in a man's suit - experiencing moments of passion - a meeting of women - grief - kissing - making a lot of money - black-haired - gossip - with long good hair - health - talking to a stranger - making an acquaintance - with a child - family happiness - old woman - squabbles; ancient, gray - to goodness, wealth - red-haired - fragile love - looking at a woman - You will be deceived by friends - laughing - great joys - under a black or white veil - death - generally seeing a pleasant woman - having happiness - kissing - joy - taking as a wife - reasonable home life - meeting a woman in a dream - having a successful day.

Why does a woman dream about eating a watermelon? Why does a woman dream about her head going bald?

In reality, weapons can be used for both good and harm - for self-defense or attack. This duality firearms also influenced the interpretation of what a gun means in dreams. Such dreams can both warn against some danger and give clues about upcoming events.

Weapon room

Representatives of the stronger sex are much more likely to see a gun in a dream, but there are also many ladies who look to dream books for an answer to the question of why they dream of a gun. The interpretation of the dream will depend on what exactly you dreamed:

  • You saw the gun from the side.
  • They held weapons in their hands.
  • They were pointing it at someone.
  • They threatened you with a gun.
  • You shot yourself.
  • They shot at you.
  • You just heard a shot.

Interpreters say that dreams with firearms can show a person his true nature, which everyday life hides behind social masks. If you happen to see a gun in a dream, you can be sure that you have a decisive character, although perhaps sometimes you try to hide it. Also, firearms can act as a phallic symbol.

If you only saw a gun from the outside in a dream, the vision suggests that a violent emotional reaction to what is happening is not the best way out for you. Anger and disgust will not help the solution life problems, but on the contrary, they can bring trouble to you and your loved ones. If you dreamed of a gun, you need to try to pull yourself together and solve the problem, guided only by a “cool head”, but not by a “hot heart”.

The vision when you simply dream of a gun has one more meaning: if you “turn on” logic and cold calculation, you will be able to achieve great heights in life, because you will not lack determination. A dream about a firearm can warn the sleeper that his enemies are not asleep, which means he needs to be on his guard.

Why do you dream about a pistol that you held in your hands in a dream? Miller's dream book warns the sleeper that, due to his character, he has a high risk of following his " dark side" Such a dream encourages you to curb your base desires, so as not to lead to the point where you have to publicly answer for your unseemly actions.

For a woman, holding a gun in her hands in her own dreams is a serious hint on how to act in the sphere of personal relationships. You should not be deluded by the promises of a suddenly appeared admirer and abandon your existing relationship for his sake. There is an extremely high probability that the new passion will turn out to be a “dummy”, and the person who was rejected will not be able to forgive it.

At gunpoint

Holding a gun in a dream and aiming at someone - similar dream speaks of the sleeper as a person who is not afraid to enter into conflict in order to protect his own interests, well-being and peace of mind. A dream where you had to hold a gun pointed at someone may suggest that a problem has arisen in your today's life the problem cannot be solved without conflict, and one must be prepared to defend one’s “borders.” If, after waking up, you ask yourself the question: why did you dream that a firearm was pointed at me, dream books say that in reality you will have to defend yourself from a person who has influence over you.

As he says Psychological dream book, the pistol from which, according to the plot of the dream, “they wanted to kill me,” means that the dreamer himself “kills” the opportunities given to him by fate. You need to pull yourself together, give up idle pastime, and then a favorable chance will definitely be realized in monetary terms.

Also, the plot “they want to kill me with a pistol” may mean that in the near future you should refrain from unplanned expenses. In this case, the gun says Modern dream book, means that you may soon need money for unplanned expenses. And in order not to make a hole in your budget, for now it is better to switch to savings mode.

In the dream, the gun turned out to be your own, and you shot from it? Miller's dream book says that in this case the dreamer has a highly developed sense of justice and he can go far in his desire to punish injustice, even if committed against another.

For a man to shoot a firearm in a dream means a quick marriage. According to the Psychological Dream Book, the gun in this case suggests that the future wife will have a rather eccentric and “explosive” character, but will turn out to be very economical and caring.

I dreamed that you shot at a person who in reality is your enemy, and wounded or shot him - according to interpretation Noble dream book, this means that you will be able to achieve success and achieve your goal, no matter what obstacles there are on the way to it.

If in your dream you were shot at and you were the target of the shot, Miller’s dream book believes that a black cat ran through the relationship between you and your friends. You shouldn't expect them to be lenient. But if you miraculously managed to awaken before the moment the bullet overtook you, you will be able to restore good friendly relations.

If you did not see a shot in a dream, but only heard its sound, the dream may turn out to be a deception and bring in reality only unreliable rumors. But this same dream may also mean that you will receive important news.