Why does a man dream about catching a fish with his hands? Catching fish in a dream with bare hands: interpretation for women

Why dream of catching fish with your hands in a dream? We will find out about this by reading the dream book

Catching fish in a dream with your hands is not an easy task. What could this mean?

In most cases, you dream about this as a warning. Much will depend on various details. The explanation of such dreams is influenced by the size of the fish caught, its type, and the cleanliness of the reservoir. For men and women, the interpretation of sleep is different.

Interpretation of various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

  • In life you will overcome all obstacles, the laurels of a winner are destined for you.
  • You caught a big fish and were able to hold it in your hands - successful completion of your project, recognition.
  • Missing a fish caught by hand is a sign with a negative connotation. This promises real life loss of something valuable This also applies to relationships with loved ones.
  • You managed to catch a large pike. After that you let her go. It speaks of your false goal.
  • Caught in clean water- a positive sign, a harbinger of good luck in business.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

  • To pregnancy.
  • For an already pregnant woman - for a successful birth, a sign of fertility.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If you catch a fish by the tail, your goal will eventually be achieved.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Catching a fish promises you a comfortable life. It also depends on the type of fish.
  • Big fish means gossip.
  • Dead - to trouble.
  • Fish average size- to worries and troubles.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Small in size - represents the male seed.
  • The average value is for the birth of children.
  • Big fish - you often change sexual partners. You need to choose one.
  • They tried to catch it, but it didn’t work. Fear of failure during intimacy.
  • If you hold it in your hands, self-satisfaction is not alien to you.
  • For people of the older generation, if you take fish out of the water, you will have heirs in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

You will overcome all obstacles on the way to your goal.

Interpretation of Vanga

A big fish was caught by hand. You will be able to repel your opponent, and use his strength to your advantage.

The condition of the water where the fishing took place matters

  • In clean water. A new acquaintance in reality can lead to mutual sympathy. Romantic relationships and love are waiting for you.
  • Muddy water. Catching her in a muddy pond is a sign of betrayal by a loved one. He found another object of worship for himself.

What does a dream mean for women?

  • It says that you are pregnant or will soon become pregnant.
  • If a woman knows her position and had to catch fish with her hands in a dream, complications are likely during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • The girl caught the fish, but released it. Difficulty conceiving a child or possible miscarriage.
  • The girl catches it with her bare hands and there are a lot of fish. Towards the onset of pregnancy.
  • For a woman, catching fish with her hands can also mean her inconstancy.
  • For an unmarried girl, such a dream predicts a wedding in the near future. She speaks about the wealth of her chosen one and the well-being new family in the future.
  • For pregnant women, this is a warning about possible complications during childbirth. You need to take doctors' recommendations seriously.

If you happen to catch fish with a man's hands

Don't make hasty decisions. This way you will avoid the appearance of new enemies. Control your emotions. Haste and nervousness can damage your reputation.

If you caught a fish in an aquarium

  • You need to pause and think carefully. Perhaps some of your actions can ruin your happiness.
  • The aquarium was in someone else's house. This indicates your unfriendly actions towards the people around you.

What kind of catch did you dream about? What type of fish was caught?

  • Alive - you will overcome all obstacles in life successfully.
  • If you beat a fish before catching it, this predicts a real illness for you.
  • Dead. Bad sign, predicting loss loved one, grief
  • I couldn’t catch it, it slipped out of my hands. Talks about your ambitious plans in life.
  • Small fish - troubles, worries.
  • Big fish - to fame, recognition, wealth. A lot of such fish means a favorable stage of your life will last a long time.

The type of fish caught matters

  • Pike - to an unexpected meeting with a friend. It will take place in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
  • Trout - to prosperity, financial stability.
  • Carp - speaks of your strong character traits.
  • Salmon and crucian carp - predicts illness.
  • Stingray - for traveling by sea.

Interpretation from other sources

For men

  1. This promises you communication with many representatives of the fair sex. This can lead to problems that will take a long time to resolve. The only plus is that fortune will smile on you in competition.
  2. If you caught a fish in cool water, you will have to overcome many difficulties in moving towards your goal.
  3. Young guys dream of this as a sign of successful career growth at work. It is possible to get a good position in another company. If you were attacked while fishing, this means problems with your work colleagues.
  4. We caught fish in the sea. It speaks of the emergence of prospects and opportunities for you. Catching with bare hands is a fear of the future.
  5. A married man is predicted to divorce and marry a young lady.

For women

  1. Caught in the night by the light of the moon - for a girl it means searching for her lover at night in various places of entertainment. Don't trust your hobbies to strangers. It is possible to have sex for money.
  2. Caught her at dawn or during sunset - speaks of your maturity, early sexuality, readiness for love.
  3. The dream promises unexpected income and winnings.
  4. If you caught a fish with the intention of preparing something from it, it means getting rich financially. The larger the fish, the greater the reward will be.

This dream is very rare, but it can say a lot. After all, for a woman, such an activity as catching fish with her own hands is not entirely familiar.

Usually men like fishing, but how nice it is to do what a loved one says and what is usually unusual for lovely ladies to do.

This is what most often means in dreams of catching fish with a woman’s hands. Especially if a man took part in this activity in the dream.

Vibrant entertainment

Why dream about a man teaching a woman to fish in a pool or river with his hands? This dream means joy, immersion in feelings, in the sea, as in love, falling in love and flirting. Very often after a nice lady has caught beautiful fish hands during a night's rest, she begins to dress beautifully, put on bright makeup and is liked by others. After all, outwardly you can always see the woman you like, and not the one who is alone and not too spoiled by the attention of men. If they already live together, this dream symbolizes pregnancy and the birth of a daughter, especially if the catch was large.

The dream book also writes that it is worth paying attention to the color and character of the waterfowl. If she caught a beautiful fish, but one that cannot be eaten, then such a dream foreshadows a slight hobby, bright but short-lived feelings and passions.

Catch in a dream big fish hands - to great luck and a great acquaintance with a person whom you can marry and feel with him as if behind a stone wall. Cooking and eating it, giving it to others and guests at a holiday or just around the fire - for an engagement and a beautiful, lush, rich wedding. This dream is very favorable, unless you had to eat bitter or burnt fish. In this case, you will face regrets and great disappointments, as well as difficulties and problems.

Why dream of catching a beautiful fish with your hands and not catching it - you will miss a great chance to arrange your personal life. Married woman such a dream portends unsuccessful attempts become pregnant, which can lead to frustration and depression. Especially if the fish was really bright and beautiful.

Why do you dream that someone is forcing you to fish with your hands and you don’t like it, but nothing can be done? If the man with whom the woman did this is unpleasant to her, then the dream book writes about an obsessive boyfriend or intimacy with him. He will leave bad memories of himself.

In a girl's dreams

A girl's dreams are more innocent than those of an adult woman. If in a dream a girl caught fish in a pond with her own hands and she was pleased with it, this means that she will soon learn in practice what the relationship between a man and a woman is. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows her meeting a guy to whom she will be drawn like a magnet. Next, you should judge by the dream whether the girl will get it or not. If a fish jumped out in a dream, then no, and you should not try to achieve any reciprocity. Another result suggests otherwise.

Why does a girl dream of catching a beautiful decorative fish and admiring it in her dream? This wonderful dream foretells her a beautiful amorous acquaintance and great joy and happiness in her personal life. Most likely, her feelings will be mutual and she will fall madly in love with the beautiful young man. Please note whether it was edible or not.

If the fish turns out to be bright and aquarium-like, then the girl will experience great joy, the dawn of her femininity and beautiful nature, especially at the age of 16 or 17. She will begin to use cosmetics, will love and receive wonderful reciprocal feelings, tender and simply unforgettable.

If the fish was ugly, but very tasty, then the girl will strive to get married and live with her husband, and not just flirt and enjoy frivolous romances.

Before the wedding, the bride sees in a dream how she caught a beautiful woman with her husband’s hands goldfish- to a prosperous life and early pregnancy. Most likely, after such a dream, she will give birth to a girl whom she will love very much and simply dote on. The daughter will be beautiful and bright, and then, when she grows up, men will like her too.

But to dream that a fish has died or swam away means trouble. Especially if you had to catch it for a long time. Such a dream is also bad for a pregnant woman, since she will suffer very much and may simply not bear the child.

Why dream of playing in the water with fish and trying to catch them? This dream is one of the most beautiful and vivid that you can imagine. If you were able to do this even as a joke, expect flirting and a bright, beautiful game that will captivate and delight you.

For children, such a dream means great joy, a gift, an invitation to visit and simply enjoying attention and a pleasant pastime, especially if the weather is excellent over the river, the sun is playing on the surface of the water or river.

Seeing your girlfriend playing with fish in the water is a sign of her imminent pregnancy or an amorous acquaintance. In love, she will be simply happy and bloom like a beautiful rose.

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Dream book online Catch a fish with your hands

Since ancient times, fish has been considered a symbol of wisdom, the birth of new life and represents all water element. Did you catch a fish with your hands in a dream? To understand what the plot portends and correctly decipher the plot you see, remember absolutely all the details of the dream. It's important to note how she was caught.

The gender of the dreamer plays an important role, because the interpretation of the same plot can differ and carry different meanings, depending on whether it was dreamed by a man or a woman.

Let's look into the dream book and try to decipher the dream.

A dream with its own characteristics

If you caught a fish with your hands

In a dream, you caught a large fish and held the catch in your hands - to the successful completion of the work you started. You can count on success in life.

Catching it but not holding it means losing something valuable. This may not be a simple thing, but the attitude and respect of others.

Watch others fish - try to remember the person’s appearance; perhaps in your life you will soon need the help of this person.

What water to fish in?

The dream book indicates that it is important to remember in what water you dreamed of catching fish with your own hands.

Why do you dream of catching a catch in clear water? When meeting a new acquaintance in real life, you can expect that this will be the beginning of long-term and mutual feelings. You will plunge into a world of love and respect.

Muddy water

If you caught a fish in an aquarium

Did you have a night vision in which you caught a fish in dirty and muddy water? The dream book interprets the plot as betrayal of a loved one. A new acquaintance will appear in his life who can outshine you.

Interpretation may vary depending on where exactly you were fishing.

  • Why do you dream about catching fish in an aquarium? The dream advises you to stop and think, perhaps the dreamer is doing something wrong in his life and thereby destroying his happiness. Fishing in someone else's aquarium - a dream, also indicates that you are causing harm, in this case to other people.
  • In a pond - to joy in real life.
  • In the pool - the dream indicates that all your thoughts are occupied with children.

What kind of catch did you dream about?

I dreamed of fishing, and the catch I caught with my hands was large - you will receive a worthy reward for your patience and work.

Fishing in a dream was unsuccessful - this dream symbolizes the intrigues of enemies in real life. In order to correctly decipher the dream, remember what kind of fish you caught.

Often there is a plot in which the dreamer caught live fish with his own hands - this dream indicates that the dreamer will overcome all the difficulties in his life with dignity.

Why do you dream about hitting a live fish and then trying to catch it - to the dreamer’s illnesses in real life.

I had a dream about being caught dead fish- to grief and loss of a loved one.

Couldn't catch

Do you have a dream in which you were unable to catch a fish the way it eluded you? This means that your desires in real life are too ambitious.

Was the fish small or large?

In the night's story we caught one little thing - to trouble.

Catching a large fish with your own hands in a dream means wealth. A lot of large fish - the favorable period in life will be very long. Seeing a big one in your hands means fame and recognition.

Remember the type of fish you saw in a dream:

  • Trout - to material wealth.
  • A caught carp symbolizes the strength of a person’s character.
  • Pike - to an unexpected and pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance.
  • Crucian carp and salmon - to illness.
  • Skat - for a sea cruise.

A whole school of fish was seen in the night story - the dream foreshadows great wealth and good luck in concluding business deals.

Dream for a woman

A lot of dream books will decipher a night story in which a representative of the fair sex had a chance to catch fish with her hands as a symbol of an upcoming pregnancy. And this is true, this interpretation has received scientific confirmation; it is believed that such a vision is caused by a change in a woman’s hormonal background.

If you dreamed of catching and immediately releasing the catch, it means that the girl has problems conceiving a baby, and a miscarriage is also likely.

For a pregnant girl to see herself fishing in a dream means that she needs to become more careful and avoid stressful situations, as complications during childbirth are possible.

Also, catching fish with your hands can personify for a woman her character traits - inconstancy.

For an unmarried girl, a dream predicts a quick wedding in real life. The chosen one will be wealthy. The dream foretells that a young family will live in great prosperity.

A gold-colored fish also dreams of a successful marriage.

A man has a dream

Why does a man dream about such a nightly plot? The interpretation advises him to become more careful and try to avoid rash actions. There is an enemy lurking in the close environment who can provoke a conflict situation, which will harm the dreamer. The dream indicates nervous fussiness in real life.

How do famous dream books interpret this dream?

When deciphering the night plot, it is necessary to compare the interpretation with various dream books, and also substitute the resulting analysis for current events in your real life.

Miller's Dream Book

Was the water clear or cloudy?

G. Miller's dream book indicates that catching fish with your hands in a dream and catching a good catch in this way means that in reality you will pass all the difficulties and tests with dignity.

The fish were caught in clear water - very good sleep, portends a dacha in everything.

Why see that you caught a large and live pike, but released it back into the water? Miller's dream book advises you to reconsider your plans; perhaps you are not really striving for what you need.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If a person has a dream with the above plot, then this indicates that the person will definitely solve all the problems that arise when solving the task.

Interpretation of Vanga

Why do you dream about fishing, and you managed to catch a big fish with your own hands? Vanga’s dream book explains that such a plot is dreamed of by those who can not easily resist their opponent, but will also be able to use the enemy’s power to their advantage.

Freud's Dream Book

If you managed to catch a fish

In general, fish is dreamed of as a sign that the dreamer cannot rest mentally even during a period of intimacy. The dream book advises you to relax and enjoy this life. According to the interpretation of this publication, it is worth noting that if you have a night vision, it is important to remember the size of the fish:

  • Catching a live small fish is a symbol of male seed.
  • I dreamed of medium size - for the birth of children.

If you dreamed that you were fishing, but there was no catch - in real life you are afraid of experiencing shame in bed with your partner.

The fish itself is dreamed of as a sign of upcoming intimacy. If you dream of a live fish and the dreamer was holding it in his hands, you are prone to self-satisfaction.

Getting it out of the water - for people of the older generation, what they see in a dream foreshadows the appearance of heirs.

You managed to catch a big catch - you change your sexual partners quite often, it’s time to stop and choose just one.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why dream about being caught by grabbing her tail with your hands? According to the interpretation, the dream foreshadows a favorable resolution of the task, but this will happen at the very last moment.

Did you dream that you were catching sea creatures with a net? The dream book indicates that this is a dream as a symbol of concluding a big and profitable deal.

I dreamed that a man and a woman were cleaning their catch - to sex.

Interpretation of dreams according to the 21st century dream book

Fish seen in night dreams foretells prosperity in real life. It is also worth noting what to see:

  • Large - to gossip;
  • Dead - to grief;
  • Medium size - to troubles and troubles;
  • Catching means bad weather;
  • Getting it out means illness.

I dreamed that I caught a fish and held it tightly, a week later I got the coveted 2 stripes. There is no limit to happiness, we are already 15 weeks old, waiting for a miracle

Tanya, I am happy for you and happiness to you and your MIRACLE.

Today in a dream I caught a huge carp with my hands in the river and brought it to the shore, what’s the point?

I can't get my dream out of my head. I dreamed that I was catching a big fish - in the pond it looked like a pike, and when I pulled it out (with my hand by the teeth) from the water, it didn’t look like a pike, it was the first time in my life that I had ever seen such a fish. And I clearly remember her dark round eyes. And when I took her out of the water, I immediately took her and cut off her head with a large knife.. I’m very interested in what this is for... I’m not planning on pregnancy...

half a year ago I dreamed that I was fishing in a river with a fishing rod. I caught a small one. She saw that she was small and sent her back.. A month later she became pregnant... After 2 months - a miscarriage.. Today I have a dream with a fish again. That I was catching her in some room in dirty water, as if the water was mixed with some kind of fuel oil. I catch it on a towel. I put the towel in the water and the fish clings to it.. This way I caught 4 large catfish. And then the water disappeared somewhere and all that was left was the dirty, dry floor. I walked along it and looked for fish. I found 2 pieces. So as not to get dirty, I took one with some kind of shoe box. But I didn’t have time to take the second one. Woke up. Strange dream.

I dreamed that I was catching and transplanting aquarium fish from the ground into a bag of water, but there were apparently holes in the bag somewhere and the fish kept falling out, then I started transplanting the remaining ones into the aquarium. And they started to become larger in it than I put in. Two people helped me with all this girlfriends. Some fish could not withstand such transfers and were already swimming upside down, and I threw them out because they would no longer live. Most of the fish were orange-golden in color, but there were also gray ones. I am married but my husband is away for a long time for work. This is clearly not for pregnancy. What could this mean?

I caught a big fish in the wind, it flew and I caught it, what a dream

I dreamed that I lowered my hand into the water and a fish (plump) swam up to me. I took it from clear water and wanted to put it in a jar, but when I looked into its eyes, it seemed to be crying and I took pity on it and let it go into the sea. , she turned around in response and smiled at me and sailed off into the distance :-) and I woke up.. What does this mean?

Catching fish with your hands in a dream is an extraordinary and difficult plot. In order to understand what this episode is about in your dreams, you should seek help from dreamers. Often a vision is a warning, but the details of what is seen are more important.

Interpreting similar dream, you should take into account every detail, even at first glance insignificant - not only all the actions seen, but also the personal qualities of the dreamer, signs in appearance, etc. Thus, the prediction of a dream will be different for a man and a woman, even in the case when the dreamed plot is absolutely the same.

The prediction of why you dream of catching fish with your hands, according to Miller’s dream book, is as follows. If in a dream you are left with a catch, then in reality you will be able to emerge victorious from any current situation. If you dreamed about how someone else tried to get a catch for himself and ended up with nothing, then perhaps his catch will become yours.

If you were able to not only catch it, but also hold it in your hands, then, according to the dream book, you are actually destined for success and recognition. You will be able to successfully complete all started projects, invest money, and resolve all problems. The interpreter believes that you must definitely keep the caught prey. Otherwise, in reality you will lose something really valuable - a lover, relative or friend.

Interpretation of sleep for women and men

The answer to the question of why you dream of catching fish with your hands is different for men and women. For representatives of the fair sex, such a dream is often a confirmation of pregnancy. In addition, the dream book’s opinion also has a scientific basis. After all, your hormonal levels change significantly.

If a young girl dreams of catching and then throwing it ashore, then in reality she will have problems conceiving a child or she will not be able to avoid a miscarriage. The dream directly indicates a reluctance to have a child, even if it is unconscious.

In accordance with the scientifically mystical interpretation of the dream, the plot seen serves as a reminder: you should take care of your own health. If a woman already knows about her new situation and sees a dream in which, then in reality she should protect the unborn baby, otherwise she cannot avoid complications.

On the other hand, the dream book explains why such an episode is dreamed of; it often depends on the personal qualities of the sleeper. If a woman is eccentric and fickle, then there may not be a physical background to the plot she sees.

If in a dream a man had a chance to do it with his hands, then according to the interpretation of the dream book, there is a high probability of rash actions in his life. The episode seen, as it were, signals an upcoming wrong choice and tries to restrain the dreamer. Most likely, in life you cannot control your own emotions, which leads to the fact that you actually make enemies for yourself. You should get rid of nervousness and excessive fussiness, only in this case your reputation will not suffer.

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Having woken up, many turn to interpretations: why do they dream of catching fish with their hands? Fishing is a favorite hobby of many people, but catching fish with your hands is not an easy task! What does this dream mean?

Most often, such a dream is a warning. To obtain an accurate interpretation, some details should be taken into account: the size of the catch caught, the type of fish, the cleanliness of the reservoir. The meanings of night visions also differ for women and men.

A dream with its own characteristics

In a dream, catching a large catch and holding it in your hands means you can successfully complete the job you started. You can also be sure that life will be successful.

If you caught it, but didn’t keep it, you will lose some value. Moreover, this can be not only a material thing, but also something spiritual: respect, attitude, etc.

The condition of the water where the fishing took place matters

  • catching fish in a clean pond - the new sympathy will be mutual. Expect a happy romantic relationship;
  • to fish a fish out of troubled waters - such a dream is interpreted as betrayal of a significant other who has chosen a new object of adoration.

If you caught a fish in an aquarium

To get exact interpretation, you should consider the fishing location:

  • Why do you dream of catching a fish with your hands from an aquarium? Dream books recommend taking time to think; perhaps something in your life is going wrong, ruining your plans to be happy. Fishing in something other than your own aquarium means that through your actions the dreamer causes harm to loved ones.
  • In the pool - you think too much about your children. Take a few hours out of 24 for yourself. Happy parents are the key to happy children!

What kind of catch did you dream about?

The dream fishing brought a lot of pleasure, positive emotions, and the catch caught by hand was large - thanks to his hard work and patience, the dreamer will be adequately rewarded. On the contrary, if you dreamed of unsuccessful fishing, your enemies are plotting against you in reality.

When interpreting such a plot, you should take into account what kind of fish you caught.


Why dream of catching live fish with your hands? For the dreamer, this is a positive sign, promising a quick, worthy solution to all life’s difficulties. If, before catching, the sleeper stunned the fish (hit it with something), then such a plot promises a quick deterioration in health.


If you had a chance to catch a dead fish with your hands, you will grieve, mourning the loss of a loved one.

Couldn't catch

In night vision, you cannot hold the caught fish; it slipped right out of your hands - symbolizes the dreamer’s extremely ambitious dreams.


Fishing brought a catch of small fish - expect turmoil.


Catching a big fish with your own hands in a dream means being rich in reality. Catch a lot of large fish - the coming life period will be long and happy. Seeing a large specimen in your hands means you will achieve recognition and glory.

The type of fish you catch will help you understand the present more accurately and predict the future:

  • catch a stingray - you will soon go on a sea voyage;
  • carp is a prototype of the dreamer’s strong character;
  • crucian carp/salmon - to deterioration of health, imminent illness;
  • pike - unexpectedly meet, have a pleasant time with an old friend;
  • trout - financial well-being.

In a dream, watching a large school of fish means that in reality you will become rich, luck will be on your side when signing business contracts.

What does a dream mean for women?

Now let’s look at why a woman dreams of catching fish with her hands:

  • Informs about your interesting situation or its imminent occurrence;
  • If a girl already knows about pregnancy, and in her night dreams she had to fish with her hands, this is an unpleasant sign, foreshadowing possible complications before and during childbirth;
  • The lady released the caught fish - there may be problems with conception/risk of miscarriage, premature birth;
  • Catches with bare hands - impending pregnancy; can also be a symbol of impermanence;
  • The plot promises a free girl a quick marriage with a rich chosen one, a comfortable, happy destiny together.

If you happen to catch fish with a man's hands

Men should also know why a man dreams of catching fish with his hands. The dream warns: do not rush to make decisions, otherwise you cannot avoid the appearance of new ill-wishers. Keep your emotions under control, otherwise you will damage your reputation.

The type of fish caught matters

  • Skat - sea voyage;
  • Carp - the dreamer has a strong character;
  • Pike - an unexpected meeting with a friend, which will be warm and friendly;
  • Salmon and crucian carp - you will get sick soon;
  • Trout – financial well-being, stability.

Interpretation of various dream books

Miller's Dream Book

The dreamer will overcome everything life difficulties, will emerge victorious everywhere.

  • Catch a big fish and hold it in your hands - you will win a calling thanks to a successfully completed task.
  • To miss a catch is to lose something valuable. Possible deterioration in relationships with loved ones.
  • Catch big pike and then let go - you have chosen the wrong goal.
  • Fishing in a clean body of water portends good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

This dream interpreter explains why a woman should catch a fish with her hands in a dream. To pregnancy. For already pregnant women, it is a symbol of fertility, a harbinger of a successful birth.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

In night vision, catching a fish by the tail means achieving your goal.

Dream book of the 21st century

Catching a fish is a symbol that promises well-being in life. If you remember the view, then:

  • catch a big one - gossip.
  • average - troubles and troubles are coming.
  • dead - misfortune.

Freud's Dream Book

If the dreamer wanted to catch, but his attempts were unsuccessful, then in reality he is afraid of making a mistake during sexual intimacy. Holding a catch in his hands means the owner of the dream is not ashamed of self-satisfaction. For older people, such a dream foreshadows the imminent birth of heirs. The interpretation also depends on the size of the fish:

  • small - represents the male seed.
  • average - you will soon become parents.
  • large - you are sorting through sexual partners. You should choose the only one.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The dreamer will pass all life's obstacles.

Interpretation of Vanga

If you catch a big fish with your hands, you will be able to beat your opponent, turning his advantages to your advantage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of catching a fish with her hands while sitting on a river bank, the water being clear and clean, so that the bottom is visible - an early pregnancy.

For men, this scenario foretells profit from successfully completed transactions.

Loff's Dream Book

Dreams about waterfowl have several interpretations, as Loff believed. The sleeper wants to find means to satisfy his needs. Or he wants to reveal what is hidden from human eyes.

Also, a fish can symbolize fast travel, long trips, and express the ability (or vice versa) to earn money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Electronic Dream Book

Catching fish with your hands, according to the Electronic Dream Interpreter, is an unprofitable and empty pastime.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Such a plot can symbolize creative impulses, hopes, inspiration, intentions. But you need to interpret the dream depending on the result of fishing, because you can “catch” not only good luck, but also illness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Astrological Dream Book

A night prediction promises the acquisition, sometimes the imminent birth of a baby.

Also, the dream is a symbol of passionate pleasures; the dreamer has a risk of catching an infection transmitted during lovemaking.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Expect to make a profit. Or the activity that the sleeping person is currently engaged in will not bring any benefit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

For a man, something will happen that will make him re-evaluate his moral principles.

For a woman to be pregnant.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Engaging in fishing in night vision is a symbol of unfruitful activity and ingratitude. Looking at the fish you want to catch means the dreamer will soon outline plans for the future. To see fish caught by someone - take care of your health, you risk getting sick; for a woman - pregnancy.

Catching a large fish portends a profitable marriage. Less often predicts a profitable, large business. It matters how you catch waterfowl:

  • a big catch was caught by nonsense - cash flow. The larger the fish, the greater the amount you will receive;
  • on the float - a long-standing wish will soon come true. If the float sways on the waves, there are no bites - the wish will come true later.
  • nets, seines - try not to take risks. Also, if the dreamer has lost someone or something, then very soon he will successfully find what he lost.

Now let’s pay attention to the color of the scales and the physical condition of the fish:

  • A bright fish with variegated scales is a warning symbol. You risk being deceived or poisoned by ill-wishers. People with bad physical condition predicts death. Also, such a plot can be a harbinger of conflicts and possible insults.
  • Red hue - you will be very worried, you will get sick, or your secret will be revealed.
  • Fish from the lake is a sign of future happiness and well-being in life.
  • Bony - on the way to realizing his plans, the dreamer will encounter great obstacles.
  • Fatty fish caught by hand - in reality, expect deterioration in health associated with various inflammations, even tumors.
  • A dead fish floating on the surface of the water means your plans have no chance of coming true. Night vision, in which the sleeper was left without a catch, has the same meaning.

Interpretation from other sources

For men

  1. Why dream of catching fish with your hands foreshadows numerous acquaintances with girls. This can cause complications that will take many days to resolve. But there is also positive side– you are the leader among your rivals.
  2. Catching fish from sea waters means new prospects will soon appear. Caught with your hands - you are afraid of the future.
  3. Fish in cold water– you will cope with difficulties on the way to achieving your goal. For younger generation such a dream scenario promises career growth. Perhaps the dreamer will receive an invitation to take a good place in another company. If during fishing the sleeper was attacked, you should prepare for conflicts at work.
  4. Married people are predicted to have a quick breakup/divorce and a wedding with a young lady.

For women

For a woman to catch fish with her hands in a dream, the meaning is more positive. A negative prediction will only occur in such a dream: at night when moonlight catch a fish with your hands. Soon the girl will be forced to go looking for her boyfriend in various nightlife establishments/clubs. Night vision insists - do not trust strangers. Perhaps the dreamer will engage in corrupt love. The remaining stories carry positive predictions:

  • Catch during sunset/at dawn - you are physically and spiritually ripe for love.
  • Expect unexpected budget additions.
  • Catching fish for cooking is a financial reward, the amount of which depends on the size of the fish caught.

List of used literature:

  • Steiner E. S. “The unsteady bridge of sleep”: dreams and dreamers in Japanese tradition// Proceedings of the “Russian Anthropological School”: Issue 6 / Ed. coll.: E. M. Boltunova, K. V. Bandurovsky, A. V. Garadzha, I. A. Protopopova, E. V. Pchelov, A. I. Sosland. - M.: RSUH, 2009.
  • Eliade M. Myths, dreams, mysteries. Per. from English - M.: REFL-book, 1996.
  • Jung K. G. Memories, dreams, reflections. Per. with him. - Kyiv: AirLand, 1994.