Why dream of church ministers. What is the dream of a father in a cassock. Spiritual person in a dream: "Modern dream book"

We analyze the vision in which Pop dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

What is the dream of the Priest Dream Interpretation - Superiority, dominance, dominance of the super-ego in human behavior or idealization of a strongly negative super-ego.

Rural (village) nature.

The image of potential values ​​at the disposal of the subject, which can be realized and realized by him in a positive environment. Subject ready at currently to the realization of these values ​​\u200b\u200b- this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

Why does a woman dream of a Priest (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

The priest dreamed in a dream - A priest or a preacher is a spiritual guide for people, so any dream in which they appear indicates your own shortcomings and weaknesses. You should be stricter about your actions. Seeing a priest, especially during a service, is a harbinger of illness, anxiety, or mental anguish. You see a priest, but do not talk to him, warns you against other people's influence - someone can completely subordinate you to their will. A conversation with a priest in a dream portends a high position in the future. If in a dream the priest looks sad and tired, he warns you of possible evil. Confessing to a priest in a dream is a harbinger of humiliation and sadness. This dream means that you have done or will do something that will turn against you and your family in the future. If the priest blesses you, you will soon receive the support of an influential person. Sometimes a dream prophesies success in all endeavors. If a priest crowns you in a dream, in reality you will have a happy, calm life with your loved one. If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, she should be wary of deceit by her lover. If the priest seeks her love, she will be reproached for her excessive love of entertainment. A Catholic priest in a dream portends a change in life. You will have to make a difficult choice or make a difficult decision.

Priest according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Priest Dream Interpretation - Well-being, messenger.

Priest - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

Priest - A dream about a priest is an omen of well-being and happiness. I dreamed that you were in confession with a priest - in reality you have to endure humiliation. If a priest dreams of a criminal, the crime committed by the latter will be solved.

Interpretation of Priests from the Dictionary-Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Priest - Pointer of the way, support, blessing; the unclean conscience of the sleeper.

Why does the Priest dream in a dream (interpretation from the Great Dream Book)

Priest - Well-Being.

The meaning of the dream of the Cross (the message of the Tarot cards)

Priest, cross - Help from loved ones

The priest at the bed - There is hope, albeit weak

Priest - Repentance is needed.

What is the dream of the Priest in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Priest in a dream - A priest in a dream is a harbinger of illness. If in a dream he is busy with service, illness and anxiety await you. If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, she should be wary of deceiving her dishonest lover. If a priest seeks her love in a dream, she will be reproached for her excessive addiction to entertainment. Confessing to a priest in a dream is a sign of impending humiliation and sadness. This dream means that you have done or will do something that will cause concern to you and your family in the future. The priest or preacher is your spiritual guide, and any dream in which they appear before you serves as a reminder of your own vices and weaknesses so that you are stricter in your actions. You see a priest, but do not talk to him, warns you against someone's enslavement. If you do not take this dream as a warning, complete submission to someone else's will awaits you. A conversation with a priest in a dream promises you high honors in the future. If in a dream the priest looks sad and tired, he warns you of possible evil.

Why do you dream of a Priest (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Pastor - You saw the Pastor in a dream - a penchant for bad habits and a weak will - these are your qualities that will one day lead you to trouble; already now your lifestyle cannot be called impeccable; Don't chase pleasure, get down to business.

You dream of a saddened Pastor - the offense that you commit can be called a grave sin; you will never regret what you did. The Pastor seems to long hair- the dream says that you have enough courage to confront the most authoritative and powerful person; you can't stand selfishness. It’s as if you are arguing about something with the Pastor - the dream suggests that you cannot argue with the opposite side. The pastor seems to be leaving you - if dark clouds were gathering over you, then soon the sky will clear up; your business will definitely go uphill. You seem to be listening to the Pastor's sermon - you are open to trouble, and it will not be slow to come. You seem to be the Pastor himself and preach a sermon - you will encounter difficulties in business and suffer some losses.

If you see a Priest, what is it for? (interpretation of psychologist E. Erickson)

Pastor - doubts about religiosity, to have a conversation with him - to establish oneself in one's faith.

A father is a spiritual mentor of a person who, appearing in dreams, indicates weaknesses and dreamer's shortcomings. Dreams in which this clergyman is present indicate the need to reconsider one's own behavior and thoughts.

If a priest makes a speech in a dream, it must be carefully listened to, because through a vision, higher powers try to help the dreamer, guide him or warn him from troubles and troubles.

Father dreamed

It should be understood that a clergyman in a dream can speak not only with words, but also with gestures and facial expressions. The dream in which the father disgruntled, angry or aggressive, indicates the danger that awaits the dreamer and comes from his inner circle. Sad, exhausted the father in a dream says that a person is in for serious setbacks, which the dreamer will not be able to cope with without the help of outsiders. Kind, funny and sociable the priest is a good omen for people who are pure in spirit, but a similar phenomenon for a person whose thoughts are unclean warns of impending troubles.

A dream is considered a bad sign in which the dreamer unsuccessfully tries to talk to the priest. In this case clergyman's indifference symbolizes a series of misfortunes and troubles.

If, after lengthy attempts, the conversation nevertheless took place, then the vision suggests that the dreamer will be given great honors, both in professional and in social activities.

To a person who is an atheist, the priest who appeared in a dream warns of a dubious matter in which the dreamer will be involved against his will. However, there is no reason to worry - a liar can be easily recognized and prevent the development of adverse consequences.

According to some dream books, the presence of a priest in a dream warns of a deterioration in health, both physical and mental. But, by clearing your thoughts of negativity, you can resist troubles.

Priest in the church

A dream in which a person sees a priest in or big promises him a calm and happy life. After a dream, one should prepare for good news that will change the dreamer's life in the very better side. Also, the priest in the church, who dreamed of lovers, points to.

The conversation of the sleeper with the priest in the temple indicates the imminent fulfillment of innermost desires and plans, but in order to achieve a result, maximum efforts must be made.

in a cassock

A dream in which a person sees father in a cassock, prepares the dreamer for a difficult period of life. At this time, a person will do a great spiritual work, get to know himself and find answers to his questions. golden cassock on the clergyman says that very soon something will appear in the dreamer's life that will bring him great joy and peace.

The black robe is traditional for the clergy. In addition, black color symbolizes authority. You can interpret a dream in which he appears in a black cassock as a warning that the dreamer needs to be supportive of those who depend on him.

In some cases father in black the cassock warns of sadness. There is a possibility that misfortune will happen to someone from the dreamer's inner circle. If the sleeper is present at the service led by the priest in black, you should carefully consider your own health. Probably, soon the dreamer will experience suffering and serious illness.

In the house

A dream in which the dreamer invites the priest to his house and was refused by him indicates a person’s futile attempts to find answers to some of his questions.

If the priest nevertheless accepted the invitation and entered the house, then you should wait for good news from distant relatives, which will bring great joy to a person.


A dream in which the father blesses the sleeping, symbolizes the patronage of an influential person over him. Perhaps, with its help, a solution to many issues will be found. A dream can also indicate success in the dreamer's endeavors, quick material gain, gain.

Father and Church

A dream in which a person sees father and church- Not good sign. The vision warns of events that will lead to deep disappointment and become a turning point in the dreamer's life. This life stage may negatively affect inner world man, his thoughts and health.

With a cross

The dream in which the father puts on the dreamer indicates that the guardian angel of a person will protect him from troubles. The cross, poured out in the hands of a clergyman, calls for the development of those inner qualities that will help to forgive offenders and forget the bad. The priest, who points to the church, warns the dreamer about future mental suffering.

Talk to the father in a dream- a blessing of fate on the most decisive action. A dream promises success in work and personal life, as well as a reward for previously shown positive traits. Father who is in a dream asking a question to the sleeper, symbolizes promotion, and a dispute with a clergyman portends an increase in wages or an extraordinary bonus. Dreams in which a person hears, but does not understand what the priest is talking about, warn of the dreamer making a number of mistakes.

The meaning of sleep for a woman

A woman who dreamed of a priest should be prepared for the fact that she will be given obscene signs of attention.

If in a dream a girl loves the priest, then she should be attentive to her partner, he is probably betraying her.

If the priest himself in a dream seeks the favor of a woman, then in reality she will be accused of frivolity.

Dead father in a dream

Appears in a dream, as a sign of betrayal by a close friend or dreamer. From the one to whom a person trusted the most secret secrets, he will receive a blow in the most difficult period. In order not to become a victim of betrayal, it is better for the dreamer to rely only on himself and his own strength. However, it is during this period that the dreamer will meet a person who will later become his true and sincere friend.

A dream involving a priest can carry various meanings. It all depends on what exactly this person did in your dream, as well as on other details of the dream. A warning against misses is a dream where the clergyman reads a prayer. Perhaps a serious illness awaits you, and you need to do a medical examination. Also beware of unhappy events that will leave an imprint on your reputation if in the near future you were in a dream confessing to a priest. You may soon be pleased with fame and popularity if you saw in dreams that you were simply communicating with a clergyman. But if in a dream you see a tired priest or an angry, screaming, real life you may have a meeting with negativity that you cannot overcome alone.

To see a priest giving advice in a dream is a sign that it is necessary to take them into account in real life, as well as more often notice the desires and moods of your inner circle.

According to Vanga's dream book, the dreams in which the priest dreams are interpreted as follows: the majestic reading of the prayer service by the priest in a dream is a sign of the advice of turning to God with repentance for the committed deeds. Seeing your blessing means that you will meet a patron soon enough, and success awaits you in any beginning.

Luck and prosperity or sadness?

O. Smurova, universal for the whole family, deciphers the blessing of a clergyman in a dream as a good sign that predicts good luck, prosperity and replenishment of the budget. A sign of anxiety for relatives - a clergyman seen for. If in a dream he is dressed in festive spiritual clothes - expect red tape on the issue of inheritance, with a positive ending in your favor. In the dark - expect sad news.

In general, to see in a dream spiritual guide- this is blessed news, but if the priest leads the service, one should expect illness and sadness.

If in a dream you pour out your soul to a clergyman, then you are sad about your irreparable misdeeds. You will stop suffering if you saw that you were forgiven after confession. The seal of bad conversations and immoral deeds will fall on you if you fell in love with a priest in a dream, had love conversations or gave him kisses. Seeing yourself as a clergyman is a failure! Think about how to look at the world with a new look if something unusual happens to the spiritual father in a dream: he leaves, gets angry, dies, or maybe gets angry.

Religious dreams, more than others, make us wonder about their meaning.

We believe that they hide some special meaning that makes us think about our lives.

Now we will find out what the priest is dreaming of. What events await us after such a dream?

Seen in a church

To see in a dream how a priest conducts a service in a church - for a pleasant evening in family circle. If he is wearing black cassock then you will have dinner at your house. And if in white, then the evening will be held in a cafe or restaurant.

To turn to the priest with a question means to worry about health loved one. And to kiss his hand while in church is to prepare for a long trip.

  • The priest stands on the bell tower - to thoughtfulness and memories.
  • He holds a prayer book in his hands - for a comfortable rest in an interesting place.
  • A dream in which the priest rules the service low voice- to jump to conclusions.
  • To meet his gaze - to great joy, inspiration.
  • Touch the cassock - to celebrate a significant date.

According to the dream book, a priest looking at the dome of the church dreams of changes at work. And the priest, standing on the threshold of the church, speaks of the imminent change in long-standing plans.

If he enters the temple, then you have become an object of sympathy for stranger. And if, on the contrary, he leaves the church, then your old friend will love you.

If there was a meeting

Many are interested in what the priest is dreaming of if you meet him not in the church, but in another place. There are many answers to this question.

If you run into a priest on the street, be prepared for a long, hard job. And to meet him at the bazaar means to fall in love with a worthy person with all your heart.

If you see a priest in another city, and there is a church in the distance, then soon you will be sent on a business trip. And to ride with him on the train means to prepare a surprise for the boss.

Traveling with him by car is a meeting with old friends. And the dream in which the priest is your fellow traveler on the bus speaks of the excessive softness of your character.

  • Walk hand in hand - to rest in a pleasant company.
  • Giving a gift to the father is a good offer.
  • A priest in a black robe came to your house - to good, joyful news.
  • Introducing the priest to his friends - to the desire to be alone.
  • Instead of having dinner - to peace of mind.

As the dream book promises, the priest asking you a question is dreaming of original solutions and progress in career ladder. And arguing with a priest in a dream means getting a bonus or getting a pay rise.

If in a dream you make a bed for a priest, it means that in reality you do not have enough communication with representatives of the opposite sex. And to wake him up is to be confident in your abilities.

Other dreams

The priests who have gathered in the square are dreaming of a grandiose holiday. If they are dressed in black, then you will be the initiator of the celebration. And if their cassocks are light, then wait for an invitation from good friends.

Listen to the service fresh air- to apply their knowledge in practice. And if he speaks his speech in a theater or assembly hall, then you will receive big money for the work done.

  • The priest digs up a garden - to complete a difficult task.
  • Gives gifts to children - to recognition from a loved one.
  • A cheerful, smiling father - for a romantic date in a cozy place.
  • The priest funerals the deceased - to the quiet, peaceful course of life.

A dream in which a priest of large build promises a beautiful, carefree life. And the thin priest says that in order to achieve your goal you need to work hard.

A priest with a beard is a sign that your relatives value you. And if he is without a beard, then a person unfamiliar to you is worried about you.

Having carefully studied the dream book, it will not be difficult at all to understand what the priest is dreaming of. It is enough just to remember all the details of the dream, look at its meaning and compare the received prediction with your life.
Author: Vera Fractional

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Dream Interpretation - Priest

Seeing a priest in liturgical vestments - get the support of an influential person. If you dreamed of a priest without vestments, you will meet a person who at first glance will seem completely ordinary to you, but it will soon turn out that he belongs to strong of the world this. If the priest in your dream performed worship, you will participate in some big and socially important matter; it will bring you good dating and respect of people. Receive a blessing from the priest - all the things that you start in the near future will be successful. good time for starters, don't miss it! If a priest performed a memorial service in your dream (in a temple or at a grave) - to solve a complex problem that haunted you for a long time. To dream of a priest delivering a sermon - hear important news, on which much will depend.

Imagine the face of a dreaming priest and thank him. It is very good if on this day you manage to meet the priest in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from