Cadet military music school. Moscow Military Music School. Conditions for admission to the Moscow Military Music School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Moscow military music school- the only educational institution of secondary vocational (musical) education in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

It traces its history back to the 2nd Moscow School of Military Musicians of the Red Army, created in 1937 by a joint resolution of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the RSFSR and the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR.

The school was formed from musically gifted boys from orphanages, children of those who fell heroically in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland. The school was tasked with training and educating young musicians to join the military bands of the Red Army.

About 200 children study at the Moscow Military Music School. Every year 40-50 military musicians graduate from here. They receive a diploma of secondary specialized education and qualifications as an orchestra artist, leader of a creative group, teacher of a children's music school. The best graduates enter the Moscow Military Conservatory. The remaining young men are sent to the troops and serve in military bands.

The pride of the school is its graduates. During the existence of the Moscow Military Music School, more than three thousand people graduated from it, most of whom became mature and experienced teachers, talented musicians and conductors.

First of all, these are prominent figures in Russian brass music, the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, leaders of the country's leading creative groups:

  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize and the Lenin Komsomol Prize, Major General Mikhailov N.M. (1932-2006),
  • Head of the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Chief Military Conductor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Member of the Union of Composers of Russia, Major General Khalilov V.M.,
  • People's Artists of the Russian Federation: captain of the first rank Danilchenko A.S., Ivanov V.I., Politikov S.I., Solodakhin V.M.

The school can be attended by minor male citizens of the Russian Federation, no older than 16 years of age (as of December 31 of the year of admission), who have a basic general education, musical training in the scope of a children's music school, and who, as a rule, master one of the wind or percussion musical instruments. instruments that are suitable for health reasons and meet the requirements of professional psychological selection. Suvorovites also undergo mandatory military training.

About the work of the admissions committee.

The work of the school's admissions committee is regulated by Order No. 405 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2010.

The composition of the school's admissions committee changes by 20% annually. Meetings of the school's admissions committee are documented in minutes, which are signed by all members of the admissions committee and approved by its chairman.

Received personal files of candidates are reviewed by the school's admissions committee.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons, who do not meet the level of education and age, or who do not have the documents specified in the admission rules in their personal file, are not allowed to take the competitive entrance examination.

Parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to competitive entrance examinations are sent a notice signed by the chairman of the school admissions committee indicating the reasons.

If they disagree with the decision of the school's admissions committee, parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to competitive entrance examinations may appeal to the chairmen of the school's admissions committee and the central admissions committee for the selection and enrollment of candidates for the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval , Moscow Military Music School and Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

To the parents (legal representatives) of candidates admitted to competitive entrance examinations, the school's admissions committee sends a notice annually, before June 25, indicating the date of the candidate's arrival at the school, on the basis of which military transportation documents are issued at the military commissariat at the candidate's place of residence for his travel to the school.

Not everyone knows that I was a military man in my youth. Almost. 🙂 In general, I studied music for a very long time, and from the age of 15-19 I studied at a music school, only a military one. He was a Suvorov officer, went on leave on weekends (if he didn’t get a bad grade during the week), cleared snow in the winter and swept the parade ground in the summer. 🙂 Golden time youth, strongest memories, first true love and all that.. Almost 5 years have passed since graduation and somehow I decided to go there for a visit with a friend. Meet the teachers, walk along the old corridors. Everything has changed a lot and what exactly I will tell you in this post. Go on an excursion!

Ironically, at school I did everything, but not music)) I was a lousy musician and so I was involved in graphics and image processing, filmed and edited videos, was a sound engineer at concerts and sometimes a DJ at discos. There's a lot of sis too. admin, because when they made a cap at the school. repairs and brought in hundreds of computers, none of the officers knew how to work with them. So the activity was fun))) I once made this banner with drummers in Photoshop.

The building that can be seen in the distance is special. building, music building, everyone studies and studies there. (in theory 😉) We called it “SPETSURA” 🙂 It was especially funny to walk there during the day, when in every office someone was blowing something on a trumpet and it turned out to be such a buzzing building. The cacaphony is incredible!

And this is the main building. The 2nd and 3rd floors are companies. Each company has 2 courses. 1-3 in one and 2-4 in the other. Each company has 2 platoons, each platoon has its own room, designed for 25-30 people. My bed was right at the entrance to the room, everyone was walking back and forth, and so I went to bed very late, around 2 am. And I had to get up at 7 am. Total lack of sleep!

The path to the porch is now being swept. Previously, they simply cleared the entire square.

O_O These are the eyes I had when I saw this picture. THE WINNER IS CLEANING THE MILITARY SCHOOL! Nonsense, we couldn’t even dream about this. Almost the entire territory of the school was cleaned by Suvorov soldiers, and during heavy snowfalls, we were often removed from classes to clear the snow.

The Christmas trees have grown. The snowdrifts are taller than a man.

There's a checkpoint over there. At the checkpoint there is a room for visitors; sometimes they were allowed to sit in the gazebo, which is located to the right.

But that’s roughly what we were like. The form has certainly changed, but not much. We called her a lump, probably because she lay around as she pleased. It was constantly dirty, greasy, and in some specimens it still didn’t smell very good. We walked from corps to corps in formation, for single marches you could get a “minus” and, having accumulated them, you would not get fired on the weekend.

And of course someone was always late. And everyone was waiting for him. Otherwise, we weren’t allowed to have lunch.

Banners of the President and Minister of Defense hang at the entrance. Well, the banners are smaller than any outstanding military conductors.

In this hall, every day, morning, afternoon and evening, our company formed up, news, punishments, and so on were brought to everyone. And every evening the tiles were cleaned with a brush and soap.

Various tour and not-so-tour photographs were also printed in the form of banners and hung throughout the school.

And this is my course. The performance seems to be on May 9th.

And this is us on tour in Switzerland. Guess who took the photo? 🙂

In the hall that I showed a little earlier there is a schedule board.

From the main building, we go to the "special unit". We called this small forest “Oasis” and Suvorov soldiers were not allowed to walk there. It was also possible to get a minus in your karma and then because of it you could not get out into the city. However, someone didn’t care and such individuals immediately asked to write down 20 minuses, a month in advance, so that the officers would not bother with writing))) Like, we’ll go anyway.

In winter, after a snowfall, the oasis looks so small, magical forest in cotton candy. And in the summer, it’s unusually pleasant to practice instruments there. Very often, we did orchestra rehearsals right in the oasis.

And here is the entrance to the special. frame.

Specialist. the building has an elongated shape and almost the entire structure consists of small classes in which (in theory) Suvorov students study music.

Self-study classes are located on the 1st and 3rd floors.

There are teaching classrooms on the 2nd floor.

They even installed Wi-Fi! Unprecedented luxury)) we were content with SkyLink at best)))

Address: 142700, Moscow region, Leninsky district, p/o Vidnoye-4, 2nd Muzykalny proezd.

Contact numbers: 339-60-55, 339-56-77, 337-39-33

Historical background

The Moscow Military Music School is the only educational institution of secondary vocational (musical) education in the Russian Armed Forces; its history dates back to the 2nd Moscow School of Military Music Students of the Red Army, created in 1937 by a joint resolution of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the RSFSR and the People's Commissariat of Education RSFSR.

The school was formed from musically gifted boys from orphanages, children of those who fell heroically in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland. The school was tasked with training and educating young musicians to join the military bands of the Red Army.

The first head of the school was Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Nikolaevich Bank (1937-1939).

Since 1938, students have been participating in parades on Red Square. In 1940, for the first time, drummers and fanfare players were given high trust - to open parades of the Moscow garrison troops on Red Square.

The first graduation from the school took place on July 10, 1940. Participants in the first graduation became front-line soldiers, including military musicians of the heroic Brest, defenders of Leningrad, participants in the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk and the storming of Berlin. During the days of the Battle of Moscow, the school's students carried out the combat mission of protecting and defending the capital's military installations.

From June to November 1941, school personnel guarded the reserve airfield at the station. Klyazma, and also defended buildings near Krymskaya Square as part of air defense posts. 15-year-old boys fearlessly dealt with enemy incendiary bombs and heroically defended Moscow.

Pupils of the school who died the death of the brave in battles with the enemy during the war years: Pyotr ANTONOV, Evgeny BOGDANOV, Vladimir BEZVESTNY, Turukhan BIKBAEV, Ivan KARPENKO, Vasily KOLTYREV, Georgy MIKLOSHI, Nikolay NIKITENKO, Vasily YASHIN.

Since November 1941, in order to create the conditions necessary for educational work, the school was transferred to the city of Namangan, Uzbek SSR, where two graduates were prepared.

In 1944, the school returned to Moscow and was located in the village of Saltykovka, and subsequently in the Abelmanovskaya outpost area.

At the end of the Great Patriotic War the school is transferred to the base former home holiday in one of the most picturesque corners of the Moscow region - the village of Troitse-Lykovo.

In 1956, the 2nd Moscow School of Military Musicians was transformed into the Moscow Suvorov Military Music School. In 1960 it was renamed the Moscow Military music school.

In 1978, the school was transferred to the Teply Stan area and since 1981, according to the order of the USSR Ministry of Education and the directive of the General Staff, it became the Moscow Military Music School.

Since the formation of the Moscow Military Music School, it has been led by 12 heads of the school:

Lieutenant Colonel Bank Leonid Nikolaevich (from 1937-1939)
Quartermaster II rank Aranovich Boris Lvovich (from 1939-1940)
Colonel Zlobin Vladimir Ivanovich (from 1940-1957)
Colonel Nazarov Nikolai Mikhailovich (from 1957-1958)
Colonel Kamyshov Konstantin Vasilievich (from 1958-1960)
Colonel Myakishev Arkady Nikolaevich (from 1961-1970)
Colonel Volkov Vladimir Yakovlevich (from 1970-1975)
Colonel Detistov Vladimir Ivanovich (from 1975-1982)
Colonel Romanchenko Konstantin Ivanovich (from 1982-1986)
Colonel Dzhagupov Arkady Emelyanovich (from 1986-1993)
Colonel Afonin Gennady Alexandrovich (from 1993-2005)
Colonel Gerasimov Alexander Petrovich (from 2005 to present)

During the existence of the Moscow Military Music School, more than three thousand people graduated from it, most of whom became mature and experienced teachers and educators, talented musicians and conductors. Among them are People's Artists of Russia, Honored Artists, Honored Artists of the Russian Federation.

The Moscow Military Music School is a multiple Laureate of the All-Russian television competitions of soldiers' songs "Victoria", "When Soldiers Sing".

For its great contribution to the promotion of military-patriotic music among young people, the Moscow Military Music School was awarded the Moscow Komsomol Prize in 1985. And in 1987, for great work on aesthetic education youth, the school is awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Currently, the team of the Moscow Military Music School is conducting fruitful concert and military-patriotic work. Suvorov students are always long-awaited guests in military units, concert venues in Moscow and the Moscow region, at various national and state celebrations. The school orchestras constantly perform with concert programs in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, England and other countries.

Graduates of the school successfully lead military bands of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Many can be seen in the country's leading musical groups, such as the orchestra

State Academic Bolshoi Theater Russia, National Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and others.

Most of the school's graduates continue their studies at the military institute (military conductors) of the Military University and subsequently become military conductors.

On November 24, 2007, the 70th anniversary of the Moscow Military Music School, which is the oldest Suvorov School in the country.

Graduates of the Moscow Military Music School carry high the glory of their native school, strengthen and multiply the glorious traditions of military musicians!

The pride of the school is its graduates. During the existence of the Moscow Military Music School, more than three thousand people graduated from it, most of whom became mature and experienced teachers, talented musicians and conductors.

First of all, these are prominent figures of domestic brass music, the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, leaders of the country's leading creative groups: Honored Artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State Prize and the Lenin Komsomol Prize, Major General Mikhailov N.M. (1932 - 2006), head of the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - chief military conductor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Composers of Russia, Major General Khalilov V.M.; People's Artists of the Russian Federation: captain of the first rank Danilchenko A.S., Ivanov V.I., Politikov S.I., Solodakhin V.M. Honored Artists of the Russian Federation - Doctor of Art History Professor Dunaev L.F., Candidate of Art History Professor Aksenov E.S., Professor Korostylev B.E., Professor Kornilov G.Ya., Afonin G.A., Tarasov V.A., Mukhamedzhan A.B. Honored Artists of the Russian Federation - Chief Inspector of the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant Colonel T.K. Mayakin, Head of the Central Military Band of the RF Ministry of Defense, Colonel A.A. Kolotushkin, Head of the Department of Instruments of Military Bands of the Military Institute (Military Conductors) of the Military University, Colonel Anikin V.I., Deputy Head of the Conducting Department Colonel Moskvichev V.V., Senior Lecturer Colonel Khalilov A.M., Lieutenant Colonel Salkhov Yu.I., Lieutenant Colonel Bukatkin B.E., Lieutenant Colonel Shevernev I.V., Chief Conductor of the Moskovsky Theater symphony orchestra for children and youth Orlov D.M., professor of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinykh Lebusov V.G., soloists of the symphony orchestra of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater, professor of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinykh Rudometkin Yu.S. and Poplavsky A.Yu., professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Gnessinykh Makarov I.V., Grishin V.I., Polushin V.G., Smirnov Yu.K., Yuzhakov V.I. Honored Artist of the Republic of Buryatia Sokolovsky V.A., Candidate of Art History Associate Professor Khudoley V.R. and many others.

The school is famous for its conducting dynasties. Thus, at one time, the graduates of the school were the head of the Military Band Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the chief military conductor, Major General Khalilov Valery Mikhailovich, his brother - senior teacher of the military institute (military conductors) of the Military University, Colonel Khalilov Alexander Mikhailovich, his nephew - a military cadet Institute (military conductors) of the Military University Khalilov Mikhail Alexandrovich. Polushin dynasty: father - reserve colonel, teacher of the military institute (military conductors) of the Military University Vyacheslav Grigorievich Polushin, son - Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vyacheslavovich Polushin - head of the orchestra of the Moscow Military District Headquarters and others.

The school not only follows long-standing military musical traditions, but also develops its own. So, starting from 1940, all parades on Red Square are opened by a company of drummers from the Moscow Military Music School. This - " brand name"Moscow military parades are a source of pride and enormous responsibility. After all, the Suvorov School students personify an eternally young, strong and promising army.

The team of the Moscow Military Music School carries out fruitful concert and military-patriotic work. Suvorov students are always long-awaited guests in military units, at concert venues in Moscow and the Moscow region, and at various national and state celebrations. They perform at the State Kremlin Palace, at the Moscow City Hall, on the stages of the Bolshoi Theater, Great Hall Moscow State Conservatory, Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky, on television.

Annual trips of the school orchestra with concert programs to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, England, Poland, Belgium and other countries have become traditional.

The repertoire of Suvorov students covers dozens of works different eras, styles, genres. These are service-drill works, music written specifically for brass bands, transcriptions of classical works, romances and folk songs. In 2005, an Orthodox choir was created at the school, performing spiritual chants and patriotic songs of Russian military glory. The choir takes part in the services of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord outside the Serpukhov Gate.

Graduates of the school carry high the glory of the only military music school in the country, strengthen and enhance the glorious traditions of military musicians. It is no coincidence that the motto of the Moscow Military Music School is the words composed by the Suvorov students themselves: “We were lucky enough to live at the Military Music School for four years, our calling brought us here, the desire to serve the Motherland and music!”

One of the most important areas of life of the Moscow Military Music School is the concert practice of Suvorov students. Brass band, choir, percussion ensembles, groups of fanfarists and drummers, soloists on wind instruments - this is not a complete list of genres in which the children perform during their years of study at the school. Information about events of the Soviet period:

Suvorov School students are frequent guests on the best stages and venues of the capital: the State Kremlin Palace, the Moscow City Hall, the Concert Hall<Россия>, State Academic Bolshoi Theater, Concert Hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Memorial complex " Poklonnaya Gora", Luzhniki Sports Palace, Central academic theater Russian Army, concert halls The Central House of Scientists, the Central House of Composers, the Central House of Writers and many others.

Currently, it is a long-standing tradition to invite Suvorov students to various festivals, celebrations and other important events taking place in the capital, other cities of Russia and abroad. Among such events are annual celebrations dedicated to the legendary transition of the great commander A.V. Suvorov through the Alps and passing through the cities of Switzerland. International brass band festivals in St. Petersburg and Berlin, frequent social and patriotic visits<Поезд памяти>to the cities of Russia, Austria, Germany.

Participation in celebrations dedicated to City Day in Moscow, cities of the Moscow region, Saratov and other author’s concerts People's Artists Russia Oleg Gazmanov and Ilya Reznik, who are happy to invite Suvorov students to perform. Song by O. Gazmanov<Москва>was recorded by the school orchestra in 1996 and before today sounds on stage and is replicated in video and audio format.

In addition, orchestras and ensembles of Suvorov students had the opportunity to take part in the International Festival " Slavic Bazaar» in Vitebsk (Belarus), in festive events in the cities of Tambov, Krasnodar, Stavropol, Brest, Belgorod and other cities of Russia, as well as in Slovenia and France. Unique events include the participation of the Suvorov Orchestra in Cannes international festival in 1999 (France), at the London Festival Russian culture"Russian Winter" in 2007.

In 2004, a percussion ensemble was created at the school.<Рикошет>, who quickly gained great fame, and in a short time from the moment of his birth to this day managed to perform at many concerts in Moscow and the Moscow region, the cities of Vitebsk, Tambov, Berlin, London and Switzerland.

In 2005, a spiritual and patriotic choir of Suvorovites was formed. This group regularly participates in Orthodox services in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord outside the Serpukhov Gate, in the annual solemn commemoration of the grenadiers who fell near Plevna in the Russian-Turkish war of the late 18th century, and at concert events of a military-patriotic and spiritual nature. During their studies, our Suvorov students are given the fortunate opportunity to repeatedly test and consolidate their multifaceted professional skills acquired during their studies at concert performances at the governmental and federal level in Russia and abroad!

Organizational and legal support of educational activities

The Moscow Military Music School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a state-owned educational institution secondary vocational education.

The school can be attended by minor male citizens of the Russian Federation, no older than 16 years of age (as of December 31 of the year of admission), who have a basic general education, musical training in the scope of a children's music school, and who, as a rule, master one of the wind or percussion musical instruments. instruments that are suitable for health reasons and meet the requirements of professional psychological selection.

The professional educational program of the school implements the acquisition of knowledge by Suvorov students in general educational disciplines, general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, general professional disciplines, special disciplines and specialization disciplines. The main educational divisions of the school are subject-methodological commissions: subject-methodological commission for brass and percussion instruments; subject-methodological commission of woodwind instruments; subject-methodological commission of general music disciplines; subject-methodological commission for conducting, instrumentation and reading of orchestral scores.

Suvorovites also undergo mandatory military training.

The school consists of two companies (100 people each). There are 2 courses in a company, and 2 platoons per course (25 people each). Each course is a separate orchestra with 50 young musicians.

Duration of training - 3 years 10 months.

Suvorov students who graduate from college are issued a diploma of secondary education vocational education with the qualification: Artist of an orchestra, ensemble, Teacher of playing an instrument.

Admission conditions:

List of required documents for admission: Statement (report) of parents (persons replacing them) about the candidate’s desire to enter the school and necessary documents are accepted from citizens of the Russian Federation living on its territory by military commissars at their place of residence, and from citizens of the Russian Federation performing military service or working outside the Russian Federation, respectively, by the commander of a military unit Armed Forces Russian Federation, stationed outside its borders in the period from April 15 to May 15 of the year of admission:

The application (report) stipulates the consent of the parents (persons replacing them) of candidates to send them after graduation for further education at the Moscow Military Conservatory (Institute).

Attached to the application (report) following documents: personal statement of the candidate addressed to the head of the school about the desire to study at the school; certified copies of passport and birth certificate; autobiography; a copy of a standard document confirming the Russian citizenship of the candidate and his parents (for those living outside the Russian Federation); an extract from the candidate’s report card with grades for 1-3 academic quarters of grade 9, indicating the subject studied foreign language, certified by the official seal of the school; pedagogical characteristics signed by the class teacher and the school director, certified by the official seal of the school; a description of musical abilities, signed by the director of a children's music school or a military conductor; 4 photo cards size 3*4 (without headdress, with space for a seal imprint in the lower right corner); a copy of the medical insurance policy, certified by a notary; a medical examination card of the candidate for admission to the school, issued by the military medical commission at the military commissariat or the garrison military medical commission (put in the candidate’s personal file); certificate from the place of residence of the parents (persons replacing them) indicating the composition of the family and living conditions; copies of documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission to the school:

a) from orphans and persons left without parental care, in addition, the following shall be submitted: certified death certificates of the father and mother; a copy of the decision of the court or local government to establish guardianship (trusteeship); documents from the local government confirming the presence or absence of living space; a certified copy of the guardian's (trustee's) certificate;

b) from other categories enjoying the right of non-competitive enrollment, in addition, the following must be submitted: a certificate or extract from the personal file of a military personnel who died in the line of duty military service or a person who died as a result of an injury or illness received during the performance of military service, on exclusion from the lists of a military unit, copies of the death certificate, certified in the prescribed manner; a certificate from a military unit confirming military service under a contract in a military conflict zone at the present time, certified by the official seal; a copy of the divorce certificate, an extract from the house register and financial and personal account (for children of military personnel raised without a mother (father); a certificate from the military unit about length of service in calendar terms (20 years or more) of the military personnel, certified by the official seal or certified copy of ID<Ветеран военной службы>; an extract from the dismissal order upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, if the total duration of military service in calendar terms is 20 years or more, certified by the official seal. Original birth certificate, passport, certificate of primary general education, a certificate of completion of a children's music school, a medical insurance policy and original documents confirming the candidate's right to benefits upon admission are presented by the candidate to the school's admissions committee.

Candidates' files completed in person with name lists in 2 copies are sent by the military commissariat of the region (region, republic) by June 20 directly to the school at the address:

142704, Moscow region, Leninsky district, Vidnoye-4, Hero of Russia Solomatin street, Moscow Military Music School

Admission rules and entrance exams:

Entrance exams are conducted in the following subjects: special instrument; solfeggio, musical literacy within the scope of the children's music school program; Russian language (dictation, within the scope of the basic general education program).

Candidates who graduated from a children's music school and 9 classes with excellent grades in all subjects (except drawing) and were awarded a certificate of merit<За отличные успехи в учении>, take exams only in musical disciplines. If they receive a grade of 5 (excellent), they are exempt from taking further entrance exams, and if they receive a grade of 4 (good) or 3 (satisfactory), they take exams on a general basis.

Candidates - orphans, as well as minor citizens left without parental care are enrolled without exams based on the results of an interview and medical examination.

The right of non-competitive enrollment is enjoyed by: children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, concussions) or illnesses they received while performing their military service duties; children of military personnel serving in military conflict zones, as well as those raised without a mother (father); children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more; children of citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or due to organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more.

Candidates who do not meet the conditions for admission due to health reasons or who received a grade of 2 (unsatisfactory) on the entrance exam, or who are unfit for health reasons, or who do not meet the requirements of professional and psychological selection and physical fitness, are not allowed to take subsequent entrance exams and are sent to the place permanent residence of parents (persons replacing them).


Using a special instrument, perform: a) two scales (natural major and three types of minor up to 4 signs in the key); b) one sketch; c) two plays of different characters or one work of large form.

In solfeggio and musical literacy, have knowledge and skills in the scope of the children's music school program, write a one-voice dictation;

In Russian language and literature, have knowledge and skills equivalent to the 9th grade curriculum.

In order to organize a high-quality selection of candidates for enrollment in the Moscow Military Music School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, I order:

1. Approve the Procedure for admission to the Moscow Military Music School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (appendix to this order).

2. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A. Serdyukov


Procedure for admission to the Moscow Military Music School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure regulates work with candidates for admission to study at the Moscow Military Music School 1, the organization and conduct of competitive entrance tests, as well as the enrollment of candidates in the school.

2. Minor citizens of the Russian Federation aged no more than 16 years (as of September 1 of the year of admission) who have basic general education and musical training in the amount of educational program children's music school, proficient in one of the wind or percussion musical instruments, fit for health reasons, physically prepared and psychologically ready for learning (hereinafter referred to as candidates).

3. For admission to the school, candidates are selected who have studied in general education institutions one of the foreign languages ​​taught at the school: English or German.

4. Admission of candidates to the school is carried out based on the results of competitive entrance tests in the Russian language and music disciplines, testing their psychological readiness to study at the school, physical fitness, as well as on the basis of an assessment of documents characterizing the social, creative and sports achievements of the candidates.

5. The preferential right to enroll in schools, subject to successful completion of competitive entrance examinations and compliance with other requirements established for applicants, is granted to candidates in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Organization of work with candidates and registration of their personal files

6. Carrying out the necessary outreach work, placement in media mass media relevant materials on recruitment to the school are carried out annually in accordance with the orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

7. An application from the parents (legal representatives) of the candidate addressed to the head of the school for admission of the candidate is sent to the school annually from April 15 to June 1.

8. The following documents and information are attached to the application:

1) personal application of the candidate addressed to the head of the school;

2) a certified copy of the birth certificate and copies of 2, 3, 5 pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

3) autobiography of the candidate;

4) a copy of the student’s personal file, certified by the official seal of the educational institution, the pedagogical characteristics of the candidate, signed by the class teacher and the director, and the psychological characteristics of the candidate, signed by the educational psychologist and the director, with justification for the expediency of the student’s admission to the school;

5) four photographs measuring 3x4 cm with a place for a seal imprint in the lower right corner;

6) a copy of the medical insurance policy (except for citizens permanently residing outside the Russian Federation);

7) a copy of the medical card of the candidate for admission to the school, certified by the seal of the medical institution;

8) a copy of the financial and personal account and an extract from the house register from the place of residence (registration);

9) a certificate from the place of service (work) of parents (legal representatives) or another document characterizing their work activity;

10) anthropometric data of the candidate (height, clothing size, chest girth, hip girth, shoe and hat size);

11) documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission to school:

a) for orphans and children left without parental care, in addition:

certified copies of the death certificate of one or both parents;

a copy of the decision of the court or local government to establish guardianship (trusteeship);

a certified copy of the guardian's (trustee's) certificate;

recommendation for admission from the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights at the place of residence of the student and the guardianship and trusteeship authority of the subject of the Russian Federation from where the student arrived;

a certificate or extract from the personal file of a parent - a military serviceman who died while performing military service duties or died as a result of an injury (wound, injury, concussion) or illness received while performing military service duties, about exclusion from the lists of a military unit, a copy of the death certificate;

a certificate of the parent’s military service (about work in a military unit or organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), certified by the official seal;

a certificate of length of service of the parent - a military serviceman in calendar terms (20 years or more), certified by the official seal, or a certified copy of the "Military Service Veteran" certificate;

an extract from the order of dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, if the total duration of military service in calendar terms is 20 years or more, certified by the official seal.

In addition to the listed documents, other documents may be attached indicating the achievements of the candidate (copies of certificates, diplomas, certificates of merit, certificates, certificates of participation in various zonal, city, regional creative competitions, festivals, sporting competitions and other documents characterizing the social, creative and sporting achievements of the candidate).

Original documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission, a medical record, as well as an extract from the candidate’s report card with grades for the corresponding academic year certified by the official seal of a general education institution, with the obligatory indication of the foreign language being studied, are presented by the candidate upon arrival directly at the school.

III. Organization of the work of the school admissions committee

9. In order to effectively and efficiently organize work with candidates, the head of the school issues an order on organizing the work of the school’s admissions committee, which should consist of the following subcommittees:

subcommittee on verification of personal files;

subcommittee to determine the psychological readiness of candidates for studying at the school;

subcommittee for checking the general educational training of candidates;

subcommittee for inspection musical training candidates.

The composition of the school's admissions committee, as well as the technical personnel involved in the school's admissions committee, must change annually by at least 20%.

Meetings of the school's admissions committee are documented in minutes, which are signed by all members of the admissions committee and approved by its chairman.

10. Received personal files of candidates are reviewed by the school’s admissions committee.

Candidates who are unfit for health reasons, do not meet the level of education and age, or whose personal file does not contain the documents specified in paragraph 8 of this Procedure, are not allowed to take competitive entrance examinations.

Parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to competitive entrance examinations are sent a notice signed by the chairman of the school admissions committee indicating the reasons. If they disagree with the decision of the school's admissions committee, parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to competitive entrance examinations may appeal to the chairmen of the school's admissions committee and the central admissions committee for the selection and enrollment of candidates for the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval, Moscow military music schools and cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

11. To the parents (legal representatives) of candidates admitted to competitive entrance examinations, the admissions committee of the school annually, before June 25, sends a notice indicating the date of the candidate’s arrival at the school, on the basis of which military transportation documents are issued at the military commissariat at the candidate’s place of residence for his travel to the school.

IV. The procedure for admission to the school and conducting competitive entrance tests

12. Competitive entrance examinations are carried out annually from July 25 to August 10, during which the following is held:

determining the psychological readiness of candidates for training;

determining the physical fitness of candidates;

entrance examinations in Russian language and music disciplines.

13. Determining the psychological readiness of candidates for training includes their socio-psychological study, as well as psychological and psychophysiological examinations, based on the results of which appropriate conclusions are prepared.

14. Entrance tests in musical disciplines are carried out in the form of an exam within the scope of the educational program of a children's music school in the following disciplines: musical instrument(practically), solfeggio, elementary music theory (written and oral).

15. Candidates who have good and excellent grades in the certificate of basic general education and who have graduated from a children's music school with excellent grades take the exam only in wind and percussion instruments. If they receive a grade of 5 (excellent), they are exempt from taking further entrance exams, and if they receive a grade of 4 (good) or 3 (satisfactory), they take the exams on a general basis.

16. Based on the results of determining psychological readiness, physical fitness, conducting entrance tests in the Russian language and music disciplines, as well as based on the assessment of documents characterizing social, creative and sports achievements, candidates are given a single score, which is entered into the registration sheet for competitive entrance tests and to the competition list.

17. The minutes of the meeting of the school admissions committee must contain specific proposals for the enrollment (not enrollment) of candidates, indicating the reasons why this or that decision is made. The protocol signed by the members of the subcommittee is approved by the chairman of the selection committee.

V. Enrollment of candidates to the school

18. The admissions committee of the school draws up competitive lists based on the results of competitive entrance tests.

The order in which candidates are included in the competition lists is determined in accordance with the points scored.

Candidates who have a preferential right to enroll in a school, if their scores are equal with other candidates, are included in the competitive list in relation to them first.

Competitive lists of candidates are sent to the central selection committee annually before August 15.

19. The Central Admissions Committee prepares a draft order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the admission of candidates to the school and submits it for approval to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Lists of enrolled candidates are posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the global Internet information network.

20. A student’s certificate is issued to an enrolled candidate at the school.

21. Candidates who are not enrolled in the school are issued military transportation documents for travel to their place of residence, as well as a certificate of the results of competitive entrance examinations, signed by the secretary of the admissions committee of the school and certified by the official seal of the school.

22. Competitive selection materials for enrolled candidates are stored at the school during the entire training cycle, for unenrolled candidates - for a year.

2 Further in the text of this Procedure, unless otherwise specified, for brevity, the central admissions committee for the selection and enrollment of candidates for the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval, Moscow military music schools and cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation will be referred to as the central admissions committee.