How to quickly cook red beans without soaking. How to quickly cook beans and do it correctly? How to quickly cook bean soup without soaking

Cooking beans is a slow process, so it's best to plan ahead. In addition to the hour or two that the actual cooking will take, you need to take into account the time for soaking. The good news is that you won't have to do much.

How to prepare beans

The first thing to do is check the expiration date. Beans that have been sitting for more than a year are likely to have dried out. Such beans will not become soft and tender, no matter how much you cook them.

Sort through the beans (don't worry, it's quick) and discard any shriveled or suspicious beans, as well as stems and other debris.

Then rinse the beans thoroughly in a colander under cold running water.

The next step is soaking, and there are several good reasons for this. First, pre-soaked beans cook faster. This, by the way, is not main reason: Without soaking, the beans will only cook 15 to 20 minutes longer.

Secondly, during soaking, oligosaccharides are partially dissolved, which cause increased gas formation in the intestines.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that during soaking beans lose so-called antinutrients - compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients. In particular, legumes contain phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron.

How to soak beans

There are two ways to soak beans:

1. Slow or cold method

Proponents of this soaking method claim that it eliminates the unpleasant side effects that legumes are notorious for. However, keep in mind that it takes time. Place the beans in a large saucepan and pour cold water and refrigerate for 12–24 hours.

For 1 cup of beans you will need 5 cups of water.

2. Fast, or hot, method

If you don’t have time for long soaking, then simply pour the dry beans into a pan and add water in the same proportion as in the previous method. Bring the water to a boil and cook the beans for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove, cover and let sit for at least 1 hour.

Please note that the volume of beans after soaking and cooking will increase 2-3 times, so choose a larger pan.

By the way, some housewives claim that with this method of soaking the dish turns out tastier.

How to cook beans

After soaking, drain the water and rinse the swollen beans under running water. Then place it in a large saucepan and add water so that it completely covers the beans. Bring the water to a boil and add a tablespoon of sunflower oil or so that there is less foam.

Simmer the beans over low heat. You may need to add water to the pan from time to time during the cooking process. Depending on the type of beans, their shelf life and water hardness, the cooking time can range from 0.5 to 2.5 hours.

During cooking, the beans do not need to be stirred, and the pan does not need to be covered with a lid.

To know if the beans are ready, mash one with a fork or your fingers. Ideally, the beans should be soft, but not mushy. If the beans are still crunchy, then leave them to cook further and check for doneness every 10 minutes.


There is a fairly common myth that salt gives beans body and toughness, so you need to add it at the end. In fact, salt has no effect on the consistency of the beans, unless, of course, you are going to pour handfuls of them into the pan. Herbs can also be added at any time.

If a recipe calls for adding acidic ingredients such as lemon juice, wine, vinegar or tomatoes, do so after the beans are cooked. Otherwise, the beans may not turn out as tender as you would like.

Cooked beans can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. It is recommended to use flat, shallow containers for this.

Do you have your own secrets for cooking beans? Share them in the comments.

Few people do not know that beans are a rich source of plant proteins. It is easily absorbed by the body. And bean dishes turn out amazingly tasty, satisfying and healthy. It’s not for nothing that during fasting they are consumed instead of meat.

Beans are not eaten raw. And the fact of how much time it takes to prepare it takes many housewives by surprise. I want to do everything quickly and correctly.

Cooking methods

To save time, beans can be cooked without pre-soaking. There are several proven methods.

  • First way

Based on the creation of temperature differences. It sounds creepy, of course, but it works for sure. Before cooking beans, you need to sort them out, throw away spoiled ones and rinse them under running cold water. To cook, select the largest and deepest pan and place the beans in it.

Pour enough water into the container so that it is 3-5 centimeters higher than the beans. Then it needs to be brought to a boil over medium heat and cooked for 15 minutes.

After this, drain all the water. Then fill the pan with cold. Let it boil again, drain again and fill the pan with new water for the third time. After the last portion boils, cook the beans for 30-40 minutes. You can also partially refresh boiled water by adding a few tablespoons of cold water during the cooking process. Being exposed to sudden changes in temperature, the bean product takes much less time to cook.

  • Second way.

This involves adding soda or lemon juice to cold water. This method will not be to everyone's taste. It is important to calculate the proportions correctly here. Otherwise, the product may very quickly end up in the trash.

How long will it take in this case until the product is completely ready? About two hours. Let us remember that the beans take about 4 hours to cook without soaking. The difference is obvious.

  • Third way.

One of the most effective methods to cook beans quickly and tasty without pre-soaking is to add a dry leaf seaweed into the water. How long will it take to cook the beans in this case? About 40 minutes.

  • Fourth way.

The bean product will cook quickly and without additional ingredients if you salt it at the end of cooking.

To determine whether the product is ready or not, you need to use the “Three Beans” method: try three beans at the same time. It is important to know that poorly cooked beans contain substances harmful to the body.

The cooking speed also depends on the variety, shelf life, size of beans and water quality.

Cooking features

Red beans should be cooked for approximately three hours without pre-soaking. Do you know how much time you will save if you leave it in water overnight? Up to two hours. That is why it is recommended to soak the red variety of legumes.

Add garlic or bay leaf to red beans for flavor. It is usually used in dietary dishes.

Features of cooking white beans

How long does it take to prepare this variety? From 30 to 50 minutes. White beans cook quickly and without pre-soaking. Therefore, it is most often used for making soups.

You can cook beans not only in a saucepan on the stove, but also in a microwave, slow cooker, or double boiler. However prerequisite is soaking in water. How long does this process take? Typically from 8 to 10 hours.

Benefits of soaking beans:

  • the product preparation time is halved;
  • excess starch is washed off from the surface of the beans;
  • the product becomes much softer and more delicate in taste;
  • beans soaked in water are better absorbed by the body;
  • promotes the breakdown of complex sugars, which lead to intestinal problems.

  • Beans should be cooked with the lid open, otherwise they will change color;
  • a properly prepared product should be soft;
  • if beans are needed for soup, then they need to be cooked in a separate bowl;
  • If you add salt at the beginning of cooking, the beans will be tough.

Beans are considered not only a nutritious product, but also a reliable assistant in the fight against many diseases.

Useful properties of the product:

  • used to prevent the appearance of tartar;
  • promotes rapid cure of tuberculosis;
  • is a good diuretic;
  • beans are useful for diseases of the urinary system, rheumatism, hypertension;
  • serves as a rejuvenating agent;
  • is an excellent wound healing agent;
  • helps with gastritis, fatty liver.

It should be noted that beans do not lose their nutritional and medicinal properties as a result of heat treatment. Therefore, its regular use will have a beneficial effect on your health and general condition.

It is known that beans are a source of valuable protein, especially indispensable for those who, for some reason, have refused to consume animal protein. That is why bean dishes are always included in lenten menus and vegetarian diets. Boiled red beans work well in a wide variety of dishes: vegetable and meat salads, cold and hot appetizers, soups and main courses. Moreover, there are dozens of recipes for desserts and baked goods based on red beans. The value of beans is all the higher because the beneficial substances contained in them practically do not lose their significant properties during heat treatment.

It is very important to cook red beans correctly. You should not eat raw pods or the beans themselves, sprouted or undercooked beans. This limitation is due to the fact that raw beans contain a special substance - phytohemmaglutin, the use of which is undesirable. This toxin is destroyed by long-term heat, which is what happens when beans are cooked.

How to properly soak red beans

Before directly cooking the beans, they should be soaked in water for a sufficiently long time. It is not recommended to skip this step! Of course, soaking speeds up the cooking of the beans, but in addition, it promotes better absorption of the beans' carbohydrates, which means it helps prevent digestive problems.

    Soak the beans in cold water (!) at a ratio of 2 parts water to one part beans.

    It is advisable to soak red beans for at least 8 hours, but no more than 12 hours, to avoid possible fermentation of the water. For the same reason, if possible, it is worth changing the water every 3 hours.

    Keep in mind that “quick” methods of soaking beans, for example, with soda, lead to the destruction of beneficial substances.

How to cook red beans

Drain the water in which the beans were soaked, rinse the beans thoroughly and fill with fresh water so that the beans are covered approximately to the phalanx of a finger. Cook the beans over low heat, avoiding excessive boiling of the water and without covering the pan with a lid. Carefully monitor the water level in the pan and carefully add water as needed. The total cooking time for beans is about 1-2 hours. This depends on how long the beans have been stored. The older your beans, the longer they will cook.

There are several subtleties that need to be taken into account when cooking red beans:

    If you cover the pan in which the beans are cooked with a lid, the beans will turn brownish-brown in color.

    Salt the water at the very beginning of cooking the beans if you want to keep the shape of the beans, and at the end of cooking if you want the beans softened.

    Stirring the beans will help them cook. Do this only if you are preparing cream soup, pate or other dishes in which the shape of the beans is not important.

How to determine if beans are done

To determine whether the beans are ready, you can use a method often used by chefs in classic European restaurants. Having taken three beans out of the pan, try each one; if all are soft, the beans can be drained. If at least one of them is undercooked to your taste, continue cooking and use the same method to check after 10-12 minutes.

Take advantage of the rich collection of red bean recipes collected on our website to fully appreciate the taste and benefits of this wonderful legume.

The beneficial and nutritional properties of beans have long been described and described in many sources. But many housewives refuse to cook beans. Why? Because no one likes the tedious task of long soaking and hours of cooking.

However, there are a few secrets that allow you to quickly cook beans without soaking.

Granulated sugar

The washed and sorted beans are poured with cold water at the rate of 1 cup of beans per 4 cups of water. And add 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Place on high heat. After boiling, reduce the flame to medium. The beans will become soft very quickly. You can try red after 30 minutes, white and black after 40 minutes.

Advice. Don't use brown sugar. This is unnecessary. The most ordinary white will be enough.

Cold water

The grains are sorted and washed thoroughly. Pour in cold water until it just covers the beans. Place on high heat and bring to a boil. When the bubbling is at its strongest, add cold water to stop the gurgling. As soon as the water boils again, the operation is repeated. After the third time, the beans are left on medium heat for 40 minutes. If necessary, add more water. The main thing is that it is no more than 2 cm higher than the beans.

Advice. Instead of cold water, it's even better to throw in ice cubes.

Sea kale

Place bean grains in a saucepan, add a small leaf of dried seaweed and pour in cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer on medium for 40-50 minutes. Usually by this time the grains are already quite soft.

Advice. If you don’t know where to get a dried seaweed leaf, take an ordinary sheet of nori for sushi and rolls. It's the same thing.


Bean grains are filled with water at the rate of 1 kg 3 liters. Add a pinch of ordinary baking soda. Boil over medium heat for 45 minutes. At the end add half a teaspoon of lemon juice or citric acid. As soon as the reaction takes place, the grains must be washed. And the beans will be ready by then.

Advice. Don't add more soda. Otherwise, all your culinary preparations will go in the trash. Even scavenger dogs won't eat it.


If you know you'll have to cook beans often, but aren't sure if you'll have time to soak them, then do it that way. Divide the grains into portioned bags and put them in the freezer. Let them lie there until cooking time.

When you need to quickly cook beans without soaking, simply place the beans in cold water. Turn the heat to high and bring to a boil. Then cook over medium flame. For such beans, it takes an hour to cook completely.

Advice. These beans are not defrosted before cooking.

No salt

The usual cooking time for white beans in salted water until fully cooked is 4 hours. If you do not salt the water at all, then it is quite possible that the grains will be soft after 2 hours. Therefore, salt any beans only at the very end of cooking.

Advice. Red and variegated beans will cook even faster, because initially the white beans are denser and harder than the colored ones.


Modern technologies are a great help for housewives in the kitchen. Using a microwave is quite possible to reduce the cooking time of beans to 30 minutes. To do this, you will need special cookware suitable for use in the oven. Grains are placed in it and water is added. Set for 10 minutes at maximum power. After the timer beeps, the beans are mixed and put back in the microwave. Now for 18-20 minutes. After this time, the grains will be ready for further consumption.

Advice. It is best to take glassware. If you don’t have a special bowl, then a regular jar will do. The main thing is that it fits into the microwave while standing and can spin around freely. You cannot cover the vessel with a lid!

Pressure cooker

A pressure cooker allows you to reduce the cooking time of beans without soaking to 40 minutes. Just follow the usual proportions of grains and water: 1 to 4. Time must be counted from the beginning of boiling. It is not advisable to add salt.

Advice. Follow normal safety precautions.


The invention of the technical industry, already loved by many housewives, will help out here too. Just put the beans on sauté mode. You can even add plenty of salt. The timer is set to 40 minutes. Take note of this.

Modern selection

Bean varieties have already been bred and thoroughly tested, which are completely ready for consumption 30 minutes after cooking. Information about this should be found on seed packets or on the Internet.

  1. To prevent beans from changing color during cooking, never cover the container in which they are cooked.
  2. Some varieties of beans taste distinctly bitter in the finished dish. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to change the water in the saucepan to clean water at least once. It's better to change twice.
  3. Do not cook beans in broth intended for soup. It will become cloudy and smell bad. Cook the grains until fully cooked in separate water, and only then add them to the soup.
  4. How to taste beans to see if they are done? You can taste it with your mouth, but few people like the taste of half-raw grains. Therefore, it’s enough just to catch a couple of things from the water and try to crush them with two fingers. If the beans are ready, they easily yield and knead. Accordingly, damp ones will spring back.
  5. Be sure to carefully sort and wash the beans before cooking. Even if you collected them yourself on your own plot. This is much easier than trying to catch unwanted beans in a saucepan.

How to quickly cook beans without soaking? By following our recommendations, you can easily and simply reduce your cooking time by more than half. To avoid stomach problems and increased gas formation, it is better to soak the bean grains. Of course, not for 12 hours; during this time it can germinate and become unsuitable for food. But at least for three hours. This will allow you to fully enjoy its wonderful taste and beneficial substances.

Video: how to quickly cook beans without soaking in water

Legumes are rich in protein. That is why they are part of many diets; vegetarians are sure to include legumes in their diet. There are many delicious and nutritious dishes in cooking, where one of the main ingredients is beans, peas and other representatives of this family. But how to quickly cook beans, beans and peas?

There is my grandmother's way - soaking the beans overnight. But it will be easy and quick to prepare in the morning. In addition, if the beans are left in water, fermentation may begin. The ideal option for soaking is the following: every two to three hours, change the water in which the beans are soaked. Since it swells greatly with this method, you should add water from time to time. And under no circumstances should you cook beans in the water in which they were soaked. This method of cooking beans is tedious and time-inefficient.

Soaking is not the fastest way to cooked beans. It’s good that they have come up with several options for accelerated cooking of beans and other legumes.

How to quickly cook beans: method one

Pour the beans, after sorting them out and clearing them of debris, into a saucepan and pour boiling water over them for about thirty to forty minutes. After this time, drain the water and add salt and two or three tablespoons of sunflower oil (or any other vegetable oil that you have on hand). Fill it again so that it covers all the beans. Place on the fire (small) and make sure there is enough water in the pan. When it boils, you can add liquid, but not much.

How to cook beans quickly: method two

Use the tools and devices available in every kitchen today. For example, a pressure cooker, microwave oven, convection oven and other electrical appliances that are useful and necessary for every housewife, making our lives much easier. Information about what is in such devices can be gleaned from the instructions for them, as well as from the World Wide Web.

The third way to quickly cook beans

With this option, baking soda is used. You just need to take it literally a pinch or on the tip of a knife. If you overdo it with the amount of soda, you can end up with mush rather than beautifully cooked beans. If a lot of soda is added to the water, the beans simply burst and become boiled.

How to quickly cook beans: method four

In this method of cooking legumes, beans are poured into water and brought to a boil. Then the water is quickly drained, and the beans are again filled with cold water and cooked until fully cooked. This method allows you to cut the cooking time in half.

How to quickly cook beans: the fifth method, a little tedious, but fast

It is similar to the fourth one, but differs in that pouring cold water is repeated several times until the beans are ready to eat. The washed beans are placed in a pan and filled with water (it doesn’t matter whether it is hot or cold) so that the beans are slightly covered. Having brought it to a boil, let it simmer for five to ten minutes, and pour in cold water again. And so several times: boil for 5-10 minutes - add cold water - and again until it boils and cook for 5-10 minutes. The secret of this method is that the beans, when boiled, absorb liquid. There is less water and therefore it is constantly required to add it.

The main thing is that with all methods of cooking beans, do not salt them at the beginning of cooking, since its peculiarity is that in salted water the beans remain hard for a long time. It is better to add salt at the end of cooking.

Unfortunately, such healthy and nutritious beans, used as side dishes, an ingredient in salads, etc., are not consumed raw. Raw beans contain substances that can lead to intoxication of the body. Therefore, it must be cooked. But what a rich bean soup you get, what salads you can make from it! Beans are especially in demand during fasting days. After all, it is a storehouse of zinc, phosphorus, copper, potassium, and protein. Perfectly satisfying hunger, beans are an indispensable product for many people.