How is holy water made? Holy water: church traditions and parachurch superstitions of the blessing of water

In Christian culture it is very great value has holy baptism water. Various properties are attributed to it. The blessing of water for Epiphany has long acquired a sacred meaning. Many are perplexed as to how it is possible to give water completely different properties, but almost no one thinks that it is very changeable and absorbs any vibrations from the outside (both positive and negative).

When water is blessed for Epiphany, a change in the structure of the water occurs. It acquires higher vibrations, which leads to the fact that it can heal both spiritual and physical ailments, as well as help in other difficult life situations.

The peculiarity of the origin of this action and holiday

Baptism has come to us since the time of Jesus Christ. This event is described in the texts Holy Scripture, in the four Gospels. So, let's take a closer look at how this happened, where it happened, the water of which river washed the body of the Savior during the ritual.

The first baptism of water occurred when Jesus Christ asked the prophet John to perform this action. It was a symbol of cleansing from sins, sincere repentance and faith in salvation. Christ was baptized for the sake of humanity and its future salvation. He realized the importance of this event for people, which he said

After Christ came out of the water and prayed, there was a voice from the Lord, which spoke of Him being his beloved son. There was also the descent of the holy spirit in the form of a dove. After his baptism, Christ held a public service.

The formation of the feast of Epiphany

It is not known exactly when the blessing of water for Epiphany became a traditional ritual, as well as when this holiday was established. However, already in the third century, in the “Stromata” of Clement of Alexandria, the first mention of it is found. Until the fourth century, the day of celebration was the sixth of January. It was based on the memory of both the Nativity and the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ.

After the fourth century these two holidays were divided into two different days- Epiphany remained on the sixth of January, and Christmas began to be celebrated on the twenty-fifth of December.

Initially, the baptism of Christians took place once a year, precisely on a holiday. But by the time Rus' adopted Christianity, such a custom almost did not exist.

So, today, when water is blessed for Epiphany, this is a tribute to that ancient event that happened during the time of Jesus Christ. At a time when, through his intercession and sacrifice, he took upon himself the sins of mankind and showed the way to salvation for everyone.

How is this ceremony performed?

The rite of blessing water for baptism in its final version was established in Rus' in 1681. For people it was a great holiday, which everyone celebrated with great rejoicing and obligatory bathing in the ice hole.

Today this is no less solemn holiday, which is also called the Great Blessing of Water. Now let's take a closer look at how this rite occurs and when the water is blessed. Just before the day of Epiphany, the first consecration of this blessed liquid takes place. This action is dedicated to the memory of how the Lord himself was baptized in the Jordan River, as well as how the baptism of catechumens took place.

On the day of Epiphany itself, a remembrance of the event itself occurs. But since Jesus received his baptism outside the temple, the custom arose on this day to go to rivers and lakes and perform the blessing of water. This event is also called “The Walk to the Jordan.”

The very rite of blessing water for Baptism has next steps. At the end of the liturgy, a prayer behind the pulpit or a litany of petition is performed. Then the abbot, in full vestments, must go through to the font or to the source. At the front of the procession are priests carrying candles, and behind them come people chanting the “Voice of the Lord” troparia. Next follow the deacons and priests, and the rector brings up the rear, carrying the Cross in front of him.

At the place where the blessing of water is supposed to begin, there should be a table with a bowl of water and three candles. Then the abbot censes the water, and if the ritual takes place in the temple, then the altar and those present during the ceremony.

When the water for Epiphany is blessed, many passages from the Gospel are read, as well as passages from the book of the prophet Isaiah, from the Apostolic Reading. Many prayers are said in which it is asked that grace be sent down to the water, so that as a result it can heal both spiritual and physical infirmities. At the end of the ceremony, the abbot must bless the water with his fingers and the Cross, and then immerse the latter three times in the liquid. At the same time, he sings the special troparion “I am baptized in Thee, O Lord.” The ritual ends with a cross-shaped sprinkling in all directions, as well as the singing of stichera.

When does this action happen

Nowadays, after a long decline Orthodox faith, many prejudices have appeared about the “quality” of water. The liquid that was consecrated in evening time, and the one that was consecrated in the morning is identical in its properties. So, if you answer the question: “When is the water for baptism blessed on the 18th or 19th?”, then it would be correct to note that there is no difference in this, because the rite is the same. The grace-filled power that descends on this liquid is the same both during the Vespers and after the morning Liturgy.

Swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany

Another ritual for Epiphany is immersion in water in an ice hole. To carry it out, an ice hole in the shape of a cross is cut out in advance in the place where the swimming will take place. The priest reads a rite (prayer) over the water, and then blesses the water. Traditionally, people plunge into the ice hole on the evening of the eighteenth, however, you can do it on the nineteenth. By the way, only in an area where there is a river or other body of water nearby does the blessing of running water take place on Evening Day. Most often this happens in the morning, on the day of Epiphany, after the Liturgy.

Although the water on the day of baptism has special properties, you should still follow safety rules while swimming, especially if you are plunging into water for the first time. You should not swim if you have any chronic or acute illnesses (especially inflammatory ones). If you introduce a child to this ritual, you should do it very carefully; after he gets out of the ice hole, his body should be thoroughly rubbed with a towel, dressed in dry clothes and given hot tea to drink.

It should also be noted that although plunging into an ice hole at Epiphany has healing powers, this alone cannot get rid of all sins. This ritual does not eliminate the need for penitential prayer, Holy Communion, or the Sacrament of Confession.

What is special about water as a liquid?

Now let's talk about what is so special about this liquid, which on earth contains almost eighty percent of the entire earth's surface. As mentioned above, holy water in baptism has special properties. That is why she has been given a special role since ancient times. In cinema, this topic was well covered in the video film “The Great Mystery of Water.” It filmed statements by various academicians and professors about the properties of this life-giving liquid, how its structure can change under the influence of various words, musical compositions and even people's thoughts.

It also talks about how holy water is transformed into baptism. Given the knowledge gained, this does not seem so implausible, and many experiments can be repeated at home.

What happens to water Epiphany evening

So, let's look at how water changes after Baptism. Some scientists analyzed this water and came to the conclusion that after the ritual, the output is purified water, as if from silver. Moreover, this is not only the liquid over which the ritual was performed in the temple (you must agree, after all, it receives more silver from the cross), but also that which is located in large reservoirs where the ritual is performed. The clergy are convinced that this is the influence of prayer, as well as the descent of the Lord's grace.

Baptismal water has special properties. For example, from purely physical ones, this is absolute preservation throughout the year (the color and smell do not change). Agree, given the current state of water, this is an indicator. In addition, water also has healing properties, which allows it to be used in unusual situations.

How is holy water used? Its properties

After you have gone to church and brought home some holy water, it is advisable to keep it near the icons, like a shrine. It is believed that it should be in the home of every Christian. Since baptismal water has special properties, it is used in cases where ordinary actions cannot help.

By the way, the prayer during consecration even talks about some of them. This includes deliverance from sins, healing from illnesses, and cleansing from various demons. Many elders and saints spoke out on this matter, and there was no greater healing power for them than drinking holy water.

It can be taken regularly on an empty stomach, in small portions. You should pray before doing this. If there is a special need, then you can drink water at other times (also not forgetting about prayer). If a person has sore spots on his body, then he can anoint them with it. If necessary, it is also allowed to sprinkle the home. For all actions, you need to read special prayers.

Holy water at baptism, when consumed regularly with due reverence and prayer, can sanctify the soul and body. In this case, a person becomes more inclined to any virtue, fasting and prayer. An unclean spirit cannot approach him, nor can he influence him. Using it, raging passions constantly subside, a person becomes calm and balanced. There is a cleansing from evil and defilement.

With the help of holy water, you can consecrate any thing in everyday life, as well as the home itself. Some elders advised sprinkling the food eaten with Epiphany water.

Our ancestors had a special attitude towards it. Grandmothers always advised washing little children with water after visiting bad people or strangers. It also helped with the evil eye or if the baby often starts crying for no reason (you should wash it with water and read It was useful for everything.

By the way, holy water can (sometimes, but it happens) become unusable. It should be noted that this is an indicator of the ungodly life of those living in the house or some other misfortune. If this happens, then pour this water into a place where no one goes (for example, under a tree, or even better - into running water, a river). The container in which it was contained can no longer be used.

Rules that should be followed during the blessing of water and bathing for parishioners

On this day there are also rules for parishioners. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, one should abstain from food until the candles are taken out after the Liturgy, and also until holy water is consumed. On Epiphany (and just like on any other similar holiday), you should be friendly towards other parishioners, not crowd and not create a crush, because a lot of people come to church.

It is sometimes sad to see how some parishioners rush to be the first to be sprinkled with holy water, pushing aside everyone in their path and swearing as they do so. Be considerate of each other.

Before the priest comes out to bless the water, you must open all the containers that you brought with you (they must have a wide neck).

When swimming in an ice hole, especially if it is a place with a large crowd of people, you should also be polite and friendly. You should not bring or drink alcoholic beverages, as this may end badly. Be careful when dipping, do not push other people, take your time. Don't forget to say a prayer before going into the water.


Thus, we see that when the water for Epiphany is blessed, a great action occurs. We get a wonderful liquid with special properties that can be used in different situations. By the way, this water is also called “agiasma”, which means “shrine”. Some compare this miracle with the one that happened by the will of the Lord in Cana of Galilee, when he turned water into wine.

Remember, when water is blessed on Epiphany Eve, as well as on the next day of Epiphany, it has the same properties. On these two days, the same rite is performed over her and the same grace descends. Use this water with prayer, keep it with reverence, like a shrine, and then it will help you in everything. Do not forget about visiting the temple during the Epiphany holiday, as well as attending the service.

Holy water is a shrine that is present in the home of a believer. It is collected in churches after prayer and consecration and carefully used for needs.

All Orthodox Christians sincerely believe that holy liquid helps with diseases, treacherous invasion dark forces and the removal of sins. By sprinkling your home, lubricating sore spots and taking it inside, the wonderful properties of water appear every time.

Respectful attitude and proper storage is the key to the long service of fresh life-giving moisture.

Holy water is a gift given by the Lord and the attitude towards it should be special. When collecting blessed water, you must follow the following rules:

  • The liquid container must be cleanly washed and without stickers.
  • Do not take in large amounts of water. Moisture collected for future use is considered “imprisonment of the shrine” and may lose its healing properties. If there is a shortage, you can always get it at any nearby temple on any day of the year.
  • When receiving and giving holy water, it is forbidden to use foul language or quarrel. Swearing destroys the faith and prayer of the asking Christian.
  • Use for fortune telling and magical rituals.

To preserve the miraculous properties, the vessel with the liquid is tightly sealed with a lid, stored next to home icons and the container is not allowed to be exposed to sunlight.

Truly, the uses of holy water are limitless when used carefully and thoughtfully. And yet there are rules about what can and cannot be done with holy water.

How to use it correctly

Watering indoor flowers

Do not use liquid to water flowers. Blessed water, with proper use and veneration, is capable of retaining its granted properties. for a long time.

However, if during long-term storage the water changes color or appears bad smell, then the parishioner is faced with the question of whether it is possible to pour spoiled water indoor plants or flowers?

The clergy favorably give permission to dispose of water in this way. If there are no plants in the house, then the remaining water can be watered on a tree or shrub on the territory of the Church.

Is it acceptable to place water on the floor?

Agiasma is the same shrine as icons or other church paraphernalia and requires due respect. The floor or ground is considered a place where a sinner can pass, and if the vessel is placed on the floor, the water may be contaminated and lose its healing effect. Before collecting moisture, you should consider where to place the container upon arrival home, without resorting to placing it on the floor. If the action is forced and short-term, then it is permissible. The only place where you can place dishes with water on the floor is the temple.

Medicine and water

Do not take the medicine with holy water. Sick people fervently believe that drinking medicine with blessed water will enhance the effect of the pills, and the disease will quickly and inevitably recede.

The clergy, when asked whether it is possible to take the medicine with agiasma, answer that there is no strict prohibition on the action, just as there is no consent.

Of course, if at the time of taking the medicine there is no ordinary water at hand, then drinking holy water is not considered blasphemy. But if there is a choice, then You should not combine medications and shrines.

Diluting holy water with regular water

By collecting a large amount of holy liquid in a temple, a person automatically becomes hostage to the superstition that water contains magical power and does not think that every drop is full of prayer and is a blessing from God.

It is not forbidden to dilute holy water and is only encouraged, if a person needs to drink agiasma. It is enough to bring a small amount of water from the temple in a small container and at home, with prayer, add it drop by drop to ordinary water, it will immediately acquire miraculous properties. But the right advice would be to regularly attend Church and receive new consecrated water.

Application to animals: is it possible or not?

It is a sin to feed animals with blessed water. The holy scripture says that animals should not touch the shrine. That's why Drinking holy water to pets is prohibited. However, if the animal is facing a fatal disease, and the owner hopes for a better outcome, then a few drops added to the main drink will not be unnecessary.

But, by the way, the animal will not be able to appreciate the good liquid, and only the owner’s faith will help overcome the disease. Sprinkling life-giving moisture on pets is not prohibited. The combination of prayer against illness and sprinkling with holy water will protect your pet from harm.

Using agiasma when cleaning

Washing floors with blessed water is prohibited. walking around after cleaning is considered desecration. Use when washing various surfaces is also not permissible. Sprinkling of the home is permitted, and if moisture gets on the floor in the process, then there is no sin in this. If a container of water falls and spills on the floor, then collect the moisture with a clean napkin, squeeze it into another container and either water the flowers or pour it into running water.

Consecration of the cross at home

The best protection for an Orthodox Christian is considered to be a cross consecrated by a clergyman in a church. But if immediate divine protection is needed, then You can consecrate the cross yourself. To carry it out you will need holy water and prayer in front of the icon for the help of the Lord.

Cooking with holy water

It is prohibited to add shrine to food. Adding holy items to food or tea is unacceptable and is considered a sin.

There is no need to combine the desire to turn to God and fill your stomach.

Blessed water is intended to relieve spiritual, not worldly problems.

It is permissible to sprinkle food items with prayer, faith and gratitude.

Holy water bath

It is prohibited to use agiasma for bathing. for it is considered disrespectful to let a holy thing fall into wastewater. Washing in holy water in the hope of remission of sins will not bring results; only faith and sincere repentance can cleanse a person. But wetting the body with holy water after taking a bath with ordinary water is allowed. A small amount applied to your palms can be used to wash your face and chest.

Can you bless a gun with holy water?

From a logical point of view, the consecration of weapons is unacceptable, because killing is a sin. But from the position of the Russian Orthodox Church, consecration is permitted and is regarded as a means of forced struggle against evil. A gun kept in the house is consecrated to protect the household from a possible attack by robbers.

Selling: benefit or sin?

It is considered blasphemous to charge for holy water. This is a gift from God and is given free of charge. But if the delivery of the shrine required monetary expenses, then you can reimburse what was spent and call it a donation.

Is it possible to give holy water from home, share it or give it to strangers?

Giving some of the holy water to a stranger it is possible, but you need to be firmly convinced that the moisture will be used in useful and not containing evil thoughts.

Boiling and freezing

No freezing required. The water becomes consecrated after the priest reads special prayers and immerses the cross. After this, the liquid is filled with God’s grace, cleansed of all negativity and retains its freshness and miraculous properties for a long time. Therefore, boiling is not required.

There is no need to store water in the refrigerator it is desecrated by the food lying nearby. Also not frozen. Under the influence of low temperatures, water changes its structure and loses its healing qualities, and after thawing it quickly becomes unusable.

What to do with unused

Where is holy water poured? Sometimes it happens that a person is afraid to use it internally. Then the remaining water is poured into a place far from sewage. You cannot pour it onto a path where people or animals walk, or into a sewer! This is extreme disrespect for the shrine. An acceptable place for draining unsuitable moisture is a river. with a current, an open pond, a tree at a temple, indoor plants.

The blessing of water is a great sacrament. It makes it possible to return to pristine purity and get closer to the Lord. Using holy water a person heals his soul and body.

Holy water, how to sanctify water at home yourself?

Holy water is used to sanctify a home, to treat illnesses, both physical and mental. You can drink holy water every day so that it helps you push all bad thoughts, experiences, and fears out of your head.

Of course, it is best to go to church and take holy water there. But if for some reason you cannot go to church (for example, you live abroad somewhere where there is no church nearby), you can bless the water yourself. For this you only need faith in God.

How to sanctify water correctly?

1. Fill any container with water.

2. Read one prayer of intention. For example:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.”

3. Cross the water 3 times.

4. Read the prayer for illuminating the water:

“Great and eminent God, work miracles, they are countless! Come to Your praying servant, Master: eat Your Holy Spirit and sanctify this water, and give it the grace of deliverance and the blessing of the Jordan: create a source of incorruptibility, a gift of sanctification, resolution of sin, healing of ailments, destruction by demons, unapproachable to opposing forces, filled with angelic strength : as if everyone who draws from it and receives from it has it for the cleansing of the soul and body, for healing harm, for the change of passions, for the remission of sins, for the driving away of all evil, for the sprinkling and consecration of houses and for all similar benefits. And if there is anything in the house, or in the place of those living faithfully, this water will sprinkle this water, so that all uncleanness will be washed away, and it will deliver from all harm; below there, let a destructive spirit settle down; below, let the harmful air flee; There is a hedgehog, either it envies the health of the living, or peace, by sprinkling this water, let it be reflected. For let your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, be blessed and glorified, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

5. If this is your first time, drink holy water and give it to everyone who lives in the apartment. Bless your apartment with water. Do some general cleaning. First, wash everything and dry it properly. Then wipe everything with a cloth soaked in holy water. Now you are reliably protected and your home is clean.

6. Use holy water both for drinking and to bless your house if you think that a conspiracy has been made against you, or damage has been caused. Do not turn to sorcerers, similar cases you need to turn only to God and what God has given for protection. Be baptized.

7. For treatment with holy water, drink it 3 times a day, but do not forget to take care of yourself and undergo treatment.

Take and bless your salt. It is necessary to consecrate the salt before consecrating the water. It should be noted that salt is used mainly as a preservative. Just because it is holy does not mean it can be preserved forever! Here is the speech for the blessing of salt:

  • “I ask the Blessing of the Almighty Father for this salt, and let all the evils and obstacles go away, and let all the good things remain here, for without You man cannot live, and therefore I ask for blessings and call on You to help me.” – Key to the Book of King Solomon, Book II, Chapter 5.

Read Psalm 103 aloud. If you don't have a Bible handy, wikiHow can help!!

Use natural water. If you can, get water from a nearby lake, stream or river. Try to stay away from tap water as it may contain chlorine and fluoride. However, if your water is natural, filter it first, you don’t want your holy water to be dirty!

  • Take sacred salt and pour it into the water. As you do so, repeat the following words from the Key to the Book of King Solomon, Book II, Chapter 5:

    • “I bless you, O Being of Water, by Him Who created you and gathered you together in one place so that dry land appeared, that you revealed all the deceptions of the Enemy, and that you expelled from yourself all the impurities and bad Spirits of the World of Phantasm, so that they can harm me not through the power of Almighty God, Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen".
  • Repeat the prayers used by Catholic priests. You have two options to choose from:

    • Prayer #1: Our salvation is the name of the Lord. Who created the heavens and the earth. God's creation, salt, I cast out the demons from you by the real God, the true holy God, the God who ordered you to be thrown into the water - as Elisha did to heal him of infertility. I allow you, purified salt, to be a means for the health of those who believe, a medicine for soul and body for everyone who uses you. Let all evil dreams go away, malice and cunning be driven far from the place where you are sprinkled. And let every unclean spirit shrink from Him, Who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world with fire. Amen.
    • Prayer #2: Almighty eternal God, we humbly ask that your mercy and goodness will graciously bless this being, the salt that you have given to mankind for their use. May all who use it find in it a remedy for body and mind. And let everything it touches or splashes be freed from uncleanness and any influence of an evil spirit; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
  • Blessing of water. Speak more words! Now, in order to clear the water of demons and impurities (yes, this is a form of spell):

    • God's creation, water, I cast out the demon from you in the name of almighty God the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ his son our Lord, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. You can be purified water, eliminating all the forces of the enemy from afar, in order to uproot and drive out the enemy himself, along with his fallen angels. We ask this through the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire.
  • God help you. Prayers for life, health and happiness Oleynikova Taisiya Stepanovna

    Prayer for the blessing of water

    Prayer for the blessing of water

    Great God, work miracles, countless of them! Come to Your praying servants, Master: send Your Holy Spirit and sanctify this water, and give it the grace of deliverance and the blessing of the Jordan; create a source of incorruptibility, a gift of sanctification, permission for sin, healing for illness, destruction by demons, unapproachable to opposing forces, filled with angelic strength: for all who draw from it and receive from it have for the cleansing of the soul and body, for healing by harm, for the change of passions, for the remission of sins, to drive away all evil, for the sprinkling and consecration of houses and for all similar benefits. And if this water sprinkles in the houses or places of those living faithfully, may it remove all uncleanness, may it deliver from all harm, let a destructive spirit dwell below there, harm the air below, may all dreams and slander of the hidden enemy flee, and if there is something , the hedgehog will either see the health of the living, or peace, by sprinkling this water, may it be reflected, for may your most honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, be blessed and glorified, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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