How to find happiness in life. Friends are the best helpers in difficult times. From sadness to joy

Hello my dear friends!

Life consists of many victories and discoveries, gaining experience and, of course, the eternal search for truths. Every day we search new way improving ourselves, again and again taking on new projects, clinging to new ideas and ways to bring them to life, and all in order to feel happy man!

But where to find happiness in life? Where is that grass, that shore that is greener and more promising for us?

Where is happiness born?

Happiness is a state of complete, highest feeling of contentment in your soul. When we experience such a state, everything else becomes meaningless. Time spent in piquant euphoria, forever put into our soul the desire to be a happy and carefree person for as long as possible.

The feeling of happiness is within us and we need to consider it now, without leaving the cash register. Happiness has no past and no future.“Happiness” comes from the word “now” and happens specifically to you, specifically in this situation and place.

If we don't talk about physical pain, then all our suffering, despondency and other “not joy” are fabricated by the mind from thinking about the past or future. Fear that life didn’t work out yesterday or won’t work out tomorrow - they're poisoning now.

« Find out your world today!", as Nabokov said, and the mystery of today's happiness will be revealed to you, which available 24 hours a day. For each of us, this word is interpreted differently: for some, it is success at work, for others, self-realization, family or love.

To feel the necessary emotional uplift, there are two options:

  • search for happiness aimed at outside world.
  • search directed inward, in depths of the subconscious.

Short-term happiness, achieved using the first method, is very illusory. You can satisfy your need for it an infinite number of times with the help of material goods, but, alas, the pleasure from a new acquisition does not last long. And you again need to chase the next investment in order to test it.

This can go on all your life until you and your powers tell you “ come on, goodbye!" And then aftertaste of apathy, disappointment and dissatisfaction your expectations and reality. Is this option right for you? I think not.

The second method is aimed at deeper awareness of this state, for its generation and continuous production from its own capacities.

The ability to see happiness in simple things, makes a person free.

Pushkin's poetry glorified nature, its beauty and immensity. Perhaps it was thanks to her that he felt happy and free, and such freedom cannot be taken away. Having realized what exactly dictates to you , balance and flight, you will be able to get what you need from your heart and throw it into the fight against melancholy and the pursuit of external surrogates of happiness.

Signal interference

What makes us feel unhappy?

Often, we clog our heads with unnecessary thoughts, fears, displeasures and other accompanying, manic need to look for the negative in everything.

By thinking pessimistically, you are depriving yourself of trying to become a happy, fulfilling person. By putting a significant amount of effort into such attitudes, we we program our brain and the Universe for failure.

It’s like the joke that tells about a dissatisfied man traveling in public transport and thinking about life: “ My wife is a fool, my children don’t listen! Boss is an asshole, bad friends! Life is pain, even my cat is an ungrateful beast!».

A Guardian Angel hovers next to him, writing down his thoughts in his notebook, muttering the phrase under his breath: “ And so every time, but okay, as you want - I’ll do it!" Nice illustration, isn't it?

We get exactly what we crave. And when we have what we want in our hands, we again do not allow ourselves to be happy. How to deal with this?

Inspirational phrases can reprogram your thinking and make you more receptive to the little joys of life.

Did you open your eyes this morning? Didn't the sun fall to the ground? Arms, legs, head in place, loved ones are alive and well - rejoice!

Every day starting with motivating phrases « I'm happy", you can lift your mood and recharge your own energy. It would be a sin not to use it!

The child inside us

What made us happy as children? We were just happy! I can say about myself that the moments when I bought ice cream in a cup, kicked pebbles in a puddle or picked a shelf in the sand were amazing!

As an adult, an independent person, we can enjoy and experience bliss from the same little pleasures as in childhood, giving the child inside us the opportunity to express itself.

Taking life seriously- This is wonderful. But you shouldn’t be like octogenarians in your legal thirties. Sometimes do something crazy or out of line nice and damn useful. Why do we put ourselves in a frame by not being a picture?

The magic of a smile capable of performing miracles.

Remember how sincerely and openly do we smile back at the child? I want to advise you to use the “smile” tactic every day. If you are sad, overcome by a feeling of total loneliness, sorrow and negativity - make an effort and put a smile mask on your face. At first, it will indeed be a mask, but after giving it the opportunity to live on your face for a minute, you will feel much better.

Practice it for friends and strangers : present at the checkout counter in the supermarket, to your neighbor down the stairwell, or to your forever sullen work colleague.

Creating positive atmosphere around you, you can make your world brighter and kinder, thereby expanding its horizons and for the happiness of other people.

Generation of "solar energy"

  • Keeping promises. A man of his word is a reliable man. When you let yourself down, you scar your sense of confidence.

    If you want to be happy - be!

    Do you promise yourself to start smiling every morning? You are welcome to fulfill your promise.
  • List of happy feelings. Answer honestly the question about what makes you feel this way? Once you understand this, you will be able to outweigh the negative attitudes. Opposite each item on the list, write the date when exactly you will implement your plans. For example: " I feel happy when I walk with my children in the park - I plan to implement this on Saturday" or " I'm happy when I draw - I'm already taking out paints and pencils" You need such a list in order to fill your life with pleasant emotions.
  • Do good. Good deeds and creative activity is the catalyst for our cause to rejoice. rendered gratuitous service or took unnecessary things to an orphanage for those in need? Enjoy the feeling and do good deeds as often as possible, feeling useful and needed.
  • Be grateful. Appreciate what you already have. Only in this case can we increase what has been achieved. Remember that some are less fortunate and strive to make sure that there is more happiness in the world, more harmony and victories, which begin with ourselves.

I will end this on a positive note. Remember that happiness lives inside us and looks for reasons for its manifestation! Subscribe to my blog updates and don't forget to recommend it to your friends to read.

In the comments, tell us what makes you happy and what reasons do you have for joy? See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Every person strives for happiness. He struggles, tries, climbs... But all in vain. Only a small percentage of people can call themselves a truly happy person. Why does this happen - we spend our whole lives trying to achieve happiness, but in the end we end our days realizing that we never saw happiness? Let's try to figure it out.

First you need to identify the main traps that stand in the way of happiness. There are only three of them: regret about the past, anxiety for the future and ingratitude for the present. This opinion belongs to ancient philosophers; in the 21st century, its relevance has not diminished at all. It turns out that a person prevents himself from finding happiness by constantly looking for unpleasant moments in his life and looking at things pessimistically. Modern psychologists confirm: we live in the power of stereotypes and thereby steal our own joy. But there are several secrets that will help you find happiness and peace.

Secret No. 1. Don't try to get happiness

It is common to think: Love, respect, happiness must be earned, and sometimes even suffered.

What comes out of this: The feeling of harmony, lightness, joy simply from being alive is simply not interesting for people. Proof? Please! In any movie main character finds happiness only after a series of failures or suffering grief: death, unrequited love, someone missing. The news is mostly negative, and even all the songs that “touch the soul” talk about suffering and unhappy love.

Everything would be fine, but that’s why we don’t know how to empathize with happiness, but with unhappiness - all the time. We try on all the difficulties, tragedies and difficulties on ourselves, and self-programming occurs at the subconscious level: if you don’t suffer, you won’t see happiness! And people begin to invent obstacles and difficulties, conflicts and suffering for themselves. Then they are successfully overcome and sing their own praises. But very often happiness is nearby - in the sweet breath of a child, in the arms of a loved one, in a cozy home and comfortable chair, in friends and hobbies.

Conclusion: There is always happiness! It simply exists. There is no need to fight for it and try to conquer it. Just allow yourself to notice it.

Secret No. 2. Good word "want"

Banal cliché: You have to take care of relatives, work, clean, cook, raise children, etc.

What comes out of this: If you constantly think about what you “should,” then life turns into a joyless existence and an attempt to “embrace the immensity.” But in reality, you don’t owe anyone anything! Ask yourself: “Why am I doing all this?” Answer it honestly. What happened? Most likely, the answer will be: “I take care of my family, relatives and friends, because I am their I love. And I clean the apartment because I love cleanliness And I work because it allows me to be financially independent and I need it like».

Conclusion: Replace the word “should” with the word “want”: “I Want cook breakfast", "I Want go skiing with children", "I Want do this job", "I Want happiness in life” and you will see how life’s routine will no longer put pressure on you, but will become pleasant and easy.

Secret No. 3. The main thing is positivity!

People's Council: Always expect the worst.

What comes out of this: A person is designed in such a way that his attention is focused only on what he wants to see. If you want to see dirt and slush on the street, then this is exactly what you will see in the first seconds after going outside. And if you are sure that everyone around you is entirely kind and sympathetic, then this will happen, because you will be the one who will begin to charge you with positivity and good mood everyone you meet, just smiling at them.

Conclusion: Never think about failure, just be sure that something good awaits you every day. Change your view of what is happening, then positive emotions, and good deeds will rain down on you like from a cornucopia. We don’t receive a lot in our lives precisely because we are subconsciously not ready to accept it. And to become happy, you just need to be ready for it.

Image: D Sharon Pruitt (

If you want to find your soulmate, then these tips are for you. No mantras or conspiracies to attract love will help you find your personal happiness if you remain in your previous current state. Love is within you, and you don’t need to look for it in the face of some person. When you discover your love within yourself, then global changes for the better will begin to occur in your life.

Rules for attracting love

  • Start your day with a smile. Nothing attracts people to each other like positive energy. So radiate it and attract only good and kind people into your life.
  • Become interesting to yourself. Learn to love yourself even when you are completely alone. If you are not interested in yourself, you are bored when you are alone, so how can another person be interested in you? Develop yourself, learn something new, pursue your hobby. A person who is not bored with himself alone is a complete person who arouses interest.
  • Don't doubt your uniqueness. Value yourself and love yourself. Don't criticize or scold, even if you made a mistake. When you begin to be proud of yourself, changes for the better will begin to occur in your life.
  • Let go of past negative emotions. If you hold a grudge or grudge against one of your exes, then urgently get rid of these negative feelings, since they are the ones that interfere with your happiness. Let go of everything that makes you sad and sad. No one will do this for you.
  • Visualization will help you attract love. Be honest with yourself and answer the question which person you would like to give your love to. It is to give, not to receive. Create an image of your future partner in your mind.
  • Focus your energy on yourself, and not on finding your soulmate. No planned acquaintances or dates will bring results until you let go of your idea of ​​finding a soul mate. Once you focus your energy on yourself, on helping other people, on creative activity(on what brings joy), your soulmate will find you.
  • Never be guided in love by the arguments of reason, listen only to your intuition, since love can in no way be connected with your intellect and intelligence.
  • These rules for attracting love will help you find your happiness and improve your personal life. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    22.09.2014 09:54

    IN modern world people are often lonely, and dreams of sincere and mutual feelings seem...

    True love is happiness. It’s not for nothing that many books have been written and filmed about her...

Firstly, you don’t need to be upset because of the failures that befell you and fall into the abyss of black depression, convincing yourself that no one will ever love you again. Don't forget that only what you want will happen in your life. Therefore, forget about tears and constant whining, tighten it up and clench your will into a fist. Your task now is to mobilize all your strength and capabilities so that happiness, lost somewhere in the distance, can find the shortest road to you.

Forget about feeling sorry for yourself forever. You sit so unhappy and wait for the prince, who should save you, snatching you from the abyss of suffering and lack of money. If you initially set up such searches, you shouldn’t count on them. Tell me, why does the prince need a tearful sufferer who, moreover, still needs to be saved from somewhere? At all times, men have been interested in successful free women who know their worth and know how to spend time usefully, even if there is only desert and camels around. That is why reconsider your views on life and relationships and learn to be independent. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in order to find a mate and become happy in a relationship, you first need to learn to be happy alone.

Keep a diary. This is a great way to throw out all your thoughts on paper, whine, complain, complain about what is happening without ruining anyone’s mood. Even if you are used to keeping everything to yourself and not sharing your sorrows with others, you still need to throw out your emotions somewhere. Paper is the best place for this. You kill several birds with one stone: you lighten your soul and stop thinking about what bothered you day and night. In addition, by writing down your thoughts on paper, you will soon notice that you immediately receive options for solving them. Your diary will transform from a place for tears and doubts into an action plan that will very soon work in your favor. You must build your own happy future!

Don't limit your circle of contacts. If you sit at home on weekends, don’t go anywhere except the store and the library, and expect the man of your dreams to suddenly appear around the corner, your chances are extremely slim. Of course, anything can happen, but a woman who communicates with a hundred people has much more opportunities to make new acquaintances than one who talks only to her grandmother and the TV. Be more active, because we are talking about your future, take it into your own hands.

Try to imagine in detail what your one and only one will be like. This may be difficult to do, but there are no restrictions. You can shred magazines and find a suitable type, or, as movie heroines often do, glue together ideal man from pieces of faces you like. Your job is to get an image that you can think about. And visualization, believe me, creates real ones. It would be useful to simultaneously imagine your home, future, car, children and the color of the tiles in the bathroom. Who said that dreaming is a useless activity?

Be sure that a new and bright feeling will soon appear in your life. This is the most important thing in planning. Just be confident and everything will work out!

With the outside world. To achieve such harmony, you need to work on yourself. Determine your internal priorities for yourself, learn to appreciate what you have. Don't suffer for what you don't have now, just map out the ways in which you can achieve it and follow them.

If you are unhappy with your life and consider it not very happy, then analyze what your mistakes were, what life attitudes, which make you unhappy, need to be rethought and replaced. Give up the role of victim and eternal sufferer, find within yourself positive traits and properties, determine which ones you need to purchase and start working on it.

Never blame anyone for your troubles and misfortunes. Understand once and for all that no one owes you anything, only you yourself can give yourself everything you want. Set your goals and strive hard for them - get an education, work, develop and improve.

Be open to happiness and ready to meet it at any moment, because no one knows what it looks like or when it will appear. A friendly attitude, a willingness to open up people always, not from the chances that fate constantly gives us, because who knows which of them will turn out to be happy.

Please note

The question of how to find happiness is asked by many people. However, not everyone achieves results in this search. It must be said that these words contain the truth. After all, every person is as happy as he himself wants to be happy. In order to find happiness you need to work hard on yourself.

Useful advice

Every day, millions of people scroll through their heads the thought: “how to find happiness in life?” Why does it turn out that everyone thinks about how to find happiness in life, but only a few find it? The answer is very simple: those who receive happiness in life know 5 basic rules. Keeping these rules in your head, you will always know how to find happiness in life.

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Tip 2: Which zodiac signs are suitable for Sagittarius in 2019

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are very attractive and energetic. They are ready for any difficulties, approach life with irony and never lose hope.

Choosing a partner

Gemini is the complete astrological opposite of Sagittarius. This is why relationships between these zodiac signs can be especially passionate. In such a romance, everything depends on the mood of the partners and luck, since a lot of things must turn out in a certain way for such an alliance to be strong. Usually, romances between Sagittarius and Gemini are very bright, but short.

There is always a lot of passion in the relationship between two Sagittarius, so it can be very intense, rich, but not always lasting. However, if you back up the constant shaking of feelings and emotions with mutual respect, the resulting mixture can become an excellent foundation for a lasting marriage. The strongest relationships develop between Sagittarius at a fairly advanced age, when representatives of this zodiac sign have already learned to control themselves in critical situations.

If we talk about more stable unions, ideal partner for Sagittarius it can be Leo. The relationship between these zodiac signs is very free and open. Leo is excellent at influencing Sagittarius’s feelings, but he does it gently and carefully, respecting the personal space and characteristics of his partner’s psyche. Sagittarius and Leo complement each other in all areas of life. Both signs love adventure, which allows them to easily cope with problems that arise, they respect each other and enjoy the time spent together, in addition, these zodiac signs have an ideal sexual compatibility. All this makes the relationship between them ideal and the marriage strong.

Problematic options

The relationship between Sagittarius and Taurus can be very strong. The problem is that Taurus in such an alliance strives to take the place of leader, and Sagittarius does not want to give it up. The ability to negotiate and come to a compromise can make such a marriage very strong; the absence of this skill will quickly lead to failure. Sagittarius, who strives for adventure, can irritate his stay-at-home partner, but he can also “give him acceleration” and charge him with new desires and aspirations. This also depends on the ability of specific people to negotiate and listen to each other.

The relationship between Sagittarius and Cancer can be considered the least promising. These zodiac signs are too different. Sagittarians want adventure, stability, new sensations, while Cancers prefer stability and comfort. Overly sensitive Cancers often suffer from excessive