How to draw a cow with a pencil for children. How to draw a cow - step by step instructions with photos. Drawing small details

Thanks to the cow, this useful, kind animal, we have milk, sour cream, cheese, and butter. Previously, not a single village house could do without her, she was the main breadwinner, and her loss was perceived as the loss of a family member, no less. In our age of continuous chemistry, there is nothing better than a glass of the freshest fresh milk. The real thing, without powders or additives. It is so nutritious and healthy that it is not for nothing that it is given to those who are engaged in hazardous work. If you want to be healthy, have strong bones and a balanced nervous system, drink natural delicious milk. And as a sign of gratitude, you can try to draw a cow with a pencil.

  1. Of course, it would be nice to first study its anatomy, but this is already too difficult for beginners, so we will limit ourselves to a simpler drawing. You will need a thick white sheet of paper, slate pencils, and a soft eraser. Let's start drawing a cow with very simple geometric shapes. Let's depict the body as a large rectangle, and the head as a beveled trapezoid, base up. Be sure to observe all proportions of the animal. The most basic and effective technique of all artists is to take a pencil, extend your arm forward, cover one eye and measure the object (for example, the head of a cow from the top of its head to its lower jaw). Then, without lowering your hand, estimate how many times this length will “fit” into the length of the body. In the same way, you can measure the length of the legs relative to the width of the torso, in general, be sure to take as many measurements as possible in the preliminary drawing. This determines how realistic and believable the animal will be. That’s why, in order to correctly draw a cow with a pencil, we analyze the drawing step by step and in detail already at the sketch stage. To prevent serious mistakes. On the legs, mark the junctions of the joints with dots.

  2. Now you can start drawing the characteristic silhouette of a cow. We draw her high withers, a large belly, an udder and a muzzle. Since cows are ruminants, their jaws are well developed. We finish drawing the small curved horns and protruding ears. Notice how the neck and hooves are drawn.

  3. We use an eraser to remove all that is unnecessary and outline the outline and details more clearly.

  4. We mark the darkest places. These will be both black areas of color and natural shadows. There is a white stripe running down the middle of the cow’s muzzle; we will draw large uneven spots on the body. Deep shadows are found on the udder, left hind leg, lower belly and upper right leg. Let's outline the outline of the eyes and make the nostrils with small inverted “drops”.

  5. Carefully shade all the dark areas. But, the most important thing is that you don’t have to do it haphazardly. Try to keep the strokes even. On the cow's body they go at a slight angle to the left, on the muzzle, on the contrary, to the right. This makes it possible to visually separate areas of the same tone. Pencil drawing is difficult because sometimes only the direction of shading can show that objects or parts of the image are different. Another tip is that the strokes on the cow’s body should not be the same; at the top and bottom of each spot they are darker, in the middle they are lighter. Due to this, it seems that the skin is a little shiny, and this way it looks more natural.

  6. We enhance all the contrasts of the picture. We draw the eyes of the cow, almost black. This requires almost a jeweler's precision and steadiness of the hand, because it is imperative to leave a tiny circle of blank paper on the pupil to show the moisture and shine of the eyes. Make a light gray area around it. The deepest shadow will be on the cow's neck, behind the ears. This way the head will be visible more clearly, it seems to rise above the entire picture. Draw the tip of the tail darker to create a visual line along which the eye will glide – the cow’s muzzle, the belly with black spots, the udder, the tail. Thus, we force the viewer to see the drawn animal as a whole, focusing his attention precisely due to these contrasting areas. Only then will a person consider the minor details of the drawing.

After such training, you can safely go to the village, where you will draw cows from life. Fortunately, the animal is quite phlegmatic and can for a long time pose naturally.

Lesson about how to draw a cow prepared at the request of our reader Maria Stepanova. This is an amazing animal that gives us a lot of goodies: milk, sour cream, cheese, and meat. And in India, since ancient times, it has been considered a sacred animal, the embodiment of the Great Mother Aditi and the earth, and sometimes even the entire Universe. They don't live long, and that's understandable. A cow's old age is considered to be up to 20 years, and if before that time it does not end up on the table in the form of a cutlet, then no one will touch it. But only very rare specimens survive to retirement. They also say that those cows that we know and are accustomed to are simply genetically modified animals. These have never existed in nature. In the wild, this animal is stronger and more aggressive, moreover, it has large sharp horns, and will gladly mount anyone they meet on their way. That's all I know about these animals. In general, drawing a cow with a pencil is not difficult; 15 minutes will be enough for us. Let's get started already.

How to draw a cow with a pencil step by step

Stage 1. Let's sketch a sketch of the cow's body.
Stage 2. Let us designate in more detail the head, torso, legs, tail, udder.
Stage 3. Now let's start tracing the contours. Let's add eyes, ears, udders.
Stage 4. To make the cow look more realistic, let’s also draw patterns on the body. Let's add some shading.
Stage 5. Last. Let's sketch the eye and add some shading on the muzzle. You can also draw grass.
That's all. Show us what kind of cows you made. And also write to me, what other drawing lessons should I prepare for you? You can place an order at. Well, try to draw such animals.

Drawing with colored pencils “Cow”. Master class with step by step photos

Guseva Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher primary classes, MBOU "Gymnasium named after. I. Selvinsky" Evpatoria, Crimea
Master class for children 5-9 years old, as well as for everyone who wants to have a useful and fun time.
The master class will be useful for preschool and junior children school age, teachers educational institutions, as well as to all creative people.

Target: creating an unusual drawing - a portrait of a cow
- teach techniques and methods for depicting a cow’s head;
- consolidate knowledge about proportions;
- develop imagination;
- develop fine motor skills hands,
- cultivate curiosity;
- cultivate accuracy and consistency in performing work.

A little theory

The cow is one of the animals that was first domesticated by man. For more than 8 thousand years, cows have lived next to people, providing them with milk, meat, and leather. People have learned to prepare various healthy and tasty products from milk - cottage cheese, ice cream, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, butter, etc.

It's interesting that:
1. In one minute, a cow makes approximately 100 chewing movements.
2. On average, a cow produces about 200 thousand glasses of milk throughout her life.
3. Cows can cry like people.

4. Cows live on average twenty years, although there are also centenarians.
5. Before the advent of money in circulation among many nations, the cow acted as a kind of currency.
6. Cows remember their name and respond to it, just like dogs.
7. Cows have the habit of licking people they like.

Let's get to work

She has horns, hooves,
And he looks angrily at everyone,
But she's kinder than a puppy,
And he will pour us milk. (cow)

Necessary materials for our work:

- album sheet;
- colored pencils;
- a simple pencil;
- eraser.


1. Place the sheet vertically. Draw a vertical line for the middle, and a horizontal line for the nose of the cow, which occupies approximately 1/3 of the head.

2. Nose. Draw an oval at the bottom. Make small indentations in the upper and lower parts.

3. Nostrils. They look like slightly irregular droplets.
Lower lip. Draw an arc in the lower recess of the oval.

4. Head. Pull the smooth semi-oval upward.

5. Ears. Draw the cow's ears at the same distance from the middle.

6. Eyes. From the middle of the ear, draw the eyes diagonally. They are almond shaped.

7. Now colored pencils are used. Using firm pressure, outline the cow's head (it can be brown or black) and the nose - pink.

8. Sky. Horizontal light shading is necessary to fill the upper surface of the sheet.

9. Earth. Use vertical hatching to fill the bottom part of the sheet. Several shades of green can be used here.

10. Eyes. First trace the sketch with a black pencil, then draw and paint over the middle of the eye, leaving a highlight.

11. Using the main color, paint over the cow’s head, leaving various spots.

12. Paint over the cow's nose using nude or pink.

13. Ears. Paint the inside of the ear in a tone slightly lighter than the color that was used for the head.

14. Grass. Draw blades of grass with bright strokes.

15. The work is ready.

At my cow's
red head,
Warm, moist, soft nose.
I brought her some grass
And two buckets of water.
I'll stroke her sides.
Be generous cow
Give me some fresh milk.
L. Korotaeva

Hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion step by step. For those who don’t know, minions are such cute and funny characters from the animated trilogy “Despicable Me”. All of them yellow, look like a chocolate egg toy package, speak their own language and always find themselves in interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, a gangly man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, can imagine what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use with a simple pencil, so that if something happens, you can correct the drawing. Take a sheet of paper, preferably a landscape one.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically; if you plan to draw several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - some are luckier and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellow belly, which sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we draw two identical circles, around which we make an edging. The edging will serve as glasses in the future. The result is an eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, whoever decides to draw a one-eyed Cyclops can do it twice as fast!

At the next stage, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the torso, it will be high, short or normal, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Certainly! But I decided to make mine handsome and gave him these rare curls. You can depict the hair on your head in a different way, for example, draw a thick bunch from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, don’t forget to draw the glasses strap. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words just pants with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I’ll draw the very straps that hold the pants on. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

Almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss latest news with brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I love to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Next we will draw the hands, one raised up, the other down. Yours may be different, both up, both down, you can even portray a one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks; a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, let's complete the overalls with the obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and draw the hands, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What's missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's it, the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, to ensure that the impressions from today’s lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or markers and color the picture, as I did. Our minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.

How to easily draw a cow with a pencil step by step - for children and adults. Learn to draw a beautiful cow with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful cow.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only people, houses, flowers, trees, nature, but also wild and domestic animals.

Today we’ll see how you can quickly and easily learn to draw a cow. Take a piece of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a cow is drawn. Look at the position of the cow, how and where its different body parts are located.

First, start drawing a cow from the body, in the center of the sheet draw a large oval, on the right side it should be larger, and on the left side smaller, draw a small circle on the right - this will be the cow's head.

Now let's draw the cow's muzzle, below the head draw another circle, slightly extended to the sides and connect the cow's head and this circle with two lines - this will be the cow's muzzle. Draw the cow’s ears on the left and right sides, and in the center of the head draw the cow’s eyes.

On the left side, draw the cow’s tail; it should be of medium length, curved, and the tip of the tail should be pointed.

The upper part of the cow's outline is ready, now we need to draw its lower part - these are the legs and udder.

Draw the four legs of the cow, draw the hooves below, draw the udder near the hind legs.

Now we need to finish drawing the cow's face. Draw the pupils in the center of the cow's eyes, draw eyebrows in the form of small triangles on top. On top of the head draw two horns, they should be drawn on the head on the left and right, the horns are slightly curved, the tips of the horns are pointed.

Draw fluffy, wooly bangs on the cow to make your cow look beautiful. Below on the cow's face draw nostrils. Draw a bell on the cow's neck.

Erase extra lines which are no longer needed, draw a brighter outline of the cow. Draw the inside of the cow's ears. Paint over the pupils, nostrils, and eyebrows of the cow with black.

Draw the back hip bone of the cow, it sticks out a little towards the top. At the tip of the tail, draw a small, fluffy brush. Draw hooves on the legs.

Trace the outline of the cow again, making it brighter. Look what a beautiful cow you have made. The cow can be painted any color you like.

Let's try to draw a different cow, in a different way

Take a piece of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where a cow is drawn. Look at the position of the cow, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of a cow, on the right is the head of a cow, on the left is the back of the cow and its tail, and on the bottom are the legs of a cow.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts cow's body.

First start drawing the cow from the head, on the right side of the sheet draw the cow's head and its muzzle. The cow's muzzle should be slightly extended forward.

From the top of the head, draw a large, curved line, from right to left - this will be the cow's back and rear. Draw a horn on the cow's head; it should be small, curved, the upper part of the horn should be pointed. The part that you need to draw is shown in red in the picture.

Now draw the outline of the legs in front and behind - these will be two curved lines, these lines go from the body of the cow down. The part that you need to draw is shown in red in the picture.

Draw the front and back leg cow, draw hooves below. Draw the belly and udder of the cow. The part that you need to draw is shown in red in the picture.

In the center of the head, draw the cow’s eye, the eye should be drawn in the form of a small oval with pointed tips, to the left of the eye, draw the cow’s ear, it should be drawn horizontally, in the form of a small oval, the tip of the ear is slightly pointed. On the right side, draw a second horn for the cow. Now draw two more legs for the cow, the front and back, and draw the hooves below. The part that you need to draw is shown in red in the picture.

Draw the cow's face and draw large spots on the cow's body. The part that you need to draw is shown in red in the picture.

Erase the extra lines in your drawing. Draw a brighter outline of the cow. Look what a beautiful cow you have made. The cow can be painted any color you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a cow step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent animal. We wish you good luck in your future works.