How a man can learn to dance lezginka. How to learn to dance Lezginka at home. Seven steps for self-learning Lezginka

How to learn to dance Lezginka?

People's Caucasian dance called "Lezginka" is quite popular nowadays. Sometimes it is not possible to visit a dance studio or a professional choreographer due to lack of time or finances. But there are several ways to self-study dance. How to learn to dance Lezginka - you will learn from our article.


This method is absolutely free: you can find many video lessons and teaching aids on the Internet.


If you don’t have time to search for the necessary lessons, you can purchase a training disc at a specialized store. The price of such discs is low, and the program is effective: the course is made up of stretching classes, basic dance elements and repetition of important elements.

  1. First, determine what results and in what time frame you want to achieve. Determine which days you will study and how much time you can devote to studying.
  2. Clothing for classes should be as loose and comfortable as possible.
  3. Before training, do regular stretching, coordination and muscle warm-up exercises.
  4. Before exercise, eat a light meal, such as fruits or dried fruits.
  5. If you have long hair- collect them in a bun.
  6. Keep a small bottle of clean, still water handy.
  7. Be a bit of an actor. Lezginka is a dance of passion, so during the dance it is necessary to radiate energy and strength. When watching an educational video or listening to Caucasian music, catch the right mood.
  8. When choosing a lesson, keep in mind that training is different for women and men.
  9. Start your lessons with the basics.
  10. View the movement from beginning to end, and repeat it not as a whole, but in elements.
  11. Each foot strike on the floor during the dance is in time with the music.
  12. Pay attention to your hands while dancing: correct hand movements help you maintain balance.
  13. If men's movements are clear and fast, then women's movements during lezginka are smooth and gentle. The gaze must be coquettishly directed to the floor.
  14. First, you need to choose slow music for practice, increasing the tempo over time.
  15. Practice a lot and don't be afraid to be funny.

Features of the dance

To make learning an incendiary dance quick and clear, study the features of Lezginka:

  • It is customary to perform the dance in beautiful national costumes: for men it is a uniform caftan with an open chest and pants, which are fastened with a wide belt, and women wear a dress and a national headdress during a performance;
  • A real Lezginka is performed to the accompaniment of a musical ensemble and live music;
  • Ideally, Lezginka is performed by a couple - a boy and a girl. The girl personifies the image of a gentle swan, and the guy - a formidable eagle;
  • As we noted above, the girl’s movements are smooth, while the man combines fast movements with slow ones;
  • Through dance, men demonstrate their strength, agility and courage, and girls demonstrate their grace and beauty. Lezginka is considered a dance for the soul and body.

Good afternoon. Today I will answer the most common question that is asked to me offline, that is, in real life. Yes, and online people also often ask the question: “how to learn to dance lezginka?" For example, over the past month, this question was asked almost 2000 times in Yandex search.

One way or another, but on my blog, to the question “how to learn to dance Lezginka?” I answered many times. What can I say if I have a whole section "Teaching Lezginka", where you can find answers to many questions. But yesterday, a good friend of mine told me the following: “Listen, you have your own blog, you teach people how to dance Lezginka for free. Tell me, how many other ways of teaching Lezginka do you know?”

I haven’t been asked such tricky questions since when in school, during a history lesson, the teacher asked me and my classmates: “Who took Berlin?” True, then my “good desk mate” came to my aid, who gave the most ingenious answer: “I saw how a girl with 8 “A” carried Berlin away in her bag.” Now, unfortunately (maybe fortunately) this comrade is not around, so to answer the question I'll be there myself.

In order to answer this question more fully, I propose to transform it into another form - “what methods of teaching Lezginka exist?” In principle, the meaning remains the same, only the question was clarified a little. So, I bring to your attention 10 most effective ways Lezginka training(by the way, I wrote about the concept of “effectiveness of teaching Lezginka” in the article):

Probably the most effective way to learn Lezginka is to enroll in some Caucasian folk dance ensemble from childhood. Why is this method the most effective? Because in an ensemble a person really grows. This is facilitated by the atmosphere of dance and the spirit of Lezginka, which infuses the ensemble artists, collectivism, and the presence of the ensemble leader. You can, of course, join an ensemble at an older age, but the effect will be low, since around you there will already be only professionals who have been dancing Lezginka since childhood. Another important advantage of learning Lezginka in an ensemble is that learning Lezginka in almost all ensembles is free, and in some they even pay money to the artists themselves, as in the ensemble. And now I’ll add a “fly in the ointment” and name the disadvantages of studying in an ensemble. Firstly, not every city has a Caucasian dance ensemble, and secondly, training in an ensemble is a rather long process and is not suitable for those who want to quickly learn how to dance Lezginka. For example, recently one reader sent me a very funny question by email: “Tell me, how can I learn to dance Lezginka in 2 days?” That’s right, I answered him: “No way!!!” Well, the third minus is - as I already noted, it is better to start joining an ensemble at an early age. Watch the video of a little boy dancing lezginka, and how he dances (this video has already been watched by 350 thousand people on YouTube):

The second most effective way to learn Lezginka is to study in a paid course as part of a group. The advantages of such Lezginka training are obvious: intensity, convenience of the training schedule, the opportunity to ask a question to the choreographer, the opportunity to communicate with those who are also studying. But there is one very important disadvantage - usually the group consists of 8-10 people and the lesson lasts about 1.5 - 2 hours. What follows from this? And the maximum you can count on is 10-12 minutes of individual attention to you from the choreographer, unless, of course, you show impudence. Well, such courses are very expensive, you can search on the Internet (they cost at least 300-400 rubles/hour). By the way, I’m already preparing a catalog of all Lezginka courses in Russia with detailed description and addresses. Soon this catalog will appear on my blog, and in order to be the first to know about the release of this cool and one-of-a-kind catalog, you can subscribe to updates blog:

We have considered only two ways of teaching Lezginka, but I am sure that some have already answered the question for themselves “how to learn to dance lezginka”, there are still eight left. Maybe you will choose for yourself the method that will help you quickly learn to dance Lezginka. So, the third way is to study on a paid course with an individual choreographer. It’s a cool method, but there are two “buts”: it is very expensive (from 500 rubles/hour and above) and it is very difficult to find a good choreographer who will teach you for reasonable money. If you don’t have a lot of money, then this method is ideal for you. By the way, I myself trained using exactly this method, but the choreographer was a good friend of mine, so he taught me almost free of charge.

I consider the fourth method of teaching Lezginka to be the most effective, if we consider the word efficiency through the prism of “labor costs/learning time.” Well, I was a little clever, but now you’ll understand everything yourself. So the fourth way is self-learning Lezginka at home using the Internet. And here a FREE TRAINING COURSE comes to your aid, which will help you learn to dance Lezginka within 21 days ABSOLUTELY FREE! Don't believe that this is possible? As of September 17, 2011, almost 700 people believed and were successfully studying the course. You can read more about the course at these links: and. By the way, look at one of the tasks from lesson 3 of the women's course:

Well, have you mentioned enough ways? I am sure that not everyone has answered the question for themselves yet - how to learn to dance lezginka ? The next good (already the fifth) way to learn Lezginka is to ask a friend who already knows how to dance to teach. The good thing about this method is that it’s very simple - call a friend home (or go to his place, in this case, don’t forget to take at least a chocolate bar with you for decency) and start learning. But not everyone has a friend who can dance Lezginka, and if they do, not every friend can teach you Lezginka. That is, in this case you will have minimal knowledge and skills. Well, better than nothing!!!

Well, we found the answer to the question “how to learn to dance lezginka?” . Let's move on. The seventh method I also really like is to get together with friends and start learning Lezginka together. This method will appeal to those who like to communicate and organize all sorts of flash mobs or sessions. By the way, this is exactly how we created our ensemble with friends, read - Here. But for this method you need to find friends who also want to learn how to dance lezginka, rent premises (again wasting money) and so that at least one of the friends can dance lezginka. If you have all these conditions, then go ahead: now make a list of friends who would like to learn to dance Lezginka, determine the room where you will study and... you will figure it out yourself. By the way, here is our ensemble, we want to recreate it again:

So, there are three more ways or methods left to consider (as you like). Well, probably the most difficult method of teaching is self-learning Lezginka. You watch others dance and try to repeat it yourself, no matter where - at home, at school, at work, in the elevator. Imagine a forest in winter, everything around is covered with snow. You need to go through the forest. What is easier to do this - go through the snowdrifts or on the ski track? And, if you find skis, you won’t even notice how you’ll overcome this path, you’ll even enjoy it. It’s the same here - why figure it out on your own if “skis” have long been invented in order to learn how to dance Lezginka.

Well, now everyone must answer the question “how to learn to dance Lezginka.” Well, I’ll give two more methods for the most sophisticated ones, who never look for easy ways. One of these methods is the use of modern technologies in teaching Lezginka. For example, you have a friend who dances Lezginka well and is ready to help you learn, but he lives in another city or in another country. This is where they come to the rescue modern technologies in the form of the Skype program. I'm sure many of you use this cool program. I will only say that with its help you can communicate for free with anywhere in the world. You can download and install it, but there are two features here: for the program to work, you need high-speed Internet and a friend who will teach you on the other end of the line.

And the last, tenth, method of teaching Lezginka - the most extravagant and humorous - is to find yourself in an environment where almost everyone is imbued with the spirit of Lezginka, that is, to go to one of the Caucasian republics and live there, or maybe even move. What happens if a person of average intelligence is placed in the same cell with professors for a year? The likelihood that he will become smarter is much higher. It’s the same here, the environment helps you learn everything new much faster. But this is not a fact!!! Not all Caucasians can dance Lezginka, far from all!

Wow, I’ve never written such a voluminous article on a blog before, I spent a whole 4 hours writing it. I think that it will be useful for you and now everyone will be able to answer the question for themselves “how to learn to dance lezginka?” . Once again I remind you that the blog has its own professional choreographers, who will teach all readers of the blog Lezginka for FREE, and this training will begin very soon. Necessarily subscribe for updates blog and you will be among those who will be trained by our choreographers.

Well, in conclusion, I suggest watching a video about kids. After watching it, my stomach hurt from laughing:

Question for you, dear readers - what method of teaching Lezginka is acceptable for you? Thanks for your comments, I wish you all the best!!!

Your Ali!!!

Lezginka - this name actually hides not just one, but a whole set of dances of the peoples of the Caucasus, as well as musical accompaniment for them. And today it captivates the hearts of everyone who has seen it at least once, and the origins of this folk style lie in the dances of Caucasian warriors, which each nation called in its own way: khalkhar, lekuri, tymbyl kaft and other names. Today it's popular folk dance, conveying a unique Caucasian flavor.

And although initially Lezginka was an exclusively male warrior dance, gradually girls began to be included in its pattern. This is how two types came together: performed exclusively by men and couples dance, in which a woman and a man not only perform certain dance steps, but also play their roles. This means that no one has the right to prohibit a girl from dancing lezginka.

Why should girls try it?

For those whose parents or relatives belong to the peoples of the Caucasus, the ability to dance Lezginka is a reason for father and mother to be proud of their daughter. And parents will be especially proud of the fact that the girl knows how to dance Lezginka correctly. However, all of the above does not mean that only people from the Caucasus should be able to dance this folk dance. Today every resident of Russia and not only can take Lezginka dance lessons for girls, for various reasons:

  • want to show off their skills with their family;
  • honor the traditions and culture of their family and ancestors;
  • wish to dance as a couple at large events;
  • maintain good physical shape;
  • develop their own plasticity;
  • study the culture of other peoples and nationalities;
  • are going to attend a big event of the peoples of the Caucasus.

Where can I learn?

How to teach a girl to dance Lezginka? To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to the historical region of Lezgistan and try to find the place where a young man from a beautiful legend once tried to express his feelings for his beloved through the language of dance.

Today, in the era of progress and the Internet, Lezginka video lessons for girls for beginners can be easily studied at home. And then, if necessary, worry about sewing colorful costumes and finding a partner. Lezginka dance lessons for girls for beginners allow you to short time master basic techniques.

What do you need to know?

Even after studying all the dance movements of this direction, you need to try to convey the very spirit of this dance. A man can portray an eagle, show his own prowess in a lezginka. But how should a girl dance lezginka? It’s not enough for a girl to learn how to dance Lezginka beautifully; she must remember that in a couple’s version you can’t touch a man even with your fingertips, and also show special interest in him. She must remain modest.

Why should you study at home?

Firstly, this can be done without leaving home at any convenient time. Musical accompaniment it will not be at all difficult to find, and in extreme cases it is allowed to perform to the rhythm of drums or clapping hands. In addition, you can practice in front of a mirror to convey the very spirit of this cultural phenomenon: happiness, joy and an expression of sincere love. It is very important to reveal your acting talents in combination with the movement and pattern of this folk dance.

In order not to rearrange your daily routine and not spend a lot of money on an individual teacher, you can try to learn how to dance Lezginka for a girl at home. To begin with, you can watch a video of how professional dancers do it, and then look for video lessons on how to dance Lezginka for girls. You don’t have to choose a difficult level right away, just start the first ones independent studies with video of lezginka for beginners presented below. The acquired knowledge and skills will allow you to learn how to dance the most incendiary Caucasian dance and feel easy and free as a representative of any nationality.

- Caucasian folk dance, which is very popular today. You can learn basic movements in special sections and paid classes. But it is not always possible to attend such groups or study individually with a choreographer: some people don’t have enough money, while others don’t have enough time. You can learn to dance Lezginka on your own by choosing the appropriate method for yourself.

Chechen move

Online training

This method takes less time, since you can learn Lezginka while at home. There is no need to travel anywhere while stuck in traffic jams. You just need to turn on your computer and go online. On the Internet you can find many lessons and specially designed techniques for learning Lezginka on your own. Some of them can even be downloaded and burned to disk. All that remains is to practice every day at any convenient time, be it morning, afternoon or even night. You can choose paid courses, but there are many absolutely similar ones on the Internet. free programs that will help you learn to dance beautifully and passionately.

Disc training

If you don’t have the opportunity to dig around the net for a long time or you couldn’t find anything on the Internet, you can buy a special training disc. They are usually sold in specialized stores, in the same place as music and films. Such lessons are quite inexpensive, but they are effective. The entire program is professionally compiled and divided into cycles. Each workout includes warm-up exercises, repetition of dance steps and a detailed explanation of how to perform them correctly. The main thing is not to be lazy and show efficiency.

Steps to success

It is not enough to just watch the video and read the necessary information to learn how to dance Lezginka correctly. This dance requires passion, lively emotions and a bit of acting. Everything will work out well if you manage to correctly grasp the music and merge with it into one whole. You need to remember small nuances that must be taken into account:

  • kicks on the floor should be in time with the music;
  • movements require flexibility, which must be developed by performing stretching exercises;
  • balance is helped by correct movements of the arms, so the upper body must be given due attention.

By training regularly, you will be able to quickly achieve success and make your body movements ideal. The main thing is not to stop halfway, but to finish what you started. This fast dance is not only very beautiful, it helps keep the body in shape and tone all internal organs, prolonging life.

Lezginka is rightfully considered the most famous traditional dance of the peoples of the Caucasus, which has been performed by mountain people from time immemorial on holidays, before hunting, in anticipation of important battles. Even the most ordinary hunting trip would not be complete without fiery dances Lezginkas. Every self-respecting Caucasian, be it Ossetian or Georgian, Chechen, Dagestanian or Azerbaijani, must certainly be able to dance it, moreover, he does not necessarily have to live in the homeland of his ancestors.

Lezginka for beginners

Lezginka is a rhythmic dance consisting of temperament, sensuality and pride for one’s people. This dance is danced by people of all ages and different social statuses. Lezginka is an integral part of the centuries-old culture of the Caucasus. There are many varieties of this dance. It is danced both in pairs and alone. Dancing a couple lezginka, a man in all dance moves from the beginning of the dance to the end he demonstrates his character, temperament, strength, endurance, agility, agility, but at the same time he is restrained in showing feelings towards his partner. In the dance, a man associates himself with a proud wild bird - an eagle, and a woman in a lezginka - with a swan. If in paired Lezginka dances the couple demonstrates a silent acquaintance, then group dances are aimed at showing dexterity, strength and endurance. IN old times The dancers danced Lezginka for hours, periodically replacing each other. Single dance represents contact with the audience without words and the manifestation of the best qualities.

Lezginka lessons for guys

To understand this dance and learn how to dance lezginka correctly, you must remember that the body language of the dancer must convey feelings no worse than ordinary human speech. Today, not only Caucasian youth, but also representatives of other nationalities are fond of this dance. Learning to dance Lezginka at home is quite possible, the main thing is to have patience and desire. There are no age restrictions, but boys are taught to dance from an early age, so that in the future he will become a real horseman.

We invite you to visit our educational portal, where you will find a video lesson “How to learn to dance Lezginka.” Good luck and excellent results!