What to name a son born in May. Strong names for boys born in the year of the dog. Month and year of birth

All names are divided into five conditional groups: the most popular (1-30th place), popular (31-60th place), less popular (61-85th place), rare and very rare names. This classification is practically convenient and visual. Quantitative data are brought to a single denominator - per 10,000 newborns. To better “feel” the numbers, let us point out that approximately 70,000 boys , and in the entire Voronezh region almost 1 of them are born per year 3 000.

(most popular names)

frequency 100 - 700

per 10,000 newborns

frequency 25 - 100

per 10,000 newborns

(less popular)

frequency 6 - 25

per 10,000 newborns

1. Artyom + Artemy

2. Alexander

3. Maxim

4. Daniel + Danil + Danila

5. Dmitry + Dimitri

6. Ivan

7. Kirill

8. Nikita

9. Mikhail

10. Egor + Egor

11. Matvey

12. Andrey

13. Ilya

14. Alexey

15. Roman

16. Sergey

17. Vladislav

18. Yaroslav

19. Timofey

20. Arseny + Arsenty

21. Denis

22. Vladimir

23. Pavel

24. Gleb

25. Konstantin

26. Bogdan

27. Evgeniy

28. Nikolay

29. Stepan

30. Zakhar

31. Timur*

32. Mark

33. Semyon

34. Fedor

35. Georgiy

36. Leo

37. Anton + Anthony

38. Vadim

39. Igor

40. Ruslan*

41. Vyacheslav

42. Gregory

43. Makar

44. Arthur*

45. Victor

46. ​​Stanislav*

47. Savely

48. Oleg

49. David + Davyd*

50. Leonid

51. Peter

52. Yuri

53. Vitaly

54. Miron

55. Vasily

56. Vsevolod

57. Elisha

58. Nazar

59. Rodion

60. Marat

61. Plato

62. Herman

63. Ignat + Ignatius

64. Svyatoslav

65. Anatoly

66. Tikhon

67. Valery

68. Miroslav*

69. Rostislav

70. Boris

71. Philip

72. Demyan

73. Klim + Clement

74. Gordey

75. Valentine

76-79. Gennady

76-79. Demid + Diomede

76-79. Prokhor

76-79. Seraphim

80. Savva

81. Jaromir*

82-85. Arkady

82-85. Arkhip

82-85. Taras

82-85. Trofim

These 30 names account for

74% of all newborn boys

These 30 names account for

17% of all newborn boys

These 25 names account for

3% of all newborn boys

85 most popular Russian male names

in alphabetical order:

Alexander (2). Alexander is in second place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 460 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Alexey (14). Alexey - 14th place in the ranking of male names (approximately 240 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname Alexey

Anatoly (65). The name Anatoly is in 65th place in the popularity ranking (about 20 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Andrey (12). The name Andrey is in high 12th place in the popularity ranking (253 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Anton + Anthony (37). The name Anton is in 37th place in the popularity ranking (72 per 10,000 newborn boys). Anthony is a much less popular form of the name (approximately 3-4 per 10,000) // both names use the godname Anthony

Arkady (82-85). The name Arkady occupies 82-85 places in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Arseny + Arsenty (20). The name Arseny occupies a high 20th place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 176 per 10,000 newborn boys), Arsenty is much less common (2-6 per 10,000). The name Arsen is popular among representatives of the Armenian diaspora // for both variants of the name the godname Arseny is used

Artyom + Artemy (1). The name Artyom, together with Artemy, takes first place in the ranking of male names - almost 600 per 10,000 newborn boys (of which the name Artyom is approximately 580, and the name Artemy is only 20). In birth certificates, the name Artem is usually written with the letter e, that is, Artyom, but sometimes written with the letter e (Artem) // famous saints - Artemy of Antioch, Artemy of Seleucia, Artemy of Verkolsky, Artemy of Kizichesky, Artemy of Listria)

Arthur (44)*. The name Arthur is in 44th place in the popularity ranking (57 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name is especially popular among representatives of the Armenian diaspora // consonant names for baptism: Artema, Artemy, Artemon, Aristarchus

Arkhip (82-85). The name Arkhip ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Bogdan (26). The name Bogdan is in 26th place in the popularity ranking of male names (116 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Dan is found much less frequently (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // it is advisable to use it for baptism church names Theodore and Theodotus (one meaning - “God given”, “God’s gift”)

Boris (70). The name Boris is in 70th place in the popularity ranking of male names (15 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Borislav is less common (no more than 3-4 per 10,000)

Vadim (38). The name Vadim is in 38th place in the popularity ranking of male names (71 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Valentin (75). The name Valentin is in 75th place in the popularity ranking of male names (10 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Valery (67). The name Valery is in 67th place in the popularity ranking of male names (18 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vasily (55). The name Vasily is in 55th place in the popularity ranking of male names (30 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Victor (45). The name Victor ranks 45th in the popularity ranking of male names (56 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vitaly (53). The name Vitaly is in 53rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (38 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vladimir (22). The name Vladimir is in 22nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (157 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vladislav (17). The name Vladislav is in high 17th place in the popularity ranking of male names (190 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vsevolod (56). The name Vsevolod is in 56th place in the popularity ranking of male names (29 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Vyacheslav (41). The name Vyacheslav is in 41st place in the popularity ranking of male names (67 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gennady (76-79). The name Gennady is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

George (35). The name Georgiy is in 35th place in the popularity ranking of male names (74 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Herman (62). The name Herman is in 62nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (23 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gleb (24). The name Gleb is in high 24th place in the popularity ranking of male names (120 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Gordey (74). The name Gordey is in 74th place in the popularity ranking of male names (11 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Gordey

Gregory (42). The name Gregory is in 42nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (59 per 10,000 newborn boys)

David + Davyd (49)*. The name David, together with Davyd, is in 49th place in the popularity ranking of male names (50 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name David is especially popular among Russian Armenians, and the name Davyd among Russian Germans // godname - David

Daniel + Danil + Danila (4). The names Daniel + Danil + Danila in total occupy 4th place in the popularity ranking of male names - 419 per 10,000 newborn boys (of which Daniel is approximately 200, Danil 150, Danila 70) // godname - Daniel

Demid + Diomede (76-79). The name Demid is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys), Diomede is less common (1 per 10,000) // godname - Diomede

Demyan (72). The name Demyan is in 72nd place in the popularity ranking of male names (13 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Damian

Denis (21). The name Denis is in high 21st place in the popularity ranking of male names (172 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Dionysius

Dmitry + Dimitry (5). The name Dmitry is in fifth place in the popularity ranking of male names (419 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Dimitri is much rarer (5-6 per 10,000) // godname - Dimitri

Evgeniy (27). The name Evgeniy is in 27th place in the popularity ranking of male names (115 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Egor + Egor (10). The name Egor is in a very high 10th place (297 per 10,000 newborn boys). This form of the name as Yegoriy is rare (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // godfather name - Georgiy

Elisha (57). The name Elisha is in 57th place in the popularity ranking of male names (28 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Zakhar (30). Name Zakhar recent years is very popular, it is in 30th place in the popularity ranking of male names (100 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Zacharias is much less common (no more than 1-2 per 10,000) // godname - Zacharias

Ivan (6). The name Ivan is in sixth place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 400 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - John

Ignat + Ignatius (63). The name Ignat is in 63rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (22 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Ignatius is much less common (2-3 per 10,000) // godname - Ignatius

Igor (39). The name Igor is in 39th place in the popularity ranking of male names (69 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Ilya (13). The name Ilya is in high 13th place in the popularity ranking of male names (252 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Ilya, Iliy

Kirill (7). The name Kirill is in very high 7th place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 350 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Klim + Kliment (73). The names Klim + Clement + Clementy in total occupy 73rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn boys, of which Klim is 5-6 per 10,000, Clement 3-4 per 10,000, Clementy 1-2) / / godname Clement

Konstantin (25). Konstantin is a very popular name, in 25th place in the popularity ranking of male names (118 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Leo (36). Leo is a popular name, ranked 36th in the popularity ranking of male names (73 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Leonid (50). The name Leonid is in 50th place in the popularity ranking of male names (49 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Makar (43). The name Makar is in 43rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (58 per 10,000 newborn boys). There are also cases of registration of the name Macarius (up to 3-4 per 10,000) // godname - Macarius

Maxim (3). Maxim is in third place in the popularity ranking of male names (452 ​​per 10,000 newborn boys)

Marat (60)*. The name Marat is in 60th place in the popularity ranking of male names (25 per 10,000 newborn boys) // name in Orthodox calendar missing, for baptism you can suggest the consonant names Martin, Marian, Mark, Martininan

Mark (32). Mark is a popular name, ranked 32nd in the popularity ranking of male names (92 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Matvey (11). A very popular name, ranked 11th in the popularity ranking of male names (255 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Matthew and Matthew

Miron (54). The name Miron is in 54th place in the popularity ranking of male names (31 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Miroslav (68)*. The name Miroslav is in 68th place in the popularity ranking of male names (17 per 10,000 newborn boys) // Iriney, Iriny or Salaman, Solomon can be suitable godnames for Miroslav. The names Irenaeus and Irinius on Greek mean "peaceful" and Salaman and Solomon in Hebrew also mean "peaceful"

Mikhail (9). A very popular name, it is in 9th place in the popularity ranking of male names (335 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Nazar (58). The name Nazar is in 58th place in the popularity ranking of male names (27 per 10,000 newborn boys). The name Nazariy is rarer (3-4 per 10,000) // godname - Nazariy

Nikita (8). A very popular name, it is in 8th place in the popularity ranking of male names (337 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Nikolai (28). A popular name, it is in 28th place in the ranking of male names (114 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Oleg (48). The name Oleg is in 48th place in the popularity ranking of male names (51 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Pavel (23). The name Pavel is in 23rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 130 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Peter (51). The name Peter is in 51st place in the popularity ranking of male names (46 per 10,000 newborn boys). Peter is usually written on birth certificates, but in approximately one case out of seven to eight Peter is written

Plato (61). The name Plato is in 61st place in the popularity ranking of male names (24 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Prokhor (76-79). The name Prokhor is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Rodion (59). The name Rodion is in 59th place in the popularity ranking of male names (26 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Roman (15). A very popular name, it is in 15th place in the popularity ranking of male names (233 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Rostislav (69). The name Rostislav is in 69th place in the popularity ranking of male names (16 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Ruslan (40)*. The name Ruslan is in 40th place in the popularity ranking of male names (68 per 10,000 newborn boys) // The name Ruslan is not included in the Orthodox calendar. Often, as a godname, according to consonance, the church names Rostislav or Rustik (translated from Latin meaning “village”) are taken from the calendar, in honor of the holy martyr Rustik of Paris (memory day October 3/16). Another option for a godname could be Leonid (based on the meaning of the name): the name Leonid means “like a lion”, “similar to a lion”

Savva (80). The name Savva is in 80th place in the popularity ranking of male names (8 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Savely (47). The name Savely is in 47th place in the popularity ranking of male names (53 per 10,000 newborn boys); the name Savel is very rare (less than 1 in 10,000) // godname - Savel (patron saint is the martyr Savel the Persian, memorial day: June 17/30)

Svyatoslav (64). The name Svyatoslav is in 64th place in the popularity ranking of male names (21 per 10,000 newborn boys

Semyon (33). The name Semyon is in 33rd place in the popularity ranking of male names (88 per 10,000 newborn boys); in the overwhelming majority of cases, “Semyon” is written on birth certificates, sometimes “Semyon”; in 1-2 cases per 10,000, “Simeon” is registered as a passport name (i.e., the canonical church form of the name)

Seraphim (76-79). The name Seraphim is in 76-79 place in the popularity ranking of male names (9 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Sergey (16). A very popular name, in 16th place in the popularity ranking of male names (196 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Sergius

Stanislav (46)*. The name Stanislav is in 46th place in the popularity ranking of male names (54 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name Stanislav is not included in the Orthodox calendar

Stepan (29). The name Stepan occupies a high 29th place in the popularity ranking of male names (111 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godfather church name - Stefan; Rarely, the name Stefan is registered as a passport name (less than 1 in 10,000)

Taras (82-85). The name Taras ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys) // godname - Tarasy

Timofey (19). The name Timofey occupies a very high 19th place in the popularity ranking of male names (177 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Timur (31)*. The name Timur ranks 31st in the popularity ranking of male names (95 per 10,000 newborn boys). An international name, popular both among Russians and Volga Tatars, in the republics North Caucasus etc.

Tikhon (66). The name ranks 66th in the popularity ranking of male names (19 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Trofim (82-85). The name Trofim ranks 82-85 in the popularity ranking (approximately 5-7 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Fedor (34). The name Fedor ranks 34th in the popularity ranking (86 per 10,000 newborn boys). Fedor is usually written on birth certificates, but in approximately one case out of ten Fedor is written // godname - Feodor

Philip (71). The name Philip ranks 71st in the popularity ranking of male names (14 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Yuri (52). The name ranks 52nd in the popularity ranking of male names (43 per 10,000 newborn boys) // baptismal names - Georgy, Yuri

Jaromir (81)*. The name ranks 81st in the popularity ranking of male names (approximately 7 per 10,000 newborn boys) // the name is not included in the Orthodox calendar; similar in sound are the church names Jerome, Jeremiah, Jeremiah

Yaroslav (18). The name ranks high 18th in the popularity ranking of male names (188 per 10,000 newborn boys)


Rare names.

These are quite “live” names (Russian and borrowed), which are registered by the registry office departments on a regular basis with a frequency of 1 to 5 per 10,000 newborn boys.

Here is a list of such names:Avenir, Avram (Abraham, Abram), Adam, Adrian + Andrian, Azar, Akim, Aksyon, Albert*, Arian, Aristarchus, Aron, Athanasius, Borislav*, Bronislav*, Valerian, Varlam, Bartholomew, Veniamin, Vladlen*, Vlas , Vseslav*, Gabriel + Gabriel, Henry*, Gerasim, Dementy, Dobrynya*, Donat, Dorotheus, Evsey, Elizar, Emelyan, Eremey, Ermolai, Efim, Ephraim, Il(l)arion, Innocent, Joseph, Isaac (Isaak) , Cyrus, Kiryan, Korney, Christian*, Kuzma, Laurus, Lavrenty, Lazar, Leonard*, Leonty, Luke, Lukyan, Lyubomir*, Maximilian, Martin, Maryan, Milan*, Micah, Moses, Mstislav, Naum, Nestor, Nikon , Oscar*, Ostap, Pankrat, Panteley, Potap, Radmir*, Ratmir*, Rafail + Rafael*, Renat*, Robert*, Rudolf*, Samson, Samuel, Sevastyan, Solomon, Tihomir*, Ustin, Fad(d)ey , Felix, Filat, Edgar*, Eduard*, Emil, Eric*, Ernest*, Julian, Yakov, Jan.

Very rare names.

In the old days, they were quite common in Russia, but today they have practically fallen out of use, and the registry office records only isolated cases of their registration over several years (the frequency of such names is less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys). But the names aren’t the worst!

Here is a short list of them: Abakum, Abrosim, Augustus, Avdey, Averyan, Agathon, Alfer, Andron, Antip, Artamon, Asey, Vissarion, Galaktion, Hermogenes, Gury, Guryan, Evdokim, Evstigney, Evtey, Epiphanes, Ermil, Erofey, Zinovy, Izosim, Ishmael, Larion, Hippolytus, Irakli, Isaiah, Kasyan, Kirsan, Claudius, Kondrat, Kupriyan, Larion, Markel, Martyan, Minai, Miney, Mitrofan, Modest, Nikander, Nicodemus, Nil, Osip, Paramon, Pakhom, Pimen, Prokofy, Savvaty, Savel, Severin, Severyan, Strength, Silantius, Sylvester, Simon, Sophon, Sophron, Spiridon, Terenty, Titus, Tryphon, Ulyan, Fedosei, Fedot, Theoktist, Feofan, Fetis, Philaret, Firs, Thomas, Frol, Christopher, Emmanuel, Julius.

The coming 2018 will be a happy time for many people, especially for those who will have children at this time. In the Year of the Dog, babies are born obedient, smart, focused and athletic - it’s hard to wish for anything better. However, some character traits of the 2018 patron may not be to the liking of new parents. Let's find out what kind of character a boy born in 2018 will have.

Character of boys born in 2018 Year of the Dog

Boys born in , grow up to be devoted sons, faithful husbands and hardworking workers. They understand others well and know when to speak up. the necessary phrase support or give advice. They have a positive outlook on the world and easily learn new information, quickly adapt to unusual conditions.

In a family, a man born in the year of the Dog displays the traits of a faithful spouse. He respects his woman as an equal, but the nature of such a companion is such that his love does not turn out to be endless. The careers of such people are often at their best because they can work quickly and efficiently. The most strong point Dog men - the ability to communicate, make friends, help, and be a worthy life partner both as a spouse and as a good friend.

How to choose a name for a boy according to the church calendar

Some people prefer to name their child famous person as a sign of respect for his talent. You can also choose a name for a boy according to the zodiac circle. Exists huge amount books that help parents choose a name for boys and girls that matches their date of birth. This custom is quite new and is not yet used often.

Depending on your date of birth, you can choose a name for a born boy according to the Saints- a church book containing a list of the names of all saints, revered Orthodox Church(cm. church calendar of male names below). This is the most traditional and time-tested method of choosing a name for a boy, because it is believed that along with a new name, a child at baptism also receives a heavenly patron - an angel who follows and guides the child throughout his subsequent life.

Orthodox calendar of names for 2018 by month

Depending on the name, some personal qualities, which will help or, on the contrary, hinder him in the future.

Beautiful male names

Alexander (“courageous defender”), Gleb (“favorite of the gods”), Maxim (“great”), Stanislav (“most glorious”), Taras (“disturbing”), Fedor (“God’s gift”), Julius (“fluffy” ), Yaroslav (“glorifying the sun god”).

Popular names in 2018 for boys in Russia

Bogdan (“given by the gods”), Benjamin (“beloved son”), Elisha (“salvation”), Cyril (“little master”), Mark (“strong”).

Rare male names

Bronislav (“guardian of glory”), Walter (“manager of people”), Oles (“protector”), Rinat (“born again”), Lev (“king of beasts”).

Also see: born in 2018, by church calendar names

One of the most responsible and very important responsibilities of new parents is choosing a name for the baby. Among a large number of options, they need to choose the option that will not only be sonorous, beautiful and fashionable, but also which will act like a guardian angel to protect its wearer. In this article we will talk about which ones you can choose lucky names for boys and girls in 2018.

The most popular names for boys in 2018

When choosing a name for a boy, parents need to think carefully. It is important that the name brings masculinity, determination, and courage to the child’s character. It is necessary to dwell on such an option so that the name helps to soften the negative character traits of the boy.

The distinctive features of boys born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog are: a desire for communication, movement, the ability to find common language with everyone, curiosity, developed intelligence - these qualities will become the main features of your future heir. They will not only have a desire to surround themselves with many friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding common goals for them. Guiding Star Every boy will have the talent to attract others like a magnet, arousing their sympathy from the very first minutes of communication.

Consider these features that will be inherent to your child, and also pay attention to:

  • As you know, all men should be courageous, brave, decisive, strong and courageous. Of course, it is impossible to bestow these qualities on a boy with the help of a name alone, but a correctly chosen name will help the child become more self-confident. Courageous popular boy names in 2018 in Russia- This Alexander, Anton, Maxim, Andrey, Dmitry, Vladimir, Mark, Miron and others.
  • Selected most beautiful name must be in harmony with the boy’s middle name and last name. It is not advisable to name a child unusual names if his last and patronymic names are quite simple. It is not recommended to choose difficult-to-pronounce combinations for your child, for example, Robert Emmanuilovich, since such options will contribute to the emergence of significant problems both in childhood and in life. adult life.
  • ​ All beautiful Russian names for boys published in the Orthodox calendar. Believing parents always pay attention to the recommendations of religion, because by acquiring a Guardian Angel, the baby becomes protected from various evils, evil spirits and enemies. Today you can often find such “old” names as Arkhip, Luka, Gordey, Evdokim, Demid, Fedot, David, Solomon, Seraphim and others. Such names, on the one hand, look quite unusual, but on the other hand, they are not alien to our ears.
  • It is recommended not to name your son the same as your father or grandfather. Parents often name their own sons after relatives, but such options are very undesirable from the psychological standpoint. Psychologists are sure that boys always set their own fathers or grandfathers as examples; they strive to resemble them in appearance and do the same things. In addition, naming sons in the same way as the father’s name often results in an unpronounceable combination, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich. In addition, superstitious parents are not recommended to name their baby after the name of one of their deceased relatives. It is believed that a child named after a deceased person can take over his fate. And if she was not too happy, your parents will reproach themselves for a long time for such a choice of name.

Choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar by month in 2018

Since ancient times, parents have believed that if they name their baby after a saint, he will receive a strong guardian angel who will protect him from all adversity. But one should be careful with this approach, because it is believed that a child can repeat the fate of the person whose name he is named. Because of this, it is not recommended to give children the names of great martyrs. The list contains the most common boys' names.

January – Ignat, Daniel, Timofey, Ignat, Pavel, Kirill, Anton, Mark, Konstantin, Pavel, Yuri, Nikolai, Nifont, Fadey, Prokop, Fedor, Semyon, Sergey, Nikanor, Anton, Emelyan, Valentin, Veniamin, Peter, Athanasius , Proclus, Ivan, Sevastian, Mikhail, Maxim, Nikita, George, Efim, Naum, Philip, Egor, Theoktist, Vasily, Stepan, Yakov, Trofim, Seraphim, Theodosius, Clement, Elizar, Savva, Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.

What to name a boy in 2020 - this question interests many expectant mothers and fathers who are planning a new addition to the family at this time.

And this is quite understandable, because choosing a name for a child often becomes a real problem: you need to take into account so many nuances so that your future son not only has a beautiful and sonorous name, but also one that matches his character and has a positive impact on his destiny and helps his future member of society in communication and life.

In our articles, we decided to help those who are expecting a new addition to the family in 2020 and talk in detail about how to name a boy in 2020, choosing the most fashionable, happiest and euphonious name by month, according to the recommendations of astrologers.

So, what will children born in 2020 be like?

This is the question future parents should ask themselves first when choosing a name for their child.

According to astrologers, boys born in the year of the Ratare born discoverers and explorers. The rat (mouse) is the first sign in the 12-year cycle of the eastern calendar. Belongs to the Yang sign, associated with the element of Water. Symbolizes success, activity, prudence. Rat boys are distinguished by their curiosity, they are driven by a tireless thirst for knowledge. They generously share their observations and discoveries with others, trying to be useful to their family and society.

Boys Rats amazingly combine opposite qualities. They have excellent intuition, but are easily fooled by scammers. They try to win universal recognition, but at the same time suffer painfully from the inattention of loved ones, and often withdraw into themselves. Knowing the character traits of a Rat child will help parents raise a harmonious personality.

What to name a boy in 2020

The choice of a name for a child should be approached responsibly, taking into account many factors, because the personality and karma of the child largely depend on the sound, meaning, history and associations associated with the name.

There is a widespread belief that with the help of a name you can have a noticeable influence on the character of the one who bears it. A name can enhance certain personality traits, reveal certain predispositions, or, conversely, hide and soften “undesirable” traits.

How to name a boy by month of birth

Names for boys born in January 2020

Born in January, boys have a strong will, strong character and enviable constancy. Also to strong qualities Those born in January should include: hard work and the ability to achieve set goals, an inquisitive, quick-thinking mind, a developed sense of responsibility and leadership talent.

Weaknesses of boys born in January: pride and self-esteem. If a person born in January feels that his authority and pride are at stake, then he is capable of unreasonable actions and risks a lot in defending them.

The name for a boy born in January 2020 should be sonorous and beautiful, emphasizing his character and enhancing his positive aspects:

  • Alexander,
  • Arthur,
  • Arkady,
  • Victor,
  • Vladimir,
  • Valentine;
  • Gregory,
  • Daniel,
  • Evgeniy,
  • Egor;
  • Maxim,
  • Michael,
  • Nahum;
  • Nikita,
  • Nikolai;
  • Clement;
  • Paul;
  • Peter,
  • Ivan,

Remember that future men born in January should not be given too “hard” and harsh names. They will strengthen your already strong character. It can reach those irreparable situations where firmness borders on cruelty and ruthlessness.

It is not advisable to name boys born in January 2020 with the following names:

    • Dmitry,
    • Igor,
    • Anatoly.

Names for January boys according to the calendar, church calendar:

Afanasy, Grigory, Ilya, Daniil, Ivan, Ignat, Timofey, Kirill, Nikita, Anton, Maxim, Peter, Pavel, Mikhail, Sergey, Philip, Georgy, Yuri, Egor, Nikolay, Mark, Efim, Konstantin, Stepan, Fedor, Fadey, Vasily, Naum, Jacob, Nikanor, Prokop, Theoktist, Niphont, Theodosius, Seraphim, Artem, Valentin, Clement, Semyon, Trofim, Savva, Benjamin, Adam, Sevastyan, Emelyan, Prokhor, Proclus, Elizar, Sebastian.

Names for boys born in February 2020

Those born in February are also not deprived of talents and leadership qualities. February children do not back down from difficulties and know how to achieve their goals. Boys born in February are smart, confident and extraordinary.

Character weaknesses - excessive emotionality, a tendency to act rashly. Those born in February find it difficult to have long-term relationships because they are reluctant to compromise. Those born in February do not forgive insults inflicted on them and can take revenge.

What to name a boy in 2020 if he was born in February? Choose a soft and melodic name for him that will balance his impulsive and tough nature.

  • Vitaly,
  • Oleg,
  • Valentin,
  • Yuri;
  • Novel;
  • Timofey;
  • Arkady,
  • Kirill;
  • Arseny;
  • Hermann;
  • Victor;
  • Alexander;
  • Makar;
  • Luke;
  • Ephraim;
  • David;
  • Timofey.

These names can soften willfulness and direct the ambitions inherent in those born in February in the right direction.


Names for those born in February according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Veniamin, Fedor, Alexey, Nikolay, Kirill, Konstantin, Stepan, Gennady, Innocent, Semyon, Ivan, Peter, Dmitry, Maxim, Grigory, Timofey, Alexander, Arseny, Victor, Leonty, Nikita, Vitaly, Felix, Philip, Ignat, Vasily, Ippolit, Zakhar, Pavel, Roman, Prokhor, Vsevolod, Efim, Evgeniy, Vlas, Valery, Georgy, Egor, Makar, Yuri, Gabriel, Clement, Arkady, Ephraim, Yakov, Ignatius, Julian, David, German, Nikifor, Akim, Valerian, Savva, Valentin.

Names for boys born in March 2020

March boys are hardworking, have good intuition, are suspicious, vulnerable and tend to deeply experience their own failures.

Those born in March are endowed with a sharp mind, a wonderful sense of humor and charm. Romantic and dreamy people are usually born in March. The very ones who abhor violence and forcing problems. The tendency to weigh the pros and cons, the fear of making mistakes can grow into self-doubt.

Boys born in March should choose a sonorous and strong name that will add firmness to his character.

  • Nikita;
  • Philip;
  • Paul;
  • Artem;
  • Egor;
  • Taras;
  • Leonid;
  • Anton;
  • Danil;
  • Matvey;
  • Yuri;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Vasily;
  • Alexey;
  • Maxim;
  • Peter;
  • Kirill;
  • Novel;
  • Arkady;
  • Konstantin;
  • Denis.

March boys should not be called by the following names:


Names for those born in March according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Afanasy, Daniil, Ilya, Pavel, Fedor, Kuzma, Lev, Evgeny, Julian, Makar, Maxim, Fedot, Georgy, Vyacheslav, Philip, Alexander, Ivan, Vasily, Gerasim, Gregory, Roman, Taras, Yakov, Konstantin, Arkady, Kirill, Leonty, Leonid, Mark, Victor, Anton, Denis, Stepan, Semyon, Alexey, Trofim, Efim, Timofey, Egor, Valery, Yuri, Peter, Sevastyan, Arseny, David, Nikifor, Benedict, Rostislav, Savva, Mikhail, Nikander, Irakli.

Names for boys born in April 2020

Ambitious and strong-willed boys are born in April. They lack neither courage and firmness, nor practicality and rationality.

Men born in April often want to be called lucky, but in fact they achieve success through hard work. Fortunately, those born in April are not lacking in hard work.

Weaknesses: selfishness, unwillingness to tolerate and restrain one’s emotions, straightforwardness. They do not know how to analyze their mistakes and can constantly step on the same rake.

What to name a boy born in April in 2020? Choose from the following lucky names that will enhance the positive and neutralize negative qualities baby's personality:

  • Danil;
  • Nikita;
  • Zakhar;
  • Konstantin;
  • Lion;
  • Mark;
  • Victor;
  • Philip;
  • Ivan;
  • Nikolai;
  • Samson;
  • Antip;
  • Mstislav;
  • Plato;
  • Alexander;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • Maxim.

Names for those born in April according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Artem, Innokenty, Sergey, Ivan, Kirill, Thomas, Vasily, Zakhar, Peter, Stepan, Mark, Yakov, Veniamin, Efim, Makar, Nikita, Georgy, Semyon, Anton, Daniil, Leonid, Vadim, Alexander, Savva, Trofim, Gabriel, Yuri, Andrey, Egor, Mstislav, Plato, Maxim, Khariton, David, Nikon, Tikhon, Antip, Sophron, Martin, Hypaty, Polycarp, Rodion, Nifont, Artemon, Victor, Aristarchus, Terenty, Kondrat, Samson.

Names for boys born in May 2020

A distinctive character trait of May boys is authority and uncompromisingness, stubbornness bordering on perseverance and straightforwardness.

Persistent, resourceful and active, boys born in May have every chance of success in the path they choose for themselves.

TO negative traits character should include vindictiveness and resentment, the habit of succumbing to emotions and the inability to forgive.

What to name a boy born in May in 2020? Balance the positive and negative aspects The following names will help character:

  • Novel;
  • Modest;
  • Gleb;
  • Konstantin;
  • Anatoly,
  • Ivan,
  • Valentine;
  • Kirill,
  • Gregory,
  • Vitaly,
  • Georgy,
  • Maxim,
  • Afanasy,
  • Victor,
  • Paul,
  • Nikita.

Names for those born in May according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, Alexander, Grigory, Fedor, Denis, Georgy, Vsevolod, Vitaly, Gabriel, Alexey, Leonty, Savva, Mark, Anatoly, Vasily, Stepan, Semyon, Maxim, Nikita, Ignat, Boris, Kirill, Gleb, Roman, Peter, David, German, Makar, Dmitry, Andrey, Konstantin, Irakli, Pavel, Egor, Yuri, Fedot, Clement, Arseny, Nikolay, Artem, Valentin, Efim, Eremey, Timofey, Nicodemus, Joseph, Pakhom, Modest, Severin, Lavrenty, Kasyan.

Names for boys born in June 2020

A distinctive character trait of boys born in June is caution and foresight. Despite their vulnerability, June children know how to forgive, do not like conflicts, know how to understand another person and give in without compromising their interests.

Negative character traits of boys born in June include indecision, gullibility and the inability to experience strong and deep feelings.

What to name a boy born in June in 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Valery,
  • Oleg,
  • Novel,
  • Michael,
  • Konstantin,
  • Ignat,
  • Stanislav,
  • Vsevolod,
  • Sergey,
  • Kirill,
  • Ivan,
  • Egor,
  • Alexey,
  • Dmitry,
  • Fedor,
  • Michael,
  • Gennady,
  • Vladimir,
  • Igor,
  • Andrey.

Names for those born in June according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Alexey, Ignatiy, Ivan, Sergey, Alexander, Fedor, Konstantin, Mikhail, Vladimir, Nikita, Semyon, Stepan, Georgy, Leonty, Egor, Yuri, Makar, Christian, Denis, Khariton, Pavel, Dmitry, Valery, Igor, Leonid, Fedot, Vasily, Timofey, Andrey, Gabriel, Peter, Ian, Arseny, Savva, Elisha, Gregory, Innokenty, Savely, Kirill, Julian, Mstislav, Gennady, Roman, Sylvester, Ignat, Anton, Karp.

Names for boys born in July 2020

Boys born in July are modest and shy. They love to analyze and get to the bottom of things; they are people of mood, prone to emotions.

Those born in July prefer safety and peace of mind to excitement and risk.

Sensitivity and suspiciousness, the habit of deeply and acutely experiencing grievances and troubles often throw them out of balance.

What to name a boy born in July in 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Ignat,
  • Stepan,
  • Nikita,
  • Evgeniy,
  • Vyacheslav,
  • Efim,
  • Georgy,
  • Arseny,
  • Anatoly,
  • Stanislav,
  • Artem,
  • Denis,
  • Andrey,
  • Anton,
  • Konstantin,
  • Philip,
  • Novel.

Names for those born in July according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Leonty, Ivan, Gleb, Julian, Peter, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Alexey, Julius, Roman, Mikhail, Yakov, David, Pavel, Sergey, Andrey, Valentin, Denis, Vasily, Konstantin, Mark, Philip, Thomas, Kuzma, Tikhon, Anatoly, Matvey, Alexander, Kirill, Innokenty, Stepan, Arseny, Vladimir, Efim, Fedor, Daniil, Fedot, Leonid, Emelyan, Gury, Terenty, Galaktion, Evsey, Stanislav, Ipaty, Maxim, Samson, Demyan, Demid.

Names for boys born in August 2020

Born in the month of August, boys are endowed with decency, strong character, independence and dislike of pressure from others.

Despite their good nature and nobility of nature, those born in August are too adamant to easily admit their mistakes and listen to other people's opinions.

What to name a boy born in August in 2020? The following names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of character:

  • Gleb,
  • Rodion,
  • Boris,
  • August,
  • Anton,
  • Markel,
  • Maxim,
  • Clement,
  • Alexander,
  • Miron,
  • Leonid,
  • Nikolay,
  • Sergey,
  • Zakhar,
  • Prokhor,
  • Novel,
  • Stepan,
  • Denis.

Names for those born in August according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Alexander, Roman, Ilya, Semyon, Gleb, David, Makar, German, Boris, Nikolay, Konstantin, Mikhail, Maxim, Leonty, Vasily, Stepan, Kuzma, Anton, Denis, Grigory, Leonid, Alexey, Matvey, Ivan, Peter, Julian, Dmitry, Fedor, Pavel, Philip, Georgy, Yuri, Frol, Evdokim, Egor, Nikanor, Savva.

Names for boys born in September 2020

Stubborn and very emotional boys are born in the month of September. Despite their ability to ignite like a torch, September babies do not like chaos, risk and the unknown. They love order, security and comfort.

September boys can be overly pedantic and scrupulous, conservative and meticulous, captive to order in everything.

What to name a boy born in September 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Paul,
  • Denis,
  • Gennady,
  • Evgeniy,
  • Anatoly,
  • Zakhar,
  • Novel,
  • Arkhip,
  • Ivan,
  • Andrey,
  • Yakov,
  • Kirill,
  • Timofey,
  • Georgy,
  • Arseny,
  • Gregory,
  • Fedor,
  • Afanasy.

Names for those born in September according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Andrey, Timofey, Fadey, Gregory, Peter, Nikandr, Ivan, Arseny, Afanasy, Savva, Alexander, Daniel, Makar, Christopher, Yakov, Gennady, Semyon, Pavel, Anton, Fedor, Julian, Maxim, David, Zakhar, Kirill, Mikhail, Gleb, Foma, Akim, Nikita, Khariton, Dmitry, German, Sergey, Fedot, Clement, Efim, Valery, Ilya, Leonty, Stepan, Victor, Kondrat, Andriyan, Nikolay, Pimen, Veniamin, Georgy, Arkhip, Lukyan, Porfiry, Arkady.

Names for boys born in October 2020

Boys born in October tend to have a very high level of intelligence. Practicality and rationality, coupled with talents, make them successful in adulthood, especially on the path of entrepreneurship.

They have a keen sense of justice, but are not inclined to be offended by trifles. They are stubborn and tenacious enough to defend their interests.

What to name a boy born in October in 2020? The following good names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of character:

  • Oleg,
  • Nazar,
  • Vladislav,
  • Martin,
  • Igor,
  • Fedor,
  • Dmitry,
  • Andrey,
  • Paul,
  • Innocent,
  • Sergey,
  • Alexander,
  • Vasily,
  • Ilya,
  • Vladimir,
  • Konstantin,
  • Philip.

Names for those born in October according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Andrey, Konstantin, David, Trofim, Fedor, Oleg, Dmitry, Peter, Anton, Ivan, Mikhail, Makar, Vladislav, Alexander, Stepan, Sergey, Mark, Vyacheslav, Khariton, Ignatius, Gregory, Roman, Denis, Vladimir, Pavel, Alexey, Matvey, Philip, Erofey, Thomas, Julian, Maxim, Nikita, Aristarchus, Ignat, Rodion, Igor, Demyan, Valerian.

Names for boys born in November 2020

November gives boys born this month a difficult character. Those born in November are usually distrustful, cunning and stubborn.

They know how to manipulate people, but are difficult to get along with in groups and tend to rely only on themselves. They can be emotional and hot-tempered.

What to name a boy born in November 2020? The following lucky names will help balance the positive and negative aspects of your character:

  • Maxim,
  • Timofey,
  • Philip,
  • Orestes,
  • Artem,
  • Maximilian,
  • Gregory,
  • Victor,
  • Sergey,
  • Konstantin,
  • Yakov,
  • Michael,
  • Ivan,
  • Stepan.
  • Dmitry,
  • Nikolai.

Names for those born in November according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Anton, Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Irakli, Denis, Konstantin, Ignat, Andrey, Mark, Maxim, Stepan, Dmitry, Zinovy, Georgy, Egor, Yuri, Grigory, Arseny, German, Pavel, Nikandr, Valery, Evgeny, Kirill, Fedor, Mikhail, Vincent, Victor, Nikifor, Fedot, Matvey, Illarion, Osip, Taras, Rodion, Evgeniy, Julian, Philip, Vsevolod, Paramon.

Names for boys born in December 2020

Emotionality and temper - distinctive features boys born in December. However, among pronounced features Their personality can also be called perseverance in achieving goals, ambition and independence. Often last line will reach a passion for independence and love of freedom.

Despite their temper, boys and men born in December very quickly stop being angry and are not vindictive. They do not like routine and monotonous, scrupulous work. They also don’t like to count and save money.

What to name a boy born in December 2020? The following lucky names will help smooth out the negative aspects of your character and enhance the positive ones:

  • Artem;
  • Kirill;
  • Mark;
  • Andrey;
  • Nikolai;
  • Tryphon;
  • Moses;
  • Semyon;
  • Sevostyan;
  • Valerian;
  • Spiridon;
  • Zakhar;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Paul;
  • Paramon;
  • Clement.
  • Sergey,
  • Anatoly,
  • Dmitry,
  • Nikolai.

Names for those born in December according to the calendar, the church calendar:

Alexey, Roman, Anatoly, Grigory, Ivan, Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Georgy, Valery, Egor, Yuri, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Vasily, Stepan, Andrey, Gennady, Gabriel, Zakhar, Nikolay, Anton, Leo, Cyril, Thomas, Daniel, Arkady, Pavel, Arseny, Orestes, Mark, Adrian, Yaroslav, Mitrofan, Clement, Arkhip.

The most crucial moment for every future parent is choosing a name for their child. In 2018, the rules for choosing a name will be special, because the year will be quite calm in terms of energy.

The Fire Rooster will be replaced in 2018 by the Earth Dog, or, as it is also called, the Yellow Dog. This is a symbol of fidelity, kindness, devotion, wisdom. This year will be the direct opposite of the previous one, so the final choice of name should be made after January 1, or even better - in February, when the energy of the new year has settled down along with your mood. However, you can start choosing a name now. The site's specialists have compiled the site for you best names for boys according to feng shui, astrology and esotericism.

Choosing a name according to the eastern calendar

Let's return to our Dog. This year will be a year of great thoughts, planning, making important decisions. The Yellow Dog is a symbol of friendship and kindness, caution and creativity. Names for boys, according to eastern calendar, should be filled with creative and calm energy. Among these names are the following: Ivan, Peter, Kirill, Anton, Fedor, Maxim, Anatoly, Konstantin, Artem, Philip, Semyon, Roman, Nikolai, Arthur.

Names such as Vladimir, Dmitry, Oleg, Gennady, Sergey are full of harsh energy and do not correspond to the spirit of the 2018 Yellow Dog, so they should be avoided.

The meaning of the name also carries enormous weight. The meaning of the name should be close to the word wise, intelligent, strong, calm. This may include names such as Alexey, Valentin, Ilya, Pavel, Konstantin. Check the meaning of names and draw conclusions based on the sound of the name. It will be best option name for a boy in 2018, if you look at it from the point of view of the eastern calendar.

These rules are universal, so they are not tied to nationality or place of residence. Feng Shui is a universal tool and a universal collection of tips for all occasions, including even choosing a name.

Astrology and choosing a name in 2018

Astrologers say that 2018 will be a very unusual year, but not because its events will be dynamic, but because of its unpredictability. The stars and planets will be in doubtful conjunctions, and the harmony will be inconsistent. Overall, this year could be a turning point in many matters.

The astrological forecast for the coming 2018 is not favorable in all respects, but this is a great time for the birth of a child. There will be no bad names, but the most suitable ones for each specific Zodiac Sign will be enough. Keep track of what Zodiac Sign your child will get.

Aries, Aquarius, Virgo: the most favorable names are strong, long, and not attracting much attention - Vladimir, Konstantin, Vladislav, Vyacheslav. The future man does not need to attract too much attention. Astrologers say that children born in 2018 under the auspices of these Signs will grow up quickly.

Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius: short names - Igor, Ivan, Artem, Semyon. The child will not always have enough fortitude. The boy will most likely grow up strong and modest, so a simple name will strengthen positive traits his character and will help fight weaknesses.

Gemini, Libra, Pisces: unusual names perfect for your boy. This may include names such as Arthur, Vsevolod, Miron, Demid, Ruslan. The main thing is that the child’s name is as rare as possible, because the boy will be strong in those areas that require high communication skills.

Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo: sonorous, memorable, but not pretentious names will perfectly emphasize the character of your child, who will try to be the first in everything. This may include Ilya, Ruslan, Denis, Igor, Boris.

These are just the most obvious examples, so you don't have to limit yourself to just these names.

Names in esotericism and bioenergy

Psychics call 2018 a bright and calm year. Based on this, names for a boy can be unique and rare, but in terms of their meaning they should not be provocative. The brightest names, according to psychics, are: Arseny, Ivan, Nikolay, Vladimir, Vitaly, Sergey, Gleb, Pavel, Efim, Prokhor, Stepan, Yaroslav. A name is a lucky talisman for a person, so in esotericism great attention is always paid to choosing a name. Magicians and seers are sure that the name determines the fate of the child, his character, his strengths and weaknesses. There are no perfect people, but you can always find a name in the best possible way. Trust your heart in the selection process.

The energy of the above names will be perfectly combined with the energy of the Universe. This year the center of abundance will be close to us, but only those who know how to approach the matter will be able to get what they want. Self-confidence is very important, so try to keep the meaning of the name as appropriate and close to “confident” as possible. This is a secondary condition, but it also cannot be rejected.

Each person builds his life in a way that is convenient for him, but the name gives him basic abilities and character traits. In bioenergetics, names are assessed according to their strength level, so that future parents can understand how to correctly name their child, what will be best for him. A strong name does not always predict a bright future, because strength requires a lot from a person. It's always better to find a compromise.

Remember that in this regard a person is like a boat - whatever you call him, that’s what his life will be. A sharp, sonorous name does not suit everyone. Some people need a “quieter” and calmer option. The energy of male names always comes first, because men need fortitude and self-confidence. Good luck choosing a name. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and