What is the name of the bank card monopoly? Monopoly Russia with bank cards. Circular and old Monopoly

Remain the only one not bankrupt

Progress of the game

Roll both dice; whoever gets the most points on the dice starts. The turn is passed clockwise. On your turn, roll the dice and advance your piece clockwise the number of steps rolled around the perimeter of the game board. Two or more pieces can be on the same field at the same time. Depending on which field you are on, either:
  • Buy real estate (if it does not belong to another player).
  • Allow the banker to auction the property (if you don't want to buy it).
  • Pay rent (if the property is owned by another player).
  • Pay taxes
  • Take the “Chance” or “Public Treasury” card.
  • You're going to jail.
  • If you own all color group, build houses or hotels on these plots. If you have used up the money, mortgage or sell the property to pay off creditors. If you fail to get enough money to pay rent, taxes, or a bill, you are declared bankrupt and out of the game. No player is allowed to borrow or lend money. However, another player can accept any of your properties in lieu of the money you owe him. If you roll a double, proceed as usual and roll again. If you roll three doubles in a row, you go to jail! The game continues until there is only one player left in the game. This player is the winner!

    Start of the game

    Press any key or insert a card. The initial balance of each player is 15m. rub. When a card is inserted into the bank, the card number is displayed on the screen along with the current balance of that player.

    Opportunities to get money:

  • Passing the field "Forward"
  • Rent
  • Sale of houses and hotels
  • Pledge
  • Bankrupt player
  • You receive money from the banker if:

  • If so indicated on the “Chance” and “Public Treasury” cards
  • Passage of the field "Forward"
  • Sales of houses and hotels
  • Secured loan

  • « »

    Video review

    Wait a minute, where did the money go?

    An exciting Monopoly with credit cards completely eliminates the possibility of paying with paper money. Now bank cards with an unlimited account are in use. However, the balance will be made up of the money that the player managed to earn on real estate.

    What's the point of this game?

    The essence and goal of the game are the same, but now banking Monopoly uses a terminal for non-cash payments; when owning a card, even a child will feel like a real tycoon who is ready to take risks to further make a profit. No stacks of paper equivalents, just single account, which receives funds from a rival that ends up on the owner’s property. This means that it is important to purchase completely purchased streets to bring in more profit, and also stations that can one day ruin other participants are needed.

    You can't cheat

    Banking Monopoly completely eliminates error or deception on the part of the opponent, because it has machine precision and is programmed for honesty. To use the payment terminal, you simply dial the required amount, after which the entered amount disappears from your opponent’s bank account. It's simple! You just won’t be able to lend or pay the player later; you’ll have to make do with the resources that are available on at the moment.

    But at least the rules of the game haven’t changed?

    At least the version of Monopoly with bank cards and updated, this did not particularly affect the rules of the game. The main goal of the game is to expand the largest monopoly, become a great businessman and bring all rivals to bankruptcy, and the modernized payment system will help with this. Buying houses, further construction of hotels, rent for ownership of property, auctions, random factor - this also applies to the update.

    Playing field

    The game "Monopoly with bank cards" uses the original playing field. Here the objects of monopolization are streets, separated by flowers. Each color of the street has its own cost to acquire, and subsequently a price as rent. Exactly in the middle part of each side of the field contains railways, which, when owned by one participant, guarantee him a decent amount when the opponent is in the territory. Situated on the field power plant And water supply d with some changes regarding the board.

    Also in the banking Monopoly there is a cell “ Jail”, which a participant ends up in if he moves to a field located diagonally from the place of imprisonment, as well as when throwing three doubles in a row on the dice. Fields " Chance" And " Public treasury” invite participants to draw a card with the same name, after which it is mandatory to follow all instructions, even if this leads to bankruptcy of the player, but in most cases the participant will receive a small reward.

    A little about the classic rules

    • The turn order between the participants is determined by the dice. The players throw it. The man who threw it away larger number, and begins the move, while the rest move clockwise from the starter.
    • The player starts from the field " Forward", then rolls the dice and moves to a position, taking into account the value rolled. By hitting this field again and again, the player receives a fixed fee from the bank.
    • A banker is selected - responsible for actions related to the bank's cash.
    • When entering real estate for the first time, the participant is supposed to choose whether he wants to purchase it for himself or not. Depending on the decision, the property is purchased by him or put up for auction. Minimum bid also asked by this player.
      • After the property has an owner, other players pay a fixed rent when they land on the purchased cell. If a complete street is collected, distinguished by its own color, the rent on each street is doubled. Then you can begin construction bodies. Each property card has a price for a house that can be built on any of the streets purchased in full. The more houses the owner has, the more he will receive from rivals for landing on the purchased cell.
    • On the field " Free parking» the player pays and receives nothing.
    • If the players own the property that another participant needs to start construction, then an exchange is possible between them if they come to terms that are favorable to each. In addition, purchased plots are allowed to be sold at any time during the course.
    • An outcome is possible when a player owns a lot of real estate, but at the same time he needs another one, for which there is not enough money. In this case, it is allowed to mortgage the purchased property, receiving half the cost from the bank. Then, when other participants enter the mortgaged field, they will not owe the annuity owner. To buy the property back, the amount indicated on the card + 10% is paid.

    « » is a game designed for participants, where the emphasis is on business people in the IT field. The game does not contain dice, so you should not neglect strategy; you have to rely on your entrepreneurial skills. The winner is the one who is the first to earn 27 coins or more when the deck with projects is completed - the main type of income for participants.

    Video review

    I've been wanting to buy something like this for my home for a long time. I dreamed of how on rainy or cold evenings, sitting comfortably with friends on a pull-out sofa, placing Monopoly in the center, while leisurely sipping mulled wine with my favorite candies, I would play.
    When Monopoly was purchased, everything turned out to be not so romantic... My husband and I played only together. Three times at most. And since then, the box with the game has been lying on the closet gathering dust.
    However, I can safely assure you that the game is cool and interesting to play, the only thing is that it takes a very long time, which is why we probably won’t get around to playing it.
    Plus, we only played together, and perhaps when more people are playing, it will be almost impossible to collect cards of the same color (to win), but more on that later...


    We bought the game in a small store, which was located along the corridor in Shopping center"Monsoon" of the city of Sevastopol. Cost - 2000 rubles. I don’t rule out that the game is a fake of the original, but maybe I’m wrong.
    Manufacturer, of course China; importer LLC "Nevada", St. Petersburg.
    Shelf life is unlimited.
    It is not recommended to give the game to children under three years of age.

    To play the game, we had to buy 2 batteries for the bank terminal.


    This is a fast-paced real estate trading game.
    The goal of the game is to win while remaining the only player who has not gone bankrupt.
    We must use our capital rationally, while trying to lead our opponents to absolute bankruptcy. Bankrupt leaves the game.
    The game is quite long, but you can speed it up.

    For example, play Fast Monopoly. Here the Banker (roughly speaking, the presenter) distributes 2 Owner cards at once, then the game continues as usual with some concessions when buying Houses and Hotels.

    There is also Speed ​​Monopoly. Here everything is as simple as shelling pears, you agree on the time when the game should end. The richest player at the end of the game wins.


    The game is designed for 2-6 people. This is a huge plus because other Monopoly games mostly offer play for up to four people.
    Age 8+.


    • 1 playing field
    • electronic banking device (I’ll write more about it)
    • 6 bank cards (for 6 players respectively, very similar to real plastic bank cards)
    • Owner cards (this includes 2 Utility cards; 4 Airports; and of course, Lot cards)
    • Chance cards
    • Public Treasury cards
    • 2 game dice
    • 6 chips
    • 32 Houses (plastic green rectangles)
    • 12 Hotels (plastic red long rectangles)
    • instructions (quite sparse, not everything is clear from it)

    Size - 50 by 50 cm. The field is made of fairly thick cardboard, hard. It is colorful, bright, with beautiful drawings. Drawn in the center of the field brand name games, as well as architectural monuments Russia.

    Along the edges of the field is divided into cells containing Cities, Treasury, Chance, Prison, Taxes and the like.

    It is compactly assembled and reduced by 4 times.


    Simply put - Terminal. This is exactly my problem.

    When I bought the game, I very much doubted it, expecting that the terminal might be glitchy and it would be easier to play the game with paper banknotes. But my husband still insisted on buying a game with a terminal. Of course, it’s more interesting, it’s original, it’s cool, that’s what we thought...

    We played the first game normally, although we didn’t finish it completely. But in the second game, adventures happened... The terminal just froze , and after the reboot (they took out the batteries), all the money from the bank cards disappeared and the number 15,000 appeared, just like at the beginning of the game. The mood was ruined!
    Then we tried to play, remembering the score on the cards. And then history repeated itself. Then again and again. It was stressful to remember the numbers after each operation, and I was also sipping mulled wine at the same time, so I forced my husband to find banknotes for the game on the Internet and print them out, while in the evenings I sat cutting out banknotes and drawing zeros on them.

    Another minus of the terminal is speed. The game packaging cleverly states that playing with cards is a time saver. In fact, no. It's much faster to issue money or repay a debt by handing over a paper banknote, rather than turning on the terminal, inserting cards, pressing how much to transfer funds, etc... it all takes much longer.


    1. B Owner cards includes three types of property:

    • Utility cards are one Internet card and one Mobile card;
    • Airport cards - 4 pcs.;
    • cards Areas, also known as Cities. There are the most of these cards - 22 pcs.
      They come in 8 colors. 6 colors have 3 cities each (that is, one color has 3 cities of this color) and 2 colors have 2 cities each. What does it mean? You ideally need to collect City Lots of the same color; if you do this, you become a monopolist and can build Houses, Hotels on these lots and collect increased rent.

    2. Cards Chance- 16 pieces. You can get them if a Chance appears on the field. Chance can bring you profit in the form of money, or vice versa, you will be asked to pay for something, or Chance can move you to another city or Prison. It depends on your luck here.

    3. Public Treasury Cards also 16 pcs. Very similar to Chance, you can also, for example, receive an inheritance, or you can pay some kind of tax to the Treasury, or end up in Prison.


    Silver metal chips - 6 pieces, as well as maximum quantity players. Made in the form race car, hamburger, roller skates, airplane, mobile phone, skateboard

    Each participant chooses a chip they like, which will indicate where the participant is on the field.


    First, let's get comfortable, because the game is long. Then you need to choose a Banker, who in turn can simultaneously be a player. The banker gives the players a bank card containing 15M (millions, in numbers this equals 15 thousand) or gives this money in playing notes if the game is played without a terminal.
    Then players select Chips and place them on the Forward (Start) field. Then the participants take turns throwing the dice; whoever has the most goes first. The game begins. The first player rolls the dice and moves the Chip across the field based on the number that appears. If a City is written on the cell, the player can buy it. When a player enters a City that was not purchased by him, he pays Rent. The point is for the player to collect cards with Lots of the same color, then he will be able to build Houses and Hotels on them, and after construction, collect increased Rent from competitors and then, perhaps, they will go bankrupt.
    After a player completes a round of the Game, he receives a cash bonus of 2M on the Forward square.
    So the game continues, first Plots are purchased, then real estate is built on them.
    In this case, players may suffer losses. For example, after purchasing Plots, the player is broke, and then he ends up on someone else’s property - he needs to pay Rent. Then the player begins to mortgage his Plots, after which he will no longer be able to receive Rent from them, and accordingly loses his profit.
    If the expenses of one of the players do not cover the total value of the purchased property, the player is declared bankrupt.
    The game ends when only 1 participant remains on the field. He becomes the winner.


    • A fun game for a group
    • It will be interesting for both adults and children
    • You can try different strategies
    • Beautiful design, cards, field
    • Quality product (not counting the terminal)


    • Terminal
    • There were not enough chips for Houses and Hotels
    • Very long game

    Just a note.It's always more interesting to play for something... Let it be your favorite chocolate bar, and if you are allergic to sweets, let the loser wash the dishes all day.

    Of all board games it is “Monopoly” that occupies a leading position in terms of polarity and demand in all corners of the world. It went on sale more than 80 years ago, but even after this time it has not lost its relevance. Children and adults enjoy playing it. This is due to the fact that this is not just a game, but a real economic strategy. You won’t be able to rely on luck; every step requires thought and a rational approach. The varieties of Monopoly, game rules and reviews will be discussed in this article.

    As is usually the case, the first versions of Monopoly did not arouse interest among investors. Its creator had to independently release several copies. The public liked the game so much that several thousand copies were immediately sold. Since then, sales have only increased and Monopoly has become the most popular economic strategy game of all time.

    The game has no geographical restrictions. It is played in all corners of the world. It will be a wonderful gift for both children and adults. Over time, the creators developed several varieties of Monopoly, which made it possible to practically eliminate the age barrier. The classic game was intended for people over 8 years old, but now there are simplified versions for younger children.

    How many players can play Monopoly? A standard game requires 2 to 6 players. Everyone has their own individual chip. The task of each player is to reach the end as an entrepreneur and not go bankrupt. The more players are involved, the more interesting and difficult it is to play, because you need to take into account the influence and interests of everyone.

    The advantages of Monopoly are that it will allow you to develop strategic thinking, ingenuity, and teach you an entrepreneurial “sense.” The game is also very exciting and captivating from the first minutes.

    Rules of the game "Monopoly" classic board

    The pioneer among many versions was the classic board game Monopoly. Its principle is based on the use of cubes and icons, which must be located on the cells of the playing field.

    At first glance, the rules of the game seem elementary: you need to throw the dice and move the chip as many moves as indicated by the numerical value on the side of the cube. The catch is that this move must be made deliberately.

    Regardless of how many participants play, the rules of the game and its basic principles remain the same.

    The dropped number will indicate a specific action that the player must take.

    This action could be:

    • acquisition of personal property;
    • payment for real estate rental if the player wanders into the territory of another entrepreneur;
    • payment of taxes;
    • completing the task indicated by the card;
    • skipping a turn in favor of another player:
    • receiving wages and much more.

    The peculiarity of this game is that those who are lagging behind in the game can suddenly become leaders. The main thing is to make the right move.

    preparatory measures

    Before the game you need to decide on the key points:

    1. Where to place hotels, money, houses and other game elements. They must be in different sectors (some are open, others are upside down and invisible to players).
    2. The cards called “Community Treasury” and “Chance” are mixed well and placed with the hidden side facing up.
    3. Correct placement of player chips.
    4. Identify the Banker - an important person in Monopoly. He is in charge of all finances and has a significant privilege - he cannot go bankrupt.
    5. Find out who will go first. To do this, roll the dice. Whoever has the highest number on the rolled side will open the game. The remaining players enter the process clockwise from the leader.


    The game is based on a single principle - you need to roll the dice and move the chip to as many positions as indicated on the dice.

    It is the cell that indicates what actions the player is required to take and his responsibilities to others. One cell may indicate that the participant needs to perform a mandatory action, otherwise he will break the rules of the game. Other cells are only advisory in nature.

    There are many strategies that can lead to victory. One of the most popular is to buy out completely railway and own it throughout the game. It will generate constant income and the player will not face bankruptcy.

    The participant can also purchase real estate in Monopoly. Along with it, he also receives a card that confirms his ownership of the cage. On such an empty plot he can erect a building, a hotel and a railway station. Such a plot can only be sold if it is not completely built up. Other players who enter the site must pay rent in the form of a certain amount.

    Experienced monopolists advise buying real estate in one color sector. If it is purchased in its entirety, then its owner receives the right to erect buildings on the neighboring territory.

    If a player wants to build a house, then up to 4 such structures can be built on one cell. Construction should be gradual: erect one building, and only then proceed to the next. In the event that the territory is not pledged to the Bank, then the houses can be sold to other participants. Houses also increase the rent for those who land on a competitor's square.

    When all 4 houses are lined up on the square, you can begin building the hotel. It will further strengthen the player's position and increase the rent for others. In this case, all 4 houses will have to be sold to the Bank (only to it) and a certain amount will also be paid. Hotel is profitable investment and the opportunity to increase your funds.

    The “Chance” and “Public Treasury” cells oblige the player to take a card and follow the instructions prescribed on them.

    “Prison” captures the player for 3 turns. After which he will still have to pay a decent amount to get out of it. You can go to prison if you end up on the square of the same name or when the same value appears on the side of the cube 3 times in a row. Being here deprives the player of his salary, but not his rent.

    If the player anticipates bankruptcy, then he can borrow money from the Bank at a 10% commission. This is only possible if there is at least 1 building on the site.

    Bankruptcy means a loss, and such a participant is eliminated from the game.

    Rules of the game "Monopoly Millionaire"

    The rules of the Monopoly Millionaire game are very similar to classic version. But this version has updates that will make the game even more fun. These innovations include:

    1. The object of trade is now elite property (fairytale castle, city of attractions, etc.).
    2. The functions of the Banker have exhausted themselves. Now each participant can independently cope with this task. The position of Realtor, who will issue real estate cards, is now relevant. At the same time, he can fully take part in the game on equal terms with others.
    3. There are already 3 chips involved in the game. Each of them improves the player's standard of living. They can be used alternately when the player passes through the “Forward” field.
    4. New cards have appeared - “Life of a Millionaire” and “Fortune”. They are designed to increase profits. The cards carry specific instructions. For example, they will allow you to sell a car or receive gifts from other participants.

    In all other respects, the rules remain classic: you need to roll the dice and move the chips around the field.

    Game "Monopoly" video: rules of the game

    Monopoly is a complex strategy that requires a lot of ingenuity and thinking. The rules of the game cannot be called simple either: there are many nuances, subtleties, and features. You can talk about them, but a video about the rules of the game would be more clear.

    The video below will show you how to play Monopoly correctly and beat your opponents.

    Rules of the game "Monopoly real estate"

    The rules of the game "Monopoly Real Estate" are aimed at ensuring that the player becomes the sole monopolist of all real estate. To do this you will have to make a lot of effort and use all your mental abilities.

    If in the classic version the participant’s goal is to make a profit by all means, then this option is for those who like to trade real estate.

    The rules of the game remain the same: having personal capital, you need to purchase and rent buildings, save money and purchase large real estate from other players.

    "Monopoly Empire" game rules

    A more luxurious version of the game is Monopoly Empire. Even the color of the chips and the field makes this known: the field is now black, and the chips are gold.

    The rules of the game are such that this time you will need to purchase not real estate, but well-known brands. The “luxury” class can also be seen in the fact that purchased brands need to be stored in special glass skyscrapers (each player has his own pencil case for this).

    The first one to fill his tower to capacity became a millionaire and won the game.

    In all other respects, this is the usual and well-known Monopoly game.

    "World Monopoly" game rules

    "World Monopoly", the game rules of which are very similar to the classic "Monopoly", brings variety to the already familiar gameplay.

    In this case, the player will become familiar with the following new fields:

    1. Travel agency - the player passes the move and pays the cost of the trip through the Bank.
    2. Around the world - the player has made a full circle around the field. In this case, the Bank pays the participant funds.
    3. One way ticket - the player will be given a route where he must go. The outcome depends on the player’s actions: to be in a foreign city you will have to pay rent, a free field can be purchased, and your possessions will be free.

    "Monopoly bank without borders" game rules

    As in the traditional game, the rules of the Monopoly Bank Without Borders game aim for the player to take possession of all the real estate in one sector. But the difference between this version is that all operations are performed automatically using an ATM.

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    • the field should be laid out;
    • turn on the device;
    • follow directions.

    The game continues until one of the players goes bankrupt. Then the game stops, and the payment device automatically calculates the savings of each participant.

    Public Execution and Chance are now named Event and Placement.

    Using the device is very simple. You need to place the card on the payment terminal with the bar code facing down. When a beep sounds, the operation is completed.

    "Monopoly game of thrones" game rules

    For Game of Thrones fans, the collector's version of the game of the same name will be a real discovery. The rules remain unchanged, but the action takes place not on a simple field, but on the map of Westeros. Various objects from Game of Thrones are located along the perimeter.

    Instead of hotels there are castles, and instead of cities there are medieval villages. The pieces also changed into figures of a dire wolf, dragon eggs, etc.

    All this gives the game a special flavor, but in essence it is the same economic strategy that has been known to everyone for decades.

    "Road Monopoly" game rules

    Road Monopoly is divided into two sectors: assets and events. The first, as usual, can be purchased if they are free, or you need to pay for them if they are occupied.

    As in the original version, the player's goal is to take possession of a large number assets. But there is also a difference - many factors arise that make the game more unpredictable and acute.

    As a result, the tactics of the game change, interest and desire to become a millionaire appear.

    Game "Monopoly with bank cards"

    The game keeps up with modern needs. Now you can pay not with money, but with a plastic card. You just need to touch the card to the bank terminal and they will immediately go to the player’s account.

    The game "Monopoly with bank cards" is an innovative option, more interesting and exciting. The “framework” remains the same: you need to buy property, pay taxes and rent, and get richer with every move.

    The automated system makes the process original and makes you feel like a real monopolist.

    Monopoly Junior game, rules

    Children under 5 years old can also play the legendary game. "Monopoly Junior" will allow you to get acquainted with the process in a simplified form and understand the principle through simple manipulations.

    The child will be attracted by colorful cards and chips in the form of figures. This will make it easier for children to understand the game and understand its essence.

    The task remains the same: you need to move around the playing field and buy property. But it’s more interesting for a child - a zoo, a cafe, a swimming pool, etc. The characters are Kitten, Puppy, Ship and Car.

    Monopoly Junior can be played by 2 to 4 players.

    The rules of the game are:

    • lay out the field and select a character;
    • place a chip on the “Forward” cell;
    • “Chance” cards must be placed face down in a special field;
    • Banker is appointed;
    • everyone takes turns clockwise.

    Children's game "Monopoly", rules

    The children's game "Monopoly" is a smaller copy of the famous game. She teaches children how to properly handle money, value it and manage it correctly.

    The bills in this version are smaller than in the standard game. Buildings and structures have been replaced with attractions to make it more interesting for children to delve into the game.

    Rules for children's "Monopoly":

    1. Lay out the field.
    2. Place chips - cars on the “Forward” field.
    3. Give each player the required number of ticket boxes (cards) of the same color as the machine.
    4. Appoint a Banker and they issue funds to the players.
    5. Place the “Try Your Luck” cards in the designated sector.
    6. Use the dice to determine who will play first (the one who gets the larger number on the side of the cube).
    7. The first player rolls the dice and the game begins, as in the traditional version.

    Monopoly internet, rules

    You can also play the famous game on the Internet. The rules remain the same, only the field is not in front of the player, but on the screen.

    You can play both with a computer mind and with an online opponent. Participants also need to achieve financial well-being, buying up property and getting rich. The banker in this situation can be a system that will comply with the issuance of funds.

    Online - Monopoly is one of the most popular games on the Internet.

    Monopoly game: which one is better?

    Choosing which version of Monopoly is better is very difficult. The choice depends on the age of the players, their preferences and mood at the moment. Some people like to get rich in real estate, some like to travel around the map, and others like to feel like a character from “Game of Thrones”.

    According to statistics, the most popular version is the classic Monopoly. This is also due to the fact that it was released much earlier than the latest versions. Perhaps over time they will also reach this level.

    Game "Monopoly": reviews

    If you visit the “Monopoly” section of the famous global toy manufacturer Hasbro, you can read the following reviews:

    “This is the game of the millennium. She teaches you how to manage money correctly, plan several steps ahead, and make forecasts. The game improves intelligence."

    “At first it was difficult, because the rules are not so simple. But then the game gets addictive, you want to beat your competition and become a millionaire.”

    "Monopoly is the perfect game for small company. She completely captivates, the excitement intensifies with each new move. It's great that there are children's versions. I will definitely teach the game to my child.”

    Whichever version of Monopoly is chosen, it will be a great gift, a way to have fun and develop your mental abilities. No wonder the game has not lost its popularity over the years. Thanks to new versions, it lives on and interests a new generation.

      Playing field;

      6 game pieces;

      28 property cards;

      16 “Treasury” cards;

      16 “Chance” cards;

      Payment terminal;

      6 bank cards;

      32 house figures;

      12 hotel figures;

      2 game dice;

      Rules of the game.

    Now you can pay with bank cards in Monopoly!

    Here is a “pumped up” version of the classic one. This legendary game appeared with the light hand of Charles Darrow in 1933, becoming a real bestseller that everyone has probably heard of. Selling in millions of copies, for almost a century it has remained relevant and interesting, acquiring hundreds of versions, improvements, additions and copies.

    But this time, the manufacturer Hasbro decided to make a really interesting and functional innovation - to replace paper banknotes with real chip ones. plastic cards and a payment terminal!

    Of course, the camp of technophobes, enemies of smartphones and other gadgets, will loudly say that Monopoly is no longer the same. And they will be extremely wrong. After all, Monopoly is a training game that helps not only to develop, but also to learn. The classic game teaches you how to handle money, trade real estate, negotiate and trade. So why not keep up with the times and learn to operate with bank cards, which in many countries have already become more popular than paper banknotes?

    A monopoly with bank cards, which on the one hand does not make it possible to count banknotes, on the other hand, has two huge advantages:

    1. Teach younger players how to operate bank cards and payment terminals.

    2. And for older people, it will make the game process easier and eliminate the need to fuss with calculations and banknotes.

    How do the terminal and cards work?

    At the beginning, players register their bank cards by inserting them into the terminal, 1500M is credited to each card. Then, during the game, participants will enter the required amount and operation (pay or receive) on the terminal, inserting their cards into the terminal, with the balance of which the specified transaction will occur.

    Payment between players is also quite simple - first the debtor inserts his card, enters the required amount, presses the appropriate button and takes out the card. After this, the recipient of the money inserts his card, and the amount from the first player’s card will be transferred to it.

    Has anything else changed in the rules of the game?

    The basis and all the mechanics of the game remain in place - we still roll the dice, move beautiful figures across the playing field, fight with the “gifts” of fate, end up in prison, pay taxes, buy out plots, build real estate and make our opponents bankrupt.

    Who should play Monopoly with bank cards?

    Perhaps, like any Monopoly game, this version today is aimed primarily at children and adults who have no experience in board games. She still brilliantly teaches how to understand finances, plan, be able to deal with random events and negotiate. And, of course, have a great time in any company. Therefore it is suitable for the game:

    This Monopoly can be played by 2 to 6 players, and the age limit is also 8 years old.