How to open a private children's school, what documents are needed? Private school business plan

All parents want to give their children a quality education. However, achieving this dream is very difficult these days. The state education system is in a deep crisis, and major improvements should not be expected in the near future. Classes are usually overcrowded, so teachers cannot pay adequate attention to all students. The level of teaching is also most often not up to par. This state of affairs suggests that paid educational services will be in high demand, and that parents will be happy to send their child to a private school. It seems that opening a private school is a very promising idea. Is this really true?

Before asking yourself how to open a private school, you should find out whether parents are really ready to use paid services. As practice shows, not all parents are ready to take such a step. Even in large cities, where people do not experience serious problems with employment and receive a stable wages There are very few people who want to send their child to a private educational institution. As a rule, there are no more than twenty percent of the total population of the city.

Opening a private educational institution- this is very complex process, so you need to start with serious marketing research.

At the first stage, it is necessary to interview as many parents as possible and find out whether they are really willing to pay for the education of their children. If there are enough applicants, then it is very important to find out exactly what requirements parents have for the quality of education.

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What do parents want?

It is no secret that the state educational system today is busy not so much with teaching as with testing its students. Public school simply "requires" that every student know what two are two. How he finds out is not important. If a child does not understand something at school, it becomes a headache for parents, not teachers. In fact, a public school, while providing educational services, does not guarantee in any way that the student will actually receive the necessary knowledge.

Parents who want to see their children educated people, are forced to study with them themselves or hire a tutor. This requires a lot of time or money, so they will be ready to send their child to a private school only if you provide a guarantee of quality education. Until recently, studying at a private school was considered prestigious. Today, people are less and less inclined to pay for “prestige” and are increasingly demanding about quality and guarantees. You should not think that “since I opened a private school, I can take an authoritarian position in relation to my parents.”

This is a fundamental question. And you need to pay close attention to it. It should be taken into account that today there are a sufficient number of offers on the market from tutors, educators, tutors and nannies. Their services are used because in this case, a parent, hiring a teacher, has the right to control his activities, evaluate them, and if he is not satisfied with the quality of the service, then refuse it. The services of a private school will be used only if this factor remains unchanged. Before opening a private school, it is necessary to consider how parents will evaluate and monitor the activities of the teacher.

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Why a non-profit organization?

Well, with this question everything is more or less clear. The right of parents to control the activities of teachers and influence the educational process become the most important factors in your unique selling proposition. Now we will talk directly about the procedure that must be followed to open a private school. And it is quite complicated. First of all, you should know that neither open nor closed limited liability companies, nor other commercial institutions can engage in educational activities. That is, any commercial enterprise can organize paid seminars, invite people to paid trainings, advise people for money, or give lectures. However, they have no right to issue any documents certifying that a person has been trained and is a certified specialist.

Only non-profit organizations have the right to provide educational services. If you open a private school by registering it as an LLC, CJSC or OJSC, this will be an illegal act. A non-profit organization in this case can have any form. It is not at all necessary to register a private school as an “educational institution”. This form of registration is possible, but it can also be a public association, consumer cooperative, association, autonomous non-profit organization, foundation or non-profit partnership.

Basically, if you want to open a private school, you can register any form non-profit organization from those listed above. you can choose exactly the one that you consider convenient for yourself. The main thing is that you must understand that activities in the field of education are subject to mandatory licensing. And obtaining a license confirming your right to conduct such activities is quite difficult. A license can only be obtained after state registration, and you should not provide educational services before you receive a license, otherwise you may face many unnecessary problems. Do not rush into this under any circumstances, but wait for a response from the Ministry of Education Russian Federation.

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How to get a license?

In order to obtain a license, you need to prepare a package of documents. This package includes an application from a legal entity, the founder of a non-profit organization, a copy of the non-profit organization’s registration certificate, and a copy of the non-profit organization’s charter. All these copies must be certified by a notary. If the copies are not certified by a notary, then you will have to provide the originals of these documents, which may be more difficult for you. You also need to inform identification number taxpayer and submit a certificate of registration with the tax authority.

You must calculate in advance how many students you are willing to accept within your educational institution and how many teachers you will need to hire, because this information will also be required to obtain a license. It is very important to purchase or rent the building in which you will locate the school in advance. It must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. In addition to the premises in which classes are planned to be held, there should be premises for feeding schoolchildren and a medical center. It is important to have a room for physical education and at least a small stadium.

It does not matter whether these objects are your property or you rent them, you must document your right to dispose of these objects for the organization of the educational process. In addition, all regulatory authorities, such as the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, the State Fire Service, the State Safety Inspectorate traffic, must give you their opinion that this building is suitable for housing a school. You will also need to obtain a license from the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia. This license must confirm that the equipment you are using is suitable for use and you are authorized to use it.

You need to create a program that you will use in your pedagogical activity. It should consistently indicate all the disciplines that you plan to teach in your educational institution. This program must be accurately calculated, and it must indicate the load on the student that does not exceed permissible standards. In addition, you should purchase the necessary textbooks, teaching aids, and ensure that the technical equipment of the school is at a sufficiently high level. Such information will also need to be provided to obtain a license.

You will also need to notify the regulatory authorities about how well your school is staffed, under what conditions teachers will work at the school, and what their professional level is. Eventually you will have to apply full list all documents provided to obtain a license. Once you obtain the necessary license, you can open a school and begin teaching.

General educational activities can be called not only always in demand, but also necessary. However, very often the level of education can hardly be called adequate, which is why parents are increasingly thinking about looking for a private school for their child, since these are the institutions that provide qualified help in mastering any subject. That is why there must be not only demand, but also supply. Today there are many private schools, but opening such an institution is quite difficult. Despite this, opening a private school can be considered the most attractive, interesting and profitable type of business, especially if you do everything wisely, carefully studying every nuance and pattern of this type of business.
As noted, opening a private school requires a lot of effort. First of all, you need to obtain a permit that allows you to carry out teaching activities.

To do this, you will have to follow a large number of instructions, which the employees of the district department of public education will tell you about. After this, you need to find a suitable premises and rent it. It must be of acceptable size. Plus, it’s impossible to do without major renovations that create comfortable and safe conditions for children. It is also worth purchasing appropriate interior items.
It should also be noted that making a profit from a private school is also not an easy matter. After all, in order to pay wages and increase them, it is necessary to recruit a certain number of students who can pay at least $500 for a month of training. This is the only way to make money from a private school. In addition, from school it will not be possible to create, for example, a closed joint stock company, and at the same time receive dividends from securities. The school specifies that all earnings cash must go towards its maintenance. Plus, a private school will not immediately receive state accreditation, which means that each graduate will have to take exams twice - at the private school itself and at a state-level educational institution. Moreover, you can do without internal exams at all, or use them solely as preparation for exams in a secondary school.
But private schools also have advantages. For example, they differ from government institutions in that they can expand standard general educational programs, and also increase total quantity hours allocated for studying subjects, which will depend only on the interests of the parents and the children themselves. In addition, children studying in private schools master programs and techniques that develop their leadership qualities, business activity and communication skills.
Private schools prioritize issues related to language training. Indeed, today many parents, first of all, care about how well their children know foreign languages. That's why it's worth expanding the program with a couple required languages and a couple of languages ​​as an elective. Plus, very often private schools prepare children for exams in foreign languages, for which they will receive international certificates.
However, what is even more important to parents is the prospect of their child entering a certain higher education institution. It is for this reason that the orientation of the most successful private schools is aimed at specific prestigious universities. That is why, when students enter high school, the educational institution’s specialists select those programs that are designed to prepare their own graduates for further study.
To attract maximum quantity students, private schools should develop individual programs related to in-depth study of certain subjects. But it is worth remembering that there is a basic syllabus, which guides state secondary schools.
Most private schools develop thanks to the founders and teaching staff. Basically, the opening of private schools is carried out by innovative teachers who are tired of being content with government programs. secondary schools. Moreover, other investors pay extremely little attention to private educational services, since they consider this business not profitable, which is why they do not invest their own funds in it. This is due to the fact that private schools, in accordance with Russian legislation, do not belong to commercial organizations, and all financial resources earned with their help must be used for the purposes defined in the charter. It is also worth noting that the owner’s profit will only be the salary accrued to him.
Plus, another frightening factor for investors is that in the most massive segment with an average price, profits rarely exceed $7,000. Moreover, more than half of it needs to be spent on developing new curricula or purchasing them, as well as paying freelance teachers.
It is also worth noting that 70 percent of income in private schools comes from monthly tuition fees. Another 15-20 percent of the profit comes from grants and sponsors. Also, about 3-7 percent comes from entrance fees. In addition, additional paid classes can be conducted at school, but their share is very small - only 2-5 percent.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, in the best possible way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

Many parents prefer private educational institutions to public schools, which is why a budding entrepreneur may be interested in the project of creating a private school.

This private school business plan is a short guide to organizing a private business in the field of educational services with a relatively quick two-year turnover of invested money.

The success of a business plan largely depends on the skillful implementation of the set goals:

  • achieve high profitability of the future school;
  • get a high and stable income;
  • meet the demand for educational services.

One of the main conditions for achieving these goals is the correct location of the school and obtaining a license to conduct this extremely profitable, but somewhat risky business.

You should also adhere to the timing and main stages of implementing the business plan.

The most important and one of the first points of the business plan is obtaining a commercial loan, the interest on which will need to be paid from the first month of the project.

Monetary estimate for a private school business plan

The cost of this project is 3,060,000 rubles. Approximate interest rate – 24%.

What will be the main expenses:

  • rent, or better yet, purchase and renovation of a suitable premises with an area of ​​at least 1500-2500 m²;
  • registration of a license to carry out teaching activities;
  • purchase of capital equipment;
  • selection and hiring of teaching and technical personnel;
  • curriculum development;
  • organization of the learning process;
  • advertising company;
  • unexpected expenses.

In case of successful implementation of the presented business project, the income will be about 278,700 rubles.

Required Equipment

When organizing a private school, you can do without purchasing a school bus, but the following list of equipment is basic:

  • desks, chairs, boards;
  • everything for a computer class;
  • equipment for the gym, canteen, first-aid post, labor office, teacher's room, etc.

The technical equipment of a private school must meet safety regulations and increase the competitiveness of the institution.

Good to know!

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A few important points for a successful private school business plan

1. The enrollment of students directly depends on the location of the private school. Therefore, it is better to rent a room in a prestigious residential area, with good transport connections and parking. IN lately In this regard, cottage villages in the Moscow region are promising.
2. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of qualified teaching staff who can successfully work even with “difficult” children.
3. The presence of a license, certification and state accreditation will significantly increase the reputation of a private school.
4. Focus on in-depth study of foreign languages.
5. Computer class equipped with modern technology.
6. Well-established connections with prestigious universities, which students can enroll in after graduating from a private school.
7. Expanding the scope of standard educational programs according to the interests of students and their parents.
8. Saving money on rent and salaries.
9. Tuition at a private school in Moscow must be at least $300 per month per student.

Studying at a private school is the dream of all parents. The only obstacle to implementation can be the cost of the issue or the absence of such a school. You will help solve half the problem by opening your own school. This is not an easy business, but it is noble and quite profitable.

From the quality of education received in high school, without exaggeration, it depends how it turns out adult life. The ability to perceive new knowledge and find application for it, professional growth are prerequisites for successful life are laid down in childhood.

Many parents have already realized the value of a quality secondary education, but finding a school that meets their aspirations is very difficult. In overcrowded classes, it is impossible to pay due attention to each student, and the level of training of the teachers themselves leaves much to be desired.

The conclusion suggests itself that private schools, devoid of the shortcomings of state educational institutions, should be popular. But in reality, not all parents are willing to pay for their child’s education. Even in large cities, where income levels are quite high, the number of families wishing to transfer their child to a private school does not exceed 20 percent. Therefore, the first step before organizing a private school should be to study the demand in your city. Interview as many potential consumers of your service as possible to understand whether there are prospects for recruiting a sufficient number of students, what hopes parents have for studying in a private school, and how much they are willing to pay for their children’s education.

Parents' wishes

A situation has arisen in which the main focus of public school teachers is not on imparting knowledge to students, but on instilling test-taking skills. A student with such a teaching system may not know why 2x2 = 4; he must remember the correct answer. The result is cramming and the inability to think independently. If parents oversee their child’s education, they are forced to take on filling systemic gaps. The school actually prepares students to take tests for admission to a higher education institution, and does not guarantee the quality of education.

It's no secret that to deepen their knowledge, parents have to hire tutors. Individual lessons are expensive and time consuming. Naturally, families are willing to pay for education only if the school provides a decent quality of knowledge. The times when children were sent to private schools for the sake of prestige are gone; now, when choosing an educational institution, parents want to be sure of the usefulness of the program and the qualifications of the teachers. This desire is natural and you must recognize the right to control the quality of the services provided.

How to register a private school

Obtaining permission to conduct educational activities is not easy. Such common forms of business as LLC, CJSC, OJSC are not suitable for registration. Of course, it is not forbidden to engage in educational activities on a commercial basis; you can conduct seminars, courses, trainings, etc., but you will not have the right to issue documents confirming the education received.

Only non-profit organizations of any form have the right to provide educational services. A school can be registered as an educational institution, a public association, an autonomous non-profit organization, a foundation, an association, etc. All of these forms require mandatory licensing, and the main difficulty in opening a private school is precisely obtaining a license and passing state registration. It is not recommended to start educational activities without a license - this is fraught with problems.

Obtaining a license

To obtain a license, collect a package of documents:

  • Application from a legal entity that established a non-profit organization.
  • Certificate of registration of a non-profit organization (notarized copy).
  • Charter of the organization (notarized copy).
  • Taxpayer identification number.
  • Certificate of tax registration.
  • Information about the number of students and teachers.
  • Information and documents about the rented or purchased premises of the future school. The building must comply sanitary standards In addition to classrooms, there must be space for equipping a canteen, a medical center, and a gym.
  • Conclusions of the sanitary and epidemiological service, road safety inspection, fire service on the suitability of the premises for locating a school.
  • License from the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia on the suitability of equipment for operation and the rights to use it.
  • School program indicating academic disciplines. The program must indicate the load on students within acceptable standards.
  • Information about purchased textbooks, methodological manuals and technical equipment of the educational institution.
  • Information about teaching staff, their working conditions, professional level.
  • List of documents included in the package.

You can start recruiting students only after receiving a license.

How to obtain certification and accreditation

Your worries will not end with obtaining a license. To be eligible to issue certificates, you must be state accredited. After the school starts operating, you will have three years to confirm the declared professional level.

You need to pass state certification from the Ministry of Education. After the first graduation of students, you have the right to contact the ministry, and if there are no complaints, you will be certified. Only after this can you begin to apply for accreditation.

As you can see, opening a school, providing a high level of education that exceeds the quality of education in a regular school, attracting the attention of parents and convincing them of the benefits of studying at your school is very difficult. Your educational institution will gain popularity and trust only if you gather the best teachers under the roof of the school and are able to convey information about new school to the residents of your city. Make sure to cover this event in local press, in this case, regular advertising will not be enough. Detailed articles about a private school in newspapers, programs on a local TV channel, open days, positive reviews authoritative teachers - all this will be your asset and will attract attention.

Features and advantages of private schools

In large cities, private schools have been operating successfully for a long time, children in such educational institutions receive diverse knowledge, and the quality of education is noticeably improved by attracting the best teachers and a relatively small number of students. The task of a private school is to provide the child with maximum opportunities for harmonious intellectual and physical development taking into account individual characteristics every student.

The quality of education in a private school must exceed the level of knowledge that children can receive in a traditional school. Distinctive Features modern educational institution:

  • Paid training.
  • Additional training courses beyond the standard program (, basics of jurisprudence, mathematics, fine arts etc.).
  • The number of students in a class is no more than 15, and in total there are rarely more than 200 children studying in a private school.
  • The daily curriculum is usually more extensive than in a public school, as the program provides additional courses.
  • Modern computer lab, gym, pool, music studio etc.
  • Nutritious meals are an essential part of a good private school.

Teaching staff

When supporting teachers, you must take into account not only the level of professionalism, but also the ability to communicate with children and convey to them educational material, the ability to win over students and interest them in the subject of study.

The newly opened school can enroll students in the first, fourth and tenth grades (two classes for each age group). To organize the educational process, 15 full-time teachers are initially sufficient, subject to teaching several subjects. When enrolling students in the next academic year, the number of teachers will increase along with the increase in the number of students.

Also, the school staff must be staffed with:

  • Director.
  • Accountant.
  • Technical workers.
  • Cooks.


If you enroll 90 children in the first year, your financial investment will be:

  • Purchase of school premises, renovation of the building and landscaping of the territory - 20,000,000 rubles.
  • Registration of documents, obtaining permits from sanitary-epidemiological, fire and other services - 200,000 rubles.
  • Furniture and equipment – ​​RUB 5,000,000.

Operating expenses in the first year of operation of the school:

  • Staff salary – 6,000,000 rubles/year.
  • Maintenance of premises, repair and renewal of equipment, etc. – 1,500,000 rubles.

The income of a private educational institution consists of tuition fees, the amount of which depends on the region, the number of electives and other conditions. On average, a year of schooling costs 135,000 rubles; in addition, an entrance fee of 20,000 rubles is traditionally provided.

The school's total income for the year will be 12,330,000 rubles, with a net profit of 4,830,000 rubles. With this development, financial investments will pay off in 5 years.

In this material:

The business plan of the school (its opening) will help you decide whether it is worth trying yourself in this field and whether the business will bring you income. Educational activities has always been considered in demand. The level of knowledge provided by state educational institutions does not always suit parents. In this case, many of them begin to look for alternative ways to get an education and send their children to private schools. Such establishments are becoming increasingly popular in modern world, therefore, along with the demand for educational services, the number of such institutions is growing.

Despite the fact that opening a school and organizing the teaching process is an exciting undertaking, you will face a large number of difficulties. According to numerous studies, to open a school and organize its activities, 3 basic conditions must be met. Firstly, you will have to look for reliable and permanent sponsors. Parents can pay only part of the costs of their child's education; the rest will be paid by investors.

The main advantages and disadvantages of private schools

To open an educational institution, a separate building will be required. It is necessary to develop your own educational program, which will help increase the popularity of your institution. The process of opening an educational institution is long and labor-intensive. First, you need to obtain a license to conduct teaching activities; to do this, you should contact the district education department. After this, you need to find and purchase (rent) a suitable building, make repairs in it and equip it accordingly.

For those who want to quickly start making a profit, opening a school is not suitable. The only legal way to generate income is to provide paid educational services. The school cannot be classified as closed joint stock companies and start selling shares. The school must spend all funds received for its own needs. An educational institution receives state accreditation after a few years, so first-year students will be forced to take exams at a state school.

They have private schools and their own positive qualities. In accordance with the proposals of the students’ parents, additional hours may be introduced into the educational program; educational programs in private schools are aimed at developing business and personal qualities. The school curriculum may include additional subjects, such as vocals, acting, and foreign languages. In addition to the mandatory English language Several more are studied in private schools. Successful private educational institutions prepare students for admission to well-known universities; therefore, when studying, they use specially designed programs designed to prepare students for passing entrance tests. How to open a school?

Where to start opening a private educational institution?

First, you need to study the market for educational services in your city, create a charter and business plan for the future institution. The next step will be to register the organization as an LLC or individual entrepreneur, indicating the type of activity. You must approve your own seal and open a bank account. The most difficult aspect is obtaining a license issued by government authorities. This document is issued to schools that have staffing table and a staffed team of teachers.

The building of a former kindergarten, because it has its own fenced area. Most often, such buildings are found in areas remote from the center. It should not be overlooked that a private educational institution must provide parking spaces to parents, since most students are brought by car. The premises must meet all the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological service and fire inspection.

Educational processes can be organized independently, or can be conducted according to existing programs. They are developed by specialists and undergo mandatory testing by the Ministry of Education. You will need to purchase furniture, computer equipment, textbooks, and manuals. A library can be formed by drawing up an agreement with book publishers. Personnel selection should be carried out on a competitive basis, because your establishment must provide top-level services. Private school teachers must not only have experience, but also the ability to work with students. A medical worker, a director, technical staff, security personnel, and cooks will also be required.

How to organize the work of the school?

The ideal option would be to create your own website, through which parents of students can become familiar with the educational programs, advantages and prospects of the educational institution. Announcements about a newly opened school can be placed in newspapers, magazines, and broadcast on television. Since the decisive factor when choosing a school is the prestige of the educational institution, you should not expect a large number of students at first. Over time, you will get rid of this problem.

To attract a large number of students, the school must develop original teaching methods, adhering to the standard curriculum. The main financial investments in opening a private school will be directed towards registration of the enterprise, rent and renovation of the building, purchase of furniture, equipment and teaching aids, paying employees and conducting an advertising campaign. The profit of an educational institution consists of monthly payments for educational services, entrance fees, grants, and fees for additional classes. The profit of a private school is approaching 300 thousand rubles. per month, but the bulk of it is spent on creating curricula, updating textbooks and covering unforeseen expenses.

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