How beautiful this world is! How beautiful this world is, look

There is probably no more important task at present than the task of preserving our wonderful planet. And this work must begin in the family and kindergarten. The article talks about how environmental work is carried out in kindergarten.



How beautiful this world is, look!

A whole world of beauty

From big to small...

A. Fet

Currently environmental problems and disasters, as is known, are common to the entire population of the Earth and are directly related to the education of the population. The acquisition of ecological culture, ecological consciousness and thinking is the only way out of this situation for humanity. Caring for nature should be the norm of behavior for people of any age. Our kindergarten has been working in this direction for many years. WITH early years we instill in the child that loving nature means doing good; We encourage children to think about how to preserve and what can be done to make our Home even more beautiful and richer.

By forming a humane attitude towards nature, we want the child to understand: man and nature are interconnected. The staff of our kindergarten have done a lot to create an ecological and educational environment in the premises of the kindergarten and on its territory, where a lot of trees and flowers grow, and an ecological path has been laid.

The beauty of nature is especially bright on these spring days, when everything awakens and blossoms before our eyes. And it is not without reason that such a holiday as Earth Day is celebrated in the spring, on April 22.

At this holiday, “Our Beautiful Kindergarten,” our children went on an interesting journey into the forest, where they met birds and animals. The children turned into mushrooms, bunnies, chanterelles, starlings and titmice. They sang songs about spring, sun, forest, flowers. Near the hut on chicken legs, a surprise awaited the children - the mistress of the forest herself came out to greet the guests. Baba Yaga wanted to become a beauty in the spring: she put on her best outfit, but the guys still recognized her and pleased her with a song and interesting game. For this, Baba Yaga released Vesna. Everyone continued the journey together - they sang, played, read springtime poems, and at the end of the festivities, returning from the trip, they did a good deed: together with the employees, they planted flowers on the site so that it would become even more beautiful and elegant.

And there are very, very many flowers in our kindergarten: the alley of tulips alone is worth it! How beautiful this world is, look, baby!

The soul of a child is a sprout.

For a flower to grow from a seed -

A lot of strength and warmth will be spent,

Tender words, smiles, kindness!

And the soul of a child is like a plant: a seed falls into the ground, it rains, the sun warms you - the seed has sprouted! Everyone needs care - a tree, a flower, and a person!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Literary and poetic evening “How beautiful this world is - look!”

The event is aimed at creating educational interest in the nature of our planet through poetry....

project "How beautiful this world is, look"

The project will help the teacher see the results of his work in teaching children the rules of preserving their vision....

Summary of the parent meeting on environmental education “How beautiful this world is, look...”

This year I chose the following topic for self-education: “Formation in younger preschoolers careful attitude to nature and all living things.” Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it must...





2012-1013 UCH. YEAR

THE SONG “MY RUSSIA” IS BEING PERFORMED (lyrics by N. Solovyov, music by G. Struve)
1. My Russia has long braids.
My Russia has light eyelashes.
My Russia has blue eyes.
Russia, you are very similar to me.
The sun is shining, the winds are blowing,
Showers are pouring over Russia.
There's a colorful rainbow in the sky
There is no more beautiful land.
2. For me, Russia is white birches,
For me, Russia is morning dew,
For me, Russia is you, dearest of all,
You look so much like my mother.
3. You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,
You, my Russia, can sing songs,
You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,
After all, our Russia is us and our friends.

(points to the stand)

1. Guys, look here. Isn’t it true how beautiful the creations of nature presented in these drawings are! One would only admire them, amazed at how generous nature is with inventions, if not for one painful circumstance: many of them are listed in the Red Book and are threatened with extinction from the face of the Earth.

2. Since 1600, about 150 species of animals have become extinct on our planet, more than half of them in the last 50 years. With few exceptions, all these animals became extinct due to human fault.

3. The cause of nature conservation, like the cause of peace, concerns everyone living on Earth. It requires the efforts of all states and peoples. By decision of the United Nations, the International Day of Conservation is celebrated annually on June 5th. environment. Our country has adopted a number of laws on nature protection.

4. Since January 1, 1981, the Law on the Protection of Nature, Animals, and Air has been in force in our country. Scientists - biologists, game managers all over the world have sounded the alarm: nature is in danger! Man inflicts large and small wounds on nature. And today we will talk about these alarming signals of nature.

5. Guys, we learned a lot of rules on how to behave in nature. These are the rules:

  • Do not break branches of trees and bushes.
  • You can't pick flowers.
  • You cannot catch butterflies, dragonflies and other insects.
  • You cannot destroy toads, frogs, snakes and other animals.
6. Let's think together: will nature be worse if, while collecting nuts, we break a few branches? Or we’ll just pick two or three beautiful flower? Or will we catch one single extraordinary butterfly?

7. Yes. Nature will be worse! Every wasted branch, every plucked flower, every caught butterfly is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if you inflict one wound, another - your comrade, a third, fourth, fifth - someone else - what will happen to nature?

8. Now let's talk about the big wounds inflicted on nature. People have been farming for a long time. They build cities and villages, highways and railways, cultivate the fields. All this is necessary for human life. But often, in order to build a city, pave a road, or create a new field, people destroy forests. Many trees are cut down for timber. It takes a lot. Every year there are fewer and fewer forests left on our planet.

9. Protected by the Red Book
So many rare animals and birds,
For the multifaceted space to survive
For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.
So that the desert does not dare to come,
So that souls do not become empty,
Animals are protected, snakes are protected,
Even flowers are protected.

10. We offend forests and fields,
The rivers groan from bitter grievances.
And we forgive ourselves
But the future will not forgive us.

11. Need to be protected from danger
Protect in front of people.
Purity, selflessness and friendship,
And trust and kindness.

12. - Red!
This means nature is in danger!
So, you can’t waste even a moment,
All living things are called to be preserved.
Let him not call in vain
Red Book! Red!

13. People all over the world said that the nature of the planet was in danger. Therefore, in many countries, great work is being done to protect nature. Similar work is being carried out in our country. Many plants and factories are being re-equipped so as not to pollute water and air. In place of cut down forests, people plant new ones. It is prohibited to collect rare plants or hunt rare animals.

Primroses grow in our area: snowdrop, lily of the valley. White water lily (lily) and egg capsule (yellow water lily) are found in reservoirs. Wherever we meet them, we will try to preserve these beautiful plants for future generations.

15. It is beautiful, and people are part of it. We need to jointly protect, multiply, and cognize this great world! Without him there would be no poetry, no art, and therefore no Man in the highest sense of the word.

16. Nature has vibrant colors,
Millions of radiant inflorescences.
Why are miracles from fairy tales,
If you can meet them in life!

17. There is one planet - a garden
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds.
Only on her alone will you see
Lilies of the valley in the green grass.
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other one in the world!

18. There are many of us, guys!
Everywhere we live
Let's plant trees
Let's plant gardens!

19. Take care of this Earth, this water.
I love even a small epic.
Take care of all animals within nature,
Kill only the beasts within yourself!

THE SONG “WOUNDED BIRD” IS PERFORMED (lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by Y. Chichkov)

The wounded bird was not allowed to be handled.
A wounded bird remained a bird.
I still have this bloody dream,
There is a bloody wounded bird on the ground.
Birds, fish and animals
They look into people's souls.
Feel sorry for them, people!
Don't kill in vain!
After all, the sky without birds is not the sky,
And a sea without fish is not a sea,
A land without animals is not land, not land, not land!
20. And now we will move to a forest clearing. We find out how plants and animals live there, what they do, what they talk about.

21. Leading:
It's a hot summer day. At this time, it is best to be on the river, where the water blows cool. But then evening comes. The slanting rays of the sun hardly break through the dense foliage of the trees, the shadows are long and deep. It’s nice to sit in a forest clearing, where forest dwellers gather in the evenings. Let's approach them and listen to their conversation.

22. (Bellbell enters the clearing)
Ah, it's finally cool and I can ring a little. It's so nice! Ding-ding! (rings the bell)

23. (Mother Chamomile appears)
I hear, I hear you, my friend Bell. Now I will call my children, and we will all turn our heads towards you.
(several girls with headbands with daisies on their heads go out into the clearing and dance around the Bell, Grass appears.)

24. Grass:
I, a simple Grass, also enjoy the coolness. During the day the sun was so hot that I almost dried out completely. And now it’s so good!
Come, animals, birds,
Have fun on the grass.
I'll make your bed softly
I love you all very much.
(Spruce, Oak, Birch enter the clearing and stand)

25. Leading:
And the trees whispered:

26. Spruce:
We've been waiting for you too.

27. Oak:
We have prepared some shade for you.
Come Bear, Deer.

28. Birch:
And a beautiful maiden
Nicknamed Fox.
(Bear, Wolf, Fox come out)

29. Oak:
We will tell you about
It’s like we live in our own forest.
(flowers, animals sit on small chairs, trees stand)

30. Bear:
Oh, today I, guys,
So I ate sweet raspberries!
My stomach hurts
I also wanted to eat honey.
I found him in a hollow
Early in the morning at dawn,
Yes, I left it “for a snack”
But... I didn’t calculate the load.
And my stomach hurts more,
Help me quickly!

31. Leading:
Then the Woodpecker came down from the spruce tree.

32. Woodpecker: (addresses the Bear)
I heard you were sick.
We must not heal ourselves,
And you should see a doctor.
A family should know animals:
The forest doctor is me.
I'll knock with my beak,
I will find all the diseases. (tapping Mishka’s stomach)
I must tell you, my friend,
You need to starve.
Go to bed now
Spruce will cover you with a branch. (The bear settles down under the Spruce)

33. Fox:
Everyone knows that I am a Fox
A very cunning girl.
I have a problem:
How can I eat the Cockerel?
All the barns are locked - that’s my grief. (addresses the Wolf)
Do me a favor
Don't leave your girlfriend
No support. Just the two of us
We will unlock the locks.

34. Wolf:
I'm glad to serve you
And I’m ready to be friends with you.
Night will come, let's hurry
And we'll visit the village.
I know one house
Where does our Cockerel live?

35. Fox:
Is there someone chirping in the grass, tickling my heels?
(Grasshopper jumps out)

36. You are all very big
So much so that I'm even scared.
At least they don’t like insects,
They are not the ones who destroy nature,
And it’s the fault of everything in our age
Unreasonable person.
He destroys animals
Mushrooms are pulled out by the roots,
He does not spare beauty:
Tramples grass, picks flowers.

37. Bell:
The Grasshopper is right, although small,
The forest has become different now:
Broken bottles, banks
We settled in a clearing.
How much longer do we have to endure?
So you can die.
The forest will turn into desert,
Where you won’t even find wormwood.

38. Oak:
But not everything, friends, is so bad,
I believe a miracle will happen:
People will understand the truth
And nature will be saved.

39. Birch:
I'll do my best
I will give a message to people
From the Grasshopper, Blade of Grass,
From Bear and Osinka,
From trees and animals
I will ask all people
To love the forest and know that
That nature is a common home.
(two students enter the clearing)

40. Spruce: (addresses the Bear)
Wake up, Misha, look,
The children came to the clearing.
Let's live together with them
And we ask you to protect
We are from the rudeness of people. (addresses Birch)
Give me the message quickly. (gives the message to one of the students)

41. First student:
We love the forest with the guys,
We promise we will not destroy its inhabitants.

42. Second student:
Although this is not easy for us,
We won't leave it unanswered
Your request, and now...
(in chorus) Sing more cheerfully with us.

43. Leading:
Love native nature
Lakes, forests and fields.
After all, this is ours with you
Forever native land.
You and I were born on it,
You and I live on it.
So let us be, people, all together,
We treat her kinder!!!

THE SONG “SMILE” IS PERFORMED (art. M. Plyatskovsky, music. V. Shainsky)

1. A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,
A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow...
Share your smile
And she will return to you more than once.
And then the clouds will probably suddenly dance,
And the grasshopper begins to play the violin.
The river begins with a blue stream,
Well, friendship begins with a smile.
2. From a sunny smile
The Saami rain will stop crying,
The sleepy forest will say goodbye to silence
And claps his green hands.
3. A smile will make everyone warmer -
And an elephant and even a small snail...
So let it be everywhere on earth,
Like light bulbs, smiles turn on!

Dear ones! How everything around you and I changes in just one instant if we begin to look at everything that surrounds us simply with CLEAR EYES! Do you understand? Clear! Pure and free from everything dark and evil that lives within us and that looks out of us with our own eyes at this world, seeing in it our likeness - just as dark and evil, and making us grumble, whine and cry, shouting that the world is cruel, evil and ugly.

You cannot see what is not in you. May you see BEAUTY!

If only we looked at everything that surrounds us all our lives, at what, perhaps, we are already tired of completely disgusting, or what we would generally like to get rid of as soon as possible. If only we looked at all this with just eyes, free from hatred towards our neighbor for an offense caused perhaps decades ago, from envy towards our neighbor because of some successes and achievements that seem to be greater than our own, from resentment towards fate and God, who, as it seems to us, have not given us what we ourselves seem to deserve without the slightest doubt, from the desire to humiliate our brother, who, in our opinion, imagines himself too highly and exalts himself, or who simply more talented in the ability to live than ourselves, from... from... from...

If only for a minute - it doesn’t have to be for long - we could free our soul and, accordingly, our eyes, which are its mirror, from all this, whose name, without exaggeration, is LEGION, at that very moment everything that is so familiar and so boring to us the world would INSTANTLY transform before us and shine with such bright colors unknown to us until this moment, the existence of which we did not even dare to dream of! Which we may have seen only in our most beautiful dreams, which came to us only a few times in our lives, to remind us of what we should not have forgotten from our earliest childhood, when we could still see TRUTH and BEAUTY around us like this, as they were created by the Loving Creator for us.

Man, dear ones, is designed in such a way that he sees and hears around him only your own reflection and nothing more! The world around us can only be like this what we are like. That is why we only need to cleanse our souls of darkness, as we immediately begin to see light and beauty. We begin to see that the incredibly bright and pure light and the unprecedented beauty that we may have chased all over the world to find - all this has ALWAYS and constantly lived next to us!

Divine perfect beauty begins to flow to us from a simple green leaf growing in our yard, from the pure and naive eyes of every little child we meet, from a blade of grass under our feet. We see the same unearthly beauty and cosmic light in the fluffy face of a neighbor's kitten or puppy, in the touch of their soft, gentle paws. We then hear the same beauty and light in every rustle of the wind, in the murmur of the stream, from which, it seemed, we were so accustomed to drinking water, without even noticing it until that moment.

When our own eyes are cleansed, dear ones, then in each the smallest detail In our everyday surroundings, we begin to see the EYES of GOD, with which He Himself looks at us and into which we ourselves then begin to peer.

How beautiful this world is. Aphorisms, quotes about nature

Forests, just like lakes, seas and rivers, are the best decoration of the earth, its magnificent festive attire.

K. Paustovsky

But poetry is not just in watery verses: it is spilled everywhere, it is all around us... Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere; Where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.

Leonardo da Vinci

The tenderness and delight that we experience from contemplating nature is a memory of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, earth. More precisely: this is the consciousness of unity with everything, hidden from us by time.

L. N. Tolstoy

That’s why we rejoice when we find ourselves in nature, because here we come to our senses.

M. M. Prishvin

Nature is the only book that contains deep content on all its pages.

I. Goethe

Forests adorn the earth... they teach man to understand beauty and instill in him a stately mood.

A. P. Chekhov

Nature is not man's enemy! Man found and finds in it everything he needs for life. You don’t need to conquer it, but to understand, study, get to know it, and then it itself will open to you its storerooms and its museums. And the first thing we need to start with is to stop robbing nature. Yes, yes, rob! We must borrow from nature. If you cut down 1000 hectares of forest, plant the same amount. If you caught a large fish in the lake, let the fry grow up. Otherwise you will be left without forests and fish. You don't have enough animals in the forest - organize forestry. But don’t be a grabber, don’t turn your land into a desert!

V. Bianchi

Take care of these lands, these waters, loving even a small epic. Take care of all the animals within nature, kill only the animals within yourself!

E. Yevtushenko

The book of nature is an inexhaustible source of knowledge for man.


I have passionately loved the forest ever since I got to know it better, and the more I get to know it, the more I love it. And this always happens: in order to love, you need to know; without knowing, you cannot love. Whoever loves the forest will take care of it.

D.N. Kaygorodov

The whole huge world around me, above me and below me is full of unknown secrets. And I will discover them all my life, because this is the most interesting, most exciting activity in the world.

V. Bianchi

It’s never too late to plant a tree: even if you don’t get the fruits, the joy of life begins with the opening of the first bud of the planted plant.

K. Paustovsky

A person’s behavior in nature is also a mirror of his soul.

K. Zelinsky

My beloved forest babbled to me:

Believe me, there is nothing dearer than our native heavens.

Nowhere can I breathe more freely

Native meadows, native fields...

N. Nekrasov

To live you need sun, freedom and a small flower.

G. H. Andersen

Nature is the main factor of health.


Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. A person needs a homeland, and protecting nature means protecting the homeland.

Subject:“How beautiful this world is!”


  • develop a sense of surprise and admiration for the beauty of the world around us;
  • cultivate the desire to bring joy to your family by making a gift with your own hands.

Equipment: a map with a route by station, three little sisters, a puppy, Druzhok, an audio cassette with a recording of music.


Leading. Hello guys! Now we are going on a game - a journey. I invite everyone to take part in it: play, joke, laugh. During the journey you will be divided into three teams. Members of each team will receive tokens. And after the end of the game, each team will count their tokens.
So, we begin our journey with a fairy tale.

– Once upon a time there lived three little sisters in this world. The first was called Sunny, the second was Rainbow, the third was Rain.
And then one day they decided to go wander around the world, to get to know this world. The sisters took their cheerful and kind puppy Druzhka with them. They walked long or short, and on their way they met the wonderful station “Stihotvorovo”, telling about the beauty of the earth. The sisters decided to relax a bit and listen to poems about nature.

Each team reads one poem and receives a token. If you liked the poem, you can clap.

How many
In our world of beauty,
Which we often don't notice.
All because
What we meet every day
Her long-familiar features.
We know
How beautiful the clouds are
River, flowers,
The face of a beloved mother,
And Pushkin, a flying line,
And then
What a man
Beautiful in deeds
But there is another beauty
Which doesn't seem beautiful -
For example,
The beauty of a mole.
- Mole?
- Yes, yes!
Or a hardworking bee,
Or a snake, a frog and a beetle,
Or other “strange” “people”.
Not in vain
All the endless centuries
He was sculpted
Wise nature.
Look into the face
Any creature -
And you will see
How right she is!

2. Cycle N. Sandzhiev (translation by A. Shchitov).

- Light rain,
You are like a miracle!
Where did you come from?
- I came out of the clouds
Huge, powerful.
- And how she arose -
Dark thunder-di-na?
- And this cloud appeared
From volatile, burning vapors.
- But where does the steam come from then?
- From the river. Her water
I couldn't stand the heat of the sun,
And steam rose to the sky.
But the river does not crush -
I'm filling it up!
And the river flows, flows...
What a cycle!

3. Lotus N. Mordovina

Soon again at the very mouth
The scarlet Volga will throw on a scarf -
This will bloom hundreds of buds
Lotus is a cherished flower of the delta...
Rose of the Caspian – fiery lotus
Sprayed over the blue river.
The eternal mystery of light and color
The lotus attracts people's minds...
Lotus, fortunately... Did you hear that?
Are we good for the lotus?
We, who never knew how to show mercy,
No land, no water, no flower...
Lotus - fortunately?
All nature is fortunate.
That's why we're still breathing.

– We took the sisters’ poems with us and hit the road again. Ahead of them, bursting into cheerful barking, ran their faithful puppy Druzhok. They walked and walked and came to a station where all around and everywhere there were only riddles that they had to guess.

- Guys, help the sisters solve the riddles. For the correct answer, each team receives one token.

Riddles about nature

1. House without windows, without doors

What a small house
Without a porch, a rubble?
Instead of a door and a window
Only the gap at the bottom is visible.
Residents live in it
The hard workers are great.
All day long in the summer
They work together:
They fly around the neighborhood,
Healing juice is extracted
And fragrant your bribe,
They rush home like a bullet. (Beehive, bees, honey)

2. Gray-haired joker

One day in broad daylight
The naughty man deceived me:
Hid the field, meadow, haystacks,
River, forest and banks.
It seemed to me at first
That they ran away in a crowd.
Only the gray-haired joker disappeared -
A meadow and forest appeared,
Haystacks were discovered
Field, river, banks.
The skies have cleared
The beauty of the earth is visible again.
Aren't these miracles?! (Fog)

3. Forest dweller

In a hanging cradle
A forest dweller sleeps in silence.
He will gain weight and grow up -
It'll get in your teeth
Boys and girls
Troublesome squirrels.
Who will find him faster
Among the foliage, branches? (Hazelnut)

4. Traveler

No matter how it meanders, where it wanders -
Still comes to the blue sea
Even though the road is far,
But don't get lost - (river).

Living pillows and feather beds
Waddle along the path
Pillows and feather beds for the water.
They are excellent swimmers
There are red flippers on the paws. (Geese)

The leg is white, straight, the cap is red,
And on the cap, at the top, there are little white hemp. (Amanita)

– The sisters guessed the riddles and moved on. Druzhok did not lag behind them either. And suddenly they heard the cheerful sounds of music, came closer and saw that everyone was dancing. It turned out to be the Tantsevalnaya station.

A short warm-up: everyone dances while sitting to the music “Dance while sitting” by B. Savelyev.

– The sisters liked this station, and they also wanted to dance while sitting on a chair to cheerful music.
One student is called from each team. After the dance, a token is awarded.
With a wonderful mood, the sisters set off on the road again. A new station appeared in front of them, covered in “Crossword” cells. At this station they will have to solve crossword puzzles.

- Guys, let's help the sisters solve crossword puzzles.

Teams answer in turns.

1 crossword


1. Hey, bells, blue,
With tongue, but no ringing! (Bell)

2. Made noise, made noise,
I washed everything and left,
And gardens and orchards
It watered the whole area. (Storm)

3. Front awl
Behind the wheel,
I'm small,
And I've been overseas . (Martin)


4. Cheren, but not a raven,
Horned, but not a bull,
Six legs, but no hooves,
It flies and buzzes,
He sits down and shuts up. (Bug)

5. Without hand draws,
Bites without teeth. (Freezing)

6. I run like a stream from a faucet,
I hit the spring from underground
Rockin' in the oceans
Giant ships. (Water)

7. The living castle grumbled,
He lay down across the door. (Dog)

8. In the forest to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling
The forest telegraph operator knocks:
"Great, buddy blackbird!"
And he signs -... (woodpecker).

9. Long-billed, long-winged,
White with black border,
He stood on a high roof,
Returning to your home. (Stork).

2 crossword


1. The sun ordered, stop, the seven-color bridge is steep!
A cloud hid the light of the sun - the bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow)

2. All four petals of the flower moved. I wanted to pick it, it took off and flew away. (Butterfly)

3. I'm like a grain of sand,
And I cover the earth;
I'm from the water, and from I fly by air,
I lie like fluff in the fields,
Like a diamond, I shine in the sun's rays. (Snow)

4. Amazing child! Just out of diapers, he can swim and dive like his own mother. (Duckling)


1. In the morning the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass with them, but we went to look for them during the day - we searched and searched, but we couldn’t find them. (Dew)

5. He put out his thorns,
Its thorns are like needles.
But we will collect thorns from him -
We'll pick useful fruits for the pharmacy. (Rose hip)

6. The dress is lost - the buttons remain. (Rowan)

7. He stands on the clothes like fire on a leg. Without clothes, he will become a ball on a leg. (Poppy)

8. White as snow,
Puffed up like fur
Walks with shovels
And he eats with horns. (Goose)

– The sisters solved the crossword puzzles and moved on. Druzhok ran merrily ahead of them. Suddenly he stopped and began to listen. What did he hear? And he heard his favorite song “Don’t tease the dogs,” lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by E. Ptichkin.

– It was the Pesennaya station. They really liked the song, and they also decided to sing the song with the guys.

Each team performs a verse of the song “It’s fun to walk together,” and the chorus all together. The guys performed another song for their guests, “A Simple Song,” lyrics by V. Semernin, music by V. Dementiev.

1. Listen to the song
Like in mud - silence
Once upon a time there was a frog
With a guitar on my back.
Although she knew how
Play not the best
But the song had
Always a big success.
Kwa, kwa,
A simple song
Kwa, kwa,
Everyone really likes it.
No wonder he loves the song
Choir of funny ones,
The happy ones will frog.

2. Water like from a tub,
It's pouring rain,
But the little frogs are dancing
Day after day on the bumps.
And yellow water lilies
They grow on the lake,
And with a funny song
Lilies are blooming there.
3. The song is good
I have a lot of friends.
Let's clap our hands
And let's dance more merrily.
Green edge,
Green grass.
Invented by a frog
Funny words.

– What frogs are in this song?
– Do you want to make these little frogs with your own hands?
– Ahead of us is the “Podarochnaya” station, where you can make any gift with your own hands.

“The sisters and Friend went further and finally came to the Podarochnaya station.”
– Now we will make these funny green frogs with a red tongue and black warts. These frogs can be hung on the Christmas tree or placed on the napkin table, or simply given to your friends and closest people. You will not only please them, but also give them joy, good mood, attention and love.

– The sisters made their little frogs and hurried home to their parents to tell about their journey and give them their funny little frogs. And at parting they sang a funny song.


Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition that ensures success:
Now the moment of farewell has come
Our speech will be brief:
We say goodbye
Until happy new meetings.