How to cook the most delicious dough for dumplings. Dough for homemade dumplings. Classic step-by-step dough recipes so that dumplings do not boil soft (6 ways)

Pelmeni is not only a popular and beloved dish by many, but also very practical. It is convenient to always have a bag of dumplings in the freezer.

They will help out if a guest unexpectedly appears on the doorstep or there is no time for dinner. All you need is to boil water, and in five minutes a tasty, satisfying and hot dish is ready.

The simplest and most common dumpling dough consists of water, eggs and flour. Although it is considered dumplings, it can be used not only for making dumplings. From such unleavened dough, you can make dumplings, pies or pasties. If excess minced meat remains after sculpting, you can freeze it, fry cutlets or make meatballs. Where do you use the extra dough? It turns out that there are plenty of options for its use. It can be used on homemade noodles, soup dumplings, lazy dumplings, pizza crust. Or roll up bagels, putting mashed potatoes, sugar or minced meat instead of filling, and fry in oil. You can just fry the cakes, without any filling, after rolling out the dough.

Dumpling dough - general principles and methods of preparation

Dumpling dough has more than a dozen cooking options. It is made with water, milk, kefir, butter is added, even brewed with boiling water. Each housewife has her own recipe. Someone puts food by eye, and someone carefully measures the amount, believing that only the exact proportions of flour, water and eggs can give the dough firmness, elasticity, and a special taste to the finished dumplings. Some housewives have no idea how to knead the dough without eggs, while others argue that it is the dough without eggs that makes it truly dumplings. Which option will suit your taste is unknown. Get to know the recipes, choose, try.

Recipe 1: Choux pastry for dumplings

This recipe is good because the dough is elastic, soft, easy to roll out. It is a pleasure to work with him - it does not tear and does not stick. And it can also be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days in a bag. You can also make dumplings, pies, pasties from it. The amount of ingredients is designed for a large batch of dumplings.

Ingredients: one and a half glasses of water, eggs - 2, flour - 6 glasses, salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

Part of the flour (2 cups), brew half a cup of boiling water. Those. simply pour the boiling water into the flour and stir with a spoon. After the flour and water are mixed into a homogeneous mass, add the remaining products - a glass of water, eggs, salt and then the remaining 4 glasses of flour. Mix well with your hands and leave for a while (20-30 minutes) at room temperature. To prevent the dough from winding, wrap it in a film, or put it in a bowl, covered with a lid or plate.

Recipe 2: Dough for dumplings on kefir

A very simple recipe. Only two components - kefir and flour. Suitable for dumplings, dumplings, pasties. From the leftover dough, you can fry or bake cakes. You can’t roll it very thinly, but on the other hand it doesn’t tear during cooking, it’s tasty, soft, almost fluffy. This dough can be frozen, and when it thaws, add a little flour, because. it becomes wet and sticky, and you can start sculpting.

Ingredients: a glass of kefir (250 ml), 350-400 g of flour.

Cooking method

Pour the kefir into a bowl, add about half the serving of flour and mix with a spoon until smooth. Then, little by little, add the remaining flour in small portions, kneading the dough with your hands. Let him rest in the refrigerator for 40 minutes, maybe more, and sculpt dumplings.

Recipe 3: Classic dumpling dough

Say it's the best right dough for dumplings, no. As probably there is no single right recipe at all, so that they are guided by it as a standard. But this is the most traditional and common cooking option. The dough must be rolled out as thin as possible, but without fanaticism, it is not necessary to stretch into tissue paper. To get very cold water, it is necessary to put a glass of liquid in the freezer until a thin crust of ice begins to form on the surface.

Ingredients: cold water - ½ cup, 2 large eggs, a teaspoon of salt, flour - 2 cups.

Cooking method

The dough can be kneaded on the table, large cutting board or in a bowl. Mix flour and salt, build a slide. Make a small hole in the center of the hill and first beat in one egg, stirring with a fork, then the second. Then start slowly pouring cold water in portions and knead the mass with your hands. Blind the ball and crush it. Occupation is not easy, because. the dough is tight, but the consistency of the finished dough will allow you to roll it into a fairly thin layer. If the dough is dry, add a little water, and if, on the contrary, it is too soft and sticky, add more flour. After ten to fifteen minutes, after thoroughly kneading, let the dough rest for at least an hour. At this time, it is left on the table. Cover from above (with an inverted bowl, napkin, towel) so that it does not wind.

Recipe 4: Milk dumpling dough

From this dough, dumplings are tender, soft and tasty. Preparing it is quite simple, although not quite usual. The ingredients are listed for a large number of dumplings. You can immediately stick a large batch and store in the freezer.

Ingredients: a kilogram of flour, 0.5 liters of milk, an incomplete teaspoon of salt, 2 eggs.

Cooking method

In a saucepan, mix eggs, salt, milk. Add enough flour to make the dough runny, like pancakes. Put on fire. Just not strong, the fire needs to be made small. As it heats up, the mass will thicken and swell. It must be stirred so that it does not burn and is homogeneous, without lumps. As soon as the mass thickens, remove it from the fire. It is NOT necessary to bring to a boil so that the egg white does not curdle. Add the rest of the flour and mix well. It should turn out not sticky, dense and elastic. Let him lie down for about half an hour and start carving.

Recipe 5. Dough for dumplings on mineral water


a glass of mineral water;

three glasses of flour;

60 ml sunflower oil;

20 g of sugar;

Cooking method

Crack an egg into a bowl and lightly beat it with the sugar and salt. Then add sunflower oil and stir. Be sure to sift the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen, and no lumps form during the kneading process. Knead the dough with a mixer, gradually adding the sifted flour. Then knead the dough with your hands until it is smooth and uniform. Cover it with a bowl and let it rest for 20 minutes. Then proceed to the preparation of dumplings or dumplings.

Recipe 6. Whey dumpling dough


whey - 250 ml;

two yolks;

half a kilogram of flour;

vegetable oil;

ice is a piece.

Cooking method

Sift the flour on the table in a heap. Make an indentation in the middle. Grate a piece of ice and put it into the whey. This must be done quickly so that the ice does not have time to melt. Also add the yolks, salt and oil to the whey. Mix everything well. Pour the resulting mixture into the recess in the flour and start kneading the dough until it stops sticking to your hands and becomes elastic. Take a metal bowl, pour boiling water over it, wipe it dry with a clean towel, and cover the dough with it. Leave it to reach for half an hour.

Recipe 7. Dough for dumplings on sour cream


50 g sour cream;

80 ml of water;

a pinch of baking soda and salt;

flour - 300 g.

Cooking method

Combine flour with salt and sift. Add soda to sour cream. Pour flour into sour cream and mix. Then, stirring constantly, pour in water in a thin stream and knead a sufficiently steep dough. But make sure it's not clogged. Therefore, as soon as the dough falls behind your hands, wrap it in a plastic bag and leave it to rest for 20 minutes. After this time, the dough will become smooth and elastic. You can start cooking.

Recipe 8. Multi-colored dough for dumplings


120 ml vegetable oil;

two glasses of water;

large beets;

a bunch of greens;

Cooking method

We clean the beets and rub them into small chips. We put it in gauze, squeeze out the juice and pour it into a mug. Rinse the greens, finely chop with a knife, put in a saucepan and pour a glass of cold water. Cook greens on low heat for 15 minutes. Then we filter through cheesecloth. Knead the dough of three colors:

1. Mix beet juice with 80 ml of oil and salt. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough until it becomes soft and stops sticking to your hands.

2. Pour 20 ml of sunflower oil into a decoction of greens and salt. Pour flour into the resulting mixture and knead a stiff dough.

3. Pour 20 ml of sunflower oil into cold water, salt and knead soft dough.

Cover the dough with a clean towel and let it rest for half an hour.

Recipe 9. Lean dough for dumplings without eggs


three st. flour;

75 ml sunflower oil;

one and a half cups of boiling water.

Cooking method

Combine flour with salt and sunflower oil. Mix everything well and pour boiling water in a thin stream. In this case, it is necessary to constantly knead with a spoon so that lumps do not form. Sprinkle the table with flour and put the dough on it. Knead by hand until elastic. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave to rest for half an hour. Now we can sculpt dumplings or dumplings from it.

Recipe 10. Dough for dumplings in a bread machine


200 ml of water;

450 g flour;

a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

Pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl of the bread machine, break the egg and lay the salt and flour. Select the program "Dough" and turn on the device. After the beep, the dough can be left for another hour in the bread machine, or transferred to a bowl, covered with a clean towel and left to rest. Such a dough can be used not only for making dumplings or dumplings, but also for frying pasties.

Recipe 11. Dough for dumplings with vodka


160 ml of vegetable oil;

250 ml of water;

5 g sugar;

four glasses of flour;

10 ml of vodka;

two pinches of table salt.

Cooking method

Dissolve sugar and salt in water. Sift the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen. This is necessary in order for the dough to turn out airy. Pour the flour into a bowl with a slide, make a recess in it, and pour sweet-salty water and oil into it. Knead the dough well so that it does not stick to your hands. We put the finished dough in a bag, wrap it and leave it to rest for half an hour. Then take it out and mix well again. This procedure is repeated three times. After that, you can start cooking dumplings or dumplings.

Recipe 12. Dough for dumplings with starch


water - 300 ml;

half a kilogram of flour;

salt - two pinches;

three st. spoons of potato starch.

Cooking method

We combine the flour with salt and starch, sift everything together on the table with a slide. We make a recess at the top. We mix water with sunflower oil. Pour the resulting mixture into the recess, and knead the dough until it becomes elastic and sticks to your hands. Wrap the dough in cling film and put it in the fridge for a while. During this time, the flour will release the gluten. Thanks to starch, the dough is very plastic. You can roll it out or stretch it to a very thin state, it will not tear!

Dough for dumplings - helpful tips experienced chefs

- To make dumplings more tasty, the dough must be rolled out thinly, up to 1-2 mm thick.

- To prevent dumplings from sticking together, they are boiled in a wide, low bowl in plenty of water.

- To get colorful dumplings, the dough can be tinted with natural dyes. For yellow color you need to add a pinch of turmeric, 1 g of saffron, or put 2-3 brightly colored yolks instead of a whole egg. Green color will give mashed spinach - for 2 parts flour, take 1 part mashed potatoes. Tomato paste will give a red color - 1 tablespoon added to one egg included in the recipe.

- Dumplings are not only boiled, they can also be fried using fat or vegetable oil. It is not recommended to take creamy, because. it will burn and smoke.

Pelmeni is the most family dish. Now you can buy them in the store and not waste time preparing dough, minced meat and sculpting them. And in childhood, the whole family gathered at the table, and everyone cooked dumplings together. One member of the family kneaded the dough, the other was preparing the filling, and then all together, together, sculpted many, many dumplings.

In almost any cuisine of the country you can find something similar to dumplings, in Italy - tortellini, in Spain and Latin America - epmanada in India and Central Asia - samsa, in Central Asia - manti, in Georgia - khinkali, in China - zao- tzu, etc.

Dumplings can be prepared in reserve and stored in the freezer. What could be easier - I prepared the dough, spread the filling inside, blinded it and put it in the freezer. And when there is no time to prepare dinner or guests are on the doorstep, I took it out of the freezer, boiled it and the dish is ready!

But as it turned out, there are a lot of varieties of dough recipes, and no less than recipes for various fillings, and there are different cooking methods. Homemade dumplings made by hand are the most delicious and no store can compare with them. And when the whole family takes part in making dumplings, this is an invaluable time for communication with the family.

Dough recipes for dumplings and dumplings

The simplest and most common recipe for dumplings dough is - classic version. Here's what's required:


  • Flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Semolina - a pinch
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

Sift the flour into a deep container, make a well in the middle and add semolina, drive in an egg and add vegetable oil.

Mix all ingredients with a spoon. Add salt to warm water and pour into flour.

When all the water is absorbed into the flour, the mass will become dense, sprinkle the work surface with flour and shift the dough onto it and continue to knead with your hands.

Knead for about 10 minutes, and when the mass stops sticking to your hands, cover with a towel and leave for 30 minutes to come up.

Choux pastry for dumplings (universal recipe)

Thanks to brewing with boiling water, the custard dough comes out soft and elastic, does not stick to the hands and to the rolling pin.


  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Water (boiling water) - 1 cup
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - ½ tsp

First of all, set the kettle to boil, then drive the egg into the bowl, salt and add vegetable oil. We mix all the components. Sift the flour, make a well in the middle and put the egg-butter mixture there and start stirring with a spoon.

Add a glass of boiling water to the flour and start kneading. When it becomes difficult to mix with a spoon, continue kneading with your hands until smooth. Add flour as needed.

The required amount of flour depends on the quality and variety, if it seems to you that the dough is too liquid, then add flour. But do not overdo it, because the dough will become thick and the dumplings will be tough.

After kneading the dough, let it rise for 20 minutes. At the end of time, we roll out, stuff and sculpt dumplings.

Pelmeni dough in milk with eggs (1 piece)


  • sifted flour - 3 cups
  • Warm milk - 1 cup
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - ½ tsp

Pour 2 cups of sifted flour into a bowl, make a well in the center, beat in the egg, pour in the oil and add warm milk. We stir everything with a spoon.

Pour a glass of flour on the table, spread more batter and knead well.

Milk dough is very soft and fluffy. AT recent times I prefer this particular recipe. Milk can be diluted with water 1:1.

Kefir dough for dumplings or dumplings

it perfect recipe for dumplings, dumplings, and also pizza. Kefir together with soda makes the dough especially soft and airy.


  • Flour sifted - 5-6 cups
  • Kefir - 0.5 l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - ½ tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar - 1 tsp

Mix kefir, egg, sugar, salt.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour it into the kefir-egg mixture.

Pour 2 cups of pre-sifted flour and mix everything with a spoon.

We put our dough sprinkled with flour on the table and knead it until elastic. Leave for 20 minutes, covering it with a clean towel or glass bowl on top so that it does not get chapped on top.

Dough for dumplings on mineral water and vegetable oil

The dough according to this recipe comes out very loose and soft due to the bubbles of carbon dioxide, which is in the mineral water.


  • Carbonated mineral water - 1 cup
  • Flour - 4 cups
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, sugar - ½ tsp each.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

We drive an egg into a bowl and pour in mineral water, add sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Add flour and mix everything well. Then knead until a homogeneous consistency already on the table, adding flour if necessary.

Dough for homemade dumplings without eggs and milk (on water)


  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Flour - 3 cups
  • Salt - 1 tsp

This recipe is very useful during Lent as it does not contain eggs and milk.

Pour the sifted flour into water, salt, knead thoroughly, then cover with a clean towel and leave to rest for 30 minutes.

The dough for dumplings is also suitable for dumplings. And there are so many filling recipes that we will analyze in a separate blog article.

Video: How to quickly sculpt dumplings with your hands. Top 5 ways

In order to see how to sculpt dumplings correctly with your hands or with the help of a dumplings, how many are invented various forms dumplings, I recommend watching this video:

Dough for homemade dumplings. Step by step recipes with photo illustrations

Dumplings will be juicy and tasty if the dough is kneaded correctly. The filling also plays an important role, but today we will talk in detail about the test for dumplings.

Today I will reveal my secrets to make delicious and soft homemade dumpling dough. You can also make dumplings from this dough.

  • I am sure that you need to put your soul into any dish and cook in a good mood. I treat the test as an animated object.
  • Be sure to sift the flour, preferably 2 times. Flour at this time is enriched with oxygen, and due to this, the dough is airy and soft.
  • Dough with warm kneading will infuse faster and better, so use a warm liquid, be it water, kefir or milk.
  • To make the dough the most durable, I add a pinch of semolina.
  • By adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, the dough will become elastic and pliable.
  • The dough needs to be kneaded for a long time so that it does not stick to your hands.
  • After the dough is kneaded, it needs to be infused. Cover it with a clean towel and let it rest. During this time, the gluten in the flour will swell and the dough will become elastic.
  • If rolled out thin dough then dumplings will be tastier. But not very thin, because when you put the filling, the dough will tear.
  • It is necessary to glue the dough very carefully so that the dumplings do not stick together during cooking.

Pelmeni is a practical and very popular dish. Every thrifty hostess in the freezer will certainly have a bag of "self-made" in case you need to quickly feed your family or meet unexpected guests.

How to sculpt dumplings, what fillings to use, what to serve with - I will talk about all this in other articles. Today our topic is dough for dumplings. You will get acquainted with the secrets of making dough so that it turns out elastic, soft and does not fall apart during cooking even after deep freezing.

The simplest recipe includes only water, salt, flour and a fresh egg. This option, you can take for modeling dumplings or.

If the filling is over, the dough can be used to make homemade noodles, dumplings for chicken soup, lazy dumplings, etc. If desired, it can be stuffed with something - for example, make small donuts with potato filling and deep-fry them. Don't feel like messing around? Then roll it into cakes and fry in oil.

Dumpling dough - a classic recipe (on water with eggs)

This version of the test is also suitable for making homemade dumplings, and for dumplings, and, of course, for manti. It is very easy to work with it, because it turns out to be both elastic and elastic at the same time.

To make the dough, it is advisable to strictly follow the recommendations from the recipe.

You will need:

  • flour - 4 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • salt - 1 tsp

When cooking, we use glasses with a capacity of 250 ml.

Step by step cooking recipe:

Pour warm water into a glass and put salt - 1 tsp. with a small hill. Stir to dissolve all crystals.

Sift flour into a deep bowl. This will help us remove possible impurities and saturate the product with oxygen. Sprinkle ½ cup of flour and set it aside. We will need it a little later.

We make a recess in the hill. Pour salt water into it, beat out the eggs and start kneading.

Now pour the rest of the flour on the table and spread the mass obtained in the bowl.

And we continue the kneading.

Knead the dough for about 3 minutes, then cover with a cloth and let it lie down for 5 minutes. Knead the rest of the flour and get a completely ready-made dough that does not stick to the palms.

To prevent the product from drying out, wrap it in a plastic bag.

The dough can be stored in the freezer for up to 30 days. If necessary, simply remove the workpiece and let it thaw at room temperature. In the usual compartment of the refrigerator, it can lie at a temperature of + 2 ° C for no longer than three days.

Elastic dough for homemade dumplings on mineral water with vegetable (sunflower) oil

Dumpling dough on mineral water and vegetable oil gets dense, but, at the same time, elastic. Dumplings are well molded, do not boil during cooking, and the filling always remains inside.


  • flour - 600 grams;
  • mineral water - 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
  • egg; salt - ½ tsp;
  • granulated sugar - ½ tsp

Cooking algorithm:

Break the egg into the bowl. We add sugar and salt to it. Add oil and mineral water.

Mineral water should be highly carbonated. The more bubbles, the better the dough will turn out.

We mix the components. The mixture immediately begins to foam.

Pour flour into it in small portions and knead the dough with a spoon.

It should not stop sticking to your hands. After that, put it on the table and knead for about 10 minutes, adding flour if necessary. This process will make the dough elastic and when rolling it will not cause you any inconvenience.

We put the product in a plastic bag and let it lie down (ripen) for 20 minutes.

During work - when you roll out the base for dumplings - cover the ball with a towel. Then the dough won't dry out.

How to cook dumplings dough in a bread machine

Pelmeni dough can be made using a bread machine. Almost all models have this feature. Your task is to put all the components in the right proportions, press the button and wait for the end of the process.

Dough for dumplings with semolina

I found out about the dough with the addition of semolina quite by accident. Once I was visiting a friend and they treated me to homemade dumplings. Well, the conversation turned to cooking, because her dumplings were strong, but with a very thin and tasty dough. That's where I got the recipe with semolina.


  • salt - 10 grams;
  • egg;
  • semolina - 5 grams;
  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml;
  • warm water - 250 ml.


  1. Put the flour (most) in a deep bowl.
  2. In the center of the slide, make a recess and put all the ingredients in it, except for water and salt.
  3. Using a spoon or spatula, roll in the dough.
  4. Pour in salted water and mix well again.
  5. Pour the rest of the flour on the table and lay out the mass. Bring it to readiness by hand, kneading for at least 10 minutes.
  6. Then cover the dough with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Recipe for dumplings dough with starch

The dough turns out very obedient, and, most importantly, tasty. Starch makes it elastic, so it does not tear during cooking and after freezing.

Will need:

  • water - 300 ml;
  • flour - 500 grams;
  • starch - 3 tbsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp


  1. We combine all the components and knead the dough.
  2. We put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes (more is possible) and you can start sculpting dumplings.

The dough is hard to knead. It turns out hard, non-sticky. This is fine! After it lies in the refrigerator, it will become soft and plastic. It rolls out perfectly into a very thin layer without flour and does not tear. Ideal for making manti.

How to make custard dough for dumplings - a universal recipe with boiling water

What does universal mean? And the fact that you can cook anything from dough - dumplings, pasties, dumplings, manti. It turns out gentle, tasty and very convenient in work.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • egg;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • boiling water - 250 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp

How to knead the dough for dumplings:

Sift the flour into a bowl with high sides. Make a hole in the center. Put salt in it and beat the egg. Mix with a fork.

Pour in the oil and boiling water in a thin stream while stirring constantly. When the dough is already difficult to mix with a spoon, put it on the board and, adding flour, knead with your hands. It should stop sticking to the palms.

Then form a ball and cover with a towel so as not to wind. Leave for half an hour and you can sculpt dumplings.

Dough recipe without eggs (on milk)

The dough for dumplings, mixed with milk, always turns out to be elastic and elastic. It can be used to make dumplings. It rolls well and does not tear during the cooking process. The dumplings are amazingly delicious!


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • warm milk - 125 ml;
  • warm water - 125 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. The flour must be sifted.
  2. Mix milk and water. Put salt. Stir.
  3. Pour the mixture into the flour and knead the dough.
  4. Let the dough rest under a towel for 30 minutes.

Video: custard dough for dumplings

There are many recipes for step-by-step preparation of dough for dumplings. But regardless of the option chosen, it turns out to be dense, elastic, and when ready, the dumplings turn out to be unusually tender and tasty.

Each housewife has her own recipe for kneading dumplings. But don't get hung up on one way. Remember - there is no limit to perfection, and by trying other compositions and proportions, you will certainly find a couple more options that will definitely become favorites.

Bon appetit and see you for new recipes!

Cooking dumplings dough at home: on water, milk, with or without an egg. Best Recipes dough for dumplings - for you!

A recipe for a universal dough that is perfect for both dumplings and dumplings.

  • Water 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Flour 550-600 grams
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Egg 1 piece

We cover the dough with a damp towel and you can make any filling. All is ready.

I recommend this recipe to everyone who makes dumplings and dumplings at home, it’s a very good dough, it’s nice to work with it, it doesn’t tear or boil soft. Enjoy your meal.

Recipe 2: dough for homemade dumplings on the water (step by step)

The dough on the water turns out to be very soft, elastic, easy to mold, does not tear, dumplings do not stick out and do not become limp in water during cooking. From the specified amount of ingredients, about 100 small dumplings are obtained.

For test:

  • 250 ml of cold water;
  • 1 egg C0;
  • 500 g flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

For dumplings:

  • minced pork and beef with onions.

Recipe 3, simple: dough for dumplings at home

Delicious dumpling dough! Yes, it's delicious! And it turns out to be very plastic, unusually obedient, does not tear and is remarkably molded. Exactly what you need to make delicious homemade dumplings.

Regarding flour: the amount of this product (as in the preparation of absolutely any type of dough) can vary up or down. The thing is that the moisture content of wheat flour can be different, so for certain proportions of liquid according to a single recipe, someone may need 3 cups, and someone will need only 2.5. That is why always focus on your feelings and experience.

The dough for dumplings according to this recipe should be soft immediately after kneading and gather well into a ball. After resting, it will become smooth and completely uniform. It can be stored for about a day in the refrigerator if you do not have time to immediately stick dumplings.

  • water - 50 ml
  • milk - 130 ml
  • wheat flour - 3 cups
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

First of all, be sure to sift the flour. This will not only help to get rid of possible impurities, but also further enrich the flour with oxygen, making it more airy.

We make a slide out of flour, and then a recess in it, where we pour in water and milk at room temperature. Break in the egg and sprinkle with salt.

With movements on the edges of the bowl to its center, we connect the products, kneading the dough for dumplings. Then we make a small depression in the center of the dough, into which we pour the oil.

Now mix the sunflower oil well into the dough so that it becomes homogeneous. We collect it to the ball, cover the bowl with a towel (you can tighten it with a film so that it does not wind up) and let it rest for 40 minutes.

Recipe 4: how easy it is to make dough for homemade dumplings

Such a dough recipe for homemade dumplings never fails, and even after freezing it rolls out beautifully and dumplings are molded so wonderfully. Preparing the dough ahead of time will help you save time in the kitchen.

  • water - 150 grams,
  • wheat flour - 600 grams,
  • fine salt - 1 tsp. l.,
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.

I sift the flour (so far only half the norm) into a bowl, enrich it with oxygen. Also, this procedure helps to get rid of possible lumps. Sometimes in the flour there are incomprehensible small dry lumps. I use regular wheat flour. Add a little salt to the flour, mix the flour with salt to make the dough tastier.

I drive in chicken eggs I begin to stir the dough with a spoon.

I pour in water, start kneading the dough, again mix it with a spoon.

It turns out a watery dough, but it is without lumps and this is very good.

I pour all the rest of the flour into the dough, now I start working with clean hands, knead the dough thoroughly until a tight ball forms. The dough turns out to be tight, but at the same time it is easy to roll out and lends itself to modeling.

I use the finished dough to make many delicious dumplings.

Recipe 5: delicious milk dough for homemade dumplings

  • milk - 0.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • wheat flour - 400 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp

Sift the flour through a sieve into a bowl or onto a work surface. Make a small indentation in the center of the hill and crack in the egg. Add salt and stir the egg with a fork.

Add milk and start kneading the dough. Knead with your hands, gradually adding cold water - literally 1 teaspoon each. Depending on the quality of the flour, it may take from 20 to 50 ml of water until the dough becomes steep and stops sticking to your hands.

Pelmeni is not only a popular and beloved dish by many, but also very practical. It is convenient to always have a bag of dumplings in the freezer.

They will help out if a guest unexpectedly appears on the doorstep or there is no time for dinner. All you need is to boil water, and in five minutes a tasty, satisfying and hot dish is ready.

The simplest and most common dumpling dough consists of water, eggs and flour. Although it is considered dumplings, it can be used not only for making dumplings. From such unleavened dough, you can make dumplings, pies or pasties. If excess minced meat remains after sculpting, you can freeze it, fry cutlets or make meatballs. Where do you use the extra dough? It turns out that there are plenty of options for its use. It can be used on homemade noodles, soup dumplings, lazy dumplings, pizza crust. Or roll up bagels, putting mashed potatoes, sugar or minced meat instead of filling, and fry in oil. You can just fry the cakes, without any filling, after rolling out the dough.

Dumpling dough - general principles and methods of preparation

Dumpling dough has more than a dozen cooking options. It is made with water, milk, kefir, butter is added, even brewed with boiling water. Each housewife has her own recipe. Someone puts food by eye, and someone carefully measures the amount, believing that only the exact proportions of flour, water and eggs can give the dough firmness, elasticity, and a special taste to the finished dumplings. Some housewives have no idea how to knead the dough without eggs, while others argue that it is the dough without eggs that makes it truly dumplings. Which option will suit your taste is unknown. Get to know the recipes, choose, try.

Recipe 1: Choux pastry for dumplings

This recipe is good because the dough is elastic, soft, easy to roll out. It is a real pleasure to work with him - it does not tear and does not stick. And it can also be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days in a bag. You can also make dumplings, pies, pasties from it. The amount of ingredients is designed for a large batch of dumplings.

Ingredients: one and a half glasses of water, eggs - 2, flour - 6 glasses, salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

Part of the flour (2 cups), brew half a cup of boiling water. Those. simply pour the boiling water into the flour and stir with a spoon. After the flour and water are mixed into a homogeneous mass, add the remaining products - a glass of water, eggs, salt and then the remaining 4 glasses of flour. Mix well with your hands and leave for a while (20-30 minutes) at room temperature. To prevent the dough from winding, wrap it in a film, or put it in a bowl, covered with a lid or plate.

Recipe 2: Dough for dumplings on kefir

A very simple recipe. Only two components - kefir and flour. Suitable for dumplings, dumplings, pasties. From the leftover dough, you can fry or bake cakes. You can’t roll it very thinly, but on the other hand it doesn’t tear during cooking, it’s tasty, soft, almost fluffy. This dough can be frozen, and when it thaws, add a little flour, because. it becomes wet and sticky, and you can start sculpting.

Ingredients: a glass of kefir (250 ml), 350-400 g of flour.

Cooking method

Pour the kefir into a bowl, add about half the serving of flour and mix with a spoon until smooth. Then, little by little, add the remaining flour in small portions, kneading the dough with your hands. Let him rest in the refrigerator for 40 minutes, maybe more, and sculpt dumplings.

Recipe 3: Classic dumpling dough

It is impossible to say that this is the most correct dough for dumplings. As probably there is no single right recipe at all, so that they are guided by it as a standard. But this is the most traditional and common cooking option. The dough must be rolled out as thin as possible, but without fanaticism, it is not necessary to stretch into tissue paper. To get very cold water, you need to put a glass of liquid in the freezer until a thin crust of ice begins to form on the surface.

Ingredients: cold water - ½ cup, 2 large eggs, a teaspoon of salt, flour - 2 cups.

Cooking method

The dough can be kneaded on the table, large cutting board or in a bowl. Mix flour and salt, build a slide. Make a small hole in the center of the hill and first beat in one egg, stirring with a fork, then the second. Then start slowly pouring cold water in portions and knead the mass with your hands. Blind the ball and crush it. Occupation is not easy, because. the dough is tight, but the consistency of the finished dough will allow you to roll it into a fairly thin layer. If the dough is dry, add a little water, and if, on the contrary, it is too soft and sticky, add more flour. After ten to fifteen minutes, after thoroughly kneading, let the dough rest for at least an hour. At this time, it is left on the table. Cover from above (with an inverted bowl, napkin, towel) so that it does not wind.

Recipe 4: Milk dumpling dough

From this dough, dumplings are tender, soft and tasty. Preparing it is quite simple, although not quite usual. The ingredients are listed for a large number of dumplings. You can immediately stick a large batch and store in the freezer.

Ingredients: a kilogram of flour, 0.5 liters of milk, an incomplete teaspoon of salt, 2 eggs.

Cooking method

In a saucepan, mix eggs, salt, milk. Add enough flour to make the dough runny, like pancakes. Put on fire. Just not strong, the fire needs to be made small. As it heats up, the mass will thicken and swell. It must be stirred so that it does not burn and is homogeneous, without lumps. As soon as the mass thickens, remove it from the fire. It is NOT necessary to bring to a boil so that the egg white does not curdle. Add the rest of the flour and mix well. It should turn out not sticky, dense and elastic. Let him lie down for about half an hour and start carving.

Recipe 5. Dough for dumplings on mineral water


a glass of mineral water;

three glasses of flour;

60 ml sunflower oil;

20 g of sugar;

Cooking method

Crack an egg into a bowl and lightly beat it with the sugar and salt. Then add sunflower oil and stir. Be sure to sift the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen, and no lumps form during the kneading process. Knead the dough with a mixer, gradually adding the sifted flour. Then knead the dough with your hands until it is smooth and uniform. Cover it with a bowl and let it rest for 20 minutes. Then proceed to the preparation of dumplings or dumplings.

Recipe 6. Whey dumpling dough


whey - 250 ml;

two yolks;

half a kilogram of flour;

vegetable oil;

ice is a piece.

Cooking method

Sift the flour on the table in a heap. Make an indentation in the middle. Grate a piece of ice and put it into the whey. This must be done quickly so that the ice does not have time to melt. Also add the yolks, salt and oil to the whey. Mix everything well. Pour the resulting mixture into the recess in the flour and start kneading the dough until it stops sticking to your hands and becomes elastic. Take a metal bowl, pour boiling water over it, wipe it dry with a clean towel, and cover the dough with it. Leave it to reach for half an hour.

Recipe 7. Dough for dumplings on sour cream


50 g sour cream;

80 ml of water;

a pinch of baking soda and salt;

flour - 300 g.

Cooking method

Combine flour with salt and sift. Add soda to sour cream. Pour flour into sour cream and mix. Then, stirring constantly, pour in water in a thin stream and knead a sufficiently steep dough. But make sure it's not clogged. Therefore, as soon as the dough falls behind your hands, wrap it in a plastic bag and leave it to rest for 20 minutes. After this time, the dough will become smooth and elastic. You can start cooking.

Recipe 8. Multi-colored dough for dumplings


120 ml vegetable oil;

two glasses of water;

large beets;

a bunch of greens;

Cooking method

We clean the beets and rub them into small chips. We put it in gauze, squeeze out the juice and pour it into a mug. Rinse the greens, finely chop with a knife, put in a saucepan and pour a glass of cold water. Cook greens on low heat for 15 minutes. Then we filter through cheesecloth. Knead the dough of three colors:

1. Mix beet juice with 80 ml of oil and salt. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough until it becomes soft and stops sticking to your hands.

2. Pour 20 ml of sunflower oil into a decoction of greens and salt. Pour flour into the resulting mixture and knead a stiff dough.

3. Pour 20 ml of sunflower oil into cold water, salt and knead soft dough.

Cover the dough with a clean towel and let it rest for half an hour.

Recipe 9. Lean dough for dumplings without eggs


three st. flour;

75 ml sunflower oil;

one and a half cups of boiling water.

Cooking method

Combine flour with salt and sunflower oil. Mix everything well and pour boiling water in a thin stream. In this case, it is necessary to constantly knead with a spoon so that lumps do not form. Sprinkle the table with flour and put the dough on it. Knead by hand until elastic. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave to rest for half an hour. Now we can sculpt dumplings or dumplings from it.

Recipe 10. Dough for dumplings in a bread machine


200 ml of water;

450 g flour;

a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

Pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl of the bread machine, break the egg and lay the salt and flour. Select the program "Dough" and turn on the device. After the beep, the dough can be left for another hour in the bread machine, or transferred to a bowl, covered with a clean towel and left to rest. Such a dough can be used not only for making dumplings or dumplings, but also for frying pasties.

Recipe 11. Dough for dumplings with vodka


160 ml of vegetable oil;

250 ml of water;

5 g sugar;

four glasses of flour;

10 ml of vodka;

two pinches of table salt.

Cooking method

Dissolve sugar and salt in water. Sift the flour so that it is saturated with oxygen. This is necessary in order for the dough to turn out airy. Pour the flour into a bowl with a slide, make a recess in it, and pour sweet-salty water and oil into it. Knead the dough well so that it does not stick to your hands. We put the finished dough in a bag, wrap it and leave it to rest for half an hour. Then take it out and mix well again. This procedure is repeated three times. After that, you can start cooking dumplings or dumplings.

Recipe 12. Dough for dumplings with starch


water - 300 ml;

half a kilogram of flour;

salt - two pinches;

three st. spoons of potato starch.

Cooking method

We combine the flour with salt and starch, sift everything together on the table with a slide. We make a recess at the top. We mix water with sunflower oil. Pour the resulting mixture into the recess, and knead the dough until it becomes elastic and sticks to your hands. Wrap the dough in cling film and put it in the fridge for a while. During this time, the flour will release the gluten. Thanks to starch, the dough is very plastic. You can roll it out or stretch it to a very thin state, it will not tear!

- To make dumplings more tasty, the dough must be rolled out thinly, up to 1-2 mm thick.

- To prevent dumplings from sticking together, they are boiled in a wide, low bowl in plenty of water.

- To get colorful dumplings, the dough can be tinted with natural dyes. For a yellow color, you need to add a pinch of turmeric, 1 g of saffron, or put 2-3 brightly colored yolks instead of a whole egg. Green color will give mashed spinach - for 2 parts flour, take 1 part mashed potatoes. Tomato paste will give a red color - 1 tablespoon added to one egg included in the recipe.

- Dumplings are not only boiled, they can also be fried using fat or vegetable oil. It is not recommended to take creamy, because. it will burn and smoke.