How to dance tango? Is this possible and who is it suitable for? How to learn to dance a tango wedding dance on your own: video lessons Unchangeable attributes of dance

Tango has always attracted people with its passion. This dance helps to express all the feelings hidden deep inside that are not found in everyday life. But to achieve a positive effect, learning tango requires hard, dedicated work.

Where to start

Tango is built on the relationship between a man and a woman, their passion, conflicts and reconciliations, jealousy, hatred and love. Each instructor has his own vision of dance, so it is better to study with one rather than several teachers. There are no age restrictions here, tango is the optimal dance for everyone - if only you have perseverance and desire.

First movements

Let's listen to how an experienced instructor teaches women how to make the first movements: “Extend your arm forward, as if it were starting from your ear. Then take a step so that your leg starts as if from your chest.” The very first step is taken, then the basic elements are taught: pivots, moving in step, etc. These elements are not easy in themselves, but who said it would be easy. Also, literally from the first lessons, you need to learn how to correctly distribute your own weight.

Differences between tango and other dances

No matter how sensual and temperamental tango is, there is always a note of sadness in it. Unlike the planned repetitions of the waltz rhythm, in tango there are accelerations and decelerations - everything that radically changes the rhythm of the dance. When sharp movements organically alternate with slow ones, this creates a magnificent, expressive atmosphere for the dance. A man and a woman are separated by a dance, each of them performing different steps and showing different gestures.

Everyone can share the joy and passion of tango. Born in the poor neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, this dance has gained popularity all over the world, and in almost every city in Russia there are professional tango sections and instructors. In general, the essence of tango is that it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is HOW!

I love to dance and have always wanted to learn to dance tango.

In those distant times, when I went to ballroom dancing, it seemed to me that tango is a very, very difficult dance. We taught what angles to place our feet, diagonal steps, step patterns like “slow, slow, fast fast slow, fast fast.” In general, one got the impression that dancing tango in everyday life is simply unrealistic and only professionals can do it.

How does tango compare favorably with other dances?

Samba, mamba, salsa are quite fast dances. This is already a certain complexity. There is some hip work that needs to be learned. In samba, the steps are springy, and this puts a certain strain on the knees. In jive you have to jump really well. Waltz beautiful dance, but it’s unlikely that you can take it and dance it without prior preparation. Cha-cha-cha, rumba - a complex pattern of steps (in rumba in 4, 2 and 3), hip work... And any of these dances requires a certain physical form.

It's a matter of tango! In tango you can dance as slowly as you like. The steps can be performed approximately the same way as you walk in life (only hitting “one, two, three, four”, of course)). There is no special work on the hips. No matter how you place your hands, everything is correct. The main thing is to perform the movements with charisma))

The only catch is that if you don’t have this very charisma, then there’s nothing to demonstrate. Tango is not for you)) It’s better to just stomp along the slow lane as usual.

Watching dances from films, I realized the following about tango::

1. There are no mistakes in tango! If you dance with this attitude, the task does not seem difficult at first. Tango is a game.

2. Forget about the “slow, slow, fast fast slow” schemes. If you are able to count “one, two, three, four” to the music and are able to move your feet to this count, then you are no longer lost to society))

3. In tango there is no need to rush anywhere. You can step through the count - by one, and by three. You can generally stand meaningfully in place for an entire beat.

4. It’s very good if there is a flower that you can take in your teeth :) and pass it to each other or with which a man can rub it over his partner’s face. Or along the décolleté area...

What is required of a man in dance:

1. Look straight at your partner, tilting your head in her direction. Show off your masculine charisma - women like it))

2. Significantly stand still, supporting your partner while she lunges or turns))

3. Let go of your partner and pull him back to you - gently or with a more sudden movement.

4. Help to turn.

5. Tilt in different sides(and while bending over you can lean towards her cleavage))

6. Throw your partner’s leg over yourself and drag her across the dance floor.

7. Move your feet to the music))

For the advanced: it’s great if you let a woman feel in which direction you are going to lead her next. This way she will be more relaxed and your dance will look very harmonious.

What is required from a woman:

1. Relax, completely submit to your partner and move your feet in the direction he leads.

2. Bend over, twist, lunge to the side and back.

3. Leave and return.

The simplest steps

1. The easiest way to start is to learn to move side by side, face to face. This way the partners’ legs don’t interfere with each other))

2. Steps forward, backward, to the side, facing each other or looking in the same direction (woman's back to man).

Modern dance art replete with in various directions, everyone can choose exactly what they like. There are both complex directions, where many types are intertwined, and separate ones.


Tango refers to contemporary art, but it has ancient roots, coming from Argentina. There he was considered folk dance. On at the moment This type is popular all over the world, it is distinguished by energetic music and precise movements. He is very beautiful and spectacular. Before you understand how to dance tango, you need to choose a direction. Tango is divided into several subtypes:

  1. Antique.
  2. Argentinian.
  3. Uruguayan.
  4. Ballroom.
  5. Finnish.

Tango music is also divided into subgroups:

  1. Waltz.
  2. Milongo.
  3. Kanjenge.
  4. Elektroniko.

The main differences between all types are the rhythm of the dance, movements and melody.

When the choice is over, you can move on to the question: “How to dance tango?”

History of tango

Paradoxically, the roots of this art form are from ancient Africa; the name itself is also of African origin. The Ibibio people called the dance to the drums. For the first time, the people of Buenos Aires traveled around Europe with such a program at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Learn tango on your own

How to tango professionally at home? It is not always possible to visit special clubs and sports centers. But there is a way out. Learn to dance tango at home using video lessons. This direction is chosen by sensual, passionate people to throw out all their emotions and show their individuality.

The real question is: "How to dance tango?" - not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to feel the music and give yourself entirely to it. To dance tango you must have a suitable melody. It should be slow and with a constantly repeating rhythm. Listen to many compositions until you find exactly your melody, to which even your soul will beg to dance. Give yourself entirely to the music, let it lead you clockwise, don’t strain. It is necessary to know all the basic steps; practice in advance. Steps are basic knowledge, without which you will simply dance in a free format. The legs will get tired at first, a good workout for them is walking on tiptoes, training the calf muscles once or twice. Even when just doing housework, try to do it on tiptoe. And remember, tango is whatever you say, try to find a partner who wants to learn with you or will teach you. Therefore, before you think about how to dance tango, it is important to remember that absolutely everything depends on believing in yourself, do not listen to those who will dissuade you and ridicule you, go towards your goal.


In the perception of a person far from tango, this is something beautiful - bright dresses, deep necklines, rhinestones, glitter. Festive dance with red roses, mesh tights, patent leather shoes. Initially, it is this chic that attracts ordinary people who are far from the world of dance. After all, on the one hand, there is gray everyday life, and on the other, a bright, hot, passionate flash of madness. Due to the abundance of trends in this style, there is now no need to look for exactly one type of thing; you can select and combine outfits yourself. What could be more beautiful than putting on a bright dress after casual clothes and feeling like a queen!

Tango as a way out of everyday life

Tango is love at first sight, as many famous dancers and beginners say. He came, he saw and he disappeared. You just start to get excited about this trend, learn new elements, hone the ones you’ve already learned and give your all to the dance, forgetting about everything that’s happening.

On World Tango Day, which is celebrated on December 11, millions of dancers rejoice and do what they do best, what they truly love - dance! How last time in life. Tango brings together people of different ages, professions, and social classes. And unites them into one big family. Because tango is couples dance, he teaches trust. Therefore, you need to completely trust your partner and allow yourself to be led.

With the help of such a dance you can return the former passion to the family. More than one couple has already admitted that this renews their relationship and gives that very spark that goes out in everyday life. People fall in love with each other again, their eyes begin to glow, they want to dance again and again.

Tango is a wonderful dance. He attracts with his close contact with his partner, openness of feelings, and passion. However, for it to be such, it is necessary to clearly practice quite complex movements. And you can easily learn many of them without leaving your home.

Tango training at home

  1. Before you start learning the movements of this dance, you should choose music with a constant and slow rhythm. You can select melodies not only from Argentine tango, and also from rumba, slow foxtrot and even symphonic music.
  2. Learn to count beats on four beats. In this case, unpaired counts follow each other in a second and mark the strong beats of the music.
  3. Put on some music, close your eyes and try to relax. On each major beat, move in place. If you feel that you are getting more or less natural movements, open your eyes and move around the perimeter of the room, but do not forget that each step should be on the main beat of the music. You need to memorize this rhythm in a couple of minutes. It is the basis of tango.
  4. Then walk around the room counterclockwise. This is also called the "line of dance". If you learn to move in this direction, you can prevent collisions with other dancers. Try to walk around the chair or table, cross the center of the room and return to the starting position. All this must be done naturally and smoothly.
  5. Now you should learn the basic tango steps. Walk around the room without music. Start your step from the front of your foot only. Imagine that you are a predatory panther stalking through the jungle. This image can help make your movements more elegant and smooth, and your body more flexible.
  6. Now move back along the same path. Your head should be turned to the side so that you can see where you are going. Often men look to the left, and girls look to the right. The leg should be straightened a little more than during normal walking. Also move your body a little further - at first it will be unusual for you, but you will get used to it. This will also help avoid collisions with dancers.
  7. The weight should always be over the front of the foot, no matter whether you walk forward or backward. To develop the muscles of your fingers, walk on your toes. This will help develop the habit of dancing with your body shifted forward. But don’t get too carried away, as tiptoeing will tire your legs; it’s better to immediately use heeled shoes.
  8. Try to dance with a partner (imaginary or real) with your hands positioned correctly. Left hand lower the man's arms over his biceps. The second hand should be to the side, just like in ballroom dancing.
  9. Turn on the music and slowly move to its rhythm. No need to strain yourself. Try to enjoy dancing - this will only speed up your tango learning.
  10. And finally, we advise you to watch the video lessons presented at the end of the article.

Video lessons

Tango appeared in Argentina at the end XIX century. It was born from a mixture of local milonga rhythms and the music of European immigrants that sounded in the port taverns of Buenos Aires. At the beginning XX century, tango came to Europe, where it created a sensation in fashion salons. At the same time, this dance was considered obscene by the Catholic Church and banned by the Archbishop of Paris.

No other dance has such a clearly defined rhythm. In addition, the alternating slow-fast rhythm of tango allows the dancer to control his body and, as a result, elegantly move his center of gravity. To dance tango well, count the steps as follows: the slow part lasts two bars, the fast part lasts one.

Moving Forward

Moving forward - main figure tango. The movement of the legs is easy to learn, under the only condition: count well - slowly, slowly, quickly, quickly, slowly. Count out loud, the slow part should be twice as long as the fast part. When you move forward, step with your heel. Remember that you should not lean on the leg shaded in the diagram.


1. Take a step forward with your left foot (slowly).

2. Take a step forward with your right foot (slowly).

3. Take a step forward (quickly) with your left foot.

4. Take a step to the right (quickly) with your right foot.

5. Place your left foot next to your right, without putting your weight on your left foot, and pause (slowly).


1. Take a step back with your right foot (slowly).

2. Take a step back with your left foot (slowly).

3. Take a step back (quickly) with your right foot.

4. Take a step to the left (quickly) with your left foot.