How I spent my summer: an essay in pictures. How to spend your summer holidays profitably? Summer holidays children's drawings

Elena Smirnova

This is where it ends summer, autumn will come soon. And we will remember ours with great joy. spent days in summer.

In the last week of summer we had a conversation with the children"How are they spent the summer".

And they offered to draw houses drawing -"how are they spent the summer» . And so children's drawings, please our eyes "Like me spent the summer"to the locker rooms of the kindergarten. The children look at their drawings. The children tell each other again about how they spent the summer days where they visited, what they saw new, what they learned and what new friends they met.

Tell me, children, summer -

What color is it:

Green, burgundy,

Or maybe purple?

A summer is very different:

Brown, red,


Like a fluffy cloud,

Like a rosy apple,

Spicy like mint for tea.

Cheerful and loud,

With boys, with girls.

It's cool from the rain.

It's very hot from the sun,

Happy and bright!

We all need -

It's always a favorite!

Publications on the topic:

So much light! So much sun! So much greenery all around! Summer has come again, and warmth has come to our house. And there is so much light around, it smells.

What is it like, our summer, Summer is dressed in bright greenery, Summer is warmed by the hot sun, Summer is breathing with the breeze. Summer is the land of eternal childhood.

Not long ago I felt the need to quickly create some kind of exhibition of drawings on a winter theme. But at the same time, so that...

Creative works carried out jointly by children and parents were presented at an exhibition of drawings, which was organized by teachers.

June 3 in our kindergarten The holiday "Children's Day" was celebrated. In the morning, children drew pictures with crayons on the asphalt on the theme "Let it always be.

Summer means flowers, butterflies, bright blue skies and green grass. This is exactly the picture we will draw today. From this drawing you can make a postcard.

Required materials:

  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils in yellow, orange, red, pink, dark green, light green and blue. The pink color can be replaced with purple, then you get a real rainbow;
  • Thin black marker;
  • A simple pencil (preferably soft 3B);
  • Eraser.

At first with a simple pencil mark where the flowers will be located. The lines should be very light, barely noticeable. The shape of the flower fits into an oval. Place the ovals at the bottom of the sheet, at different angles to the edges of the paper and to each other.

In the upper part, make room for the butterfly; use light lines to determine its size and direction of flight.

If you connect the corners of the wings of any butterfly with lines, you get a trapezoid. Therefore, you need to start drawing a butterfly with this figure. Having outlined its contours, divide the trapezoid with a line approximately in the middle. From the corners to the center of the trapezoid, round off the shape of the wings. Label the body and head.

Now draw the flowers. In the middle of each planned oval you need to make smaller ovals.

From these small ovals, draw diverging lines separating the petals.

Round the petals without disturbing the intended shape of the flower.

Using light lines, mark the location of several leaves. They should be located in different directions. First, draw the middle line of the sheet, then two lines from the tip with a corner. Draw the leaves, rounding the lines.

Carefully trace the resulting outlines of flowers, leaves and butterflies with a marker. Try to keep the lines smooth.

Take a blue pencil. Using transparent lines, sketch out the horizon line approximately in the middle of the sheet, as well as the lines of the hills below. Use light strokes to tint the sky. Start tinting from the upper corners of the sheet towards the horizon line, gradually loosening the pressure.

From the horizon line it is also very easy, using loose strokes with a gradual weakening of pressure, indicate the distance with the hills.

Use a yellow pencil to color the butterfly's wings. This should be done in small strokes with even pressure. Do not press the pencil too hard, it is better to cross-hatch in one place several times until you achieve the desired tone.

Paint over the body of the butterfly orange, and use a marker to draw small details: spots and black corners on the wings, eyes and antennae.

Now it's time to do the flowers. Use a yellow pencil to shade out the centers.

Then start tinting the petals. To make the tinting look neat, outline and color each petal separately. The strokes should be small and the pressure on the pencil should be even.

Our drawing shows a red, orange and pink flower. But you can come up with another combination.

Color the leaves this way: one half of the leaf is dark green, and the other half is light green.

Finish the drawing by working out the details with a marker. In the middle of the flowers, apply several dots, draw veins on the leaves.

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School time is over and summer vacation for children for three long months is on the agenda. According to statistics, every second child stays at home during the summer holidays every year. Each family decides in its own way what he will do while the adults are at work. I wonder how parents in other countries cope with this task?

Summer holidays in schools around the world

Japanese holidays

In Japan, children study a lot in order to get high paying job. Therefore, Japanese mothers view children's holidays as an opportunity to improve the situation in some way. school subject. Teachers give summer assignments that students complete under the watchful supervision of strict mothers. During the holidays, primary schoolchildren keep summer diaries where they draw hieroglyphs, developing their ability to write and draw.

Holidays in Australia

On the largest island in the world, Australia, children spend their holidays interestingly. Many sporting events are within walking distance, and themed festivals allow children to lead an active lifestyle.

Holidays for French children

In France, parents develop a competitive spirit in their children. Parents use every opportunity to improve their children in some subject. Vacations usually turn into daily training to master knowledge in order to get a high score in exams.

Italian holidays

In freedom-loving Italy, children from an early age are taught to evaluate their own performance. Until adolescence, Italian mothers rather pamper their children than educate them. Children spend their holidays with their families.


American children are taught independence. They tend to keep themselves busy. Communication on the Internet and watching television programs are widespread.


In Canada, schools focus on communication skills. IN educational institutions Students and teachers are constantly being shuffled around. This is how children, from the point of view of psychologists, form correct relationships with others. During the holidays, children usually travel as part of peer groups.

Summer holidays for children in Russia

Our country, with its foundations and attachment to friends, has its pros and cons. Building deep relationships with others, on the one hand, forms the mysterious “Russian soul” with its compassion for people, on the other hand, it can be drawn into destructive relationships with marginalized layers of society. Therefore, various summer health programs that will allow the child to develop his individual abilities can serve as an inoculation against excessive emotionality in our children. Today, such programs are widely represented on the market of services for organizing children's recreation. From summer playgrounds at schools to trips to summer camps both within the country and abroad. This refers to specialized programs that not only organize children’s recreation, but also help the child not to forget the educational process during the holidays. For example, language, sports or tourism programs. Children, like adults, need a change of environment and new positive impressions. The only thing parents should take care of in advance is to instill in their child self-care skills.

How I will spend my summer holidays, pictures for children

Traditionally, at the beginning of September everyone tells each other about how I spent the summer. Someone writes an essay, someone shares gigabytes of photographs with friends... We suggest drawing or making stories with children that tell better than any words what they remember most about their summer vacation.

... In the summer, my family and I went camping. We cooked food over a fire, admired the stars, spent the night in a tent and even... saw a bear! Don't believe me?

A similar craft will be great postcard for grandparents, will tell about emotions and impressions. The collage technique will help create an original story even for those who are not good at painting: we cut out photographs and fragments of pictures from magazines and paste them on colored paper.

... We also swam and dived to the very bottom of the blue sea with scuba gear. We wanted to see the Little Mermaid, but her friend whispered that there was no one at home and it was better for us to quickly surface before mom and dad started to worry.

This idea is good for an exhibition of children's works. You need large photographs of the child and a separately made scuba diving mask made of paper and transparent film (you can use a file). Next comes absolute, unfettered creativity: we draw underwater world and its inhabitants.

... Of course, we saw the world as beautiful and colorful, because in front of our eyes we had huge sunglasses, where everything that was happening was reflected as in a mirror.

On a separate sheet of paper we draw huge glasses with bright frames. The glass in them is mirrored, so the reflection in them speaks louder than any words. The masterpiece can be accompanied by a cover letter with an essay about how I spent the summer, if the child already knows how to write independently.

This idea will be useful for those who like to craft from natural materials who likes to decorate their home with trophies brought from different travels. Pebbles, caressed by the sea and the sun, will help to depict a happy family on the beach.

Dear readers! Share your stories about summer vacations with the whole family in the comments. It's interesting to see what crafts your Creators and Travelers have made.

We all love summer - a time for relaxation, vacations, games, adventures and swimming. Personally, I just love summer for a whole bunch of reasons, and therefore I invite you to draw this time of year with me step by step with a pencil.

So, what do you associate with summer? Personally, for me - with clear skies, sun, greenery and a house in the village. Let's try to draw a carefree landscape that would be perfect for illustrating your story about holidays and summer.

First, we divide our sheet with a line, marking the horizon. Draw with a simple pencil so that sometimes you can erase everything extra lines.

At the top of the sheet we draw a sun and clouds. You can draw a completely cloudy sky, or you can draw a clear one.

Add a couple of tree trunks.

And, of course, what would summer be without lush, bright foliage? We draw lush tree crowns.

The general landscape is ready, now it’s time to draw a house away from the trees. By the way, in next lessons I want to show you how to draw houses. So, we draw the base of the house from two rectangles.

Add a roof to the rectangles. Don’t forget to remove all unnecessary lines along the way so that they don’t distract you.

Let's add another element and a pipe to the roof.

Let's finish drawing the doors and windows.