How can a woman lose weight at home with dumbbells. A set of exercises with dumbbells for weight loss of arms, abdomen, legs: rules for performing Exercises for weight loss with dumbbells at home

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It seems that there is no more tenacious stereotype than the belief in the incompatibility of women and strength training. In the pursuit of a slim figure, many of the fair sex try diet after diet, but deny themselves the work with weights. The fear of becoming like Schwarzenegger is still strong. But dumbbell exercises for women are a very effective weight loss tool that does not create a risk of pumping.

Working with extra weight, you will get a feminine figure and a whole series of pleasant bonuses. Read more about the benefits of dumbbells.

The benefits of dumbbell exercises

The benefits of dumbbell exercises for women are obvious and varied. Consider some of the most important aspects of the impact of working with this sports equipment on the female body.

Fast weight loss and an attractive figure

Diet and aerobics are a classic combination. The idea of ​​the advantage of aerobic exercise over weight training has firmly settled in the minds of the masses. It is generally accepted that fat in this case burns faster. In fact, the opposite is true - by training with additional weight, you will spend less time losing extra pounds.

Directly training with weights has little effect on fat burning. In this dumbbell aerobics are not competitors.

Strength exercises with dumbbells speed up the metabolism, start the metabolism mechanism a. The effect can last up to two days. All this time, the body gets rid of fat at an accelerated pace.

But this is not the most important thing. Being engaged with weights, women not only lose weight, but become slimmer. Exercises with dumbbells for women for weight loss allow you to find an attractive feminine silhouette. In all cases, to achieve the result, you have to work - even while dieting, even doing aerobics, even training with dumbbells. But the latter contribute to the appearance of sexual curves - pumped up buttocks, thin waist, rounded shoulders.

At the same weight, a woman with toned muscles looks more compact than a woman who has simply lost weight. The fact is that 1 kg of fat is approximately 20% more voluminous than 1 kg of muscle. The best link for losing weight is dieting and exercising with dumbbells. One reinforces the other. Both on the physical level and on the mental level.

Health promotion

Dumbbells help deal with heart problems. Both literally and figuratively. Weights better than a psychologist allow you to cope with emotional wounds - training builds character and leads to the release of hormones of happiness. In this state, experiencing problems on the personal front is much easier.

Exercises with dumbbells stimulate the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system. In this, some weight training complexes are quite capable of competing with aerobic exercises. For example, circular dumbbell exercises significantly increase the pulse, which leads to a strengthening of the heart.

Weight training lowers blood pressure. As a result, the risk of a heart attack is reduced by 15%, and the likelihood of having a stroke is reduced by 40%. In addition, the body receives more reliable protection against many other diseases. Life expectancy is increasing.

There are benefits from dumbbells for the skeleton. Over time, bone tissue becomes more fragile. Weight training leads to an increase in the blood levels of osteocalcin, a bone protein. As a result, bone strength increases.

Mental health is just as important as physical health. We mentioned above the hormones of happiness - endorphins. Strength training leads to the release of these extremely useful substances for the emotional life of a person. Other things being equal, women who regularly engage in extra weight are more positive than those who ignore weight training. Well, stress resistance is also a more colorful, and longer, and more productive life.

Time saving

Some women are well aware of the benefits of strength training. But with all understanding, they cannot find a place for regular exercise in a busy schedule. In such a situation, dumbbells will help - exercises at home for women do not require a lot of time or a lot of space.

It is difficult to imagine more compact sports equipment than dumbbells. At the same time, they are able to literally work wonders with a female figure. The compactness of dumbbells and the absence of the need to run to the gym leave no room for excuses.

Dumbbells are also an option for those women who cannot afford to go to the gym for financial reasons. And for those who are complex about their figure.

Other people's views for shy girls can be a serious obstacle to the goal. Classic shells solve a whole bunch of objective and far-fetched problems at once.

Training with dumbbells makes a woman more attractive, more positive and healthier. And also smarter. The benefit to the intellect is noticeable to any "strength" athlete and without any research. But they, studies, are - according to them, after six months of training, a person becomes capable of higher concentration, better absorbs and remembers information. And for a smart woman, all roads are open.

There are a lot of benefits, but to get it, you need to approach training in informational full armor. A few recommendations for women who decide to exercise with dumbbells:

  • for weight loss, shells weighing up to 1-2 kg are enough; for small muscle growth and achieving muscle relief, heavier equipment is required - up to 5 kg; of course, the weight also depends on which muscle group is being trained; you can purchase several options for dumbbells or shells with an adjustable load;
  • to lose weight, you need to do 20-25 repetitions in 1 approach; for the opposite effect, you need to perform exercises in a low-repetition mode - up to 10 repetitions per set;
  • it is not necessary to train daily; the result can be obtained by doing 3-4 times a week; if you do not need sports achievements, you do not need to force the body with too frequent and intense training;
  • the duration of one lesson is within 45 minutes; beginners need to start with 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval and / or load;
  • diet or not, it's up to you; of course, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fats, but following any program is not necessary; at the same time, faster results come to those women who combine training with a competent diet;
  • it is necessary to study the technique of exercises with dumbbells very well; incorrect execution will cause harm.

Below we consider the main, most effective exercises with dumbbells for women for various muscle groups. At the end, we give an example of one of the possible training programs.

Back exercises

Exercises with dumbbells for the back for women will help improve posture, make the “back” muscles of the upper part more toned and strong.


A classic exercise that is used to develop strength and functionality in many sports. It will help women become more "figured". Deadlift develops not only the back, but also other muscle groups. Most of all, in addition to the back, the legs with the buttocks are loaded.


  • starting position (IP) - legs slightly narrower than shoulders, dumbbells in lowered hands;
  • keeping your back straight, bend your knees while leaning forward to an angle of about 45 degrees; you need to bend over until the dumbbells touch the floor;
  • after a second pause, return to the IP.

Deadlift on straight legs

The exercise can be considered both a subvariant of the previous one and an independent option. The difference with this exercise is that the legs remain straight. To protect the knee joints, the legs at the knees must be slightly bent, but in general, the execution technique is reflected in the name of the exercise.

The difference is that the back leans more strongly - to the parallel to the floor. The arms also remain straight throughout the approach. In this variant, the biceps of the thighs and buttocks are well loaded, so the deadlift on straight legs can be safely attributed to the category of “leg” exercises.

The exercise is aimed at developing the latissimus dorsi ("wings").


  • IP - sit down slightly, leaning forward with your body and keeping your arms down; the starting position resembles the final one in the deadlift;
  • without unbending, bring your arms with shells to the body; try to minimize the participation of the hands - they must hold inventory, but the traction load must be placed on the widest; mental concentration helps a lot in this - feeling the muscles of the back, it is much easier to pull correctly;
  • put your hands down.

Single dumbbell row

A similar exercise that is performed alternately with the right and left hand.

  • IP - lean on a bench or chair with your hand and knee; the back is parallel to the bench or located at a slight angle to it; the free leg is slightly bent, and the dumbbell arm is lowered down;
  • keeping the torso motionless, pull the projectile to the body; it is still necessary to pull the widest;
  • return your hand to IP.

chest exercises

Chest exercises with dumbbells for women will not help increase breasts. Breasts are not muscles. But weight training will help to correct the shape of the chest, make them fit and beautiful.

Dumbbell bench press

This is a classic, most popular exercise for the development of pectoral muscles.

Execution scheme:

  • IP - lying on a bench, legs rest on the floor, arms with shells are fully extended and are above the head; straight grip;
  • lower your arms, bending them at the elbows - in this position, the elbows are spread apart, and the shoulders are parallel to the floor;
  • squeeze your hands up to PI.

Press - on the exhale, lowering - on the inhale. If training takes place at home and there is no bench, you can press while lying on the floor. This is less effective, since it is not possible to spread the arms to the required amplitude. But it's still a lot better than ignoring the traditional bench press.

Develops the upper zone of the pectoral muscles. If there is no bench at home, then it is difficult to find a home safe analogue.

The execution scheme is similar. The position of the body changes, and the arms and legs are located and move in the same way. The torso should be approximately at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the floor. A smaller angle is designed for the middle part of the chest - this is the "paraffia" of the horizontal bench press. A larger angle contributes to the concentration of the load on the deltas.


Dumbbell exercises for women should almost certainly include a pullover. This exercise develops muscles and stretches the chest. If the volumes of the latter are not enough, a pullover will help correct the situation. But it is effective in this regard for young girls, and then, if the burden is serious enough.

The light weight of the dumbbell and the advanced age of the lady will not allow the chest to expand. But the outlines of the chest with the help of a pullover work well to adjust. Exercise is good because it can be easily performed at home.

  • IP - lying on a bench or chair; if on a bench, then only the head hangs, and if on a chair, both the head and the pelvis hang down (only the back rests); straight arms with dumbbells - above the head;
  • slowly lower your arms slightly bent at the elbows back until they form one line with the body;
  • exhaling powerfully, return your hands to the PI.

Exercises for the abs

Exercises with dumbbells for the press for women are best performed by already trained athletes. For beginners, it is better to work with your own weight. Weights in this case - the possibility or need to increase the load on the muscles. If in many other cases additional weight is a prerequisite, then here it is rather a bonus.

Straight twists


  • IP - lying on your back, legs bent - either on the floor, or thrown on a bench / chair; hands with dumbbells in front of you;
  • with the efforts of the abdominal muscles, bring the body as close to the legs as possible; in the final phase, it is necessary to linger for 1-2 seconds;
  • come back, keeping a constant tension in the muscles of the press.

This and similar exercises for the abdomen with dumbbells for women are aimed at developing the upper abdominal area. Although the division is largely arbitrary, and the press under load is still developing in a complex way.

Tilts to the side

Tilts develop the oblique muscles of the press.

  • IP - legs shoulder-width apart, one arm with dumbbells is lowered down, the other is pressed to the body;
  • make an inclination towards the "empty" hand;
  • come back.

Here, for a qualitative study of the muscles, more weight is needed. As an option - to greatly increase the number of repetitions, up to 50-100.

Arm and Shoulder Exercises

Dumbbell arm exercises for women include biceps, triceps, and delts.

Arm curls

Designed for biceps training.

  • IP - standing or sitting, arms with dumbbells down with palms to the body;
  • raise your right hand to your shoulder, turning your palms towards you;
  • lower your right hand and do the same with your left hand.

Leading the arms back at the elbows

Designed for the development of triceps.

Exercise technique:

  • PI - almost the same as PI for dumbbell rows in an incline (for the back); lean on a bench or chair with your knee and hand; the back is parallel to the bench or located at a slight angle to it; the free leg is slightly bent; the arm with dumbbells is pressed to the body, the shoulder is parallel to the floor, the palm with the weight “looks” down;
  • without lifting your shoulder from the body, straighten your arm at the elbow;
  • return your hand to IP.

Mahi to the sides

Shoulder exercises with dumbbells for women are represented by bench presses and swings. Consider one of the options for swings, which is aimed at developing the middle bundle of the deltoid muscles.


  • IP - legs shoulder-width apart (can be performed while sitting), hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body;
  • raise your arms to the sides, at the same time twisting your wrist so that the little fingers “look” up to the peak point of the lift; final phase - palms just above the shoulders;
  • return your hands to IP.

Exercises for the legs and buttocks

You already know one of them - deadlift on straight legs. In addition to him, a couple more must be included in the training complex.

Basic, one of the most important exercises that develops quadriceps and hamstrings plus gluteal muscles.

Movement execution scheme:

  • IP - feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells in front of the shoulders, palms to the face;
  • sit down deeply, almost touching the floor with your buttocks;
  • back to IP.

Lunges with dumbbells

The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  • IP - feet shoulder-width apart, hands with inventory lowered down;
  • take a step forward with your right foot so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the left leg is extended back, slightly bent at the knee;
  • return to IP;
  • do the same with the other leg.

These dumbbell leg exercises for women are more than enough to make legs and buttocks taut, supple and attractive.

Training program

There are thousands of programs. We offer an approximate set of exercises with dumbbells for women. It is necessary to train according to the split scheme - alternating the load on different muscle groups. Practice 3 times a week.

Workout #1

The training program below will allow you to pump up your legs, back and abs.

An exercise Scheme
Squats3 sets of 12-15 reps
3 sets of 12-15 reps
Deadlift on straight legs3 sets of 12-15 reps
3 sets of 12-15 reps
3 sets of 15-20 repetitions (can be without weight)

Workout #2

This workout option will help shape your chest, arms, shoulders, and abs.

The number of approaches and repetitions can and should be changed, depending on the goals and physical capabilities. Periodically, you need to change the exercises. Before training, a warm-up is required, and after a hitch.

Exercises with dumbbells, however, like other strength exercises, are extremely useful for the human body, they help to achieve a beautiful and well-coordinated figure, strengthen joints and ligaments, and improve overall physical condition. And at the same time, they effectively fight extra pounds. Many people avoid strength training for fear of gaining muscle. However, it is not so easy. To create relief muscles, you need an impressive weight and a special diet.

The big advantage of dumbbells is that you can always buy them for home workouts. Being engaged in the gym, you can always choose a projectile to your taste and weight.

A set of effective exercises with dumbbells at home

Before you start training with dumbbells, you need to understand what result you want to achieve. For example, if you are looking to tighten your hips and buttocks, then you need to focus on lunges and squats with weights. If the stomach is a priority, then twisting. If your goal is a uniform effect, then you need to choose a set of exercises that would cover all the important muscle groups for you.

Before proceeding directly to the exercises, it is necessary to conduct a good warm-up. In the case of dumbbells, great attention should be paid to stretching. It warms up the muscles well and contributes to their fruitful work. Muscles should be worked from top to bottom.

For slimming the abdomen and sides

  1. Hands are lowered along the body, holding two-kilogram dumbbells. Tilt to the right, try to go as low as possible so that you feel the lateral muscles. For each side, you need to do 15 exercises in 4 sets.
  2. The exercise is performed on widely spaced half-bent legs. In the hands of a dumbbell. Pull your right arm to the side so that the oblique muscles of the abdomen are strongly stretched. In this case, the hand should not rush sharply to the side, first you need to pull the hand, and the body follows it. Hands need to be pulled to the sides alternately. Repeat 20 times for 4 sets.
  3. One hand holds on to the support, the other is on the shoulder with dumbbells. At the same time, lift your leg back 45 degrees and help with your waist. Run 3-4 trips 20 times.

Hand exercises

  1. The elbows are pressed to the body, the palms with the projectile are open to the side. Raise your arms to your shoulders. Elbows during this exercise should remain motionless. Repeat 30 times.
  2. Squat down, take a projectile in your hands. Slowly bend your elbows. At the same time, the forearms should be pressed to the sides, and the press should be pulled in. When your arms reach the top point, slowly lower them back to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Take a lunge on your left leg. Lower yourself so that the crook of your leg is parallel to the floor. The body must remain straight. Stretch your arms with the projectile along the body. During the exercise, the arms must be spread apart to the parallel with the floor, and then slowly lower them to their original position. Repeat 20 times. Hands can be pulled not only to the sides, but also forward, but this is another exercise. will be more effective if performed regularly.

For the back

  1. Place a stable support in front of you (you can use a chair) and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Take the projectile in one hand, rest against the seat of the chair with the other. The arm with the dumbbell is lowered, the back is straight. Take your elbow back, gently pulling your hand to your chest. Return to starting position. Repeat 10 times for each hand.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands, stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Turn your hands palms forward, raise your arms to the sides until parallel with the floor, then bend them at the elbows and pull them to your chest. Return to starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Lie back on. Stretch your arms with the projectile in front of your chest. Slowly throw straight arms behind your head, and then also slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Lie on your back, place your feet on the floor, and bend your knees. Straighten your arms with the projectile and raise them up. Lower one hand behind the head, and the other - to the thigh. Return to starting position. Change the direction of your arms and repeat the exercise. Run 10 times.
  5. Stand up straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, hold the projectile in your hands, lean forward and lower your hands down. Make sure your back stays straight. Perform back twists to the right and left. Repeat 20 times.

For slim legs

  1. Take two dumbbells in your hands. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Lower your arms along the body. Fix the position and sit down. Hold down for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Straighten up and bring your legs together. Stretch your arms with dumbbells over your head. Lunge on your right leg and bend your left knee. Lower both arms at the same time until they touch each other. Repeat 10 lunges for each leg. As a completion of the workout, you can, this will enhance the effect of the workout.

For buttocks and thighs

  1. Spread your legs wide, turn your feet outward. Squat down with a straight back, holding the projectile down in your hands between your feet. The sumo squat is considered a similar exercise, the execution technique differs only in retracting the pelvis back in a squat.
  2. Lunges have long been recognized as the best exercises. Take dumbbells and press your hands to the body. Take a lunge with your right foot and sit down on it. The left leg remains behind and rests on the toe. The angle at both knees should be straight. The correct distance between the legs is as follows: the knee of the left leg does not go beyond the line of the toe of the right leg. Return to starting position by pushing off with your working leg. Perform a full approach on the right leg and change position.
  3. Squats. There are different techniques for performing exercises depending on the position of the projectiles. Hands with dumbbells can be placed on the shoulders, or on the sides, you can also remove one hand behind the head. When doing squats, you need to keep your back straight. Take the pelvis back, in the lower position, the thigh should be parallel to the floor.
  4. You can increase the load during squats by leaving, for example, the right leg behind on the bench. The position of the body will be similar to the position during lunges. A distance of one step should be maintained between the body and the bench. Turn the foot on the bench with the heel up, and bend the leg at the knee. If this is your first time doing this exercise and it’s hard for you to load, you can slightly increase the distance between the body and the bench. Lower your arms with the projectile along the body. Do one set and switch the working leg.
  5. Fix hands with a projectile on your shoulders, or remove them behind your head. Tilt your body forward 45 degrees and push your pelvis back. Step to the side and squat on your right leg. Focus your body weight on one leg. Fully straighten your left leg. Return to the starting position and repeat the complex for the second leg. During the exercise, make sure that the foot does not come off the floor.

Video: weight loss workout with dumbbells at home

Since muscles become stiff and lose their tone with age, we have to look for new methods to improve their work. Of course, the best way is regular exercise. Weight-bearing exercises force the muscles to work in an enhanced mode, overcoming a certain resistance. Just 20 minutes of strength training 2-3 times a week will help develop muscle strength. And you will learn how to train better by watching the following video.

Exercise with dumbbells will help you lose weight quickly at home. Many girls are afraid to use weights because of the myth about the dangers of strength training for women. In fact, exercises with dumbbells help to strengthen the body and lose extra pounds. After all, calories with such a load are burned much faster. And it is almost impossible for girls to pump over, since there is not enough testosterone in the female body.


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    Training Rules

    For training to be effective, you need to remember a few basic principles:

    1. 1. The weight of the weights should be selected depending on the level of training. Beginners are advised to take dumbbells weighing 1-3 kg. Subsequently, the load should be increased. Girls may well train with a weight of 10 kg or more. No need to be afraid to deal with a heavier load. It is almost impossible for women to pump over, and a healthy, well-developed body will always be attractive. It is advisable to buy collapsible dumbbells, on which new discs can be added over time. It's more convenient and cheaper.
    2. 2. Rest between workouts should be sufficient for the muscles to recover. If you exercise every day, you can get into a state of overtraining. Then the desire will disappear, and classes will be abandoned. It is optimal to train 3 times a week.
    3. 3. You need to do it for 40-60 minutes, but in no case longer than 1.5 hours. Longer workouts are pointless and even harmful. Indeed, after 40 minutes of physical activity in the body, the production of the hormone cortisol increases. And this leads to muscle breakdown.
    4. 4. Before you begin the main part of the workout with dumbbells for weight loss, you must definitely warm up the body. For this, a warm-up is carried out. During it, you need to carefully stretch the joints and muscles. Suitable exercises can be remembered from physical education lessons. You need to start charging from the head and neck, gradually going down to the feet. In total, it should take 5-10 minutes.
    5. 5. Exercise should be done correctly. Do not increase the weight of the dumbbells or the pace to the detriment of the technique. Firstly, it greatly reduces the effectiveness of the workout and takes the load off the target muscles. Secondly, you can get injured and say goodbye to classes for a long time.

    Given all these rules, you can quickly lose those extra pounds and strengthen the body.

    List of exercises

    Each exercise involves a separate muscle or their combination. To get a beautiful, harmoniously developed body, you need to pay attention to all muscle groups.

    Many girls try to avoid upper body exercises for fear of losing their femininity. But you should not do this. Muscles in the arms will help get rid of sagging skin. And beautiful shoulders with a slight relief will make the silhouette more toned and defined.

    Side bends with dumbbells

    The girls wonder why after class their waist has grown by several centimeters, and throw them away, considering them useless. Although in fact the problem lies only in this harmful exercise. After all, tilting to the sides with dumbbells is aimed at the growth of the oblique muscles of the abdomen, located precisely at the waist.

    Legs and buttocks

    Often, women try to do exercises on their legs, wanting to reduce their hips. However, it is worth remembering that local fat burning does not exist. Weight loss occurs throughout the body, regardless of which part of the body moves.

    But this does not mean that exercises on the bottom do not need to be done. They are required to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks. At home, you can perform several exercises with dumbbells.


    Almost all girls know that you can pump up the ass with the help of squats. But this exercise is quite complex and often performed with errors.

    Correct technique:

    • Feet wider than shoulder width to engage the buttocks, not the quadriceps (thighs).
    • Hands with dumbbells are straightened along the body or extended in front of you.
    • The movement begins with the abduction of the pelvis back.
    • You need to squat at least to the parallel with the floor, and preferably a little lower.
    • You can't round your back.
    • The knees should not go beyond the toes.

    Squats with dumbbells

    Getting up from a squat should be due to the effort of the buttocks, not the legs.

    Instead of dumbbells, you can use a small barbell, as well as a kettlebell.

    Kettlebell squats


    Another well-known aerobic exercise for working out the legs and buttocks is lunges. There are various variations of execution: forward, backward, sideways, diagonal, etc. At each workout, if desired, you can use a new type of lunge.

    The execution technique will be basically the same:

    • Starting position - legs together, arms with dumbbells straightened along the body.
    • After that, you need to take a step with one foot forward, backward, to the side or diagonally, depending on the chosen exercise option.
    • The angles between the legs and the floor should be 90 degrees.
    • The knee of the working leg should not go beyond the toe.
    • You can’t tilt the body forward much, but a slight tilt is necessary to feel the buttocks.
    • To return to the starting position, you should push off the heel of the working leg.
    • Do not shift the load on the supporting leg.

    Lunges with dumbbells

    In the process, you need to additionally squeeze the buttocks. This will help you get the most out of them.

    There is also a complicated option when, after a lunge, the knee of the working leg is raised. Good coordination will be required for execution, otherwise it will not be possible to maintain balance.

    Knee lunges

    Walking up the hill

    Stepping is a rather energy-intensive exercise, so it is perfect for losing weight. You will need to find at home some kind of stable object with a hard surface (chair, cabinet, etc.). The higher it is, the more load the muscles will receive. But it is worth considering that then the exercise will become very difficult. Therefore, beginners are advised to take low objects.


    • Pick up dumbbells and stand in front of the hill.
    • Then put your right foot on the object.
    • Step in with your left foot.
    • In this case, the weight must be transferred to the heel of the right foot.
    • After that, you should put your left foot on the floor, returning to its original position.
    • Perform the specified number of repetitions.

    Stepping up the hill with dumbbells

    Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

    This exercise perfectly works out the hamstrings (back surface) and buttocks.


    • Put the dumbbells next to you.
    • Sit down and take them in hand.
    • Then stand up straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulders, socks slightly turned outward.
    • Hands with dumbbells are turned with fingers towards you.
    • On inspiration, you need to begin to slowly bend down, leading the dumbbells close to your legs.
    • The back should always be flat, a slight deflection in the lower back is allowed.
    • Legs as you tilt can be slightly bent at the knees.
    • You need to stop when the dumbbells reach the middle of the lower leg.
    • Then you need to straighten up due to the efforts of the buttocks.

    Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

    It is important to feel the stretch in the biceps femoris at the lowest point and not round the lower back throughout the exercise.


    Standing dumbbell row

    The bent over dumbbell row primarily targets the upper back, especially the lats.


    • Place the dumbbells in front of you and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Sit down and take dumbbells in your hands.
    • Slightly bend your knees.
    • Tilt your body forward 45 degrees.
    • The loin is slightly arched, it cannot be rounded.
    • The arms are freely extended.
    • From this position, you need to pull the dumbbells to the stomach due to the effort of the back muscles.
    • Do not spread your elbows to the sides, they should go up.
    • After that, slowly lower your hands.

    Incline dumbbell row

    In this exercise, it is important to learn to feel the muscles of the back, not the arms. Otherwise it will become useless. In addition, it is worth considering that the lower the body is tilted, the greater the load on the lower back.

    Dumbbell pull to the belt

    A similar exercise is the dumbbell row to the belt with one hand. It allows you to better concentrate on the muscles of the back.


    • Rest with your right hand on an object located at a level just below the waist, and put your right foot forward.
    • The body should be almost parallel to the floor, the lower back should be slightly arched.
    • Take a dumbbell in your left hand and lower it down.
    • As you exhale, pull the dumbbell to your waist.
    • The elbow should go along the body, without deviating to the side.
    • On inspiration, you should return to the starting position.

    Dumbbell pull to the belt in emphasis

    After the planned repetitions are done, you need to change hands and perform another approach.


    It is equally important for women to shake their hands. Do not be afraid of this, because big biceps do not threaten girls. But strong muscles will make the arms taut.

    Lifting dumbbells for biceps

    Probably the most well-known exercise is dumbbell bicep curls. It can be performed not only by men in the gym, but also by girls at home.

    The execution technique is quite simple:

    • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Take dumbbells and lower your arms, turning your hands towards your body.
    • Then start bending your elbows.
    • When the forearm is parallel to the floor, the hands should be turned outward.
    • You need to stop a few centimeters before your hands touch your shoulders.
    • At the top point, it is worth lingering for 1-2 seconds.
    • After that, it is necessary to return to the starting position, without unbending the elbows to the end.

    Lifting dumbbells for biceps

    Elbows must be fixed. If they “walk”, the load will leave the target muscle.

    You can raise both arms at the same time, or you can do alternate repetitions. Do not be afraid to increase the weight of the dumbbells by lifting from 1 kg. Girls can easily use weights up to 5 kg and even higher.

    Triceps extension

    With age, many women face the problem of sagging hands. Usually the skin begins to "sag" on the back surface, that is, where the triceps are located. Strengthening this muscle will help correct the situation.

    One of the best triceps exercises is the dumbbell curl. The weight of the burden should be small to begin with, since most often the triceps lag behind the biceps in development.


    • Grasp the dumbbell with both hands.
    • Get her behind her head, bending her elbows.
    • When the triceps are maximally stretched, the arms should be fully extended.

    Extension of arms with a dumbbell

    Elbows and the whole body must be fixed. You can not make it easier for the triceps by arching the lower back too much or by moving the elbow.

    Straightening the arm back in an inclination

    Another exercise aimed at developing the triceps is straightening the arm back in an inclination.


    • Lean your left hand on a table or other object so that the body is almost parallel to the floor.
    • Put your left foot slightly forward.
    • Take a dumbbell in your right hand and bend it at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees.
    • After fully straighten it back.
    • At the top point, linger for a couple of seconds and again bend your arm at the elbow.
    • Do the planned number of repetitions and change hands.

    Straightening the arm back with a dumbbell

    Exercises should be performed until a characteristic burning sensation in the triceps.


    For the harmonious development of the body, girls should also pump their pectoral muscles. It’s not worth it to be zealous here, but a couple of exercises with small dumbbells will do the trick.

    Dumbbell bench press

    The most effective exercise for working out the chest muscles is the bench press with dumbbells.


    • Lie down on a bench or other flat object so that your feet rest firmly on the floor.
    • Take dumbbells in both hands and bend them at the elbows at 90 degrees, spreading them apart at chest level.
    • Brushes are deployed with fingers away from you.
    • As you exhale, straighten your arms up, bringing the dumbbells together, but not completely.
    • Then slowly return to the starting position.

    Dumbbell bench press

    The movement should be performed due to the efforts of the pectoral muscles, and not the hands.

    Breeding dumbbells lying

    In addition, stretching and strengthening the muscles of the chest will help breeding dumbbells lying down.


    • Lie on your back, as in the previous position.
    • Stretch your arms with dumbbells up and connect so that they are above the chest perpendicular to the floor.
    • The fingers are turned towards each other.
    • From this position, you need to spread your arms to the sides to chest level, slightly bending your elbows.
    • After reducing the dumbbells with the effort of the pectoral muscles.

    Breeding dumbbells lying

    In this exercise, it is important to feel the stretching of the muscles at the bottom point. However, you can not stretch them too much, otherwise you can get injured.


    It is desirable to insert exercises on the deltoid muscles into the training program. After all, most women have hips wider than their shoulders. To make the figure harmonious, just the deltas need to be developed.

    Shake your shoulders by raising your arms in front of you or to the sides.


    Thus, you should perform alternate lifts in front of you and to the sides. For the exercise to be effective, you can not swing the body and make jerks.

    Training program

    In one workout, you do not need to use the entire set of exercises. You will need to choose 1-2 movements for each muscle group and perform them in a circle. That is, there should not be a pause between exercises. This counts as one round. Between them you should rest for 2-3 minutes. In total, you need to do 3-4 circles.

    The table shows the training program for beginners. All exercises are performed with dumbbells.

    About once a month you need to replace the exercises. The main thing is to work out the whole body in one lesson. Thus, you can use this manual throughout the entire training path.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

It seems that there is no such woman who at some point in her life would not be faced with the need maintaining beauty own body. In particular, we are talking about getting rid of excess weight. On this field of incessant warfare, the fair sex uses all sorts of means: diets, fitness, active housework, and many others. Success can be achieved if desired by each of the above methods, but the most effective of them has not yet been named - this is dumbbell exercises.

Why dumbbells are a necessary thing for those who lose weight at home?

is stress for the body. And strength exercises deprive the body of femininity. Or not?

It's common delusion. Regular training will not only not deprive the body of elegance, but will also allow it to be preserved longer.

However, visiting gyms and fitness clubs takes time, a lot of money, and thus repels many women. Therefore, a reasonable alternative is.

Aren't you able to do a small set of exercises every day on your own? Of course they are. And at the same time, you don’t need to force the entire apartment with exercise equipment. Enough get dumbbells.

Dumbbells are an essential element of home fitness. It is they who will become your true friends in the struggle for a healthy body and a toned figure.

What weight dumbbells do you need for weight loss exercises?

  • When choosing the weight of shells, first of all, focus on your own power capabilities.
  • Choosing dumbbells in the store, don't be fooled by their ease. Remember that you have to do long sets with them.
  • If you are going to do home gymnastics for the first time, then dumbbells are the best option. weighing 2-3 kg. In the future, you can increase the weight at your own discretion. to 10 and over a kilogram.
  • Best to buy typesetting shells, because you will want to increase the load after a month of daily training.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

I would like to immediately note that the proposed set of exercises with dumbbells is ideal for women and girls who prefer to exercise themselves not only in gyms, but also at home.

For a lifted chest

First exercise:

  1. Take one dumbbell.
  2. Straighten your back. Position your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. Grasping the projectile with both hands, pull them forward parallel to the floor.
  4. Slowly bend your elbows, pulling the dumbbell to your chest as far as possible.
  5. Fulfill from 15 before 20 once.

Second exercise:

  1. Grab both dumbbells.
  2. Straighten your back. Legs shoulder width apart.
  3. Extend your arms at chest level and parallel to the floor.
  4. Spread your arms in different directions without bending at the elbows.
  5. Return your hands to their original position.
  6. Do 8-10 repetitions.

Third exercise:

  1. Take two dumbbells and a small pillow.
  2. Lie on your back and bend your knees without lifting your feet from the floor.
  3. Place a pillow under your back so that you cannot touch the floor with your elbows.
  4. Straightening your arms at the elbows, raise the shells above you.
  5. Lowering your arms, spread your elbows.
  6. Do 15 reps in one set.

For firm hips
  1. Take two dumbbells.
  2. Straighten your back. Spread your legs shoulder width apart.
  3. Extend your arms parallel to the floor.
  4. Bend your knees to a semi-squat position.
  5. Fix the body in this position for 2 seconds.
  6. Take your original position.
  7. Cycle - 8-10 times.

For slim legs

First exercise:

  1. Take 2 dumbbells.
  2. Put feet shoulder width apart.
  3. Position your arms along your body.
  4. Keeping your position, sit down.
  5. Hold the lower position for a couple of seconds.
  6. Repeat 20 times.

Second exercise:

  1. Straighten your back and put your feet together
  2. Stretch your arms with dumbbells over your head
  3. Lunge with your right foot and at the same time bend your left knee. Simultaneously lower your hands down until you bring
  4. Do 10 lunges on each leg

For a thin waist
  1. Take two dumbbells.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hands along the body
  3. Raise one of your arms above your head
  4. Perform tilts in the opposite direction from the raised arm
  5. Do 10 slopes one way, then 10 the other way

For hands

Is always start with a warm up. Warm up your muscles and tendons. Do not spare time for this process, because. neglect may result in injury. You can also do some simple exercises without dumbbells. Suitable running in place, push-ups, squats, etc.

Do not start training after less than two hours after eating.

After completing all the complexes, it is advisable to stretch to relax the muscles after exercise.

Common mistakes when exercising at home

You quickly learn from your bumps, but it's best to avoid them if possible. You will have it if you read the list of tips based on common mistakes:

  • Don't do the exercises automatically. Concentration is required on the actions performed.
  • Relax. Excessive tension can lead to unwanted injury.
  • Do not use one weight for different muscles. This can lead to sprains and various tissue damage. Try to find the right weight for each muscle group.

That's all. Let workout with dumbbells will become For you good habit which will keep your beauty unfading for a long time.

Hello dear readers of my blog! In today's article, I propose to deal with such a topic as dumbbell exercises for women for weight loss . Are they really as effective as many online sources say? Or are there nuances that everyone is silent about? We'll talk about this today. Go!

How dumbbell exercises affect the body

Probably, every woman sooner or later thinks about how to keep her body beautiful and slim. Dumbbell training is one of the most common ways to lose extra pounds. The only thing that confuses the fairer sex is that weight training is strength training. But how do such activities still affect the body?

According to most certified trainers, strength training burns many times more calories than cardio training. After all, you have to expend much more energy to lift additional weight. For this reason, it is recommended for both men and women.

Unlike males, in beautiful ladies, strength training does not cause active growth of muscle mass. The female body is simply not predisposed for this. On the contrary, exercises with dumbbells can help tighten parts of the body and make them more attractive.

Depending on the goals, the emphasis should be on certain muscle groups. The exercises will vary.

And what are the pros and cons?

Training with dumbbells involves significant stress on the body. For this reason, sports doctors endure a number of circumstances in which weight training is strictly prohibited. These include:

  • pregnancy
  • high blood pressure
  • spinal problems
  • abdominal hernia
  • various disorders of the cardiovascular system
  • first time after surgery
  • diseases associated with "women's days"

Who is weight training for?

Fitness trainers especially recommend strength training for people who are losing weight. The extra weight load causes the body to burn more calories for energy. Thus, over time, you can get an aesthetic, slender silhouette and start doing photo show.

Main types - what's the difference?

Training with dumbbells is generally divided into two options:

  • complex
  • insulating

In the first case, all muscle groups are included in the work. This approach increases endurance and promotes strength development. The mechanism of fat burning is actively launched.

The second option is used more to emphasize pumped up places. Isolation training involves the involvement of only one muscle group during the exercise.

Existing sets of exercises for women

You can work out effectively both in the gym and in at home . Regular fitness dumbbells are sold in almost every sporting goods store. The optimal load for an unprepared body is 2-3 kilograms.

As experts distinguish for girls better for complex training. That is, in one session, each muscle group will be included in the work. With this technique, you can speed up the process of losing weight several times.

Working on hands

To perform, you will need two dumbbells.

  1. Starting position standing on two legs. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. The back should be kept straight, arms lowered along the body.
  2. Without pressing your elbows to your waist, try to slowly raise both arms up to your chest.
  3. At the top point, it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together and fix the position for one to two seconds. At the peak point, the load on the muscles becomes maximum.
  4. Then also slowly lower your hands down to the very end.

The exercise is performed at maximum amplitude. 1 approach, 10-12 times.

Making a flat stomach

Traditional crunches are the best option for training belly . To increase the load, we will use one dumbbell weighing 2-3 kilograms.

  1. Lie on the floor and press the projectile just above the abdomen.
  2. Curl up while holding the weight with your hands
  3. The lower back must be kept pressed to the floor. Only the upper part of the torso is raised.
  4. In the top position, hold for a second to give the muscle a proper contraction.

You need to perform 1 repetition, 12-15 times.

Pumping the back

Doing deadlifts with dumbbells is the best way to strengthen your lower back and get rid of extra wrinkles in the waist area. We need two projectiles prepared in advance.

  1. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms extended in front of you.
  2. Start dropping forward. It is important to keep your lower back straight. The tilt is made due to the hip joints. The entire load should be distributed to the lumbar muscles back.
  3. Try to reach the floor with shells and stop in the final position for literally a second.
  4. Rise up, try not to bend your back.

When doing this exercise, it is important to pay attention to your breathing. At the moment of effort, exhalation should go. Conversely, when you relax, exhale.

1 set, up to 12 reps

Don't forget about the legs

Probably, it is important for any girl to have beautiful slender legs. How to achieve such an effect? Fitness trainers advise doing two similar exercises at once.

The first is standard squats. The principle here is quite simple and clear.

  1. We place the legs slightly wider than the shoulders, arms lowered down along the waist
  2. Keeping your back straight, we go down the largest amplitude

You only need to do one approach. No more than 12 repetitions.

Next immediately go lunges forward. When walking, the hips and muscles of the buttocks are perfectly worked out. It is lunges that can serve as a guarantee of elastic gluteal muscles and tightened hips.

  1. Without bending your lower back, take a step forward
  2. Squat in this position all the way down until your knee touches the floor.

Watch your pulse. Since the largest muscle group (legs) is involved in the heart, there is a big load. If you feel that the heartbeat has accelerated too much, you should reduce weight or stop the lunges themselves.

It is worth noting that the entire training complex is recommended to be done 3 times a week. The complex can be changed at will.

How about the stronger sex?

For men, multifunctional training is well suited. This is exactly what experts advise doing. On the video complete weight training at home.

You can learn more about weight loss for young people by reading the article.

What weighting agents are best to use

The shells themselves can be composite or monolithic. They are also classified by material. You should choose solely from your own preferences. However, as practice shows, most girls prefer to use rubberized options. They are considered safer.

Have you ever used high-quality shells? Proper dumbbells help build relief and get rid of excess fat. Large selection available at affordable prices Ozon store website. I am sure you will find the best option for your homework.

What to remember

Training in the complex, as a rule, brings more effect than isolating exercises. That is why basic training is more often used for weight loss.

Girls can do it effectively at home. The main thing is to follow the program and be purposeful.

That's all for today. What weight training activities do you prefer? Share your ways in the comments. Bookmark the blog for quick access, because I still have a lot of interesting and conflicting information in stock.

See you in the next article!