Which baptismal water is stronger? When to go for Epiphany water. Properties of Epiphany water

Igor Pchelintsev, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese, talks about the Great Agiasma - the Shrine, as Epiphany water is called.

Water is associated with the holiday. The Lord Jesus Christ, before a public sermon on the Jordan River, received water Baptism from John the Baptist. The holy ritual took place like this: people came to John, confessed their sins, and he washed them in the water of the Jordan. This was a sign of remission of sins. The Lord Jesus Christ was sinless, but fulfilled the custom in order to receive water Baptism, like everyone else. At that moment, according to the Gospel, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ in the form of a dove, which was witnessed by John the Baptist.

This holiday is also called Epiphany, since at the same time as Epiphany the Holy Trinity appeared in the Jordan. After Baptism, our Lord Jesus Christ goes out to preach the Gospel and preaches for three years, ending his bright path with the crucifixion on Calvary. Since the main events began at the Jordan River, perhaps the entire Gospel is contained in the feast of Epiphany.

On the feast of Epiphany, it comes from the custom of the Jerusalem church, where the Patriarch of Jerusalem is still the patriarch, believers travel from Jerusalem to the Jordan River and consecrate the water, take it for drinking, and wash themselves. And from there, from Palestine, the custom passed to all Orthodox churches.

- From what date, from what time is water considered sanctified?

Here the calculation is not astronomical; in the church everything is quite simple. On the eve of Epiphany, on Epiphany Eve, a liturgy and blessing of water are performed. This is the first sanctification. It so happened historically that water is blessed twice: the first time on the eve of Baptism in the temple. Then, according to custom - mostly Russian, probably - they went to consecrate living water- springs, lakes, rivers, they cut holes in the ice, decorated them, and built almost chapels out of ice.

In ancient times, more often, but now less often, divine services are performed at night. There is an opinion among people that water becomes sacred from 00.00 at night, and I would not completely refute this, although as a church person I am more focused on what is happening in the temple. They consecrated the water in the temple - from that moment it becomes holy.

- What's happened Epiphany water? How is it different from the usual one?

The consecration of water is the invocation of the grace of the Holy Spirit upon it. A believer drinks holy water not just to quench thirst, but for the sake of assimilating its beneficial properties, to cure illness or spiritual despondency, and to cleanse the home of all kinds of filth. Sprinkling and washing drive out enemy forces.

- So this water is used as some kind of weapon?

Yes, but it's a spiritual weapon. There were no studies in the church on the physical properties of baptismal or simply holy water, so I can’t say anything about it.

- Where to get, how to store and use Epiphany water?

- Water must be taken from the temple - after the service.

The Great Blessing of Water is held twice a year. On the day of Epiphany Eve, people fast to drink this water on an empty stomach.

A special feature of the Divine Service of this holiday is the great consecration of water, performed the day before on Epiphany Eve during the liturgy. In some churches, the blessing of water also takes place at springs, rivers and lakes, where the clergy go out in a religious procession, which is called the procession to the Jordan.
Go to the temple, then to those places where the clergy bless the water with prayer chants. We have many holy springs. For many years, from nearby churches they go to the springs and consecrate them in Pechory, at the Stroganov Church, in Kozlovka, Sartakov, in the Dubravnaya area.
There are very famous springs that have been considered sacred by the people for centuries and on which prayer is constantly performed: in the Vadsky district there are 12 such springs, many springs associated with the name of Father Seraphim of Sarov are located around and in Diveevo itself. There are other places too.

There are 40 active churches and three monasteries in our city. In each one, a blessing of water will be performed; containers are specially prepared, which are filled with sacred water year after year on the feast of Epiphany. You can take water on the day of the holiday itself, after the blessing of water, but since according to the regulations the holiday lasts a week, during these days you can come and take holy water. And then - keep it in the house with reverence, since it is a great shrine. And not just store, but use for physical and spiritual health, in illness.

Believers have a pious custom - in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a little Epiphany water and eat a piece of church prosphora, which is taken from church on Saturday and Sunday. If you cannot go to a service on church holidays, pray at home and sprinkle holy water on your home.

The places where people swim are mostly known - ice holes are cut on the lakes in the city, on the Rowing Canal. Bathing is not mandatory. This is a blessed thing, but not necessary. After all, people are different, some can swim in icy water in winter, but others cannot, for some it is not beneficial - their health condition is such that they cannot afford it. And for some, swimming in the Epiphany ice hole becomes a temptation - it takes on too much. The Church does not require a person to perform feats beyond his strength. You can come home and not be icy Epiphany water, but just take a cool dip in the bathtub, since there is only one graceful power. And it depends not on the temperature of the water, not on its quantity and quality, but on the faith of the person.

- Will the Volga be consecrated?

The Volga, the main water street of Russia, will definitely be consecrated. At the very beginning of the river there is a chapel, where its root is consecrated. We are setting up an ice hole on the Grebnoy Canal, and there will be water blessings in other cities. Our river is holy, and we must treat it properly.

Just as the sun shines for good and evil and rain falls on everyone, so does holy water - it flows from everywhere, but if we ourselves are unclean in soul, evil by nature and unbelievers, we cannot assimilate the grace contained in any shrine. The question is not in the water, but in the human heart - how capable it is of accepting the shrine that God freely gives to everyone.

Prepared material
Elena KOLPAKOVA, published in the newspaper “Birzha”

Science has proven that due to the uniqueness of its structural features, water has amazing properties: it can remember information, it can heal, it has high energy intensity. For example, ordinary tap water on Epiphany night can become bioactive and then retain its special qualities not only throughout the year, but much longer.

What happens to water on the feast of the Epiphany?

Baptism (Greek: “immersion in water”) is one of the most important Christian sacraments. Recognized by all Christian denominations, although not in the same sense.

Immersion in water or dousing was given special importance by almost all peoples of antiquity - the Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Persians, and partly the Greeks and Romans - in the sense of not only physical, but also moral cleansing.

This rite, called baptism, was performed in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, preaching the coming Messiah to the Jews. Jesus Christ also received the baptism of John. John's baptism became a prototype of Christian baptism.

In baptism, from the point of view of the Church, a person dies to a carnal, sinful life and is reborn from the Holy Spirit into spiritual life.

As studies by Russian scientists conducted during 2003–2007 have shown, tap water annually on January 18–19 acquires unusual bioactivity and changes its structure many times over the course of almost a day and a half. The studies included both measurements of the water biofield and some physical parameters.

Specialists of the drinking water supply laboratory of the Moscow Institute named after. A.N. Sysin began monitoring the water on January 15th. The water collected from the tap was settled, and then the amount of radical ions in it was measured. During the study, the number of radical ions in water began to increase from January 17th. At the same time, the water became softer, its pH value increased, which made the liquid less acidic. The water reached its peak activity on the evening of January 18th. Due to the large number of radical ions, its electrical conductivity was like that of water saturated with electrons. At the same time, the hydrogen index of water exceeded neutral by 1.5 points. The researchers also studied the degree of structure of Epiphany water. They froze several samples - from a tap, from a church spring, from a river. So, even tap water, which is usually far from ideal, when frozen, presented a harmonious spectacle under a microscope. The curve of electromagnetic activity of water began to decline in the morning of January 19 and by the 20th it had taken its usual form.

To understand why water becomes bioactive at Epiphany, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Vasilyevich Kurik decided to go further. He began collecting water samples starting on December 22, the day of the winter solstice, in order to more accurately trace why and how the water changes its structure on January 18-19. The scientist came to the conclusion that the properties of water are influenced by energy fields Earth, Moon, Sun, fields of planets of the Solar system, various cosmic radiations.

“Everything is explained by the laws of nature,” says Mikhail Vasilyevich. – Every year on January 19th the Earth together with solar system in Space it passes through rays of special irradiation, as a result of which all life on Earth comes to life, including the increase in the bioenergy of all the waters of the Earth. It is on January 18-19 that water receives additional energy due to changes in the gravitational field in galactic space.”

The properties of Epiphany water were studied by Doctor of Biological Sciences Stanislav Valentinovich Zenin. These properties of S.V. Zenin and his colleagues checked together with scientists from the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The condition of the water was monitored throughout the year. As a result, it turned out that on January 18, in the period from 17.30 to 23.30, a sharp change in the properties of water was observed. A similar surge in changes in the state of water was observed on January 19 from 23.30 to 3.30 on Epiphany night. According to S.V. Zenin, this is explained by the fact that the Earth during these periods of time passes certain points in space at which it is affected by cosmic rays, leading to changes in the properties of water and the earth as a whole.

According to the results of research by another Russian scientist, physicist Anton Belsky, intense bursts of neutron flux were recorded in space before January 19 for a number of years, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times. The maximums occurred on both the 18th and 17th, but sometimes exactly on the 19th of January.

People knew about the special properties of Epiphany water and even snow even before scientists began to study these phenomena. On Epiphany, old women and girls collected snow from stacks. Old women - to bleach canvas, it was believed that only this snow could make it snow-white. And girls - to whiten their skin and become more beautiful. They believed that after washing herself with this snow, a girl becomes very attractive. In addition, according to legend, Epiphany snow could even store water in dry wells for the whole year. Snow collected on Epiphany evening was considered healing and was used to treat various ailments.

What are the benefits of Epiphany water?

It is believed that you need to drink it regularly, preferably every day and on an empty stomach. It perfectly boosts immunity and makes a person resistant to many infections. For example, if you regularly give your child this water, he will catch colds less often. It is useful not only to drink Epiphany water, but also to wash your face with it in the morning and at night. It would also be a good idea to give baptismal water to the living creatures and water the plants. Everyone will gain weight and grow more actively.

The Monk Ambrose of Optina sent a terminally ill man a bottle of holy water - and incurable disease, to the amazement of the doctors, retreated. Elder Seraphim Vyritsky always advised sprinkling food and the food itself with Jordanian (baptismal) water, which, in his words, “itself sanctifies everything.” When someone was very sick, he blessed them to take a tablespoon of holy water every hour. He said that there is no stronger medicine than holy water. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, after the confession of pilgrims, always gave them to drink from a cup of holy water.

Outstanding Russian cosmist V.I. Vernadsky wrote: “Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in its influence on the course of the most ambitious geological processes. There is no earthly substance - a mineral, a rock, a living body - that does not contain it. All earthly matter is permeated and embraced by it.”
What properties make water so important for life on the planet? What should we know about this most important substance for us? How can we use the properties of water to live in harmony with Nature, maintaining our health and the “health” of the planet?

Further lectures will be devoted to answers to these and other questions.

When the Savior entered the Jordan and received baptism from John, the God-Man came into contact with matter. And to this day, on the day of Epiphany, according to the church style, when water is blessed in churches, it becomes incorruptible, that is, it does not spoil for many years, even if it is kept in a closed vessel. This happens every year and only on the feast of Epiphany according to the Orthodox, Julian calendar. On this day, according to one of the church stichera, “the nature of all waters is sanctified,” therefore not only the water in the church, but all waters acquire the primordial property of incorruptibility. And the next day, after Baptism, all the waters again acquire their usual properties.

On the day of Epiphany, every Orthodox Christian carries home a vessel with holy water and carefully preserves it as the greatest shrine, prayerfully communing with holy water in illness and any infirmity.

How to use holy Epiphany water?

The use of holy water in everyday life Orthodox Christian quite varied. For example, it is consumed on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora (this especially applies to the great agiasma - Epiphany water), they sprinkle their home.

She eats it on an empty stomach, a spoonful, a little at a time, every day and with prayer:

« Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities, according to Your boundless mercy through the prayers of the Most Pure One Your Mother and all Your saints. Amen«.

The man stood up, crossed himself, asked the Lord for a blessing on the day that had begun, washed himself, prayed and accepted the great agiasma. If the medication is prescribed to be taken on an empty stomach, then first take holy water, and behind it comes the medicine. And then breakfast and other things.

But if there is a special need for God’s help - during illnesses or attacks by evil forces - you can and should drink it without hesitation, at any time or every hour.

Devotees of Christian piety call blessed water the best medicine from all spiritual and physical ailments.

You can wash the patient with it and sprinkle it on it. Is it true, women are not blessed to take Epiphany water on menstruation days. But this is if the woman is otherwise healthy. A if she is sick, then even this circumstance does not matter. May Epiphany water help her!

With reverent attitude, holy water remains fresh and pleasant to the taste for a long time.

It should be stored in a separate place, next to the home iconostasis.. Because the Great Agiasma is one of the main shrines of the Orthodox Church. The word “Agiasma” itself means “shrine”. And you don't need to put it in the refrigerator. It is also unacceptable for holy water to get into the drain..

A special property of holy water is that, added even in small quantities to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water from a clean container.

We must not forget that consecrated water is a church shrine, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude.

  1. You should drink holy water in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed (but not from the general container).
  2. In case of a very serious illness or if a person is in a state of intense spiritual struggle or despondency, it can be drunk in unlimited quantities, regardless of food intake.
  3. After drinking, you need to pray for healing.
  4. For pain or just a sore spot, you can apply a compress moistened with holy water.
  5. Holy water has enormous healing powers. There are known cases when a few drops of such water, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to his senses and changed the course of the disease. But this does not mean that you do not need to see a doctor. A special property of holy water is that, added even in small quantities to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it.
  6. Holy water should be stored near the icon or behind the icon.. Just please label or label the bottle accordingly. Be careful that your loved ones do not accidentally pour out holy water or use it irreverently. This type of water should not be stored in the refrigerator.. You should not keep it near food.
  7. This water is not given to animals.
  8. You can only sprinkle it on your home (while reading a prayer), a car, or some other thing, also clothes, and even pets.
  9. If the water has spoiled, it must be poured into a river or other natural source. Holy water should not be poured down the sink or drain.. Holy water is not thrown onto the ground. It is poured into an “untrampled” place, that is, to the place where people do not walk ( don't trample underfoot) and dogs don't run. You can pour water into a river, into a flower pot, or into a clean place under a tree.


  1. It is unacceptable to keep water “in reserve” forever if it was brought from the temple once for Epiphany according to the principle “so that it is in the house, because everyone has it.” This is a kind of imprisonment of the shrine. The grace of holy water does not decrease, no matter how long it is stored, but people who do not turn to the shrine are robbing themselves.
  2. Once consecrated water is always consecrated.. In the case when we have little holy water left, but we need some significant amount, we can add holy water to ordinary water. All water will be sanctified.

Finally, the most important:

Holy water will not bring us any benefit if we spend our lives away from God. If we want to feel God in our lives, to feel His help, His participation in our affairs, we must become Christians not only in name, but in essence.

To be a Christian means:

  1. Fulfill God's commandments, love God and neighbors;
  2. Participate in church Sacraments and perform home prayer;
  3. Work on correcting your soul.

May the Lord help us, no matter how far we are from the house of our Heavenly Father, to return to Him.

How do pseudoscientists explain the “special” properties that water acquires during Baptism, why they are wrong and how one can be poisoned by holy water, explains Indicator.Ru.

The properties of water attract both scientists and ordinary people equally. Only if for the first it is a subject of study that demonstrates interesting physical properties, then others often consider water a mysterious substance to which incredible abilities are attributed.

In Russia, the latter is especially evident on the eve of Orthodox Epiphany on January 19, which is associated with the biblical story of the baptism of Jesus. Many believers are sure that water acquires healing properties on the eve of this church holiday. Let's see if there is a scientific basis for the properties attributed to water.

First, let's repeat some material from school curriculum. From it we all should have learned that water has a truly unique set of characteristics. For example, the solid phase of water, ice, has a lower density than liquid water and also has an extremely high specific heat capacity and surface tension.

The structure of the molecule, in which two hydrogen atoms form an angle of 104.45° with an oxygen atom, and the properties of these atoms themselves provide a high value of the dipole moment (which is why water heats up well in microwave oven), and also make it a good solvent for polar substances.

However, none of the above is mentioned by semi-religious figures in the context of the remarkable properties of this liquid. Usually you can hear “terms” from them like “energy-information memory”, “structuredness”, “aquacommunications” and the like.

One of the works often cited in such cases is “What explains the healing properties of holy water, Orthodox prayer and the sign of the cross? electrical engineer Angelina Malakhovskaya. In it, the author describes how water’s physical properties change and healing qualities manifest when exposed to various religious rituals. Among other things, a change in optical properties was announced, namely an increase in optical density in the region of 200-260 nm.

However, employees of the Physics Faculty of St. Petersburg State University were unable to confirm Malakhovskaya’s conclusions even using a hundred times more accurate equipment. The structure of water is an eternal topic of pseudoscientific articles, the authors of which are not familiar with the current results of scientific research.

Meanwhile, it has long been shown that structures that, according to some, “remember” and “record” information, live in water only for extremely short periods of time (about a picosecond).

Another common myth is that there is some special configuration magnetic field Earth on the eve of January 19, providing water with “special” properties. In fact, the Earth’s magnetic field does not assume any specific state, because its source is the rotation of the core - a very inert process that cannot change significantly on a scale of days.

The real change in the Earth's magnetic field manifests itself in the form of movement of the magnetic poles at a characteristic speed of several kilometers per year and field reversal, which occurs on average once every half a million years.

Among the special properties of Epiphany water - and consecrated water in general - is also often mentioned its ability not to spoil for a long time. Some especially ardent believers even reserve it for a year in advance.

This opinion can only be due to a lack of understanding of the reasons why water becomes undrinkable. In fact, the culprit is bacteria, which decompose particles of organic substances dissolved in water, invisible to the naked eye.

It is logical that water taken from a clean source, especially at low ambient temperatures, and stored in a tightly sealed container, will deteriorate much more slowly than usual. Another possible explanation is the frequent use of silver objects in church rituals. Silver ions, even in small quantities entering the water, have bactericidal properties and effectively suppress the growth of bacteria.

By the way, if the water for consecration is not taken from a clean source, then the amount of bacteria in it will be quite dangerous to health, this has been proven by Austrian scientists. During the work, the researchers took water samples from 21 holy springs and 18 samples from special vessels for holy water located in churches in Vienna.

Water analysis showed that only 14% of samples satisfied sanitary standards and was drinkable. In the remaining 86% of samples, microorganisms such as Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli), Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), Salmonella, and bacteria of the genus Campylobacter were found.

Another favorite “explanation” of the mysterious properties of water among obscurantists is reference to certain “cosmic influences.” Here, each interpreter gives free rein to his imagination, so the absurdity of the theses is limited only by the number of scientific terms familiar to a particular person.

Here you can find neutrinos emanating from the center of the Galaxy, which is lined up with the Sun and Earth, and cosmic rays awakening electrons sitting deep in the lithosphere, and hypotheses about the impact of interplanetary space on the bioinformational fields of water.

It is very difficult to refute such a number of heterogeneous unconfirmed hypotheses, but you can consider the problem as a whole. Of course, particle flows from space change over time. In particular, the flux of solar neutrinos correlates with the 11-year cycle of solar activity, but is in no way connected with what is happening on Earth.

The number of particles recorded on the surface of the planet from deep space depends on time much less: the usual variations are a fraction of a percent and, again, do not have any pronounced anomalies during winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

In general, we can say that none of the “miraculous” properties of Epiphany water are not only not confirmed by real scientific research, but also do not have any substantiated scientific basis. Water is already a very interesting substance, and its physical and chemical properties There will certainly be more research on this in the future.

January 19 Orthodox Church celebrates the Epiphany of the Lord. Otherwise, this holiday is called the Epiphany, since at this moment the manifestation of the Fullness of the Divinity took place - the appearance of all the Persons of the Holy Trinity: the Father, who testified with a voice from Heaven about the Son, the Son who received Baptism, and the Holy Spirit, who descended on the Son in the form of a dove.

Since the New Testament Baptism took place in the waters of the Jordan River, this holiday is closely associated with the symbolism of water and purification. It is no coincidence that in Russia, whose climate is very different from the climate of Palestine, on Epiphany thousands of believers, and not only believers, swim in ice holes. It is believed that on the night of Epiphany, all water, both in ponds and rivers, and even from the tap, becomes holy, baptismal.

What the Orthodox Church says

Epiphany water in Greek is called “Great Agiasma” (“shrine”). This water, the church teaches, provides healing for mental and physical ailments, extinguishes the flames of passions, and drives away evil forces. Therefore, baptismal water is sprinkled on the home and every thing that is consecrated. Saint John Chrysostom, who lived in the 4th century, said that holy water remains incorruptible for many years, is fresh, pure and pleasant, as if it had only been drawn from a living source a minute ago. Many saints, in response to requests for healing, sent the sick a bottle of Epiphany water, or simply advised prayerfully, reverently, to drink such water every day.

Orthodox people have a special attitude towards Epiphany water. For example, it is not customary to pour holy water where it can be trampled under foot, and if for some reason the need to pour out Epiphany water arises, then this should be done somewhere in the garden, at the roots of a tree, or in a flower bed. Epiphany water should be stored next to the images, and drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach, after reading the morning prayers. It is also believed that if you dilute ordinary water with Epiphany water, then the entire liquid will become holy.

What Science Says

Scientists, even non-believers, in general, have never denied such a property of Epiphany water as the ability to remain fresh for a long time. Is it strange if this water is taken during the coldest period of the year, when the activity of microorganisms is zero? In addition, when consecrating water, a silver cross is immersed in a vessel, but everyone knows that silver ions destroy microorganisms. However, it recently became clear that the properties of Epiphany water are not limited to this.

Some scientists explain the healing properties of Epiphany water by the characteristics of the Earth's magnetic field. On this day it deviates from the norm and all the water on the planet becomes magnetized. What causes these changes has not yet been studied.

Russian experimental physicist Professor A. Belsky conducted the following experiment: on the night of January 19, he took water samples from a nearby pond. Polyethylene bottles with samples stood in his laboratory for several years. The water in them remained clear, odorless and sediment-free. At a scientific conference, Belsky told his friend, a professor from the research institute, about this. nuclear physics at Moscow State University, which was engaged in the study of neutron fluxes from space and from the Earth. He became interested and promised to look at the experimental data of his laboratory over recent years.

So, according to these data, before January 19, bursts of neutron flux were regularly recorded, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times. There was no strict connection to January 19: the maximums fell on both the 18th and 17th, but sometimes exactly on the 19th. Specialists of the drinking water supply laboratory of the Institute named after. Sysina also conducted a scientific study of the properties of Epiphany water. As A. Stekhin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, said, the goal of the experiment was to record the phase of transition of water into an unusual state; for this, they began to monitor the water from January 15. Tap water was settled and the amount of radical ions in it was measured. The number of radical ions began to increase from January 17th.

At the same time, the pH value (pH level) increased, making the water less acidic. On January 18th, in the evening, the changes reached their peak of activity. Due to the large number of radical ions, the electrical conductivity of the water was like that of an artificially created catholyte (water saturated with electrons). At the same time, the pH value of water jumped over neutral (7pH) by 1.5 points. However, it is necessary to warn that links to scientific publications Professor A. Belsky and Candidate of Technical Sciences A. Stekhin are either not there at all, or there are so few of them that no one can detect them.

What do neopagans think?

But astrologers and followers of various mystical practices devote a lot of space to the properties of Epiphany water. They claim that on the night of January 19, the Sun, Earth, as well as the center of the Galaxy are positioned in such a way that a line of communication opens between the heart of our planet and the center of the Galaxy. At this time, a special energy channel operates, which structures everything that falls into it. Water on Earth and everything made from it undergoes this structuring.

Followers of the teaching, which they call the “Slavic Vedas,” believe that the name “Epiphany water” does not come from the word “baptism,” but from the name of the ancient Slavic deity Khors. And the word “water” comes from the word “Veda”. This is the water, “Khorsa Knowing”. And the followers of this teaching offer to swim at baptism not in ice holes cut in the shape of a cross, but in open reservoirs and ice holes.
For Christians, the experiments of scientists and the speculations of mystics are unnecessary. They know that water is sanctified by the Grace of God, and they believe in its power and healing properties.