What beautiful female names. The strangest names in Russia. The most beautiful female foreign names for all letters of the alphabet

The fashion for various names is gradually changing. At a certain period, some names necessarily become popular. A very important step in life is choosing a name for a child. A name is given for life, so its choice and meaning requires careful study.

The main thing in the article

How to choose a beautiful modern name for a girl?

Nowadays it is fashionable to call girls in a foreign way: Nicole, Evelina, Jacqueline. Such names sound quite modern and beautiful. If such a name does not correspond to the patronymic and surname and looks ridiculous in such a combination, you should not condemn the child to such difficulties in the future. Also, your daughter may not be ready for such an unusual name and may be embarrassed by it in the future. But, definitely, a rare name will distinguish the child from other boring names.

Old Russian names have also gained popularity: Vasilisa, Praskovya, Pelageya. These are names with old school and energy, they sound quite solemn. When choosing an Old Russian name for your daughter, look through the shortened versions of such names. This will help avoid embarrassment when children in kindergarten are teased with Palazhki and Vaska.

When choosing a modern name, try to choose one that is easy to pronounce.

Modern Russian names for girls

Having settled on the choice of Russian names, you should pay attention to universal names that mean feelings: Love, Faith and Hope.
Choose a name for your princess based on the time of year of your baby: a winter baby can be called Snezhanaya, autumn - Golden, summer - Augusta, spring - Maya.
Most popular Russian names are:

  • Sofia
  • Victoria
  • Varvara
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Pauline
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Veronica.

Most of these names do not have Russian roots, but they have taken root among us and have been popular for a long time.
Popular Old Russian names :

  • Pelagia
  • Ustinya
  • Darina
  • Miroslava
  • Vasilisa
  • Yesenia.

Find out more about the meanings of female Old Russian names from our article.

Rare and unusual female names

Many parents want to emphasize the individuality of their child and distinguish him from other children with an unusual name.

  • When choosing a name for your daughter, remember that she will live with it all her life. Try to choose one of the rare names that are typical for your country of residence and nationality.
  • Study the diminutive version of the name you like; it should not hurt your ears. You should definitely like the diminutive version, because that’s what your daughter’s peers and relatives will call you.
  • Study the meaning of the name, because it can influence fate. It will be unpleasant to find out that the meaning beautiful name your girl is “lame” or “sad.”
  • Analyze the list of popular names over the past few years. Perhaps the rare name you chose for your child has not been that name for a long time.

Examples unusual old Russian names :

  • Bozena
  • Vesnyana
  • Veroslava
  • Zlatislava
  • Darena
  • Lyubomir
  • Miloslava
  • Stanislava
  • Slav
  • Tsvetana.

Foreign names will also sound unusual:

  • Dominica
  • Beatrice
  • Gloria
  • Cassandra
  • Ariadne
  • Mirabella
  • Medina
  • Flora.

Unusual names , which in the last few years had to be registered by the registry office:

  • Golub
  • Rosiyana
  • Byzantium
  • Ocean
  • Cherry
  • Cassiopeia
  • Kupava.

Beautiful female names by month according to the church calendar

It has long been customary among Orthodox believers to name a child in honor of the memory of the saint who falls on the child’s birthday. Take a closer look at church calendar, you might like a name that matches your daughter's birth month.
IN January The memory of saints who help those in need, who are persistent and brave, is honored.

  • Anastasia
  • Tatiana
  • Maria
  • Sofia
  • Melania
  • Vasilisa.

February- a month in which the memory of women who know how to balance their character is honored.

  • Rimma
  • Vasilisa
  • Xenia
  • Pelagia
  • Svetlana
  • Sofia.

IN March girls are born modest and humble, but according to the calendar it is possible to award a daughter with a strong name:

  • Marianne
  • Irina
  • Varvara
  • Alexandra
  • Antonina
  • Daria
  • Hope
  • Nika.

U April Girls are usually stubborn and strong in character. Therefore, it is best to choose soft names from the calendar:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Pauline
  • Lydia.

To hardworking girls born in May, the following names are suitable:

  • Elizabeth
  • Ulyana
  • Juliana
  • Faina
  • Taisiya.

IN June If you want to reward your daughter not only with a beautiful name, but also with a reliable patroness, focus your attention on the following names:

  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Elena
  • Pelagia
  • Maria.

For July According to the church calendar, there is the following list of names for daughters:

  • Olga
  • Zhanna
  • Marina
  • Margarita
  • Elizabeth
  • Juliana.

A girl will grow up decent and honest if she August you will choose her name from the calendar:

  • Angelina
  • Christina
  • Irina
  • Daria
  • Elena.

The calendar has a fairly wide selection for girls born in September:

  • Sofia
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Lyudmila
  • Tatiana
  • Natalia
  • Raisa.

The choice of female names is also good in the church calendar for October:

  • Maria
  • Veronica
  • Pelagia
  • Maria
  • Taisiya
  • Hope
  • Zinaida
  • Zlata.

If you are having difficulty choosing a name for your daughter, November Saints will help solve this problem:

  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Neonilla
  • Seraphim
  • Olga
  • Elena.

In the first month of winter, December, honor such saints:

  • Tatiana
  • Catherine
  • Varvara
  • Margarita
  • Anfisa.

Foreign female names in Russian style

Most names have the same origin, usually Greek, Hebrew and Latin, but they are translated into other languages.

  • Popular name Maria, which has Jewish roots, is quite common among us. In England it is - Mary, in France – Marie.
  • English name Elizabeth and German Lizhen translated as Elizabeth.
  • French Julie and Italian Juliet they will become in the Russian way Julia.
  • Spanish Catarina, English Catherine- this is ours Katerina.
  • Spanish and Italian Lucia(translated as “light”) - an analogue of the name Svetlana.
  • Similar to an English name Dolly in Russia – Daria, A BarbaraVarvara.
    Almost everything foreign names have analogues in Russian.

Beautiful Tatar female names

The meanings of Tatar names are mainly divided into those denoting certain features:

Beautiful Muslim female names

Women's Muslim names They are also quite popular among other nations due to their beautiful sound and meaning.

  • Alsou – pink-faced
  • Aliya – sublime
  • Aisha - life
  • Amira - princess
  • Amina - faithful
  • Leile - night
  • Maram - aspiration
  • Nadira - rare
  • Rashida - walking right
  • Halima - patient
  • Zukhra - morning star
  • Malika - queen
  • Rahima - merciful
  • Samia - precious
  • Farida is unique
  • Firuza – light
  • Habiba - beloved
  • Yasmina - similar to jasmine.

Beautiful Kazakh female names

If you want to give your daughter any qualities, then you need to know what the name means. Kazakh names, in addition to native Kazakh ones, include names from Arabic, Russian, Persian and other languages. Each female Kazakh name has its own unique meaning, mainly pleasant and necessary meanings in life, character traits.

  • Ademi - graceful
  • Azhar – pretty
  • Aigul - moon flower
  • Alma - apple
  • Balzhan – sweet, smart
  • Balym - my smart girl
  • Gulnaz – graceful
  • Dameli - reliable
  • Zhanar - sparkle in the eyes
  • Kunsulu is a ray of sunshine.

Modern Armenian female names

For Armenians, a newborn girl is, first of all, a future mother, so the name should mean care, purity, and warmth. Many female names come from the names of pagan goddesses. Anahit– mother goddess, goddess of motherhood and war – Nane, Astghik- goddess of beauty and love. There are a lot of names derived from the names of natural phenomena, plants and celestial bodies: Suzanne– lily, Lusine- moon, Garunik- spring. Many female names are formed from male names with certain endings added. The ending "ui" represents feminine– male Tigran + ui = female Tigranui. The ending “uht” is translated as daughter and holy oath. Vormizd's daughter will Wormizduht. The most euphonious modern Armenian names:

  • Anush – means “sweet”
  • Hasmik – jasmine
  • Arevik - sunshine
  • Gayane - earthly
  • Zara - gold
  • Zarui - Priestess of the Fire Temple
  • Mariam – Maria
  • Naira – free
  • Nana - mother
  • Narine - wife
  • Ruzanna – rose
  • Siranush - love
  • Ermina is courageous, dear.

List of the most beautiful female modern names

The most popular and beautiful names:

  • Anastasia
  • Milan
  • Angelina
  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Yesenia
  • Arina
  • Marina
  • Svetlana
  • Snezhana
  • Zlata
  • Siyana
  • Regina
  • Pauline
  • Lilith
  • Pelagia
  • Emilia
  • Elina
  • Violetta.

Meanings of the most beautiful female names

Anastasia– from Greek “resurrected”, “immortal”.
Milan– Slavic name, means “sweetheart”.
Angelina– from the Greek “angelos” - angel.
Mia– Swedish origin, meaning “rebellious.”
Valeria– from the Latin “strong”.
Christina– from Latin - “Christian”.
YeseniaSlavic meaning"autumn".
Anna- translated from Hebrew as “brave”, “gracious”.
Marina– has a Latin origin “sea”.
Svetlana– from the Slavic “bright”, “pure”.
Snezhana- from the Slavic “snowy”.
Thea– from Greek “goddess”.
Zlata- from the Slavic “golden”.
Nika– from the ancient Greek “victory”.
Regina– translated from Latin – “queen”.
Pauline– from the Greek “solar”.
Eve– is of Hebrew origin, meaning “life-giving.”
Pelagia- from the Greek “sea”.
Violetta– from Latin means “violet”.

Whatever you name your child, let reason and common sense guide you in your search for a name. Harmonizing with the surname and patronymic, having good value a name that suits the child and parents is the best choice. Remember that your daughter will live with him all her life, so be responsible when choosing a beautiful name.

Even before the birth of the child, parents begin to think about what to name the baby. It is believed that the name of a person who comes into the world determines his fate and character. The list of beautiful female names is so huge that sometimes it’s not easy to choose. To simplify the task, there are a number of criteria (numerology, saints, traditions, fashion, meaning, combination with a surname) that help you decide what to name the baby.

How to choose beautiful name for girls

According to the law, parents have the right to name their child whatever they want. Sometimes this goes beyond common sense, when the name not only does not fit with the surname or patronymic, but also sounds terrible. Some mothers and fathers strive to name their children after relatives, but if you believe in omens, be careful, since it is believed that a baby can repeat the fate of an adult. Based on the above, it is necessary to choose beautiful Russian names for girls, guided by several basic criteria.

Church calendar

Often the choice of a beautiful female name is made depending on the church calendar. On the one hand, everything is simple here: you just need to look at the calendar on the girl’s birthday and find out which saint, great martyr the date is dedicated to, he will be the patron. According to Orthodox faith, the child immediately falls under the protection of this saint, acquiring a guardian angel for life.

However, some difficulties may arise here due to the fact that a girl is named, and a man is named a saint. In this case, you need to look at who is the patroness on the eighth and fortieth days after birth. It is believed that these days it is customary to name a child and carry out the sacrament of baptism, so the choice will be correct.


There is a table where each letter of the name has its own number. If you add them up, you get a number that also influences the character and destiny of a woman:

Having calculated the number, you can familiarize yourself with the interpretation using the following detailed table:

Single children use their charm, which makes it easy to escape punishment after an offense. Girls are often hooligans who do not know the feeling of fear.

Twos are sensual, affectionate, constantly in need of hugs, kisses, and tenderness. They make friends once and for all, the girls are persistent and decisive.

Curious, smart, well-read, striving to understand everything about nature.

Main feature character - caution, children of fours try to avoid troubles, female half- needlewomen, get married once and for all.

Fives are too active, energetic, athletic; girls with fives make excellent ballerinas and gymnasts.

Very peaceful natures, strongly attached to their mother, striving to imitate her in everything.

Sevens show independence from a very early age, do not tolerate instructions, act contrary, but often make the wrong decisions. The girls try to imitate their older friends.

Very positive individuals who know how to enjoy life smile all the time and do not show negative emotions until they are very offended.

Nines are capricious, loving to create scandals and hysterics, draining energy from those around them.

Time of year

Often beautiful girl names are selected based on the time of year, considering that this factor also predetermines the traits feminine character:

  1. Winter girls have a developed sense of responsibility, perseverance in achieving goals, but are cold. They are stubborn, contradictory, difficult to find common language with household members. Therefore, it is better to name the girl a soft, beautiful female name that can soften the hard qualities of character inherent in nature: Svetlana, Ulyana, Valentina, Natalya, Lyudmila.
  2. Spring girls are soft, gentle, striving for a family and the birth of children. It is difficult for them to make decisions, to defend their opinions, they think for a long time before making a decision. Babies born in the spring are flexible, so to give them strength of character, you need to choose something more rigid-sounding, for example, Marina, Larisa, Irina, Victoria, Ruslana.
  3. Summer babies are endowed with creative abilities; they are impulsive, emotional, hardworking, active, and proud. Such children develop different character traits, so you can call them whatever you like.
  4. Autumn young ladies are devoid of daydreaming, possess pedantry, wisdom, integrity, and balance. Such individuals lack the lightness and romance that beautiful female names Sophia, Elizaveta, Zlata, Yesenia, Olesya, Vera will add.

National traditions

IN modern world there are many international families, each member of which knows and honors their traditions. When choosing beautiful female names for girls, you should not rely only on this factor. The selection should take into account such a criterion as consonance. A balance is needed in the surname, first name and patronymic; their sound should caress the ear, and not cut off. The same applies to Old Russian nicknames, which sound beautiful in full, but are dissonant in the abbreviated version.

Fashion for female names

In such an important matter, you should not rely on fashion trends. Often women, flipping through the pages of magazines, name their daughters after actresses, models, famous figures, etc. Such an irresponsible approach can have a negative impact on the girl’s future, her life path, energy shell, implementation in the profession, family. So, for example, before the October Revolution, Christian names were popular - Anna, Katerina, Maria.

In the 20-30s, strange abbreviations appeared to call newborn Soviet citizens - Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Oyushminalda (Otto Yulievich Schmidt on the ice floe). In the 30-40s. Galina and Nina returned to fashion in the 50s. many Marias, Zoyas, and Hopes appeared. 60-70 They were distinguished by their brightness and minimalism, just like the names of the women - Zlata, Rimma, Renata.

In the 80-90s, foreign names appeared - Magda, Eva, Jeanette, as well as Rose and Marianne, as a tribute to the series “The Rich Also Cry” or “Wild Rose”. Modern parents are returning to the old Russian ones - Ulyana, Polina, Lyubava, etc. In addition to fashion, there is a list of beautiful female names in alphabetical order with a detailed interpretation, description of character traits that must be taken into account before naming your daughter.

Combination with patronymic and surname

Many parents now like to call their daughters old, foreign or rare names, which does not always form a harmonious tandem in pronunciation with the surname and patronymic. So that the girl does not suffer later, does not receive funny nicknames, but feels comfortable, be guided not only by your desires, but also by the following criteria:

  1. Call bearers of complex surnames and patronymics as simply and concisely as possible.
  2. It is better to name owners of rough, harsh middle names softly and tenderly.
  3. The first name, last name, and patronymic should complement each other, be easy to pronounce, sound, and remember.

What names should you not give to a girl?

There are different beautiful names for girls, but sometimes the parents’ imagination goes beyond all limits, and the newborn is called not so much original as it is strange. To avoid such moments, it would be appropriate to use the following recommendations:

  1. Be careful about naming a girl with a name that has a masculine sound (Vitaly, Bogdan, Pavel). It is possible that peers will call the child Vitalik, Bogdan, Pavlik. In addition, there is a risk that the girl will acquire masculine character traits.
  2. Pay attention to the consonance with the surname and patronymic.
  3. Don't let Orthodox newborn a name that does not correspond to religion. At baptism, the priest will name the baby differently, which may affect her fate; the girl will feel the duality of nature. The same goes for double naming.
  4. Often, the baby’s relatives insist on an overly “folk” name for the baby (Thekla, Matryona, Pelageya) or, on the contrary, an overly foreign one (Juanita, Marianna, Vanessa). Agree, in combination with popular Russian surnames it will sound funny. When the baby grows up, she is unlikely to thank you.
  5. Consider also the possibility of creating an abbreviated, diminutive form of the noun.

The most beautiful girl names by meaning

Often, disputes about what to name the unborn child cause a lot of contradictions in opinions, leading to scandals and quarrels. A reference book that explains the meaning and origin of the name will help you avoid such problems. In addition, there you will find information about what surname the naming goes with, how it affects a girl’s destiny, the girl’s role in the family, team, etc.

Old Russian

During times Ancient Rus' the girls were called by two Russian folk nicknames. The first was received at birth, considering it negative, since it reflected all the negative traits and manifestations of character. The second was given upon reaching 18 years of age, selected on the basis personal qualities. All Old Russian names were divided into 5 groups:

  • animals (Swan, Pike);
  • numerals (Othmaya, Pervusha);
  • divine (Lada);
  • based on personal qualities (Veselina, Golub);
  • dibasic (Yaroslav, Radimir).

There are names among them that are still popular today. So, the ranking of the best, most beautiful female names includes:

  1. Borislava is a “fighter for glory.”
  2. Zlata – “golden, gold.”
  3. Vasilina - “royal”.
  4. Lada – “good, dear.”
  5. Love means "love"..
  6. Mila. It is of Slavic origin and means “sweet as honey.”
  7. Svetlana – “bright”.
  8. John. Appeared from the Hebrew Ivanna, translated as “gift of God.”


Before the advent of Christianity in Rus', they were popular Old Russian names, but from XI-XVII Byzantine, Greek, and Roman came into use. They penetrated Russian culture so deeply that some of them are still sometimes mistakenly considered Old Slavonic. Particularly often used:

  1. Alexandra – “active, courageous, defender of people”;
  2. Angelina. Ancient Greek, its interpretation is “angelic messenger, angel.”
  3. Vasilisa. The masculine version is Vasily, meaning “royal.”
  4. Share (Dolyana) – “lucky”.
  5. Elena – “sunny, chosen, bright.”
  6. Inessa – “chaste.”
  7. Lydia – “resident of Lydia”.
  8. Karina. Derived from Korin - “girl”.
  9. Kira – “mistress”.
  10. Ksenia – “hospitable, wandering guest.”
  11. Melissa is a "bee".
  12. Margarita - translated from ancient Greek as “pearl”.
  13. Isolde – “cold gold”.
  14. Pauline. Derived from Apollinaria - “belonging to Apollo.”
  15. Olivia – “bringer of peace.”
  16. Lily. Derived from the name of the flower, it means “white lily”.
  17. Praskovya - “Friday, the eve of the holiday.”
  18. Tatyana is the “organizer”.
  19. Aurora is the “goddess of the dawn.”
  20. Julia - a derivative of the masculine Yuli - “wavy, fluffy.”
  21. Claudia - “lame”.

Fashionable and modern

All modern beautiful female names have not only Greek, but also Slavic, Germanic, Jewish, Roman, and Latin roots. Here is an interpretation of some of them:

  • Alice - "of noble birth."
  • Amelia (Amalia). It has German (ancient Germanic) roots and means “hardworking, hardworking.”
  • Bella - “beautiful, beautiful.”
  • Maryana - “sad beauty”.
  • Nicole – French, “conqueror of nations.”
  • Olga – from the Scandinavian Helga, “saint”.
  • Taisiya – “wise, goddess of fertility.”
  • Elvira is a “patriot”.
  • Sophia - “absolute wisdom.”
  • Valeria, translated into Russian as “to be healthy.”
  • Victoria – “winner, victory.”
  • Violetta - has Latin roots, translated as “violet”.
  • Daria is the “winner”.
  • Marina – comes from the Latin “marinus” - “sea”

Beautiful foreign names for girls

There is no point in naming girls based only on your own taste or intuition; each name has its own characteristics and carries a deep meaning. secret meaning, sometimes mysterious, capable of endowing its owner with special energy, strength, making her happy, bringing success. In addition to Russian, there are also beautiful foreign female names - English, European, Indian, Arabic, Persian, Italian, Muslim, etc. The culture of each nation has its own rating of traditional, ancient and modern names.


The Czech Republic is a Slavic country, so many names are consonant with Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian. Sometimes Czechs call girls with a variety of exotic names, but more often they give old ones, among which are:

  • Christina (or Christina) - derived from the Latin Christianus, meaning “Christian dedicated to Christ.”
  • Mary – Biblical, meaning “stubborn.”
  • Ekaterina - comes from the word Greek word“Katharios” translates as “pure, immaculate.”
  • Veronica - “bringer of victory.”
  • Varvara (Barbara) - “foreigner, foreigner.”
  • Alina – “noble, alien.”
  • Milana - “sweetheart, beloved.”
  • Milena. It has the root “mil”, meaning “sweetheart”.


The people of Poland, like many other nationalities, are sensitive to beautiful female names, calling girls melodiously. The Poles believe that this will bring love and happiness to the little ones. family relationships, wisdom in communicating with loved ones, friends, career success, etc. At birth the baby is given one name, at baptism - another, believing that religious name protects the child's soul from adversity, illness, and the evil eye. The most popular are:

  • Alicia - of noble birth;
  • Anastasia - resurrection;
  • Angelica – angelic;
  • Bertha – bright;
  • Bozhena – “God’s, divine”;
  • Victoria - conqueror;
  • Gabriela - man of God;
  • Dominica - belongs to the Lord, etc.


Some Bulgarian names come from foreign ones, being their shortened form, others have purely Slavic roots. Often in Bulgaria girls are given such beautiful female names:

  • Blessed - happy;
  • Berislava - taking glory;
  • Wanda - God's mercy;
  • Veselina – cheerful;
  • Delphine – sister;
  • Darina - gifted by God;
  • Elena – beautiful;
  • Zaryana - gold, golden;
  • Rusana – fair-haired;
  • Milotsveta – floral, means “sweet flower”.

Women's names are rare and beautiful

In Russia, Italy, France, girls are called the most beautiful female names. That's what the statistics say. Many names are very rare, but they sound so amazing that they cannot but please the ear. These include:

  • Augustine;
  • Adeline;
  • Azalea;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vlastilina;
  • Gayane;
  • Gloria;
  • Daniela;
  • Dinara;
  • Yesenia;
  • Zoryana;
  • Inga et al.

The most beautiful female names in the world

Each nationality has its own preferences regarding what to name a newborn girl. There are such beautiful names that are popular in some countries of the world:

  1. USA: Britney, Pamela, Marilyn.
  2. France: Angelique, Aurelia, Daniela, Jasmine, Melissa, Sophie, Charlotte.
  3. Italy: Adelina, Alessandra, Albina, Bianca, Violetta, Gina, Julia, Letizia.
  4. Germany: Agnet, Amalie, Bridget, Gertrude, Yvonne, Carla.
  5. England: Amelia, Olivia, Jessica, Scarlett, Isabel, Daisy.

Each name carries very powerful energy, and when a person is assigned a name, he is influenced on a subconscious level by its main characteristics. Female names are particularly diverse, among them huge amount It is difficult for parents to choose the most beautiful female name for their baby.

All names have their own history and have an individual meaning that has been formed since ancient times. Many studies confirm that people with the same names can be similar in some character traits, have the same attitude towards life, and even be similar in appearance.

Alexandra– this name has been very popular for decades. Derived from ancient Greek male name Alexander. It means courageous, reliable. Such girls are very lively and restless, but the adult Alexandra will be feminine and elegant. Capable of resolving any conflict. An adult woman with this name will be able to perform well in business and business matters.

Anastasia- has a name Greek origin and came from the male form of the name Anastas. Means resurrecting. A girl with this name has well-developed intuition, she may even have the ability to predict events. Anastasia is smart, beautiful and dreamy, religious at heart. Idealism and romance are developed in her.

Anna- one of the most popular names not only in Slavic, but also in other countries. It is of Hebrew origin and characterizes a pretty, graceful girl.

Another meaning of this name is merciful, grace. A girl with this name will be caring, kind, and in some situations altruistic traits will appear. At the same time, Ani is always self-confident, they have willpower. A very feminine and pleasant name.

Alice– is of ancient Greek origin and means “truth.” A girl with this name is sociable and has a good sense of humor, kind, and sympathetic. She is characterized by increased sensitivity, so she is often offended, but the offense passes very quickly. She is witty, so she can respond with dignity to any attacks in her direction.

Alina– means noble. A bright and good name that will endow its owner with activity, excitability and stubbornness.

Bogdana- given by God. A person with this name is always self-confident, sociable, and cheerful. A rude and cold name.

Victoria is a beautiful name that means “victory.” A cheerful and, at the same time, serious name.

Veronica– consists of two names: Vera and Nika. A gentle, pleasant-sounding name.

Vlada– a short and firm name. Girls with this name strive to become famous and achieve success.

Diana- a tough, punchy name, a girl who will be called this way will have her own strong opinion and independently build her own path in life.

Eve- a short, bright name that will give a girl dreaminess and boundless kindness.

Catherine– cheerful, calm name. A girl with this name will live by high moral principles.

Evgenia- a complex, beautiful name. Its owner will have a difficult, contradictory character.

Zlata– light, tender, short. A girl named Zlata will honor family values and strives to build his ideal family.

Inna- light, cheerful.

Karina– unusual, soft, beautiful.

Kira– a short, powerful name.

Christina- sonorous, pleasant sounding.

Xenia– simple and soft.

Lily– light, causing pleasant associations.

Marina– contradictory and unusual.

Maria– simple and cheerful.

Olga is a short and complex name that will endow its owner with rebellion and independence.

Pauline– cheerful, pleasant, organic.

Svetlana– sunny, bright, warm name.

Julia– active, cheerful, positive. The girl Julia will always smile and radiate positivity.

Yana– short, loud, restless.

Female names by month

When choosing female names, you must be guided by the time of year when she was born, since a beautiful female name that is suitable for the month of birth will have a positive impact on the fate of the baby.


Angela- means “angelic messenger.” It is of Greek origin. Angela is very temperamental, impatient, mysterious. Well-developed imagination, impulsive. A nature that is ready for self-sacrifice.

Antonina– in life she is quiet and flexible, despite the fact that her name encourages action. A responsive and very sensitive girl with this name will be able to support and comfort another person. She is inclined towards handicrafts.

Arina– according to one version, Arina is the name of the sun goddess in Bulgaria. Girls with this name are independent, reserved, and have excellent intuition.

Varvara– a soft, but at the same time strong name.

Elizabeth– proud, noble, melodic.

Irina– a short and firm name.


Agnia is a name of Greek origin, meaning fiery.

Agatha - is of Greek origin and carries the meaning “kind, good.”

Adelaide - is of ancient Germanic origin. Girls with this name are calm, but persistent, sometimes stubborn.

Vasilisa is a good, bright name. Often found in fairy tales.

Valentina is a beautiful, soft name.

Tatyana is bright, memorable, majestic.


Anna – melodious and beautiful. The most popular in the world.

Anfisa is bright, but at the same time quiet, sad and slow.

Daria – courageous, rude. Contains strong energy.

Kira is bossy, short and rude.

Julia is a cheerful, bright, melodic name.


Alla is short, strong, beautiful and quite rare.

Alexandra – powerful, loud, long.

Apolinaria is a bright, unusual, rare name.

Liana – gentle, feminine, calm, beautiful.

Lydia is a light, noble name.


Valeria is a cheerful, loud, powerful name.

Inessa – joyful, beautiful, cheerful.

Carolina is unusual, interesting, beautiful.

Claudia – rare, noble.

Renata is bright, active, powerful.


Alena – kind, simple.

Alina – soft, beautiful, short.

Vera is warm, homely, affectionate.

Diana is a solid name, confident.

Zhanna – unusual, short, active.

Emma is rare, laconic, soft.


Angelica is bright, unusual, memorable.

Ilona – proud, majestic.

Rose is an impressive, courageous name.

Sarah is a solid, unusual, melodic name.

Elina – cold, soft, strong.


Agnia – smooth, light, unusual.

Anastasia is a sonorous, soft, good name.

Anita – interesting name, unusual and beautiful.

Milena is a soft, smooth, gentle name.

Olesya – simple, understandable, sonorous.

Christina – long, beautiful, harmonious.


Vasilisa – simple, fabulous, beautiful.

Vera is folk, soft, gentle.

Hope is firm, calm, and easy to remember.

Natalia is kind, soft, affectionate, melodic.

Lyudmila is a firm, confident name.

Sophia is creative, unusual and noble.


Anna is a bright, simple, slow name.

Ariadne - rare, firm and courageous.

Veronica – long, soft.

Vladislava – courageous, firm, tough.

Marianna – unusual, beautiful, sweet.

Taisiya – sunny, mysterious, rare.


Elena is a gentle, beautiful, smooth name.

Christina – sonorous, harmonious.

Natalia – soft, homely, calm.

Nelly – beautiful, kind, feminine and unusual name.

Svetlana is a sunny, bright name.

Ulyana – short, memorable, harmonious.


Angelina – gentle, positive, soft.

Victoria is a firm, confident, sonorous name.

Margarita is melodic, but at the same time firm and long.

Marina is contradictory and unusual.

Svetlana – warm, bright.

Zoya – short, rare, unusual.

Beautiful names for girls

Women's names are very diverse, and when choosing, you should pay attention to the melody of the name so that it is easy to remember, and at the same time, it is rare and not banal.

The most beautiful female names become popular because they are liked by many and chosen by many. The beauty of each name is also determined by the sequence of syllables, the harmonious tandem of vowels and consonants, and the ability of the name to be combined with any patronymic.

Among the most successful are the following:

  • Alina;
  • Aliya;
  • Anastasia;
  • Angela;
  • Anna;
  • Diana;
  • Catherine;
  • Zara;
  • Karina;
  • Lily;
  • Maria;
  • Margarita;
  • Rose.

Slavic beautiful female names

Old Slavic names is an inexhaustible source of beautiful names for women. They are all unusual, rare and feminine.

  • Bazhena - desired, sweet, beloved, respected.
  • Bela – bright, pure, innocent.
  • Bozhena – blessed, bestowed by God.
  • Wanda is argumentative and rebellious.
  • Dana – gifted, open, mysterious.
  • Yesenia is bright, trusting, welcoming.
  • Fun means “joy, joy.” Often literally – cheerful, funny.
  • Zlatoslava – “golden glory”. Often proud and unapproachable girls who have a subtle mental structure.
  • Lyubava – beloved, or “she who loves”, loving.
  • Olga is majestic, important, significant.
  • Rada – “cheerful”, “joyful”.
  • Tsvetana – blooming, bright, fragrant, happy.
  • Yaroslava is strong, has bright glory and vital energy.

Russian female names and their meanings

Russian female names can have different origins and meanings.

Beautiful options can be chosen among both Slavic and Greek or Soviet female names:

  • Alena- means “scarlet”, “fiery”. In the ancient Slavic tribes, this was the name given to female warriors, whose symbol was the sword and fire. A girl with this name is impressionable, sensitive, knows how and loves to empathize. More often than not, he is an introvert and does not give in to the influence of others.
  • Anfisa- “blooming”. An energetic, lively, emotional girl. She is prone to wit and has good intuition.
  • Asya- resurrected. This name is sometimes considered a shortening of the name Anastasia. Girls with this name are usually easily excitable, emotional, and do not like boredom and monotony.
  • Vasilisa- regal. Due to this meaning, the name Vasilisa is often used in Russian fairy tales about queens. Curious, sincere, openly expresses feelings, spontaneous. Often has good creative abilities.
  • Daria- strong, invincible.
  • Evgenia- noble, honest, fair.
  • Ilona– energetic, active, charming, attractive.
  • Larisa– smart, impatient at a young age. She is characterized by ease of communication and a sparkling sense of humor and friendliness.
  • Sofia (Sofia)- wise. Conscientious, honest, accommodating. She is characterized by delicacy and softness, accuracy.
  • Julia– resourceful, quick-witted, bright and cheerful, cheerful.
  • Yana- means "God's mercy." Responsibility, intelligence, love for precision, the desire to do everything “right.”

Rare female names

Among the rare female names you can find many beautiful and harmonious ones. A rare and unknown name will reveal the girl’s character and her feminine traits.

  • Agnes– “immaculate”, “kind”, girls with this name are prone to contact, easy to communicate, cheerful.
  • Aida– means “useful”. A girl who will be named this way will always strive forward and achieve goals.
  • Vitalina– courageous, independent, decisive, responsible.
  • Claudia– unstable, freedom-loving, contradictory. The name means "persistent."
  • Lolla- polite, charming, friendly.
  • Milan- "Darling". Charming, romantic, kind and interesting.
  • Muse– the name speaks for itself, the meaning is “patron of sciences and arts.”
  • Olympia– the meaning of the name is “celestial being”. Such girls are driven by the desire to idealize the world around them.
  • Emilia– strong, strong, diligent. Everywhere he shows perseverance and fortitude.
  • Emma– means “strong”. Girls who are called this way are most often altruists.

Unusual female names

A rare name will make a girl feel special. For the most part, unusual female names are beautiful female names.

  • Aida– “first daughter”, “reward”. Such girls reveal their creative abilities early, they have strong intuition, and it is believed that they have a connection with the other world.
  • Anita– means “beautiful”, “graceful”. These girls are very mysterious and reserved. Adult Anita differs from others in her charm and ability to see what others cannot see.
  • Zlata- thrifty, wise, good housewife. The name is sonorous and pleasant.
  • Lada– soft and short name. That was the name Slavic goddess beauty and love, so girls named by this name are very gentle, sweet and charming.
  • Maryana(or Marianna) is an interesting and unusual name.
  • Melissa– a rare name meaning hard work and good nature.
  • Miloslava– means love of life, cordiality, kindness and the ability to find a common language with others.
  • Stanislava– disobedience, inner core.
  • Taisiya- “fertile”. This name is quite common, but remains unusual and interesting.
  • Emilia– means “kind, affectionate.” This name sounds very affectionate and unusual.

Strange female names

The happiest female names

Among the names there are those that really bring good luck and happiness in a girl’s life. They are considered this way due to the meaning that has been put into them for centuries.

  • Victoria. Translated, it means “winner,” which gives its bearer the desire for leadership and the ability to attract the right and useful people.
  • Tatiana. This name contains powerful energy and is translated as “founder”, “peacemaker”. If you call a girl this way, she will be a leader from birth. She is able to cope with any difficulties that come her way.
  • Anastasia. A beautiful name that will also bring happiness to its owner. Translated it means “resurrected, immortal.” This girl gives kindness to others, and it comes back to her like a boomerang.
  • Maria– translated means “madam.”
  • Elizabeth- truly a royal name.
  • Daria– means winner.
  • Anna- persistent, strong in spirit, patient.
  • Sophia– the name brings inner harmony and tranquility. Translated - “wise”.
  • Alexandra.
  • Catherine.
  • Olga.

Biblical female names

The Holy Book is a popular source for choosing names, not only in Russia, but in other countries of the world. Among them there are very rare names.

  • Avital– translated as “my father’s dew.” Such girls are capable of self-sacrifice, they are selfless and kind to the people around them. They love the world and take care of their loved ones.
  • Ada- this name is mentioned second in the Bible, after Eve. Translation: “decoration”. These girls have a little male character, stubborn and do everything as they want.
  • Anna- emitting light. The most popular name in the world.
  • Eve- the name that appears first in the Bible. Means "alive".
  • Elizabeth- “righteous”, “honored by God”. That was the name of Jesus' mother's cousin.
  • Magdalene.
  • Maria.
  • Marfa.
  • Ofra.
  • Yafa.

American female names in English

Some english names translated into Russian they sound very beautiful.

List of female names. Beautiful American female names

The most popular English names:

  • Adriana - Adriana.
  • Abby - Abby.
  • Alexandra - Alexandra.
  • Alice – Alice/Alice.
  • Amy - Amy.
  • Angela - Angela.
  • Barbara - Barbara.
  • Beatrice - Beatrice/Beatrice.
  • Camille - Camilla.
  • Catherine - Katherine (our analogue is Katya).
  • Charlotte - Charlotte.
  • Christine - Christina.
  • Dana - Dana.
  • Diana - Diana.
  • Elizabeth – Elizabeth, Lisa.
  • Emma - Emma.
  • Jasmine - Jasmine.
  • Julia - Julia.
  • Kate - Kate.
  • Leah - Leah.
  • Margaret - Margarita.
  • Rose - Rose.
  • Veronica - Veronica.

How to choose a beautiful name for a girl

When choosing, pay attention to several points:

Middle name for a girl

Selecting a harmonious combination of first and middle names is a responsible step. You need to choose a name that your parents will like, carry a good meaning and sound harmonious in combination with your patronymic.

You can choose an interesting name for the most popular middle names using the following list:

  • Alexandrovna - Olga, Maria, Daria, Anastasia, Elena.
  • Alekseevna - Ekaterina, Irina, Tatyana, Alena.
  • Andreevna - Anna, Sofia, Anastasia, Ksenia.
  • Antonovna - Varvara, Polina, Elizaveta.
  • Arturovna - Diana, Yana, Inna, Alina.
  • Borisovna - Ksenia, Alla, Natalya, Polina.
  • Vadimovna - Valeria, Alena, Anastasia, Irina, Evgenia.
  • Valentinovna - Kira, Alina, Marina, Valeria.
  • Valerievna - Ekaterina, Anastasia, Svetlana.
  • Vasilievna - Nadezhda, Maria, Vera, Claudia.
  • Vladimirovna - Alexandra, Svetlana, Olga, Anna.
  • Gennadievna - Christina, Irina, Veronica, Elena.
  • Denisovna - Anastasia, Christina, Alisa, Valeria.
  • Dmitrievna - Ksenia, Yulia, Ekaterina.
  • Evgenievna - Margarita, Victoria, Daria.
  • Ivanovna - Valentina, Vera, Zinaida, Ekaterina.
  • Konstantinovna - Irina, Kira, Sophia.
  • Maksimovna - Polina, Ksenia, Tatyana, Ulyana.
  • Mikhailovna - Lyudmila, Yulia, Natalya.
  • Nikolaevna - Arina, Daria, Ekaterina, Elena.
  • Romanovna - Anastasia, Olga, Margarita.
  • Sergeevna - Natalya, Galina, Anastasia, Polina.
  • Stanislavovna - Alisa, Alina, Irina, Taisiya, Christina.
  • Timurovna - Alina, Angelica, Bogdana, Regina.
  • Yuryevna - Anastasia, Olga, Natalya.
  • Yaroslavovna - Oksana, Olesya, Anna.

Orthodox according to the church calendar

It is well known that a name, both male and female, carries a certain energy. This means that if you choose a beautiful female name in accordance with the calendar, then it will protect the girl and empower her vital forces. The name is chosen according to the month and sometimes even the day of her birth.

  • January: Aglaya, Eva, Evgenia, Claudia, Emilia, Ulyana, Anastasia, Anisia.
  • February: Inna, Rimma, Agnia, Anna, Agathia, Valentina, Maria, Zoya.
  • March: Marianna, Kira, Marina, Antonina, Iraida, Vasilisa, Galina.
  • April: Daria, Alexandra, Alla, Larisa, Matryona, Maria, Nika.
  • May: Alexandra, Glafira, Martha, Susanna, Zoya, Elizabeth, Pelageya.
  • June: Elena, Ulyana, Kaleria, Maria, Antonina, Valeria, Anna.
  • July: Inna, Alevtina Rimma, Angelina, Evdokia.
  • August: Maria, Christina, Nonna.
  • September: Anfisa, Natalia, Anna.
  • October: Rufina, Vasilisa, Lyudmila, Vera, Nadezhda, Love.
  • November: Cleopatra, Elizabeth, Capitolina, Glykeria Praskovya.
  • December: Cecilia, Anna, Varvara, Ulyana, Angelina, Zoya.

Female names according to Saints

Each day according to the Saints reflects the fate of a holy woman. This is an endless source from which you can draw beautiful female names. If the day on which the daughter was born is not marked with the name of a saint, then according to tradition, a name can be chosen from neighboring dates.

Most of the names contained in the Saints are male, so the female analogue of the name is often used.

  • January: Julianna, Julia, Agrippina, Domna, Euphrosyne, Fedora, Feodosia, Ksenia, Oksana, Maria.
  • February: Feodosia, Militsa, Agata, Dora, Dorothea, Vera, Zoya.
  • March: Olga, Marfa, Iraida, Matrona, Nadezhda, Christina.
  • April: Vassa, Sofia, Praskovya, Julia, Anastasia, Vasilisa.
  • May: Elsa, Susanna, Lily, Tamara, Anastasia, Muse.
  • June: Alena, Elena, Euphrosinia, Alexandra, Pelageya.
  • July: Livia, Zhanna, Lucia, Sarah, Agripina.
  • August: Militsa, Anastasia, Iya, Eva.
  • September: Regina, Ksenia, Rufina, Serafima, Tatyana, Lyudmila, Lyubov.
  • October: Ariadne, Arina, Nana, Elizaveta, Maria, Chris, Zinaida.
  • November: Anastasia, Agatha, Anna, Elena, Agrippina.
  • December: Cecilia, Augusta, Catherine, Lilia, Sophia, Elsa.

Each name contains certain meaning, which will definitely have an impact on the character, as well as the fate of the girl, so it is important to take the choice with great responsibility.

Video about beautiful female names. What to name a girl

TOP 10 beautiful female names:

The best names for girls of the past year:

The question of choosing a name for a baby is one of the most important; this question pushes into the background even the torment in the maternity hospital, the choice of undershirts and crib. How much do we rummage through in search of the most beautiful, original and unique name for our unborn child.

There are different options choosing a name:

  • Choosing a name according to the calendar, i.e. according to the church calendar, which contains the days of remembrance of saints. Each day of the calendar in Orthodoxy is a day of remembrance of several saints. Therefore, according to church tradition You can choose a name based on the child’s birthday, the 8th or 40th day of birth. The priests claim that by naming a child after a martyr, his life will not be a torment, but, on the contrary, a blessing.
  • Choice by numerology. Here you need to correctly correlate the date of birth with the name you want to give your baby, and the name that is in to a greater extent will relate the child to world harmony and will help him live life much easier.
  • Choice by time of year. Adherents of this system believe that if a child was born in winter, then he should be given a soft name to compensate for the severity of the cold (Ulyana, Svetlana, Ksenia). But if the baby was born in the spring, i.e. he is more indecisive, then they are advised to give them tougher names (Christina, Tamara, Marina).

In general, beautiful female names conceal some mystery and mystery. These names fill their owners with tenderness, wisdom and femininity.

Russian scientists conducted an extensive sociological study to find out which female names are most popular opposite sex. During this study, more than 50 thousand people were interviewed. The results were the following female names: Anastasia, Katerina, Victoria, the top three in the survey, who scored the largest number male voices. They are followed by the following names: Tatyana, Ksenia, Natasha. Despite the fact that during the survey a variety of female names were named, these were the ones that received the largest number of votes.

However, many parents are now trying to give a rather rare name to their daughter. This is how names appear that you won’t hear anywhere else (Andrianna). Also, in an effort to name their baby an unusual name, people are increasingly taking foreign names (Djamilya, Asiya, Milena).

And this is a list of the 30 most beautiful female names:

3. Anastasia

4. Angelina

7. Victoria

11. Evgenia

13. Elizabeth

15. Isabella

16. Inessa

17. Karina

18. Caroline

19. Christina

20. Marina

22. Milena

23. Natalia

26. Polina

28. Snezhana

29. Stella

30. Elvira

And beautiful American names:

1. Angelina

3. Jessica

5. Kimberly

6. Marilyn

10. Charlotte

Also beautiful French names:

2. Violetta

3. Juliana

4. Camilla

10. Estelle

Some popular Jewish names for girls:

2. Adina (tender)

3. Amalya (created by God)

4. Karen (ray)

5. Mazal (happiness)

6. Fry (queen)

7. Naama (pleasant)

8. Peerli (gorgeous)

9. Sarah (ruling)

10. Haviva (beautiful)

Gradually we will supplement our table with different female names.

However, don't be upset if you haven't found your name. Your name still sounds great, no matter what anyone says about it.

Can a girl named Adele have an ordinary life? Or will the handsome prince be able to pass by the lady named Violetta? Or Ariadne, which means “ruling”? Of course, a girl with such a rare name will carry it with her head held high. If only it goes with the middle name.

Although problems often arise with this: parents try to name their beloved child as beautifully as possible, forgetting that in 25 years “Olegovna” or something like that will be added to her beautiful, sonorous, most unusual name. This is where grandmothers usually come to the rescue, reminding us of common sense. True, it has become possible to register a child right in the maternity hospital, and this is usually done by the mother. Who will stop her, bursting with hormones?

Anna is the most important

Each country has a certain “list” of common and understandable names. Sometimes parents immediately think that the child (or themselves) will be mobile and consider options for moving, so they initially name the child so that foreign friends do not break their tongues when pronouncing, for example, the name Anastasia. Most Popular modern names in America - Angelina, Britney, Jessica, Gina, Kimberly, Marilyn, Pamela, Tiffany, Hayley, Charlotte. In the UK, for example, Amalie, Amalia, Anabel, Angellina, Bridget, Vanessa, Jennifer, Caroline, Lauren, Meidlin are held in high esteem. By the way, Western parents are very susceptible to various cultural influences. For example, the name Emma became very popular when a generation grew up that was a fan of stories about Harry Potter: Hermione is too complicated a name, so the girls were named after Emma Watson, who played the role of Hermione in the film adaptation. In Russia, there has recently been a wave of names in honor of characters from Game of Thrones; dozens of girls have already received the name Arya.

A girl's name is important not only for her parents, but also for the opposite sex. Not long ago, a sociological survey was conducted in our country, in which more than 50 thousand people took part. Based on its results, it became clear that the most handsome men names such as Anastasia, Ekaterina and Victoria are considered. By the way, “Anastasia” is already for a long time remains at the peak of popularity.

If you look into history, you will see that the name always pointed to social status girls. For example, the name Maria in the 18th century and the first half of the 19th was exclusively a noble name. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, people began to become interested in this name, to name their daughters with it, it spread throughout the country at the expense of the peasantry. Or, for example, the name Tatyana was for a long time for children from a low class, but it was Alexander Pushkin (deliberately, by the way) who used it in Eugene Onegin, calling Tatyana not a simpleton, but a girl subtle nature. After this, the noblewomen also became Tatyanas, and the name grew. There is only one name that has always been popular, it was used to call girls from any class, and according to UNESCO in 1984-1985, it was, in principle, the most popular in the world - this is the name Anna, which has many variations. Nyura will be called a peasant woman, and Anna will be the daughter of a king.

In Russia before the revolution, names were often given by the church. After the revolution, the church was officially removed from this action, and folk creativity spilled out from the limits of reason onto children.

  • Old non-church names have returned. Zlata, Lada, Svetlana, Rogneda.
  • New ideological names have appeared. Idea, Barricade, Novella, Poem, Idyll, Turbine, Railcar, Industry, Energy, Electrification.
  • Unique (according to 1942). Artillery Academy, Great Worker (yes, that's a girl's name), Cherry Blossom in May, Glavsp, Raithia. The most unique ones are Oyushminalda, Lagshmivara, Dazdraperma.

The girls defended their rights in everything and always. This also applies to the name - in some countries girls were not given a name at all, but instead the name of the most famous family member - the man - was used. Or in ancient Rome, girls were named after their father. Gaius Julius Caesar's daughters were to be called Julia. If there are several girls, they are numbered. Julia Prima, Julia Secunda, Julia Tertia and so on. Sounds very offensive, doesn't it?

Either way, now you can call a girl the most unusual name. Here sample list what beautiful names for girls were used by various Russian families this year:

  • Aurora,
  • Agnia,
  • Athena,
  • Adana,
  • Amalia,
  • Bella,
  • Dominica,
  • Yesenia,
  • Inessa,
  • Inga,
  • Martha,
  • Michaela,
  • Mira,
  • Romana,
  • Sogdiana,
  • Faina,
  • Evita.

At the same time, the most popular name in 2016 (however, this name has long and firmly held the first line) is Sophia (Sofia). Not everyone wants to come up with an unusual name for a girl - although perhaps this particular name was once unique. According to the name book, Sophia is a soft, gentle girl in childhood. When a girl begins to grow up, she becomes diligent and pedantic. Sophia is a purposeful girl, but she does not go ahead, but carefully achieves her goal without causing inconvenience to anyone.

The second most popular name is Maria. Masha (even the name itself sounds soft) is a kind, quiet, vulnerable girl. At the same time, in adulthood, the character begins to be strong and firm. Maria - good wife, family is very important to her. The third most popular line is held by the name Daria. Dasha is impulsive and economical (an explosive mixture). Girls with this name are sociable and artistic. Dashas are usually happy in a stable marriage.

Life stories

Looking at some of the names, you can’t help but think: what were the parents motivated by? Some mothers of girls with unusually beautiful names talked about how they chose names for their children.

Mom Lesya, daughter Vasilina:

I myself have a rare name, so I knew the advantages for myself: they always remember you the first time, they immediately distinguish you from the team (both children and adults). Therefore, when we realized that we would have a daughter, I immediately knew that I would choose a rare name. I liked many rare names, but I needed to find a combination for a rather characteristic patronymic - Egorovna. I directly studied directories of rare names, writing down the options I liked on a piece of paper. But my husband and grandmothers rejected almost everything.

Then I took out a directory of rare Ukrainian names, since we have Ukrainian roots on both sides, it was logical.

There, almost immediately, my gaze fell on the name Vasilina, this is the Ukrainian version of Vasilisa. All my relatives liked this name right away. Especially after my pregnant brain was already determined to go for Ustinha.

There is, however, one nuance: the daughter is often confused and written down as Vasilisa. At home we call her full name, affectionately Cornflower. I categorically don’t like the abbreviation Vasya, but my daughter, on the contrary, is what her best friends call her.

Mom Tatyana, daughter Mia:

I heard the name Mia during a trip to Germany. A friend once mentioned that Germans often call their daughters this way. I myself didn’t have a child yet, even in plans, but the name was remembered, although I didn’t tell anyone about it. When the ultrasound showed that we were having a girl, and my husband and I began to discuss the name of the unborn child, I rather timidly asked: “What do you think of the name Mia?” My husband really liked it, so all attempts to make a version more “adapted” to Russian pronunciation - Miya, or to name his daughter Polina or Emma - failed. Which I don’t regret, by the way, the name turned out to be suitable for a wayward, very active and lively girl. In the description of the name, everything is written like that, but I didn’t read it until my daughter was almost two years old - for some reason it was uninteresting.

Problems arose immediately: at the maternity hospital, when I was registering my daughter, they asked me for the written consent of the child’s father to use that name. In our city, our Mia became the first, so the registry office had doubts whether dad was against it. In the clinic and other official institutions, I immediately spell the name M-I-A. In response, I usually hear one of two options: “What a beautiful name” or “They’ll name it.” Another interesting remark was from some grandmother during a walk: “Oh, what a name. Probably dad is Chinese. I’m telling you exactly, Chinese.” And my husband, actually, Pavel, is quite Russian.

Mom Maria, daughter Evdokia:

My daughter chose her name herself. I knew this name (my great-grandmother was Evdokia), and was completely indifferent to it. And when the pregnant woman chose a name, I couldn’t get the name out of my head. I was reading a book with names, and it was there. Until I came across the name Evdokia, nothing was suitable. And my husband couldn’t find it either. When I suggested Dunya, he was so confused, and I saw that there was no protest. And inside I was confident that another name would not work.

An unusual name can be not only rare, beautiful, unusual, but also something that can be called “well forgotten old”. Yuli, Olya, Sveta, Ira, Gali - in the generation of the 80s and 90s these names were all over the place, but now they are practically non-existent. So if you don’t have the imagination for something artsy, then you can just look at your friends. Or take the simple route and do what many do: open a dictionary and poke at random.