What activities can be carried out to unite the team? How to create and maintain a friendly team: seven tips for a manager

Employees have become more indifferent to the company they work for, experts note a trend.

The people have become apathetic and the company's affairs are of little interest to them. This has been observed in almost all domestic companies over the past three years. What is the reason for this attitude? In each specific case it is different, however, there are also certain trends. One of them is the lack of communication between departments, which, as a rule, is carried out only through the management of the company.

Employees who do not have constant contact with colleagues from other departments feel like they are not part of the company, but a separate link, often without even knowing how their work affects the company’s affairs and what results it produces. And since the result is not visible, where will the motivation to improve it come from? The people fulfilled their functions and passed the project further down the chain, and only God knows, and the head of the company knows what happened to it. Moreover, neither one nor the other is dedicated to the details of the employees.

So it turns out that everyone stews in their own juice and gradually begins to look at their company with indifference - “I’ve done my job, and the grass won’t grow any further.” It’s even worse when a black cat runs between departments and competition arises. For influence on the manager, for the annual budget - it doesn’t matter. Another thing is important here - to quickly resolve all contradictions and organize normal interaction within the company, because this is one of the key factors leading to reducing project costs and improving the quality of services provided. And that means additional profit.

Today, there are many ways to unite employees and turn them into a single team. First of all, you need to constantly explain to the team what the company is achieving and what its employees will get from it. The latest “trick” of HR technologies is the installation of screens in offices that broadcast various videos about the achievements and future plans of the enterprise. Hold seminars, round tables and meetings more often - they help convey to the team the company’s values ​​and its mission.

Many experts recommend publishing corporate media, through which company employees can ask questions to their superiors and find out latest news about the work of your colleagues. Open days will also help to establish connections between different departments. Become the initiator of a monthly presentation from one department to the others, let each manager tell what clients get from the activities of his department.

Another great way is informal events. For example, one large company opened a business library available to all employees. People brought good books and put them in a separate closet, and anyone who wanted to read could take a book at any time. Over time, almost all employees became involved in the process, and a little later a video library was created using the same principle. This had a very positive effect on the atmosphere - people had many common topics for communication.

Based on materials from Point.ru


Good relationship within the team, without which fruitful cooperation is impossible - this is one of the main activities of the leader. To successfully solve this problem, a leader must know the strengths and weaknesses your employees, their preferences, and also be able to correctly distribute responsibilities and delegate powers so that conflicts and disputes do not arise between colleagues.

It is very important for a leader to show sincerity in words and actions, because... Company employees most often convey exactly the approaches that managers adhere to. Psychologists also recommend that top management representatives communicate more often with their teams, support their endeavors, monitor and suppress negative trends: conflicts, quarrels, etc.

It is easier to unite a team if people have common socio-demographic characteristics - age, gender, education, work experience, marital status. But this happens quite rarely, because... people are hired based on different principles. In this case, various events help to unite the team.

Team-building events can be divided into two groups. The first group is directly related to professional activities. The leader needs to organize for his employees participation in various seminars and conferences, conduct business games, brainstorming, discussions, etc. All these events promote the exchange of experience, opinions, and ideas, as a result of which colleagues get to know each other better and informal relationships are established between them.

Strengthening informal relations The second group of unifying events also contributes to the team - festive evenings, sports competitions, anniversaries, excursions, etc. They can be organized in the office or outside, and the occasions can be various holidays, employee or company anniversaries, successful completion of transactions, etc.

At the ceremonial part of these events, it is necessary to emphasize that it was possible to achieve certain peaks only thanks to the joint efforts of the entire team. It is imperative to note the individual contribution of some individuals and emphasize the importance of their work for the entire company.

An excellent event for team building is team building. Most often, team building refers to sports competitions, team games or competitions, but these can also be fun corporate events or psychological training aimed at teaching employees to interact and solve problems together. Team building helps liberate and bring colleagues closer together, and it helps managers take a closer look at the team and determine the roles of employees (“leader”, “idea generator”, “performer”, etc.), which in the future allows them to more effectively manage work processes.

Everyone knows that to organize an effective work process, it is not enough to simply recruit staff who will work on a particular project. It is very important to organize interaction between employees from different departments for joint achievement set goals or tasks. Simply put, you just need bring the team together so that the entire organization works as one big mechanism. Team building is used for this.

Teambuilding(from the English team - team, building - construction, construction) is a set of techniques and events, designed to unite the team. First, the boss needs to understand how employees interact with each other, who communicates with whom, who avoids whom and does not communicate. If employees are divided into departments, then the heads of these departments, as well as people who are the “soul of the company” and those who are constantly asked for help, need to be involved in creating a team. If they don’t start to unite the team, they will at least prepare for it.

What should we do to make the team a team?

It is better to carry out the unification process on the road somewhere in a cozy place. It is possible in the office, but then the atmosphere will be reminiscent of work and the employees will feel awkward and a little constrained. Outside of the workplace, they will be able to relax and open up completely to you and their colleagues.

Depending on the purpose and possibility of the organization, corporate events can take from several hours to several days and have a wide variety of forms, of which the most common are:

1. creative and intellectual events;

2. where it is necessary to work in a team;

3. sports games.

The team building scenario needs to be prepared very carefully. You should come up with the most memorable and vivid plot that will produce the desired psychological effect and unite the team. And we should not forget about the possibility of implementing it in practice, because not everything can be implemented for one reason or another. The easiest way would be to trust specialists in this field and use the services of relevant organizations.

If you don’t want to spend money, entrust this task to your employees responsible for personnel or organizing events. If you have a psychologist on your staff, you can involve him too.

How to choose the right script

The scenario can be very different. The main thing is that it can be implemented, it meets your goals and is affordable.

Creative events that repeat the plot are quite popular famous films or books. Such team building will be interesting, memorable, and employees can show a different side of themselves and show qualities that they have not shown before. Plus it's a lot of fun.

Also extremely popular are task games with adventure elements, called quests. In this scenario, colleagues will need to unite, apply all their mental abilities and ingenuity to step by step, room by room, to leave, for example, a sunken laboratory in the allotted time. Thus, solving common problem as a team, not only will they have a great time and build relationships with their workmates, they will begin to rely on each other and work as a unit.

Don't forget to consider the age of your employees. If you have young employees working in your organization, then you can easily organize sports games, for example, football, basketball, bowling, paintball, and so on. If the contingent is of different ages, then it is better to refrain from uniting through sports.

Unusual forms of team building include New Year's celebrations, birthdays, themed corporate parties with costumes, and much more. Don’t cross off your list of nature hikes, bus excursions, or some interesting conferences or trainings.

Team cohesion is a sign of indestructibility, coherence and inviolability of interactions and microclimate in the team. Cohesion is a prerequisite for effective practice and labor process. In a society made up of strangers, a certain period of time will inevitably be spent completing assigned group tasks. It is precisely the cohesion of the brigade that gives more guarantees that obstacles to the development of partnership will be successfully overcome and losses will be kept to a minimum. It also matters how united the employee and the manager are.

Compatibility implies a high probability of solving the problem. The cohesion represents an exemplary integration of the team's composition.

In the personnel field of the movement, as in society in general, there is a division into unions and communities. Their formation occurs on the basis of the existence of structures in the association and enterprise, social division established in a certain environment. A striking example is the example of the work environment.

However, the main factor in the formation of a certain association seems to be a person, his behavior, his position in relation to the people around him. Often, a person in a faction may seek to evaluate their own needs, passions, and hobbies. The personal contact formed among colleagues may or may not correspond to this.

A friendly team is the key to successful work

The boss's goal is to form a sung company. The question arises of how to achieve this. Of course, the effectiveness of a common cause is determined by the harmonious interaction of community members. This also applies to the activities of the community, which must turn into a single unit with a specific intention, tasks and goals.

Each enterprise leader sets a goal for himself that seems impossible - creating a cohesive team, ready to do work not only for the sake of monetary reward, but also to implement general ideas, achieving results. This is not an easy task, since even representatives of the same occupation have different characters, temperaments and hobbies. The goal of the leader is cohesion and the formation of a friendly community.

The most used technique is inviting a psychologist into a friendly circle. However, the arrival of a specialist gives reverse effect. This is stiffness and unwillingness to open up. Method number two: solving the problem on your own.

The main part is creating a favorable climate in the office. You should ensure that you have all the necessary things to carry out your tasks. job responsibilities personnel and temporary leisure at work places.

In addition, it is important to periodically contact colleagues outside the office. A joint outing into nature will give more positive impressions, the opportunity to discover the hidden talents and hobbies of colleagues, will have a positive impact positive influence on the process of cohesive partnership.

Methods and mechanisms for forming a cohesive team

What methods exist to unite people in your team?

  • A meeting is a great way to establish contact between members of a given society. In most cases, one consultation per week is enough. As a creative option that will positively affect the cohesion of the union, you can come up with a topic for discussion, for example, put together a slogan for the organization, then print it and stick it on the walls in the office. In this case, your imagination plays the main role. The entire circle of those present should be given the opportunity to speak; in this case, colleagues will more likely develop an awareness of the integrity of the team.
  • Round tables and practical exercises also occur if there is any tension among colleagues. They make it possible to look for ways to resolve many troubles in professional activity, and every employee has the right to speak out.
  • Motivation is also favored by doers. It is appropriate at any stage of squad formation. When there is motivation to work, the process is more active. This is perceived as “playing for a prize” in cases where it is necessary to achieve goals by any means. But the entire team should be encouraged, and not an individual employee, since others may have doubts about the impartiality of the manager’s attitude. Activities carried out under the influence of common motivation give workers a clearer sense of team spirit. Engaging in a common project has a positive effect; in this case, there is both a common task and encouragement. As group practice progresses, students will learn how to interact productively and find contact with friends.

These are the main factors.

Advice from psychologists: share your victories and failures with the corporation. The solidarity of the labor community sets us up for effective action to resolve the issues raised.

Listen to the opinions of your colleagues. Even if they are not experts in the field of the issue at hand. Every employee has the right to be heard. More often interesting ideas voiced by specialists who see the issue from a different angle, not understanding the patterns and variants of primitive conclusions.

Difficulties at home directly affect the performance of personnel. It is impossible to have everything about everyone, but sometimes it is still useful to be curious. This way, authority increases in the eyes of your subordinates, they will have a feeling of protection and participation, this is an important part. Demonstrating attention to employees, you thereby increase their performance and ensure growth in profits, and each employee strives to give back as much as possible as invested.

The foundation of collective interaction is the creation and maintenance of a sense of team spirit. However, this is not at all easy. To help a manager, there are many different courses and trainings that talk about the basics of working with people, consider the issue from a psychological point of view, and assess the labor potential of a company employee.

It should be understood that a team is always created from individuals who different characters, temperaments, and each employee has his own ambitions and potential. Differences of this kind can become causes of inconsistency and discord. This is most clearly manifested in such a society on the verge of a deadline. Despite the fact that time is money, you should still take time to form a unified team and give colleagues the opportunity to get used to each other. This is a fairly important stage in the formation of a labor association and will help bring cohesion to a new level.

Factors to keep in mind during the team formation phase

  1. The squad will not form into a single whole in a few days. This is a process that takes a lot of time. Collaboration should be made the main operating style of the organization.
  2. When trying to create a team, the manager cannot always take into account the data. The partnership is taking part in the game, it won’t be any other way. What is the essence of the game? Every business is a game, but if there are tasks in it, be it receiving material rewards, promotion social status and so on. Rules are norms and regulations. There are also opponents. This should not be forgotten.
  3. An employee, no matter how long he is in the circle of the work collective, always strives to play. In the absence of competitors, he will create them for himself on his own. Let's say the group is on the rise. The mission is to conquer the tops of mountains, obstacles are physical difficulties, means are knowledge and skills, opponents ˗ emergency. The public, taking these factors into account, understands that they cannot cope with the mission alone, and members of such a society begin to look for methods to solve the problem. But if you place the same union in a less uncomfortable environment, the team spirit will disappear.
  4. A mentor who is trying to make a team out of his group should not limit himself to conducting trainings, he should also highlight the style of work in society, present the essence of the issue to employees as accurately as possible, discuss the rules, and provide the opportunity to see the enemy. The enemy is not always a person. Firefighters are fighting the fire, doctors are fighting the disease.


Every boss must understand the mechanisms of collective initiative and remember that each employee is an individual who has the right to his point of view. He is part of this community. Working methods and approach should be different for everyone. We should not forget that such factors as temperament, perception and dissimilarity of characters will not go away. As long as humanity has existed, people have been dividing the workload of the brigade for as long.

There are several stages in the formation of a cohesive labor association: grinding in, the stage of “palace coups”, effectiveness, efficiency, skill, aging and death - the stage of reorganization of the institution. With each of these stages, group cohesion increases.

The above are methods that will undoubtedly help to ensure that the cohesion of the labor partnership increases. Of course, this is also influenced by factors such as dissimilarity of characters and incompatibility of temperaments, but such problems are solved by psychological methods of influence. The main thing is that every employee should be heard.

Many factors influence the cohesion of the work community, but one thing remains unchanged: the employee is always the decisive unit.

The success of any organization largely depends on how united its team is. What does team cohesion have to do with it in general? Yes, despite the fact that people every day have to interact with each other, communicate, do something together. If employees treat each other with hostility, then the result general work will leave much to be desired. Productivity will be low, since with poor communication it is not so easy to achieve high performance.

Only in exceptional cases does it happen on its own. The point is that it is their leaders who are responsible for the relationships between people. A good leader is a cohesive team, a bad leader is that each member cares exclusively about his own interests and does not even think about basic mutual assistance.

Team unity must be carried out gradually, unobtrusively and completely unnoticeably. The fact is that it is human nature to resist everything that they try to impose on him. It is for this reason that leaders do not force people to unite, but simply create conditions under which team unity occurs naturally.

As you know, people can be united by both common joy and common pain. People unite when they get to know each other. It is an incredible and terrible fact that certain members of the human race can spend half their lives working side by side, knowing absolutely nothing about inner world the one who is nearby. This means that an experienced leader will have to create conditions under which each person will be able to express some of their own personal characteristics, interests, thoughts, and hobbies. Believe me, without such team unity it is simply impossible and unthinkable. There are plenty of tricks.

Team building exercises are mostly fun and can engage even the most sullen employees. There are many of them, but the choice must be made correctly, since something harsh can not liberate a person, but, on the contrary, make him withdraw into himself even more. As mentioned above, it is necessary for each member of the team to talk about themselves at the very beginning. You can ask people to force them to ask each other questions. Alternatively, you can write questions on pieces of paper and put them in a box - everyone who pulls them out will have to answer the question that he came across.

There are different games for team building. There is no need to be clever here, since even the most ordinary children's games are quite suitable. The main thing is that during all this activity people interact with each other, communicate and, of course, have fun together. You can arrange everything in such a way that employees will discover such potential that they themselves never suspected.

Team unity is also achieved in other ways. First of all, we should name those that are popular today. Yes, they are often expensive, but they still make sense. It is important that they are fun. Of course, during such parties, numerous games are also held. Alcohol? In this case, it is welcome, since under its influence people communicate more naturally.

Promotes team unity and joint recreation in nature. He's even better corporate parties, since people find themselves in completely non-standard conditions. It is also important that on such a vacation they will be without jackets and ties.

Team unity is also possible through the establishment of a common ideology. Note that this method is complex, since it is not easy to get many people to believe in one thing.