What name should I choose for a boy to be calm? How to choose a name for a boy. Choosing a name by month of birth

The modern Russian name book includes Russian names that are currently used in Russia.

In addition to the original Russian names in Russian name book included Jewish, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian and Persian names, which were adapted on the territory of Russia and have long been perceived as Russian.

Most Russian names that are currently used in Russia are not originally Russian in origin. They are borrowed from Greek language together with the Christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18th-19th centuries Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and the imported Christian names were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Juliania - Ulyana, Artemy - Artyom, Daniil - Danila, Jeremiah - Eremey).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names that became Russian come from?

The Greeks also collected in their name book best names all the peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

In addition to names of ancient Greek origin, they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian and Babylonian names.

If we consider names by meaning, then almost all names Greek and Roman origin talk about positive (desirable) character traits and appearance.

Hebrew names different from Greek and Roman. Most Hebrew names are associated with the name of God. For example, Gabriel is my strength god! Daniel is God's judgment.

Currently name books of any country includes not only the original names of its people, but also borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, the mixing of cultures, and also a consequence of the migration of peoples.

The name book includes the name, the origin of the name and the meaning of the name.

Russian modern male names

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Our book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Russian modern male names. Modern Russian name book


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When choosing names for boys, parents should remember that by doing this they largely determine the fate of their child and lay down the characteristics of his character. Sometimes rare, strange or funny name given to a baby at birth can cause ridicule among peers and misunderstanding among others.

The choice of a male name for your heir and successor of the family must be balanced and meaningful. It should be remembered that the child will grow up and will then have to bear this name for the rest of his life.

In order not to create unnecessary difficulties for the baby from childhood, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules when choosing male names for a newborn. This will help to do right choice and choose for your son not just a sonorous, but also a really beautiful name that will harmoniously combine with the child’s middle and last names.

The name is an important phenomenon for every person; it largely determines his character and destiny. It is especially important to choose the right one for the future man, since in this case the parents also bear responsibility for the well-being of future grandchildren. Boys' names are more important in that they then become middle names for their future children.

There are a large number of beautiful male names, from which you can choose just one for your own son. Parents can be guided by different selection criteria:

  • the ancestral tradition of your family;
  • church calendar;
  • a combination of the child’s first name, patronymic and last name;
  • fashion trends
  • meaning of a man's name.

But at the same time, you should always pay attention to how the chosen name will be combined with the patronymic and surname. It is important to choose a harmonious and harmonious combination of name and patronymic, so that later, in adult life, the baby did not experience any difficulties.

To choose the right name for a boy, you should pay attention to the fact that there are names that can be used not only for boys, but also for girls:

  • Sasha;
  • Valya;
  • Zhenya.

It is important that from childhood the boy does not experience psychological discomfort due to the fact that he is confused with a girl. This happens in cases where the child's last name ends with the letter o. Thus, Sasha Sidorov will feel more confident than Sasha Sidorenko, who in kindergarten and school will have to constantly clarify during roll call that he is a boy and not a girl.

How to name a male child correctly

Parents should remember how important the choice of a male name is. If a daughter can eventually change her surname by getting married, then the son will bear his first name, patronymic and surname all his life. For a man, a harmonious combination of his first name, patronymic and last name is very important. This helps him quickly find his place in life and gain confidence in his own abilities.

How to choose a name for a boy so that it will help him in his future adult life, reflect his individual traits and help in his personal development? Parents may use different criteria when making their choice. The most important thing is to avoid ambiguity and irrelevance.

The first name should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and surname. This will allow the boy, over time, to realize all the responsibility that is placed on him by the family as a successor to the family and will help to cultivate in himself the character traits necessary for a man.

In honor of a relative

Often the choice is made in favor of the name of a famous grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle or other relative in the family. Thus, parents want their baby to repeat the success of the one after whom he is named. However, a child can inherit, along with the name of a relative, in addition to his positive qualities, and negative aspects, repeating the fate of his ancestor.

When deciding to name a son in honor of their relative, the mother and father should remember that it is not recommended:

  • naming a child after a person who passed away early is considered bad omen and inheritance of the same fate;
  • name your son in honor of a still living relative, since the name can attract not only positive, but also negative characteristics this person's child;
  • naming boys after their fathers, as this will burden the child’s psyche and impose on him the responsibility of being just like his father.

If there is a tradition in the family of calling the eldest son by a certain name, then in this case you can not pay attention to the fact that the child and the father may have the same name, since in this case the name will carry the generic meaning of “seniority”.

Selection by last name and patronymic

If a parent finds it difficult to choose a name for his son, then he can select male names for a specific patronymic and surname. In this case, it is necessary to select a short male name for a long middle name, and a long one for a short one.

If the child’s father’s name is Konstantin, Vyacheslav or Stanislav, then it is better to choose a short name for the son:

  • Peter;
  • Oleg;
  • Ilya;
  • Gleb;
  • Yuri;
  • Igor, etc.

For short middle names, such as Petrovich, Lvovich, Ilyich, long names are suitable:

  • Alexey;
  • Alexander;
  • Anatoly;
  • Evgeniy;
  • Maxim;
  • Valery.

When choosing a male name suitable for the patronymic and surname, one should proceed from the combination of vowels and consonants. To get a harmonious combination of initials, you should choose a name so that its letters are not often repeated in the middle name.

You should also avoid consonant combinations famous personalities, type:

  • Vladimir Ilyich;
  • Leonid Ilyich;
  • Nikita Sergeevich, etc.

Names and patronymics that sound similar to each other do not combine well for pronunciation and are poorly remembered by people. You should pay attention to ensure that the patronymic does not begin with the same letter that ends the male name. This combination of sounds is very difficult to pronounce correctly.

It is important that the name be native to the patronymic language culture, so that inappropriate combinations such as Peter Sidorov or John Ivanov do not arise.

The most fashionable names for boys in the coming year

Often modern young parents, when choosing a name for their newborn son, adhere to the fashion for names. The most popular and beautiful names for boys in this, according to registration statistics, are:

  • Kirill;
  • Elisha;
  • Benjamin;
  • Vladimir;
  • Bogdan.

While focusing on fashion, parents should not forget about the well-being of their child. A fashionable male name should be harmoniously combined with the child’s middle name and last name.

According to the church calendar

You can name your son according to church calendar. To do this, it is best to choose those names of saints that are closest to the child’s date of birth. This will create some protection and simplify compliance. Orthodox traditions when raising a child.

You should also remember about the harmonious combination of the baby’s full name with his middle name and last name.

We focus on the meaning of the name

If parents want a name to help shape a certain character of their son, then they should use a list of male names with their meaning to select the appropriate option. If parents want their baby to be purposeful and unbending, then they can choose names that denote such character traits. For example:

  • Gleb;
  • Boris;
  • Egor;
  • Maxim.

In order to soften the child’s character, make him more flexible and good-natured, preference should be given to names that denote these character traits. These male names include the following:

  • Alexey;
  • Ilya;
  • Leonid, etc.

In order to choose the most appropriate male name, you will need to study the dictionary of male names and choose the most suitable one for your child.

By time of year and month of birth

Those parents who trust horoscopes can choose a name for their son based on the time of his birth. Zodiac horoscope often offers a list of names that are most suitable for a particular sign. You can find them on specialized resources on the Internet, where they publish forecasts and descriptions of each sign of the zodiac, eastern and even Slavic horoscope.

Popular wisdom says that it is in winter that the brightest, but at the same time complex people are born; it is believed that communicating with them is not easy because of their character. You can try to soften the temper of the December child by choosing him correct name.

We focus on nationality and traditions

Russia is a multinational country, home to a large number of representatives of a wide variety of ethnic groups and cultures. Trying to choose a name for my son in the spirit nationality child, parents should not forget that the baby will have to go to kindergarten and to school, where he will communicate with children of other nationalities and cultures.

Therefore, his name should not be too difficult to pronounce in Russian, which is the state language of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the baby may have problems communicating with peers.

Other options

It is not necessary to adhere to the above methods of choosing a name for your son. Perhaps parents will have other options for choosing a male name for their child. The most important thing is that both parents agree with the choice, and that the name is consistent with the patronymic and surname.

Young parents should remember that there are special legislation prohibiting giving children names in the form of numerical designations and abbreviations.


The fate of the child largely depends on the correct choice and euphony of the combination of first name, patronymic and last name. Parents should remember this, because by choosing a name for their son, they determine his future life.

Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.

Immediately after the expectant mother finds out the sex of the child, the question arises of what name to name him. The choice of male names is limitless, each has its own charm. But how can you guess which one will suit your future boy?

Many women, even in childhood, know the names they will call their children. However, such a choice is considered not entirely correct - after all, at the time of choosing the name, the baby did not yet exist and did not take part. Now that he is in his mother’s belly, feels all her sensations, knows all her thoughts, he has the right to take part in choosing the name that he will have to bear all his life. But it is known that each name has its own meaning, and it affects the life of the unborn child. Someone else's name, like someone else's dress, will not suit the baby and will make him suffer all his life.

How to choose a name for a boy

So you only need to choose a name together. The simplest and most pleasant option would be the following: the expectant mother sits down comfortably, takes out the entire list of male names that she likes, and begins to read it slowly and legibly. The kid will definitely let you know if he likes something. The message to mom will come in the form of a push. You can choose which name the push will be on.

If on the first try you failed to interest the baby, then you can expand the list and continue reading it. If the boy persists and remains silent, the choice will be possible after his birth. Sometimes one glance is enough for a mother to understand who is lying in front of her.

The list below contains the most beautiful male names. Perhaps among them there is one that your boy will wear.

Avangard (new) – unpredictable
Avdey / Avdiy (old) - ...
Averky (old) - ...
Auxentius (old) - alien “xenos”
Auror / Aurorius (new) - son of the morning dawn
Haggai / Haggai (old) - ...
Adam (old) – “from red clay”
Adolf (new) – “noble wolf”
Adonis (old) – ruler
Akim (popular from old Joachim) - ...
Alan / Allan (new) - ...
Alevtin (new) – alien to evil
Alexander (old) – protector of people
Alexey (old) – defender
Albert (new) – wise
Alvin (old) - ...
Alfred (new) – good advisor
Ananias (old) - ...
Anastasius (old) – resurrected
Anatoly (old) – eastern
Andrey (old) – man and protector
Andrian / Andreyan (popular from Adrian) - ...
Andron (native from Andronik) - ...
Anise / Anisius (old) – sweet-smelling
Antip (old) - ...
Anton / Antony (old) – entering into battle
Antonin (old) – kind
Antoine (new) - foreign language reading of Anton
Apollo (old) – sun god
Arvid (new) - ...
Argent (new) - from French. argent - silver
Arius (old) - ...
Aristarchus (old) – head of the best
Arkady (old) – shepherd or “Resident of Arcadia”
Arlen (new) - ...
Arnold (new) – first
Arsen (new) – courageous
Arseny (old) – courageous
Artyom / Artemy (old) – unharmed
Arthur (new) – big like a bear
Arkhip (old) - ...
Askold (Old Russian) - ...
Atheist (new) – not a believer
Afanasy (old) – immortal
Afinogen (old) - ...
Akhmat / Akhmet (new) - ...

Bagrat (new) - ...
Bazhen (Old Russian) – saint
Bayan (popular from the old Bayan) - ...
Benedict (old) – blessed
Bogdan (glorified) – given by God
Boeslav (glorious) – famous in battle
Boleslav (slav.) – more glorious
Borimir (glory) – fighting for peace
Boris (old) – “fighter”
Borislav (slav.) – fighting for glory
Boyan (slav.) - ...
Bronislav (slav.) – glorious defender
Bruno (new) - ...
Budimir (Old Russian) – peace-loving
Bulat (new) – “strong”

Vadim (old) – sowing confusion
Valentin (old) – healthy
Valery (old) – strong
Valerian / Valerian (old) - ...
Walter (new) – people manager
Varlam / Varlaam (old) - ...
Varlen (new) - ...
Bartholomew (old) - ...
Vasily (old) – royal
Vasilko (folk from Vasily) – prince
Vakhtang (new) - ...
Velimir (slav.) – lord of the world
Velislav (glorious) – illustrious
Velor / Velory (new) - wealthy
Benjamin (old) – Hebrew. "younger"
Vikenty (old) - ...
Victor (old) – winner
Vilen (new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN
Willie (new) - ...
Vilor / Vilory (new) - ...
Vilorg (new) - ...
William (new) - ...
Vincent (new) - ...
Vissarion (old) – forest man
Vitaly (old) – vital
Witold (slav.) – forest ruler
Vlad (slav.) – owning
Vladelin (new) - ...
Vladimir (old, famous) – owner of the world
Vladislav (old, famous) – owner of glory
Vlas / Vlasiy (old) - ...
Warrior (Old Russian) – “warrior”
Voislav (slav.) – “famous in war”
Volodar (Staroslav) - “lord”
Voldemar / Valdemar (new) - famous ruler
Volmir / Volemir (slav.) – lord of the world
Tungsten (new) - ...
Vsevolod (old, old Russian) – ruler of all the people
Vyacheslav (old, famous) - more than once famous

Gabriel / Gabriel (new) - ...
Gabriel / Gavrila / Gavrilo / Gavril (old) – divine warrior
Gaidar (new) - ...
Galaktion (old) – stellar
Galiy (new) - ...
Harald / Harold (new) - ...
Garibaldi (new) - ...
Harry / Garry (new) – tolerant
Gaspar / Kaspar (new) - ...
Hector (new) - ...
Helian / Helium (new) - solar
Genius (new) – “genius”
Gennady (old) – well-born
Heinrich / Henry (new) - ...
Georgy (old) – farmer
Herald / Herald (new) - ...
Gerasim (old) - ...
Herman (old) – native
Hermogenes (old) - ...
Gerontius / Geront (old) - ...
Gertrud (new) - HERO OF LABOR
Gleb (old, old Russian) – big, tall
Horace (new) - ...
Gordey / Gordiy (glorified) – proud
Gorimir (slav.) – “bright world”
Gorislav (slav.) – “bright glory”
Granite (new) – “hard”
Gregory (old) – not sleeping
Gury (old) - ...

Davyd / David (old) – beloved
Damir (new) – peace-loving
Dan (old) – god of the moon
Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) – “God’s judgment”
Gift (new) – “gift”
December (new) – winter
Dementius (folk from the old Dometius) - ...
Demyan (folk from the old Damian) - ...
Denis (folk from old
Dionysius) - god vitality nature
Gerald (new) - another reading of Harald
Joseph (new) - another reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John (new) - another reading of Ivan
Didim (old) - ...
Dean (new) - ...
Dionysius / Dionysus (old) – god of vegetation
Dmitry / Dimitri (old) – god of fertility
Donalt (old) – ruler of the world
Donat (old) – strong

Evgeny (old) – noble
Evgraf (old) - ...
Evdokim (old) – well-known
Evlampius (old) - ...
Evsey (folk from Eusebius) - ...
Eustathius (old) - ...
Egor (folk from Georgiy, Egoriy) – farmer
Elizar / Eleazar (old) - ...
Emelyan (folk from the old Emilian) - ...
Eremey (folk from the old Ermiy, Ermey, Jeremiah) - ...
Ermak (folk from Ermolai) - ...
Ermolai (old) - ...
Erofey (old) - ...
Eruslan (Old Russian) – “lion”
Efim (old) – pious
Ephraim (old) - ...

Zhdan (Old Russian) – waiting

Zakhar (old) – “God’s memory”
Zinovy ​​(old) – “Zeus’ power”
Zoriy (new) – morning
Zosim / Zosima (old) - ...
Zot (vernacular from the old Zotik) - ...

Ibrahim (new) - another reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom
Ivan (popular from John) – “God’s gift”
Igor (old, old Russian) – protector of God
Jerome (old) - ...
Izmail / Izmailo (popular from the old Ismail) - ...
Icarus (new) – fallen into the sea
Ilarius / Ilar (old) – cheerful
Iliodor (old) - ...
Hilarion / Hilarion (old) – joyful
Ilya (old) – the power of God
Innocent (old) – innocent
John (old) – “God’s gift”
Joseph (old) – increased
Hippolytus (old) – unharnessing horses
Irakli (old) - ...
Irm (new) - ...
Isaiah / Isaiah (old) - ...
Isei (folk from the old Jesse) - ...
July (new) – summer

Casimir (glory) – announcing peace
Kalina / Kalin (folk from the old Kallinik) - ...
Karl (new) – brave
Karm / Karmiy (new) - ...
Kaspar / Gaspar (new) - ...
Kasyan (folk from the old Cassian) – empty
Kim (new) - Communist Peace International.
Cyprian (old) - native of Cyprus or copper
Kirill (old) – ruler
Claudius (old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clement (old) – merciful
Clementius / Clementius (nar. from Clement) – meek
Columbia (new) - “dove”
Kondraty / Kondrat (old) - ...
Konon (old) - ...
Konstantin (old) – persistent and constant
Korney (folk from the old Korniy) - ...
Krasnoslav (new) – beautifully famous
Christophe (new) - from Christophor/Christopher - carrying Christ
Kuzma / Kozma (nar. from old. Kosma) - decorated
Kupriyan (popular from Cyprian) - native of Cyprus or copper
Curie (new) - ...

Laurel (old) – famous
Lawrence (old) – crowned with laurels
Lazarus (old) – “God’s help”
Larion (folk from Hilarion) – joyful
Leo (old) – “lion”
Lel (Old Russian) - ...
Lenar (new) - ...
Leon (new) – “lion”
Leonard (new) - strong
Leonid (old) – son of a lion
Leonty (old) – lion
Leopold (new) - ...
Libert (new) - free
Livadiy (new)
Lionel (new) - ...
Lor (new) - ...
Lawrence (new) - ...
Lohengrin (new) - ...
Luke (old) – “happiness”
Lukyan/Lukian (old) – happy
We love (Old Russian) – handsome
Lyubomir (slav.) – favorite of the world
Ludwig (new) - ...
Luxen / Lucian (new) - light

Mauritius (old) - black
Maislav / Maeslav (new) – famous in May
Makar / Macarius (old) – happy
Max (new) – majestic
Maxim (old) – majestic
Maximilian / Maximilian (old) – stately
Manfred (new) - ...
Marat (new) - ...
Marian / Marjan (old) - ...
Mark (old) - patron of people
Markel (old) - ...
Marlene (new) - MARX LENIN
Mars (new) – “god of war”
Martyn / Martin (old) – warlike
Matvey (old) – man of God
Mercury (old) – “god of cattle breeding”
Mechislav / Mecheslav (slav.) – marked by glory
Milen (slav.) – ...
Mily (old) – dear
Miloneg (slav.) – dear
Miloslav (glory) – glory is sweet
Miron (old) – kind
Miroslav (slav.) – winner
Michael / Mikhailo (old) – equal to God
Moses (old) – drawn from the water
Monolith (new) – unshakable
Mstislav (old, famous) – defender of glory
Murat (new) - ...
Myud (new) - ...

Nazar/Nazarius (old) – dedicated to God
Nazim (new) - ...
Nathan (old) – bestowed
Nahum (old) – consolation
Neon (old) – brilliant
Neonil (old) – fundamental
Nestor / Nester (old) – returned to his homeland
Nikander (old) - winner of men
Nikita (old) - winner
Nikifor (old) - bringer of victory
Nicodemus (old) - ...
Nikolai / Nikola (old) – winner of nations
Neeson (old) – calm
Neil (old) - ...
Ninel / Ninel (new) - ...
Novomir (nov.) – “new world”
Noah (old) - ...
Nord (new) - north (ny)

Oksar (new) - ...
Octavian (old) - (Roman) - eighth
Oleg (old, old Russian) – saint
Oliver (new) - ...
Omar (new) - ...
Onisim / Anisim (old) - ...
Orestes (old) – savage
Osip (folk from Joseph) – multiplied
Oscar (old) – “God’s Spear”
Ostap (folk from Evstafiy) - ...
Ostromir (Old Russian) - ...

Pavel (old) – small
Panteleimon / Panteley (old)
Panfil (old) - loving everyone
Groin (old) - ...
Peresvet (Old Russian) – light
Peter (old) – “rock” or “stone”
Pimen (old) - ...
Plato (old) – broad-shouldered
Potap (folk from the old Patapiy) - ...
Prozor (glory) - ...
Prokofy / Procopius (old) - ...
Prokhor (old) - choir director

Radium (new) - “radium”
Radim (slav.) – native
Radislav (glory) – glad for the glory
Radomir (slav.) – glad for peace
Raul (new) - ...
Rafael (new) - ...
Rashid (new) - ...
Renat / Rinat (new) - ...
Reed (new) - ...
Richard / Richard (new) - ...
Roald (new) - ...
Robert (new) - ...
Rodion (old) – resident of Rhodes
Rogerro (new) - ...
Roland / Roland (new) - ...
Roman (old) – resident of Rome
Romain (new) - ...
Rostislav (slav.) – growing for glory
Ruben (new) - red
Rudolph (new) – red wolf
Ruslan (new) – “lion”
Rousseau (new) - ...
Rustam (new) - ...
Rustem (new) - ...

Savva / Sava (old) – desired
Savely (old) – desired
Svet (new) – “light”
Svetlana (slav.) – light
Svetoslav (slav.) – “glory is bright”
Svyatogor (Old Russian) - “holy mountain”
Svyatoslav (slav.) – “glory is holy”
Severin (old) – cold
Severyan / Severian (old) – northern
Semyon (popularly from the old Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Serapion (old) - ...
Sergey (old) – highly respected
Sigismund (new) - ...
Sidor (folk from the old Isidor) - ...
Sylvest (old) - ...
Simon (old) - ...
Slava (new) – glorious
Socrates (old) - ...
Solomon (old) - ...
Sophon (old) - ...
Spartak (new) - ...
Steel / Steel (new) – hard
Stanislav (glorious) – will become glorious
Stepan / Stefan (old) – “wreath”
Straton (folk from the old Stratonik) - ...

Tair (new) - ...
Taras (old) – restless
Teimuraz (new) - analogue of Timur
Theodore (old) - given by God, analogue to Fedor
Terenty (old) - ...
Tigran (new) - “tiger”
Timothy (old) – worshiper of God
Timur (new) – flexible
Tihomir (glory) – quiet and peaceful
Tikhon (old) – happy
Thorium (new) - ...
Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)
Tryphon (old) – pampered
Trofim (old) – pet

Ustin (folk from the old Justin) - ...

Farid (new) - ...
Fevralin (new) – winter
Fedor (old) – God’s gift
Fedor (old) – God’s gift
Felix (old) – successful
Theodosius / Fedosy (old) - ...
Feofan (old) - ...
Filaret (old) - ...
Filat (folk from the old Theophylact) - ...
Philemon (old) – beloved
Philip (old) – lover of horses
Phlegont (old) - ...
Florenc (new) – blooming
Florin (new) – blooming
Thomas (old) - ...
Photius / Phot (old) - ...
Franz (new) – Frenchman
Frol (folk from the old Flor) – blooming

Khariton (old) – benefactor
Brave (Old Russian) – brave
Christoph (old) - (Christopher) - bearer of Christ

Caesar (cf. old from Caesar) - ruler

Charles / Charles (new) - ...
Cheslav (slav.) – “honest glory”

Shamil (new) - ...
Schmidt (new) - ...

Ewald (new) - ...
Edward (new) - ...
Oedipus (new) - ...
Edmund / Edmond (new) - ...
Edward (new) – caring for property
Einar (new) - ...
Electron (new) - amber
El (new) - ...
Elbrus (new) – “mountain”
Elmir (new) - ...
Emilian (old from Emilian) - ...
Emilius (old from Emilius) - ...
Emmanuel (old from Emmanuel) - ...
Engel (new) - ...
Energy (new) - energetic
Erasmus (old from Erasmus) - ...
Erast (old from Erast) - ...
Eriy (new) - ...
Eric / Erich (new) - ...
Erlen (new) - ...
Ernest / Ernst (new) – serious

Juvenaly (old from Juvenaly) - young
Eugene (new) – noble
Julian (old from Julian) – curly
Julius (old from Iuliy) – fluffy
Hume (new) - ...
Jupiter (new) - "Jupiter"
Yuri (old, popularly from Georgy) – farmer
Justin (old, from Justin) - ...

Jacob (old from Jacob) – imitating God
Yang (new) – “Sun God”
Januarius (old from Iannuarius) - January
Jaromir (old, famous) – “sunny world”
Yaropolk (old, famous) – “sunny”
Yaroslav (old, famous) – “burning glory” or glorifying Yarila

Russian names are among the most beautiful and popular in the world. Choose for a boy suitable name not easy, because each has its own origin story, corresponding meaning, presumed destiny.

Russian names for a boy are chosen depending on the month of birth, thus introducing a piece of seasonality and weather elements into the name.

Many people are mistaken about the origins of Russian names: most of them have Greek origin. Over the course of many centuries, they were influenced by the Christian religion, after which they acquired their modern appearance.

Previously, names reflected the qualities of people, physical disabilities, and the order in which a child appeared in the family. Christianity became the impetus for the displacement of old Russian names and their replacement with church Byzantine, ancient Roman, Syrian ones, each of which had its own inherent meaning.

By the 19th century, Old Russian names were rare and practically forgotten, and Christian variants were adapted to Russian pronunciation. For example, Diomede became Demid. The October Revolution made a significant contribution to the ideology of naming; names appeared that reflected industrialization (Diesel, Ram), as well as heroes of foreign novels (Arnold, Alfred).

Only in the 30s of the 20th century did the familiar Vladimir, Ivan, and Sergei return.

Clairvoyants believe that a person’s destiny is known from above from his birth. It is difficult to trust what kind of person is already thought out life path. Materialists claim that “it’s written that way,” which also tacitly speaks of hopelessness, but with the note that everyone creates their own destiny.

The starting point is the name given at birth; it is like a code embedded in the subconscious and programs for certain actions, manifestations of the corresponding character traits. If the name sounds confident, a person with that name subconsciously becomes imbued with self-confidence and can achieve heights.

It happens that a person consciously takes the step of changing his name, he is driven by the desire to move in a new direction. Thus, a person tries to change his “code” and achieve success by calling himself differently. Some peoples, especially African ones, deliberately do not identify themselves to anyone and use names as amulets to repel ill-wishers.

In Rus' they also gave similar names, the purpose of which was to repel evil spirits:

  • Failure;
  • Dislike;
  • Ignorant;
  • Not good;
  • Trouble;
  • Try it.

Russian names for a boy should not be chosen from those worn by fathers. Because of this, there is a risk of developing difficult relationships in the family. By giving a “hereditary” name, the personality is weakened psychoenergetically. Naming a son in honor of a deceased relative is a possible repetition of his fate. Difficult names to pronounce are a hindrance to easy communication.

For a pregnant woman, in order to make the right choice of name, it is recommended to lie down comfortably and pronounce different options listening to the baby in the womb. The response hesitations will tell you which version will not disturb his peace of mind and will help him find himself in life.

Is it necessary to choose a name for a boy under his patronymic?

The name for a growing man is chosen based on the correct combination:

  1. Middle name lengths: small name requires an extended middle name and vice versa. Striking a balance creates a respectful and easy-to-pronounce approach to the person.
  2. Nationalities: a name with Russian origins does not combine with a patronymic of foreign origin. For example, the combination “Vasily Iraklionovich” is difficult to perceive by ear and has a sharp sound. You should not name your child after foreign famous personalities (Bill Alexandrovich, Justin Egorovich) in order to avoid ridicule in the future from peers.
  3. Melodiousness: a large concentration of consonants at the border of a combination causes irritation (Mark Stanislavovich). The version when the patronymic begins with the letter that ends the name (Maxim Makarovich) has a similar effect.
  4. Personalities: According to psychologists, calling a child by his father’s name is a mistake; repeated use can affect both negatively and positively on the carrier, adopting the pros and cons. Also, this situation (Ivan Ivanovich) creates confusion in addressing family members.

A name is a reflection of a personality, contained in a combination of letters and sounds; in order to avoid the accumulation of hissing and whistling sounds, it is recommended to initially approach the choice seriously and pronounce the resulting chains from the full name out loud.

How to choose a male name based on the child’s date of birth and zodiac sign

Russian names for a boy are not easy to choose.

Towards a solution complex issue, which is based on the day and month of birth, you can go in 2 ways:

  1. According to the church calendar.
  2. According to zodiac sign.

The first option assumes that the expectant mother looks at the date of birth of her son in the calendar, where all the revered saints on this day are indicated; it is believed that the chosen blessed one will protect the person throughout his life.

The second method correlates the signs of the zodiac, giving it not only nominal characteristic features, but also the qualities of a certain sign:

  • Aries, 21.03-20.04, proactive and purposeful (Artem, Rostislav, Yuri);
  • those born from the end of April to May 21 are stubborn but honest Taurus(Egor, Adam, Boris);
  • intellectually gifted twins born 22.05-21.06 (Alexey, Valery, Gennady);
  • vulnerability and hypersensitivity are characteristic of crayfish June and July (Denis, Andrey, Efim);
  • boys – lions those born from the end of July to August 23 grow up to be persistent men, always striving for success (Zakhar, Prokhor, Rostislav);
  • which began their life, in the period from August 24 to September 22, virgins personify justice and purity (Herman, Nikita, Timofey);
  • the desire for harmony is characteristic scales, born 23.09 – 22.10 (Mikhail, Victor, Oleg);
  • hardy and emotionally restrained scorpios born 10.23-11.21 (Afanasy, Taras, Fedor);
  • Sagittarius– from November 22 to December 21 – boys with bright charisma, eager to change the world (Alexander, Peter, Timur);
  • December and January, resistant to difficulties and responsible in life Capricorns are not afraid of loneliness (Plato, Arseny, Daniel);
  • changeable by nature Aquarius, late January - early February, full of contradictions (Evgeniy, Vsevolod, Vitaly);
  • closing the chain of zodiacs, fish characterized by wisdom and responsiveness, but are easily influenced by others (Maxim, Roman, Vasily).

The best Russian names for boys by season and month

Russian names for a boy are chosen depending on the month of birth, thus introducing a piece of seasonality and weather elements into the name. Winter children are blessed with talent, strength and determination. Characteristic inconsistency and stubbornness coexist with the achievement of great heights. Family and personal life often does not work out due to disputes over trifles.

Spring boys grow up to be selfish and indecisive, but gifted leaders. It is important that a person does not allow himself to be manipulated, but takes the initiative into his own hands. It is difficult for such people to get used to changes. Among them there are speakers, mathematicians and athletes. You can adjust your life path with a more “tough” name, which will protect you from adversity.

Those born in the summer are ready to take risks and work hard to achieve success. Emotional and hot-tempered natures are courageous and active. Autumn gives its child wisdom, maturity and experience. Initially, boys show prudence and thrift. Principled men adhere to a clearly defined path in work and also show devotion in marriage.

January Adam, Artem, Vladimir, Danila, Emelyan, Elizar, Joseph, Ilya, Kirill,

Nikanor, Pavel, Peter, Prokhor, Prokop, Sebastian, Erast.

February Akim, Arkady, Vsevolod, Vlas, German, Gregory, Zakhar, Ivan, Ippolit,

Luke, Maximilian, Nikephoros, Porfiy, Pankrat, Roman, Felix, Theoktist.

March Andrey, Valery, Vyacheslav, Venedikt, Egor, Evgeniy, Mark, Nestor, Pavel,

Rostislav, Stepan, Trofim, Fedot.

April Artemon, Antip, Benjamin, Gabriel, Herman, Zakhar, Innocent, Isaac,

Hypatiy, Kondrat, Polycarp, Sophron, Samson, Titus, Terenty, Chariton.

May Alexey, Boris, Denis, Eremey, Joseph, Clement, Lazar, Lavrenty,

Leonty, Modest, Nestor, Stepan, Sergey, Pimen, Paphnuty, Pakhom.

June Alexander, Andrey, Vladimir, Egor, Elisha, Ivan, Irakli, Igor,

Ignatius, Nikita, Nazar, Sylvester, Christian, Chariton, Julian.

July Arseny, Victor, Galaktion, German, Ivan, Leonid, Nicodemus, Samson,

Sergei, Stanislav, Tikhon, Terenty, Philip, Thomas.

August Arkady, Boris, Denis, Egor, Ermolai, Cornelius, Clement, Mitrofan,

Markel, Ostap, Prokhor, Semyon, Savva, Seraphim, Frol.

September Andrian, Arkhip, Benjamin, Dorotheus, Ephraim, Zakhar, Kirill, Kondrat,

Lukyan, Makar, Nikander, Pankrat, Porfiy, Seraphim, Timofey, Christopher,

Fadey, Julian.

October Aristarchus, Vladislav, Vitaly, Demyan, Ignatius, Innocent, Moses,

Nazar, Oleg, Rodion, Savva, Stepan, Trofim, Yakov.

November Afanasy, Boris, Vikenty, Egor, Evgeny, Hilarion, Zinovy, Lev,

Maximilian, Nikifor, Nikander, Nestor, Orestes, Osip, Porfiry,

Terenty, Taras, Timofey, Yuri.

December Anatoly, Adrian, Valerian, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Gury, Georgy, Zakhar,

Mark, Modest, Leo, Spiridon, Sebastian, Tryphon, Procopius, Filaret,

Old Russian names for boys

Russian names have Slavic roots, intertwined with biblical and Greek motifs. To choose the right name for a boy that will stand out in society, you can turn to ancient options - now this is relevant.

Not only believers and adherents of the old way of life are interested in the revival of traditions; young mothers pay tribute to the uniqueness and popularity that dominate in modern world: everyone wants to name their child so that he grows up smart, happy and successful, at the same time, the name should be well-known and unique at the same time.

Often, pregnant women leaf through textbooks with old names, coordinating the choice with your spouse and loved ones.

In the old days, children were called, adding meaning to each name:

  • Clement - merciful;
  • Khariton - does good deeds;
  • Fadey - worthy of grace;
  • Alexander is the protector of loved ones;

  • Lucian and Macarius are happy in life;
  • Budimir – brings peace to society;
  • Bogdan – given by God;
  • Velislav and Gavril - famous for their actions;
  • Benjamin – junior in status;
  • Savely - famous;
  • Peter - persistent and wise, like a rock, achieves heights;

  • Tryphon - pampered by the love of loved ones;
  • December – winter;
  • Dawn - morning, like the first ray of the sun;
  • Sidor - patron;
  • Casimir – declaring peace;
  • Januarius - January, cold, like a winter month;
  • Kasyan - empty in soul and actions;
  • Gordius - proud of his actions;
  • Savva - desired by everyone;
  • Izyaslav - who rightfully earned fame;
  • Miroslav - famous for peace;
  • Mstislav - avenger;
  • Rostislav - growing fame;
  • Svyatoslav - sacred laurels.

List and meaning of modern Russian male names

It’s not easy to choose Russian names for a boy: in modern times, you want to be original, avoiding old-fashionedness and herd instinct. Nowadays there is internationality in male names: there are Old Slavonic, and Greek, and European, and American, as well as “mix”, when one name, under the influence of culture, is transformed into another.

For example, Paul ⇒ Paul, Andrey ⇒ Andrew, Leonid ⇒ Leo. Foreign influence can be traced over recent years; modern parents name their children after actors, loved ones musical performers, even cartoon characters.

Every year, surveys are conducted, registry office documentation is examined, and a list of the most popular modern Russian male names is being clarified, which helps married couples make the right choice.

For last year The following names were fashionable, among which the traditional ones took the lead:

  • Alexander is a defender.
  • Artem – impeccable health.
  • Maxim is great.
  • Danila is a holy judge.
  • Dmitry - in honor of the goddess of fertility Demeter.

  • Ivan is the grace of the Almighty, characterized by a good disposition.
  • Kirill is the “master”, the main one who is obeyed.
  • Nikita - going for victory.
  • Mikhail is the leader.
  • Egor is close to work on earth.
  • Matvey is a man of God, a gift from the Almighty.
  • Vladimir is the ruler of the world.
  • Andrey is brave and courageous.
  • Elijah is the Russian version of the biblical “Eliyahu” (the unpronounceable name for God).
  • Alexey - “defense”, ancient Greek origin.
  • Roman means “Roman” in Greek.
  • Sergei - “venerable”, it is believed that the name comes from “Sergestus”, who was a friend of Aeneas, the hero of the Trojan War.

  • Yaroslav is a bright personality, this name is in Ancient Rus' given to boys to become outstanding people.
  • Timothy - “worshipper of God”, has ancient Greek roots.
  • Denis is a shortened version of the name Dionysius, meaning “belonging” to God, who was responsible for natural fertility.

Slavic male names and their meaning

Centuries later, much that was forgotten and outdated returns to modern times, acquiring new life and popularity. The situation is similar with male names: when the need for an individual approach arises, they turn to the sources, to the Slavic roots. In Rus' they believed that every name carries a destiny, therefore, parents approached its choice with careful caution and responsibility.

There was a special ritual of “naming” so that the endowed name would become an assistant in life and bring good luck. Historically, it has been proven that in Slavic families children were not named immediately, but only after a certain number of years had passed, so that the name reflected his purpose, character or abilities.

Russian names have Slavic roots, intertwined with biblical and Greek motifs.

A temporary name for a boy “child” was given until he reached the age of 9-14, after which the naming ceremony took place: they revered ancestors or ancestral Gods, whose names were traced in the name. The custom was carried out in accordance with the characteristic class (manifested qualities of the child).

If the features of a sorcerer or priest were seen, the ceremony was carried out at 9 years old, if the warlike side was reflected - at 12, and the remaining inclinations - at 16 years old. Another feature is duality. From fairy tales and epics it is clear that at first they named the child, for example, Nikita, and then, after he matured and mastered the business, they gave him a second name - Kozhemyaka.

Name Meaning
Bazhen desired
Vedagor omniscient
Gorislav illustrious
Darimil bestower of mercy
Zhdan expected
Zimovit severe
Sincerely sincere
Krasimir peaceful and beautiful
Luboslav glory-loving
Molchan taciturn
Nekras unbeautiful
Ogneyar fusion of solar fire and furious power
Putimir wandering
Radigost caring for friends and guests
Svetlana pure soul
Tverdimir peaceful in soul and firm in word
Caslav glory seeker
Yarilo embodiment of the sun
Absey born on the 1st day of spring
Bueslav stork name
Venislav crown of glory
Gradimir creator of the world
Dragovit valuing life
Yeseniy clear and clear sky
Zhelan desirable person
Zvenislav speaking or "ringing" of one's glory
Ivar tree of life
Krasibor chosen among the beautiful
Lubodron dear, close to heart
Myslemir giving his valuable thoughts to the world
Negomir friendly and vulnerable
Ocheslav paternal confession
Raday happy
Trajan third child
Died serenity
Dobrynya moral person
Idan going his own way
Ladimir harmonious with nature
Daren given to the world
Krasislav actions handsome man worthy of glory
Tsvetimir flower of peace
Pervusha born first
Vtorak second child in the family
Stoyan resistant in any situation
Fornication unlucky

Most of the Slavic adverbs consist of 2 bases, the meaning of such words lies on the surface: Bogdan - given by God, Lyubomir - peace-loving, Miroslav - glorious in peace. The roots of words can carry character traits, heroes of legends and fairy tales, manifestations of natural phenomena, plants and fauna. Previously, boys could be called Pike, Brave, Yarilo. Such names are very rare in modern times.

You can also notice other areas of life that were depicted this way:

  • positive emotions and favorable qualities: the first stem of the name begins with good-, happy-, milo-, lyubo (Radomir);
  • social order, interaction with humanity: gradi-, derzhi-, vladi- (Vladimir, Gradislav);

  • life values: -fat, -life (Domazhir, Zhiroslav);
  • negative personality traits expressed through non- (Nemir, Nerad);
  • cordiality in welcoming guests: - gost (Dobrogost, Gostevid);
  • expression of thoughts and their description: thought-, -view, thoughts- (Bolemysl, Myslibor);
  • faith in the sacred: -god- (Boguslav, Bogukhval);
  • expression of property: seven- (Samavit);
  • recognition and dignity: -glory, honor- (Chtibor, Boleslav);
  • family ties: sister-, brother-, -stroy (Sestromil, Bratomil);
  • protection and confrontation: rati-, bori- (Ratibor);
  • warlike side: ardently-, holy-, pako- (Yaroslav, Svyatomir);
  • service and military paraphernalia: military regiment (Svyatopolk);
  • loyalty native land, the desire to protect him in battle: kresi-, budi- (Kresislav).

Russian variants of names with Slavic motifs are not only historical information. For a boy, it is a piece of magic and a reflection of the connection with the Gods. Even if, initially, the naming was unattractive and repulsive (Nekras, Kriv, Zloba), but this was done only with good intentions.

A person who lived a sufficient number of years could see in himself the qualities of the God of Wisdom (Veles) or find witchcraft abilities, after which he could change his name: Velemudr, Vlas, Veleslav.

The ancestors believed that when pronouncing a name, specific vibrations were heard that could protect from enemies, as well as influence fate, but how exactly: positively or negatively, depends on the chosen naming.

Video about Russian names for a boy

Characteristics of some popular male names and their influence on the fate of their owners:

Article format: Ageeva Pelageya

Below is a list of Russian male names:

Russian male names starting with the letter A:

August- majestic, great, sacred
Augustine(old) – summer
Avdey- servant of the god Yahweh, priest
Avenir(old) – from French. avenir – coming, future
Averky- taking flight
Averyan- putting to flight, invincible
Avksentiy(old) – alien “xenos”, growing
Auror/Aurory(new) – son of the morning dawn
Autonomous- independent, a law unto itself
Agape- Darling
Agathon- virtuous, noble
Haggai- solemn, festive, having fun
Adam- created from the dust of the earth
Adonis(old) – lord
Adrian- strong, mature
Azary- God's help
Akim- statement, Resurrection of the Lord
Alevtin(new) – alien to evil
Alexander(old) – protector of people
Alexey(old) – defender
Albert(new) – wise
Albin(new) – “white”
Alfred(new) – good advisor
Ambrose- belonging to immortals, divine
Amos- loaded, carrying a burden
Ananias- marked by the grace of God
Anastasy(old) – resurrected
Anatoly(old) – eastern
Andrey- courageous, courageous
Andrian- courageous, courageous
Andron- courageous, courageous
Andronik- winner of husbands
Anikey- historically established name
Anikita- invincible
Anise/ Anisiy(old) – sweet-smelling
Anisim- execution, completion
Antip- opponent
Anton/ Anthony (old) – entering into battle
Antonin(old) – kind
Antoine(new) – foreign language reading of Anton
Apollinaris(old) – son of the sun
Apollo(old) – sun god
Argent(new) – from French. argent – ​​silver
Arefiy- vital
Aristarch(old) – head of the best
Arkady(old) – shepherd or “Inhabitant of Arcadia”
Arsen(new) – courageous
Arseny- courageous, sublime
Artem- perfect health
Artyom/ Artemy(old) – unharmed
Artemy- unharmed, healthy
Arthur(new) – big like a bear
Arkhip- chief of horses
Askold- golden voice
Atheist(new) – not a believer
Afanasy(old) – immortal
Afinogen- descendant of Athena

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Bazhen- desired, beloved
Benedict(old) – blessed
Bogdan(glory) – given by God
Boeslav(glory) - famous in battle
Boleslav- great fame
Borimir(glory) – fighting for peace
Boris- fighter, warrior
Borislav(glory) – fighting for glory
Boyan- fighter, violent
Bronislaw(glory) - glorious protector
Budimir(Old Russian) – peace-loving
Bulat(new) – “strong”

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Vadim(old) – sowing confusion
Valentine- strong, healthy
Valery- be strong, healthy
Valerian- be strong, healthy
Walter(new) – manager of people
Bartholomew- son of Tolmay
Vasily(old) – royal
Vasilko(folk from Vasily) – prince
Vaclav- great fame
Velimir(glory) – ruler of the world
Velislav(glorified) – illustrious
Velor/ Velorius (new) – wealthy
Venedikt- blessed
Benjamin- son of the right hand ( right hand), beloved son
Vikenty- winner
Victor(old) – winner
Victorin- winner.
Vilen(new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN
Vissarion(old) – forest man
Vitaly(old) – vital
Witold(slav.) – forest ruler
Vlad(slav.) – owning
Vladilen(new) – similar to VLADImir LENIN
Vladimir(old, famous) – owner of the world
Vladislav(old, famous) – possessing glory
Vladlen(new) – similar to VLADIMIR LENIN
Vlas- lethargic, clumsy
Warrior(Old Russian) – “warrior”
Vojislav(glory) – “famous in war”
Volodar(staroslav.) – “lord”
Voldemar/ Valdemar (new) – famous ruler
Volmir/ Volemir (slav.) – lord of the world
Vsevolod(old, old Russian) – ruler of all the people
Vsemil(slav.) - dear to everyone
Vyacheslav(old, famous) - more than once famous

Russian male names starting with the letter G:

Gabriel/ Gavrila/ Gavrilo/ Gavril(old) – divine warrior
Gavrila- divine warrior
Galaktion(old) – star
Harry/ Harry(new) – tolerant
Gideon- warrior
Helian/ Helium(new) – sunny
Genius(new) – “genius”
Gennady(old) – well-born
Georgiy(old) – farmer
Gerasim- venerable
Hermann(old) – native
Gertrude(new) – HERO OF LABOR
Gleb(old, old Russian) – big, tall
Gorimir(slav.) – “bright world”
Gorislav(glory) – “bright glory”
Granite(new) – “solid”
Gregory(old) – not sleeping
Gury- lion cub

Russian male names starting with the letter D:

David- Darling
Davyd/ David(old) – favorite
Damir(new) – peace-loving
Dan(old) – god of the moon
Daniel/ Danila/ Danilo/ Danil(old) – “God’s judgment”
Danila- my judge is God
Gift(new) – “gift”
December(new) – winter
Dementy- taming, pacifying
Demid- thought of Zeus
Demyan- captivating
Denis(vernacular from old Dionysius) – god of the vital forces of nature
Gerald(new) – another reading of Harald
Joseph(new) - another reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John(new) – another reading of Ivan
Dionysius/ Dionysus (old) – god of vegetation
Dmitry/ Demetrius (old) – god of fertility
Dobrynya(Old Russian) – good fellow
Donalt(old) – ruler of the world
Donat(old) – strong
Dorofei- God's gift

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Evgeniy(old) – noble
Evgraf- well-written, well-written
Evdokim(old) - well-known
Evlampius- radiant
Evsey- pious
Eustathius- stable
Evstigney- a good sign
Elizar- God helped
Elisha- saved by God
Emelyan- flattering
Epifan- prominent, noble
Eremey- exalted by God
Ermil- forest
Ermolai- people and Hermes
Erofey- sanctified by God
Eruslan(Old Russian) – “lion”
Efim(old) – pious
Ephraim- prolific

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zhdan(Old Russian) – waiting

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zakhar(old) – “God’s memory”
Zinovy(old) – “Zeus’s power”
Zoriy(new) – morning
Zosima- going on a journey

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Ibrahim(new) - another reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom
Ignatius/ Ignat (old) – unknown
Igor(old, old Russian) – protector of God
Ishmael- God will hear
Izot- life-giving, life-giving
Izyaslav- gained fame
Hilarion- cheerful, joyful
Ilya- the fortress of the Lord
Innocent- innocent, immaculate
Joseph- God's reward
Ipat- highest
Hypaty- highest
Hippolytus- unharnessing a horse
Irakli- glorified hero
Isaiah- salvation
Isidore/ Sidor(old) – patron of fertility
July(new) – summer

Russian male names starting with the letter K:

Callistratus- a wonderful warrior
Kapiton- head
Carp- fruit
Kasyan(vernacular from old Cassian) – empty
Cyprian(old) – native of Cyprus or copper
Cyrus(old) – sir
Kirill(old) – lord
Claudius(old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clement(old) – merciful
Clementius- sir, lord
Klim- grapevine
Clement/ Klim (old) – indulgent
Clementius/ Clementius(adv. from Clement) – meek
Columbia(new) – “dove”
Kondrat- quadrangular
Kondratiy- warrior carrying a spear
Konstantin- persistent, permanent
Roots- dogwood horn or berry
Cornil- horn
Cornelius- dogwood berry
Kuzma/ Kozma(vernacular from old Kosma) – decorated
Kupriyan(folk from Cyprian) – native of Cyprus or copper

Russian male names starting with the letter L:

Laurel(old) – famous
Lavrentiy(old) – crowned with laurels
Ladislav- good fame
Lazarus(old) – “God’s help”
Larion(verb from Hilarion) – joyful
Lion(old) – “lion”
Leon- lion
Leonard(new) – strong
Leonid(old) – son of a lion
Leonty(old) – lion-like
Longinus- long
Luke(old) – “happiness”
Lukyan/ Lucian (old) – happy
Luchezar- luminous, radiant
We love you(Old Russian) – handsome
Luxen/ Lucian(new) – light


If you are still expecting a baby, then do not forget to track your condition using ours. This will allow you not to worry once again about one thing or another. But don’t forget – there are no perfect calendars! Each situation is individual and only a doctor can tell whether you should worry or not.

Russian male names starting with the letter M:

Mauritius(old) – black
May(new) – warm heart
Maislav/ Maeslav(new) – famous in May
Makar/ Macarius (old) – happy
Max(new) – majestic
Maxim(old) – majestic
Maximilian/ Maximilian(old) – majestic
Marian- sea
Mark- hammer
Martin- dedicated to Mars, warlike
Matvey- man of God
Methodius- tracking, searching
Mieczyslaw- glorious sword
Milan- Cute
Milen- Cute
Milius(old) – dear
Miloneg(slav.) – dear
Miloslav(glory) - glory is sweet
Mine- monthly, lunar
Miron(old) – kind
Mitrofan- found by mother
Michael/ Mikhailo (old) – equal to God
Micah- equal to God
Modest(old) – modest
Moses(old) – extracted from water
Mokiy- mocker
Monolith(new) – unshakable
Mstislav- glorious avenger

Russian male names starting with the letter N:

Nazar/ Nazariy(old) – dedicated to God
Nathan(old) – bestowed
Nahum(old) – consolation
Neon(old) – brilliant
Neonil(old) – principled
Nestor/ Nester (old) – returned to his homeland
Nikandr(old) – winner of men
Nikanor- seeing victory
Nikita- win
Nikifor- victorious
Nicodemus- victory and people
Nikolay- victory of the people
Nikon- Victorious
Nifont- reasonable, judicious
North(new) – north (ny)

Russian male names starting with the letter O:

Ovid(old) – savior
Odysseus(new) – angry
Octavian(old) – (Roman) – eighth
Oktyabrin(new) – autumn
October(new) – autumn
Oleg(old, old Russian) – saint
Olympius- Name sacred mountain Olympus
Onesimus- execution, completion
Onuphry- free
Orestes(old) – savage
Oscar(old) – “God’s spear”
Ostap- stable

Russian male names starting with the letter P:

Paul(old) – small
Palladium(old) – dedicated to Pallas Athena
Pankrat- the strongest, omnipotent
Panteleimon/ Panteley(old)
Panfil(old) – loving everyone
Paramon- reliable, faithful
Parfem- virgin, pure
Groin- broad-shouldered
Peresvet(Old Russian) – light
Peter- stone, rock
Peter(old) – “rock” or “stone”
Pimen- shepherd, shepherd
Plato- broad-shouldered
Polycarp- fruitful
Porfiry- purple, crimson
Potap- mastered
Proclus- fame precedes him
Prokhor(old) – choir director

Russian male names starting with the letter R:

Radium(new) – “radium”
Radislav(glory) - glad for the glory
Radomir(glory) – glad for the world
Ratibor- warrior
Ratmir- protecting the world
Rodion- song to the lord
Novel- Roman; Roman
Rostislav- increasing fame
Ruben- ruby, blushing
Ruslan- lion
Rurik- glory of the king

Russian male names starting with the letter C:

Savva/ Sava(old) – desired
Savvaty- Saturday
Savely(old) – desired
Samson- sunny
Samuel- the name of God, God heard
Light(new) – “light”
Svetlana(glory) – light
Svetoslav(glory) – “glory is bright”
Svyatogor(Old Russian) – “holy mountain”
Svyatopolk(Old Russian) – “holy regiment”
Sevastyan- highly respected
North(old) – “north”
Severin(old) – cold
Severyan/ Severian (old) – northern
Northerners(new) – northern
Selivan- forest
Semyon- heard
Semyon(popular from old Simeon) – heard by God in prayer
Seraphim(old) – fiery
Sergey(old) – highly respected
Sigismund(new) - ...
Sidor- gift of Isis
Strength- forest, wild
Sylvester- forest
Simon- heard
Socrates- maintaining power
Solomon- peaceful
Sofron- sensible, prudent
Spartacus- organizer, leader
Spiridon- box
Steel/ Steel (new) – hard
Stanimir- peacemaker
Stepan/ Stefan (old) – “wreath”
Stoyan- strong

Russian male names starting with the letter T:

Taras(old) – restless
Tverdislav- solid glory
Tvorimir-creates the world
Teimuraz(new) – analogue to Timur
Terenty- rubbing, shabby
Timofey- God-worshipper
Timur- iron
Titus- honor, honor
Tikhon- successful
Tristan(old) – sad (tristia)
Tryphon(old) – pampered
Trofim(old) – pet

Russian male names starting with the letter U:

Ulyan- belonging to Julius
Ustin- fair

Russian male names starting with the letter F:

Thaddeus- a gift from God
Fadey/ Thaddeus(old) – “praise”
Fevralin(new) – winter
Fedor(old) - God's gift
Fedosy- gift of the gods
Fedot- given by the gods
Felix(old) – successful
Feoktist- created by God
Feofan- appearance of God
Ferapont- student, servant
Filaret- lover of virtue
Philemon(old) – favorite
Philip(old) – lover of horses
Phlegont(old) - ...
Florenty(old) – blooming
Florentine- blossoming
Florenz(new) – blooming
Florin(new) – blooming
Foka- seal
Thomas- twin
Fortunatus- happy
Photius- light, glowing
Frol(vernacular from old Flor) – blooming

Russian male names starting with the letter X:

Khariton(old) – benefactor
Kharlampy- joyful light
Brave(Old Russian) – brave
Christophe(old) – (Christopher) – bearer of Christ
Christopher- professing faith in Christ
Cheslav- honor and glory

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Electron(new) – amber
Elbrus(new) – “mountain”
Emil- diligent
Emmanuel- God is with us
Energy(new) – energetic
Erast- adorable
Ernst- serious, strict

Russian male names starting with the letter Y:

Juvenaly(old from Juvenalia) – young
Eugene(new) – noble
Julian(old from Julian) – curly
Julius(old from Julius) – fluffy
Jupiter(new) – “Jupiter”
Yuri(old, popular from Georgiy) – farmer

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Yakov(old from Jacob) – imitating God
Yakub- next
Januarius(old from Iannuarius) – January
Jaromir(old, famous) – “sunny world”
Yaropolk(old, famous) – “sunny”
Yaroslav(old, slav.) – “burning glory” or glorifying Yarila, the ancient Slavic god