What kind of fall project do I see? Project “Autumn can be different.” Events to work with teachers

Project "Autumn as a season"
Type of project: creative and informational, research
Project duration: 09.19.2016 – 09.29.2016
Project participants: children senior group, parents of students, group teachers.
Educational area: activation of cognitive activity, development of children's speech.
Relevance of the topic: child development features preschool age are active
his desire to understand the world around him, curiosity, desire to experiment.
This is facilitated by the high potential of his mental abilities, the development of which
implemented in the process of various types of activities. For example, such as verbal communication,
perception of literary works, observation, experimentation,
search for information of interest, desire to learn something from adults, etc.
Children have insufficient understanding of objects and phenomena in the environment
nature in different times year, about how nature changes throughout the year, how they behave
representatives of the animal world, what cause-and-effect relationships exist in natural
The participation of children in the project “Autumn as a season” will maximize their knowledge and
ideas about autumn, its characteristic features, develop creativity, search
activities, coherent speech of children.
The goal of the project: to expand and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn.
introduce children to seasonal changes in nature and the colors inherent in autumn.
to develop children's interest in the world around them, native nature.
educate children emotionally positive attitude to nature, skill
see beauty at different times of the year
Implementation plan:
Conversation with children on the topic “Colorful autumn.” Examination of the painting by I.
Levitan "Golden Autumn". (to develop aesthetic perception, to draw children’s attention to what
The artists used expressive means to convey the beauty of their native nature.)
place. Learn to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.)
Excursion to the park (continue to introduce the rules of behavior in public
Maintaining a nature calendar.
Reading fiction, poems, riddles, signs of autumn. Memorization
poems. (continue to teach children to listen carefully and interestedly to works
Didactic games. (to develop children's ingenuity and intelligence.)
visual materials.)
Visual arts classes. (to consolidate the ability to work with different

(currant, elm, ash, lilac, iris, rosehip)
Research work comparing seeds, fruits, leaves of plants
Exhibition of children's works, competition "Autumn Fantasy" among parents.
10. Ecological KVN “Gifts of Autumn” (to consolidate knowledge about the seasonal changes that occur
in nature in autumn; create emotional mood, to form aesthetic taste and inclusion
to the world of beauty, to shape careful attitude to nature)
Product of project activity: working with the nature calendar and determining quantities
cloudy, clear days for a decade; exhibition of children's works "Golden Autumn" (drawings,
applique, crafts made from natural materials), environmental KVN “Gifts of Autumn”, competition
crafts from the gifts of autumn “Autumn Fantasy” among parents.

Project stages

Introduction to the topic:
What do children know about autumn and
autumn trees?
what do they want to know about it?
where can I find material on
Informing parents about
project: discussion of the topic
project, identifying options
project presentation.
Selection of methodological
literature on this
topic; development
class notes,
observations; selection
children's art
literature; selection
desktop - printed and
didactic games.
literature (stories and
poems about
autumn nature)
Selection of didactic
manuals, illustrations,
reproductions for autumn
topic, herbariums with
autumn leaves.
materials for
creativity (watercolor,
gouache, colored
pencils, wax
crayons, colored paper,
glue, cardboard, plasticine
Independent and joint
creative activity.
Work on the project according to plan Carrying out joint
activities according to plan.
Conducting KVN, competition
“Autumn Fantasy”, exhibition
Creative work with children
Conducting KVN about
Project Implementation Plan
Terms/dates Joint activities


GCD "Flies away"
our summer.
"Autumn Forest".
GCD "Autumn
animal care
and birds."
Drawing with
Nature "Autumn"
GCD "Autumn"
poems by I.
GCD "Cosmea"
GCD “Which
autumn is different"

Free creative
Didactic game" WITH
what tree leaf?”
D/game “Walk around”
our site"
Goal: Secure the name
trees and shrubs,
expanding children's vocabulary
and teaching creativity
Outdoor games:
"Catch a leaf"
Leaf fall", "Khamthasn".
Creating conditions for
children's activities:
leaf stencils,
albums for
coloring book "Autumn"
color prints
Excursions: around the site
Coloring trees,
Drawing autumn
Plasticineography “Hedgehog”
makes supplies", "Autumn
parents with
flowers, berries.
crafts from
vegetables and vegetables
Conversations about:
"Mood and
arise during
walks in
Pick up
bright epithets
for description
in the fall.
and songs about
autumn on two
Participation in
activities in
observations during
seasonal walks
changes for
leaf fall.
Teacher's story: about
autumn, changes
happening in
ability to compose
descriptive stories,
riddles about trees and
illustrations about autumn.
Review and
comparison of leaves (by
shape, size, length
cuttings), using
magnifying glass, measure.
D.I. “From which
tree leaf", games with
leaves "Path
from leaves", "Images from
D/i "Make a wish, we
let's guess", "With what
branches kids? ", "Find
tree by seed"
"Find a leaf like this
I'll show you."
Situational conversation:
"Why is it not necessary
cut and break branches?
", "How to help
wounded tree?
D.I. “What is unnecessary? »
Reading stories and
fairy tales on this topic:

L. N. Sokolov
Mikitov, “Autumn”, M.
Prishvin "Falling Leaves"
E. Trutneva “Autumn”,
N. Sladkov “Autumn on
Conversation with children:
"Why can there be
old people are dangerous
withered trees? »
“Why is it dangerous to run
with sticks? »
Conversation “About the benefits
trees for
Filling out the calendar
Project results:

3. One of the important components of this project is the artistic aesthetic
education: children became familiar with works of art autumn theme,
various types of art - music, painting, poetry. They learned to receive
aesthetic pleasure from communicating with beauty, became more receptive,
sensitive, emotional.
We began to convey our feelings more skillfully:
in their stories;
in drawings;

They expanded their horizons and consolidated their knowledge about trees, their structure and appearance.

The result of the project brought satisfaction, joy and caring attitude to the children.
communication with trees brought together a team of teachers, parents and children. Parents with
We were pleased to take part in the “Autumn Fantasy” competition

Drawing “Golden Autumn”

Came without paints and without a brush,
And I repainted all the leaves.
* * *
The roof of the hut will be washed.
He will take Misha to the den,
The peasant's work will be completed,
And then the leaves rustle.
We will ask her quietly:
Who are you? - And we will hear: “...”
* * *
The fields are empty, the ground is wet,
The rain is pouring down. When does this happen?
* * *
The collective farm garden is empty, cobwebs are flying into the distance,

And the cranes flocked to the southern edge of the earth.
School doors opened.
What month has it come to us?

In a variegated golden dress
Autumn has come to our hall,
Like a beautiful queen
Opening ball.

Autumn was blooming at the edges of the colors,
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage.
The hazel tree turned yellow and the maples glowed,
The aspen trees are purple, only the oak is green.
Autumn consoles: do not regret summer.
Look, autumn is dressed in gold!
Autumn has taken on its colors,
I started drawing.
Wandered into the old forest -
And he is unrecognizable.

The birch tree turned yellow.
The bright maple turned red,
Golden jacket
He put on a slender ash tree.
Rowan trees are in full swing
Bunches of berries on fire.
Autumn colors in the forest
Everything in October.
The green garden turned yellow,
The leaves are spinning, flying,
It rains often,
He doesn't tell us to go for walks.
Summer flashed by quickly,
Ran through the flowers.
It's wandering somewhere beyond the mountains
And he’s bored there without us.
Birds flew after him

Autumn is knocking on us,
Autumn is coming to visit us.
Hello, golden autumn!
Everyone is happy about this meeting.
Here's a song for you as a gift
From preschool children.
The last yellow leaf is spinning
And covers the earth
And the city will soon be clean -
The wind sweeps everything away.
After all, autumn is coming to visit us,
Behind her is gray winter.

It brings us rain and cold,
But this always happens!
Let the rain fall and the wind whistle -
A passerby is wrapped up!
The last yellow leaf is circling,
Looks like gold...
Author: V. Semernin
We are walking through the streets -
There are puddles underfoot.
And above our heads
All the leaves are spinning.
Immediately visible in the yard:
Autumn begins
After all, there are rowan trees here and there
The Reds are rocking.
Author: S. Yu. Podshibyakina
Summer flashed by quickly,
Ran through the flowers
Walking somewhere behind the mountains
And he’s bored there without us.
Birds flew after him
To a region where it is hot all year round.
Autumn is knocking on our doors,
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Report on the implementation of the project “Autumn as a season”
From 09.19.2016 to 09.30.2016 in the senior group "Bayr" the project "Autumn as a time" was implemented
year." The goal of the project was to expand and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn, to form
respect for nature. The project was carried out according to the following plan:
creative activity
parents' work
with children
Didactic game "From what time"
tree leaf?
D/game “Walk through our
Goal: To consolidate the name of the trees
and shrubs, vocabulary expansion
children and teaching creativity
Outdoor games: "Catch
leaf", "Leaf fall", "Khamthasn".
Creating conditions for
independent activity
children: leaf stencils, albums
for coloring “Autumn”,
color prints of leaves.
Excursions: around the children's area
Coloring trees, leaves.
Drawing autumn bouquets.
Plasticineography “The Hedgehog Makes”
stocks", "Autumn leaves".
Collection of natural
leaves, flowers,
autumn bouquets,
crafts made from leaves,
vegetables and fruits.
Conversations about:
"Mood and
which arise
while walking
in the autumn park."
Choose bright ones
epithets for
tree descriptions
in the fall.
poems and
songs about autumn
Participation in the competition
Joint activities
Entire period
activities during restricted periods
Daily observations during
walking time for
seasonal changes,
leaf fall.
Teacher's story: about
autumn, changes
occurring in nature,
ability to compose
descriptive stories,
riddles about trees and
Directly –
GCD “Ours is flying away
Application "Mushrooms".
Drawing "Autumn"
NOD "Autumn worries"
animals and birds."
Drawing from life
"Autumn Leaves"
GCD "Golden Autumn".
poems by I.
Belousova "Autumn"
GCD "Cosmea"
GCD “What autumn
illustrations about autumn.

Review and comparison
leaves (shape, size,
cutting length), using
magnifying glass, measure.
D.I. “From what tree
leaf", games with leaves
"Path of Leaves"
"Images from leaves."
D/i "Riddle, we will guess"
"Which branch are the kids from?"
"Find a tree by its seeds"
"Find a leaf like this
I'll show you."
Situational conversation:
“Why is it not necessary to cut and
break branches? ", "How
help the wounded tree?
D.I. “What is unnecessary? »
Reading stories and fairy tales

on this topic: L. N. Sokolov
Mikitov, “Autumn”, M.
Prishvin “Falling Leaves”, E.
Trutneva “Autumn”, N.
Sladkov “Autumn is on the threshold.”
Conversation with children: “Why
old people can be dangerous
withered trees? ""Why
Is it dangerous to run with poles?
»Conversation “On the benefits of trees
for a person."
Filling out the calendar
The final event of the project was the KVN “Gifts of Autumn” among children, the crafts competition “Autumn
fantasy" among parents. The KVN script is attached.
The results of the project are summed up:
1. As a result of cognitive activity, children have a desire to expand
your horizons on this topic, the desire to identify what makes autumn interesting.
2. In the process of getting to know fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, riddles
autumn theme, the children’s vocabulary expanded, they became more literate
express yourself, participate with great pleasure in a collective conversation; appeared
the desire to engage in creativity on my own - to compose my own riddles and short poems
about autumn, where they expressed their feelings, their positive attitude towards the world.
3.Children got acquainted with works of art with autumn themes, various
types of art - music, painting, poetry. They learned to receive aesthetic
pleasure from communicating with beauty, became more receptive, sensitive,
Children began to convey their feelings more skillfully:
in their stories;
in drawings;
in musical-rhythmic movements.
The implementation of this project taught children:
With a great desire to participate in productive activities.
Children expanded their horizons and consolidated knowledge about trees, their structure and external
We reinforced information about the health benefits of trees and learned about their medicinal properties.
Children learned to keep a weather calendar and draw conclusions based on the data received.
The result of the project brought satisfaction, joy and caring attitude to children in communication with
trees, united the team of teachers, parents and children. Parents gladly accepted
participation in the “Autumn Fantasy” competition.
Educator: Khartskhaeva T.I.

In the world around us, in 3rd grade, after studying the topic about autumn, the task was to prepare a presentation “Autumn through the eyes of an artist, poet, composer, biologist, meteorologist...” (optional). My daughter chose to look at autumn through the eyes of an artist. We looked at many paintings on this topic, and she chose the ones she liked. In the PHOTO Show program they created a slide show and put Chopin's music on " Autumn Waltz" This is how the presentation turned out.

Presentation of autumn through the eyes of an artist

Autumn is a bright and wonderful time of year. Artists admired her beauty, poets wrote about her magnificence, and many spoke about her captivating magic. Autumn is not only rain, dampness and cold, it is also a riot of colors, bright umbrellas, trips to the forest to pick mushrooms and cozy and warm evenings with the family. I suggest enjoying creativity talented artists who will show you all the beauty and mystery of golden autumn on their canvases.

Autumn is bright

Afremov Leonid Rainy evening

Autumn is thoughtful

Usyanov Vladimir Pavlovich Autumn Alley

Autumn is mysterious

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich Autumn forest

And even the rain in the paintings is far from gloomy

MacNeil Richard Arc de Triomphe (Paris)

Autumn is so different, but always attractive - this is how I saw Autumn through the eyes of an artist. In the video below you can watch the presentation itself, which included 19 paintings by Russian and foreign artists.

Purpose, direction of the project:

Research activities to study nature in all its manifestations in the autumn period, as well as creative expression of one’s impressions in the creation of decorative compositions.


  • Expand your understanding of the variety and benefits of vegetables and fruits ripened in the autumn;
  • To form: the foundations of the ecological culture of preschoolers through practical activities, observations, experiments, research work and work with didactic material; skills in the artistic performance of various images during singing, dramatizations and games; children's spatial competence;
  • Improve: knowledge about change weather conditions; the ability to observe living objects and inanimate natural phenomena in the autumn;
  • Focus children's attention on surrounding natural objects;
  • Promote the development of memory, perception, logical thinking;
  • To cultivate aesthetic feelings, interest in cognitive activities, and the ability to work in a team.

Type of project: informational and creative, collective

Children's age: 4-7 years

Project duration: 3 months (September – November)

Social partners: children, parents, teachers, music director.

Project implementation forms:

  • classes;
  • entertainment for children;
  • exhibition of crafts made from natural materials;
  • didactic, role-playing, Russian folk games;
  • conversations;
  • viewing illustrations, postcards;
  • excursions to the autumn park and vegetable store;
  • use of multimedia presentations;
  • working with parents.

Expected result:

  • Children’s knowledge about autumn, its signs and gifts will expand;
  • Your vocabulary will be expanded;
  • Activity and interest in the educational process will be formed in children and their parents;
  • An interest in learning about the environment will be established.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory stage: (20.08 – 30.08.2015)

Drawing up a plan for joint work with children, teachers and parents:


Selection of materials and equipment for classes, conversations, and games with children.

Musical director:

selection of songs, musical games, dance compositions related to the theme of the project.

Cooperation with parents:

Decoration of an exhibition of crafts "Gifts of Autumn"

Design of folders for parents on the topic of the project, a selection of photographs, literature.

Conversations with parents about their necessary participation in the project, about a serious attitude towards the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

3. Main stage: (01.09.2015 – 20.11.2015)

Activities for working with children: reading fiction, watching fiction and multimedia presentations, conversations, classes, entertainment, excursions, observations, drawing, appliqué, making crafts from natural materials, didactic and Russian folk games.

  1. Reading fiction: And Bunin "Leaf Fall" , V. Dahl "War of Mushrooms and Berries" , A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn” , M. Voloshin "Autumn" .
  2. View MF: "Chipollino" , "Tops and Roots" , "Thumbelina" , "Bag of Apples" .
  3. Examination of reproductions of paintings: I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, M. Nesterov “Autumn Landscape”, E. Volkov “Swamps in Autumn”, K. Vasiliev "Autumn" , V. D. Polenov "Early Snow" , "Golden Autumn" , A.M. Vasnetsov "Autumn" , I. I. Shishkin "Golden Autumn" , I.I. Levitan "October" , "In the forest in autumn"
  4. View presentations: "Vegetables" , "Fruits" , “What is autumn?” , "Autumn Sketches" , "Autumn Transformations" , “Why is November piebald?” (Sladkov), "Seasons" , "12 months" , "Seasons" .
  5. Conversations and activities: "Vitamin basket" , “Compiling a story based on a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" , "Compilation descriptive story about vegetables based on the model" , "Vitamin Family" (making salad), “Our cheerful garden, whatever grows here”
  6. Observations were carried out daily on walks, according to long-term planning.
  7. Excursions: "Excursion to the autumn park" , "Excursion to the grocery store" .
  8. Work on the site: harvesting vegetables, planting before winter (garlic, carrots).
  9. Drawing: "Beauty autumn leaves» (middle group), drawing a still life of vegetables, drawing fruits and vegetables (senior and preparatory groups).
  10. Application: "The Transformation of an Autumn Leaf" (floristics), "Vitamin basket" (complex lesson) , "Funny Carrots" (break off).
  11. Design and manual labor: "Vegetable store" (large and small building material) , "Harvest" (waste and natural material), "Apple" (wire, beads), "A Tale in the Autumn Forest" (natural material), "Hedgehog with supplies" (natural material), "Vegetables and fruits for the store" (salt dough).
  12. Didactic games: "The Fourth Wheel" , “Listen, remember, repeat” , "Call me kindly" , “What’s missing?” , "Say it the other way around" , "A lot is a little" , "Vegetable shop" .
  13. Russian folk games: "Gardener" , "By the Bear in the Forest" ,
  14. Music games: "On the street" , "Rain" , Sun", "Gardeners" , Hares", "Apples" .
  15. Plot - role playing games: "Family" , "Shop" , "In the Forest" , "Cannery" , "Zoo" .
  16. Fun for kids “Golden autumn, our dear guest” .

Activities to work with teachers:

  • extensive use of toys, dolls - vegetables, demonstration and handout material, in accordance with the theme of the project
  • use of multimedia presentations at work
  • making educational aids and decorations for entertainment
  • production of diplomas

Design of exhibitions of children's and joint works.

Activities to work with parents:

  • production of printed consultations on the following topics: "Autumn" , "Fruits" , "Vegetables"
  • design of mini-workshops on making toys from natural gifts autumn
  • organizing exhibitions of children's works: drawings, applications, crafts made from natural materials, plasticine, seeds, vegetable and fruit salads.
  • conducting individual conversations in order to create interest and attract parents to making crafts - toys from natural gifts, children's costumes, decorations for the hall.

1. Final stage:

  • making a digital photo album “Autumn has come to visit us”
  • summing up the competition among families
  • presentation of memorable diplomas
  • design of an exhibition of drawings
  • performance demonstration for kindergarten children: "Riddles from the garden"
  • designing an exhibition of family crafts from autumn gifts; (showing the children the garden)
  • project presentation.

Expected result:

The teachers are satisfied with the work done and the results of the project. All material on the project topic has been collected and systematized.

Children know and call:

  • a large number of vegetables, fruits and autumn gifts
  • autumn signs and phenomena:
  • proverbs, sayings about autumn

Children have become more liberated and independent;

In free activities, singing songs is widely used, and outfits and attributes are used for this activity.

Parents developed an interest in the educational process, the development of creativity, knowledge and skills in children, a desire to communicate with teachers, and participate in the life of the group.

A child’s knowledge of the world around him necessarily includes knowledge of nature. Sukhomlinsky V.A. wrote: “The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child’s mind. It is very important with early years develop in children the ability to contemplate, enjoy it, peer into it and listen." Considering that the ideas of children of the fifth year of life about objects of nature and the seasons in general are not yet stable enough, and practical, labor skills are just beginning to form, it is necessary to systematically and purposefully introduce preschoolers with nature. The organization of project activities “Autumn –” contributed to increasing systematic work. wonderful time". It makes it possible to purposefully and effectively build pedagogical work, as it goes through all types of children's activities: cognitive, observation, work, games, speech development children, productive activities, children's design and creative tasks.

Information card of the project.

  1. Full name of the project: Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children during joint activities adult and child
  2. Creative team:

Kurilenko N.V., Dyatlova A.N., Martirosyan O.G.

3. Type, type of project: group, medium-term, research and creative.

4. Purpose, direction of the project:

Children's research activities to study nature in all its manifestations in the autumn period, as well as the creative expression of received impressions in various types activities.

5. Tasks:

  • Create a subject-development environment and conditions for the further development of the cognitive abilities of preschoolers;
  • Create and organize methodological material children's knowledge

6. Summary project:

Organizing and conducting classes and routine moments aimed at replenishing and enriching children’s knowledge on the topic of the project.

Accumulation of an information base on the problem being studied in the course of practical activities.

Systematization of the stages of interaction between living and inanimate nature in the autumn period.

Analysis of animal and human behavior in nature in autumn.

Reflection of acquired knowledge in various activities (visual, mental, play (creative, labor, musical).

7. Improving the group’s development environment:

Enrichment with didactic material.

Organization of an exhibition of joint works of parents and children "Gifts of Autumn".

9. Project participants: 98 children, 10 teachers, parents.

10. Age of children: 4 – 7 years.

11. Format: daytime (within the framework of organizing the pedagogical process in the classroom and in everyday life taking into account the principles of partial integration).

12. Expected results (project product):

  • group exercise educational process on the identified problem;
  • development research activities preschoolers during joint practical activities with the teacher;
  • development of logical thinking through awareness of the cause-and-effect mechanisms of the ecosystem;
  • improving the group's development environment;
  • involving parents in the group’s pedagogical process, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten;
  • replenishing the card index of walks;
  • competition for expressive reading of poems about autumn;
  • Autumn holiday;
  • exhibition "Autumn Fantasies";
  • exhibition of children's drawings;
  • children keeping an observation diary.

3. Practical stage - implementation of the complex project “Autumn is a wonderful time” with project participants.

A variety of teaching methods were used in working with children: environmental fairy tales, observations and excursions, educational reading, competitions, productive activities, viewing paintings, classes, conversations of a cognitive-heuristic nature, environmental games- travel, experiments and experiments, environmental tasks.

In the corner of nature of 4 kindergarten groups, the gifts of autumn were placed - vegetables and fruits, berries. Children learned to distinguish them by appearance, taste, and name them correctly.

Observations of inanimate nature were organized with children: the activity of the sun (amount of heat and light), nature of precipitation, wind, length of day. As a result of this work, the children developed an idea of ​​the weather: clear and cloudy, its characteristic features. They taught children to find the causes of certain natural phenomena, to establish connections between them if they are clearly presented: it rained - puddles appeared; it’s cold - puddles don’t dry out for a long time; no sun - cloudy, dark; the wind is blowing - clouds are moving quickly across the sky; frost at night - thin ice appeared on the puddles; The sun is very low above the horizon during the day - the onset of the polar night is approaching.

Observations of inanimate nature phenomena were associated with observations of the life activity of plants and animals. Using specific examples, they showed children that inanimate nature is the environment in which plants and animals exist. During walks, attention was paid not only to the peculiarities of the appearance of plants, but also to the way of existence of all plants - being attached to the ground. We clarified children's ideas about the underground part of plants - the root. While observing with children the coloring of leaves and then the fall of leaves, we drew the children’s attention to the conditions in which these phenomena occur: the sun shines and heats less; the ground becomes wet, cold, then freezes; Cold winds blow.

Deepening knowledge about the reasons that cause changes in the appearance and behavior of animals, children were informed that animals need warmth and food at all times of the year. However, in the fall it gets colder, food (insects, plants) disappears and animals change their appearance and behavior in order to survive.

We conducted a series of walks outside the kindergarten site for different purposes. We watched what was happening in the park, behind the neighboring houses. We organized a variety of didactic games and exercises with natural materials - “One, two, three, run to the bush!”, “Whose leaf?”, “Children on a branch,” “Find the same one.”

In order to enrich the teaching experience of parents and attract them to joint creativity, an exhibition of family works made from natural materials called “Gifts of Autumn” was organized. This made it possible to combine educational institution and family, involve parents in the educational process, create a unified environment for the development of the child, ensure a psychological climate between children, parents, teachers, and get to know your own children better. The presentation of the exhibition of these works was carried out by the children themselves.

Presentation of the exhibition "Gifts of Autumn"

Organizers - children middle group"Bell", senior group "Matryoshka", preparatory groups "Violet" And "Chamomile" .

Goal: to help the child reveal his and his parenting skills in front of children of different groups.


  1. help children learn social roles (tour guide, visitor, author of the work);
  2. promote the joint participation of children and parents in performing work;
  3. teach children to establish relationships with peers.

Preliminary work:

  1. making crafts from natural materials together with parents;
  2. thinking about a mini-presentation of your craft (title, poem, riddle, etc.) together with parents;
  3. placement of exhibits in a group;
  4. memorizing poetry;

Child 1:

Dear guests, come in,
Check out our exhibition.
We'll show you our crafts.
And we’ll tell you everything about them.


Yellow leaves swirled in the air,
Various mushrooms appeared in the tundra.
We really wanted such beauty
Place it in a bright, large exhibition.

A competition was announced for creative works.
The theme is "Autumn Fantasies" - people came.
We have fulfilled the condition - we must create
Moms and dads and babies too!

Child 2:

There are some toys, there are paintings and animals,
There are autumn bouquets and natural layouts.
It’s amazing here, we’ll tell you now.

Educator: Guys, let each of you tell about your craft, how it was made, with whom and what poem you wrote about it.

The teacher draws attention to each craft at the exhibition in turn, and the child whose work is highlighted talks about it.

Educator: I see a bird sitting and looking around.

Aigul: Our bird is good, made from a branch. The beak is the thorns that we found when we went for a walk in the forest.

"Sweet Autumn" (grass, flowers)


Golden autumn has come to visit us,

And she brought an autumn bouquet as a gift.


I collected blades of grass. I'll show you all.
So that they don’t get lost, I’ll tie them into a bouquet.
"Gifts of Autumn" (leaves, grass, pine nuts)
Educator: What are these autumn quirks here?


Hello autumn!
Hello autumn!
It's good that you came!
We, autumn, will ask you,

What did you bring as a gift?

And she brought nuts and colorful leaves, from which my mother and I made this bouquet.

"Farewell to Summer" (leaves, stones, foil)

Educator: Flowers grew in a pot among the stones. What kind of miracle is there in them on thin legs?


Mom and I came up with a riddle:
I weave fine lace -
You won't notice it on the fly.
Who got caught in my net?

It will remain hanging in it. (spider)
"For mushrooms" (cereals, grass)

Educator: Here I see a picture with a fragrant basket.


My feet walked merrily along the road,
They brought us to visit some fragrant mushrooms.
I'll put them in a basket and bring them home.
"House in the Village" (stones, branches, leaves, cotton wool, orange peel)

Educator: And in this picture there are a lot of different natural materials.


So we built a house - the house in which we live.
The clouds above him are like a lump. Its walls are stone.
Flowers of amazing beauty grow behind the fence.
Lesovichok (cones, acorns, branches, leaves)

Educator: Apparently there is a forester in the forest?

He walks through the forest, sings funny songs.
The forest protects from evil, sometimes it scares people.
"On the edge of the forest" (cardboard, leaves, branches, grass)
Educator: Is there someone’s hut here?


In a clearing in the middle of the forest
There is a beautiful hut
For any forest animal,
Cardboard replaces the walls, leaves cover the roof.

"Bright Friends" (stones)

Educator: They look like bugs, but they’re kind of hard.


Our insects are good, made of pebbles.
Mom and I painted them and varnished them.
"Golden Autumn" (sunflower seeds, branches, cereals)
Educator: I see a golden grove and a path in it.

Sonya: Past the stumps and past the hummocks, the path runs to the treasured threshold. The path is made of seeds, and the golden trees are sprinkled with cereals.

"Doggie Jack" (shells, coconut flakes)

Educator: I’ve seen a lot of dogs, but I’ve never met one like this.


We were on the Black Sea, and they brought shells.
Dad and I decided together that they were turned into dogs.
"In the autumn park" (leaves, branches)
Educator: What miracle of miracles is this craft?


There is a wonderful town with a park and mushrooms.
The inhabitants are tiny! See for yourself!
"Teddy Bear" (cones, watermelon seeds, branches, leaves)
Educator: And here is the clumsy bear.


The clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects cones and puts them in a basket.
After all the stories about the crafts have been heard, invite guests to carefully look at the exhibition and get acquainted with other works of the children in the group.
Children improvise to the music of P. Tchaikovsky "Autumn" from the cycle "The Seasons".

Alice Mathieson

Golden autumn

It gets cooler in autumn. The days are already shorter because it gets dark early. Trees are shedding leaves. They are very beautiful, they have rich colors: red, yellow, orange. It blows more and more often strong wind, spins the leaves and easily lowers them to the ground. At times the sky becomes cloudy and it rains. I love this time of year, you can walk through the park and admire the golden autumn nature.
Dasha Larionova

Golden autumn

Autumn is very beautiful time year. It’s a little sad because the leaves are flying away, but standing under the colorful leaves is pleasant and fun. Nature says goodbye to us until spring; chestnuts and acorns shed their unusually beautiful fruits. Yellow maple leaves appear golden in the sun, making the park even brighter and sunnier. You can collect all these autumn gifts and make a beautiful craft out of them that will remind us of this wonderful time all winter.
Autumn smells of apples and rowan berries. There is nothing more beautiful than a carpet of colorful leaves. What a pleasure it is to run through it. I love you, my golden autumn! And I will miss you very much.

Semyon Vinogradov

Golden autumn

Autumn is the brightest time of the year. All the trees dressed up in colorful outfits. Maples - in red caftans. Birches - in yellow sundresses. Oaks - in brown frock coats. Everything shines in the bright autumn sun. There is such beauty that you can’t take your eyes off it. I really like it golden autumn. In autumn I like to walk in the forest.

Yura Zaitsev

Warm autumn

Autumn has come. The sun gilded the tops of the trees, painted the leaves in variegated, bright, beautiful colors. Leaves hang on the trees like gold coins. A warm autumn breeze blows, and the leaves turn into small airplanes. The cloud will fly by, the wind will die down, and the leaves will fall onto the water and turn into autumn boats. Other leaves will fall to the ground and cover it with a colorful carpet. When you walk on it, the leaves rustle like fried chips. And it comes right away good mood. And I want to roll around in the leaves. In the sky, a flock of birds flies south, saying goodbye to us until next spring.

Gosha Kataev


In every season, nature is beautiful in its own way. This year, the beginning of autumn gave us many bright and sunny days. The sky is not yet overcast. The leaves on the trees delight us with different colors. Red, yellow, green, orange leaves dressed the forest in bright dresses.
Warm days at the beginning of autumn are called “Indian summer”. In September and October, people pick mushrooms and cranberries. Children make crafts from leaves, cones, and acorns.
Unfortunately, the colorful and warm autumn is quickly ending. The leaves are falling, it is raining more and more often, and the first snow may even fall. Nature is preparing for winter.

Sasha Penzin


Autumn is a very beautiful time. Only in autumn there is such a diverse palette of colors. The leaves change their usual green to red, brown, yellow, burgundy. And in mid-autumn the trees shed their leaves to rest in winter. At this time it is pleasant to wander around the park, when the foliage rustles under your feet. We also love to go to the forest to pick autumn mushrooms. The main autumn mushrooms are honey mushrooms. But I don’t like that it often rains in the fall. And they change our plans for the walk. But in the fall there is an “Indian summer”. It’s as if nature wants to bring summer back. The sun is shining brightly and I can’t even believe that it’s already autumn.

Denis Gorlov

Golden autumn

Autumn is a wonderful time of year. The azure sky attracts the eye with its purity and cloudlessness. The sun, like a golden ball, is rolling across the sky. Trees change their “clothes”. Leaves, like multi-colored coins, cover the branches. The grass reaches out to the last warm rays of the sun. It seems that all nature is calming down and enjoying this wonderful time of “golden autumn” before the harsh cold winter.

Autumn is a wonderful time. Autumn embraced nature, slowly picking up a canvas and brushes to begin painting the drooping vegetation in variegated colors with the trepidation of an artist. Never does nature look as delightful and touching as nature does in autumn. In my project I want to show all the beauty of autumn, teach to love it as A.S. loved it. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, A. Fet. and other poets.

The proposed material is designed for use in preparatory group kindergarten. But this does not mean that it cannot be used in others age groups in kindergarten.. It plays a special role in attracting parents to the proposed project.



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Comprehensively – thematic planning according to the project:

“What is autumn?”

Type of project: educational - gaming.

Type of project: creative, research.

Project duration: long-term.

Subject of study: autumn season.

Project participants: children of the senior group.

Integration of educational areas:

  1. Artistic creativity;
  2. Cognition;
  3. Socialization;
  4. Music;
  5. Communication

Project goal:


  1. How has the weather changed in autumn?
  2. Why did the leaves turn yellow?
  3. What is leaf fall?
  4. Where have the insects gone?
  5. Why do birds fly away?
  6. How did animals greet autumn?
  7. How has the work of people in the city and village changed in the fall?
  8. How does a person improve his health in the fall?
  9. What gifts does autumn prepare for people?
  10. Learn to recognize autumn by its signs;
  11. Develop speech skills.

Relevance of the project:Show that every season is beautiful in its own way.


  1. Form ideas about autumn as a season;
  1. Formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of preschool children through practical activities with living objects, observations, experiments, research work and work with didactic material;
  2. To develop children's cognitive interest, desire to observe, explore, gain new knowledge, skills and abilities.
  3. To foster interest and respect for nature, to awaken a sensual attitude to the beauty of autumn nature.
  4. Strengthen the ability to establish connections between signs in nature and the ability to defend one’s point of view and draw conclusions.
  5. clarify, enrich and activate vocabulary;
  6. - develop coherent speech;
  7. - develop perception, attention, memory, thinking and imagination;
  8. To educate children in the ability to admire autumn nature and feel its beauty

Expected result:

During the project, the children developed a clear image of autumn as a season, learned the signs of autumn, folk signs, learned the names of the autumn months; sayings; children have increased cognitive activity, interest in nature, and a desire to observe its changes; prepared the first observation diaries; created their first creative works; There was an exhibition of children’s drawings on the topic: “What did autumn give us?”, we made homemade books with children’s drawings, selected poems for the drawings and learned some of them. There was a trip to the autumn park, where each kindergarten specialist showed autumn with different sides. There was an autumn holiday, joint gatherings with parents, where children and their mothers prepared dishes from vegetables and fruits. There was an exhibition of crafts made from natural materials. The vocabulary has been significantly expanded.

Long-term planning on the project topic: “What is Autumn?”

Educational area


1.Physical education

Improve the technique of basic types of movements and sports exercises

Enrich children's motor experience and the ability to use it independently.

Develop the ability to independently organize outdoor games.

1. Morning warm-up complex “Turnip”.

2. Physical development: we walk over bumps, a wide river, outdoor switchgear with leaves.

3. Leisure evening on the topic: “Walk in autumn forest»

4. Finger gymnastics “Orange”, “Porridge”

2. Health

Form ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

Learn to dress according to the season outdoors and indoors.

Maintain an interest in your health

1. Conversation “I love vitamins, I want to be healthy”

2. Dressing plan for a walk.

3. Hand washing scheme.

3. Consultation with parents “Walks in the fall.”

3. Security

Introduce the rules of behavior in nature: you cannot put plants or mushrooms in your mouth.

1. Situational conversations: about poisonous mushrooms and plants. Conversation on the topic “Safety on site”

2. Ball game “Edible - not edible”

3.d/i “Tops and roots”, “Who knows more”.

Conversation with children

4. “Why can’t you eat unwashed vegetables and fruits?”

4. Labor

Cultivate interest in adult work.

Maintain a desire to help adults.

1. Remove leaves and sticks from the area.

2. Let's plant a tree.

3. Collection of seeds and fruits.

4. Preparing fruit salad.

5.Transplanting indoor plants.

6. Herbarium collection.

7. Examination of illustrations on the topic: “People’s work in autumn.”

5. Cognition

Teach children to examine objects, practice identifying similarities and differences between objects.

Maintain the desire to build (make) something on your own.

Draw children's attention to the beauty of nature and the seasons, teach them to admire and rejoice.

To form elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature: it is raining, it is getting colder, the leaves turn yellow and fall, in the fall they collect mushrooms, vegetables, berries, fruits

Strengthen the skill of research activities: the ability to identify properties and qualities natural materials through experiments.


Big - small (cabbage-tomato, apple-plum), many - few; long - short.

Shape (circle), color (red, yellow, green)

I will experience the world.

Observation of natural phenomena: rain, leaf fall, wind, frost, fog.

Observation of non-living objects, phenomena of the surrounding world;

We collect and examine leaves and fruits.

Introduction to vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;

Looking at pictures depicting autumn, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.

Conversations “Gifts of Autumn”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Flowers in Autumn”, “Berry”, “Mushrooms”, Autumn Forest”, “Late Autumn”, “Animal and flora autumn forest";

Lessons “Life of nature in autumn”, “How to fill out the nature calendar?”, “Vegetables and fruits on our table”, “How do animals prepare for winter? How does a frog winter? “How do plants winter?”

A trip to the autumn park.

Observation series: How are plant seeds distributed and what are they needed for? “What blooms in our area at the beginning of September?”, “What kind of flowering plants are they?”, “Who helped the flowers grow?”, “What happened first, what will happen next?”, “Let’s collect seeds of garden flowers. “Is it necessary to collect seeds of wild plants?”, “What is the difference between spruce and other trees in autumn?”, “Why do birds fly to people’s homes in autumn?”, “Why did insects disappear, and many birds flew south?

Research activities:

Examination and comparison of vegetables / fruits / (by shape, size, length, taste) fruits and plant seeds.

Experience: we will extend the life of the plant by transplanting the plant into a group.

Experience with vegetables “It’s drowning, it’s not drowning.”

6. Communication

Learn to determine the time of year based on natural phenomena,

Give a generalized concept of the system of adaptive characteristics of plants and animals to seasonal changes in nature.

Develop speech-evidence.

To create a desire to make joint crafts from natural materials.

Develop curiosity and a desire to find answers to questions that interest them through the method of research.

1. The teacher’s stories about autumn, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.

2. Making riddles about vegetables, mushrooms and fruits.

3. Compilation of descriptive stories about vegetables, mushrooms and fruits.

4. Target walk: determining the time of year, weather, natural phenomena (tell me what you see?)

5. Didactic game “What plant is this?”Didactic game “I recognize a tree”Didactic game "Compare"Didactic game “Look and Tell”game “We look at everything around - oh late autumn we tell"didactic game “Why is autumn called that?” ,Didactic game “Generous Autumn”.

7.Reading fiction

Forming an understanding that you can learn a lot of interesting things from books,

Encourage children to look at the illustrations in the book,

Teach children to ask questions and answer questions

Reading folk songs, fairy tales, “Tops and Roots”, poems.

Reading the works of Russian poets about the autumn of Pushkin, Balmont,

Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”.

A. A. Foroshchuk N. E. Foroshchuk N. E. " Plants in autumn""Birds in autumn", "Beasts in autumn", " Pets in autumn"« People's work in autumn"

For her work, the Autumn Artist took the brightest colors and first of all went into the forest with them. There she began to work on her painting.

Autumn covered the birches and maples with lemon yellow. And the aspen leaves turned red, like ripe apples. The aspen tree became all bright red, all burning like fire.

Autumn wandered into a forest clearing. There is a hundred-year-old oak tree standing in the middle of it, shaking its thick leaves. " Mighty hero you need to wear forged copper armor.” So she gave the old man the ceremony.

He looks, and not far away, from the edge of the clearing, thick, spreading linden trees have gathered in a circle, their branches lowered down. “A heavy robe of gold brocade suits them best.”

All the trees and further bushes were decorated by Autumn in its own way, in the autumn way: some in a yellow outfit, some in a bright red one... She didn’t know how to decorate only the pine and spruce trees. They don’t have leaves on their branches, but needles; you can’t paint them. Let them remain as they were in the summer. So the pines and spruce trees remained dark green in summer. And this made the forest even brighter, even more elegant in its colorful autumn attire.

Autumn went from the forest to the fields and meadows. She removed grain from the golden fields, and in the meadows she swept fragrant haystacks into haystacks tall, like towers.
The fields and meadows became empty, even wider and more spacious. And schools of migratory birds stretched above them in the autumn sky...

According to G. Skrebitsky

Didactic games

Didactic game “What plant is this?”
Based on a preliminary conversation with the teacher and their observations, the kids answer questions, naming the desired plant.

Which plant leaf is applied to a wound to help it heal faster? ( plantain )
Which medicinal plant has seeds that fly? (
At the dandelion )
What plant decoction cures colds? (
Daisies )
Which plant has seeds in long spikelets? (
At the plantain )
The flower of which medicinal plant is white and yellow in color? (
At the chamomile )
The leaves of which plant are used in spring to prepare vitamin-rich salads? (

Didactic game “I recognize a tree”
The adult invites the kids to name the trees he asks about.
Which tree has white bark and is one of the first to turn yellow? (
Birch )
Which tree's leaves resemble a crow's foot? (
Maple )
Which tree is compared to a Cossack, a hero? (
Oak )
From which tree do bees collect honey in summer? (
From linden )
What tree has needles instead of leaves? (
Spruce, pine)

Didactic game “Compare”
The teacher encourages children to complete the sentences they have started using comparative phrases.
For example:
The leaves of viburnum in the fall are like... (
Gold, sunshine)
Viburnum berries are shiny, like... (
Beads, precious stones)
Kalina is as good as... (
Beautiful girl, beauty, princess)
V o s p i t a t e l. Well done. Let's admire the beautiful viburnum. What do we call viburnum affectionately, tenderly? (
Kalinonka )
Kalina has long been considered a symbol of our native Ukrainian region. Its red clusters decorate loaves that are served to dear guests; craftswomen embroider viburnum on festive Ukrainian towels.

Didactic game “Look and Tell”
Kids describe the features of weather and nature using questions.
What is the sky like today? (
Clear, high, blue, bright)
What clouds are floating on it? (
Small, snow-white, fluffy, cotton ball-like)
What sun is in the sky? (
Clear, radiant, autumn)
Although it is autumn, how is the light today? (
Affectionate, gentle, good)
Is there wind outside? What is he like? (
Lightweight, barely noticeable, warm)
V o s p i t a t e l. Until recently, on an autumn day you could see a butterfly, fly, beetle, spider or bee. Try to find one of the insects now. (
Children complete the assigned task) Did you manage to do this? ( No ) Why? Where have all the insects gone now? (They hid from the cold and fell asleep until spring). That's right, well done.
At this time there are much fewer birds in our forests and parks. In autumn everyone flies south migratory birds, and only wintering ones remain.

Didactic game “We look at everything around us - we talk about late autumn”
Kids, based on observations and questions from an adult, talk about the signs of late autumn.
What do the trees look like now? (
Almost all the trees have lost their leaves; they stand bare, black, and sad.)
Breathe in, children. What is he like? (
Wet, cold)
What wind is blowing? (
Damp, cold, autumn)
What happened to the weed? (
It was all dried out, yellowed, and covered with fallen leaves.)
What sky? ( Gray, gloomy, low, dark)

Didactic game “Why is autumn called that?”
The teacher encourages the kids to think and answer questions.
Why is autumn called colorful? (
Autumn brings a lot of bright colors to nature)
Why is autumn called golden? (
In autumn, most leaves on trees and bushes change their color to yellow, golden)
Why is autumn called the sorceress? (
Nature changes, becomes very beautiful, like in a fairy tale)

Didactic game “Generous Autumn”
The kids answer the teacher's questions.
What autumn gifts can you bring from the garden? (
Fruits: apples, pears, plums)
What autumn gifts are harvested in gardens? (
Vegetables: potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, beans)
What is collected in the field in the fall? (
Cereals: corn, sunflower)
What gifts can you find when visiting the autumn forest? (
Mushrooms, nuts, berries)

Working with parents

Topic: “Autumn. Deciduous trees."

Guess the riddle: “The fields are empty, the ground is getting wet, the day is waning, when does this happen?”

Tell your child about autumn, about the changes taking place in nature;

Look at pictures depicting early and late autumn, paying special attention to appearance and the condition of the trees: in early autumn they are covered with colorful leaves, and in late autumn they are bare;

Together with your child, compare people’s clothes in early and late autumn;

Draw his attention to how the weather has changed: have the days become longer or shorter, has it become warmer or colder outside? Tell where and why the birds flew away.

Task 1. Learn the poem with your child:

Gifts of autumn.

Autumn is walking in our park, autumn gives gifts to everyone:

Red beads for rowan, pink apron for aspen,

A yellow umbrella is for poplars; autumn gives us fruits.

Question: To whom does autumn give what?

Task 2 . Learn the riddle.

We saw him dressed in spring and summer, but in the fall all the shirts were ripped off the poor thing. (tree)

Task 3. Didactic game “What trees do you know? Name them? Must know and name parts of trees (trunk, roots, branches, leaves). Learn to form adjectives: birch leaf - birch, oak leaf - oak, maple leaf - maple, aspen leaf - aspen. Learn to educate correctly plural from the words: tree, trunk, birch, oak, rowan, poplar, aspen, maple.

Task 4 . Draw a tree in early autumn and late autumn. (How are they different?)

Task 5 . “Tell me what you will wear for a walk in the fall, what you will take with you in order not to get wet.”
