Comedy Club Kharlamov plays Malakhov. The Comedy Club mocked Diana Shurygina

The dubious fame that the 17-year-old victim of rape (and according to some sources, double), Ulyanovsk resident Diana Shurygina, acquired after she told her story in Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” did not leave even entertainment program Comedy Club. In particular, the residents prepared a parody of a series of episodes of Malakhov’s show dedicated to Shurygina.


In an episode from the sixth episode of the 13th season of Comedy Club, which is freely available on the Internet, the host of the program “Mut Speak” Andrei Makhalov (played by Garik Kharlamov) invites a certain Alina Davalova to the studio (her image was embodied by Timur Batrutdinov), who tells all the circumstances rape.

According to her, being left alone in a one-room apartment, Alina invited her “closest” friends to visit - they turned out to be 135 guys. They drank alcohol and took drugs, after which the “rape” happened. After Davalova’s story, a man immediately attacked her with abuse and called on her to almost kill the girl. Subsequently he turned out to be a child psychologist. At the end of the scene, the characters decide to rape Davalova, she categorically refuses, but takes off her panties.

The scandalous fuss, which becomes the climax of the program, is abruptly interrupted by the presenter Andrei Makhalov. "Reproaches from adults, ridicule from peers. A fateful night that changed my whole life. How to live on, if you continue to live, then how? Where to start if it’s all over and how to finish what has already been started? True lies and false truth, and how make sense of the confusion and get out of the confusion? – Makhalov bombarded the audience with rhetorical questions. At the end of the show, Andrei concluded: “All this happened because morality in modern Russian society is at the bottom (the audience is indignant)... Well, okay, at the bottom." And he demonstrates to everyone an already recognizable gesture.

The residents opaquely hinted that in their parody they were mocking Diana Shurygina and the entire situation that developed as a result of her appearance in Andrei Malakhov’s program. Note that the video with the Comedy Club episode has already been watched by more than 500 thousand people.

Did you think everyone had finally forgotten about Diana Shurygina, who became famous throughout the country after several episodes of the “Let Them Talk” program, discussions on social networks and hundreds of memes? But the Comedy Club decided that the time had not yet come to forget about her, and staged a real bacchanalia on stage.

In the sixth episode of the 13th season of the entertainment show Comedy Club, they showed a parody of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk,” where 17-year-old rape victim Diana Shurygina came, about whom most media outlets wrote in the winter and widely on social networks. Residents Comedy Club staged a skit in which Garik Kharlamov played the host of the “Mut Speak” program Andrei Makhalov, and Timur Batrutdinov played the role of the victim, Alina Davalova. There were also about ten comedians there as restless spectators.

Kharlamov began the program by parodying Malakhov's style and using various cliches.

Reproaches from adults, ridicule from peers. A fateful night that changed my whole life. How to live further, if to live further, then how? - he says.

The resident introduced the guest of the program, Alina, as a girl “to whom something happened that she could not think about. If she could have thought, this wouldn’t have happened to her.”

Appearing on stage, Batrutdinov tries in every possible way to portray himself as a flirtatious, narrow-minded girl. Together with Kharlamov, they discuss the events of that night - “a small party with 135 guys.”

And you all sat at home and drank alcohol? - Kharlamov is interested.

No, what are you talking about, there were also drugs,” Batrutdinov answers to loud laughter in the hall.

That is, you sat with 135 friends, drank and took drugs, and nothing foreshadowed trouble,” Kharlamov sums up.

Further, Batrutdinov in the role of Alina Davalova says that they began to pester her and that she decided to distract the guys by turning on a porn film. And then a plumber came to the apartment and the orgy began. Kharlamov addressed the audience. One of them jumped up and began yelling furiously.

Why are you listening to her, she’s a complete creature, a creature! She gave it to everyone there. Give me a gun, I’ll personally shoot her,” the spectator demands, running across the stage. He soon introduces himself as a child psychologist. The audience laughs.

“Alina’s father” appears on the stage, who talks about raising his daughter and blames school for everything (where his daughter did not go). Finally another expert jumps in and declares that the young girl couldn't handle 135 guys in one night.

I propose an investigative experiment right here and now. Let’s all take off her panties together right now,” the expert bursts out.

After this, some kind of bacchanalia begins on stage. All participants in the program shout something and attack Alina, two spectators retire to the sofa.

“Let’s all fuck her,” some man shouts in ecstasy. In response, several “let’s” are heard.

Finally, Kharlamov completes the program, concluding that morality in modern society is at the bottom. The audience does not agree with him. Then he corrects himself:

“Okay, that’s it,” says Kharlamov to thunderous applause in the audience, thus using one of the most popular memes about Shurygina.

From Instagram Kharlamov.

From the official Comedy group

Comedy Club wittily and clearly showed in the parody “Dirty They Say” all the hell that is happening on television

Comedy Club, of course, does not shine with humor itself, and if it does, it is often with pseudo-humor below the belt, but this time they outdid themselves and gave a very good material- clearly and at the modern spectator “level” - showing the depth of the decline of television programs presented for viewing to the widest audience at the most “watchable time”, when both adults and children watch - the slag and garbage that people, under the guise of discussing problems on all kinds of “talk shows” are fed to viewers every day - forming them into the same slag clogged with garbage in their heads.
I would like to say thank you that the Comedy Club had the courage to show with humor all the hell and trash that is happening on the central television channels in prime time.

Residents of the Comedy Club performed a skit in which Garik Kharlamov played the host of the “Mut Speak” program Andrei Makhalov

Kharlamov began the program, parodying Malakhov’s style and using various cliches and verbal chatter - behind the flow of which you can’t hear the meaning of what was said - the main thing is not to stop and continue to talk quickly, quickly - bringing nonsense to the masses.

The presenter begins - “Reproaches from adults, ridicule from peers. A fateful night that changed my whole life...”

The resident introduced the guest of the program, Alina, as a girl “to whom something happened that she could not think about. If she could have thought, this wouldn’t have happened to her.”

Appearing on stage, Batrutdinov tries in every possible way to portray himself as a flirtatious, narrow-minded girl. Together with Kharlamov, they discuss the events of that night - “a small party with 135 guys.”

— And you all sat at home and drank alcohol? - Kharlamov is interested.

“No, what are you talking about, there were also drugs,” Batrutdinov answers to loud laughter in the hall.

“That is, you sat with 135 friends, drank and took drugs, and nothing foreshadowed trouble,” Kharlamov sums up.

Kharlamov addressed the audience. One of them jumped up and began yelling furiously.

“Why are you listening to her, she’s a complete creature, a creature! She kicked everyone there. Give me a gun, I’ll personally shoot her,” the spectator demands, running around the stage.

He soon introduces himself as a child psychologist. The audience laughs.

“Alina’s father” appears on the stage, who talks about raising his daughter and blames school for everything (where his daughter did not go).

Finally another expert jumps in and declares that the young girl couldn't handle 135 guys in one night.

“I propose an investigative experiment right here and now. Let’s all take off her panties together right now,” the expert bursts into tears.

After this, some kind of bacchanalia begins on stage. All participants in the program shout something and attack Alina, two spectators retire to the sofa.

“Let’s all fuck her,” some man shouts in ecstasy. In response, several “let’s” are heard.

Finally, Kharlamov ends the program, concluding that morality in modern society is at the bottom. The audience does not agree with him. Then he corrects himself: “Okay, that’s it,” says Kharlamov to thunderous applause in the audience, thus using one of the most popular memes about Shurygina.

The vast majority of people said they liked the parody.